Section B Period One

Section B Period One. ant insect n. 蚂蚁 n. 昆虫 Words Review

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Page 1: Section B Period One. ant insect n. 蚂蚁 n. 昆虫 Words Review

Section BPeriod One

Page 2: Section B Period One. ant insect n. 蚂蚁 n. 昆虫 Words Review



n. 蚂蚁

n. 昆虫

Words Review

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Look and say

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used to like playing

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She used to be

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They used to live

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To learn to use used to + verb to talk about past

I used to be nervous about tests all the time.

To listen for specific information

To learn the new words : ant, insect

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What things did you use to do when you were a child?

play the piano

have music class

on the soccer team

have P.E. class


go to swim

play every day after school


wear the school uniform


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He liked playing balls at home when he was a six-month baby, but he likes going out to play now.He used to like playing balls at home, but now he likes going out to play.


Past Past Now Now

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Past Past Now Now

She ___________ play every day after school , __________ she likes studying.

studyplay every day after school

used to likebut now

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Past Past Now Now

Amy used to like _______________ , but now she likes _______________.

playing the pianohaving P.E. class

play the piano have P.E. class

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Past Past Now Now

He __________________________ , but now he is ________________.

used to be on a swim teamon the soccer team

on a swim team on the soccer team

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Past Past Now Now

We ____________________________ , but now we can ____________________.

used to wear the school uniformwear whatever we like

wear the school uniform

wear whatever we like

Talk about your childhood with your partner. Try to use used to ... but now.

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1aCheck (√) the things you used to like when you were a child.

__ P.E. class

__ painting pictures __ music class

__ ants and other insects

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1bWhat other things did you use to like when you were a child? Write sentences in the box above. Then discuss them with a partner.

I used to enjoy reading comics.

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1.______ I didn’t use to like tests.

2.______ We used to walk to school.

3.______ I used to hate P.E. class.

4.______ I used to be on the soccer team.

1c Listen and check (√) the sentences you hear.

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In the past Now

Girl I didn’t use to like ____.

I don’t worry about ____.

We used to wear _________________ to school.

We can wear ________________ to school.

Boy We used to ____ every day after school.

We _____ all the time.

I used to hate ___________.

I ____ P.E. class.

Listen again. What do the girl and the boy say about things in the past and now? Fill in the chart.


tests tests

play study

P.E. classlove

the school uniform whatever we like

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1. Role play the conversation

in groups;2. Role play the conversation

in front of the class

Let’s see Let’s see which group which group

does the best.does the best.


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Individual activity

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I didn’t use to like tests, but now I don’t worry about that.

We used to wear the school uniform, but now we can wear whatever we like.

I used to walk to school, but now I go to school by bus.

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boarding school

in person


adv. 不常;很少v. & n. 影响adj. 缺席;不在v. 不及格;失败;未能(做到)n. 考试;审查寄宿学校亲身;亲自adv. 确切地;精确地

Words Review

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take pride in


be proud of

n. 自豪;骄傲为 ...... 感到自豪adj. 自豪的;骄傲的为 ...... 自豪;感到骄傲

Words Review

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Stay-at-home children

Do you know “stay-at-home children” ?

How do you think about them?

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To understand the main idea of the story

To learn to use sentence context to guess the meanings of new words and phrases

To understand and use used to + verb to make comparisons

To learn the new phrases: in person, take pride in, be proud of

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Li Wen is a 15-year-old boy from the countryside. His parents are working in the city. Look at the title of the passage and the picture below. What problems do you think he might have?


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1.Li Wen’s unhappiness began to influence his school work.

2.They had a long talk and Li Wen understood that his parents took pride of everything good that he did.

3.Li Wen’s background.4.It’s important for parents t

o be there for their children.

Para. 1

Para. 2

Para. 3

Para. 4

Para. 1

Para. 2

Para. 3

Para. 4

Task 1

Skim the article on page 30. Then match the paragraphs with their main ideas.

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Read the passage and put the sentences [A-D] in the correct places.


Task 2

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1.Li Wen used to have difficulties in school.

2.His parents left him behind and he felt very lonely and unhappy.

3.He didn’t like his parents.4.He works very hard and does well in

school when his grandparents came to look after him.

5.He missed his parents so much and wanted to live with them.






didn’t use to


became less interested in


Read the first paragraph, then finish the exercises. “T” for

true, “F” for false.

Task 3

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1.Why did Li Wen became less interested in studying?

A. He is a lazy boy.

B. He wants to play outside.

C. He felt lonely and unhappy.

D. He doesn’t like to study.

Read the second paragraph and then choose the right answer. Task 4

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2. Which of the following is NOT Li Wen’s difficulties in school?

A. He was absent from classes.

B. He failed his examinations.

C. He was shy.

D. He had no friends in school.

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3. His parents took a __________ and a __________ to get to Li’s school.

A. 24-hour bus, 5-hour train

B. 24-hour train, 5-hour bus

C. 24-hour train, 15-hour bus

D. 24-hour bus, 15-hour train

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Read the passage and underline the problems that Li Wen used to have.


1.But he missed his parents so much and he often felt lonely and unhappy.

2. Li Wen’s unhappiness began to influence his schoolwork. He became less interested in studying. Sometimes he was absent from classes and failed his examinations.

Task 5

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Use clues from the passage to help you guess the meanings of the words in the box.


influence: v. & n. have an effect on; change

absent: adj. not present; missing from

boarding school: a school that a student can stay in

in person: face to face

Task 6

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1. They take pride in everything good that I do. They ____________ me. ”

2.Li Wen’s parents decided to send him to a boarding school. In other words, his parents ________________.

3. Li Wen’s unhappiness changed his school work. His school work was __________.

4. His grandparents came to look after him, but he wanted his parents to ___________ him.

are proud of

made a decision


take care of

The words in italics explain the meanings of

some words from the article on page 30. Find

the words to complete the sentences. Change their

forms if necessary.

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Read the last two paragraphs and then fill in the blanks.

Past Now

He felt ________ and ________.

He was ____________ now, because he knew his parents __________________.

He __________________ classes and _______ his examinations.

He worked ___________ than he used to.

He was _____ and was not able to ____________ quickly in school.

He became ___________ and _________________

_______ in school.


much happier

were proud of him

was absent fromfailed

even harder


make friends

more outgoingmade some good


ask teacher for helpTask 7

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Li Wen is a 15-year-old boy. He works hard and does well in school. It is hard to believe that he used to have difficulties in school. When his parents moved to the city to work, they could not be at home to ___________ him. So he became less interested in studying and ______ classes. Then his parents ________ to send him to a boarding school. He found life there difficult. One day he asked his teacher to leave him alone. His teacher advised his parents to talk with their son in person. This conversation ________ his life. He realized that his parents would always love him, and they would ____________ everything good that he did. Now he is much happier and more outgoing than he used to be.

take care of missed



be proud of

be proud of / take pride in make a decision / decide miss / be absent from change / influencelook after / take care of

Complete the passage with proper forms of the words and phrases in the box.


Task 8

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Parents: Honey, are you OK?Li: I missed you so much. You were always busy with your work and didn’t take care of me. Parents: We missed you, too. You know, we have to work for our family. Mom is so sorry for leaving you alone but I have no choice. Though we’re busy, we still think of you. You were good boy and we’re so proud of you. You became less interested in studying and wanted to leave school. We’re so worry about you. Do you have any difficulties? Can we help you?

What do you think Li Wen and his parents talked about in their conversation. Write a conversation and role-play it with your group. Think of the following things:

2f P31

• Possible questions Li Wen might ask his parents• Questions his parents might ask Li Wen• Possible answers from Li Wen and his parents

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Li: Mom, I thought you don’t love me anymore. I believed that you forgot me. I misunderstood you and father. Now I understand that even though you’re busy, you’re always thinking of me. You take pride of me. I love you!

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1. Sometimes he was absent from classes and failed his examinations.

*absent: adj. 心不在焉的 ; 漫不经心的 *be absent from: 不在 ...... 地方 *be absent oneself from: 使 ....... 不到场

How many students are absent from class today?Amos had an absent expression on his face.Andrew absented himself from the meeting.

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2. She advised them to talk with their son in person.

1. *advise sb. to do sth. *advise +( 名词或代词 ) that ( 从句谓

语动词用虚拟式 ) * advise + 名词或代词 + 疑问词引导

的从句 2. in person : 亲自;亲身

They advise him to wait.I advised (her) that she (should) go.Will please advise me when the bags should arrive?


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Individual activity

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I. 选择最佳选项1. Mrs Li takes ___ in the success of her two children. A. pride B. time C. trouble2.  Li Na has won the championship in France Tennis Open. All the Asians _____her challenging spirit and excellent English. 【 2011 哈尔滨】 A. are proud of B. take care of    C. get along with

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II. 翻译下列句子

Jo was Jo was absentabsent from the house . from the house .乔不在家。乔不在家。 You are really You are really absent absent - minded.  - minded. 

 你真是心不在焉 你真是心不在焉 ! ! I I adviseadvise you not to drive too fast.  you not to drive too fast. 

我劝你不要把车开得太快。 我劝你不要把车开得太快。Jane Jane was proud ofwas proud of her new car. her new car.简为她的新车颇为得意。简为她的新车颇为得意。

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Phrases:1. be absent from 2. advise sb. to do sth.3. be proud of4. take pride of 5. in person

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1.Review the new words and expressions you’ve learned today.

2.Read the articles in Learning English.3.Use the language in this unit to write

about how your life has changed since primary school.

4.Preview the new words and expressions.5.Preview 3a-3b on page 31-32.

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study, have P.E. class, play the piano, wear the school uniform, go to swim, have music class, on the soccer team, play every day after school, tests

What things did you use to do when you were a child?

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1. Review the new words and expressions you’ve learned today.

2. Read the articles in Learning English. 3. Preview the new words and

expressions. 4. Preview the article He Studies Harder

than He used to on page 30.