Secrets of the Prime Ordinal Adam

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November 5. Saltpeter, Reason and PlotI hope to God the stories and memories are never forgot as they are the key to the wisdom of God and religion. This book is a living archive of the life of the living messiah as I recount the memories of the seminal Year of our Lord 2014, and the ripples in time which caused it. The result is fire, set off by the flashbang of seeing that potassium and sodium are the keys to Adam and Eve's identification in the mystery of Rev. 1:20. The two elements reference the bible story of Lot's wife and and the modern myth of the Man-of-Steel as they are ignited by the Flintstones.Hidden in our language and culture is the already flowering unsealing of the secrets of Revelation and Religion. The flint of Saint One expands a message within the name of the cartoon. This book will show you how to relate Bam Bam, Kal-El, and the stories of Noah and Adam. It is no secret that Superman's power was fueled by our bright Son, and is revealed as a message which pervades our entire cultural child; the music, movies, and myths that are the heart of the word "Earth".. The story is real, written from memory during a period of captivity at the Broward County Jail and links directly to the Greek myth of Prometheus and the biblical story of Moses, and their superposition with the story of the Wizard of Oz and its spin doctor on HBO. Biblical Mountains are jail, cities are points in time, and names are our souls screaming truth. As my memories flow. and my direct interaction with the Lord of Hosts is put to words, this book will be updated. He shared much wisdom with me, using the story of Adammas El Yon. We will together break the bonds holding Prometheus at Sinai as the American Eagle's legal system complete revampment is essential to, not only my personal story, but the salvation of our species.My name is Adam Marshall DobrinI am the Messiah