Section 2 Materials

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  • 8/14/2019 Section 2 Materials



    Title: Journal #1 for Chapter 16.Date:Block: 3

    (Refer to the chart and map work you did on "europeanexplorers" from previous class to respond to the followingwarm-up questions.)

    Please respond using complete sentences:

    - Where were these explorers from (in a general scope?)

    - Why do you think they were mainly from this region?

    -What were the major motivations for exploration at this time?

    -Were these places of exploration inhabited by other people?Who?

    -What does discovery imply or say about a place or placesEuropeans traveled to during this time?

  • 8/14/2019 Section 2 Materials


    Notes for sections 1 & 2

    Printed Notes for Chapter 16, section 1. Looking at:European conquest and colonies.

    Background: During the Renaissance, a spirit of discovery and innovation had been awakened

    in Europe, which in part sparked ideas of exploration.

    This led to Europeans to set sail on voyages, primarily for the search for wealth.


    Due to Advances in Technology, Europeans were able to make such long voyages. Important

    technologies included the compass and the astrolabe, both originally from China.

    The Portugese: The leaders of these voyages and the first to finance navigators to explore andgo to sea. One noteable Portugese explorer is Bartolomeu Dias, who became the first European

    to set sail around the Southern Tip of Africa, a point today known as Cape of Good Hope.

    The Portugese were like the Spanish when it came to seeking routes to gain the riches of theEast. One noteable person who sailed for Spain was Christopher Columbus, who, searching for

    a western route to get to Asia, stumbled upon what today is known as the West Indies in the

    Americas. He mistakingly thought he had landed in the Indonesian islands of Asia, and hencecalled the natives living there indians. The name has stuck every since.

    Although it was the Portugese and Spanish who launched the voyages of exploration, by theearly 1500s, the English and French (and later the Dutch) joined in, fueled by an interest in

    these seemingly new worlds of the Americas.

    REVIEW: Answer:-what helped spark an age of interest in exploration?

    -What were important technologies that contributed to voyage making?

    -Who were some note able European explorers?

  • 8/14/2019 Section 2 Materials


    Section 2 Notes: Looking at Conquest and Colonies.

    Background: After European explorers reached the Americas, countries began to scramble to establish

    colonies and empires in the lands they had found.

    The most successful in this scramble during this time were the Spanish, who eventually conquered the

    two greatest native empires of the Americas, the Aztecs and Incas.

    The caribbean islands of Hispaniola and Cuba were the first areas settled by the Spanish. Once

    Columbus made his grand entrance, he was disappointed to not find as much gold as he had hoped for.

    So, to still make profit, the Spanish set up the encomienda system, where a colonist was given a certain

    amount of land and a number of Native Americans to work the land for him. The encomienda systemwas disastrous to Native peoples.

    From the Caribbean, some Spaniards moved to the mainland to set up colonies. Hernan Cortes was oneof them; he was a conquistador, or conquerer, a term applied to Spanish leaders to fought against the

    native peoples of the Americas. At the time of Spanish arrival in Mexico, the Aztec emperor was

    Moctezuma II. Moctezuma II was not a popular ruler among other populations in Mexico at the time,and because of this unpopularity, Cortes was able to use that to his advantage and get thousands of

    Native Americans on his side, leading to him defeating the Moctezuma II and other Aztecs.

    Another conquistador, also Euopean and Spanish, led an expedition to Peru, located in South America.The natives of this area were known as the Incas of Peru, and their leader was named Atahualpa.

    Because of prior European contact, these peoples were already weakened by small pox, so Pizarro was

    able to take over the Incan empire. After Atahualpa refused to convert to Christianity, as enforced bythe Spanish, the Spanish decided to kill the Inca leader.

    The spanish colonial economy was based largely on mining gold and silver. For labor, they draftedNative Americans. Disease was significant and took a huge toll on Native populations; which dropped

    more than 90%

    Other players in the scramble for colonies included the French, the Dutch, the English who all found

    colonies in the Americas.

    Unlike the Spanish and Portugese, the French did not enslave Native Americans. Instead, the French

    primarily engaged in trade of furs and fish, in largely befriended and intermarried with Nativepopulations.

    The English's first colony in the Americas was established in Jamestown.

    Review: Answer:

    -What was the encomienda system?-Who were Cortes and Moctezuma II?

    -Who was Pizarro and Atahualpa?

    -What is a conquistador?

  • 8/14/2019 Section 2 Materials


    -How much did Native populations drop as a result of the Spanish empire?

    -How did the French differ from the Spanish and Portugese?

    Alternative Assignment

    Check under Alternative Assignment in the Chapter 16 page.