Securing exams against test fraud

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Securing exams against test fraud

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Maintaining test security is crucial to the sustained success of a high-stakes testing programme. A major misstep in this area could lead to the integrity and fairness of your exams being questioned, and ultimately place your programme and reputation at risk.

Unfortunately, all programmes inevitably face attempts to compromise the testing process by a few unscrupulous individuals. Today, these efforts are becoming increasingly sophisticated. As the emphasis on continuous professional education and examinations grows across industries and around the globe, robust test security measures are becoming ever more essential.

Cheaters and brain dumpersSignificant media attention has been given to sensational cases involving impersonators. However, the most frequent, and ultimately corrosive, types of cheating involve the misappropriation of exam questions and the use of cheating aids.

A common form of cheating involves the harvesting of test questions, otherwise known as ‘brain dumping’. Brain dumpers take exams specifically to obtain exam questions for subsequent distribution to other test-takers. Some unauthorised test preparation programmes advertise that they use ‘real exam questions’, and encourage their students to memorise and share questions they saw on the test as a way of ‘giving back’ to the group. In other cases, organisations hire ‘professional test-takers’ whose sole responsibility is to take tests and secretly copy or record entire test forms.

Other cheaters may not be involved in brain dumping, but employ other unfair means to obtain a satisfactory test score. Their methods can range from smuggling notes into the testing room or break areas to the use of mobile phones, ear pieces and other sophisticated cheating equipment. Most importantly, cheaters look for and attempt to exploit underlying vulnerabilities in the way exams are designed or administered. Whatever the method or motivation, every individual who tests unfairly reduces the credibility of the overall process. Potentially, they deny an honest test-taker the position, promotion or other reward

Three steps to safeguard your testing programme and reputation

In 1940, 20% of U.S. college students admitted to cheating during their academic careers. Today, that number has increased to a range of 75%-98%.

According to a survey by the Josephson Institute of Ethics, out of 12,000 high school students, 74% admitted to cheating on an exam at some point during the previous year. The problem has long-term repercussions as those who successfully cheat at high school level are likely to continue this behaviour when pursuing professional certification.

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they deserve. More worryingly, a cheater may go on to assume a professional position of trust such as a physician, medic or teacher without actually being qualified, thus jeopardising public health or safety. Although cheating represents a serious risk, there are three steps test owners can take to minimise its impact on the integrity of your programme.

1. Secure your intellectual property Test integrity begins with robust test design and properly secured exam content. Pearson’s content development team is experienced in creating and maintaining large scale item banks, assisting programme transition to computer-based testing (CBT) and implementing testing methods that minimise item exposure and deter exam theft and cheating. These include adaptive and on-the-fly delivery models, item randomisation and masking, and innovative item types that reduce the effectiveness of memorisation strategies. The Pearson VUE testing system maximises the value of such investments by providing robust, layered security protections. This includes secure test publishing, end-to-end encryption of exams and test results, real-time authorisation of each exam delivery, secure Internet-based delivery options, item-at-a-time presentation and a comprehensive electronic audit trail of exam delivery events.

2. Utilise the most secure, proctored delivery networkPearson Professionals Centres (PPCs) are the industry’s most advanced professional test centre network. Built to a patented design, they feature comprehensive security technology, biometric test-taker identification, a dedicated proctoring station with full view of each test-taker, and the highest proctor-to-test-taker ratio in the industry. PPCs and many of Pearson’s authorised partner centres use digital video surveillance to monitor and record any misconduct during the testing process. Any security incident during testing is reported electronically and automatically linked to the test-taker’s record for immediate investigation by Pearson’s security team.

3. Monitor your programme for infringement The ability to successfully leverage business intelligence and monitor compliance can make all the difference between just knowing about cheating and actually being able to do something about it before a test-taker obtains a credential. Pearson’s global security team continuously monitors testing activity, evaluates risks, investigates potential irregularities and initiates corrective action when required. Moreover, the Pearson VUE testing system provides the optional ability to automatically flag predetermined behaviour (such as rapid test completion or an anomalous score gain) on the test day and then prevent the final score or credential from being issued. Pearson VUE also offers a range of infringement monitoring services designed to help detect, analyse and respond to unauthorised distribution of your exam content by brain dumpers and test prep organisations.

Successful test security A secure testing framework requires the combination of sound practices, secure technology, actionable intelligence and above all vigilant, trained personnel. Everyday, Pearson VUE helps its customers protect their testing programmes, and we couldn’t do it without our world class test centres and security personnel. Our employees are at the front line, detecting and preventing attempted exam fraud, and continually sharing their knowledge and experience with customers and each other. This ensures Pearson VUE remains the secure partner-of-choice for high-stakes testing programmes around the world.

Pearson VUE’s investment in security protects our valuable content from the development stage through results processing. Their global test centre coverage and Secure Testing Framework were key factors in our renewal decision process.

Jeffrey Horn, President and CEO, BOMI International

In mid-2012, the tough competition for a place in China’s top educational institutions led to the arrest of 1,500 people on suspicion of selling transmitters and hard-to-detect ear pieces in an attempt to cheat.

With 6.85 million university openings and more than 9 million students taking the paper and pencil exams, attempts to cheat were rife. Police uncovered over 100 gangs suspected of selling cheating equipment and seized 60,000 devices, such as ear pieces.

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How they cheat: Methods and tactics

As discussed, there are many ways cheaters try to compromise tests. Below is a selection of methods and tactics used:

• Copying: Whether a candidate has roving eyes during a test, or is part of a so-called “study group,” it’s still copying.

• Buying papers online: Papers on just about any topic you can think of are available and most can be downloaded instantly.

• Smile, you’re on camera: Some candidates have been caught taking photos of answers entered by fellow test-takers.

• “Can I go to the bathroom, please?”: Once there, a student can call or text friends for answers during a test.

• MP3 players: Students can put anything on their iPods including revision notes.

• Ear pieces: Devices, such as Bluetooth technology, have been used by cheaters who receive information during their test from outside of the centre.

• Mobile phones: Text and voice recording provides easy storage.

• Believe it or not… Candidates have been caught removing wrappers from sweets, reading their pre-written notes and using the information to answer questions.

Security checklist Know who is trying to compromise your programme – find out how and why.

Ensure delivery through a secure test centre network.

Be aware that some attempts to defraud your programme can be very sophisticated.

Protect your programme with advanced prevention, detection and enforcement tools.

Appreciate the importance of both human proctoring and technology to prevent exam fraud.

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Security is an issue of paramount importance for us, and we must ensure that the awards we administer are reliable and trustworthy... Because of this, we selected Pearson VUE to deliver the tests based on the company’s track record for its effective testing operation.

Roger Bishop, CEO, Awarding Body for the Built Environment

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