Second Year German Curriculum Minnesota State University, Mankato Evelyn Meyer Required Texts: Motyl-Mudretzkyj & Späinghaus, Anders gedacht. Text and Context in the German-speaking World, Houghton Mifflin, 2005. (textbook, workbook, CDs) Recommended Texts: Langenscheidt’s Compact Dictionary: German. Langenscheidt. Ger 201 (4 50-minute contact hours each week for 15 weeks) This course covers Einheit 1 – 5 of the text- and workbook. There will be four exams, one each at the end of Einheit 1 – 4. Each Einheit can take up to approximately 10 class sessions, to allow for 4 days for the cultural projects and 2 days for the interviews, at least one review day at the end of the semester. There will be two formal essays, process written. There will be one formal interview (partner interview) There will be one cultural project to satisfy MSU’s Category 8: Global Perspectives requirement The final exam is cumulative, covering the entire semester, but will have a strong component testing Einheit 5 materials. Class instruction will be in German, preferably also for grammar instruction. GRADING SYSTEM Percentage Preparation & Participation 30 4 Tests (8 percent each) 32 2 Essays (5 percent) 10 Interview 5 Cultural project 8 Final Exam 15 TOTAL 100 PARTICIPATION-PREPARATION Participation and preparation count as 30% of your grade and I may assess points for participation (in German, on task, and producing results) and preparation unannounced on a daily basis. Research has shown that languages are learned most rapidly when students prepare and practice language on a day- to-day basis , rather than once a week before an exam. When you come to class, have your homework finished. Be ready to get to work! If your written and spoken work in class give evidence of solid preparation, you receive participation/preparation credit for that class session. I may frequently ask you to turn in homework and/or work produced in class, and may give occasional "pop" quizzes as well. This helps me assess your participation-preparation grade and also gives me a chance to give you

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Second Year German Curriculum Minnesota State University, Mankato Evelyn Meyer Required Texts: Motyl-Mudretzkyj & Späinghaus, Anders gedacht. Text and Context in the German-speaking World, Houghton Mifflin, 2005. (textbook, workbook, CDs) Recommended Texts: Langenscheidt’s Compact Dictionary: German. Langenscheidt. Ger 201 (4 50-minute contact hours each week for 15 weeks)

• This course covers Einheit 1 – 5 of the text- and workbook. • There will be four exams, one each at the end of Einheit 1 – 4. • Each Einheit can take up to approximately 10 class sessions, to allow for 4 days for the cultural

projects and 2 days for the interviews, at least one review day at the end of the semester. • There will be two formal essays, process written. • There will be one formal interview (partner interview) • There will be one cultural project to satisfy MSU’s Category 8: Global Perspectives

requirement • The final exam is cumulative, covering the entire semester, but will have a strong component

testing Einheit 5 materials. • Class instruction will be in German, preferably also for grammar instruction.


Percentage Preparation & Participation 30 4 Tests (8 percent each) 32 2 Essays (5 percent) 10 Interview 5 Cultural project 8 Final Exam 15 TOTAL 100

PARTICIPATION-PREPARATION Participation and preparation count as 30% of your grade and I may assess points for participation (in German, on task, and producing results) and preparation unannounced on a daily basis. Research has shown that languages are learned most rapidly when students prepare and practice language on a day-to-day basis, rather than once a week before an exam. When you come to class, have your homework finished. Be ready to get to work! If your written and spoken work in class give evidence of solid preparation, you receive participation/preparation credit for that class session. I may frequently ask you to turn in homework and/or work produced in class, and may give occasional "pop" quizzes as well. This helps me assess your participation-preparation grade and also gives me a chance to give you

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feedback on your work. Please note that simply attending class will not earn you Participation-Preparation credit. Participation means being actively INVOLVED in the classroom sessions. Classroom activities related to your participation-preparation grade The type of classroom environment fostered in this language program is student-centered rather than teacher-centered. This means that I do not typically stand in front of class giving you a prepared lecture. Instead, I come to class with a variety of prepared activities designed to give you the opportunity to practice and build skills that will enable you to learn German. You can expect, for example, to make your own vocabulary associations on chapter topics and share these lists with other students. You will be asked to practice speaking with a partner and in small groups. You will answer questions about things we read and view in class. During listening activities you may be asked to fill-in missing dialogue, listen for specific words or phrases, or larger or minor content aspects of a text. I try to make the purpose of my activities explicit and we may spend some class time at the beginning of the semester discussing strategies for doing the tasks required by the activities. HOMEWORK You will have a variety of tasks to complete in this course—each targets one or more language skills area. Assignments listed on the syllabus are to be prepared for the next day. When pages are assigned from Anders gedacht, you are to do all charts and answer all questions within those pages. (You must write out the answers to all questions. Write them in a notebook or make photocopies if you don't want to write in your textbook.). You will probably spend two hours work outside of class for each class session. ATTENDANCE Regular attendance is mandatory. Because of the pace and amount of information covered, it is necessary that you be present and prepared for every single class meeting! Do not miss tests or other assignments. Do not count on make-up exams. On rare occasions when absence is unavoidable due to serious illness or family emergency, I may require proof of your reason of absence before we discuss the possibility of make-up work. Do not expect to pass this course if you are frequently absent. TESTS There will be four tests in German 201. These tests will be based on the thematic content of Anders gedacht, Einheit 1 – 4. Each 40-point test will contain a Listening, Reading, Structure, and Writing section. You will show your knowledge of relevant vocabulary in all sections of the exam. Your actual points on the exam will be converted into a percentage score. FINAL EXAM The final exam will have a format identical to that of each test and is exactly twice the length of a regular test. The final exam has 80 points and your actual points on the final exam will be converted into a percentage score. The final exam is cumulative and covers the entire semester, with a stronger focus on Einheit 5 materials. AUFSÄTZE (Typed, double-spaced, written in GERMAN) You have two individual essays assignments. The topics of these essays will relate to one of the content themes in Anders gedacht you have covered up to that particular week. Each essay should be 200-250 words and will be expanded by at least 50 words between the first and the final version.

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Grading the Aufsatz We will be using the written rubric (see below) to assess essays. There is a total of 30 points for all versions of each essay.

1) Peer-editing workshop: there are 4 points for participation in the peer editing workshop (1 point for participating and bringing a completed essay to class, 1 point for giving your partner meaningful feedback on the content of his/her essay, 1 point for meaningful feedback on the grammar of his/her essay, 1 point for giving your feedback in comprehensible German).

2) First essay turned in to your instructor: there is a total of 20 points for each first version of your essay, and 5 separate areas are assessed. The written rubrics are used to determine your points. In the grammatical accuracy area, you are expected to achieve a 25:1 error ration for full credit in grammatical areas specified for each essay.

3) Final version of your essay turned in to your instructor: there is a maximum of 6 points for your revisions. Up to 4 points for grammatical accuracy and up to 2 points for expansion of the content of your essay. You are expected to achieve a 50:1 error ration for full credit in grammatical areas specified for each essay.

Grammar points from written rubrics according to the student’s error ratio: First draft: Second Draft Student’s Error Ratio Points Student’s Error Ratio Points 25:1 4 50:1 4 20:1 3 40:1 3 15:1 2 30:1 2 10:1 1 20:1 1 9:1 or less 0 19:1 or less 0 Grammar based error ratio: Aufsatz 1, first draft: (200 – 250 words) Mark and count towards the 25:1 ratio:

subject-verb agreement (S-V) noun gender and number (G, Z) spelling (R)

Mark, but do not include in the ratio: verb tense (T)

Aufsatz 1, final draft: (200 – 250 words, plus 50 word expansion. This expansion is not included into the error ratio!) (Mark and) count towards the 50:1 ratio:

subject-verb agreement (S-V) noun gender and number (G, Z) spelling (R) verb tense (T)

Aufsatz 2, first draft: (200 – 250 words) (Mark and) count towards the 50:1 ratio:

subject-verb agreement (S-V) noun gender and number (G, Z)

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spelling (R) verb tense (T)

Mark, but do not include in the ratio:

case (K) Aufsatz 2, final draft: (200 – 250 words, plus 50 word expansion. This expansion is not included into the error ratio!) (Mark and) count towards the 50:1 ratio:

subject-verb agreement (S-V) noun gender and number (G, Z) spelling (R) verb tense (T) case (K)

CULTURAL PROJECT German 201 qualifies under Category 8, Global Perspectives, in the general education curriculum. You will have the chance to prove in the course, that you have satisfied the following competencies:

a) be able to describe, analyze, and evaluate political, economic, humanistic, artistic, social and cultural elements which influence relations of nations and people in their historical and contemporary dimensions; and

b) be able to demonstrate knowledge of cultural, social, religious and linguistic differences. As part of the requirements for the course, under the general education guidelines, you will complete a cultural research project which will count as 8 % of the course grade. Topic TBA during the semester. EXTRA CREDIT There will be opportunities for extra credit, 2 course points/percentage points maximum. Please consult your instructor for suggestions of appropriate projects. The projects have to be done in German. I will provide you with a list of suggested topics as well. COURSE GRADE Your course grade is figured according to the percentage scale below. Percentage Course Grade

90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D 0-59 F

Grading: A represents work of definitely superior quality

B represent a better-than-average level of performance C represents an average-level of performance D represents below-average performance F represents an unacceptable level of performance (regular graded courses)

NC represents an unacceptable level of performance at the undergraduate level (P/N graded courses)

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P represents a passing performance (P/N graded courses), i.e. a grade of C or higher on the A-F scale

Incompletes: A grade of “Incomplete” is reserved for special cases and means that, because of extenuating circumstances, the student failed to meet one assignment / important requirement of the course, but has in other respects done passing work for the semester. The incomplete must be made up in the next semester in which the student is enrolled. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Every attempt will be made to accommodate qualified students with disabilities. If you are a student with a documented disability, please see the instructor at the beginning of the semester to discuss the necessary accommodations, and contact the Disabilities Services Office at (507)-389-2825 or 1-800-627-3529. SCHOLASTIC HONESTY Academic misconduct will not be tolerated. I expect you to submit your own original work on all assignments. The use of translation programs in writing essays is prohibited, as essays are designed to show your work and give instructors an idea of your own level. Besides, many of them are appallingly bad.

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Korrektur-Symbole Verben (& Tempus) Verbs (& Tenses) S-V Die Subjekt-Verb-Konstruktion ist falsch. The subject-verb agreement is wrong. 1. Stimmt die Verbform mit dem 1. Does the verb agree in person and Subjekt überein (Person, Zahl)? number with its subject? 2. Steht das (trennbare/nicht trennbare) 2. Is the separable or inseparable prefix Präfix an der richtigen Stelle? in the correct position? 3. Ist das Hilfsverb (haben, sein, 3. Is the helping verb (haben, sein, werden, werden, Modalverb) richtig konjugiert? modal verb) conjugated correctly? 4. Ist das Partizip richtig? 4. Is the participle correct? T Verb-Tempus Verb tense Nomen (& Kasus) Nouns (& Cases) G Genus Gender K Kasus Case Z Zahl (Einzahl oder Mehrzahl) Number (singular or plural) E (Adjektiv-)Endung Adjective ending Lexis Lexical Matters WS Wortstellung Word order W Wort (falsche Wortwahl) Wrong word Verschiedenes Miscellania R Rechtschreibung Spelling IP Interpunktion Punctuation ^ Etwas fehlt Something is missing [ ] ? Unverständlich Incomprehensible; can you rephrase this?

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Written Evaluation Rubric Ger 201&202

ungenügend (poor)


ausreichend (fair)


gut (good)


ausgezeichnet (excellent)


Organization Disjointed, without thesis or conclusion, frequent sentence fragments.

Thesis, minimal transition, somewhat supported by a list of related ideas, abrupt conclusion.

Thesis and introduction, some transitions, rationale loosely supports thesis, conclusion related, not necessarily logically drawn.

Thesis and introduction, strong transitions, ideas in rationale build on each other and effectively support thesis, logically drawn conclusion.

Grammatical Accuracy and Mechanics (error ratios based on error types specified on assignment) L 1st draft ratio R 2nd draft ratio

Numerous errors and little complexity. Interferes with communication. 10:1 // 20:1

Frequent errors and simplified language, communication, occasional complexity. 15:1 // 30:1

Good but has several errors or not suitably complex. 20:1 // 40:1

Excellent, very few or no errors and suitably complex. 25:1 // 50:1

Vocabulary Inadequate, limited to basic words, very few new words, often inaccurate/ repetitive.

Functional, fails to communicate complete meaning. Uses some new words, often incorrectly or in wrong context.

Adequate. Includes several appropriate words learned in class but has some minor errors in usage or context.

Precise, varied. Rich with vocabulary learned in class used properly and in the correct context.

Fluency Fragmented, barely intelligible. Limited routine expressions. Much native language interference.

Routine expressions, incomplete sentences and short phrases. Communicates meaning with frequent errors.

Adequately conveys meaning using complete sentences with several errors or lacking suitable complexity.

Natural, very few or no errors. Expresses thoughts completely and clearly in full sentences with little or no native language interference.

Content Misleading, often repetitive, topic unclear, little creativity, little evidence to support ideas, hard to follow.

Topic somewhat clear, some creativity, superficial supporting evidence, generalizations.

Interesting, varied, topic clear, fairly creative, some depth, good supporting evidence, gives some specifics.

Rich, engaging, highly creative, topic clear and handled in depth, strong and specific supporting evidence.

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A score of 0 is also possible in all of these rubrics, if your work in that area is absolutely unsatisfactory and half points can be given at instructor discretion.

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Aufsatz 1 Deckblatt Deutsch 201 Name: ____________________________ Partnerarbeit Workshop 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0 ____ You participated in the peer-editing workshop and brought your completed essay. ____ You gave your partner constructive feedback. ____ You gave your partner meaningful feedback on content. ____ You gave your partner meaningful feedback on grammar. ____ You wrote your feedback in comprehensible German. ____ You were absent in the peer-editing workshop. Kommentar: Aufsatz 1 Erste Fassung Organization 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Grammatik 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 S-V, N, G, and R count in error ratio. Vokabular 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Sprachliche Flüßigkeit 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Inhalt 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Punkte insgesamt: _______ von 20 = __________ Punkte insgesamt (inkl. Partnerarbeit): _______ von 24 = __________ %

Kommentar: Aufsatz 1 Zweite Fassung Grammatik 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 S-V, N, G, R and T count in error ratio. Inhalt You added 50 words to your essay and they contribute meaningfully 2 You did not add 50 words to your essay or they do not contribute meaningfully 1 You added nothing to your essay 0

Punkte insgesamt: _______ von 6 Punkte insgesamt für Aufsatz 1: _______ von 30 = __________ %


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AUFSATZ 1 DEUTSCH 201 HERBST 2005 I. Aufsatzthema: Wählen Sie ein Thema!

Thema 1: Beschreiben Sie entweder Ihre absolute Traumreise oder Ihre absolute Horrorreise. Was haben Sie erlebt? Wohin sind sie gereist? Welche Freizeitaktivitäten haben Sie unternommen? Warum war diese Reise Ihre Traumreise beziehungsweise Ihre Horrorreise? (Verbtempus: Perfekt)

Thema 2: Schreiben Sie ein Märchen. Erfinden Sie entweder ein absolut neues Märchen oder wählen Sie ein bekanntes Märchen und verändern Sie das Märchen auf signifikante und spannende Weise. (Verbtempus: Präteritum)

II. Aufsatzprozess • Your goal is to write a coherent, interesting essay supported by correct subject-verb constructions, noun gender and number, spelling and verb tenses. Incorporate structures and vocabulary from Anders gedacht chapters 1 and 2. • The length of your essay should be a minimum of 200-250 words. • On Wednesday October 5, 2005 you will bring a completed draft (Entwurf) of your essay, typed, double-spaced to class for a peer-editing workshop. After the workshop you will take your essay home and make changes based on the suggestions made to you in the workshop and hand it in the next day. • On Thursday October 6, 2005 you will turn in the first draft (1. Fassung) of your essay to me along with the comments you received during the peer editing workshop. I will then evaluate your essay according to content and the correct use of:

• subject-verb constructions (S-V) • noun gender and number (G, Z) • spelling (R)

• Once you have received the first draft back from me, you will expand your essay by at least 50 words, based on suggestions for expanding your essay, which you received from me. • You will revise your essay (2. Fassung) based on my comments and correct all errors identified in the 1. Fassung, including the verb tense errors. Please include all drafts when you turn in the final draft on Thursday October 13, 2005.

III. Aufsatzbewertung We will be using the written rubric (see below) to assess essays. There is a total of 30 points for all versions of each essay. 1) Peer-editing workshop: there are 4 points for participation in the peer-editing workshop (1 point

for participating and bringing a completed essay to class, 1 point for giving your partner meaningful feedback on the content of his/her essay, 1 point for meaningful feedback on the grammar of his/her essay, 1 point for giving your feedback in comprehensible German).

2) First essay turned in to your instructor: there is a total of 20 points for each first version of your essay, and 5 separate areas are assessed. The written rubrics are used to determine your points. In the grammatical accuracy area, you are expected to achieve a 25:1 error ration for full credit in grammatical areas specified above for your essay.

3) Final version of your essay turned in to your instructor: there is a maximum of 6 points for your revisions. Up to 4 points for grammatical accuracy and up to 2 points for minimally 50 word expansion of the content of your essay. [Note: the section you have been asked to rewrite

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substantially or to expand will not be included in this ratio. To aid your instructor in evaluating your essay, please write your expansion in bold type.] You are expected to achieve a 50:1 error ration for full credit in grammatical areas specified for each essay.

Grammar points from written rubrics according to the student’s error ratio: First draft: Second Draft Student’s Error Ratio Points Student’s Error Ratio Points 25:1 4 50:1 4 20:1 3 40:1 3 15:1 2 30:1 2 10:1 1 20:1 1 9:1 or less 0 19:1 or less 0

Total points possible: 30 points (up to 4 points for the draft and peer review workshop, up to 20 points for the first draft, and up to 6 points for the second draft). Please note: All of the above guidelines assume that you have written an original essay of your own for this assignment. Read the course plagiarism policy in your syllabus for more information on what constitutes plagiarism.

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Aufsatz 2 Deckblatt Deutsch 201 Name: ____________________________ Partnerarbeit Workshop 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0 ____ You participated in the peer-editing workshop and brought your completed essay. ____ You gave your partner constructive feedback. ____ You gave your partner meaningful feedback on content. ____ You gave your partner meaningful feedback on grammar. ____ You wrote your feedback in comprehensible German. ____ You were absent in the peer-editing workshop. Kommentar: Aufsatz 1 Erste Fassung Organization 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Grammatik 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 S-V, N, G, T and R count in error ratio. Vokabular 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Sprachliche Flüßigkeit 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Inhalt 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Punkte insgesamt: _______ von 20 = __________ Punkte insgesamt (inkl. Partnerarbeit): _______ von 24 = __________ %

Kommentar: Aufsatz 1 Zweite Fassung Grammatik 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 S-V, N, G, T, R and K count in error ratio. Inhalt You added 50 words to your essay and they contribute meaningfully 2 You did not add 50 words to your essay or they do not contribute meaningfully 1 You added nothing to your essay 0

Punkte insgesamt: _______ von 6 Punkte insgesamt für Aufsatz 1: _______ von 30 = __________ %


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AUFSATZ 2 DEUTSCH 201 HERBST 2005 I. Aufsatzthema: Choose one of the topics!

Thema 1: Alternative Energiequellen vs. Atomenergie: Im Wahlkampf im Sommer 2005 hat sich Angela Merkel sehr stark gegen die Windenergieprojekte der SPD/Grüne Energie- und Umweltpolitik ausgeprochen. Sie will weiterhin die Laufzeit der alten Atomkraftwerke von 30 auf 45 Jahre verlängern. Die Umweltschützer protestieren lautstark. Schreiben Sie einen Leserbrief an eine deutsche Zeitung, in dem Sie Ihre Meinung zum Thema Umweltschutz und grüne Technologie ausdrücken. Vergleichen Sie die deutsche mit der amerikanischen Situation.

Thema 2: Muslime in Deutschland und in den USA: Durch die Terroranschläge sind Muslime in das Rampenlicht gerückt und nicht immer positiv. Schreiben Sie einen Leserbrief an eine deutsche Zeitung, in dem Sie Ihre Meinung zur Darstellung von Muslimen in den Medien ausdrücken und zu den Herausforderungen, mit denen Muslime sich dadurch auseinandersetzen müssen. Gehen Sie auf die deutsche und internationale Situation ein.

II. Aufsatzprozess • Your goal is to write a coherent, interesting essay supported by correct subject-verb constructions, noun gender and number, spelling and verb tenses. Incorporate structures and vocabulary from Anders gedacht chapters 1 and 2. • The length of your essay should be a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 250 words. • On Wednesday November 9, 2005 you will bring a completed draft (Entwurf) of your essay, typed, double-spaced to class for a peer editing workshop. After the workshop you will take your essay home and make changes based on the suggestions made to you in the workshop. • On Monday November 14, 2005 you will turn in the first draft (1. Fassung) of your essay to me along with the comments you received during the peer editing workshop. I will then evaluate your essay according to content and the correct use of:

• subject-verb constructions (S-V) • verb tense (T) • noun gender and number (G, Z) • spelling (R)

• Once you have received the first draft back from me, you will expand your essay by at least 50 words, based on suggestions for expanding your essay, which you received from me. • You will revise your essay (2. Fassung) based on my comments and correct all errors identified in the 1. Fassung, including basic case errors. Please include all drafts when you turn in the final draft on Thursday November 17, 2005.

III. Aufsatzbewertung We will be using the written rubric (see below) to assess essays. There is a total of 30 points for all versions of each essay. 1) Peer-editing workshop: there are 4 points for participation in the peer-editing workshop (1 point

for participating and bringing a completed essay to class, 1 point for giving your partner meaningful feedback on the content of his/her essay, 1 point for meaningful feedback on the grammar of his/her essay, 1 point for giving your feedback in comprehensible German).

2) First essay turned in to your instructor: there is a total of 20 points for each first version of your essay, and 5 separate areas are assessed. The written rubrics are used to determine your points. In

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the grammatical accuracy area, you are expected to achieve a 25:1 error ration for full credit in grammatical areas specified above for your essay.

3) Final version of your essay turned in to your instructor: there is a maximum of 6 points for your revisions. Up to 4 points for grammatical accuracy and up to 2 points for minimally 50 word expansion of the content of your essay. [Note: the section you have been asked to rewrite substantially or to expand will not be included in this ratio. To aid your instructor in evaluating your essay, please write your expansion in bold type.] You are expected to achieve a 50:1 error ration for full credit in grammatical areas specified for each essay.

Grammar points from written rubrics according to the student’s error ratio: First draft: Second Draft Student’s Error Ratio Points Student’s Error Ratio Points 25:1 4 50:1 4 20:1 3 40:1 3 15:1 2 30:1 2 10:1 1 20:1 1 9:1 or less 0 19:1 or less 0

Total points possible: 30 points (up to 4 points for the draft and peer review workshop, up to 20 points for the first draft, and up to 6 points for the second draft). Please note: All of the above guidelines assume that you have written an original essay of your own for this assignment. Read the course plagiarism policy in your syllabus for more information on what constitutes plagiarism.

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Deutsch 201 Interview—Rollenspiel Die Suche nach dem richtigen Freizeitpartner/der richtigen Freizeitpartnerin Sie werden das Rollenspiel mit einer Partnerin/einem Partner führen. Person A sucht seit Monaten den perfekten Freizeitpartner. Person B kennt sich in der Gegend gut aus und kennt auch all die wichtigen Leute, um sich bestens zu amüsieren. Bereiten Sie sich mit Ihrer Partnerin/Ihrem Partner auf das Interview vor! Person A: • Was wollen Sie gerne über den potentiellen Freizeitpartner wissen? Bereiten Sie Fragen vor, die

Sie Person B stellen werden. Sie sollen auch bereit sein, Fragen über Ihre Person, Ihre Gewohnheiten, Ihren persönlichen

Lebensstil und Ihre Hobbies und Interessen zu beantworten. Haben Sie besondere Talente? Warum suchen Sie einen Freizeitpartner? Wollen Sie Person B als Freizeitpartner haben? Person B: Sie sollen bereit sein, Fragen über das Freizeitangebot in der Gegend zu beantworten. Was kann

man alles unternehmen? Wer sind die interessantesten und wichtigsten Personen, wenn es um das Thema Freizeitgestaltung geht?

Haben Sie besondere Hobbies? • Bereiten Sie auch Fragen für Person A vor. Was wollen Sie über diese/n potentielle/n

Freizeitpartner wissen? Was ist für Sie bei so einem Austausch wichtig? • Wollen Sie Person A als Freizeitpartner haben? Länge: Das Interview wird ungefähr 10 Minuten dauern. Sie dürfen keine Hilfsmittel benutzen. Mögliche Struktur:

• Gruß • sich vorstellen • gegenseitig Fragen stellen / beantworten • Lösung (Wollen Sie Freizeitpartner werden?) • Abschied nehmen

Bewertung: 1 Punkt: Subjekt-Verb Übereinstimmung (= S-V agreement) 1 Punkt: Verständlichkeit und Aussprache 1 Punkt: Fragen zum Thema stellen und beantworten 1 Punkt: Vorbereitung 1 Punkt: Gebrauch von Vokabeln und Themen aus Anders gedacht

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Interviewbewertung Name: Name: S-V 0 0.5 1 S-V 0 0.5 1

Ausspr/Verst 0 0.5 1 Ausspr/Verst 0 0.5 1

Fragen stellen 0 0.5 Fragen stellen 0 0.5

Fragen beantw. 0 0.5 Fragen beantw. 0 0.5

Vorbereitung 0 0.5 1 Vorbereitung 0 0.5 1

Vok/Themen 0 0.5 1 Vok/Themen 0 0.5 1

Kommentar Kommentar Interviewbewertung Name: Name: S-V 0 0.5 1 S-V 0 0.5 1

Ausspr/Verst 0 0.5 1 Ausspr/Verst 0 0.5 1

Fragen stellen 0 0.5 Fragen stellen 0 0.5

Fragen beantw. 0 0.5 Fragen beantw. 0 0.5

Vorbereitung 0 0.5 1 Vorbereitung 0 0.5 1

Vok/Themen 0 0.5 1 Vok/Themen 0 0.5 1

Kommentar Kommentar

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Deutsch 201 Herbst 2005 Interview—Debatte Umweltschwein vs. Umweltfanatiker—eine Debatte! Sie werden das Rollenspiel mit einer Partnerin/einem Partner machen. Sie müssen eine Debatte haben und richtig gut Ihre konträren Positionen durchdiskutieren. Sie sind 100% von Ihrer extremen Meinung überzeugt. Alle anderen Meinungen sind Quatsch! Bereiten Sie sich mit Ihrer Partnerin/Ihrem Partner auf das Interview vor! Aber Sie dürfen keinen Text im Interview benutzen und auch keinen Dialog auswendig lernen. Sie müssen frei sprechen! Rollen: Person A ist ein Umweltschwein und findet alle Umweltschützer doof! Warum finden Sie jede Art des Umweltschutzes so doof? Was ist unbequem oder unpraktisch für Sie am Umweltschutz? Welche Probleme sehen Sie in der Einstellung von Umweltfanatikern? Person B ist ein Umweltfanatiker und will alle Menschen dazu motivieren, ganz aktiv Umweltschutz zu betreiben Warum betreiben Sie eine exzessive Art des Umweltschutzes? Was tun Sie für den Umweltschutz? Warum? Was sollen alle Menschen für die Umwelt tun? Welche Probleme sehen Sie in der Einstellung von Umweltschweinen? Länge: Das Interview wird ungefähr 10 Minuten dauern. Sie dürfen keine Hilfsmittel benutzen. Mögliche Struktur:

• Gruß & sich vorstellen • gegenseitig die Meinung zum Umweltschutz nennen • Debatte: die verschiedenen Gründe mit Gegenargumenten widerlegen • Lösung: Können Sie einen Kompromiss finden? • Abschied nehmen

Bewertung: bis zu 4 Punkten: Subjekt-Verb Übereinstimmung (= S-V agreement) und gute Grammatik bis zu 4 Punkten: Verständlichkeit und Aussprache bis zu 4 Punkten: Inhalt: eigene Position mit guten Argumenten und Gegenargumenten belegt bis zu 4 Punkten: Verstehen Sie inhaltlich, was Ihr Partner/Ihre Partnerin sagt, und antworten Sie entsprechend darauf? bis zu 4 Punkten: Gebrauch von Vokabeln und Themen aus Anders gedacht

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Interview-Benotung Deutsch 201 Herbst 2005 Name: Aussprache & Verständlichkeit 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0 Grammatik (S-V) 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0 Vokabular aus Einheit 1-3 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0 kommunikatives Verstehen von anderen 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0 Inhalt 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0 Kommentar _____ von 20 Punkten = ________ Interview-Benotung Deutsch 201 Herbst 2005 Name: Aussprache & Verständlichkeit 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0 Grammatik (S-V) 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0 Vokabular aus Einheit 1-3 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0 kommunikatives Verstehen von anderen 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0 Inhalt 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0 Kommentar _____ von 20 Punkten = ________

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CULTURAL PROJECT GERMAN 201 German 201 qualifies under Category 8, Global Perspectives, in the general education curriculum. You will have the chance to prove in the course, that you have satisfied the following competencies:

c) be able to describe, analyze, and evaluate political, economic, humanistic, artistic, social and cultural elements which influence relations of nations and people in their historical and contemporary dimensions; and

d) be able to demonstrate knowledge of cultural, social, religious and linguistic differences. As part of the requirements for the course, under the general education guidelines, you will complete a cultural research project which will count as 8 % of the course grade. You will be working in small groups of 2- 3 people, depending on your preference. Pick your team wisely, for you each group will be evaluated as a group. So please no slackers, as it will hurt everyone in your group. WE WILL HAVE THREE CLASS SESSIONS TO WORK ON THE PROJECT IN CLASS (DEC. 2 – DEC. 7) YOUR WRITTEN PROJECT IS DUE BY DECEMBER 8, 2004 AT THE LATEST, WITH FINAL REVISIONS DUE DECEMBER 13, 2004, (FINAL EXAM) IF NECESSARY. YOU WILL PRESENT YOUR PROJECT TO THE CLASS ON DECEMBER 8 OR 9, 2004. Several topics come to mind from course materials, but you may choose a different topic if you wish to work on a different topic. However, you will have to get my approval before you begin working on the project. Topic 1: Traveling and Leisure Activities: Describe in German what kinds of trips Germans favor and what they like to do on vacation or in their spare time and compare it to the US. What is the same, what is different? Why do you think there are such differences in vacation types and leisure activities and how people spend their time? Topic 2: Grimm’s Fairy Tales: Read at least two to three Grimm fairy tales in German (e.g. Aschenputtel / Cinderella, Schneewittchen / Snow White, Dornröschen / Sleeping Beauty etc.) and describe and compare in German the differences in content and plot to how Walt Disney portrayed these stories on film. Why do you think these differences exist between the German original versions and their US counterparts? What did Disney suppress and why? Topic 3: Protecting the Environment: Describe in German some of the environmental issues in Germany and the US that are debated at the moment. Do the US and Germany have similar concerns and strategies for protecting the environment? If not, why do you think that difference exists? Topic 4: Immigration: What are some of the problems that come with immigration that Germany and the US face? You might want to consider problems immigrants face in their newly adopted country as well as the challenges that societies face because of the immigrant groups. Describe in German similarities and differences between Germany and the US as immigrant nations. Topic 5: German Music: Describe in German what kind of music Germans listen to and what role music plays in the life of Germans. Compare this to the situation in the US, drawing out similarities

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and differences. You might also want to consider age in this comparison. Are there differences as the result of what generation people are in? Topic 6: A topic of your own choosing, which requires my approval Keep in mind that you will be writing this in German, so keep it simple and within the range of what you can say. Use the information and texts throughout Anders gedacht that address these topics, so use that information as the basis to demonstrate the competencies listed under Category 8, Global Perspectives. However, do not copy text directly out of these or any other sources (if you choose to research your topic on the internet and/or in the library), other than short quotes to make your point. It is your description, analysis and comparison that matter, not that of someone else. Your project should be minimally 2 pages in length, typed, double spaced, with each team member writing a different section. Please mark on your final copy who wrote which part. Presentation of project in class 2 Content (written part) 4 Overall grammatical accuracy (written part) 2 Total 8

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CULTURAL PROJECT GERMAN 201 German 201 qualifies under Category 8, Global Perspectives, in the general education curriculum. You will have the chance to prove in the course, that you have satisfied the following competencies:

e) be able to describe, analyze, and evaluate political, economic, humanistic, artistic, social and cultural elements which influence relations of nations and people in their historical and contemporary dimensions; and

f) be able to demonstrate knowledge of cultural, social, religious and linguistic differences. As part of the requirements for the course, under the general education guidelines, you will complete a cultural research project which will count as 8 % of the course grade. You will be working in small groups of 3 people. Pick your team wisely, for each group will be evaluated as a group. So please no slackers, as it will hurt everyone in your group. WE WILL HAVE THREE CLASS SESSIONS TO WORK ON THE PROJECT IN CLASS (Nov. 30 – Dec. 5). YOUR WRITTEN PROJECT IS DUE BY DECEMBER 6, 2005 WITH FINAL REVISIONS DUE DECEMBER 14, 2004, (FINAL EXAM) IF NECESSARY. YOU WILL PRESENT YOUR PROJECT TO THE CLASS ON DECEMBER 6 OR 7, 2005. Each group will be working on a different topic, chosen from the following topics below. You will need to do research in the library and / or online and quote your sources (a minimum of three – five sources) in your report. Topic 1:Einheit 1 “Das moderne Leben ist viel zu schnell! Auf Dauer ist das schädlich” React to this statement while describing in German what activities Germans favor for their leisure time and what they like to do on vacation or in their spare time and compare it to the US. What is the same, what is different? Why do you think there are such differences in vacation types and leisure activities and how people spend their time? Include Rede/Schreibmittel form Einheit 1in the textbook into your Kulturprojekt. Topic 2: Grimm’s Fairy Tales: Read at least two to three Grimm fairy tales in German (e.g. Aschenputtel / Cinderella, Schneewittchen / Snow White, Dornröschen / Sleeping Beauty etc.) and describe and compare in German the differences in content and plot to how Walt Disney portrayed these stories on film. Why do you think these differences exist between the German original versions and their US counterparts? What did Disney suppress and why? Include Rede/Schreibmittel from Einheit 2 in the textbook into your Kulturprojekt. Topic 3: Protecting the Environment: Describe in German some of the environmental issues in Germany and the US that are debated at the moment. Do the US and Germany have similar concerns and strategies for protecting the environment? If not, why do you think that difference exists? Include Rede/Schreibmittel from Einheit 3 in the textbook into your Kulturprojekt. Topic 4: Immigration: What are some of the problems that come with immigration that Germany and the US face? You might want to consider problems immigrants face in their newly adopted country as well as the challenges that societies face because of the immigrant groups. Focus on similarities and differences between Germany and the US as immigrant nations. Include Rede/Schreibmittel from Einheit 4 in the textbook into your Kulturprojekt.

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Topic 5: Die Comedian Harmonists: The three non-aryan members of the group left Germany in 1935. What happened to the group after the forced split up? What did the emigrated members do, what did the members do that stayed in Germany? Write a report about the Comedian Harmonists from the perspective of one of its members, reflecting back upon the experience. Talk about your successes as a group, your conflicts, your challenges with the Nazi-regime and the end of the group. You need to show awareness of the political and social situations, both in Germany and internationally in your report. Include Rede/Schreibmittel from Einheit 5 in the textbook into your Kulturprojekt. Keep in mind that you will be writing this in German, so keep it simple and within the range of what you can say. Use the information and texts throughout Anders gedacht that address these topics, so use that information as the basis to demonstrate the competencies listed under Category 8, Global Perspectives. However, do not copy text directly out of these or any other sources (if you choose to research your topic on the internet and/or in the library), other than short quotes to make your point. It is your description, analysis and comparison that matter, not that of someone else. Your written project should be minimally 2 pages in length, typed, double spaced, with each team member writing a different section. Please mark on your final copy who wrote which part. Your oral presentation in class needs to be minimally 5 – 10 minutes. It would be helpful for the rest of the class if you brought in visuals for your oral presentation, e.g. images or a power point, online statistics, audio files etc. depending on the nature of your project.

Presentation of project in class 2 Content (written part) 4

Overall grammatical accuracy (written part) 2 Total 8

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201 Kulturprojekte Gruppe: Oral presentation of project _________ / 2 Content (mostly written part) _________ / 4 Overall grammatical accuracy (written part) _________ / 2 Total _________ / 8 201 Kulturprojekte Gruppe: Oral presentation of project _________ / 2 Content (mostly written part) _________ / 4 Overall grammatical accuracy (written part) _________ / 2 Total _________ / 8 201 Kulturprojekte Gruppe: Oral presentation of project _________ / 2 Content (mostly written part) _________ / 4 Overall grammatical accuracy (written part) _________ / 2 Total _________ / 8

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Extra Credit, Ger 201 You may earn up to 2 points extra credit in this course. Writing done for extra credit in German should be approximately 200 words in length, with a 1:25 error to word ratio. Several possible projects appear below. If you would like to propose a different project, please talk to me. Use your knowledge of what you learned on these topics from this class, but you may of course use other sources as well. Have fun with it and let this be a meaningful experience for you. Find something that interests you. Don’t put this off until the very end when you will be very busy and stressed out. Do this sooner rather than later. Absolute latest day to turn in: Tuesday December 7, 2004.

• View a German film in German and write a review and interpretation of it. Write a brief plot summary of the film, but your focus should be on what you liked or disliked about the film, why you selected that movie etc. You can check out some German films from the Library and watch them in the video booths in the back of the basement. Or go to your local video store and check out the recent German film which won the Oscar for Best foreign Film “Nirgendwo in Afrika/Nowhere in Africa” or “Jenseits der Stille/Beyond Silence” “Good Bye, Lenin” etc.

• Pick a topic that was in the German news recently. Describe what happened and why it was a news-worthy event. Did this event get similar news coverage in the US or now? Why do you think that is?

• Americans are being perceived rather critically in many parts of Europe these days because of the ongoing Iraq war. How are you going to react/respond to this Anti-Americanism? Write response to your German pen pal who is curious about how and why America got involved in this war and why it seems that Americans are in favor of this war and support their president in this matter.

• Write an interpretation of any of the texts in the Anders gedacht text and workbook that were not discussed in class. What is the text about? Why did you read this topic? What is it trying to tell you and how?

• Creative writing: write a short story, skit, or poem in German about a subject matter dear to your heart or if you like; find a German poem and continue the story.

• You may propose a different project if you like, but please discuss it with me first.

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Ger 202 (4 50-minute contact hours each week for 15 weeks)

• This course covers Einheit 6 – 10 of the text and workbook. • There will be four exams, one each at the end of Einheit 6 – 9. • Each Einheit can take up to approximately 10 class sessions, to allow for 4 days for the cultural

projects and 2 days for the interviews, at least one review day at the end of the semester. • There will be two formal essays, process written. • There will be one formal interview (individual interview, abbreviated OPI interview testing for

intermediate mid proficiency) • There will be one cultural project to satisfy MSU’s Category 8: Global Perspectives

requirement • The final exam is cumulative, covering the entire semester, but will have a strong component

testing Einheit 10 materials. • Class instruction will be in German, including grammar instruction.


Percentage Preparation & Participation 30 4 Tests (8 percent each) 32 2 Essays (5 percent) 10 Interview 5 Cultural project 8 Final Exam 15 TOTAL 100

PARTICIPATION & PREPARATION see Ger 201 narrative above EXAMS & FINAL EXAM see Ger 201 narrative above AUFSÄTZE (Typed, double-spaced, written in GERMAN) You have two individual essays assignments. The topics of these essays will relate to one of the content themes in Anders gedacht you have covered up to that particular week. Each essay should be 250-300 words and will be expanded by at least 50 words between the first and the final version. Grading the Aufsatz We will be using the written rubric (see below) to assess essays. There is a total of 30 points for all versions of each essay.

4) Peer-editing workshop: there are 4 points for participation in the peer editing workshop (1 point for participating and bringing a completed essay to class, 1 point for giving your partner meaningful feedback on the content of his/her essay, 1 point for meaningful feedback on the grammar of his/her essay, 1 point for giving your feedback in comprehensible German).

5) First essay turned in to your instructor: there is a total of 20 points for each first version of your essay, and 5 separate areas are assessed. The written rubrics are used to determine your points. In the grammatical accuracy area, you are expected to achieve a 25:1 error ration for full credit in grammatical areas specified for each essay.

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6) Final version of your essay turned in to your instructor: there is a maximum of 6 points for your revisions. Up to 4 points for grammatical accuracy and up to 2 points for expansion of the content of your essay. You are expected to achieve a 50:1 error ration for full credit in grammatical areas specified for each essay.

Grammar points from written rubrics according to the student’s error ratio: First draft: Second Draft Student’s Error Ratio Points Student’s Error Ratio Points 25:1 4 50:1 4 20:1 3 40:1 3 15:1 2 30:1 2 10:1 1 20:1 1 9:1 or less 0 19:1 or less 0 Grammar based error ratio: Aufsatz 1, first draft: (250 – 300 words) (Mark and) count towards the 50:1 ratio:

subject-verb agreement (S-V) noun gender and number (G, Z) spelling (R) verb tense (T) case (K)

Mark, but do not include in the ratio:

word order (WS) Aufsatz 1, final draft: (250 – 300 words, plus 50 word expansion. This expansion is not included into the error ratio!) (Mark and) count towards the 50:1 ratio:

subject-verb agreement (S-V) noun gender and number (G, Z) spelling (R) verb tense (T) case (K) word order (WS)

Aufsatz 2, first draft: (250 – 300 words) (Mark and) count towards the 50:1 ratio:

subject-verb agreement (S-V) noun gender and number (G, Z) spelling (R) verb tense (T) case (K) word order (WS)

Mark, but do not include in the ratio:

adjective endings (E)

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Aufsatz 2, final draft: (250 – 300 words, plus 50 word expansion. This expansion is not included into the error ratio!) (Mark and) count towards the 50:1 ratio:

subject-verb agreement (S-V) noun gender and number (G, Z) spelling (R) verb tense (T) case (K) word order (WS) adjective endings (E)

INTERVIEW There will be one individual, 10-minute interview during the semester which accounts for 5 % of your final grade. During this interview you will talk to me about a variety of every-day conversation topics. You will be evaluated in terms of varied vocabulary, being able to talk about several different topics, overall grammatical accuracy and comprehensibility. There will be no class on the two days set aside on the syllabus for the interviews. You will only come to your 10-minute interview. CULTURAL PROJECT see Ger 201 narrative above EXTRA CREDIT see Ger 201 narrative above (although minimum length is different, see assignment below) COURSE GRADES, See Ger 201 narrative above SCHOLASTIC HONESTY See Ger 201 narrative above STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES See Ger 201 narrative above

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Aufsatz 1 Deckblatt Deutsch 202 Name: ____________________________ Partnerarbeit Workshop 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0 ____ You participated in the peer-editing workshop and brought your completed essay. ____ You gave your partner constructive feedback. ____ You gave your partner meaningful feedback on content. ____ You gave your partner meaningful feedback on grammar. ____ You wrote your feedback in comprehensible German. ____ You were absent in the peer-editing workshop. Kommentar: Aufsatz 1 Erste Fassung Organization 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Grammatik 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 S-V, N, G, T, K and R count in error ratio. Vokabular 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Sprachliche Flüßigkeit 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Inhalt 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Punkte insgesamt: _______ von 20 = __________ Punkte insgesamt (inkl. Partnerarbeit): _______ von 24 = __________ %

Kommentar: Aufsatz 1 Zweite Fassung Grammatik 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 S-V, N, G, T, ,K R and WS count in error ratio. Inhalt You added 50 words to your essay and they contribute meaningfully 2 You did not add 50 words to your essay or they do not contribute meaningfully 1 You added nothing to your essay 0

Punkte insgesamt: _______ von 6 Punkte insgesamt für Aufsatz 1: _______ von 30 = __________ %


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Aufsatz 2 Deckblatt Deutsch 202 Name: ____________________________ Partnerarbeit Workshop 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0 ____ You participated in the peer-editing workshop and brought your completed essay. ____ You gave your partner constructive feedback. ____ You gave your partner meaningful feedback on content. ____ You gave your partner meaningful feedback on grammar. ____ You wrote your feedback in comprehensible German. ____ You were absent in the peer-editing workshop. Kommentar: Aufsatz 1 Erste Fassung Organization 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Grammatik 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 S-V, N, G, T, K, WS and R count in error ratio. Vokabular 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Sprachliche Flüßigkeit 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Inhalt 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Punkte insgesamt: _______ von 20 = __________ Punkte insgesamt (inkl. Partnerarbeit): _______ von 24 = __________ %

Kommentar: Aufsatz 1 Zweite Fassung Grammatik 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 S-V, N, G, T, K, WS, R and E count in error ratio. Inhalt You added 50 words to your essay and they contribute meaningfully 2 You did not add 50 words to your essay or they do not contribute meaningfully 1 You added nothing to your essay 0

Punkte insgesamt: _______ von 6 Punkte insgesamt für Aufsatz 1: _______ von 30 = __________ %


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Deutsch 202 Interview Assignment The interview in German 202 will be a modeled after the Oral Proficiency Interview, an interview format commonly used in the US as proficiency skill proof for different levels of proficiency. You should be able to perform at the intermediate mid to intermediate high levels. Format: The interview will last approximately ten minutes and will include several parts: • a brief warm-up • a conversation on common topics related to student life such as family, work, study, living

situation, leisure-time activities, daily schedule. • a role-play situation such as asking or answering questions while on the phone or in a restaurant,

bank, post office, hotel, travel agency, or store. You will be given a card during the interview that will describe the role play situation to you in English and you will play the role-play with me

• a “probe” which is designed to push the student’s language production into narrating in the past or future tense, giving opinions on politics or social issues, offering comparisons, speaking about hypothetical situations.

Goals: Students should be able to: • ask and answer questions • initiate and respond to simple statements • maintain simple conversation • demonstrate grammatical accuracy in basic structures (subject-verb constructions, present tense of

regular verbs and some common irregular verbs, past tense of some common verbs, and future tense).

Tips: • Do not use English or ask the interviewer for vocabulary assistance. If you are unsure of a

vocabulary item or phrase, use circumlocutions! • Most importantly: relax! Grading for the 202 interview: 5 points are possible Ability to communicate about general topics (2 points) Ability to negotiate role-play (1 point) Subject-verb agreement (1 point) Use of recognizable past or future tense (1 point) You will schedule a 10-minute time slot with me during class on Thursday April 14 or Monday April 18. There will be no regular class on either of these days. You will only have your interview on one of these days.

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FOR INSTRUCTOR ONLY (cut up and paste on index cards with different colors) SITUATION CARD A I am at a hotel on the beach. I ask the clerk if they have a room with a double bed, a full bath and a balcony overlooking the beach. I also ask how much the room is and make a reservation for 4 nights. Finally, I inquire whether there is a good restaurant nearby. SITUATION CARD B I am giving a party this Saturday. I invite you to my party. I really want you to come so I try to convince you, even if you are reluctant. I tell you why this party is special, who will be there and what you should bring to my party. I also give you directions to the place where the party will be held. SITUATION CARD C I met you at a party two months ago and want to have lunch with you soon. I introduce myself and make an appointment with you for lunch that is convenient for both of us. I give you directions to where we will be having lunch. SITUATION CARD D I am in a travel agency Minneapolis and want to book a flight to Munich. I ask about the price of the ticket, when I can travel, what the restrictions are with the ticket (if there are any) and how to get to the airport. SITUATION CARD E I am at the main train station in Berlin and want to take a train to Stuttgart. I want a round-trip ticket from Berlin to Stuttgart and inquire about the price of the ticket, if I have to change trains, and at what time and from which platform the train is leaving.

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Grading for the 202 Interview: Name: Ability to communicate about general topics (2 points) 2 / 1.5 / 1 / 0.5 / 0 Ability to negotiate role-play (1 point) 1 / 0.5 / 0 Subject-verb agreement (1 point) 1 / 0.5 / 0 Use of recognizable past or future tense (1 point) 1 / 0.5 / 0 Comments: Grading for the 202 Interview: Name: Ability to communicate about general topics (2 points) 2 / 1.5 / 1 / 0.5 / 0 Ability to negotiate role-play (1 point) 1 / 0.5 / 0 Subject-verb agreement (1 point) 1 / 0.5 / 0 Use of recognizable past or future tense (1 point) 1 / 0.5 / 0 Comments: Grading for the 202 Interview: Name: Ability to communicate about general topics (2 points) 2 / 1.5 / 1 / 0.5 / 0 Ability to negotiate role-play (1 point) 1 / 0.5 / 0 Subject-verb agreement (1 point) 1 / 0.5 / 0 Use of recognizable past or future tense (1 point) 1 / 0.5 / 0 Comments:

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Interviewvorbereitung Sprechen Sie mit Ihrem Partner (per Kopfhörer)

1. Wie geht es Ihnen? 2. Wie finden Sie das Wetter heute? Was ist Ihr Lieblingswetter und

warum? 3. Was machen Sie heute? 4. Was sind Ihre Hobbies? 5. Beschreiben Sie Ihre Familie. 6. Wer ist Ihre Lieblingsperson? Warum? 7. Beschreiben Sie Ihre Arbeit und ihre Karriere?


A. You are planning a trip to Germany. You are at the travel agency and are making reservations for your trip. Ask the travel agent about travel options by plane. When can you fly? How much the flight will cost? How long will the flight be? Where can you stay in Germany? Any other questions you might have.

B. You are interviewing a famous German person for your newspaper in the US. Ask them about their career, how they like or dislike being famous and what kind of advice they’d give a person who would like to take a similar professional career to fame as they have. (think about a rock star or a famous author or a politician or an athlete etc.)

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KULTURPROJEKT DEUTSCH 202 German 202 qualifies under Category 8, Global Perspectives, in the general education curriculum. You will have the chance to prove in the course, that you have satisfied the following competencies:

g) be able to describe, analyze, and evaluate political, economic, humanistic, artistic, social and cultural elements which influence relations of nations and people in their historical and contemporary dimensions; and

h) be able to demonstrate knowledge of cultural, social, religious and linguistic differences. As part of the requirements for the course, under the general education guidelines, you will complete a cultural research project which will count as 10 % of the course grade. You will be working with a partner. Pick your partner wisely, for you each pair will be evaluated as a pair. So please no slackers, as it will hurt your partner. YOUR WRITTEN PORTION OF THE PROJECT IS DUE BY APRIL 4, 2005 AT THE LATEST, WITH FINAL REVISIONS DUE APRIL 11, 2005, IF NECESSARY. Unlike in Ger 201, where we focused on cultural topics we had covered during the semester, we will embark on a literary excursion this semester. Below you will find a list of literary topics. Some of them are specific works, others are literary epochs. It is your task to give us a plot summary of the work or a description of the most important aspects of that literary epoch with some literary examples (who are the authors, what did they write, what were the main topics of the time) as well as an analysis of why this work and author or epoch is important to the expression of German culture through literature and specifically for the time it was written in. You will give an oral presentation of your project to the class (ca. 10 minutes) and prepare 3 – 4 questions ahead of time (email me your questions by March 29, 2005), which the class will answer during your presentation. You will also submit a written presentation of your cultural project to me, which should be minimally 2.5—3 pages in length, typed, double spaced, with each team member writing a different section. Please mark on your final copy who wrote which part. Keep in mind that you will be writing this in German, so keep it simple and within the range of what you can say. You will have to do some research online and in the library for this project, that you will list in a works cited or bibliography, and use as the basis for your written and oral presentation of yoru cultural project as well as to demonstrate the competencies listed under Category 8, Global Perspectives. However, do not copy text directly out of these or any other sources, other than short quotes to make your point. It is your description, analysis and comparison that matter, not someone elses. Evaluation of the Cultural Project: Presentation of project 3 Content 3 Did you have three relevant questions? 1 Did you answer the questions of other groups well? 1 Overall grammatical accuracy 2 Total 10

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Themen für das Kulturprojekt Deutsch 202:

1. Das Hildebrandslied 2. Das Nibelungenlied 3. Hildegard von Bingen 4. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 5. Die Romantik 6. Der Minnesang 7. Martin Luther 8. Joseph von Eichendorff 9. Die Brüder Grimm 10. Thomas Mann 11. Gottfried Heym 12. Christa Wolf 13. Ilse Aichinger 14. a suggested topic by you, after consulting with me on it

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Deutsch 202/Extra Credit You may earn up to 2 points extra credit in this course. Writing done for extra credit should be approximately 250-300 words in length, with a 1:25 error to word ratio (S-V, T, K, G, N, WS). Several possible projects appear below. If you would like to propose a different project, please talk with me. Use your knowledge of what you learned on these topics from this class, but you may of course use other sources as well. Have fun with it and let this be a meaningful experience for you. Find something that interests you. Don’t put this off until the very end when you will be very busy and stressed out. Do this sooner rather than later. Absolute latest day to turn in: Monday May 2, 2005. • Visit Deutsche Konversation 3 times and participate for one extra credit point, or 6 times for 2

extra credit points. • View a German film in German and write a review and interpretation of it. Write a brief plot

summary of the film, but your focus should be on what you liked or disliked about the film, why you selected that movie etc. You can check out German films in the library, or go to your local video store and check out a German film. A recent German film which won the Oscar for Best foreign Film “Nirgendwo in Afrika/Nowhere in Africa” or “Jenseits der Stille/Beyond Silence” or “Europa, Europa,” “Good Bye Lenin, “”Rosenstraße” etc.

• Litter on the ground, some recycling, lots of cars and little public transportation—some stereotypes about Americans and their lack for protecting the environment. How do you respond to this? What is America doing to protect the environment, where can it improve its actions? What initiatives can every-day citizens take?

• Write an interpretation of any of the texts in the Anders gedacht textbook that were not assigned on the syllabus. What are they about? Why did you read this topic? What is it trying to tell you and how?

• Creative writing: write a short story in German about a subject matter dear to your heart or if you like, find a poem in Anders gedacht or a German poetry collection and continue the story.

• You may propose a different project if you like, but please discuss it with me first.

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