5 Secrets of Getting RIPPED… From the World’s Most Dangerous Athletes By MMA Strength and Conditioning Coach Eric Wong, BSc, CSCS First off, I want to thank you for taking the time to check out this report… It’s my intention to help you in your quest for physique greatness and to avoid the common pitfalls and errors that many people make when trying to change their bodies. Because of this, I encourage you to SHARE THIS REPORT with friends and family. You can send it to your friends and family via email or simply direct them to www.MMARipped.com so they can register and download it for themselves. Your friend and coach, Eric Wong, BSc, CSCS MMA Strength and Conditioning Coach www.MMARipped.com

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5 Secrets of Getting RIPPED… From the World’s Most Dangerous Athletes By MMA Strength and Conditioning Coach Eric Wong, BSc, CSCS First off, I want to thank you for taking the time to check out this report… It’s my intention to help you in your quest for physique greatness and to avoid the common pitfalls and errors that many people make when trying to change their bodies. Because of this, I encourage you to SHARE THIS REPORT with friends and family. You can send it to your friends and family via email or simply direct them to www.MMARipped.com so they can register and download it for themselves. Your friend and coach,

Eric Wong, BSc, CSCS MMA Strength and Conditioning Coach


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The Answer To Finally Getting

The Body You’ve Always Wanted Is Here, Using 5 Secrets Learned From The World’s Most Dangerous Athletes

How to Create a Training Camp for Success Following the Blueprint that MMA Fighters Use to stay focused, develop unshakeable confidence, become powerful and explosive with endless cardio and ultimately WIN inside the octagon Dear Friend, This valuable report contains some info that might seem a little ‘out-there’. But remember, the mind is like a parachute – it works best when it’s open. This report is NOT packed with the typical info touting some new training secret or exercise technique that will ‘burn fat 7.4 times faster than ever’. Inside are concepts and strategies above and beyond training that have been proven to work inside the octagon – where some of the fittest men on the planet show off their skills, athleticism, and physiques for all to see. In training MMA fighters for the past 6 years I’ve been able to observe the difference between a successful fighter – one who reaches the highest level of the sport – from those who never make it very far. These differences are outlined in this report for you to take and extract and apply to your goal of getting in the best shape of your life and reaching the highest level of your body’s potential.


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The absolute very best breakthroughs in life come from taking a concept from one field and applying it to another totally different field. For example, the drive-thru service at fast food restaurants was born when a fast food chain owner went to the bank and used their drive-thru service. He figured, “I can use this!” and revolutionized the entire fast food industry by taking an idea from the banking industry and applying it to fast food. So open your parachute and take the lessons in this report from successful MMA fighters and apply them to your desire of getting ripped and you, too can cause a revolution by revolutionizing the way your body looks and performs. Three different people have good reason to be reading this report:

One – obviously – those who have never achieved the body of their dreams and have decided that ‘the time is now’ to make a change and finally take action toward getting absolutely ripped. Good on you! Your reward is this report where you’ll discover how to ensure your success so you don’t waste time barking up the wrong tree. Two – those who have been in shape at one time, and have either gone through the yo-yo cycle of being in and out of shape, but have now lost it because of limited time, untapped desire, or laziness, which is actually more often a lack of inspiration rather than a result of being a sloth. Be ready to be inspired! Three – ANY fitness enthusiast, weekend warrior, or semi-serious athlete who currently works out and is in decent shape but wants to discover how to really train for optimal results and get in the absolute best shape possible and transform not only how your body looks, but also how it performs so you’ve got the ‘show’ and the ‘go’.


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IF YOU FIT EITHER OF THESE THREE CATEGORIES, then ‘stay tuned’. In fact, get serious: disconnect from the internet, power down your cell phone, hide from your boss or at least make yourself look intensely focused and really tune in. Whether you train MMA, like watching MMA or you’ve never heard of MMA, if your goal is to get ripped then a lot is going to be revealed in this report. In fact – it doesn’t matter what your goal is, because these secrets can be used to achieve any goal in life. By the way, it’s not just MMA fighters who employ the strategies revealed in this report – every successful athlete in every team or individual sport uses most or all of these strategies too, whether they know it or not. Even successful businessmen, parents, teachers – basically anyone who can be considered a success (that includes YOU in some area of your life) has applied some or all of these strategies, so focus on the principles – not the specifics – revealed in this report. Why Most People Never Achieve Their Fitness Goals…

Let Alone The Body Of Their Dreams!

Here’s the harsh reality… On Amazon.com, there are thousands of books and DVDs on exercise and weight training. In the USA, there are tens of thousands of fitness and exercise professionals showing people how to exercise ‘properly’. And in the USA, there are literally 45 + millions of people contributing to the 19.5 BILLION (yes, billion) dollar fitness club industry (what percentage of them go regularly I can’t say, but my educated guess is less than 25%). So with all of these resources, professionals and facilities available, why is the USA getting fatter and fatter every year? (Oh, and it’s not just in the US – numbers from Canada, Europe and Asia all show the exact same trends)


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So what’s going on here? Why is the developed world, which has so much technology, so many professionals, and so much money invested in staying fit and healthy, continuing to get fatter and fatter each year? I’ve asked myself this same question years ago and it wasn’t until recently when I began to observe the habits of my professional athletes and how many of them train and prepare for their fights that it dawned on me what’s missing… Before we get into that, let’s see what’s NOT missing. We’re definitely not missing the know-how on what it takes to achieve rapid and permanent fat loss. Through science we’ve determined things like the best exercises, the most effective exercise programming methods, proper frequency of training, the exact foods to eat and not eat, etc. etc. yet as a society we’re still losing the battle. Next thing you know they’ll publish a study showing that a chicken that clucks less than 18,340 times before being slaughtered helps you burn fat 8.43% faster than a chicken that clucks over 18,340 times… But in all seriousness, we know it’s not a missing piece of nutritional knowledge or little-known training technique that we’re missing.

“I only clucked 7,843 times… I swear!”

Actually, we tend to over-complicate things with all the science and research, for example, my Ultimate MMA Strength and Conditioning program, which is NOT a program optimized for fat loss, has resulted in me receiving emails like this…


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“I've noticed that I have started to shape up a little. Still having some issues with my diet, old habits are hard to break but I have the tools. I have lost several inches off my waist. I started the program at about 175 - 179 and now I'm at 160 - 161. My goal is 150 and I'm well on my way. Thanks Coach! David Roman”

And you probably know someone like my friend Gary, who’s 52, a partner in one of the biggest law firms in town and has 2 kids… yet manages to run 1-2 marathons a year, lift weights, golf (poorly) and most importantly stays in great shape year round. So time is not the issue, because if Gary can, and the busy person(s) you know can, then everybody else can too because we’re all playing with the same deck of cards when it comes to how many hours there are in any given day. It’s not the number of hours in the day, it’s how we use them. (This brought back the memory of something I’ve said like this to a few girls over the years… :)

So what is it that I’m missing that will help me to achieve my goals?

Unlike many ‘experts’ out there, I can tell you that it’s NOT just one thing.

It’s not the number of hours in the day, it’s how we use them.

Like everything in life, there are many different factors, and in this report, I’m going to reveal SIX key factors that will make total sense to you and that if you follow them, they’ll drastically accelerate your results and get you to your goals. The strange thing is that none of them are directly related to exercise or nutrition. Curious? Great – let’s start with secret #1!


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SECRET #1 - Set Your ‘Fight’ Date

“A goal is a dream with a deadline.” Napoleon Hill, Author of ‘Think and Grow Rich’

Real motivation is knowing that you’ve got 8 weeks until you’ve got to step into the cage in front of thousands, or even tens of thousands of screaming fans to fight against some guy who wants to either knock you out or submit you, and you know that he’s going to be willing to take a couple of hard shots to make it happen. 12 weeks out from a fight things start to get pretty serious, but 8 weeks out, every fighter I’ve ever trained has but one thing on their mind – training for and winning their fight. The knowledge that this date is fast approaching has guys who like to party and enjoy life to its fullest (eg. good food and/or the company of beautiful women) training 2-3 times per day, eating super clean, going to bed early and otherwise directing all remaining mental and physical energy towards improving as a fighter or recovering from training. Now you may not be stepping into the cage. But you need to set a date where something is on the line so you have that external time pressure staring you in the face everyday. Remember, “A goal is a dream with a deadline,” so do you want to sit around and dream about getting in great shape or do you want to ACHIEVE your goal of a dream body? Sometimes people say, “But what if I don’t achieve my goal on the deadline I set out for myself? Won’t this make me feel bad?” Well here’s the thing…


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If it’s a true dream of yours, then the amount of time it takes doesn’t really matter to you – you want it and you’ll do whatever it takes for however long to achieve it. But if you don’t set a date, your chances of achieving your dream body plummet because you won’t have a set time to check-in and assess your results. You’ll get caught up in the busyness that is life and time will just fly by and you’ll continue along the same path you’ve been on for the past few months or years, probably getting a little bit fatter and a little more out of shape, month after month, year after year. Now if you set a date and you don’t achieve anything, if it’s because you didn’t DO anything, then no, you probably won’t feel bad, because if you don’t take any action, you probably don’t really care about your goal in the first place, so it doesn’t really matter. Results are for action-takers only, not those too lazy or too full of excuses to actually do the things necessary. So let’s say you set a date and you work at it but you don’t quite hit your goal. Here’s a story that illustrates the correct mindset for success:

After GSP won the welterweight belt, he quickly lost it to heavy underdog Matt Serra. Yes, he felt bad about it and was disappointed, but he looked at what happened, noticed where he needed to improve, took the actions necessary and a year later won the rematch with Serra to reclaim the belt. Since his first loss to Serra, GSP has won 8 fights in a row, all in dominating fashion.

You’ll eventually be successful at anything you choose as long as you a) set a date, b) take action, c) look at the results and d) if the results aren’t what you’d hoped, come up with a new plan, set a new date and go at it again! Quitters never win, winners never quit.


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SECRET #2 - Get a Good Coach And Team

After the 4th round in his title fight against Thiago Alves at UFC 100, Georges St-Pierre tells his coach Greg Jackson, “I pulled my groin.”

Jackson replies, “I don’t care, I don’t care George. Hey look at me! This is where champions are made, do you understand me?! Nothing matters now! Hit him with your groin! You got my mentality?”

Although GSP didn’t hit Alves with his groin, he didn’t quit and won the final round and the fight to retain his belt. Lotsa GSP stories eh? With good reason – he didn’t become one of the top pound-for-pound mixed martial artists in the world because of his pretty face and French accent!


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Anyway, Jackson wouldn’t let GSP off the hook after coming so far and GSP responded by adopting Jackson’s mentality and going out there and battling until the end, groin or no groin. This is the value of a good coach – they’ll pick you up when you’re down, call you out when you’re making excuses and support you through the thick and thin. Unfortunately, we can’t rely on friends and family to do this for us, because they’re all too ready to let us off the hook and often they’re not comfortable with calling you out. What’s even better than having just a good coach is having a good coach and a good team. Your training partners are the guys who work their balls off with you and for you in the gym, taking massive punishment in sparring without uttering a single complaint. You’re now not only representing yourself, but also them and because of what they’ve put in for you, you’re going to put out a lot for them and give it your all. So to hold yourself accountable and set up an environment for success, get a coach and a team on your side.

There’s no substitute for a good team.


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SECRET #3 - Follow a Blueprint for Success You’ve set your fight date. You’ve chosen a coach and team you’re confident in to work towards your goals. The next step is to create, beg for, buy, find, steal, or whatever you need to do to get your hands on a blueprint blueprint for success. When training Claude Patrick for his UFC debut against Ricardo Funch at UFC 115, I asked him what his strategy was going into the fight. Claude spent time analyzing as much footage as he could find on Funch and noticed some of his tendencies, for example, Funch likes to press his opponents against the cage and work on takedowns from there. Claude planned for this and created a blueprint and training program to pull off the moves he wanted to do when this occurred. Just as he’d imagined (which is important as you’ll see in the next secret), Funch worked Claude to the cage, which Claude gladly rolled with, because once there, Claude pulled off a super-slick takedown and ended up on top, reigning down some heavy ground and pound. Claude eventually won the fight via guillotine choke – which he secured while Funch was pushing him up against the cage – just as he knew would happen. Claude’s goal was simple – win the fight. He analyzed the situation and came up with a plan of attack to achieve this goal. You’re here because your goal is to get the physique and fitness of a fighter.


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Now you need a blueprint to make this happen. So how exactly do fighter’s get their physiques? Well I can share a few tips from my experiences training a couple of UFC fighters, a dozen local pro and amateur mixed martial artists and over one thousands fighters and guys who train MMA for fun via my Ultimate MMA Strength and Conditioning program that will help you get the fighter’s physique. First, as soon as I know when their fight is, I work backwards from the fight date to create the program. I lay out an overview of the entire program so that they’ll peak at the right time and they’ll build their physical attritubes in the right order for maximum results. If you’re just going to the gym and ‘winging it’ and working out based on memory or based on whatever you feel like doing, you’re not training and you’re not going to make any progress. Next, we focus on performance indicators each workout and make progress from workout to workout. I diligently track how many reps, how much weight, rest times, how many sets as well as subjective factors such as how hard the set felt and form when I train my fighters. This is important because the next time we train, we’ll try to beat those numbers in some way, whether it be more reps, more weight, shorter rest, more sets – something, depending on the phase of training to force the body to continue to adapt and improve. In terms of exercises, we favour big compound movements (squat) over isolated exercises (leg extensions), train multi-dimensional exercises (chops), work with explosive movements to get the fast twitch muscle fibres and nervous system activated for maximum power as well as density


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style training to focus on muscular endurance, isometrics for specific grappling endurance, use unique MMA-specific exercises and on and on and ON. But it’s not like MMA fighters get their physiques solely from their strength and conditioning efforts. I’d be lying to you if I said they did. They’re also training MMA on a regular basis. MMA training includes much technical work, which is quite low-intensity. It also includes periods of hard intense bursts of work followed by rest. And as a fight gets closer, the amount of sparring a fighter will do increases each week. If you’re not training MMA, you can use low-intensity exercise (like walking, light jogging, mobility circuits, etc) to simulate the low-intensity training, interval workouts to simulate the higher intensity aspects, as well as intense circuit training to simulate sparring. It’s the combination of these different modalities of training that chisel the fighter’s body. The other aspect is in the kitchen as a physique isn’t just built it’s also cooked. Having a nutrition plan and guidelines to follow is vitally important if nutrition is an achilles-heel for you. Most of the fighters I’ve trained aren’t very good cooks, but I’ve been able to help them with a few simple strategies that make all the difference in their performance and physiques. Once you’ve got your training and nutrition plan outlined and a coach and team in your corner, you’re almost set…


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SECRET #4 - Harness the Power of Visualization You often hear fighters say, “It happened just how I pictured it” after they get a win. The next time you watch the UFC or MMA, listen for it in the post-fight interviews. But it’s not like the guy who lost pictured himself getting his ass KO’d. So let’s get one thing straight – visualization alone is not the only thing you need to achieve your goals. However, it is an extremely powerful tool that you can use that only takes 5-10 minutes a day! Here’s exactly how powerful it is… Do you know what the placebo effect is? It’s when doctors test the effectiveness of a drug by running 2 groups – 1 group gets the medicine being tested (test group), the other gets a sugar pill (control group) but they’re told it’s the same medicine that the test group gets. The placebo group is the group that gets no actual drug, but they think they’re getting the drug. The interesting thing is that often times the research shows that the sugar pill will be just as effective or more effective than the actual medicine! My favourite study showing the power of the placebo effect comes from a paper published in 1983 in the ‘World Journal of Surgery’. The researchers tested 3 groups of cancer patients:

A – Control (no drug) B – Chemo Cocktail #1 C – Chemo Cocktail #2


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You’ve probably heard that people who undergo chemotherapy often lose their hair. Well the two groups that had chemo definitely showed hair loss – 73% of patients in Group B and 49% of patients in Group C lost some or all of their hair. Now here’s the shocking part… Group A didn’t receive any chemotherapy, yet 30% of patients in this group lost some or all of their hair! [Fielding et al (2003). An interim report of a prospective, randomized, controlled study of adjuvant chemotherapy in operable gastric cancer: British stomach cancer group. World Journal of Surgery, 7, 390-399.]

These patients (as do many of us) hold the belief “Get chemo, lose hair.” So even though they didn’t get any chemo, they thought they were getting chemo and their minds completed the rest of the process for them! This study clearly illustrates the power of the mind – and by incorporating visualization everyday for 5-10 minutes, picturing not only your dream body and what life will be like once you get it, but also you taking the actions to get there in the gym and in the kitchen, being proud of sticking to your plan, finding a coach and team to help you along, you’ll be putting this tremendous power to work for you. Just 5-10 minutes each and every day. That’s all it takes.

If only he’d known it was a sugar pill… The key is persistence and not giving in to the idea that it doesn’t matter, because as shown by this study – it can and WILL have a powerful effect on your life, but only if done consistently.


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SECRET #5 - Focus on Behaviors There was a bit of controversy in the MMA world as UFC fighter Dan Lauzon (younger brother to Joe) was preparing for a fight at UFC 114. SECRET #5 Dan’s regular cornermen – his brother Joe and 2 other trainers – decided not to corner or train him for this bout because Dan wasn’t hitting the gym regularly or following the schedule they’d outlined for him. When the media asked big brother Joe why this happened, Joe replied:

"When Dan was 14 to 17, he trained like a mad man. He was in the gym all the time, but he is 22 now and that fire he once had is long gone. When he is in the gym, he comes in and works hard. He does a great job helping guys with technical things and teaching more subtle things as well. Unfortunately, he is never in the gym. If he has a fight, he is in sparingly. If he doesn't have a fight he is an absolute ghost."

Now you might think that this is heartless for a guy to essentially abandon his brother, but by not training or being coachable, Dan showed that he didn’t value their commitment. I believe this is the value of having a good coach and team who are willing to dish out tough love when necessary and I think in this case, it was absolutely necessary.

The Lauzon Brothers(Dan is left, Joe is right)

Especially because Dan is such a young fighter, he’s got so much time to improve an already excellent skill set, this little bit of tough love might pay big dividends later on down the road. There’s no doubt in my mind that if Dan changes his attitude and behaviors, his brother and trainers will welcome him back with open arms. But the value of a good coach and team is not the lesson here – the value is in the importances of focusing on behaviors, not end results.


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Although I’m sure Dan could display good skill at anytime to his coaches and beat most of his training partners, his coaches understand that there’s no substitute for putting the hours in the gym or following a program. Putting the hours in and following a program are two of the most important behaviors a mixed-martial artist can regularly do that will effect their performance. Note that choosing a coach and team are one-time decisions that have a huge impact on your chances of success, while training regularly and following a program are the most important day-to-day choices. And because Dan refused to do either of these things, his coaches decided that he had to learn that these were the most important aspects of being a successful fighter one way or another, and they chose the best way they knew how at the time. Now with respect to your goals, what do you think are the most important day-to-day behaviors for success? If you mentioned training regularly, following a program and eating properly, you would be absolutely correct. If you threw visualization in there, you get bonus points for paying attention. :) And if you said get a good coach and team, you’re WRONG – these are important and crucial ONE-TIME decisions, not day-to-day choices (re-read this page). So instead of always focusing on the result you want to achieve, focus on the behaviors and actions necessary for achieving your goals and track them so you know where you need to improve – as performing the behaviors and actions (especially if they’re part of a good program) are the most important factors in achieving your goals and will produce your desired results.


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These 5 secrets are vital to your success, but there’s one element that I’ll be sharing with you next that is absolutely critical in achieving the body of your dreams… Keep your eyes on your inbox for this because missing it could be the difference between achieving the fighter’s physique and going another year without making any progress at all.

If you get all wired up about a goal because it’s new years or you just turned 40 or something and you don’t consider these secrets, you’ll end up like the majority of people who set new years resolutions but forget about them after a month or two.

These 5 secrets have been used by the most successful fighters I’ve trained as well as the most successful mixed martial artists in the world to win pro fights and make it to the UFC and now, they can be used by you to achieve a fighter’s physique.

So watch out for the next email from me to discover this one CRITICAL element. Talk soon!


5 Secrets of Getting Ripped REVIEW

Secret #4 – Harness the Power of Visualization

Secret #2 – Get a Good Coach and Team

Secret #3 – Follow a Blueprint for Success

Secret #1 – Set Your ‘Fight’ Date

Secret #5 – Focus on Behaviors

To recap, here are the 5 secrets:

Coming Up Next…

- Eric