Sedimentary structures of tidal flats: A journey from coast to inner estuarine region of eastern India A Chakrabarti Retired Professor, Department of Geology and Geophysics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal, India. Present address: 23A P.G.M. Shah Road, Kolkata 700 033, India. e-mail: [email protected] Sedimentary structures of some coastal tropical tidal flats of the east coast of India, and inner estuarine tidal point bars located at 30 to 50 kilometers inland from the coast, have been extensively studied under varying seasonal conditions. The results reveal that physical features such as flaser bedding, herringbone cross-bedding, lenticular bedding, and mud/silt couplets are common to both the environments. In fact, flaser bedding and lenticular bedding are more common in the point bar facies during the monsoon months than in the coastal tidal flat environments. Interference ripples, though common in both the environments, show different architectural patterns for different environmental domains. Interference ripples with thread-like secondary set overriding the earlier ripple-form, resembling wrinkle marks, are the typical features in estuarine point bars near the high water region. Because structures which are so far considered as key structures for near-coastal tidal flats are common to both the environments, caution should be exercised for deciphering palaeo-environments, particularly for Proterozoic rocks, where one has to depend only on physical sedimentary structures. 1. Introduction and history of tidal flat study Tidal flats can be defined as sandy to muddy or marshy flats emerging during low tide and sub- merging during high tide (intertidal zone). The zone above the high water line is supratidal zone, and the area below the low-water line is subtidal zone. There is, however, no clear demarcation between supratidal and intertidal areas. According to Eisma (1997), intertidal deposits are not isolated units and they are part of a larger system which includes supratidal and subtidal units. Mapping of estuaries reveals that tidal flats are formed gener- ally as depositional features at the expense of tidal channels, and are, in turn, engulfed by salt marsh vegetation (Redfield 1967). Tidal flats could be sheltered or open-sea with sediments, which could be either siliciclastics or carbonates. Reineck (1972) classified sheltered tidal flats as mud-flat, mixed-flat and sand-flat as one proceeds from high tide line to low tide line. Although he used the term progradational, it is now accepted that barrier islands form only where there is at least local transgression. Because of their intertidal character, wide point bars in the inner estuarine region of large tidal rivers can also be included within the sheltered tidal flat category. Geyl (1976) introduced the term ‘tidal neomorphs’ for tidal landforms related to channels of tidal streams. The most intensively studied modern tidal envi- ronments are tidal flats, tidal inlets, deltas and subtidal shelf banks. Attention has been focussed on siliciclastic tidal flats of North Sea (Evans 1965; Reineck 1972), including the Wadden Sea (Van Straaten 1954; De Raaf and Boersma 1971; Eisma 1997), the Gulf of California (Thompson Keywords. Sedimentary structures; estuarine point bar; open sea tidal flats; monsoon effects. J. Earth Syst. Sci. 114, No. 3, June 2005, pp. 353–368 © Printed in India. 353

Sedimentary structures of tidal flats:

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Page 1: Sedimentary structures of tidal flats:

Sedimentary structures of tidal flats: A journey fromcoast to inner estuarine region of eastern India

A Chakrabarti

Retired Professor, Department of Geology and Geophysics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur,West Bengal, India.

Present address: 23A P.G.M. Shah Road, Kolkata 700 033, India.e-mail: [email protected]

Sedimentary structures of some coastal tropical tidal flats of the east coast of India, and innerestuarine tidal point bars located at 30 to 50 kilometers inland from the coast, have been extensivelystudied under varying seasonal conditions. The results reveal that physical features such as flaserbedding, herringbone cross-bedding, lenticular bedding, and mud/silt couplets are common to boththe environments. In fact, flaser bedding and lenticular bedding are more common in the pointbar facies during the monsoon months than in the coastal tidal flat environments. Interferenceripples, though common in both the environments, show different architectural patterns for differentenvironmental domains. Interference ripples with thread-like secondary set overriding the earlierripple-form, resembling wrinkle marks, are the typical features in estuarine point bars near thehigh water region. Because structures which are so far considered as key structures for near-coastaltidal flats are common to both the environments, caution should be exercised for decipheringpalaeo-environments, particularly for Proterozoic rocks, where one has to depend only on physicalsedimentary structures.

1. Introduction and history oftidal flat study

Tidal flats can be defined as sandy to muddy ormarshy flats emerging during low tide and sub-merging during high tide (intertidal zone). Thezone above the high water line is supratidal zone,and the area below the low-water line is subtidalzone. There is, however, no clear demarcationbetween supratidal and intertidal areas. Accordingto Eisma (1997), intertidal deposits are not isolatedunits and they are part of a larger system whichincludes supratidal and subtidal units. Mapping ofestuaries reveals that tidal flats are formed gener-ally as depositional features at the expense of tidalchannels, and are, in turn, engulfed by salt marshvegetation (Redfield 1967).

Tidal flats could be sheltered or open-sea withsediments, which could be either siliciclastics or

carbonates. Reineck (1972) classified shelteredtidal flats as mud-flat, mixed-flat and sand-flat asone proceeds from high tide line to low tide line.Although he used the term progradational, it isnow accepted that barrier islands form only wherethere is at least local transgression. Because of theirintertidal character, wide point bars in the innerestuarine region of large tidal rivers can also beincluded within the sheltered tidal flat category.Geyl (1976) introduced the term ‘tidal neomorphs’for tidal landforms related to channels of tidalstreams.

The most intensively studied modern tidal envi-ronments are tidal flats, tidal inlets, deltas andsubtidal shelf banks. Attention has been focussedon siliciclastic tidal flats of North Sea (Evans1965; Reineck 1972), including the Wadden Sea(Van Straaten 1954; De Raaf and Boersma 1971;Eisma 1997), the Gulf of California (Thompson

Keywords. Sedimentary structures; estuarine point bar; open sea tidal flats; monsoon effects.

J. Earth Syst. Sci. 114, No. 3, June 2005, pp. 353–368© Printed in India. 353

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1968), Georgia coast (Hertweck 1972; Howardand Reineck 1972), Southern New Hampshire(Anderson 1973), Bay of Fundy, James Bay andHudson Bay of Canada (Dalrymple et al 1982;Amos 1991; Martini 1991), Gironde estuary ofFrance (Allen 1972), Mont Saint-Michel Bay,France (Larsonneur 1975), Gulf of Gaeta of Italy(Hertweck 1971), Inchon Bay of South Korea(Alexander et al 1991), Gomso Bay, Kyunggi Bay,West coast of Korea (Chang et al 2000; Choi andPark 2000), Bohai Bay and West Yellow sea ofMainland China (Wang 1983; Wang et al 1990),Pacific coast of Japan (Yokokawa and Masuda1991). The study of modern tidal flats in India,however, is still fairly limited (Chakrabarti 1972,1974, 1977, 1980, 1981; Mukherjee et al 1987;Bhattacharya 2000).

Van Straaten (1954) provided a model to identifymud flat sequences in the stratigraphic record. Hesuggests that a fining-upward sequence results fromthe dual action of lateral shifting of tidal channelsand creeks, and continuous supply of finer-grainedsediments from the sea. Reineck (1972) modifiedthe tidal creek model and gave a systematic crosssection across the tidal flats of the North Sea. TheDutch and German scientists worked exhaustivelyon the sedimentary and biogenic structures anddocumented facies typical of North Sea and othermodern tidal flats.

Because the tidal range of coastal water variesfrom less than 5 cm along the eastern part of northSiberia to more than 15 m in the Bay of Fundyin Canada, the sedimentation pattern varies withgeographic settings having varying tidal regimes.Davies (1972) pointed out that tidal regimes deter-mine the duration of drying out of the flat betweentides as well as the intensity of tidal currentsdefined by the time available to move water masses.This, in turn, affects the development of sedi-mentary structures as well as the distribution oforganisms in the intertidal zone and therefore, theanimal-sediment relationship.

Ever since the systematic study for the identi-fication of tidal flat environment in rock recordsthrough comparison of sedimentary structuresformed in recent tidal flats was initiated, scien-tists have been facing problems in the proper appli-cation of these features for the interpretation ofpalaeo-environments. Many features are not uniqueto a single sedimentary environment; for exam-ple, formation of flaser bedding or lenticular bed-ding depends on the clay accumulation which needsa sheltered condition and high suspended load.Therefore, such features need not be formed onlyin the sheltered tidal flats, for example, North Sea,but also be formed in the sheltered inner estuar-ine landforms of tropical rivers where monsoonaldischarge can supply substantial clayey material as

suspended load. For the identification of palaeo-tidal flats or tidalites, most sedimentologists usesedimentary and biogenic structures documentedby Dutch and German workers on temperate tidalflats. The structures developed under tropical set-tings were never taken into consideration.

The present study documents certain ubiquitousphysical structures that are found both in the near-coastal as well as in the inner estuarine tidal pointbars of the tropical coasts of India.

2. Study area

The locale of study is restricted to the east coastof India lying between Sagar Island, West Bengal,and Chandipur, Orissa; and also includes the tidalpoint bars located nearly 30 to 50 km inland fromthe present-day coast (figure 1).

This region experiences sub-tropical, humid cli-mate in which the effects of monsoonal dischargeare very marked. The average annual rainfall is1650 mm, most of which is restricted to the mon-soon period, i.e., between July and September.During this period, freshwater discharge also altersthe salinity condition in the estuarine regions ofrivers. The maximum discharge for the river Rup-narayan over the past 50 years has been recorded as15, 860 m3/sec. The width of the Rupnarayan Riveris 715 m. The concentration of total dissolved solidsin the river water of the Rupnarayan during themonsoon months is 29.2 ppm as against 142 ppmduring summer.

Tides are semi-diurnal in this region. The highflood level and mean water level of the river Rup-narayan are 5.85 m and 0.38 m respectively. NearDigha area, the main tidal range varies between4.89 m (equinoctical, spring) and 1.87 (equinocti-cal, neap). During calm winter months, long periodswells are common in this coastal region, whereasthe summer and the monsoon months are charac-terized by short period waves. The average windspeed is 25 knots. The coastal region experiencescyclonic weather each year during the monsoonmonths when wind speed ranges between 45 and50 knots. Rip currents are not active in this area.

3. Geomorphological setting ofthe tidal flats

The geomorphic settings for the coastal tidal flatsunder study vary from place to place. AroundChandipur, SW of the estuary of the river Sub-arnarekha (figure 1), the coast can be dividedinto two broad morphozones: (a) a landward zonecharacterized by monotonous lowland modified byfluvial processes of the main stream, the river

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Burahbalang, and (b) a seaward zone bordered bya single line of shore-parallel coastal dune lyingon old marine terraces. The line of coastal dune isfronted by the open sea tidal flat (figure 2).

The tidal flat has two distinct morphometric fa-cets, (a) a sandy sloping (av.6 degrees) shorewardzone with an average width of 30 m, and (b) awide silty flat matted with ripples, having an aver-age width of 1.5 km. Near the Burahbalang estu-ary, the silty intertidal flat is ornamented withclusters of river-mouth bars of varying dimension,criss-crossed by tidal channels of varying depths(Mukherjee et al 1987). Initiation of mangrovegrowth can be seen near the Burahbalang estuary.The width of the intertidal flat has dampened thewave activity in this region; consequently the effectof tidal action can be felt in an otherwise open-seawave-dominated domain. The general geomorphicmap of the area is shown in figure 2.

The coastal stretch around Digha lies in the east-ern fringe of the Subarnarekha delta, and is char-acterized by different lines of beach ridges/dunebelts, and marine terraces of different levels(Chakrabarti 1974). The coastal outgrowth nearthe Subarnarekha river mouth is accomplished bydifferent stages of development of barrier beaches,lagoons, and salt marshes with mangrove out-growth. Development of aeolian dunes of lowheights is common on these barrier beaches. Thegeomorphological map of the area drawn from air-photos is given in figure 3.

The intertidal region of Digha has an averagewidth of 400 m, and is characterized by remark-able straightness of the shoreline and smoothnessof the flat. It is bounded on the landward side bya dune belt situated on the old marine terrace.Backshore is absent in the eastern part of the area,whereas in the west, the backshore is formed. Thewestern part is characterized by shore-parallel low-height barrier beaches and tidal channels (figure 4).Unlike the Chandipur flat, the intertidal regionof Digha area is not densely matted with ripples.However, low-height barrier beaches are sculpturedby ripples with lee directions pointing shoreward(figure 4).

The waves around Digha coast approach theshore at an angle of nearly 70 degrees and are veryactive in the non-barred part of the coastal stretchcausing erosion.

The intertidal area of Juneput is also wave-dominated, and is characterized by the develop-ment of ridge and runnel system. A combinationof lagoon/barrier bar/salt marsh is the dominantpattern of coastal outgrowth in this area. UnlikeDigha area, shore-parallel growth of coastal duneis absent. Average width of the intertidal area is800 m, and because of its wide expanse waves donot impinge the flat with strong forces. The growth

of offshore shoals is noticeable. The geomorphicmap of the area, as constructed from air-photos, isshown in figure 5.

Compared to the intertidal expanses of thecoastal region, the tidal point bars of the riverHaldi at Terapekhya and Norghat, and of the riverRupnarayan at Kolaghat have a smaller width.Of the different point bars, the one developedin the river Rupnarayan at Kolaghat is about150 m wide. It is a composite form of severalsmall bars dissected by small creeks during themonsoon period. These point bars are relativelystable in their geographic position, though theiroutcrop patterns vary during the monsoon period(figure 6).

4. Size properties of intertidalsediments

The size characteristics of different intertidal sedi-ments show wide variation. The upper sandy partof the Chandipur tidal flat is composed mostly offine sand (2 to 3 phi size), whereas in the wide siltyflat more than 80% of the sediments are finer than3.5 phi size. Sediments in the river-mouth bars arecoarser, with graphic mean size varying between1.8 and 2.85 phi.

The sediments of Digha area are bimodal topolymodal in character. The average values ofmean size of sediments for upper, middle andlower part of the intertidal zone are 3.31, 2.14 and3.46 phi respectively (Chakrabarti 1977). The sed-iments of the Juneput area are finer than those ofthe Digha area. The graphic mean size of sedimentslies between 2.85 and 3.51 phi. Biogenic activityplays an important role in the distribution of sedi-ments on the tidal flat surface (Chakrabarti 1980).The graphic mean size of point bar sedimentsvaries between 2.83 and 3.15 phi. During the mon-soon, there is a high influx (52%) of muddy sed-iments through small creeks draining the uplandarea (Chakrabarti 2003).

5. Surface sedimentary structures

The major bedforms observed in tidal flats are rip-ples of diverse and complex forms. It is well knownthat bedforms are controlled by water depth, bedshear and grain size (Middleton and Southard1984). However, the final architecture of bedformsin tidal flats is mainly governed by the combinedinfluence of variable flow directions controlled bywaves and tides during falling tide level (whenshear velocities decline), wind stress and recessionof water level on various sloping surfaces. As aresult, a great variety of bedforms on the intertidalsurface is expected when abandoned by the tide.

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Figure 4. A general view of the intertidal expanse in thewestern part of Digha showing low-height barrier beach mat-ted with ripples and a shore-parallel tidal channel.

5.1 Types of ripple architecture innear-coastal tidal flats

Different intertidal regions under study representdifferent energy levels of waves and currents thatare governed by the width of the intertidal zone andby exposure to the open sea. This exerts a strongcontrol on the ripple patterns to be developed onthe surface of different morphometric zones of thetidal flats. In Digha area, where manifestations ofwave energy in the form of swash/backwash sys-tem dominates over tidal energy, the intertidal sur-face, barring runnels and tidal channels, is notintensely matted with ripples as is observed in theChandipur or Juneput tidal flats. In Digha andin other areas, where the tidal flat surface expe-riences a strong effect of swash/backwash systemof waves, antidunes of large wave lengths (fig-ure 7) or rhomboidal ripples (figure 8) of differ-ent dimensions and patterns are commonly formed.The tidal point bar surface which mainly expe-riences the effects of ebb or flood currents failsto register features related to swash/backwashsystem.

‘Sinuous’ to ‘straight-crested’ oscillation rippleswith ‘tuning fork’ type of bifurcation (Reineck andSingh 1973, cf. figure 24) are common in the wave-dominated coastal tidal flats (figure 9). However,such forms can also be found in the point-barenvironment.

Interference ripples having secondary ripples ofdifferent patterns characterize all tidal flats (fig-ures 9 and 10). In the near-coast areas there aremany forms of interference ripples. The most com-mon form is the ‘ladder-back’ ripples with thedevelopment of secondary current ripples on thestoss side or in the trough regions of early formedripples which could be current or wind-inducedwave ripples. These secondary ripples, in places,override the earlier forms (figures 10 and 11).

Interference ripples, including ‘ladder-back’forms, are also present on tidal point bars. How-ever, a new pattern with thread-like ripples of verysmall heights overriding the early-formed currentripples (figure 11) has been noted near the land-ward side of the point bar surface. These tinysecondary ripples can be easily misconstrued aswrinkle marks in rock records. Although the hydro-dynamic conditions for the generation of thesemicrostructures are yet to be critically assessed,these tiny ripples are formed only during the reces-sion of tides. The thread-like ripples in placesshow ‘tuning-fork’ type bifurcations. When the sec-ondary ripple set of the interference ripple becomesprominent, the composite ripple structure lookslike ‘piano reeds’ (figure 10), a common featurein the near-coastal tidal flat where the possibilityof having strong secondary current, particularly intidal channels, is not unlikely.

In tidal channels of wave-dominated coasts a newform of interference pattern, the ‘pyramidal rip-ple’ (Chakrabarti 2003) has been noted (figure 12).Such ripples can also register interference of a thirdset of ripples from minor flow or rill marks depic-ting pseudo-ripple. In tidal point bars, pyramidalform of ripples, formed on linguoid current ripples,are characterized by ‘pit and mound’ structure(figure 13), in places ornamented with thread-liketertiary ripples.

During the monsoon period, particularly whencyclonic storms prevail, the pattern of inter-ference ripple changes. Coastal tidal flats showlarge crescent-shaped dunes with secondary rip-ples developed in the lee-sides of earlier bedforms(figure 14). Cyclonic storms also generate largescour pools in coastal tidal flats in which ‘brickpattern ripples’ (Matsunaga and Honji 1980) orripples showing ‘crocodile skin’ structure can befound. Such scour pools with the structures men-tioned above are not uncommon on point bars. Inthis tropical setting, scour pools commonly formon intertidal surfaces only after storms, and theirpresence in rock records may be correlated withstorm conditions.

The wave-dominated near-coastal intertidalzones show antidunes or swash/backwash rip-ples and rhomboidal ripples of varying forms anddimensions. On the other hand, low energy coastaltidal flats are characterized by ‘parallel-crested’ripples with ‘tuning fork’ type of bifurcation, andsinuous bifurcating ripple-trains with the devel-opment of ‘eyed’ structures on ripple crests. Thebifurcating ripples also occur in the runnels ofwave-dominated beaches and in the scour pools oftidal point bars.

Linguoid ripples are common in fluvial environ-ment, and tidal point bar environments are also noexception. Because, coastal tidal flats include tidal

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Figure 6. Point bar exposed near Kolaghat, West Bengal.Spade for scale.

Figure 7. Large antidunes generated from swash/backwashsystem operative on the intertidal area of Digha.

Figure 8. Equally spaced rhomboidal ripple, a common fea-ture of Digha area. Scale 10 cm long.

channels, the existence of linguoid ripples in tidalchannels is not unlikely (figure 15).

Double-crested ripples are commonly developedon water-saturated, silty surfaces of coastal tidalflats as well as on tidal point bar surfaces (fig-ure 16), particularly on silty substrate. Rill marks

Figure 9. Sinuous bifurcating ripples with the ‘eyed’ forms(marked by arrow) due to closure of ripple crests, ladder-back ripples in the trough region. Pen 13 cm long for scale.

Figure 10. Interference ripples of equal dimensions givingrise to ‘piano-reed’ structure. Scale 10 cm long.

developed on this surface, in places, reveal morecomplicated outer morphology.

From the foregoing, it is evident that barringrhomboidal ripples and antidunes, most of the rip-ple forms found on coastal tidal flats also occuron tidal point bar surfaces. However, recognitionof antidunes in rock records is difficult. Therefore,the use of ripple architecture for the identifica-tion of near-coastal tidal depositional environmentbecomes uncertain. The ‘thread-like’ secondaryripples overriding the primary ripples recorded inthe point bar environment have not so far beenfound in open-sea tidal flats, and the structurecan be used as a possible indicator of estuarinetidal flat environment.

5.2 Bipolarity of ripple orientation andtidal flat environment

It is commonly believed that bipolarity in the rip-ple orientation in rock records should be an ideal

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Figure 11. Thread-like secondary ripples overriding theearlier forms, a common feature in the estuarine point bararound Kolaghat. Pen 13 cm long for scale.

Figure 12. Pyramidal ripple formed by the interferenceof ripples of equal dimensions. ‘Rill marking’ producespseudo-ripple. Coin 2.5 cm diametre as scale.

signal for the identification of tidal flat environ-ment. However, the lee directions of ripples in thesetidal flats rarely bring out strong bipolarity. Fur-thermore, near the river mouths, one might get anangular relation between the early-formed dunesdirected towards the shore and the secondary dunesoverriding it (figure 17).

In estuarine tidal flats or in the back-barrierfacies, one may encounter oppositely oriented leedirections from the outer morphology (figure 18).The opposite orientation of the outer morphologycould be generated through the subsequent modi-fication during flow reversal. In tidal point bars,the gradual decline of water level with receding tidecreates another set of secondary ripples with leedirections at right angle to the ebb or flood direc-tion. This eventually raises doubts on the generalconsensus that tidal flat environment in rock recordcan be recognized from the bipolarity in palaeocur-rent pattern. If all the measurements on rippleorientation from different sub-environments of a

Figure 13. ‘Pit and mound’ structure formed on ripplecrests, a common feature in tidal point bar. Pen 13 cm longfor scale.

Figure 14. Large crescent-shaped dunes developed on theintertidal surface immediately after a cyclone. Developmentof sinuous bifurcating ripples can be seen. Scale 10 cm long.

Figure 15. Development of linguoid ripples in the tidalchannels of the intertidal expanse at Digha, West Bengal.

tidal flat are treated together in a rose diagram, astraditionally followed in palaeocurrent study, onemay find two or more major directions, which are

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Figure 16. Double-crested ripples formed on the silty sur-face of tidal point bar. Pen 13 cm long.

Figure 17. Superimposition of two sets of ripples, with leedirections oriented at right angles.

disposed at angles with each other. Thus, the stan-dard concept of bipolarity in identification of tidalflats in rock records is not unambiguous. Ambigu-ity arises from the fact that tidal currents are char-acterized by several scales of unsteadiness.

It has been observed that crescent-shaped ripplesare common in the tidal channels of open-sea tidalflats. These forms, in places, are modified later-ally to straight-crested ripples of low heights, whichlook very similar to longitudinal ripples (figure 19)formed by wind waves on shallow water depth (cf.Van Straaten 1954). The dispersal of these straight-crested forms again casts doubts about the bipo-larity concept of ripple orientation where ebb andflood tides should have equal competence.

6. Subsurface sedimentary structuresof tidal flats

Subsurface sedimentary structures are studiedthrough peeling techniques (Chakrabarti 1984).

Figure 18. Ripple forms generated at different times withoppositely-oriented lee directions, represent the effects of ebband flood. Knife 35 cm long as scale.

Figure 19. Large crescent-shaped ripples fading out to par-allel-crested ripples as observed in the Chandipur area. Blackscale 10 cm long.

Box coring from different transects of the tidal flatswere taken and resin casting with a combinationof Araldite (CIBA product CY205) and Hardener(CIBA product HY951) has been done. For finer-grained sediments, a different method involvingemulsion of polyvinyl acetate and polyvinyl alco-hol with N/10 Formic acid was used. Due to colourcontrast in the sediments, a freshly cut surface ofthe box core can give an idea about the sedimen-tary structures present in it.

Major types of sedimentary structures in tidalflats include horizontal or parallel lamination withuniform and non-uniform laminae in the sandy sub-strate of wave dominated flats (figure 20), ripplelamination (figure 21), mega-ripple lamination onsandy substrate (figure 22), climbing ripple lami-nation (figure 23), hummocky cross stratification(figure 24), scour-and-fill lamination, tidal bedding(figure 25), tidal rhythmites, flaser and lenticularbedding, herringbone cross stratification, contorted

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Figure 20. Horizontal lamination, the typical structurefound in the Digha area. Vertical sinuous burrow of gobidfish preserved. Coin for scale.

Figure 21. Epoxy peel of a box core showing small ripplelamination overlying parallel lamination. Intense bioturba-tion (lower part of the peel) has erased the early-formedstructures. Coin 2.5 cm for scale.

or convolute lamination (figure 25), bubble sand,etc.

Climbing ripple lamination with different anglesof climb (figure 24) has been observed in coastal

Figure 22. Epoxy peel of a box core showing mega-ripplelamination with oppositely-oriented ripple laminae as obser-ved in the sandy barred tidal flat of Chandipur area. Coin2.5 cm diametre for scale.

Figure 23. Epoxy peel of a box core showing climbing ripplelamination with different angles of climb. Coin 2.5 cm forscale.

tidal flats of Chandipur area where the substrateis composed of fine sand and silt. These climbingripple laminated units were eroded and covered byscour-and-fill laminations.

During the monsoon months, the wide siltytidal flat of Chandipur registers more mega-ripplelaminae, whereas during calm winter months smallripple laminae are the common sedimentary struc-tures. During the monsoon period, hummocky

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Figure 24. Hummocky cross stratification, a featureobserved in Chandipur after a cyclone during the monsoonmonths. Coin 2.5 cm length.

Figure 25. Tidal bedding showing mud/silt couplets. Oppo-sitely oriented ripple laminae represent tidal action. Convo-lute lamination at the base. Coin for scale.

cross stratification may be formed immediatelyafter monsoon cyclones (figure 24). Herringbonecross stratification is rare in these open-sea tidalflats. Because of wave-dominated character, crossstratification in these open-sea flats is mostly

Figure 26. An isolated ripple train entrapped in laminatedmud, observed in the Kolaghat area.

unidirectional, and points towards the shore. Theeffects of ebb and flow is exhibited, in places, byoppositely oriented ripple laminae (figure 21).

In tidal point bars, on the other hand, structuressuch as flaser stratification, herringbone cross bed-ding, mud and silt couplets, tidal rhythmites arecommon than in the near-coastal tidal flats. Thesestructures are profusely developed during the mon-soon period when upland discharge contributeshigh suspension loads in rivers. The pattern of mudand silt laminae varies from near-horizontal strat-ification to convex-upward type depending on thearchitecture of the underlying surface. In a singleripple bedform, such an alternation of mud and siltcan also be seen in the ripple laminae (figure 25).When the suspended load is high, burial of a sin-gle train of ripples under a thick mud cover can benoted (figure 26). In a wavy laminated unit, a fin-ing upward character, from laminated fine sand tolaminated mud, has also been noted.

From the above findings, it appears thatstructures like flaser bedding, herringbone crossstratification, lenticular bedding, etc. are profuselydeveloped in the inner estuarine point bars. There-fore, the question arises whether these features canunequivocally be connected to near-coastal tidalflat environment, as suggested by earlier workers(Reineck and Wunderlich 1968). A comparison ofthe sedimentary structures developed in the widerippled silty tidal flat of Chandipur and of Dighaduring different seasons (figures 27 and 28) revealsthat certain structures are more common in thehigh-energy Digha area than in the low energyChandipur flat. No individual feature is capable ofidentifying a particular depositional setting.

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Figure 27. Seasonal and aerial variation of the subsurface sedimentary structures as revealed from the box cores takenfrom different morphozones of Chandipur tidal flat, Orissa.

In the wave-dominated intertidal region ofDigha, the subsurface sediments are characterizedby horizontal lamination, whereas tidal flats mat-ted with ripples are marked by ripple cross laminaeinter-layered with horizontal laminae.

Table 1 gives a comparative analysis of thepercentage distribution of different sedimentarystructures as observed in box cores collected fromdifferent intertidal areas around Digha, Juneput,Chandipur and Kolaghat. In quantifying the

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Figure 28. Seasonal variation of the subsurface sedimentary structures as revealed in the box cores collected from theintertidal zone around Digha, West Bengal.

Table 1. Percentage distribution of different sedimentary structures as registered by tidalflats in different areas.

Nature of structure Digha Juneput Chandipur Kolaghat

Ripple cross bedding 11.9 48.5 25.6 30.5Low angle stratification 12.8 5.3 – –Climbing ripple lamination – 1.3 9.8 –Herringbone stratification 0.2 1.4 2.1 6.0Wavy lamination/HCS 1.9 5.1 14.3 3.4Flaser and laminated mud – 0.3 1.7 6.2Mud/silt couplet – 0.6 – 8.1Scour-and-fill structure – 10.9 11.7 6.1Horizontal lamination 71.9 13.8 18.5 18.0Lenticular bedding – 1.8 8.9 2.1Convolute lamination – – 0.5 11.5Tidal bedding – 0.6 2.1 7.1Bioturbation 1.0 11.0 5.2 –

relative distribution of different structures in apeel, the percentage of the thickness occupiedby each structure in relief peel has been calcu-lated considering the length of the peel (22 cm) as100%.

7. Conclusion

The study shows that indiscriminate use of cer-tain structures to identify different tidal environ-ments in rock records might lead to erroneousresults. Greater emphasis should be placed on the

physical sedimentary structures developed in thetidal point bars under tropical conditions with highsuspended load to discriminate transitional estuar-ine tidal flats from near coastal tidal flats in rockrecord.


The author is thankful to the Department ofScience and Technology for financial assistancefor doing fieldwork. He is thankful to his son,Mr. Ramananda Chakrabarti and Mr. Bhakti

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Mallick for assisting him in the field. He is thank-ful to the reviewers for fruitful comments. He isindebted to Dr. B P Sandilya of the Departmentof Humanities and Social Science, Indian Instituteof Technology, Kharagpur, for going through themanuscript.


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