Second Fairfax County Parks Memo Downgrading Urban Parks Facility Requirements, October 3, 2013

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  • 7/27/2019 Second Fairfax County Parks Memo Downgrading Urban Parks Facility Requirements, October 3, 2013


  • 7/27/2019 Second Fairfax County Parks Memo Downgrading Urban Parks Facility Requirements, October 3, 2013


    Heidi Merkel

    Consideration of Athletic Fields in Reston Special Study

    Page 2


    In order to determine how the study areas athletic field need might shift when considered in an

    urban context, staff focused on past experience, demographics, and assumptions of full-service

    fields as our guide. Working with Neighborhood and Community Services (NCS) (as theCounty agency that schedules and therefore tracks usage of County athletic fields) and RA (as a

    major provider of recreation facilities in Reston), staff determined that rectangle field need couldbe adjusted to 6 and diamond fields could be adjusted to 6 fields (see Table 1 below).

    Table 1: Urban Adjustments

    Rectangle fieldsNet need using suburban service level standards: 13Based on Scenario GAdjusted urban need: 6

    Adjustment factors:

    Assumes full size rectangle to accommodate all levels of play and multiple sports. Mandatory synthetic turf and lights assumed on new fields for increased capacity Addition of lights and synthetic turf on existing fields will increase playing capacity. Proportionally smaller youth population (primary users in suburban context) in urban

    development areas of Reston.

    Diamond fieldsNet need using suburban service level standards: 12

    Based on Scenario GAdjusted urban need: 6

    Adjustment factors:

    Assumes large diamond fields with portable mounds and flexible base paths to allowsoftball and baseball use. Availability of temporary fencing to allow youth use.

    Mandatory use of lights and synthetic turf to increase capacity. Growth in workforce population, corporate users/need and senior leagues add


    Area already underserved for adult softball use.These adjustments are in keeping with factors considered in other urban and semi-urban

    redevelopment within the County (i.e, Tysons, revitalization areas) and are consistent with

    current athletic field use data (with respect to capacity gains provided by lights and syntheticturf). Park Authority staff presented the proposed adjustments to its Park Authority Board in

    May 2012.


    In considering how the needed number of athletic fields might be provided, a comprehensive

    field inventory was done of the three primary athletic fields providers near the study area thePark Authority, RA, and Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS). Park Authority and FCPSfields are available for public and team play through NCS/County scheduling; RA fields are

    available for play for Reston-affiliated groups through RA scheduling. This long-standing policy

    resolution of the Reston Association to schedule only Reston-based organization may need to be

    reconsidered in light of additional pressures for field space, as well as additional opportunitiesfor funding improvements. Further, provision of Park Authority and FCPS athletic fields (new

  • 7/27/2019 Second Fairfax County Parks Memo Downgrading Urban Parks Facility Requirements, October 3, 2013


  • 7/27/2019 Second Fairfax County Parks Memo Downgrading Urban Parks Facility Requirements, October 3, 2013
