<*>£ * m v THE PEOPLE ABE CHEATED. ' P(G -e$rY v4^djjiag ndiSod » teemeiidcu* hubbub nud- flutter among retail itealera in gro ceries, [wpviisioBa, &c., in tkat city, by showing up the abort weights and adulterations almost universally practiced among Ahem. Aud pot w ly io Now York, hut city papers atl over the country have taken np the cry, and cow it is spreaiiug to the country—where, it ia thought posBibJo^tbe praetico muy obtain in at least a few cas®,' \Vo copy a fo\y extracts from the World , to show what its researcho3 htvo dovel- oped iri New York :— 1 ho ooinpiaints which arise' ou ail side,a from nousekrepers of the frauds now So oxtenaively practised upon them in adulteration and light weight® by retailers of groceries and provisions, have iouneed ua, in the canse of tho public, to enter Uilu £m exauiinhtion pf the tratiifulnoss uf the accssations,, the causey of the frauds, if they exist, and the remedies proposed by political economists and soeiaj philosophers fortbeir care. Wo liai]}, therefore, detailed a member of our editorial stuff to this important work, and uided by an experienced housekeeper he has visited' 8'ume liiiutlreife of tlie places .of business of ro- tali grocers, biiteliers. and provision dealers iq evory part of tliis city, and made extensive pur chases of the goods vended by them. To luscertaiu tp what extent adulteration ex ists m articles of food sold by dealers in this City, Batiples i, 1 .um: pumhtteius . ImvP-bueu sab '{ F lo u r .—For bulk tmjS weight, ilex* beaus, rye Indiaa.cora, pgtato hum, byjijateil Jiulpbate of lime, chalk, booeractli.plisttirofFiiriB.jKiwder- pdflinta, old or (iMnagod Hour. The eflcet of (the inferior flours maxed with wlicotm flaur is Localise the bread to absord muck mow water, ■nd thus add to its -weijglit bypabstitotingwater (for flout. Ajaipls «Bod (tr clve a proper taste t o adiulbe|»raa flour. t Cocoa and Chveohile^—b'or bulk ttifdbwuiglit, arrowroot, wheat, Indiam corn, sago, and potato flours, sugar, chicory, oocoo. ’ husks; old eea bis cuits, animal fats (as Jard und tallow), molasses, sulphate of lime, chalk1 . Por ooloiiiic, vetietiim red, ochre,red lead, vwiniltai,.iuid.yti]Ly w ochre. Oiir statement that hose’s liver is used as an adulterant of coffee has shocked many cf our readers of deiieate stonncpli. The process of iisiog tho adulterant iu Dsgiand is describ'd in Hassaii thus : After baking the horse's and bullook’s liver, it is groand into a powder, and sold to low prjoe opSee sluup dealers. Tbo best way to detect the adulteration is te set aside au infusion. of tbe suspected coffee, and if animal matter bopresentin a few days tho liqaid will omit an offensive smell. An English gentleman conversant with the process of adulterations in this own country in forms U3 that old coEfms litevro boeu ground up in London and mixed witb coffee to give it a peculiar and much affected! fluvor. \V« have not yet been able to asoerloiu if the practice ie ip vogue here, though w e tear our poisoners-of food are none too good for finch an atrocity. THB PaPElt PAV"KLGK FrUin> mitted. for chemieal examination to Professor Charlna A. Bwiy.-iv-o. 26 Tme stffiet, weit known as upracticai chemist, and mganileman who has mado a.spocial study of the hub} oct of adultera tions an>food. In sgito, however, of all ofliciate^and ail the regulations prescribed by .the city ordinance,.it ib notorious that false weights ara the rule rather than Ufa vXoepGon throughout the city. It is upvioiiajiiL rt-f.HL-, that the law is not enforced, elhher through the neglect or criminality of the officials designated to enforce it. I t is reason® rble to tujjjjjusti that the inspectors conld hove fonnd this year, if they had desired, several thqasaai cases of false or unstamped weights and meusurcs. , Result pf a few purchases :— Messrs. Richardson & Co.., 53 Vesey street, have a Jingo store, as well as another iu the vi cinity, und appear todrivc a steady business.-— Oor purchases at this place consisted of parcels of brown sugar, ground dbffee, tapioca, and sago. TheKa parcels jvere weighed1on-the official standard scales with the following result: Sugar, brown, eoIcTior three and , a iialf pounds ............................... 2 ounces short. Cuffae,ground Java, sold for half a poand ......................... j tjunce short. Tapioca,sold for one pound. f ounce short. Sago, said for one p o u n d 1 ounce short.' Tii« Joss by light Weight as above, on a barrel oi sngiu of 22j pounds would bo a little over bvVrti y, unIo , ou a hogshead of sugar ol SCO P “i-i'L- ’he Joss would be more-tinni twenty- eicbt. nciiind?. On a bag of coffee of SO pounds the losa would bo two and a quarter pounds. I , ,ii., i’lofwcor Sceiy ive huvo received the fui rvport: Sample containing brown sugar is not hdnl- terat. d. Sample contaiumg ground ootfeo has a variety of fercEiu mutter. 1 huvo tsepitrated from it barat yigar (coffee esccoce) chicory, and what I ro’.-ider to Im - roasted peas. The iufuslon by boiling deposits a fi ieulent precipitate which does nut belong t o genuine coflee. The percent age ot Iumu lori-ign muttera is, liowover, small. I am of the opinion nlso that the samplB con tains some Anierieao'coflve. Acker, Merrill A Co , fil Chambers street and W est Broad wny,—Purc-le. as follows, wero pap chased ut this woli-kuown house, and weighed on the official standard scajesy Sugar, powdered, sold for two puaads . ....................... Truo weight. _ Rosins, sold, far oue pound * ounce short. Citron, sold for ono pound... , j ounce short. Knapp & Gu.,3G‘I Hudson street.—This house enjoys n reputation for selling pure spices. Wo give Professor Seely's report on lie cheinicail examination of purchases : Sample of ground cinnamon contains starchy matter, supposed to be tapioca. Snmpl«of croond trmcn w|Hi which ie mired n funuarious sub-tanco supposed io be pulver ized crackers. Sontjiio marked cloves is a mixture of ground spic.es, io which cloves prcdfmotmto Thenrli- ole bits very little vnloe I t i s prohnhly'niaile np in jjront part o! n spice from which tlo es sential oil lius been extracted. Tho Treat American Tea Company, Corner Vesey and Church strcols.—This honso does an extensifo hnsiness, and has branch stores ih all parts of the city and Brooklyn. Tho following articles were purcUnsctl ut the central depot,and reweiglied on thu official -standard scales: Tea, Oolong, told for one pound. 1-Gounco short. Tea. breakfast, eold fer ttie jmudJ ( ounce short. Coffee, Juva, ground, sold for one pouol ..........................................True weight. Our readers havo had occasion to observe that during llit-se investigations light weight has gen erally yrevaih'd on leas, winch nre expensive, while the weights of coffees, which nro compar atively cheap, aro nearly always true. Tho ex tensive adulterations used in coffees may be ono reason why dealers- can afford to givo their cus tomers the benefit of-tho scales. The following is the report of Professor Seely upon the examination of two of the articles above named: Sample of tea contains some foreign leaves snpposed to bo of willow, also brolmn loaves agglutinated hy some artifice. Sainplo of cronad coffee lias chicory. , SliDiir, 49 Vesey Btrcet.—Tho name of Stiner will bs found over numerouiu grocery Btorcs in all parla of tlio oity. Tho honsB docsan exten sive relail business. Our purchases, rewoigled on tiie official standard scales, resulted as fol- i ‘ounce Blioit. lows: Tea, black, sold for hulPa pound Tea, green, sold for half a potand......................................... i ouuce short. Sugar, granulated, sold fer 31 poands ................................................. if- ounce short. Professor Seely’s report on the teas is as fol lows a Sataipio of green tea is colored by a substance in powder, supposed to be mainly Prussian blue. Sample of biaok tea is without mixture 'or adulteration. - At a branch store of above: Sugar, brown, sold for three ponods and a-half 1 ounce short. Tea, Oolong, sold for half of a pound ....................... J ounce short, Tko sugar, when weighed, wns in a wetstate, It 13 calculated by Prolessor Seely that sugar, by being moistened with water, gains over 10 iinr M 'M ifc. in weirrht. The -nraetico of wettimr W e devote a portion of onr space to-day to whnt seefasto come ne^tlaiord er ia the elass of exposures which The TVawld has niidertnkon, to w it: the enormoos fraiihs porpelrated by the puttors-np of paper paciigea o f stajreb, soap, soap powder, spiocs, and ilie various articles fer househoidTfifasumpUou which nre vended in this convenient form. This infc ccme ta b a ah im mense business, extending over the whole coun try, and the-names of tbo promfnent package manafpetnrera and dealers aro known to every fan)ily|iu the land from Maine to Texas. ’While moBt of them are doworijht swindlers. They cheat tbeircostomess.cspcciallyinJiiJbo weights. Of hundreds of pacfengesoff spices and other articles which our Ccrmniteioncr has examined, scarcely one of them, wttli paper, paste, and la bel added, comes nny where near tha pretended weight; indeed,they are soieiortof true weight as to mako the aggregate flhroughoat the coun try an appalling-swiadle=—Every koosebold' is plnnd-erea hy means of iliESa paper packages,. and besides being of short weight tie articles themselves are shockingly niolteratcd. O f these adulterants we shall speak by-and by, amd par- ticuiaily of the part lerr a alba plays in these packages- • .. W e riow come- te - . - * babbits tbacsi wowdes, which Professor Seely saji “consists of n mix ture of cream of tartar and feicorbonato of soda; the latter apparently ha® tlie iihpudties o f alow grade of the commercial article.” Yeast pow ders should be composed of cream of tartar and soda, hut both should be puma to insnie success in the culinary process to nhich thuy aioapplied. A soda which is impure tdtl of conne impart imparities to all articles with which it is incor porated. Report is mado by Professor Seely upon a sanipLo packago of UOKSiORD’s SKOF-aAISlNel IMtUO lltEJ'AEtAUQS, which is a patent article,, mud offered to th e pub lio aa "unsurpassed for making brea.d, biscuit, cakes,and pastry; warranted to give ported satlsfnotion if tho dixeotaoiia nra followed.” , v I’rqfesaor Seely says thii -“is a biking powder contained in two packages, The larger package consists essentially «f a. mixture or acid phos- iknto-or lime aadfltarclu Thonunnller package hi-carbonate of'sodn.hnviBg tho impurities Of Iaw-g«ulaof the comcntipcial «rttel«A’ v. WHAT TUB SEWIt® DBtSK at the most aristocratic, liEgh-pricod resorts in New Yo.tk.wkerefrom 30fcoDI) cents n glass is paid fofbrnndy and w1iisfcoy0may bo jnlged from the following:— Metropolitan Hotel.— Saanple nuafced brandy ■Wator.’CG per-cent.; oleholiol,it-t; contains light traces of tnnnan axnl fusil oiL, and a very mull quantity of sugar. Is an iniilo-lion brandy. Sample marked IlonrUon whiskey— Wuli-r, te per cent.; ulchohoi, 32. Contains a very small quantity of tanainnndsapmr.and a considerable quantity of fasil oil; is a f»tr whiskey, act suf- Sciontly rectified, iui«l is ilil-utod with waiter. Aster Honse.—No. 13. Samples marked iioarlion whiskey—Water, "2 per cent.; nko- Uol, 28; contains a little luiniii anal sugar, but no fusil o il; isa vory puarowrhiBkoy, eatcept that it Is dilated with water. , No. 15, Sample markoi lirundy— Water, G2 per cant,; alcohol, £8; contains traces af tan nin and sugar, but no fusil oil; is tho best spec imen, und is probably u pure brandy dilated wilh water. Fifth Avenuo Hotel.- -Tamplo marked Bour bon whiskey—Water, TOper cent., alcohol. 30 Contains tannin, a littlo Eiijrar, nod no fusil oil. Is a good frhiskoy, to No, 13. No. 9. Samplo markcil lirandy— W ater, G-l per cent.; alcohol, 36. (tonlniuB tannin, sugar, anil fusil oil. Is nn iiuttalaon brandy. Delmonico.—Sfttnplo iwnrk&d brandy—W a ter, GR percent.; alcohol,32; eonlahiBtraces of tannin, sugar, and fusil oil. Is an imitation brandy. No. 3. Sample mnrlniS Dotation whiskey— Contains considerablo tamnin, tho largest quno- Ttly rtf sTignr, and a little Insll oil. - St.’Nicnolas Hotel.— 8»nip!e marked Bour bon whiskey—Water, 70 per cent.; alcohol, 30; contains the largest qirnitHy of sugar, n little tannin, qtid thb largest anmnnt of fasil oil. No. 20. Samplonmrkta Imndy— Water, 70; alcohol, 30; contains a small amount o f tannin, sugar, and fusil oil, w ith raisin aud plum flavor, is an imitation of brandy. Out of nine different samples or brandy, pro cured at the best placea Ini town, there are but two whicli be pronounce; gon-oine, nod wen of these he enn only say that thoy aro probably real brandy. If this be tho fact respecting these aristocratic drinking shops, what sort oi stuff is ilmt whioh is retaited im tho corner grog shops to the great mass of coxnitmers? per cent, in weight.^ sugar Is very extensive he practico df wetting ong grocers. Tho above are fair samples of’a'great many cosob reported. And now for its report in oth er departments •— 4 & the Extent op adulteiiatjon. Tbe adulteration of food in this city has be come regularly systematised. There are actual ’ Iy large establishments, doing an extensive busi cess, aoieiy m the preparation aud salo of adulidrants. Tfie grocer Tsjln communication, With those bouses, and sends for his ground beaaf, bone dnstMM); (o’rpepperdustr), or-what nb.t, as he has occasion. A* very common adutderant used in coffee apd' pepper .is ground slip bread. Large quantities Of old or damaged jbroad.of. tliifl kind accumulates iu tliis jiort, from ships arriving from loDg. voyages. Sailors Will •not oat stale'bread when tliey touch shore, and the enrplijB on board'is therefore soid. There areregolar buyers of-.tbis stuff, who grind it and sell It as an adulterant to grocers. Some of the BJufterants, like chicory, are becoming ex- ponBive, and mow even they are beginning to ' be aiinltofnted. ' f. O nr readera will be surprised to ieara the humiber and .yariely Of the artioles ' used iri the adulteration- of food and liquors; and perhaps be struck with tbe apparent inappropriateuess of some of them. We give a list of them, gatborod from tlie best authorities. Ail the adnlteratfts have been found at One tiine pr another, by English, Erench, or American chem ists. in the articles named: * T«a.—Tiio adultihranis fonnd are exhausted tea leaves ; leaves of tbSbeaeli, elm, horso chest nut, plane, fancy oak, willow, poplar, hawthorne; and ,alow; starch, rico husks, excrement-of silk- wonnS, and sand. For coloring tho tea are used rose pink, Hatch pink, vegetable red, and yej- iow ilyes; chrome yellow, Venetian red, Prussi an feliie. Sulphate of lime, verdigris, carbonate of topper, orsoiSite of copper; Chromate, and bi- chromute- of potash, ciirbohato of magnesia, bl'ao!; lead, soap-stonp, logMWOpd, indigo and tmmric. For the taste are used catecha and sulphate of iron, — Aduiterants used for bulk and weight are ohieory; roasted beans, acorns, mangel-wnr- zdf roasted wheat, ryo, and potato flpurs, roost ed peas, parsnips, sweet potatoes, inferior .or ~ tja'iiigwl cofToes, anwdnst, mahogany 'sawdust, old ne’a biseui'ts, oak .bark tan, and brick-d uat.— F ot Cohn-, bnrnt sdfear, madder' root,, roasted hone liver, fi nd burnt blood haye been tiaed., -^Iptos,—Wheat, potato, poa^nd sago.flours, givt inii ricii.grouudoil-cako. woody fibre,powdor- ..•d -r'.ove staiko, cassia, arrowroot, P. D. (or pep- por dostL linseed roes!,-feustardbhsks, and ooin- N um m ary ol' IS'e’vTw. LOCAL. This Wrateier Record fob 1866.—In look- jog ov«r our weather notes of thu past year and Comparing the=m with tiiose of previous seasons, tlmie wuuld pertainly seem to bo good ground fei aho asaorttxm that onr wuuther and tempera ture orq becoming more characterized: hy.qx. tremea.than qtf urd, In i vory year of the poet five we liavo keen called npou to note more marked peculciirities than heretofore, and the season just passed has been no exception. 18G8 is remarkable for the coldest Febrnaiy arid the hottestJiily-iia- 20-jears; and for the very rainy and protracted clisagreerfbie weather of tho-an- tumn ) add perhaps most of all for having had leu c-onBecutiwo clear days in the launlh of Mareii—did o-iiy old Olsegonian ever know the like before V _ Onr statement that tho total avemga of one year with another is alike, still holds good, 18G8 being almost aiientical in temperature with the previous twenty years. Tlie fellowitju is our condeuaed stuteuieut for the year Average of Llio Thermometer: Morning, 37 j°; 2 p. m. 504°; 9 P. m. 41 -f0; minimum 36s. Highest IlriBoperBtafo”? a. m. July 33,73”; 2 ji July 4th, iiG"; 9 p. n. July 15th, 84°. Lowest Tonxporatare: a .- sr. Feb’y 231, -24°; 2 p. Jt-Eeli^y 2J, -5°; 9 p. n. Fnb’y 23d, -12f, Average Temperature: a. b, 2 p.'ji. 9 p.m. First thi-ee mEMth s . 14|' 27 i ° 19" Second !! ...... 47 Off 61 Third . ...... 61 77 . 6G Fourth “' ..,.,.371 5U-i 41 § No. of (Jlenr Days, l l 2 ; chmdy, 80 ; Btwmy, 83; part olear, 71; part Stormy, 20-- Wind—North,®Gdays-; South,90; Fast, 3; West, 48; Nforthwest, 60; SonthneBt;, 54; Northeast, 36 l Southeast, 9. Rain—Totafiquantity........ 37 43-100 hlohes. ■5W First three mcmths. Second Third ............ Fourth “ .... Greatestquautnly in May Least quantity inaJuly . Luke cIoaeiL January 6 No. of days ckreed, 100. 5 91-100 .. 13 13-100 *' : 9 10-100 •' 9 29-lOtr « 5 76-100 . , 0 89-1O0 *' opened Ajcii 16 - K. , Will rif H annah Dxdsbick, late of ths town of Oneonta, deceased ; letters testameniaiy grant- ed to Shorman W. Slade, the F.xecnttr named in said will.' Will of R ichabbL eantnq late of tie town of Milford, deceased; letters testamentary granted to Mary Leaning and William Sqpilrew.the Ex- ecntors named in said will. _ Will of A bkaban Bkckeb, !at« of the town of Worcester, decerned.; letters temtamentary granted to Maria D. Becker, the fixecatrix named in said will; Wiil of Wn . um STRisoEn, late oF tho-town of Cherry Valley, deceased ; letters tcatament- ary granted to Charles McLean,"the Executor .named in said; will. Will of A manda Jawx, late of tfio town of Pittsfield,, deceased;; letters testainenttary grant ed to Hiram A, Mrit'feson, tho Exeemfor named in said will. Will of Kiustus F ui. i. ek, lateof ths town of; Worceater, deceased; Jotters testumenliiry grant ed to Elisabeth Fuller, the Executrix: named in said wilL ' ' 1 -- Will pf Wiraun N ichols, lata of 4he village of Cooperatown, deceased; letters testamenta ry granted to Ebenczer Nicho|s, tha Executor named in said will. Wiii of Atikjal Hanks, late of tkiu town of- Weettord, deceased; letters granted to Gitty O. Groff, Administratrix. - Maroaskt Mabtiw, late of the tows of Bur lington, deceased; letters granted ft> Hamilton Baker, Administrstor. " 1 O riando R. Stowill, Uto of the town of; Middlefieid, deceased 7 ; letters granted to Jones ; Stoweil arid H enry Stowell, Administrators. - Okson Gbo«', tet» of the town of Decatur, deceased; lottera granted tp Owen P. Groff, Administrator. J ebosha S. Chase; late of tho town of Mil ford, deceased; lottera granted to El Bf. Chase, Administrator. A bbam M ann, late of the town of Worces ter, deceased ; letters granted to, llargaiet Mann, Administratrix. ■ v Letters of Gnardiariship have been granted of the. persons and eatates of the fallowing named minors :— EnwiN V. O. WrasKLEH,of the townof Ote go; letters granted to Edwin R. Wteeler, Gnsr- dian. Marqebet Osbobn and Mabia G snitno, of the; town of TJnadilla; ,letters granted to Eli Buck ley, Guardian.' Clinton K. Mikok, of the townof Unadilla, letters granted to Thomas P. Jewell, Guardian. E ita RoBrNspfr, p f khe tBwu o( Itichfieid ; S ale of the Seminary P roperty.—VYc have omitted to make mention of the purehnse of this property, together with what is known aa tho ‘‘Seminary? farm,” by II. F . P hinney, E s q , until we could nt the same time announce more It-fioiitely Mr! P.’s views and plans pertaining (o the Semiaanf in the futaru. Bat inastnuch u» thu purvhasp lias bt-iu announced ia Albany nnd New York papers—one ef the latter stating that the buildcng would be fluted op aa a sum mer hotel—it a ay as well be made known to onr readers. We are not authorized to speak tor Mr. PiriNNKY bn the matter, bnt bave fceon ir- formed, und w?o truBt not incorreetty, tlurt he bos in contemplation tho establishment of a first- class Female Seminary, Wo know that Mr. P. bus tbe canse of F.ilucntiou and tbe growth nnd prosperity of tflils village at benrt—and we there fore incline to tho opinion that Madam Itcmor lms not misrepresented him in this important matter. Wo Have no doubt that a .School of that character wonld receivo a liberal patronage. Pav This Month.—We hopo thnt overy per son indobtedbous for tbo Journal, nnd all who sro in the babul of renewiug their subscriptions with tbo comnnmcoment of tho year, wall wake payment durlmg the present month.' Piease do not pnt us to Mho expense and trouble «of send ing circulars ox letters. It is a small nutter to each subscriber, and shonld be promptly meL Persons indebted for publishing and printing, am also requested to mako payment Iberetor during this month. Coi'.vrv Mkhucal horiBTV.— 1 be seiui-nouual meeting ofthe? Otsego Oounty Medical'- Htjcioty will bo held nBllie Hotel of Wm. A. Knee iu Schenevus, oin Tuesday tho 19th insL Thero will be uiy, aitemoon and eveuiog session.— 1‘byeicinns froan neighboring counties arolavitcd to bo present. Horace Lummor, Hoc. of Bishop Potter, of N«» York, Is said to pur pose resigning. The widow of Confedorato Goneral Walker has jnBt died, Sha was the sistonof Adjutant General Towdsend, of TNe-vv Yorfe DONATION VISITS. Ib e friends of Itev. 1). I), MILLKIt, are inriteii to nmko him a Donation Visit, at Ids resiilenco, Hart wick Seni in m y, tVedmesctay, Jnnunrj 7 3 , 18GD. Tbe friends of Her. IJ. T, TALBOT, sro invited to make him a Donation Visit :it tbo Dillon Faotory Hoarding House. Taddsville, on Tuesday evening, Jan 12. A general ttUcndimco is requested. ' MAR1EED. At the house of the brfdVs father, Der. 31st, 1868, hy Rev. AV . L. Thorpe, l£r. JAMES A.. (IORDON, of Cherry VaUey, to IQss P1IBBE ATSJT, of Ihis vil lage, A-t tho honso ofE. D. Hills, inthis v-iUage, Jan. 1st, 1869, by Rev. W. L. Thorm, Mr. J.T. COOTOVEB, cf Esperahce, to Miss EI.LA K- TOOJtS, of Oaks, ville. DUD, At Detroit, Alicb.. on Ststday, Oct. II, in tbo 76th yeicref her age, MAltlA UGRBLL, wido-wof Hon. (lEan0E'MbBEi.n, of" Detroit;, for" raamy years areai- den-t;of Cooperstown, araddiitdghterof tliodate Gen. S amoel B. Y vebB, of Olnvolaok, Coluiiihiii Go., N. Y. At Washington 7telgirts,3fow York Oity, on Iton- day, Deo,14, JULIA Jfpt'fGHELL, w-ffo of J ohn.B. Ciioncii, Jrl, only (langkittr ofthe fato'Xoiiii Ches- TKit, of Detroit, Mich., and grand-daughter of. Jlrs. ItoiiEi.i,, agcd 28 years. 8he loaves_a.njnfaiit a few days old. . . _____ 1 THE MARKETS. HEW TdiBS HAEKET. . New Y<mi, Jau. 4,1869. FLQUR-—7,400 bSls a t the ;follbwlag . p r ic e s .. SujJerfipo, State ani Western,.. -,.. - ffr 90© 6 20 OdBitiip'nto choice.eitmStato........ ft 85© :7 25 •Cbnimoii'to Cliolco c^traVe'Btoru., . - ft 65© 7 90 Good t o cUahsfc v?h'ite w^fifb-fc exta*a.. . . 8- 30@10 00 Qommoii tp choice Poand Hoop Ohio. . 5 SO© 9 GO OoiiiitioDtb faiJr^ extra S t . IiOiiifl..... T 50©^8 GO- Gocd'td choicc St.Xbuis'..- ® 60©l2/00 HOPS—Mr. ‘Wells 05791 ‘While tlio late licivy sliip- Europe seem to 3iave sotLTGClr iiitkde any impresaioDi lipon.oifr limnfenso stcolk* the fiict is ap* .parent that there is a acflrcity of fine hops, aud it ivould not surprise u^toBee fln earlyand material advafice on such; hut on36.ff and meditim, gradea tliferc is bat littloibopo ofttoi improvenieivt,. Exports from tlio port of New -tforlc during tlie -past two •• weeh9,38§9bfllos. The Ifcst namber of thej^ondon ■Brewers’ Jonrn[ilt <iUoteg jV.mericaii Hops at 84s to .90gand£5-5s. The Bmnoiiraal says, tfic importe ■iniporteu froni New.Yoir^ Imports Tit<> Liverpool from New Yorh during tlie same ponoi, <5,278 bales. rKGVJSIOIJ’B—Pork firmer bnt quiet; sales 776 bbls at the ibllowiog prices: tfe.w M ess ...... .... . .. •• J28 JP Old Mesa ■ 1 27 ,<> ram s!:;! 22 00 @ 23.50 Dressed liogs flrnior n l L 2 jal 3|o for W er’ern, and 78 jal3jo for City. J.ardlmor: sales 99.0 lletcoa at, tCMSJo for steam-, and B JalSle for kettli! render- iodi Bntterstendy at:2SnlJe for Ohio, inid lOaSOc foi- Cheese firna at llilfllc. .. MONEY MARKET. GOLD—4854. : GOV 'l SEC (JRlTIES4-|Eho following ate the latest qaotatiOnS, . J'ive-Twcnties, '81 (oonprens)------ Five-TiVontles,'62 ,(tdaj«*s) .... i’ive-Tv/onties, '64,(ooriprenj.. Five-Twontles.'dS. (ou-umn)....... , Fivo-tfwehi|oe,.'65 (new ) .. . . . ,... Eive-Tweritjes, 67 (oqaiiom),.. . . . . . . FfW-Te>hrifi«»> ’61 (oenpoaiii),., . Goskoo Owntv ScnnoiiATK S C'ovnr.—The fellowiog WilHs have been admitted to proliato siuce the first lay uf May, 18Gb \V ill uf MnaiiiT-r D eto, Iato of tlie town of Miil- illefldd, tlecoiuscd -; lcttars tostamentniygrJintod to M'illmm Taabor, tho Kxccutor named in said Will. Will of .Sera B kookb, into of tho towu of Morris, deceased ; letters testamentary granted to George nud William Bennett, the Esceulors named iu anidi will. , Will of Lm S tf . waiid, Into of tho town of Slilferd, deceased , Tetters testamentary grunted to George W_ Sayor and Daniel Burn cy, the Kxccators uaniiod in aaid will. Will of Stikphen L. W illiams, luto of.tho town of Otsego, deceased ; letters testamentary granted to Mary'Williams, llie Executrix named in said will. . Will of IH knky Osner, late of the town of Richfield, deceased; letters testamentary grant ed to Orlandm Griffin and Horace,Snyder,the Executors nanned in said will. Will of Dmvid N ichols, late of the.town of Edmeston, devfeasqd ; letters testamentary grant ed to Noisorn Deming, the Executor named in said will. Will of Betsey E. Rouse, late of too town of Burlington], deceased; letters testamentary granted'to SmlomonL. Robinson, tho Executor named in ani«l will. Will of Owi. ver G illett, late of tlio town of Middlefieid,(Lecoased; letters testamentary gran t- ed to Abraham I. Brown, the. Executor named in Baid will. Will o'f M oses Coats, late of the town of Roseboomfld-eceascd; letters testamentary Issued to Lester Goats, the Executor named in aaid will. Will ofJ”ohn P. H ollenbeck , late ofthe town of ’Worcester, deceased ; lettors testa mentary granted to Peter Hollenbeck and Samuel Robtiins, the Executors' named in Baid will. Will of W illiam B rown, into of the town of Richfield, deceased; letters testamentary grant ed to LaFnyctt Brown, the Execotor named in said will. Will of M eloba Morse, late of too town bf New Lisbon, deceased; letters testamentary granted to David S, Smith, the Executor homed in said -syill. Will of Uarius ST. Garv, late of the town of Richfield, deceased. Will of JFeter B arton, late of the town of Laurens, deecaseil; lettere testamentary granL ed to Peter Barton Jr. the Exectitor named in said wil,' . * . . , . ; ^ Will of Deloss Brownell, late of the town of LaurenBg deceased; letters testamentary granted to Clarissa Brownell, the Executrix named.in soaid will. Will'of D uther HARnisflato of the town of Morris, deeer-sed. Will of IftLi.iAM W e I jb, late- of th e , town of ButterniitB, deceased; letters testamentaiy granted to Ceorge Webb, the Executor named in said will. Will of ’W illiam B rady, late of the town of Plainfield,d eceased; fetters testamentary grant ed to Elizabeth Brady, the Executrix named in said wiil. Will of A dam T ruax, late of the town of Ot sego, deoonaod; letters testamentary granted to F.lecta Trnax and Tallman G. Smith, the Exec utors named in said will. Will of John Golwell, Jato of the town of TJnadllla, d«coaaed; letters teatamentairy.grant- ed to Riifms L. Goiwell and' Milo E. Gregory, tho Execnbors named in said -will. Will of M atiianiel B eers, late of the town of Morris, deceased; Ibtlers tostamentary.grant- "od to Olivmr Beers and Catharino L. Beers, tbe Execntors mamed in said will. ‘ Will of J ohn L ank, Into of the town of Lau rens, deceased ; letters testamentary granted to Elihu Lame mid Oornalias Lane, Exefkjrira Edmeston, deceased; letters testajnemtery grant ed to Eton G, Dntton, tho.Execntor named in said will. ~ Will of Chaunov Judd, late of tbe town of Exeter, deceased.; letters testamentaay granted to Amelia Judd, Lewis O. Juddi and Richard- Russell, the Execntors named in aald will. Will ol William H ardy, late uf {fco town bf Springfield, deceased; letters testaxnomtary grant ed to Jo ln Hardy, the Executor riainsd in said will. 7Vitrols-AD6ij,5ti?s S eeder , late off the town of Springfield, deceased; tettors. testamentary granted to Warren Seeber and Jared 51. Robin son, tho Exequtora named in said will. Will of Mary J. W icks, late of tfco town of Butternuts, deceased; letters testamentary granted to Abel Sill, Ihe Executor named in said will. Will of P aniel B olton, late of tOie town of Burlington, deceased; letters testamentary granted to Jedediah P.SiUjthnExeeator named in suid will, Will of P eter (June , into of this town of Mflford, deceased; letters testamentary granted to John Cline and Matteson Bisseffl.the Ex ecutors named in said wilL Wili cf Auqi'stib F oote, late of Uo town of Morris, deceased; letters'testamentary granted to Sedate Foote and Noah Wood, tie Execu tors named in said will. Will cf WilliamW ellman, Iato o«f the town of hausens, deceased; letters testamentary granted Id Hannah Woliiaari and Martin Well man, the Executors named iri said woll. Will of Cassandra, Andrews, Luto of the town of Unadilla, deceased; letters lestament- nry granted to Luther L McHonoW, the Ex ecutor named in said will. Will of A lansqn Graiiam, late off the town of Middlefieid, deceased ; letters testamentary granted lo David Keller, one or th® lixecntore named ta said will. "Will' of S amuel S cofield, Ioto of the town Laurens, deceased; lettcis testamentary granted to Eben Scofield, the Excculpr named in said srill. Will of P lisv Shkfard, Iato of ttlio town of Otsego, deceased; letters testamentary granted to Truman Shepard nnd Willard SJiopard, tho Execntors named in said will. Will of D iana Cole, into of tlno town of ’ittsfielil, deceased, letters testamentary grant edto Milena A. Holt, tho E xecute named in said will: Will of Jade2 Gnoss, late of lino town of New LtaboD, duccasud; fetters teslumentary granted to Mlio II. Gross, Ono o f thcil'bcecators named in said will. 'v Will of 1/h‘ira St, John, late of. Mho town of Otsego,, deceased; letters testamoutairy granted to Itabocca Ht. J«Uo, tbo UkoccIi-Im noioej In said will. Will of Amanda P otter, late of ttlio town of Hitrlwlek, deceased ; fetters or ndiailnistration with the wili annexed,granted to Sltiflield Har rington lho general Guardian of the Infant lega tees named in said will. , Letters of Administration ira-vo bwon granted upon tho Estates o( tho following named deccaH' ejl persons I ’uKur.iuuK S. Marsh, late of tbo town of Unadilla, deceased ; letters granted lo Alvina SI. Marsh, Admiiiislratix. ScmDVLKR B absi. er, Iato of thcTosvn o f Robo - booni, deceased"; lutturs granted tm James L. Daily, Administrator. "William R ichardson, late or tlie town of Onoouta, doccasod; letters gfahtesl to James C. llicbaVdson aod Austin Ricbardsan, Adminis trators. Petek W iles, late of tlio Town- *ef Oneonta, deceased ; letters granted .to Lnvinai E. Wiles, Administratrix. J osei'h S. HopiuN8,late or tho town o f Otego, deceased ; letters granted to Lacy A. Hopkins, Administratrix. F vrhett W. Gttorr, late of tlio town of Springfleld,deceased; letters testamentary grant ed to I ’headore L. Grout, Administrator. H esby B. Livingston, Into o( Uio town o’f Laurens, deceased; letters granted 1o LesterH; Wiasor, Administrator. Ira S. Morrison, late of tha town of West-, ford deceased; letters granted to Mttkon Bid- Inke and Orrin Brcese,'Administrators. Solcman P iper, late of tho_ tpwn of RielF field, deceased; letters granted to Elisabeth Piper, Administratrix. Mabv E tta Aiajer, late of ttao town EdmeBtbh, deceased; letters, panted to Floyd Chamberlain, Administrator. William N elson, lateof the town of Cherry Valley, deceased; letters granted _ic Elizabeth J. Nelson, Administratrix. Justus H ull, Iato of the town bf Exeter, deceased; letters granted to Lovina E.Hull. Administratrix. O. E. Blakkslke, late of tiie town, of Otego, deceased ; letters panted to Mutfianiel Blakes- lee. Administrator. Harvev SHEpHARn,late,of the towa of Oneonta, deceased,; letters granted to Hea'ry Shephard AdministratorJ H isam CHApi.Nilate of theHownSof -Hartwick, deceased; fetters granted to Marion Chapin and Henry D. B.rooks, Administrators, i V seasa MAii-riN|lateof- the town of Richfield; deceased; letters granted to M. Do V . Martin Administrator. Bdvin F erris, late of the towa of Middle- field, deceased; .letters graated to Amanda' Feri-is, iValter ,H .Ferris .an<J LwRoy .Ferris, Adriiinistrators,' S us>n W. Gorton, late of tho t»wn of Otego, deceased; letters graqted ,to Johm H. Wheeler, ■Administrator. W arren A. Hunt, late ofthe t®wn of Exeter, deceased ; ietters granted to Ellen M. Hull; Affrninistratix. * Nancv ‘B urnside, late of thetown of Oneontdf deceased; letters granted to S . 8. ;Administrator. D avid Mc Laughlin, late oF ihe town bf Plainfield, decensod; letters, -graated to Sarah' A. hlclxmghlin (nd John W. McLaughlin, Ad. minislrntors. T homas Smvth., iate of the town of Cherry of letters granted to Elizabeth B. Robinson, Guar dian. ' Gsorqb W. S tory, pf the tovyn cf Cherry Valley] letters granted to Ohas. MoLean, Guar dian. . H annah O. Epsos, of the town of Unadilla;, letters granted ,to YVillis F. Edson, Snsrdian. A lleson. W . P oitkk, of the tovn of HarU wick; letters granted to Sheffield Harrington>. Guardian. A ljce E. B rass, of the town of* Unadilla; letters granted to Joshua B. Bragg, Gnardian." E llen D. C ook, of the town of Otago; letters granted to Solomon X, Yonmans, Griardiap. W illlaj! H. Watson, of the towa of Unadil- la; letters granted to Arnold B. Watson, Guar dian. E mma B ishop and Oslo M. B ishop, of the town pf-Oneenta; letters granted to Adeline Giie, Guardian, H attes J. Thojip- son, of tha town of New Lisbon; fetters granted to Harriet J. lull, Guardian, J esse B anker, of the town of Miry land; let ters granted to George Somberger, Guardian. E lizabeth Eosinson, 'of the torn of Rich field, fetters granted to Elizabeth IL Robinson, Guardian. K ate S tohy, C leveland R, Stoiiy, Edward C Story nnd A. n» a L Stoby, of the town of Cherry Valley i letters granted to Chaa, McLean, Guardian. F rans L Mahsb, of the town of Middlefieid; letters granted to Lnoy Marks, Guardian. Cellanno A, PorTER, of the town of Hart wick ; letters granted to Sheffield Harrington, Gnardian. E mM a S hepherd,o f tho town of Oaoonta; let ters granted to Isaac Shepherd, Guardian. Daniel W. Hon., of the town ef Exeter; letters granted to Ellen M. Hull, Guardian. A lfreb H . R aoljsv, of the towa of Morris; letters granted to Eleanor 0. ITatightaillng, Guardian. • L e R oy L umlbv and A u u Lincur, of the town of Cherry Valley; letters grouted to Eliz abeth Lucnley, Guardian. E lla T aft, of ihe town of Milford; leltors granted to James O. Barnard, Guardian. J enny Stoiveu. end Mary Stowtha, of the town of Middlefieldj letters granted to Jonas Stoweil and Homy Stoweil, Guardians. J uski- ii P eauleii, of the town of Cherry Vol ioy; letters granted to Malinda Stoornburgh, Guardian. S herman II axjuck anil L aura H alloce, of lho town of Worcester, lotteisgranted to Philip LV Dorwin, Guardian. Clarence J. Gianni, of tho bom of Exotor; letters granted fi CatluHine D. Uigbie, Goar- dian. NORTH, SIVER A CO,, Bankexs and Dealera in Ekohaoge. I,OAN8iua6o (am negotiated, . i 7 39 u d other IL B. Bouda bought and aoM. 7 C0LLEOTION8 made In all paxta ol trie counlry With proioptmiii, and at low rates. IJi’TBBKST iljoyed Qn Depoella. DRAFTS on New! Yerk bought *nil (old. 0»AD«l,t,i, Onego Co., N. Y. 42tf RICHVIELI) TOWN BONJDS, FO« SAlt AT the second hational bank OF COOPERSTOWU. A limited Auiount o f tlieeo flrat olasahome aeouritlej, luuedriythe townof Klcbfleld lnald ot TJH oa and 8; V .R . R , now being built to Rlcriflctd Springe, are OITuieC Ior j«l« In sumato suit. They lire tamed In *100, $800 and *1,000— imj-»Dle In 15 to to years, with 7 per cent, semi-annual interest, D. A. AVERV, Cashier. Cooperalown, Deo, 8,1868. i 40tf Second National Bank ot Cooperstown [apceisaOa io ih* «A»* o r coopmstowh ] QOVERH1CEIITAGESCY AND DESIGNATED DE, P08ITAEY OF THE UNITED STATES. * OA3PiaflA%, *300,000, T. SI lL, Fre.'tr D, A,'AVERY, Unihler, TKE ot tills Baalc affordr to peraont of email eunlngi an excellent and convenient place of deposit, Intereat ba- ing paid on x.11 anmi. - ' -..tl, S, BOSTDS o l alj Inner purchased lor inveatora, or aold ou order. TOjTN and other BONDS tqr awe. DR AFTS on England uud Ireland In nuns to suit. COLLECTIOItS promptly made on ali accesalble points af lowest rites. 91 ' JN’o t . i c . e a s . BANKING HOUSE, - -- - TATENTED 06T. tT.MOS. Dy^solTer thi0iiBple|6Mdmo9tu*«ful ueano, P. BoxueUold Apparei prMfintedto the pub* ILKKIl’SI LUfCID. D y e ? , take no etllerElnd. T31i-{L H R EED A COta.Manuraoturera, Boetjcn. X J sb Rtes’a CnauicALBeosoa B lacxiko ,thebeast Dxesslux and Blacking lor Ladles'' »hd Ohitdfeu's Bhdts, Rubbers, Ap.____________ - ' ' Otsego Go. Mvertisemeats. . MrDDMFXELP, B, T, lirQTJDD, SAY TO . HiS FRIEiaJS, TT (IMi'hMauyj tbatns la M*el»ta*, daHj, ■ law AGENTS WANTED FOR THE SIGHTS & SECRETS O I THE NATIONAL CAPITAL, rk descriptive o f Washington City; itahigll and ; Its maxniacent publio edifices; ita hidden isjdls villalnlea and corruptions; tha Ipiide A^ Work descriptive of lo-w llie; I— myrleriti; auu . . . . , um wvrKluga of the Government; bud showing how mo ney Is squandered j how pirhllo aervanta perform their, traisin; how rings are managed!howufflofala are bladk- taiilod; how counterftltlng H carried ph.; and nil' about female Jbbb“ ‘ ’— ‘ - - , HSTJHIW . - .............. - riotas m anfm soen* lolka,aiour,OAta:i*M*.ao_*; tut what we have edit be‘sold a Id Mb Setow cost. The stook oonslttaln part of . (trat Ow Mlgh- iLv'FiKOKjpS ONE PIECE ALPACA . .... SIX YARDS HEBtNO—.(Twltlad oi om ads.) TBBKB YARDS WEST yff BNGJLA»P EftpAP, CLOnr-COdf aelghbor* lay ItwakniaSehK MstouJ ONE PIEOE DNIGNT 0 AS3tiERE,ifNctallwqol) THJREK HOOP 8E IR T S-(A Uttle out ot«t]rl«,bnt hot mncb went.) SIX YA.RD3 DENIMB ONE umbrella —(With handle brokets ONEPAIK SQDARk-TOED BHOES-rCWe. 9,fer the peoplejand ia the apiolest, most absorbing, land cheapest book of the day. lew Send for Circulars; ydlb Terms, So. Address UNITED STATES PUD- LIHHINQ CO., 411 Broome Street,New York City. TITA-NTED—AGENTS—TO SELL THE AMER W LOAM KNITTING MACHINE. Frice*25 - The s|mpleat,bhenjpe8t and best Knitting Machine ev er Invented. W ill knit 20.000 ititchee per minute. Lib- .eral indncemonta to Agents, Address AxikioamKnit- Tr»o M iru mt On ; Ilo»ton, Maer -— * -- - PORTABLE SrEAK BBGINES. ONE PI'ECE OIL CLOTH—(Not >■ good M «M neighbors;) , _ ONE PAIR PANTS. THREE VESTS. ONE-CAT SKIN HUFF,aa good as new. Also,* few NOTION B. " ONEHALF DOZEN JEWS HARPS—Wprrantsd. FIVE HOXES WOODEN'NUTMEGS. Am out o il) ABBWOOD H A U S,but will have aome in a fevy daya. ONE PAIR OLD BOOTS. ONE SET BOGWOOD JEWELRY. TWO SECOND HAND TOOTH BRUSHES. TWO TIN GAT HOLES IN SHEET IRON. THREE PAIR SPECTACLES; for blind anl«e,and ONE BOX FAPElt COLLARS, Don't nil call at once. N-AtromrllEHKT,—All.peraoniwhoee notei and ae- couiiti arelong paat duefwiU pleaaacali aaad.paTrup (by th« *tb o r July, 1S-Q, aa, according t b (reeeent IndJ stioclrtullTieed moner mon atttm tlin -tdua new Mlddlefteld. Dec. I0, ISCg, ' ' — Thete Machines require no brlck work; mounted on legs they are especially adapted lor use lit ililla, Shop*, Foundries or-Printing Rooms,—or mounted on wheels they are adipted for outdoor work, Threshing, Wood _____________ _____________ ____ Sawing, kc. See Rural.New-Ybrker, o f August 16th, while it Is being tied. Farm, town i ISM, flret jage, 4 3 - Clrbulars with desorlptlnit tad^-ftrxale. AddreM OLENDOKE fc pricea funplshed on application to A. N. WOOD A ' . Co 30., Eaton, Madison county, New York. - CJ. W. SMITH & CO., e A lS T E K iX tS e COOPERSTOWN, ». V. orrtc* ta bihohjix a jakvisi*oh clad nuiLniao. ■INTEREST p«dd on deposit*. LOANS made and negotiated.1 U. S. BONDS, f 30 Nor*3, and all the leading secu rities bought and sold. ------ TO WN BOND'S ol Otaego and Middlefieid lor sale COLLECTIONS made on all part* with prompt ness, and at toe lowest rates, DRAFTS o» E bolakd, Iixlaxd, and all other por tiona ot Europe, tin snms to suit, FASSAQE-T-iCKETS to aud from EaatAHD and I kxuaxd by eteamor-ssll. Cooperilown, September1,1868. T4 B A N i c T o F ^ o n F E G o , OTSEGO COUNTY,N. Y. fo l l b t t T c a r v e r , BANKERS. INTEREST p a ll on deposits. Persons of small means, adding weekly or monthly thereto, may depoe lt wlihthie House omcrmj full aa tavotable aa those of u y Savings Bank*' LOANS made and negotiated. U. S. BONDS, I SONotea, and all the leading moot- ttlea bought and eold. COLLECTIONS made on all parta wilh prompt ness, and at the Lowest rates. DRAFTS on England, Ireland, and *11 other por tidoa of Eturopo, in trams to suit. PASSAGE TICKETS to arad from England and Ireland hy aleana or sail. S. R. FOLLEOT, ltf E. M. CARVER. MOORE’MBAISKlNtt HOUSE, MORRIS, N. Y. ESTABLISHED, I83D. Buy and sell,nd the most liberal prlqes GOVERNMENT BONDS of all Ijiuea. RECEIVE DEPOSITS and negotiate loan*. COLLECTIONS promptly atleadedioera ali pofdt*, at llie lowest rales. DRAFTS on Eogland and Ireland. PASSAGE TICKETS to and front England and Ireland. COUPONS on Govennnentundtown bonda bought. TOWN BONDS, (exempt Irom taxation) Issued to aid lu building the Midland Railroad, for sale In de uomlniUona to siilt. Morris, N ov. 4» ISOS. A. G. MOORE, Hanker. Sm35 F uke Fassm, lier-otoforo issued ho lavishly by the A. A S. K. Ii. Co., by a , resolallon of tho Directors wero cat off on the 1st Inet. This is a reform in the right direction. Tlio road is poor, and needs alt tho incogno wlilch properly belongs to it. Its free passes hava curtailed its yearly receipts thousands of dollais ; nnd there is’no reason why thoyrihould bo feaued to per sons not in tho employ of tho company; they beget a spirit of favoritism, and mako to the road moro cnomics than friends. W hen the 0oo|iexatowu road commences busi ness, it is to be hoped it will al together ignore the free pass system. Lot all who wish to travel on it bo placed oa a level—then thero will bo no cnuBe fer dissatisfaction. D onation.—Tho friends of tho ltev. IV. L. T horp aro requested to mako him a Donation Visifeon the afternoon aud evening of Tuesday, Jan. 12th, n t the 5L E. Church in Ccoperslown. The company will fco served with refreshments. U nadilla S chools.— The Trustees of the Unadilla Academy appeal tq the public for aid to pnt the building 1n repair. I t i s owned by individnals, as a corporate body. Would it not be to the interest of the village to Bell the build ing to the School Distriot, and fit it up as a Graded School? I t is not easy to sustain an Academy and a first-class District School io the same village. ------ G olden W eddino.— Mr. and Mrs. H iram F owleb, of Otego, celebrated the 50th anni versary of their marriage on the 25th ult. The Beoord s a y s * Thfa worthy couple were nrarrioi at Sand Hill Dec. 25th, 1818, aad have since lived in this and adjoining towns; they were entirely de pendent upon tho labor of their orahanda for a livelihood, but by perseverance, industry, and good management have-been enabled to secure lor themselves a good' home for thclr old age; havo raised a family of nine children, seven of whom are living—five being present-1-,also fivel grand-childreb, - , - Causal* Baku.—It ia uld that Mean. Dnke A Co., (proprietors of tlio P lantation B itters) ue the largest liepurtereef VtlUsya Bark tn this country, und (hut, with the exception of un occasional « le , all tbey Import la rued im the compounding of Iheir celebrated, P laxtatiox IkT-r«aa,-to which they undoubtedly *rs Indebted lor tlieir wonderful health restoring proper ■the A il Tonic snd Appellter they are not surpiAMd and we cheerfully reoommend them. AU .flrnt otas Druggists keep them for aale. Maokoua Wmrira —Superior to the best Imported German, Cologne, and aold at halt the price. S v _ ^yo-'* Mtntr- WHgor,' FOR THJUJtaMNOVATION OF THB SIAlll The Gieat Desideratum of the Age. A dressing wlElcU I s at once ogrcoable, healthy, and effectual forpreaemug tho hair. Faded orgray hair ll noou restored to Its original color and the gloss and fttehnuiofyouth. Thlnhalrl*thickened, faUlnghalr ■checked, and baldness often, though nut always, cured by ita use. Nothing can restore the hair where the foil!, etna a n derrtoyed, or the glands atrophied nnd decayed, Butiuehaaromalnn can he anted for tuelhlnesa hy this application. Instead o f fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, it w ill keep lt olean aud vlgoreps. Its occa sional use will pre vent the hair firom turning gray of falling off, snd'Consequently prevent baldness. Free from there deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and Injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit hut not harm It. If wanted merely for a HA.IR DRESSING, nothing else ean ho found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, It docs not soil white cambrio, and yet lasts longer on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre aud a gndeltil perfume. PREPARED BY PR. J. C. AYER k CO, Practical and Analytical Chemists, XIWKLL, MASS. PRIOE *1.00. SoldbyO. M Hoof, A. A, Ja*vis,W. A. Consroei, Coapers[owu,'aud alt druggists and dealers every where. A-t wholesale by Dickihsok, Comstock h Co, Utloa. lyo q : U A. Rl’ERLY REPORT „OF TH condition oi the Second National Bank o f Coop> croTown, on tho morning ot the first Monday o f Janu- ary, lSfla. \ tjeSOUBCES. U.S. Bondi to «cure circulation ........ $225,000 00 <* «* <i Depoalb........... . 50,000 00 •Other U. S. Bondi....................... ; ........ 25,000 00 Notes aud Bills Discounted......................... 392,094 28 Overdrafts.............................................. 2,707 10 IteSTBstato.. ............. 15,160 00 Current Expeiieea.................................. GOO 00 TaxW Paid. ..................................................... 1,092-79 Vremiuma.............. 6,000 00 ’Cash Iteins, lucluding Revenue Btampi ' 5,013 41 Due from National Banks....,........................ 39,889 39 - Other Bunks and Bankers 57,810 40 •Notes ofN&tion&l B anks.. ............................. 1,702 00 Specie...* ..... .............................................. 2,803 00 Fractional Currency.................................... 1,288 00 legal Tender Ifotea.. .<&............................ 41,000 00 Borhaide y % HOUSE A ttn IibT PdJt dAEB. EOR-SAJLE— A Hoibe and Lot containing on e tore of ]Mid, in Ihe Till.ge of Jackkonville, Laurens, with good buildixgs; alio fruit trees sufficient lor .family's use. For farther psrtiou. lij-s Inquire ol the llibloHber. Jan. 5,1869. 8«r4l« JESSE 1C. 0UTLER. FARM tFOR SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER will bell hls larm, couteioing-about 200^ aorea, 'situated _____. iii’the to w ef Hartwiek. Siid.rarmifl weH watered; running to the honse and Hra; like tine Old orchard, and a new ou,e re-eet of clioije fruit, whioh la nearlyto'U'heartagtmie'' haa 42 acreaOfhop land, . .. a .x*.. -a-. rirar ------------ ’ fet' neWlv aet ;' the hDUdinge are ittafair condition "laereaoftiiii! - - * MWJt, ________ ^Ivnevr. Improved style, tweeu COand 70 acres o f timber upon tlxt place'; -The hop-kllh id nearly B&'w, and is tiuut upon the Draft or’ ehVlA A partial payment would be derhiatted upon’ sule, tlie remaluder to suit the purehKerr-ESluiie 3Sf the O u t W A N TED —200’ ;B ; i j f*t prime Hops,to 111 will bo paid by >• Milford, N. Y.,Jlul. 6 ALBS SXTRA CHOIOE fill orders, for whieh cash Di WILBUR A SON. I. 4 2*44 -. 114* 111 i 107 108, 107 107, , 107i jiftmedJnihid-will, Talley, doce'aaed; letters: grautel to Ohas. Me loan, Administrator. F ranois A. Barnard, iato of the town of Milford; deceased; letters .grapteul to Anno E. Barnard and Broderick F . Bui-nar.), Admiqistra- tors.”' T heodore A. E ddy, late of thse town of Mil ford, deceased:; letters granted to Hannah W. Eddy aud John Sweet, Administrators. J ohn F ritoiibb, Iato of the town of Worces ter, deceased:; lotters granted to Clarissa Fritch- :«?, Administratrix. ; W illiam H. G roit, iato of (he town of ADRIXINIBTRATORS' bale . DNBBRSIGNED,. -Adminibtba-' tdre of the cat.be of Stephen Croaklilte. deceased, will sell at public auction, oa SATURDAY, JANUARY 16,186B, at l o’blook P. M., at the house of Csleb Clark, In Burlington; Oteego Co., the followiug dnerlbed proto, crty, viz: Twelve ehzrea of the caritsal etoek of tne Weet Wlniield Bmk. One bond and mertg.go for *1,000;,given by Hiram Bush and' wile to Stephen Cronkhite. The whole o f said mortgage w ill be due April 6th, 18)0. One Bond and mortgage given by Lemuel H. Ensaett and wile to Stephen Cronkhite.— Amount unpsid, (1,450 00; all of wulola will he diieon the 12th day.ot December, 1870. Atiso 'a number ot promiaaory notes and accounts against different per sona. Also numerous articlesof.p<ra«aal property. Termed, sale. Ciuh. 2d NAT’L BANK OF COOteisTOWN, > , , December 12llV, 1808. J iCrOTIOE IS HEREBY GITEN, that X t ibe annual meeting of the StoeUielders of this Bank, for election o f Diireotors, will b e held ct tbeir Banklhg.House, on Taesdsy, the I2lh d»y of January next. between the Jiours of 2 end 3n’«look P. K . on tliatdayf 4.»«1 -D. A, AYEHY, Caeliler. WORTHINGTON NATION AL BANK,) Ooqperstown, DeeembirlSth, 186S. j ANKDAL ELECTION for D i rectors of thli iBank, will be held at the Uanklng isd.y, January 12th, 185#; at 4 o’olook JOHN WORTHINOTON, C.elil.r E fi WAYS of Makiso WREAT, RYE asn CORN 3U BRKAD from Tried Receipt., will be found In '•ARTRUa’S BOHKJUOAZIHtn for Janu- axy, 3S6!). Twipty cents a number. Get It from Newe A rente; oreendtheprlcetoT. S. ARTHUR A SONS, Philadelphia; and It will be promptly iriailetL- AMERICAN U NION. PRICE REDUCED! 8 2 .5 0 A Y E A H . Tills iavcrite Family Journal will hereafter he seat bo subscribers lor $2.60 .per year. ▲ gratis copy sent one year to any poreon who obtains six names aud for? wordB them with the money to us. In other words, we will fiend 7 copies for $ 16.00, This makes the Uhio The Cheapest Story Paper in M a lta . its columns are Olled'with Capital SioaiEs hy the beat ’Wfiteiej ahd that charming variety In poetry, wit &nd general miscellany, so well calculated to please all levers of good reading. - _ m w rs THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! •Single eopies,six centa All dealers sell i t Addrepg ELLIOTT, TttOMES & TALBOT, Boston, Haas. P RIZC8 CASHKOinRoyalHavaaaiKea' ciaeky* and Miasdvirt .Lotteries* Circulars sent and iolormatlon given. JOSETH. BATE8, No. 78 Broadway, New York. POlt-Qfficg B ox, 42BL _____________ ________ 1 1 7 ANTED, AGENTS, ITS to $800 .per month, VV everywhere male and female, to introduce the GENUINE IMfKuVEDCOMMON 8ENSKFAM ILY BERING MACHINE. This maclfine will aiUoh, lieuj, fell, tuck, qa&lt, cord, bind, braid and em brelder in a meat superior manner. t*rioe only $18 — 2Tuliy warranted for five years. We will pay $.1000 for any machliie that will sew a stronger, more beautiful, or tnore elastic seam tlian outs. It makes the “Elaa- feioL « k SUck ’’ Every second stitch can he cut, and (111 tlie cloth cannot bb pulled apart without teariaf at. We pay Agents lrom $76 to $200 per month aui «xpeniea, or a commUsion trom which twice that amount nan be made. Address SEUOUB A CO, TirisBctQu, P a , Bostov, Mass , or 5 t Loins, Mo €aaaitlan,~Do not be imposed upon by other par* aifB palmtDg otf worthless cast-iron machines, under the same nume or otherwise. Oura la the only genuine nud really practical cheap machine manufactured. AGENTS WANTED TbssH Gzorr. KoWttiS Co’S AMERICAN JVEWSPAPER DIRECTORY. A hjniliome Octavo Volnmo o f SOOcages bound lu cloth, l’zlce $5.00. It coutuina accurate Lists o f all 4te-New*B*lieM -suid-Reriodtahi ^ublhhaA Jo tlie Batted Btates jrad T.rntorles, aud the Dominion of Canaria, and British Colonics of North Amerloa; to- adber willi a description of the-Towcs und Cities In ■which tliey ure published. Kvexy Bualneaa w an!, lt. _ ^ Kvcxy Profcaaloaal Man want* It. Evexy Advertiser rnnat have It. Largest Commlsaloa>« paid. A town can be canvassed for this book in one or two dara, and from $1U to *5U secured In commission — Adv.nco (lieeu ehowlng the style ot Ihe work now m d y and will Le -ent od application together with lermn to agente Address NKLSUN CIIESMAN, No 40 Park Bow, New York_____________________ W 4I1UJS OF WISDOM fnr Young Men, on Hie- Unlieg Passion In Youth end Early Man hood, witb Self nelp lor tlio erring and unlortunalo. Bent la sealed letter envelopes, fteo ofchorgo Ad Qfees l’ltlLABil'HROS. Box P. PhlUdelplilq Phofifig , Ot8EaO COUMTf, NEW YORK, MtamUetan aaulaslTfly I^or HomB Trade, y: ALL*iaB* 0» . . .• Plain and Fanoy of u*«r *Bd di^r»bUityl**i *feo, w h jtb aw > p o x o R B U , 1 ‘^ W L t r t e a ^ a x o b ^ S f o r CLOTHS, at current, P. O. AddraMeCooramtowit.NI Y, : * snu . FOWH PVUP OlOGBRY. AM HOW REOBIVING‘ a sew iuf- ply ei GBOCKIIIK8, whleh wllf to sold ehaap for ■lh. and araAigwhicbantlufoUowUfartieUa: FLODK ot tbe obole«st.bmda,__ CODFISH, TKOUPud XACKEBEL, ' TEA. COFBE, SUGAR, ^ GOLDEN 8YRUP, (vary cholcej MOLASSES, .CANNED FRUITS, STONE WABK, ■( CONFECTIONERY, YANK EE NOTIONS.to. Alao, Ooaa, OkM,TxaD,4oe; FRESH OYSTERS Mmi-wMkly iron Fair Havaa, oud FRESH CLAMS, Cdopwriowto Nov. 4.38<S. E?N- GRISWOLD C HRtSTMAS GIFTS olnjr awT ooiaityrlghU FAB8M. _ Coopantcrwn. ll, Y, Cooruaiowx, Oori 7,185*. H ailng seen yards previous to picking,aad. axaajaed and bonght Hopa after being cured, that war, trained . Tl on Olendorf ond Parahxll’* plan ef t n l a l c g . ____ prepaiedto aiy, tbit,In my Judgmenttltia tbe beat plan for tntnicg I ever esw. to aeearo a brl|nt, rloh, marketable Hep, X think they aiitare earlier, giv ing ihe grower a great’advantage to aecnrw hia hops before mouldwouli” ■-* ■' — =■■ ----------- . ... w ---- -_A«**».l_ ,T_ -------- ------ tlotuly reoommend if as being the conceit plirn of ' --------- - JEDEDIAH F. SILL fore mould would ■ lo)are them. and. 'O.m oonHlen oily- rroomr— ‘ ’• — •—*-■-■ -------- * -- training Hops. x Coopzairowr, Nov. 6,1848, I bave been well satisfied ln the cue o f Olandorf am Porshall’dplan o f training Hops with one pole to tin hill, Ina portion ot my yard the past aeuoc. both la respeot to qaantity and quality of fruit as well as rcon- omy. The late Edwin Newell, who took; charge of used two cedar poles to each hill. 97 DORR SHfiSBLL. A CHAJLLiENGE " T O T H B W O R L D r ) PRODUCE A MOHTVE P0W 1E that can be used for * Churning and Puntpixag, or for any other purpose, where a light power I* ttaed- etf, eqiialt© this. * I t oan be woundup in from fire totemmfxmfeeUme, ao that it will ran from oue to five hours. Patented September17.1888, by M. V. B. Rowlkt, W'orceater, Gtiego Co., N . Y . , where th e mmohUdea oaa be eeeii iu practical shape fur Pumping^ Ch.umlo|, 4*0, Town, County and State Sights for aale on rewoui ble tenma by tiie patenteec. Jt* V , B . KOWXEY. Worcester, Oot 8,1863_________________ 0m31 AHEAD OF THE GABS I W . E. STi.OKNEY, havino bsfiitid bit Tannery in Milford, hy putting la a sew Ste«m Englns, Is prepared to do work hy steam, and will keep constantly on hand all Umls of L E A T H E R , Including FrenohCalf, A c, Ao, Haring also put tn a run ot stone, will keep eon stonily on hand, supply of G rroim d. F eed . * 3 r CUSTOM 1701111 will be Hone on liberal (eruii, mod with dhpitch. The hlghestmuketprice will bepild forOira^jju ^Ml’lford°?)c1 t.J8’ 'llo°d Ht°Ml 31,f ’~Su8queBarma^House3 OMEGNTA, OTSFGO COUUTY, N. Y. please mnd eatlsfy his guest*. ■WltH well supplied tables, polite attenllom, and well, farnlihed rooms, boarders w ill find a hom e, snd travel ers an agreeable resting place Oneonta Morob l 1868, otf J. <J, TIDE. WE ARE ON HAND ! And are prepared, on account o f our Immense iscumsb ur aniisxm, and ol tho Boexkciaiion in Mincnaa dis* of *11 kinds, to offer loom Ageftu anil the public, nor o n r Cottoks, suf au kimds or Goods at L oss vm . cxs T..K xv.a . ktom* orraxxD V Any person that will send to us for printed notices ol 00 artlofea, with *5 enclosed, con receive, F R E E O F C O S T , n selection of one o f the following articles MCues’ Fur Muff and Tippett, Silver-Plated'TOW Pitohcr, I,eptne W ’atcb, Wool Long Shawl, 1 pslr Blanket*, Ao , Ao For additions! particulars, 8END FOR OUR NEW OIBOULAR FOR 1809. THUS. L.-FKNNO & CO„ No. 62 Elm Street, Boston, Moss. TKE PATENT’MAGIC COMB WJU color gray hair a permanent blaok or brown.— Sold, cvmryWhere. Sent by mail lor *1.26. Address W M . FjMPTOA, Treasurer. . Magic Comb Company, Springfield, Musa. FREE C E K T *T FOll A S T A M P . A PAhlPIl LET oontalnlng valuable Information on li. tho subject of Advertising. A Ll>t of over One Thousand Newspapers, (tii* bkst Advektisiho MMi nus,) and price cards showing advertising rates. Ad- dte>8 GEO. P. ltOYYBLL A CO., Mew York. M O N T H L Y TRADE CIRCULAR, FOR JANUARY, 1869. C Oin\A INING aHstuf valoable aod useftU ariicica for sole at ONE DOLLAR each; also, liberal iu- ducemcoh for forming Clubs. T t also contains ihfobkatioh, Yniicn w s tiiinic, WILE. DB IMPORTANT jn>_AKY_l»KRaON 8RNDINO MONEY to tdr Gift 'Enterprise One Oollak CosoikNi. ft I btho opinion o f tiome of bur City aud State offi cials, that itth b otrcular is circulated in all parts of the country, it would be the means of saving a great deal of money,'which is now lost by tending to these uulawlul concerns On account oi our immense trade, and oi tlio depreciation in Merchandise, we are now oilering to Agcnta better indubeihenta than ever be=- fore odft!red. Copies sent free to any address. AN D R E W S Ac OU., Q4r E lm S t., (formerly 108 Sud- bury8t .3) B oston, filaaii. _______ _________ $867,850 48 LIABILITIES. CapltMStockptid in...................................$300,000 00 Circulating N otes.. ........................... 200,000 00 Individual Deposits........................................ 278,282 40 U. S. Deposits... ................................. 14,401 81 Due NartonalEanks............. ................. *.. 1,716 56 Due other Banlcs.ahd Bankers. ................. 341200 SurpliiaFund.o. ........ X* 60, 000; fl 0 Profits i < ............. . 19,538.00 $867,050 43 STATK OF-NBWtOBK—CouNrrox OtsEQO,—I, D. A. Avery, Cashier of the Second National Bank of Cooperstown, N. Y1 ., do solemnly swear that the above statement’is trne tojhe bert bf ray knowledge and be* lief. D.A-AYKBY, Cashier. Sworn to and subsbribed^etorenie this 6thday of. January, 1809, Samuee A. Bowrn, Notary Publio. Q UARTBRIjY REPORT of the Won- thinglon XJntlonal Bank of Cooperatown, On the nr»t Monasyoff January, i869:— ' y'-- '. .RESOURCES. •’ Lohrn nnd Dlaoouhte ................ . uqihof N.tlbmll Banka..-.,. Real E ttate ......... Furniture and Fixture*.. . ................ OoShltenM.. U U. S. Bpn®................ ......................... Town 11 oe;1 b ... ............ . Due from Bank*. . LegalTendfers..,,............. ........ .*80,382 26 421 pO 446 78 . 2,000 00 .020 50 , 1,548 27' , 68,000 .00 , 3,000 00 , 14,438 90 . 10,742 00 *168,5084 ....*60,000 00' '10,000 09 .,. ' . ‘ 44,601 OO .... 59,345 60 2:500,80 144 86 . LIABILITIES Capital;, ............ ..., Surplus.. u, .............. ................ . i. Oironlatlng N otes. .................................. . Due Depositors.. ...... ...................... Contingent Fiaud..................... .. ................. Profile. .„ ......... ..... *160,698 80 STATE OF NEW YORK—Coburg of Orasbo-I John Worthington, Ooehler of the Worthington Ka- tional Bank, do eolenmly awear thait' the above State, ment; Is true to the beet of my knowledge audbelief. ? JOHN WORTHINGTON, Caehier, Sworn to and anbsorlbcd before me, this 4th dayof January, 1869. U. Boor*,, Notary Publio. THE AMERICAN ff EWSRAPEE DIEECT0ET —V?H*-BE ISSUED FEB. 15/1869, SUBSCRIPTION jPHICJK, - - - $5. 9 WILL CONTAIN: A List of the Newspapers and other Periodicals in each Stale, Territory, Province and Colony, Arranged Alphabetically by Towns, giving the Name-Days o f Ibbu^, Size, Subscription Frice, Politics of Gene ral Charuoter, Circulation, Editor's and Publisher’* Names, Date of Establlahifcent^nd other information. A list of Towns and Cities ln the United States and Territories, and the Dominion of Canada and Biritlab American Colonies in which the Newspapers or other prriodlcala are published, arranged alphabetically by* Counties, giving Population, Looation, Branch of In- dastry from which it derives its importance, and other Information! A HANDSOME OCTAVO VOL., OF 800 PAGES, BOUND IN CLOTH, PBIQE $6. Address orders t o 4 - BED. P. HOtv ELL A CO*, Publishers, * 40 Dark Row, Hew Vorlc. S T I L L I tA T U R j AT B. F. MURDOCK & BRO.’S. Dress Goods at Bargains.! RETURNED PROM thb oity ’-jyltrijnlce- ' . EMPRE8tf CLOTHS,' MERINOS, . POPLINS, PARAMATTAS, DOUBLE FACE WA.' . XER PROOF CLOTHS FOB SUITS, Heavy Cloaking*, BlaTOc- Beaver*;. Nice Patterns otLONG ANU SQUARE SHAWLS, ' SBlRriNo ’ARb’rCfoftOK F.LANNKI.3, 'JoUViNB GlLOVku, COKUKra. COMFOUTKRS, HoOI)]', ' ‘NuaUa akd BRkxKvisf Catks, zud large Btoijk of-goods generally,, tjiat WILI' BE SOLD CHEAP. Ploiise oall and .Xntalne.. Duo. 3, iS§8-. B. F. MURDOCK ft BRO. OE DISTRIBUTION.—No Meat and Vegetable CUoppers. T HATE NOW ON HAND AND for JLsale, Starrett’a Patent Meat and Vegetable Chop- pura. This Is the most simple, durable.*a<l-efltoient maobine of the kind ever invented. Is perfect in con- structlon and operation. Strong and not liable to get ont of-repalr. pats meat and,vegetables, to., with as- tonlshlng rapidity and ease, and has already btoomo an ImHspenilbie article for iimtlles, boarding bouses, hotels, butohen and bakers thrpngbimt the N ew Engs lsnd and Middle Btates, It occupies no more irOOm than* chopping tray, and Is easily cleaned, A praOII- oal test o f Its merile Is the only recommendation held1 ed. I Invite xll housekeepera and hotel keepers to call ln and1 eee it, as It Is certainly the best thing ever brought before zny civilized people—dt thd store o f . . Deo. 8,1888., 1). P. HOUSE, Sb. House, ou Tuesdn P. M. 8w4'f O I L ’ M E iiL .— 3.0QO just jeo»lv*d and (Or lale liy. lbs. O il M ial WM, X. CQBT, Lait C a ll. SUBSCRIBER would respect-. _ fully Inform all those Indebted to him; that a ll so1 oounU reraalnlug udpald alUr the 16ih of January, 1809, villi be pfinned In the hands o f an oflloer for ool, lection. Jan 0,1868. 1). P. HOUBE. A XBS & HELVES.^BI unt b H uror x jl and Ogden’s Axes. Every ax wanrantad Alto. BEL Vina fromthe beetnudun, at NOV. 17, MM. ' - WM. X. CORY’S, lntoetote, lately made tinder the order of the Surro gate ofthe oounty of Oteego, by Eliza Boyce snd Her man Wilbur, tbe adminietratdro o f till and singular, tlio goorin, chattels, und oredits of tho said Intestate, will be divided by the Said Surrogate, umOUg the crcd- Itoraof tlio’nald inteetate„in proportion to their re. tpeollve debts, according to law, at: tbe Surrogate's office,inthe village of Cooperstown, on the 23d day. of February next, at ten O’olook In the forenoon o f that day. Dated this 6th day of Junuary, 1809. 0w44 ‘ B. J. SCOFIELD, Surrogate, Cf HE RIFFS PROCLAMATION.— 0 Where as a Court of Oyer and Terminer is appoint- ed to h e heidint tho Court House In Cooperstown, in and for the county of Otsogo, on the llth.day o f Jan., 1809, nroolamation is therefore Hereby made, in eon, formlty to a precept tome dlrectcd and dblivered, by tho Distriot Attorney, to all persons bound to appear nt tlie satd Oyer and Terminer, by recognizance or oth erwise, to appear thereat; snd all Justices bf ths Pence; Coroners' and other officers who have taken any re- cognizance for the appearance of any person a t such Court, or who have taken any inquisition or the exam- ° Glvenuncier rriy feiflflat the Sherlff’s'offie In the rlljag* of Cdoperstowh.on the 1st, dkynOhnuary, 1869. *■ • H. W. .BROWN, Jw Sheriff of Oteego Oonntv. Pliotogmph Albums. . Sept. 186* HEMLOCK LUMBER FOR BAT.P1, AT THE STEAM Circular Saw Mill rx o f I lio-subscribers in Middlefieid, in large or small qcoantltln. Bills of Umber and lumbir of mil sixes and lengths sawed to order on short nodose. Inquire of J. A. Lynes, or IL M, Honker, Coopers- lowu: J. B. llqoker. Fly Creek; J . W . Youne, Rich field Springs, or at the Mill 61 Aug. 0,1303. gltf J, A te W. H. LYNES. Featliers for .T 'H E "SuBscRmKS tus odnbtaktly on A h u d , sind for sale on reasonable temaa,a quuat of Live Geeae Feathers, whieh can boitenat hand, sind for sale on reasonable terms,a quantity live Geeae Feathers, whieh can he seen at hu house on hletcmll Hill. . RUFUS WIKOFF? j|g*P. O. Address—Cooperstowu, N . Y. Relerenoe mad. to G M. Oaawr fc Co. . Otsexo. Wan. 26. Iges. GEO. JAaVIS & CO. (IDOOXSIOIS IO X. r. OOXT,) FurnisM ng O ntlertakers, TTAVING PUROHASED the S tock JLA formerly held by E. P. Corv, and restocked with tbe liteet tnd best Stylet or- goods In our Uce, wewfll continue the Undertaking Basinets at the “ Old Stone Store.” FISC’S METALLIC BURIAL CASES. BHUEKR’S •• CASKETS, ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY, BLACK WAL NUT, CLOTH COVEHED. CHERRY ANB , - . 5 -ooeetatyoaftxriJr^l'itnfTErTflric-aud eumptolBti- •ortmeatof Merino and Muslin SHROUDS, CAPS, CRAPE, to., to. Aleo an elegaxt F A L L , 1 8 6 8 . FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING IN LARGE LOTS. READY-M ADE CJLOTUING, OF THE BEST QUALITY. JUST REOEIVED AT THE ClaOTHING EMPORIUM M A II.O n S F IEIExTa. $11 kinds o f Gentlemen’* w eir. Good quiUty o l goods, .and well tn&de. FURNISHING GOODS. Car stock lu this department embraoci All the dlfler entjtyleaof Cravata, Scafls, Pocket Hsudkerchltfci Collars, Shirts, Undershirts, Drtvreri, AO.. Elastic Bows, Satin Bows, 80 doz. different kinds Cravats, Ribbon, Yale, Cadet and Beaufort Cravats, whioh sroneatend tustllygotop. Fanoy De Jolnvllle, Linen Pocket HamdkerohieU, Pongee do, do. Lisle^hread Gloves, A fine assortment o f Kid Oloves, FAlA AND WINTER UNDERCLOTHING. TO THB YOUNG MBS* we would sty that we have the FINEST ASSORTMENT OF NECK TIES, such sos the La Grande Duohestc, Chasstpot tie, Water Fall, Ribbon Ties and Bowa;«omelhini entirely new and very cheap. Also a fine assortment o i SLEEVE BUTTONS, very cheap. x Singer . Sewing Machines, A WORD TO THE LADIES, We have just reoeived a large lo to f Singer Sewing Machines ofthe latcstimprovement; highlyomsment- ed, Inlaid with pearl,. mottled, blaok valaut cabinet eased, foldlngroovor,.with drawers, to . The merits ol these machines oan bebetter seen than written about by callingdhat Johnston &,Field’s and sec for themselves, as samples of the work hre kept on hand. We have 10 o f these muchlr.es in our own employmtnt.and can at test to their good qualities. M r Send for a Circular. q HATS AND CAPS; A good assortment ju st'reoeived. Silk, Fur and W ool Hats at low prices. " Fof Ready CsislA I tun and -will do &little hettel* by you thttt fiuy oth- erestatUshmentlD this *ectIUn oltue A single trlil -vfillsatiaty you on thie point. 4 ^ CobneratQwn,Jept. 11868,, , MARCUS F IgL D , FRESH OYSTKBS, ‘ Solid Meats—^Rjr. tbe Xeg. * FOR SALB BY D . B , . Thoso vslio buy these Oysters w ill pntohase none other. They-nre the CHEAPEST and BEST., Thev are warranted solid meats. Ingallon; half gallon ancl quart kega. Cooperatown; Deo. , 1808. OUT FOR THIEYES.—W e have the beat assortment.of looks of all kinds aver brought info the county. „ Pyes’ .eelebnted Padlccks WiaB*»TED Bnaoaan Pnoof, at Nov. 11,1868 . . WM, E. CORY'S. t’S ISLAND SALT.—100 bush els juat received and for sule by Nov. 11!. 1868. ' W il, K. CORY, CAUSAGtE CUTTERS and Stuffbbs , I s? Hog Soripors and Butchers’ Tools o f ill kind* lbr saraby (Nov. It) WM. I . CORY JUST RNCBIVJBD, ,1|RENCE WAX, SPERM- ahd Tallow CAsnm-s, Babbett’s Old Chemlcd, Tnrtelot A Op.’g, Keyes' Tallow Soap, and a vsrtety ot TolIet SoapyHirtsgle by (Dell, 7) ‘ H DAVI8, BAGS ! 500 Extba SeaMt nsss Grain Bags, for snleby (41) W . E. CORY Sunday Schqpl DfbiRxy Books. RECEIYED, a fisb stock- to _ select Iroto, a t the Book Store of July, 1BH8. . ' W, FT, RUGGLF.fi' HUDSON BAY WOLF ROBES. NEW SELECTION of m iss 8upkr- mox Ilohcs—warranted to be ths Hudson Bty Skins are offered for eale by ihe uhdindgned. Also ltrke atook oi Buffalo Robes, IlgrM Blinkets, l i ~ ltife, fo. , Ao ' BROWNING A HOOKES, October 7,1868. PRESENTS, i* oa*a* raaiarr, at COOPERSTOWN, N. t. li. * goodi suitable for Holiday Presents, among whioh way be found a very oholoe jeleotiohof Prang’s Ametioan Cromos, which ore k tulventlly admired by all lovers of art. Also, q large oolleoflou ol FRENCH AND ENGLISH CROMOS Ths largest aad, but’sslncted stook of A X jB U M S , both cud oad lmperiol ilie, srer brought Into thli market, aad « prlCMwhich deljr competition. Stereoscope Glasses and Stereo- scoplo Views, of all purti of Ameriei. ftom $2.00 to $3.66 per dozen. AlKiftfineMdMUonor ' 4 FOREIGN VIEWS, from different parts oi Europe. Framing, of Every Deicription, done to order. W« keep constantly on band a lirce stock of _ MOULDINGS AND FRAMES, * OF ALL KINDS. ixeTrMted to aril and"examffi* Ihe'abofe named artlolei befbre making tbeir ^arohasea.. Nov. 18,1868. Sltf G. SMITH. “G la s g ^ t^ jJJearse. Our loug ex; tying that tho rUlhe suited t Our loug experience in ths business warn ntl as ta isyjng that those who mar favor ns with their orders, {Ilhe suited both In quiUty and price. jwFunerali attended In village and country. K. P. CORY lain onr employ and Is authorized to tranuct butlnea for the firm. GEORGE JARVIS, ELLERY CORV Coopentown. March 20,1867. ~ eotf QOME AND SEE THE Overcoats, Heavy Winter Clothing, Elegant Bniineu Suitir Fine Drew Suit*. Boys’ Clothing, and Fumi*hing Goods, OF RVER^C DESCRIPTION, AT THE G r e a t W a r d r o b e , ; THE ONR PRIOR CLOTHING STOUR,’ to 110 and 1118 Gamasea St., Utica. IF YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP, U ' DON’T MISS THE GREAT WARDROBE Tbere you oin aeleot Erom ah -------- ENORMOUS STOCK OF ENTIRELY NEW GOODS. Tbe ityles are varied, fiultdesi and unique, the manu facture excellent and unexceptionable, the very belt th. the oity.’ The Prices LOWER than at ANY OTHER STORE. GO WITH THE CROWD TO THE GREAT WARDROBE. I ' It Is the best way to live money. T ali. K ingsley & Son, h THE GREAT WARDROBE IS A FRIEND TO WORKINGMEN, Lt beeiuse.lt gives them more and better goods for the Kamo amount of money than any other Clothing Store in Utica. . . p - CALL AND EXAMINE "THEIMMENSE STOCK OF BOY’S CLOTHING, nil neat ani ftoty styles, at the GREAT WAjti>BOB». BOYS’ OVERCOATS, BOYS’ SUITS’ , BOYS’ WRAPPERS AND DRAWERS, BOYS’ SHIRTS, AR KINGSLKY & SON’S. CARDIGAN JACKETS, . AT THE GREAT WARDROBE. WORKING JACKETS, all qualities, AT THE GREAT WARDROBE. WRAPPERS AND DRAWERS, ailirades, » AT THE GREAT WARDROBE. RUBBER COATS, at the great wardrobe . FINE WHITE SHIRTS, ATTHE GREAT WARDROBE. TRAVELING SHIRTS, AT THE GBEAT WARDROBE.. A ll Kinds of Furnishing Goods, AT the great WABDROBS. THE POPULAR CLOTHING STORE. PAINTERS ATTBNOTOW. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, AND L Painters’ Materials, Pare White Lead, Pal* Frmoh m d Amerloan Zlcos. Fremtuim Leads ia pat- ent oam and nails, Permanent Green, Chrome Graea, Chrome Yellow In oll tnd dry. - . We will tall theee goods ot pare quaUty very low to any one wlihlng topurohaee. June 4.1858 A, A. JARVIS A CG. B A R G A I N ;7—H orse, B.u<wr R. DAVIS. w slid Hame»s, for sal* by OolohirI4,1868. . j, FEATHRRS.—A pmke lotof Mrs Gotta Feathers torAsia atthe Central Oaeh Store. Nov. 4. " Er RUSSMtL * CO.

Second National Bank ot Cooperstown PRESENTS,nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031222/1869-01-08/ed-1/seq-3.…editorial stuff to this important work, ... mado a.spocial study of

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Page 1: Second National Bank ot Cooperstown PRESENTS,nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031222/1869-01-08/ed-1/seq-3.…editorial stuff to this important work, ... mado a.spocial study of


' P (G -e $ rY v 4 ^ d jjia g ndiSod » teemeiidcu* hubbub nud- flutter among retail itealera in gro­ceries, [wpviisioBa, &c., in tkat city, by showing up th e abort weights and adulterations almost universally practiced among Ahem. Aud pot w ly io Now York, hu t city papers atl over the country have taken np the cry, and cow it is spreaiiug to the country—where, i t ia thought posBibJo^tbe praetico muy obtain in a t least a few cas®,' \Vo copy a fo\y extracts from the World , to show what its researcho3 htvo dovel- oped iri New York :—

1 ho ooinpiaints which arise' ou ail side,a from nousekrepers of the frauds now So oxtenaively practised upon them in adulteration and light weight® by retailers of groceries and provisions, have iouneed ua, in the canse o f tho public, to enter Uilu £m exauiinhtion pf th e tratiifulnoss uf the accssations,, the causey of the frauds, if they exist, and the remedies proposed by political economists and soeiaj philosophers fortbeir care. Wo liai]}, therefore, detailed a member of our editorial stuff to this important work, and uided by an experienced housekeeper he has visited' 8'ume liiiutlreife o f tlie places .of business of ro- tali grocers, biiteliers. and provision dealers iq evory part of tliis city, and made extensive pur­chases of the goods vended by them.

To luscertaiu tp what extent adulteration ex­ists m articles of food sold by dealers in this City, Batiples i, 1 .um : pumhtteius . ImvP-bueu sab

'{ F lo u r .—For bulk tmjS weight, ilex* beaus, rye Indiaa.cora, pgtato hum , byjijateil Jiulpbate of lime, chalk, booeractli.plisttirofFiiriB.jKiwder- pdflinta, old or (iMnagod Hour. The eflcet of (the inferior flours maxed with wlicotm flaur is Localise the bread to absord muck mow water, ■nd thus add to its -weijglit bypabstitotingwater (for flout. A jaip ls «Bod (tr clve a proper taste to adiulbe|»raa flour.t Cocoa and Chveohile^—b'or bulk ttifdbwuiglit, arrowroot, wheat, Indiam corn, sago, and potato flours, sugar, chicory, oocoo. ’ husks; old eea bis­cuits, animal fats (as Jard und tallow), molasses, sulphate of lime, chalk1. Por ooloiiiic, vetietiim red, ochre,red lead, vwiniltai,.iuid.yti]Ly w ochre.

Oiir statement that h o se ’s liver is used as an adulterant o f coffee has shocked m any cf our readers of deiieate stonncpli. The process of iisiog tho adulterant iu Dsgiand is describ 'd in Hassaii thus : After baking th e horse's and bullook’s liver, i t is groand into a powder, and sold to low prjoe opSee sluup dealers. Tbo best way to detect the adulteration is te set aside au infusion. of tbe suspected coffee, and if animal m atter bopresentin a few days tho liqaid will omit an offensive smell.

An English gentleman conversant with the process of adulterations in this own country in­forms U3 that old coEfms litevro boeu ground up in London and mixed witb coffee to give i t a peculiar and much affected! fluvor. \V« have not yet been able to asoerloiu if the practice ie ip vogue here, though w e tear our poisoners-of food are none too good for finch an atrocity.

THB PaPElt PAV"KLGK FrUin>mitted. for chemieal examination to Professor Charlna A. Bwiy.-iv-o. 26 Tme stffiet, weit known as upracticai chemist, and mganileman who has mado a.spocial study of the hub} oct of adultera­tions an>food.

In sgito, however, of all ofliciate^and ail the regulations prescribed by .the city ordinance,.it ib notorious that false weights ara the rule rather than Ufa vXoepGon throughout the city. It is upvioiiajiiL rt-f.H L-, that the law is not enforced, elhher through the neglect or criminality of the officials designated to enforce it . I t is reason®

rb le to tujjjjjusti th a t the inspectors conld hove fonnd this year, if they had desired, several thqasaai cases of false or unstamped weights and meusurcs., R esult pf a few purchases :—

Messrs. Richardson & Co.., 53 Vesey street, have a Jingo store, as well as another iu the vi­cinity, und appear tod rivc a steady business.-— Oor purchases at this place consisted of parcels of brown sugar, ground dbffee, tapioca, and sago.

TheKa parcels jvere weighed1 on-the official standard scales with the following resu lt:Sugar, brown, eoIcTior three and ,

a iia lf pou nds............................... 2 ounces short.Cuffae,ground Java, sold for half

a poand......................... j tjunce short.T a p io c a ,so ld for one pou nd. f oun ce short.Sago, said for one p o u n d 1 ounce short.'

Tii« Joss by light Weight as above, on a barrel oi sngiu of 22j pounds would bo a little over bvVrti y, unIo , ou a hogshead of sugar o l SCO P “i-i'L- ’he Joss would be more-tinni twenty- eicbt. nciiind?. On a bag of coffee of SO pounds the losa would bo two and a quarter pounds.

I , ,ii., i ’lofwcor Sceiy ive huvo received the fui rvport:

Sample containing brown sugar is not hdnl- terat. d . —

Sample contaiumg ground ootfeo has a variety of fercEiu mutter. 1 huvo tsepitrated from it barat y ig ar (coffee esccoce) chicory, and what I ro ’.-ider to Im- roasted peas. The iufuslon by boiling deposits a fi ieulent precipitate which does nut belong t o genuine coflee. The percent­age ot Iumu lori-ign muttera is, liowover, small.I am of the opinion nlso th a t the samplB con­tains some Anierieao'coflve.

Acker, Merrill A Co , fil Chambers street and W est Broad wny,—Purc-le. as follows, wero pap chased ut this woli-kuown house, and weighed on the official standard scajesy Sugar, powdered, sold for two

puaads. ....................... Truo weight._ Rosins, sold, far oue pound * ounce short.

C itron, sold for ono pound. . . , j ounce short.Knapp & Gu.,3G‘I Hudson street.—This house

enjoys n reputation for selling pure spices.Wo give Professor Seely's report on l ie

cheinicail examination of purchases :Sample of ground cinnamon contains starchy

m atter, supposed to be tapioca.Snmpl«of croond trmcn w|Hi which ie mired

n funuarious sub-tanco supposed io be pulver­ized crackers.

Sontjiio marked cloves is a mixture of ground spic.es, io which cloves prcdfmotmto Thenrli- ole bits very little vnloe I t i s prohnhly'niaile np in jjront part o! n spice from which t lo es­sential oil lius been extracted.

Tho Treat American Tea Company, Corner Vesey and Church strcols.—This honso does an extensifo hnsiness, and has branch stores ih all parts of the city and Brooklyn. Tho following articles were purcUnsctl u t the central depot,and reweiglied on thu official -standard scales:Tea, Oolong, told for one pound. 1-Gounco short. Tea. breakfast, eold fer ttie

jmudJ ( ounce short.Coffee, Juva, ground, sold for one

p o u o l..........................................True weight.Our readers havo had occasion to observe that

during llit-se investigations light weight has gen­erally yrevaih'd on leas, winch nre expensive, while the weights of coffees, which nro compar­atively cheap, aro nearly always true. Tho ex­tensive adulterations used in coffees may be ono reason why dealers- can afford to givo their cus­tomers the benefit of-tho scales.

The following is the report o f Professor Seely upon the examination of two of the articles above named:

Sample of tea contains some foreign leaves snpposed to bo of willow, also brolmn loaves agglutinated hy some artifice.

Sainplo of cronad coffee lias chicory. , SliDiir, 49 Vesey Btrcet.—Tho name of Stiner

will bs found over numerouiu grocery Btorcs in all parla of tlio oity. Tho honsB docsan exten­sive relail business. Our purchases, rewoigled on t i ie official standard scales, resulted as fol-

i ‘ounce B lioit.low s:Tea, black, sold for hulPa pound Tea, green, sold for half a

potand......................................... i ouuce short.Sugar, granulated, sold fer 31

p o a n d s ................................................. if- o u n c e s h o r t .Professor Seely’s report on the teas is as fol­

lows aSataipio of green tea is colored by a substance

in powder, supposed to be mainly Prussian blue.Sample of biaok tea is without mixture 'or

adulteration. -A t a branch store of above:

Sugar, brown, sold for threeponods and a-half 1 ounce short.

Tea, Oolong, sold for half o f ap o u n d ....................... J o u n c e s h o r t,Tko sugar, when weighed, wns in a wetstate,

I t 13 calculated by Prolessor Seely that sugar, by being moistened with water, gains over 10 iinr M'Mifc. in weirrht. The -nraetico of wettimr

W e devote a portion of onr space to-day to whnt seefasto come n e ^ tla io rd er i a th e elass o f exposures which The TVawld has niidertnkon, to w it: the enormoos fraiihs porpelrated by the puttors-np of paper paciigea o f stajreb, soap, soap powder, spiocs, and ilie various articles fer househoidTfifasumpUou which nre vended in this convenient form. This infc ccme t a b a ah im­mense business, extending over the whole coun­try, and the-names of tbo promfnent package manafpetnrera and dealers aro known to every fan)ily|iu the land from Maine to Texas. ’While

moBt o f them are dow orijht swindlers. They cheat tbeircostomess.cspcciallyinJiiJbo weights. O f hundreds of pacfengesoff spices and other articles which our Ccrmniteioncr has examined, scarcely one of them, wttli paper, paste, and la­bel added, comes nny where near tha pretended weight; indeed,they are soieiortof true weight as to mako the aggregate flhroughoat the coun­try an appalling-swiadle=—Every koosebold' is plnnd-erea hy means of iliESa paper pack ag es,. and besides being o f short weight t i e articles themselves are shockingly niolteratcd. O f these adulterants we shall speak by-and by, amd par- ticuiaily of the part lerra alba plays in these packages- • .. ■

W e riow come- te - . - *’babbit’s tbacsi wowdes,

which Professor Seely sa ji “consists of n mix­ture of cream of tartar and feicorbonato o f soda; the latter apparently ha® tlie iihpudties o f alow grade of the commercial article.” Y east pow­ders should be composed of cream of tartar and soda, h u t both should be puma to insnie success in the culinary process to nhich thuy aioapplied. A soda which is impure tdtl of conne impart imparities to all articles with which it is incor­porated.

Report is mado by Professor Seely upon a sanipLo packago ofUOKSiORD’s SKOF-aAISlNel IMtUO lltEJ'AEtAUQS,

w h ic h is a p a t e n t a r tic le ,, mud offered to t h e p u b ­lio aa " u n s u rp a s se d fo r m a k in g brea.d , b isc u it, c a k e s ,a n d p a s t r y ; w a r r a n te d to g iv e p o r te d s a tls fn o tio n i f th o dixeotaoiia n ra followed.”, v I’rqfesaor Seely says thii -“is a biking powder contained in two packages, The larger package consists essentially «f a. mixture or acid phos- iknto-or lime aadfltarclu Thonunnller package

hi-carbonate of'sodn.hnviBg tho impurities Of Iaw-g«ulaof th e comcntipcial «rttel«A’ v.

WHAT TUB SEWIt® DBtSKa t the most aristocratic, liEgh-pricod resorts in New Yo.tk.wkerefrom 30fcoDI) cents n glass is paid fofbrnndy and w1iisfcoy0may bo jn lg e d from the following:—

Metropolitan Hotel.— Saanple nuafced brandy ■Wator.’CG per-cent.; oleholiol,it-t; contains

light traces of tnnnan axnl fusil oiL, and a very mull quantity of sugar. Is an iniilo-lion brandy.

Sample marked IlonrUon whiskey— Wuli-r, te per cen t.; ulchohoi, 32. Contains a very small quantity of tanainnndsapmr.and a considerable quantity of fasil oil; is a f»tr whiskey, a c t suf- Sciontly rectified, iui«l is ilil-utod with waiter.

Aster Honse.—No. 13. Samples marked iioarlion whiskey—Water, "2 per c e n t . ; nko- Uol, 28 ; contains a little luiniii anal sugar, but no fusil o i l ; is a vory puarowrhiBkoy, eatcept that i t Is dilated with water. ,

No. 15, Sample m arkoi lirundy— W ater, G2 per can t,; alcohol, £8 ; contains traces af tan­nin and sugar, bu t no fusil o il; is tho best spec­imen, und is probably u pure brandy dilated wilh water.

Fifth Avenuo Hotel.- -Tamplo marked Bour­bon whiskey—W ater, TOper cent., alcohol. 30 Contains tannin, a littlo Eiijrar, nod no fusil oil. Is a good frhiskoy, to No, 13.

No. 9. Samplo markcil lirandy— W ater, G-l per c e n t.; alcohol, 36. (tonlniuB tannin, sugar, anil fusil oil. Is nn iiuttalaon brandy. •

Delmonico.—Sfttnplo iwnrk&d brandy—W a­ter, GR p ercen t.; alcohol,32 ; eonlahiBtraces of tannin, sugar, and fusil oil. I s a n imitation brandy.

No. 3 . Sample mnrlniS Dotation whiskey— Contains considerablo tamnin, tho largest quno- Ttly rtf sTignr, and a little Insll oil. -

S t .’Nicnolas Hotel.— 8»nip!e marked Bour­bon whiskey—W ater, 7 0 per cent.; alcohol, 30; contains the largest qirnitHy of sugar, n little tannin, qtid thb largest anmnnt o f fasil oil.

No. 20. Samplonmrkta Imndy— W ater, 70; alcohol, 30; contains a small amount o f tannin, sugar, and fusil oil, w ith raisin aud plum flavor, is an imitation of brandy.

Out of nine different samples or brandy, pro­cured a t the best placea Ini town, there are but two whicli b e pronounce; gon-oine, nod w en of these he enn only say that thoy aro probably real brandy. If this be th o fact respecting these aristocratic drinking shops, what sort o i stuff is ilmt whioh is retaited im tho corner grog shops to the great mass o f coxnitmers?

per cent, in weight.^ sugar Is very extensive

he practico df wetting ong grocers.

Tho above are fair samples o f’a 'great many cosob reported. And now for its report in oth­er departments •—

4 & th e E x te n t op a d u lte iia tjo n .Tbe adulteration of food in this city has be­

come regularly systematised. There are actual ’ Iy large establishments, doing an extensive busi

cess, aoieiy m the preparation aud salo of adulidrants. Tfie grocer Tsjln communication, With those bouses, and sends for his ground beaaf, bone dnstM M ); (o’rpepperdustr), or-what nb.t, as he has occasion. A* very common adutderant used in coffee apd' pepper .is ground s lip bread. Large quantities Of old or damaged jbroad.of. tliifl kind accumulates iu tliis jiort, from ships arriving from loDg. voyages. Sailors Will

•not oat stale'bread when tliey touch shore, and the enrplijB on board'is therefore soid. There

■ areregolar buyers of-.tbis stuff, who grind i t and sell It as an adulterant to grocers. Some of the BJufterants, like chicory, are becoming ex- ponBive, and mow even they are beginning to

' be aiinltofnted. ' f.O nr readera will be surprised to ieara the

humiber and .yariely Of the artioles ' used iri the adulteration- of food and liquors; and perhaps be struck with tbe apparent inappropriateuess of some of them. We give a list of them, gatborod from tlie best authorities. Ail the adnlteratfts have been found a t One tiine pr another, by English, Erench, or American chem­ists. in the articles nam ed: *

T«a.—Tiio adultihranis fonnd are exhausted tea leaves ; leaves of tbSbeaeli, elm, horso chest­nut, plane, fancy oak, willow, poplar, hawthorne; and ,alow; starch, rico husks, excrement-of silk- wonnS, and sand. For coloring tho tea are used rose pink, Hatch pink, vegetable red, and yej- iow ilyes; chrome yellow, Venetian red, Prussi­an feliie. Sulphate o f lime, verdigris, carbonate of topper, orsoiSite o f copper; Chromate, and bi- chromute- of potash, ciirbohato of magnesia, bl'ao!; lead, soap-stonp, logMWOpd, indigo and tmmric. For the taste are used catecha and sulphate of iron,

— Aduiterants used for bulk and weight are ohieory; roasted beans, acorns, mangel-wnr- zdf roasted wheat, ryo, and potato flpurs, roost­ed peas, parsnips, sweet potatoes, inferior .or

~ tja'iiigwl cofToes, anwdnst, mahogany 'sawdust, old ne’a biseui'ts, oak .bark tan, and brick-d uat.— F ot Cohn-, bnrnt sdfear, m adder' root,, roasted hone liver, fi nd burnt blood haye been tiaed., -^ Ip to s ,—W heat, potato, p o a^n d sago.flours,givt inii ricii.grouudoil-cako. woody fibre,powdor- ..•d -r'.ove staiko, cassia, arrowroot, P. D. (or pep- por dostL linseed roes!,-feustardbhsks, and ooin-

N u m m a r y o l ' I S 'e ’vT w .

L O C A L .

This W rateier Record fob 1866.— In look- jog ov«r our weather notes of thu past year and Comparing the=m with tiiose of previous seasons, tlmie wuuld pertainly seem to bo good ground fei aho asaorttxm th a t onr wuuther and tempera­ture orq becoming more characterized: hy.qx. tremea.than qtf urd, In i vory year of the poet five we liavo keen called npou to note more marked peculciirities than heretofore, and the season ju st passed has been no exception. 18G8 is remarkable for the coldest Febrnaiy arid the hottestJiily-iia- 20-jears; and for the very rainy and protracted clisagreerfbie weather o f tho-an- tumn ) add perhaps most of all for having had leu c-onBecutiwo clear days in the launlh of Mareii—did o-iiy old Olsegonian ever know the like before V _ ■

Onr statement that tho total avemga o f one year with another is alike, still holds good, 18G8 being almost aiientical in temperature with the previous twenty years.

Tlie fellowitju is our condeuaed stuteuieut for the year

Average of Llio Thermometer: Morning, 37 j°; 2 p. m. 504°; 9 P. m. 41 -f0; minimum 36s.

H ighest IlriBoperBtafo”? a. m. Ju ly 33,73”; 2 ji July 4th, iiG"; 9 p. n . July 15th, 84°. Lowest Tonxporatare: a.- sr. Feb’y 231, -24°;

2 p. Jt-Eeli^y 2J, -5°; 9 p. n. Fnb’y 23d, -12f, Average Temperature: a. b, 2 p.'ji. 9 p.m.

First thi-ee mEMth s . 14 |' 27 i° 19"Second !! . . . . . . 47 Off 61Third “ . . . . . . . 61 77 . 6GFourth “ “ ' . . , . , . 3 7 1 5U-i 41 §

No. of (Jlenr Days, l l 2 ; chmdy, 80 ; Btwmy, 83; part olear, 71; part Stormy, 20--

W ind—North,®Gdays-; South,9 0 ; Fast, 3 ; West, 48 ; Nforthwest, 60; SonthneBt;, 54; Northeast, 36 l Southeast, 9.

Rain—Totafiquantity........ 37 43-100 hlohes.

■ 5 W

First three mcmths. SecondThird “ “ ............Fourth “ “ . . . .Greatestquautnly in May Least quantity inaJuly .

Luke cIoaeiL January 6 No. of days ckreed, 100.

5 91-100 .. 13 13-100 *': 9 10-100 •'

9 29-lOtr «5 76-100 ”

. , 0 89-1O0 *'opened A jcii 16

- K.

, Will rif H annah Dxdsbick, late of ths town ofOneonta, deceased ; letters testameniaiy grant- ed to Shorman W. Slade, the F.xecnttr named in said will.'

Will of R ichabbLeantnq late of t ie town of Milford, deceased; letters testamentary granted to Mary Leaning and William Sqpilrew.the Ex- ecntors named in said will. _

Will of Abkaban Bkckeb, !at« of the town of Worcester, decerned.; letters temtamentary granted to Maria D. Becker, the fixecatrix named in said will;

Wiil of W n .u m STRisoEn, late oF tho-town of Cherry Valley, deceased ; letters tcatament- ary granted to Charles McLean,"the Executor

.named in said; will.Will of A manda Jaw x , late o f tfio town of

Pittsfield,, deceased;; letters testainenttary grant­ed to Hiram A , Mrit'feson, tho Exeemfor named in said will.

Will of Kiustus F ui.i.ek, lateof th s town of; Worceater, deceased; Jotters testumenliiry grant­ed to Elisabeth Fuller, the Executrix: named insaid wilL' '1 - -

Will pf W iraun N ichols, lata of 4he village of Cooperatown, deceased; letters testamenta­ry granted to Ebenczer Nicho|s, th a Executor named in said will.

Wiii of Atikjal Hanks, late o f tkiu town of-

Weettord, deceased; letters granted to Gitty O. Groff, Administratrix. -

Maroaskt Mabtiw, late of the tows of Bur­lington, deceased; letters granted ft> Hamilton Baker, Administrstor. " 1

Oriando R . S to w ill, Uto o f the town of; Middlefieid, deceased 7; letters granted to Jones

; Stoweil arid H enry Stowell, Administrators. •- Okson Gbo« ', tet» of the town o f Decatur, deceased; lottera granted tp Owen P. Groff, Administrator.

J ebosha S . Chase; late of tho town of Mil­ford, deceased; lottera granted to El Bf. Chase, Administrator. ’

A bb am Mann, late of the town o f Worces­ter, deceased ; letters granted to, llargaiet Mann, Administratrix. ■ v

Letters of Gnardiariship have been granted of the. persons and eatates of the fallowing named minors :—

EnwiN V. O. WrasKLEH,of the townof Ote­go; letters granted to Edwin R. W teeler, Gnsr- dian.

M arqebet Osbobn and Mabia G snitno, of the; town of TJnadilla; ,letters granted to Eli Buck­ley, Guardian.'

C linton K . Mikok, of the tow nof Unadilla, letters granted to Thomas P . Jewell, Guardian.

E it a RoBrNspfr, p f khe tBwu o( Itichfieid ;

Sale of the Seminary P roperty.—VYc have omitted to make mention of the purehnse of this property, together with what is known aa tho ‘‘Seminary? farm,” by II. F . P hinney, E sq , until we could nt the same time announce more It-fioiitely Mr! P.’s views and plans pertaining (o the Semiaanf in the futaru. B at inastnuch u» thu purvhasp lias bt-iu announced ia Albany nnd New Y ork papers—one ef the latter stating that the buildcng would be fluted op aa a sum­mer hotel—it a a y as well be made known to onr readers. We are not authorized to speak tor Mr. PiriNNKY bn the matter, bnt bave fceon ir- formed, und w?o truBt not incorreetty, tlurt he bos in contemplation tho establishment of a first- class Female Seminary, Wo know that Mr. P . bus tbe canse of F.ilucntiou and tbe growth nnd prosperity of tflils village a t benrt—and we there­fore incline to tho opinion that Madam Itcmor lms not misrepresented him in this important matter. Wo Have no doubt that a .School of that character wonld receivo a liberal patronage.

P av This Month.—We hopo thnt overy per­son indobtedbous for tbo Journal, nnd all who sro in the babul of renewiug their subscriptions with tbo comnnmcoment of tho year, wall wake payment durlmg the present month.' Piease do not pnt us to Mho expense and trouble «of send­ing circulars ox letters. I t is a small n u tte r to each subscriber, and shonld be promptly meL Persons indebted for publishing and printing, am also requested to mako payment Iberetor during this month.

Coi'.vrv Mkhucal horiBTV.— 1 be seiui-nouual meeting ofthe? Otsego Oounty Medical'- Htjcioty will bo held nBllie Hotel of Wm. A. Knee iu Schenevus, oin Tuesday tho 19th insL Thero will be uiy, aitemoon and eveuiog session.— 1‘byeicinns froan neighboring counties arolavitcd to bo present. Horace Lummor, Hoc.


Bishop Potter, o f N«» York, Is said to pur­pose resigning.

The widow of Confedorato Goneral Walker has jnBt died, Sha was the sistonof A djutant General Towdsend, of TNe-vv Yorfe

DONATION VISITS.I b e friends of Itev. 1). I), MILLKIt, are inriteii to

nmko him a Donation Visit, at Ids resiilenco, Hart­wick Seni in m y, tVedmesctay, Jnnunrj 7 3 ,18GD.

Tbe friends of Her. IJ. T, TALBOT, sro invited to make him a Donation Visit :it tbo Dillon Faotory Hoarding House. Taddsville, on Tuesday evening, Jan 12. A general ttUcndimco is requested. '

M A R 1EED .At the house of the brfdVs father, Der. 31st, 1868,

hy Rev. AV. L. Thorpe, l£r. JAMES A.. (IORDON, of Cherry VaUey, to IQss P1IBBE ATSJT, of Ihis vil­lage,

A-t tho honso ofE. D. Hills, in this v-iUage, Jan. 1st, 1869, by Rev. W. L. Thorm, Mr. J.T. COOTOVEB, cf Esperahce, to Miss EI.LA K- TOOJtS, of Oaks, ville.

D U D ,At Detroit, Alicb.. on Ststday, Oct. II, in tbo 76th

yeicref her age, MAltlA UGRBLL, wido-wof Hon. (lEan0E'MbBEi.n, of" Detroit;, for" raamy years areai- den-t;of Cooperstown, araddiitdghterof tliodate Gen. Samoel B. YvebB, of Olnvolaok, Coluiiihiii Go., N. Y.

At Washington 7telgirts,3fow York Oity, on Iton- day, Deo,14, JULIA Jfpt'fGHELL, w-ffo o f John .B. Ciioncii, Jrl, only (langkittr ofthe fato'Xoiiii Ches- TKit, of Detroit, Mich., and grand-daughter of. Jlrs. ItoiiEi.i,, agcd 28 years. 8he loaves_a.n jnfaiit a few days old. . . _____


• New Y<mi, Jau. 4,1869. FLQUR-—7,400 bSls a t the ;follbwlag . p r i c e s ..

SujJerfipo, State ani Western,.. -, . . - ffr 90© 6 20 OdBitiip'nto choice.eitmStato.. . . . . . . ft 85© :7 25•Cbnimoii'to Cliolco c^traVe'Btoru., . - ft 65© 7 90 Good to cUahsfc v?h'ite w fifb-fc exta*a.. . . 8- 30@10 00 Qommoii tp choice Poand Hoop Ohio. . 5 SO© 9 GO OoiiiitioDtb faiJr extra S t . IiOiiifl.. . . . T 50©^8 GO-Gocd'td choicc St.Xbuis'..- ® 60©l2/00

HOPS—Mr. ‘Wells 05791 ‘While tlio late lic iv y sliip- Europe seem to 3iave sotLTGClr iiitkde any

impresaioDi lipon.oifr limnfenso stcolk* the fiict is ap* .parent that there is a acflrcity o f fine hops, aud it ivould not surprise u^toBee fln earlyand material advafice on such; h u t on36.ff and meditim, gradea tliferc is bat littloibopo ofttoi improvenieivt,. Exports from tlio p ort of New -tforlc during tlie -past two

•• weeh9,38§9bfllos. The Ifcst namber of thej^ondon ■Brewers’ Jonrn[ilt <iUoteg jV.mericaii Hops at 84s to .90gand£5-5s. The B m n o iira a l says, tf ic importe

■iniporteu froni New.Yoir^ Imports Tit<> Liverpool from New Yorh during tlie same ponoi, <5,278 bales.

rKGVJSIOIJ’B—Pork firmer bn t quiet; sales 776 bbls a t the ibllowiog prices:

tfe.w M ess ... . . . . . . . . . . • • J 2 8 JPOld Mesa ■ 1 27 ,<>r a m s ! : ; ! 22 00 @23.50Dressed liogs flrnior n l L 2 jal 3 |o for W er’ern, and

78 jal3jo for City. J .ard lm or: sales 99.0 lletcoa at, tCMSJo for steam-, and B J a lS le for kettli! render-

iodi Bntterstendy at:2SnlJe for Ohio, inid lOaSOc foi- Cheese firna at llilfllc.

.. MONEY MARKET.GOLD—4854. :GO V 'l SEC (JRlTIES4-|Eho following a te the latest

qaotatiOnS, .J'ive-Twcnties, '81 (oonprens)------Five-TiVontles,'62 ,(tdaj«*s) ....i ’ive-Tv/onties, '64,(ooriprenj.. Five-Twontles.'dS. (ou-umn).. . . . . . ,Fivo-tfwehi|oe,.'65 (n ew ).. . . . , . . . Eive-Tweritjes, 67 (oqaiiom),.. . . . . . .FfW-Te>hrifi«»> ’61 (oenpoaiii),., .

Goskoo O w ntv ScnnoiiATK S C'ovnr.—The fellowiog WilHs have been admitted to proliato siuce the first lay uf May, 18Gb

\V ill uf MnaiiiT-r D eto, Iato of tlie town o f Miil- illefldd, tlecoiuscd -; lcttars tostamentniygrJintod to M'illmm Taabor, tho Kxccutor named in said Will.

W ill of .Sera B kookb, into of tho towu of Morris, deceased ; letters testamentary granted to George nud William Bennett, the Esceulors named iu anidi will. ,

Will of L m S tf.waiid, Into of tho town of Slilferd, deceased , Tetters testamentary grunted to George W_ Sayor and Daniel Burn cy, the Kxccators uaniiod in aaid will.

W ill of Stikphen L. W illiams, luto of.tho town of Otsego, deceased ; letters testamentary granted to Mary'Williams, llie Executrix named in said will.. W ill o f IH knky O sner , late of the town of Richfield, deceased; letters testamentary grant­ed to Orlandm Griffin and Horace,Snyder,the Executors nanned in said will.

W ill o f Dmvid N icho ls, late o f the.town of Edmeston, devfeasqd ; letters testamentary grant­ed to Noisorn Deming, the Executor named in said will.

W ill of Betsey E. Rouse, late of too town of Burlington], deceased; letters testamentary granted'to SmlomonL. Robinson, tho Executor named in ani«l will.

W ill of Owi.ver G illett, late o f tlio town of Middlefieid,(Lecoased; letters testamentary gran t- ed to Abraham I . Brown, the. Executor named in Baid will.

Will o'f M oses Coats, late of the town of Roseboomfld-eceascd; letters testamentary Issued to Lester Goats, the Executor named in aaid will.

Will o f J ” ohn P. H o l l e n b e c k , late o fth e town of ’Worcester, deceased ; lettors testa­mentary granted to Peter Hollenbeck and Samuel Robtiins, the Executors' named in Baid will.

Will o f W illiam B rown, into of the town of Richfield, deceased; letters testamentary grant­ed to LaFnyctt Brown, the Execotor named in said will.

Will of M eloba Morse, late of too town bf New Lisbon, deceased; letters testamentary granted to David S, Smith, the Executor homed in said -syill.

Will of Uarius ST. Garv, late of the town of Richfield, deceased.

Will of JFeter B arton, late of the town of Laurens, deecaseil; lettere testamentary granL ed to Peter Barton Jr . the Exectitor named in said w il,' . * . . , . ; ^

Will of D e lo s s B r o w n e l l , late o f the town of LaurenBg deceased; letters testamentary granted to Clarissa Brownell, the Executrix named.in soaid will.

Will'of D uther HARnisflato of the town of Morris, deeer-sed.

Will of IftLi.iAM W e Ijb, late- o f th e , town of ButterniitB, deceased; letters testamentaiy granted to Ceorge W ebb, the Executor named in said will.

Will of’W illiam B rady, late of the town of Plainfield,d eceased; fetters testamentary grant­ed to Elizabeth Brady, the Executrix named in said wiil.

W ill of A dam T ruax, late of the town of Ot­sego, deoonaod; letters testamentary granted to F.lecta Trnax and Tallman G. Smith, the Exec­utors named in said will.

Will of Jo h n Golwell, Jato of the town of TJnadllla, d«coaaed; letters teatamentairy.grant- ed to Riifms L. Goiwell and' Milo E. Gregory, tho Execnbors named in said -will.

Will of M atiianiel B eers, late o f the town of Morris, deceased; Ibtlers tostamentary.grant-

"od to Olivmr Beers and Catharino L. Beers, tbe Execntors mamed in said will.

‘ Will of J ohn L ank, Into o f the town of Lau­rens, deceased ; letters testamentary granted to Elihu Lame mid Oornalias Lane, Exefkjrira

Edmeston, deceased; letters testajnemtery grant­ed to Eton G, Dntton, tho.Execntor named in said will. ~

Will of Chaunov Judd , late o f tb e town of Exeter, deceased.; letters testamentaay granted to Amelia Judd, Lewis O. Juddi and Richard- Russell, the Execntors named in aald will.

Will ol W illiam H ardy, late u f {fco town bf Springfield, deceased; letters testaxnomtary grant­ed to J o ln Hardy, the Executor riainsd in said will.

7Vitrols-AD6ij,5ti?s S e e d e r , late off the town of Springfield, deceased; tettors. testamentary granted to Warren Seeber and Jared 51. Robin­son, tho Exequtora named in said will.

Will of Mary J. W icks, late of tfco town of Butternuts, deceased; letters testamentary granted to Abel Sill, Ihe Executor named in said will.

Will of P aniel B olton, late o f tOie town of Burlington, deceased; letters testamentary granted to Jedediah P.SiU jthnExeeator named in suid will,

Will of P eter (Ju n e , into of this town of Mflford, deceased; letters testamentary granted to John Cline and Matteson Bisseffl.the Ex­ecutors named in said wilL

Wili c f Auqi'stib F oote, late of Uo town of Morris, deceased; letters'testamentary granted to Sedate Foote and Noah Wood, t ie Execu­tors named in said will.

Will c f W illiam W ellman, Iato o«f th e town of hausens, deceased; letters testamentary granted Id Hannah Woliiaari and Martin Well­man, the Executors named iri said woll.

Will of Cassandra, Andrews, Luto of the town o f Unadilla, deceased; letters lestament- nry granted to Luther L McHonoW, th e Ex­ecutor named in said will.

W ill of A lansqn Graiiam, late off the town of Middlefieid, deceased ; letters testamentary granted lo David Keller, one or th® lixecntore named ta said will.

"Will' of Samuel S cofield, Ioto of th e town Laurens, deceased; lettcis testamentary

granted to Eben Scofield, th e Excculpr named in said srill.

Will of Plisv Shkfard, Iato of ttlio town of Otsego, deceased; letters testamentary granted to Truman Shepard nnd Willard SJiopard, tho Execntors named in said will.

Will of D iana Cole, into o f tlno town of ’ittsfielil, deceased, letters testamentary grant

ed to Milena A . Holt, tho E x e c u te named in said will:

Will of Jade2 Gnoss, late o f lino town of New LtaboD, duccasud; fetters teslumentary granted to Mlio II. Gross, Ono o f thcil'bcecators named in said will. ' v

Will of 1/h‘ira St, John, late of. Mho town of Otsego,, deceased; letters testamoutairy grantedto Itabocca Ht. J«Uo, tbo UkoccIi-Im noioej Insaid will.

Will of Amanda P otter, late of ttlio town of Hitrlwlek, deceased ; fetters o r ndiailnistration with the wili annexed,granted to Sltiflield Har­rington lho general Guardian of the Infant lega­tees named in said will., Letters of Administration ira-vo bwon granted

upon tho Estates o( tho following named deccaH' ejl persons

I ’uKur.iuuK S. Marsh, late o f tbo town of Unadilla, deceased ; letters granted lo Alvina SI. Marsh, Admiiiislratix.

ScmDVLKR Babsi.er, Iato of thcTosvn o f Robo- booni, deceased"; lutturs granted tm James L. Daily, Administrator.

"William R ichardson, late or tlie town of Onoouta, doccasod; letters gfahtesl to James C. llicbaVdson aod Austin Ricbardsan, Adminis­trators.

Petek W iles, late of tlio Town- *ef Oneonta, deceased ; letters granted .to Lnvinai E . Wiles, Administratrix.

J osei'h S. HopiuN8,late or tho town o f Otego, deceased ; letters granted to Lacy A. Hopkins, Administratrix.

F v r h et t W. Gttorr, late o f tlio town of Springfleld,deceased; letters testamentary grant­ed to I ’headore L. Grout, Administrator.

H e s b y B. Livingston, Into o( Uio town o’f Laurens, deceased; letters granted 1o LesterH ; Wiasor, Administrator.

Ira S. Morrison, late of tha town o f West-, ford deceased; letters granted to M ttkon Bid- Inke and Orrin Brcese,'Administrators.

Solcman P iper, late of tho_ tpwn of RielF field, deceased; letters granted to Elisabeth Piper, Administratrix.

Mabv Etta Aiajer, late o f ttao town EdmeBtbh, deceased; letters, pan ted to Floyd Chamberlain, Administrator.

W illiam N elson, lateof the town o f Cherry Valley, deceased; letters granted _ic Elizabeth J . Nelson, Administratrix.

Justus H ull, Iato of the tow n b f Exeter, deceased; letters granted to Lovina E .H u ll. Administratrix.

O. E . Blakkslke, late of tiie town, o f Otego, deceased ; letters p an ted to Mutfianiel Blakes- lee. Administrator.

H arvev SHEpHARn,late,of the towa of Oneonta, deceased,; letters granted to Hea'ry Shephard AdministratorJ

H isam CHApi.Nilate of theHownSof -Hartwick, deceased; fetters granted to Marion Chapin and Henry D. B.rooks, Administrators,

iVseasa MAii-riN|lateof- the town of Richfield; deceased; letters granted to M. Do V . Martin Administrator.

Bdvin F erris, late of the towa of Middle- field, deceased; .letters graated to Amanda' Feri-is, iValter ,H .F erris .an<J LwRoy .Ferris, Adriiinistrators,'

S us>n W . Gorton, late of tho t»wn of Otego, deceased; letters graqted ,to Johm H. Wheeler, ■Administrator.

W arren A. Hunt, late o fth e t®wn o f Exeter, deceased ; ietters granted to Ellen M. Hull; Affrninistratix. *

Nancv‘B urnside, late o f thetown of Oneontdf deceased; letters granted to S . 8.; Administrator.

D avid McLaughlin, late oF ihe town bf Plainfield, decensod; letters, -graated to Sarah' A . hlclxmghlin (nd John W. McLaughlin, Ad. minislrntors.

T homas Smvth., iate of the town of Cherry


letters granted to Elizabeth B . Robinson, Guar­dian. ' ‘ •

Gsorqb W . S tory, p f the tovyn c f Cherry Valley] letters granted to Ohas. MoLean, Guar­dian. .

H annah O. Epsos, of the town of Unadilla;, letters granted ,to YVillis F . Edson, Snsrdian.

A lleson. W . P oitkk, of th e to v n of HarU wick; letters granted to Sheffield Harrington>. Guardian.

A ljce E. B rass, of the town of* Unadilla; letters granted to Joshua B. Bragg, Gnardian."

E llen D. Cook, of the town of Otago; letters granted to Solomon X, Yonmans, Griardiap.

W illlaj! H . W a tso n , of the towa of Unadil- la ; letters granted to Arnold B. Watson, Guar­dian.

Emma B ishop and Oslo M. B ishop, o f the town pf-O neenta; letters granted to Adeline Giie, Guardian,

H attes J . Thojip-son, of tha town of New Lisbon; fetters granted to Harriet J . lu ll, Guardian,

J esse B anker, of the town of M iry land; let­ters granted to George Somberger, Guardian.

E lizabeth Eosinson, 'of the to r n of Rich­field, fetters granted to Elizabeth IL Robinson, Guardian.

K ate Stohy, C leveland R , S to iiy , Edward C S to r y nnd A.n»a L S to b y , o f the town of Cherry Valley i letters granted to Chaa, McLean, Guardian.

F rans L Mahsb, of the town of Middlefieid; letters granted to Lnoy Marks, Guardian.

Cellanno A, PorTER, of the town of Hart­wick ; letters granted to Sheffield Harrington, Gnardian.

EmMa S hepherd,o f tho town o f Oaoonta; let­ters granted to Isaac Shepherd, Guardian.

Daniel W . H on ., of the town ef E xeter; letters granted to Ellen M. Hull, Guardian.

A lfreb H . R aoljsv, o f the towa of M orris; letters granted to Eleanor 0 . ITatightaillng, Guardian. •

Le R oy L umlbv and A u u Lincur, of the town of Cherry Valley; letters grouted to Eliz­abeth Lucnley, Guardian.

E lla T aft, of ihe town of Milford; leltors granted to Jam es O. Barnard, Guardian.

J enny Stoiveu. end Mary Stow tha, of the town of Middlefieldj letters granted to Jonas Stoweil and Homy Stoweil, Guardians.

J uski-ii P eauleii, of the town of Cherry Vol ioy; letters granted to Malinda Stoornburgh, Guardian.

S herman IIaxjuck anil L aura H alloce, of lho town of W orcester, lotteisgranted to Philip LV Dorwin, Guardian.

C la r e n c e J . Gianni, of tho bom of Exotor; letters granted f i CatluHine D. Uigbie, Goar- dian.

N O R T H , S I V E R A C O ,, Bankexs and D ealera in E kohaoge.

I,OAN8iua6o (am negotiated, ■ . i 7 39 u d other IL B. Bouda bought and aoM. 7C0LLEOTION8 made In all paxta ol trie counlry

With proioptmiii, and at low rates.IJi’TBBKST iljoyed Qn Depoella.DRAFTS on New! Yerk bought *nil (old.0»AD«l,t,i, Onego Co., N . Y. 42tf

R I C H V I E L I ) T O W N B O N JD S,FO« SAlt AT

t h e s e c o n d h a t i o n a l b a n kOF COOPERSTOWU.

A limited Auiount o f tlieeo flrat olasahome aeouritlej, luuedriythe tow nof Klcbfleld lnald ot TJHoa and 8; V .R . R , now being built to Rlcriflctd Springe, are OITuieC Ior j«l« In sumato suit.

They lire tamed In *100, $800 and *1,000—imj-»Dle In 15 to to years, with 7 per cent, semi-annual interest,

D. A. AVERV, Cashier. Cooperalown, Deo, 8,1868. i 40tf

Second National Bank ot Cooperstown[apceisaOa io ih* «A»* o r coopmstowh ]


* OA3PiaflA%, *300,000,T. SIlL , F re.'tr D, A ,'AVERY, Unihler,

T K Eot tills Baalc affordr to peraont of email eunlngi an excellent and convenient place of deposit, Intereat ba- ing paid on x.11 anmi. —- '-..tl, S, BOSTDS o l alj Inner purchased lor inveatora, or aold ou order.

TOjTN and other BONDS tq r awe.DR AFTS on England uud Ireland In nuns to suit. COLLECTIOItS promptly made on ali accesalble

points af lowest rites. ‘ 91 '

JN’o t . ic .e a s .


- -- - TATENTED 06T . tT.MOS.Dy^solTer thi0iiBple|6Mdmo9tu*«ful ueano,

P. BoxueUold Apparei prMfintedto the pub*

ILKKIl’SI LUfCID. D y e ? , take no etllerElnd. T31i-{L H REED A COta.Manuraoturera, Boetjcn. XJsb Rtes’a CnauicAL Beosoa Blacxiko, the beast

Dxesslux and Blacking lor Ladles'' »hd Ohitdfeu's Bhdts, Rubbers, Ap.____________ ■ - ' '

O t s e g o G o. M v e r t i s e m e a t s .

. MrDDMFXELP, B, T,l irQ T J D D , S A Y T O . H i S F R I E i a J S , TT (IMi'hM auyj tbatns la M*el»ta*, daHj, ■ law



rk descriptive o f Washington City; itahigll and ; Its maxniacent publio edifices; ita hidden isjdls villalnlea and corruptions; tha Ipiide

A Work descriptive of lo-w llie; I—myrleriti; auu . . . . , umwvrKluga o f the Government; bud showing how mo­ney Is squandered j how pirhllo aervanta perform their, t raisin; how rings are managed!howufflofala are bladk- ta iilo d ; how counterftltlng H carried ph.; and nil' about female Jbbb“ ‘ ’— ‘ - -

, H S T J H I W . - .............. -riotas m anfm soen* lolka,aiour,OAta:i*M*.ao_*; tu t what we have edit b e ‘sold a Id Mb Setowcost. The stook oonslttaln part of .

(trat Ow Mlgh-

iLv'FiK O K jpSONE PIECE ALPACA . ....SIX YARDS HEBtNO—.(Twltlad o i om ad s.) TBBK B YARDS WEST y f f BNGJLA»P E ftpA P ,

CLOnr-COdf aelghbor* lay ItwakniaSehK MstouJ ONE PIEOE DNIGNT 0 A S 3 tiE R E ,ifN cta llw q o l) THJREK HOOP 8 E IR T S -(A Uttle out ot«t]rl«,bnt

hot mncb went.)SIX YA.RD3 DENIMB ONE u m b r e l l a —(With handle b rokets O N EPA IK SQDARk-TOED BHOES-rCWe. 9 ,fer

the peoplejand ia the apiolest, most absorbing, land cheapest book o f the day. lew Send for Circulars; ydlb Terms, So. Address UNITED STATES PUD- LIHHINQ CO., 411 Broome Street,New York City.TITA-NTED—AGENTS—TO SELL THE AMER W LOAM KNITTING MACHINE. Frice*25 -

The s|mpleat,bhenjpe8t and best Knitting Machine ev­er Invented. W ill knit 20.000 ititchee per minute. Lib- .eral indncemonta to Agents, Address AxikioamKnit- Tr»o M iru mt On ; Ilo»ton, Maer -— * • -- -


ONE PI'ECE OIL CLOTH—(Not >■ good M «M neighbors;) , _


few NOTION B. ■ "ONEHALF DOZEN JEW S HARPS—Wprrantsd. FIV E HOXES WOODEN'NUTMEGS.Am out o i l ) ABB WOOD H A U S ,b u t w ill have aome


Don't nil call at once.N-AtromrllEHKT,—All.peraoniwhoee notei and ae-

couiiti arelong paat duefwiU pleaaacali aaad.paTrup (by th« *tb or July, 1S-Q, aa, according tb (reeeent IndJ

stio c lrtullTieed moner mon att t m tl i n -tdu a new Mlddlefteld. Dec. I0, ISCg, ' '

— Thete Machines require no brlck work; mounted on legs they are especially adapted lor use lit ililla, Shop*,Foundries or-Printing Rooms,—or mounted on wheelsthey are adipted for outdoor work, Threshing, Wood _____________ _____________ ____Sawing, kc. See Rural.New-Ybrker, o f August 16th, while it Is being tied. Farm, town i ISM, flret jage, 4 3 - Clrbulars with desorlptlnit tad^-ftrxale. AddreM OLENDOKE fc pricea funplshed on application to A . N. WOOD A ' . • Co30., Eaton, Madison county, New York. -

CJ. W . S M I T H & C O ., e A l S T E K i X t S e

C O O P E R ST O W N , » . V .

orrtc* ta bihohjix a jakvis’ i*oh clad nuiLniao.

■INTEREST p«dd on deposit*.LOANS made and negotiated.1 U. S. BONDS, f 30 Nor*3, and all the leading secu­

rities bought and sold. ------TO WN BOND'S ol Otaego and Middlefieid lor sale COLLECTIONS made on all part* with prompt­

ness, and at toe lowest rates,DRAFTS o» E bolakd, Iixlaxd, and all other por

tiona ot Europe, tin snms to suit, FASSAQE-T-iCKETS to aud from EaatAHD and

Ikxuaxd by eteamor-ssll.Cooperilown, September1,1868. T4

B A N i c T o F ^ o n F E G o ,OTSEGO COUNTY,N. Y.

f o l l b t t T c a r v e r ,BA N K ERS.

INTEREST p a ll on deposits. Persons of small means, adding weekly or monthly thereto, may depoe lt wlihthie House omcrmj full aa tavotable aa those of u y Savings Bank*'

LOANS made and negotiated.U. S. BONDS, I SO Notea, and all the leading moot-

ttlea bought and eold.COLLECTIONS made on all parta wilh prompt­

ness, and at the Lowest rates.DRAFTS on England, Ireland, and *11 other por

tidoa of Eturopo, in trams to suit.PASSAGE TICKETS to arad from England and

Ireland hy aleana or sail.S. R. FOLLEOT, ltf E. M. CARVER.

M O O R E ’M B A IS K lN tt H O U S E ,MORRIS, N. Y.

ESTABLISHED, I83D.Buy and sell,nd the most liberal prlqes GOVERNMENT BONDS of all Ijiuea. RECEIVE DEPOSITS and negotiate loan*. COLLECTIONS promptly atleadedioera ali pofdt*,

at llie lowest rales.DRAFTS on Eogland and Ireland.PASSAGE TICKETS to and front England and

Ireland.COUPONS on Govennnentundtown bonda bought. TOWN BONDS, (exempt Irom taxation) Issued to

aid lu building the Midland Railroad, for sale In deuomlniUona to siilt.

Morris, Nov. 4» ISOS.A. G. MOORE, Hanker.


F uke F assm , lier-otoforo issued ho lavishly by the A. A S. K. Ii. Co., by a , resolallon of tho Directors wero cat o ff on the 1st Inet. This is a reform in the right direction. Tlio road is poor, and needs alt tho incogno wlilch properly belongs to it. Its free passes hava curtailed its yearly receipts thousands of dollais ; nnd there is’no reason why thoyrihould bo feaued to per­sons not in tho employ of tho company; they beget a spirit of favoritism, and mako to the road moro cnomics than friends.

W hen the 0oo|iexatowu road commences busi­ness, it is to be hoped i t will al together ignore the free pass system. Lot all who wish to travel on i t bo placed oa a level— then thero will bo no cnuBe fer dissatisfaction.

D onation.—Tho friends of tho ltev. IV. L. T horp aro requested to mako him a Donation Visifeon the afternoon aud evening of Tuesday, Jan . 12th, n t the 5L E. Church in Ccoperslown. The company will fco served with refreshments.

U nadilla S chools.— The Trustees of the Unadilla Academy appeal t q the public for aid to pnt the building 1n repair. I t i s owned by individnals, as a corporate body. Would it not be to the interest o f the village to Bell the build­ing to the School Distriot, and f i t it up as a Graded School? I t is not easy to sustain an Academy and a first-class District School io thesame village. ’------ —

G olden W eddino .— Mr. and Mrs. H iram F owleb, o f Otego, celebrated the 50th anni­versary of their marriage on the 25th ult. The Beoord s a y s *

Thfa worthy couple were nrarrioi at Sand Hill Dec. 25th, 1818, aad have since lived in this and adjoining towns; they were entirely de­pendent upon tho labor of their orahanda for a livelihood, but by perseverance, industry, and good management have-been enabled to secure lor themselves a good' home for thclr old ag e ; havo raised a family of nine children, seven of whom are living—five being present-1-,also fivel grand-childreb, - , -

Causal* Baku.—It ia u ld that M ean. D nke A Co., (proprietors of tlio P lantation B itters) u e the largest liepurtereef V tlUsya Bark tn this country, und (hut, with the exception of un occasional « le , all tbey Import la rued im the compounding of Iheir celebrated, P laxtatiox IkT-r«aa,-to which they undoubtedly *rs Indebted lor tlieir wonderful health restoring proper ■the A i l Tonic snd Appellter they are not surpiAMd and we cheerfully reoommend them. AU .flrnt otas Druggists keep them for aale.

Maokoua Wmrira —Superior to the best Imported German, Cologne, and aold at halt the price.

S v _^ y o - ' * M tntr- W H g o r ,'


The Gieat Desideratum of the Age.A dressing wlElcU Is at once ogrcoable, healthy, and

effectual forpreaemug tho hair. Faded orgray hair ll noou restored to Its original color and the gloss and fttehnuiofyouth. Thlnhalrl*thickened, faUlnghalr

■checked, and baldness often, though nut always, cured by ita use. Nothing can restore the hair where the foil!, etna a n derrtoyed, or the glands atrophied nnd decayed, Butiuehaaromalnn can he anted for tuelhlnesa hy this application. Instead o f fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, i t w ill keep lt olean aud vlgoreps. Its occa­sional use will pre vent the hair firom turning gray of falling off, snd'Consequently prevent baldness. Free from there deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and Injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit hut not harm It. If wanted merely for a

H A . I R D R E S S I N G , nothing else ean ho found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, It docs not soil white cambrio, and yet lasts longer on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre aud a gndeltil perfume.

PREPARED BY PR. J. C. AYER k CO, P ra c tic a l a n d A n a ly tica l Chem ists,

X IW K L L , M ASS.PRIOE *1.00.

SoldbyO. M Hoof, A. A, Ja*vis,W . A. Consroei, Coapers[owu,'aud alt druggists and dealers every­where. A-t wholesale by Dickihsok, Comstock h C o, Utloa. lyo

q :U A . R l ’E R L Y R E P O R T „OF T Hcondition o i the Second National Bank o f Coop>

croTown, on tho morning ot the first Monday o f Janu- ary, lSfla. \ tjeSOUBCES.U .S . Bondi to «cure circulation ........$225,000 00

<* «* <i Depoalb........... . 50,000 00•Other U. S. Bondi....................... ; ........ 25,000 00Notes aud Bills Discounted......................... 392,094 28Overdrafts.............................................. 2,707 10

IteSTBstato.. ............. 15,160 00Current Expeiieea.................................. GOO 00TaxW Paid...................................................... 1,092-79Vremiuma.............. 6,000 00’Cash Iteins, lucluding Revenue Btampi ' 5,013 41Due from National Banks....,........................ 39,889 39- “ Other Bunks and Bankers 57,810 40

•Notes ofN&tion&l Banks............................... 1,702 00S p e c ie .. .* . . . . . .............................................. 2,803 00Fractional Currency.................................... • 1,288 00le g a l Tender I f otea.. .<&............................ 41,000 00

Borhaide y %

H O U S E A t t n I ib T P d J t dA E B .EOR-SAJLE— A H o i b e a n d L o t

containing on e tore o f ]Mid, in Ihe Till.ge ofJackkonville, Laurens, with good buildixgs; alio fruit trees sufficient lor .fam ily's use. For farther psrtiou. lij-s Inquire ol the llibloHber.

Jan. 5,1869. 8«r4l« JE SSE 1C. 0UTLER.F A R M tF O R S A L E .

T H E S U B S C R IB E R will bellhls larm, couteioing-about 200 aorea, 'situated

_ _ _ _ _ . iii’the t o w ef Hartwiek. Siid.rarmifl weH watered; running to the honse and Hra; like tine Old orchard, and a new ou,e re-eet o f clioije fruit, whioh la nearlyto'U'heartagtmie'' haa 42 acreaOfhop land,. .. a .x*.. -a-. rirar ------------ ’ fet'neWlv aet ;' the hDUdinge are ittafair condition • ■ — "laereaoftiiii! - - *MWJt,________ ^Ivnevr.Improved style,

tweeu CO and 70 acres o f timber upon tlxt place'; -The hop-kllh id nearly B&'w, and is tiuut upon the Draft or’ehVlA

A partial payment would be derhiatted upon’ sule,tlie remaluder to suit the purehKerr-ESluiie 3Sf the

O u tW A N T E D —200’ ;B ; i j f*t prime Hops,to 111 will bo paid by >•

Milford, N . Y .,J lu l. 6

ALBS SXTRA CHOIOE fill orders, for whieh cash

D i WILBUR A SON.I. 4 2*44 -.

114*111 i107 108,107 107,

, 107ijiftmedJnihid-will,

Talley, doce'aaed; letters: g rau te l to Ohas. Me lo an , Administrator.

F ranois A. Barnard, iato of the town of Milford; deceased; letters .grapteul to Anno E. Barnard and Broderick F . Bui-nar.), Admiqistra- tors.”'

T heodore A. E ddy, late o f thse town of Mil­ford, deceased:; letters granted to Hannah W. Eddy aud John Sweet, Administrators.

J ohn F ritoiibb, Iato o f the town o f Worces­ter, deceased:; lotters granted to Clarissa Fritch- :«?, Administratrix.; W illiam H . G roit, iato of (he town of

A D R IX IN IB T R A T O R S' b a l e .D N B B R S IG N E D ,. -Adminibtba-'

tdre of the cat.be of Stephen Croaklilte. deceased,will sell at public auction, oa

SATURDAY, JANUARY 1 6 ,186B, at l o’blook P. M., at the house of Csleb Clark, In Burlington; Oteego Co., the followiug dnerlbed proto, crty, viz: Twelve ehzrea of the caritsal etoek of tne Weet Wlniield Bmk. One bond and mertg.go for *1,000;,given by Hiram Bush and' wile to Stephen Cronkhite. The whole o f said mortgage w ill be due April 6th, 18)0. One Bond and mortgage given by Lemuel H. Ensaett and wile to Stephen Cronkhite.— Amount unpsid, (1,450 00; all of wulola will he diieon the 12th day.ot December, 1870. Atiso 'a number ot promiaaory notes and accounts against different per­sona. Also numerous articlesof.p<ra«aal property. Termed, sale. Ciuh.

2d NAT’L BANK OF COOteisTOWN, >, , December 12llV, 1808. JiC rO T IO E I S H E R E B Y G IT E N , thatX t ibe annual meeting of the StoeUielders of this Bank, for election o f Diireotors, will b e held ct tbeir Banklhg.House, on Taesdsy, the I2lh d»y o f January next. between the Jiours of 2 end 3n’«look P. K . on tliatdayf 4.»«1 -D. A, AYEHY, Caeliler.

WORTHINGTON NATION AL BANK ,) Ooqperstown, DeeembirlSth, 186S. j

A N K D A L E L E C T I O N for D i ­rectors of thli iBank, will be held at the Uanklng

isd .y , January 12th, 185#; at 4 o’olook JOHN WORTHINOTON, C.elil.r

E f i WAYS of Makiso WREAT, RYE asn CORN 3U BRKAD from Tried Receipt., will be found In

'•A R T R U a ’S B O H K J U O A Z I H tn for Janu- axy, 3S6!). Twipty cents a number. Get It from Newe A rente; oreendtheprlcetoT. S. ARTHUR A SONS, Philadelphia; and It will be promptly iriailetL-

A M E R I C A N U N I O N .P R IC E R E D U C E D !

8 2 . 5 0 A Y E A H .Tills iavcrite Family Journal will hereafter he seat

bo subscribers lor $2.60 .per year. ▲ gratis copy sent one year to any poreon who obtains six names aud for? wordB them with the money to us. In other words, we will fiend 7 copies for $ 16.00, This makes the Uhio

The Cheapest Story Paper in M alta.its columns are Olled'with Capital SioaiEs hy the

beat ’Wfiteiej ahd that charming variety In poetry, wit &nd general miscellany, so well calculated to please all levers of good reading. - _ •m w r s T H E TIM E TO S U B S C R IB E !

•Single eopies,six centa All dealers sell i t Addrepg ELLIOTT, TttOMES & TALBOT,

Boston, Haas.

P R IZ C 8 C A S H K O in R o y a lH a v a a a iK e a ' ciaeky* and M iasdvirt .Lotteries* Circulars

sent and iolormatlon given.JOSETH. BATE8, No. 78 Broadway, New York.

POlt-Qfficg Box, 42BL _____________ ________1 1 7 ANTED, AGENTS, ITS to $ 8 0 0 .per month, VV everywhere male and female, to introduce the

GENUINE IMfKuVEDCOMMON 8ENSKFAM ILY BERING MACHINE. This maclfine will aiUoh, lieuj, fell, tuck, qa&lt, cord, bind, braid and em brelder in a meat superior manner. t*rioe only $18 — 2Tuliy warranted for five years. We will pay $.1000 for any machliie that w ill sew a stronger, more beautiful, or tnore elastic seam tlian outs. I t makes the “Elaa- feio L « k SUck ’ ’ Every second stitch can he cut, and

(111 tlie cloth cannot bb pulled apart without teariaf at. We pay Agents lrom $76 to $200 per month aui «xpeniea, or a commUsion trom which twice that amount nan be made. Address SEUOUB A CO, TirisBctQu, P a , Bostov, Mass , or 5 t Loins, Mo

€aaaitlan,~D o not be imposed upon by other par* aifB palmtDg otf worthless cast-iron machines, under the same nume or otherwise. Oura la the only genuine nud really practical cheap machine manufactured.

A G E N T S W A N T E DTbssH G zorr. K oW ttiS Co’S AMERICAN

JV E W S P A P E R D IR E C T O R Y .A hjniliome Octavo Volnmo o f SOO cages bound lu

cloth, l’zlce $5.00. I t coutuina accurate Lists o f all 4te-New*B*lieM -suid-Reriodtahi ^ublhhaA Jo tlie Batted Btates jrad T.rntorles, aud the Dominion of Canaria, and British Colonics of North Amerloa; to- adber willi a description of the-Towcs und Cities In ■which tliey ure published.

K v e x y B ualneaa w a n ! , l t . _ ^K v c x y P ro fca a lo a a l M a n w a n t * It.E v e x y A d v e r tis e r rnnat h a v e I t .L a r g e s t Commlsaloa>« p a id .

A town can be canvassed for this book in one or two dara, and from $1U to *5U secured In commission — Adv.nco (lieeu ehowlng the style ot Ihe work now m d y and will Le -ent od application together with lermn to agente Address NKLSUN CIIESMAN, No 40 Park Bow, New York_____________________

W4I1UJS O F W ISDOM fn r Y o u n g M en, onHie- Unlieg Passion In Youth end Early Man­

hood, witb Self nelp lor tlio erring and unlortunalo. Bent la sealed letter envelopes, fteo ofchorgo Ad Qfees l’ltlLABil'HROS. Box P. PhlUdelplilq

Phof ifig ,O t 8 E a O C O U M T f , N E W Y O R K ,

MtamUetan aaulaslTfly

I ^ o r H o m B T r a d e , y:ALL*iaB* 0» . . .•

P l a i n a n d F a n o yo f u*«r *Bd di^r»bUityl**i *feo,

w h j tb a w > p o x o R B U ,

1 ‘ W L t r t e a ^ a x o b ^ S f o r CLOTHS, at current,

P. O. AddraMeCooramtowit.NI Y , : * s n u .

F O W H P V U P O lO G B R Y .A M H O W R E O B I V I N G ‘a s e w i u f -ply ei GBOCKIIIK8, whleh wllf to sold ehaap for

■lh. and araAigwhicbantlufoUowUfartieUa:FLODK ot tbe obole«st.bmda,__CODFISH, TK O U Pud XACKEBEL,



Alao, Ooaa, OkM,TxaD,4oe; FRESH OYSTERS Mmi-wMkly iron Fair Havaa, oud FRESH CLAMS,

Cdopwriowto Nov. 4 .38<S. E?N- GRISWOLD

C H R t S T M A S G I F T S

olnjr awT ooiaityrlghU FAB8M. _ ‘

Coopantcrwn. ll, Y,

C ooruaiow x, Oori 7,185*. H ailng seen yards previous to picking,aad. axaajaed

and bonght Hopa after being cured, that war, trained. Tlon Olendorf ond Parahxll’* plan ef t n l a l c g .____

prepaiedto aiy, tb it,In my Judgmenttltia tbe beat plan for tntnicg I ever esw . to aeearo a brl|n t, rloh, marketable Hep, X think they aiitare earlier, giv­ing ihe grower a great’advantage to aecnrw hia hops before mouldwouli” ■-* ■' — =■■----------- —. ... w---- -_A«**».l_ ,T_ -------- ------tlotuly reoommend if a s being the conceit plirn of ' --------- - JEDEDIAH F . SILL

fore mould would ■ lo)are them. and. 'O.m oonHlenoily- rroomr— ‘ ’• — •—*-■-■ -------- * --

training Hops.x Coopzairowr, Nov. 6,1848,

I bave been well satisfied ln the cue o f Olandorf am Porshall’d plan o f training Hops with one pole to tin hill, In a portion ot my yard the past aeuoc. both la respeot to qaantity and quality of fruit as well as rcon- omy. The late Edwin Newell, who took; charge of

used two cedar poles to each hill.97 DORR SHfiSBLL.

A C H A J L L iE N G E "


r ) P R O D U C E A M O H T V E P 0 W 1 Ethat can be used for *

C h u r n i n g a n d P u n tp ix a g ,or for any other purpose, where a ligh t power I* ttaed- etf, eqiialt© this. *

I t oan be woundup in from fire totemmfxmfeeUme, ao that it will ran from oue to five hours.

Patented September17.1888, by M. V. B . R owlkt, W'orceater, Gtiego Co., N . Y . , where th e mmohUdea oaa be eeeii iu practical shape fur Pumping^ Ch.umlo|, 4*0,

Town, County and State Sights for aale o n rewoui ble tenma by tiie patenteec. Jt* V , B . KOWXEY.

Worcester, Oot 8,1863_________________ 0m31

A H EA D OF T H E GABS IW . E . S T i.O K N E Y , h a v in o b s f i i t i d

bit Tannery in Milford, hy putting la a sew Ste«m Englns, Is prepared to do work hy steam, and will keep constantly on hand all Umls of

L E A T H E R ,Including FrenohCalf, A c, A o,

Haring also put tn a run ot stone, will keep eon stonily on h a n d , supply of

G r r o i m d . F e e d .* 3r CUSTOM 1701111 will be Hone on liberal

(eruii, mod with dhpitch.The hlghestmuketprice w ill bepild forO ira^ jju

^Ml’lford°?)c1t.J8’ 'llo°d Ht°Ml 31,f

’~Su8queBarma^House3OMEGNTA, O T SF G O C O U U T Y , N . Y .

please mnd eatlsfy his guest*.■WltH well supplied tables, polite attenllom, and well,

farnlihed rooms, boarders w ill find a hom e, snd travel­ers an agreeable resting place

Oneonta Morob l 1868, otf J. <J, TIDE.

W E A R E O N H A N D !And are prepared, on account o f our Immense iscumsb ur aniisxm, and ol tho Boexkciaiion in Mincnaa dis* of *11 kinds, to offer loom Ageftu anil the public, nor o n r Cottoks, su f a u kimds or Goods at L oss vm.cxs T ..K xv .a . ktom* orraxxD V

Any person that will send to us for printed notices ol 00 artlofea, with *5 enclosed, con receive,F R E E O F C O S T ,

n selection of one o f the following articles MCues’ Fur Muff and Tippett, Silver-Plated'TOW

Pitohcr, I,eptne W’atcb, Wool Long Shawl, 1 pslr Blanket*, Ao , Ao

For additions! particulars, 8END FOR OUR NEW OIBOULAR FOR 1809.

T H U S . L .-FK N N O & CO„— No. 62 Elm Street, Boston, Moss.

T K E P A T E N T ’M A G IC C O M BWJU color gray hair a permanent blaok or brown.— Sold, cvmryWhere. Sent by mail lor *1.26.

Address W M . FjMPTOA, Treasurer.. Magic Comb Company, Springfield, Musa.

F R E EC E K T * T

F O ll AS T A M P .

A PAhlPIl LET oontalnlng valuable Information on l i . tho subject of Advertising. A Ll>t of over One Thousand Newspapers, (tii* bkst Advektisiho MMi­nus,) and price cards showing advertising rates. Ad- dte>8 GEO. P. ltOYYBLL A CO., Mew York.


T R A D E C I R C U L A R ,F O R JA N U A R Y , 1869.

COin\A INING aH stuf valoable aod useftU ariicica for sole at ONE DOLLAR each; also, liberal iu-

ducemcoh for forming Clubs.Tt also contains ihfobkatioh, Yniicn w s tiiinic,

WILE. DB IMPORTANT jn>_AKY_l»KRaON 8RNDINO MONEYto tdr Gif t 'Enterprise One Oollak CosoikNi.

f t Ib tho opinion o f tiome of bur City aud State offi­cials, that it th b otrcular is circulated in all parts of the country, it would be the means o f saving a great deal of money,'which is now lost by tending to these uulawlul concerns On account oi our immense trade, and oi tlio depreciation in Merchandise, we are now oilering to Agcnta better indubeihenta than ever be=- fore odft!red. Copies sent free to any address. AN­D R E W S Ac OU., Q4r E lm S t ., (formerly 108 Sud- bury8t .3) B o sto n , filaaii. _______ _________

$867,850 48LIABILITIES.

CapltMStockptid in...................................$300,000 00Circulating N otes.. ........................... 200,000 00Individual Deposits........................................ 278,282 40U. S. Deposits... ................................. 14,401 81Due NartonalEanks............. .................*.. 1,716 56Due other Banlcs.ahd Bankers. ................. 3 412 00SurpliiaFund.o. ........ X* 60,000; fl0Profits i <.............. 19,538.00

$867,050 43STATK OF-NBW tOBK—CouNrrox OtsEQO,—I,

D. A . Avery, Cashier o f the Second National Bank of Cooperstown, N. Y 1., do solemnly swear that the above statement’is trne tojhe bert bf ray knowledge and be* lief. D .A -A Y K B Y , Cashier.

Sworn to and subsbribed^etore nie this 6thday of.January, 1809, Samuee A. Bowrn, Notary Publio.

QU A R T B R IjY R E P O R T o f th e Won-thinglon XJntlonal Bank of Cooperatown, On the

nr»t Monasyoff January, i869:—■' y ' - - '. .RESOURCES. •’

Lohrn nnd Dlaoouhte .................uqihof N.tlbm ll Banka..-.,.

Real E t t a t e .........Furniture and Fixture*.. . ................OoShltenM.. UU. S. Bpn®.........................................Town 11oe;1b... ............ .Due from Bank*. .LegalTendfers..,,............. . . . . . . . .

.*80,382 26 421 pO 446 78

. 2,000 00 .020 50

, 1,548 27' , 68,000 .00 , 3,000 00 , 14,438 90 . 10,742 00

*168,5084....*60,000 00'

'10,000 09 .,. ' .‘44,601 OO . . . . 59,345 60

2:500,80 144 86

. LIABILITIESCapital;, ............— . . . ,Surplus.. u, .............. ................ . i .Oironlatlng Notes. .................................. .Due Depositors.. ...... ......................Contingent Fiaud....................... .................Profile. .„......... . . . . .

*160,698 80STATE OF NEW YORK—Coburg o f O rasbo-I

John Worthington, Ooehler o f the Worthington Ka- tional Bank, do eolenmly awear thait' the above State, ment; Is true to the beet of my knowledge audbelief.

? JOHN WORTHINGTON, Caehier, Sworn to and anbsorlbcd before me, this 4th dayof

January, 1869. U . Boor*,, Notary Publio.

T H E A M E R IC A N „

ff EW S R A P EE D IE E C T 0 E T—V ?H *-B E ISSUED FEB. 15/1869,


A List of the Newspapers and other Periodicals in each Stale, Territory, Province and Colony, Arranged Alphabetically by Towns, giving the Name-Days o f Ibbu , Size, Subscription Frice, Politics of Gene­ral Charuoter, Circulation, Editor's and Publisher’* Names, Date of Establlahifcent^nd other information.

A list of Towns and Cities ln the United States and Territories, and the Dominion of Canada and Biritlab American Colonies in which the Newspapers or other prriodlcala are published, arranged alphabetically by* Counties, giving Population, Looation, Branch o f In- dastry from which i t derives its importance, and other Information!A HANDSOME OCTAVO VOL., OF 800 PAGES,

BOUND IN CLOTH, PBIQE $6.Address orders t o 4 -

B E D . P . H O t v ELL A CO*, Publishers,* 40 D a r k R o w , H ew V o r lc .

S T I L L I t A T U R j

A T B . F . M U R D O C K & B R O .’S .

D r e s s G o o d s a t B a r g a i n s . !

R E T U R N E D P R O M thb o ity’-jyltrijnlce- ' .


H e a v y C lo a k in g * , BlaTOc- B eaver*;.Nice Patterns otLONG ANU SQUARE SHAWLS,' SBlRriNo ’ARb’rCfoftOK F.LANNKI.3, 'JoUViNB

GlLOVku, COKUKra. COMFOUTKRS, HoOI)]',' ‘NuaUa akd BRkxKvisf Catks,

zud large Btoijk of-goods generally,, tjiat WILI' BE SOLD CHEAP. Ploiise oall and .Xntalne..

Duo. 3, iS§8-. ’ B. F . MURDOCK ft BRO.


M e a t a n d V e g e t a b l e C U o p p e r s .T H A T E N O W O N H A N D AND forJL sale, Starrett’a Patent Meat and Vegetable Chop- pura. This Is the most simple, durable.*a<l-efltoient maobine of the kind ever invented. Is perfect in con- structlon and operation. Strong and not liable to get ont of-repalr. pats meat and,vegetables, to ., with as- tonlshlng rapidity and ease, and has already btoomo an ImHspenilbie article for iimtlles, boarding bouses, hotels, butohen and bakers thrpngbimt the N ew Engs lsnd and Middle Btates, I t occupies no more irOOm than* chopping tray, and Is easily cleaned, A praOII- oal test o f Its merile Is the only recommendation held1 ed. I Invite xll housekeepera and hotel keepers to call ln and1 eee it , as It Is certainly the best thing ever brought before zny civilized people—dt thd store o f .. Deo. 8,1888., 1). P. HOUSE,Sb.

House, ou Tuesdn P. M. 8w4'f

O I L ’ M E iiL .— 3.0QO just jeo»lv*d and (Or lale liy.

lb s . O i l M i a l WM, X . CQBT,

L a i t C a l l .S U B S C R I B E R w o u ld r e sp e c t- .

_ fully Inform all those Indebted to him; that a ll so1 oounU reraalnlug udpald alUr the 16ih of January, 1809, villi be pfinned In the hands o f an oflloer for ool, lection. Jan 0,1868. 1). P. HOUBE.

A X B S & H E L V E S . ^ B I un t ’b H uro’rx j l and Ogden’s Axes. Every ax wanrantad Alto. BEL Vina fromthe beetnudun, at

NOV. 17, MM. ' - WM. X . CORY’S,

lntoetote, lately made tinder the order of the Surro­gate ofthe oounty of Oteego, by Eliza Boyce snd Her man Wilbur, tbe adminietratdro o f till and singular, tlio goorin, chattels, und oredits of tho said Intestate, will be divided by the Said Surrogate, umOUg the crcd- Itoraof tlio’nald inteetate„in proportion to their re. tpeollve debts, according to law, at: tbe Surrogate's office,inthe village of Cooperstown, on th e 23d day. of February next, a t ten O’olook In the forenoon o f that day. Dated this 6th day of Junuary, 1809.

0w44 ‘ B. J. SCOFIELD, Surrogate,

Cf H E R I F F S P R O C L A M A T I O N .—0 Where as a Court of Oyer and Terminer is appoint- ed to h e heidint tho Court House In Cooperstown, in and for the county o f Otsogo, on the llth.day o f Jan., 1809, nroolamation is therefore Hereby made, in eon, formlty to a precept tome dlrectcd and dblivered, bytho Distriot Attorney, to all persons bound to appear nt tlie satd Oyer and Terminer, by recognizance or oth­erwise, to appear thereat; snd all Justices bf ths Pence; Coroners' and other officers who have taken any re- cognizance for the appearance of any person a t such Court, or who have taken any inquisition or the exam-

° Glvenuncier rriy feiflflat the Sherlff’s'offie In the rlljag* of Cdoperstowh.on the 1st, dkynOhnuary, 1869. *■ • H. W. .BROWN,

Jw Sheriff of Oteego Oonntv.

P l i o t o g m p h A lb u m s .

. Sept. 186*

HEMLOCK LUMBER FOR BAT.P1,A T T H E S T E A M C irc u la r S aw M il l

r x o f I lio-subscribers in Middlefieid, in large or small qcoantltln. Bills o f Umber and lumbir of mil sixes and lengths sawed to order on short nodose.

Inquire o f J. A. Lynes, or IL M, Honker, Coopers- lowu: J. B. llqoker. F ly Creek; J . W . Youne, Rich field Springs, or at the Mill 61

Aug. 0,1303. gltf J , A te W . H. LYNES.

F e a t l i e r s f o r. T ' H E "SuBscRmKS t u s odnbtaktly onA h u d , sind for sale on reasonable temaa,a quuat o f L iv e G eeae F e a th e r s , whieh can b o iten a t

hand, sind for sale on reasonable terms,a quantity l iv e G eeae F e a th e r s , whieh can h e seen at hu

house on hletcmll Hill. . RUFUS WIKOFF?j|g*P. O. Address—Cooperstowu, N . Y. Relerenoe

mad. to G M. Oaawr fc Co. . Otsexo. Wan. 26. Iges.

G E O . J A a V I S & C O .(IDOOXSIOIS IO X. r. OOXT,)

F u r n i s M n g O n t l e r t a k e r s ,

T T A V I N G P U R O H A S E D the S tockJLA formerly held by E. P . Corv, and restocked with tbe liteet tnd best Stylet or- goods In our Uce, wewfll continue the Undertaking Basinets at the “ Old Stone Store.”



5 -ooeetatyoaftxriJr l'itnfTErTflric-aud eumptolBti- •ortmeatof Merino and Muslin SHROUDS, CAPS, CRAPE, t o . , to . Aleo an elegaxt

F A L L , 1 8 6 8 .


R E A D Y - M A D E C J L O T U I N G ,



M A I I . O n S F I E I E x T a .

$11 kinds o f Gentlemen’* weir. Good quiUty o l goods, .and well tn&de.

F U R N IS H IN G G O O D S .Car stock lu this department embraoci All the dlfler

entjtyleaofCravata, Scafls, Pocket Hsudkerchltfci Collars, Shirts, Undershirts, Drtvreri, AO..Elastic Bows, Satin Bows,80 doz. different kinds Cravats,Ribbon, Yale, Cadet and Beaufort Cravats, whioh

sroneatend tustllygotop.Fanoy De Jolnvllle, Linen Pocket HamdkerohieU, Pongee do, do.Lisle^hread Gloves,A fine assortment o f Kid Oloves,


TO THB YOUNG MBS*we would s ty that we have the

FINEST ASSORTMENT OF N ECK TIES,such sos the La Grande Duohestc, Chasstpot tie, Water Fall, Ribbon Ties and Bowa;«omelhini entirely new and very cheap. Also a fine assortment o i SLEEVE BUTTONS, very cheap. x

Singer . Sewing Machines,A WORD TO THE LADIES,

We have just reoeived a large lo to f Singer Sewing Machines ofthe latcstimprovement; highlyomsment- ed, Inlaid with pearl,. mottled, blaok valaut cabinet eased, foldlngroovor,.with drawers, to . The merits ol these machines oan bebetter seen than written about by callingdhat Johnston &,Field’s and sec for themselves, as samples of the work hre kept on hand. We have 10 o f these muchlr.es in our own employmtnt.and can at­test to their good qualities. M r Send for a Circular.

q HATS AND CAPS;A good assortment ju st'reoeived. Silk, Fur and

W ool Hats at low prices. "

F o f R e a d y C s i s lA

I tun and -will do & little hettel* by you thttt fiuy oth- erestatUshmentlD this *ectIUn o ltu e A singletrlil -vfillsatiaty you on thie point. 4 ‘ ^

CobneratQwn,Jept. 11868,, , MARCUS FIgLD,


‘ Solid Meats— Rjr. tbe X e g .* FOR SALB BY

D . B ,. Thoso vslio buy these Oysters w ill pntohase none

other. They-nre the CHEAPEST and BEST., Thev are warranted solid meats. Ingallon; half gallon ancl quart kega. Cooperatown; Deo. , 1808.

OUT F O R T H IE Y E S.—W e— have the beat assortment.of looks of all kinds aver brought info the county. „ Pyes’ .eelebnted Padlccks WiaB*»TED Bnaoaan Pnoof, a t

Nov. 11,1868 . . WM, E. CORY'S.

t ’S I S L A N D S A L T .— 1 0 0 bu shels juat received and for sule by

Nov. 11!. 1868. ' W il, K. CORY,

C A U S A G t E C U T T E R S a n d St u f f b b s ,Is? Hog Soripors and Butchers’ Tools o f ill kind* lbr saraby (Nov. It) WM. I . CORY

JU ST RNCBIVJBD, ,1 |R E N C E W A X , SPERM- ahd T a llo w

CAsnm-s, Babbett’s Old Chemlcd, Tnrtelot A Op.’g, Keyes' Tallow Soap, and a vsrtety ot TolIet SoapyHirtsgle by (Dell, 7) ‘ H DAVI8,

BAGS !— 500 E x tb a SeaMtnsss Grain Bags, for snleby (41) W . E. CORY

Sunday Schqpl DfbiRxy Books.R E C E I Y E D , a f i s b sto ck - t o

_ select Iroto, at the Book Store ofJuly, 1BH8. . ' W, FT, RUGGLF.fi'

H U D S O N B A Y W O L F R O B E S .NEW SELECTION o f m is s 8upkr-mox Ilohcs—warranted to be ths Hudson B ty

Skins are offered for eale by ihe uhdindgned. Also ltrke atook o i Buffalo Robes, IlgrM Blinkets, l i ~ l t i f e , fo ., Ao ' BROWNING A HOOKES,

October 7,1868.


i* oa*a* raaiarr, a t

COOPERSTOWN, N . t .■li. *

goodi suitable for

H o lid a y P r e s e n t s ,among whioh way be found a very oholoe jeleotiohof

Prang’s Ametioan Cromos,which ore k tu lven tlly admired by all lovers o f art. Also, q large oolleoflou ol

FRENCH AND ENGLISH CROMOSThs largest aad, but’sslncted stook of

A X j B U M S ,

both c u d oad lmperiol ilie , srer brought Into thli market, aad « prl CM which deljr competition.

Stereoscope Glasses and Stereo- scoplo Views,

of all purti o f Ameriei. ftom $2.00 to $3.66 per dozen. AlKiftfineMdMUonor ” ' 4

FOREIGN VIEWS,from different parts oi Europe.

F ra m in g , o f E v e ry D e ic r ip tio n ,done to order. W « keep constantly on band a lirce stock of • _


ixeTrMted to aril and"examffi* Ihe'abofe named artlolei befbre making tbeir ^arohasea..

Nov. 18,1868. Sltf G. SMITH.

“G l a s g ^ t ^ jJJearse.Our loug ex;

tying that tho rUlhe suited tOur loug experience in ths business warn ntl as ta

isyjng that those who mar favor ns with their orders, {Ilhe suited both In quiUty and price. jw F unerali attended In village and country.K. P. CORY lain onr employ and Is authorized to

tranuct butlnea for the firm.GEORGE JARVIS, ELLERY CORV

Coopentown. March 20,1867. ~ eotf



H e a v y W in t e r C lo th in g ,

E le g a n t B n i i n e u S u it ir

F in e D r e w S u it* .

Boys’ Clothing,

a n d Fumi*hing G ood s,


G r e a t W a r d r o b e , ;


110 a n d 1118 Gamasea S t . , U t ic a .


Tbere you oin aeleot Erom ah --------


Tbe ityles are varied, fiultdesi and unique, the manu­facture excellent and unexceptionable, the very belt th. the oity.’ ‘

The Prices LOWER than at ANY OTHER STORE.


G R E A T W A R D R O B E .I • 'It Is the best way to live money.

T a l i . K i n g s l e y & S o n ,h



beeiuse.lt gives them more and better goods for the Kamo amount o f money than any other Clothing Store in Utica. . . p -



nil neat an i ftoty styles, at the ■GREAT WAjti>BOB».






WORKING JACKETS, all qualities,




a t t h e g r e a t w a r d r o b e .




A l l Kinds of Furnishing Goods,AT t h e g r e a t WABDROBS.


P A I N T S , O I L S , V A R N I S H E S , A N DL Painters’ Materials, Pare White Lead, Pal* Frmoh m d Amerloan Zlcos. Fremtuim Leads ia pat-ent oam and nails, Permanent Green, Chrome Graea, Chrome Yellow In oll tnd dry. - . We will tall theee goods ot pare quaUty very lowto any one wlihlng topurohaee.

June 4.1858 A , A. JARVIS A CG.

B A R G A I N ; 7—H o rse, B.u<wrR. DAVIS.w slid Hame»s, for sal* by

O olohirI4,1868. .

j, FEATHRRS.— A pmkelotof Mrs Gotta Feathers torAsia atthe Central

Oaeh Store. Nov. 4. " Er RUSSMtL * CO.