Naval Construction Battalion Center, Gulfport, Mississippi June 13, 2013 Vol. 53 No. 25 www.cnic.navy.mil/gulfport Seabees host Area 3 Special Olympic Games You’re invited ... Naval Mobile Construction Bat- talion (NMCB) 11 will hold a change of command ceremony June 21, at 8:30 a.m. on the Parade Field Grinder. Cmdr. Lore Aguayo, commanding offi- cer of NMCB 11, will be re- lieved by Cmdr. Steven J. Stasick who is cur- rently the Public Works Officer of Commander Fleet Ac- tivities, Yokosuka, Japan. Aguayo will become the Opera- tions Officer of Naval Facilities Engineering Command, South- east in Jacksonville, Fla. Scrubbing for Relief The annual Bee Wash to benefit the 2013 Navy Marine Corps Relief Society Active Duty Fund Drive took place on the grinder on board Naval Construc- tion Battalion Center (NCBC) Gulfport, June 5. The official Bee Wash Team included Capt. Rick Burgess, commanding officer, NCBC Gulfport, Cmdr. Scott Anderson, commanding officer, Naval Construction Training Center (NCTC) Gulfport, Chaplain Paul Smith, command chaplain, NCBC, Chief Boatswain’s Mate Stan Weaver, leading chief petty officer, NCBC Master- at-Arms department and Chief Construction Mechanic Jeff Malia, assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 133, Alfa Company. In total, $1,629 was raised for the Bee Wash, with all donations going to the NMCRS fund drive. (U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Ryan G. Wilber/Released) More than 85 athletes and 200 military and civilian volunteers came together out- side the Fitness Center as NCBC Gulfport hosted the 2013 Area 3 Special Olympics, June 8. The day of competition began with a ceremonial athlete parade and torch placing, followed by nine events in four sports: softball, soccer, croquet and horse- shoes, and ended with an awards ceremony. In all, the games were a great suc- cess for the athletes and rewarding experience for the many volunteers. Thank you to all who participated, and congratulations to all the athletes. (U.S. Navy photo by Utilitiesman Constructionman Alicia Fluty/Released) More Special Olympics photos on page 4 and Facebook

Seabee eCourier June 13, 2013

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Weekly NCBC Gulfport newspaper

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Page 1: Seabee eCourier June 13, 2013

Naval Construction Battalion Center, Gulfport, Mississippi June 13, 2013Vol. 53 No. 25


Seabees host Area 3Special Olympic Games

You’re invited ...Naval Mobile Construction Bat-talion (NMCB) 11 will hold achange of command ceremonyJune 21, at 8:30 a.m. on theParade Field Grinder. Cmdr.Lore Aguayo, commanding offi-cer of NMCB 11, will be re-lieved by Cmdr. Steven J.

Stasick who is cur-rently the Public WorksOfficer of Commander Fleet Ac-tivities, Yokosuka, Japan.Aguayo will become the Opera-tions Officer of Naval FacilitiesEngineering Command, South-east in Jacksonville, Fla.

Scrubbing for Relief

The annual Bee Wash to benefit the 2013 Navy Marine Corps Relief SocietyActive Duty Fund Drive took place on the grinder on board Naval Construc-tion Battalion Center (NCBC) Gulfport, June 5. The official Bee Wash Teamincluded Capt. Rick Burgess, commanding officer, NCBC Gulfport, Cmdr.Scott Anderson, commanding officer, Naval Construction Training Center(NCTC) Gulfport, Chaplain Paul Smith, command chaplain, NCBC, ChiefBoatswain’s Mate Stan Weaver, leading chief petty officer, NCBC Master-at-Arms department and Chief Construction Mechanic Jeff Malia, assigned toNaval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 133, Alfa Company. In total,$1,629 was raised for the Bee Wash, with all donations going to the NMCRSfund drive. (U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Ryan G.Wilber/Released)

More than 85 athletes and 200 military and civilian volunteers came together out-side the Fitness Center as NCBC Gulfport hosted the 2013 Area 3 Special Olympics,June 8. The day of competition began with a ceremonial athlete parade and torchplacing, followed by nine events in four sports: softball, soccer, croquet and horse-shoes, and ended with an awards ceremony. In all, the games were a great suc-cess for the athletes and rewarding experience for the many volunteers. Thankyou to all who participated, and congratulations to all the athletes. (U.S. Navy photoby Utilitiesman Constructionman Alicia Fluty/Released)

More Special Olympics photos on page 4 and Facebook

Page 2: Seabee eCourier June 13, 2013



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NCBCCommanding Officer

Capt. Rick BurgessPublic Affairs Officer

Rob MimsEditor

Bonnie L. McGerrMass Comm. Specialist

MCC(SCW/SW/AW) Ryan G. Wilber

Special ContributorsCECN(SCW) Lucinda Moise

UTCN Alicia Fluty

The Seabee Courier is aweekly authorized on-linepublication for members ofthe military services and theirfamilies. Content does notnecessarily reflect the officialviews of the U.S. Govern-ment, the DoD or the U.S.Navy and does not imply en-dorsement thereof. The ap-pearance of advertising in thisnewspaper, including insertsor supplements, does notconstitute endorsement bythe U. S. Government, DoD,the Navy or NCBC Gulfport ofthe products and services ad-vertised. All content in thisnewspaper shall be madeavailable for purchase, use orpatronage without regard torace, color, religion, gender,national origin, age, maritalstatus, physical handicap, po-litical affiliation or any othernon-merit factor of the pur-chaser, user or patron. If aviolation or rejection of thisequal opportunity policy byan advertiser is confirmed,the publisher shall refuse toprint advertising from thatsource until the violation iscorrected. The Seabee Couriersolicits news contributionsfrom military and civiliansources, but the Public Affairsstaff reserves the right to editand/or rewrite material se-lected for publication to con-form with journalismstandards. The deadline formaterial is close of businessevery Friday. Your commentsare always welcome. TheSeabee Courier office is inBuilding 1, Room 205. Themailing address is 4902 Mar-vin Shields Blvd., Code 15,Gulfport, MS 39501. Phone:228-871-3662., Email:[email protected]

Sexual Assault VictimAdvocate TrainingAre you the person that wants to help someone in need?Have you ever known someone that has been the victim oftrauma resulting from sexual assault and did not know how tohelp? Become a SAPR Victim Advocate and learn to help yourfellow Seabee or Sailor that needs support ina time of need. To register for the class con-tact your Sexual Assault Response Coordina-tor Michael Jordy at 228-871-3715 or [email protected]. The class will be heldJune 17 - 21, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., in building60, room 105.

Due to the



the NCBC


will close on

Mondays and


in July

Fraud, Wasteand AbuseHotline: Due to lim-ited IG resources throughoutthe Southeast Region, allFraud, Waste and Abuse hot-line work will now be han-dled by the Region. Toreport Fraud, Waste andAbuse, contact the Regionat: Toll Free 1-877-657-9851 Comm: 904-542-4979 DSN 942-4979 FAX:904- 542-5587, E-mail:[email protected].

Biloxi:YaYa’s 2751 Pass Road

Gulfport:Herbal Alternatives1909 East Pass Road

Herbal Alternatives11530 Highway 49

BJ’s Bar (Club 228) 17920 16th StreetSinsations Night Club1809 30th Ave.

Nick’s Place 12460 Highway 49

Pascagoula:Bunksmall Apartments708 South Pascagoula St.

Updated List of Area Off-Limit Locations

The following establishmentshave been declared “Off Lim-its” to all Armed Forces per-sonnel by the Armed ForcesDisciplinary Control Board asof Sept. 10, 2012

Service members are orderednot to enter or patronize theseoff-limit establishments of theirlocations. This does not applyto Armed Forces police on dutyor others on official business.Violations of this order are pun-ishable under Article 92, Uni-form Code of Military Justice.

The Fourth of July was traditionally cele-brated as America's birthday, but the idea ofan annual day specifically celebrating the Flagis believed to have first originated in 1885. BJCigrand, a schoolteacher, arranged for thepupils in the Fredonia, Wisconsin PublicSchool, District 6, to observe June 14 (the108th anniversary of the official adoption ofThe Stars and Stripes) as “Flag Birthday.” Innumerous magazines and newspaper articlesand public addresses over the followingyears, Cigrand continued to enthusiasticallyadvocate the observance of June 14 as “FlagBirthday,” or “Flag Day.” On June 14, 1889, George Balch, a kinder-

garten teacher in New York City, planned ap-propriate ceremonies for the children of hisschool, and his idea of observing Flag Daywas later adopted by the State Board of Edu-cation of New York. On June 14, 1891, theBetsy Ross House in Philadelphia held a FlagDay celebration, and on June 14 of the fol-lowing year, the New York Society of the Sonsof the Revolution, celebrated Flag Day. Following the suggestion of Colonel J

Granville Leach (at the time historian of thePennsylvania Society of the Sons of the Revo-lution), the Pennsylvania Society of ColonialDames of America April 25, 1893 adopted aresolution requesting the mayor of Philadel-phia and all others in authority and all privatecitizens to display the Flag on June 14.Leach went on to recommend that thereafterthe day be known as Flag Day, and on thatday, school children be assembled for appro-priate exercises, with each child being given asmall Flag. Two weeks later on May 8, the Board of

Managers of the Pennsylvania Society of Sonsof the Revolution unanimously endorsed the

action of the Pennsylvania Society of ColonialDames. As a result of the resolution, Dr. Ed-ward Brooks, then Superintendent of PublicSchools of Philadelphia, directed that FlagDay exercises be held June 14, 1893 in Inde-pendence Square. School children were as-sembled, each carrying a small Flag, andpatriotic songs were sung and addresses de-livered. In 1894, the governor of New York directed

that June 14, the Flag be displayed on allpublic buildings. With BJ Cigrand and LeroyVan Horn as the moving spirits, the Illinois or-ganization, known as the American Flag DayAssociation, was organized for the purpose ofpromoting the holding of Flag Day exercises.On June 14, 1894, under the auspices of thisassociation, the first general public schoolchildren's celebration of Flag Day in Chicagowas held in Douglas, Garfield, Humboldt, Lin-coln and Washington Parks, with more than300,000 children participating. Adults, too, participated in patriotic pro-

grams. Franklin K. Lane, Secretary of the In-terior, delivered a 1914 Flag Day address inwhich he repeated words he said the flag hadspoken to him that morning: "I am what youmake me; nothing more. I swing before youreyes as a bright gleam of color, a symbol ofyourself." Inspired by these three decades of state

and local celebrations, Flag Day - the anniver-sary of the Flag Resolution of 1777 - was offi-cially established by the Proclamation ofPresident Woodrow Wilson on May 30, 1916. While Flag Day was celebrated in various

communities for years after Wilson's procla-mation, it was not until Aug. 3, 1949, thatPresident Truman signed an Act of Congressdesignating June 14 of each year as NationalFlag Day.

Celebrate Flag Day June 14From U.S. Flag.org

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Navy Weather Special Warfare Support Technicians and AirForce Special Operations Weather Technicians learn to deter-mine soil type by feel and texture during a Riverine AnalysisForecasting Course (RAFC) at the Naval Meteorology andOceanography Professional Development Center (NMOPDC)on board NCBC Gulfport, June 6. The service members will usethe knowledge gained through the course to support special op-erations in a wartime environment. (U.S. Navy photo by Utilities-man Constructionman Alicia Fluty/Released)

“Get all your personal docu-ments, spare cash and food to-gether and ready to go.”

“Buy a can of fix-a-flat and aplug kit, in case you get a flattire and need to evacuate.”Ben Taran

NEX Autoport

Hometown: Saucier, Miss.

“What is your number 1 hurri-cane preparedness tip?”

Marvin D. Foster


Hometown: Cleveland, Ohio

By CECN(SCW) Lucinda MoiseNCBC Public Affairs

Buzz on

the Street

CS2 (SW/AW) Victoria O’Rourke


Hometown: Rosebud, S.D.

“If staying in town, have agenerator handy.”

Reserve Aerographer's Mate “C” school students observe and an-alyze weather service charts and vertical soundings of the at-mosphere at the Naval Meteorology and OceanographyProfessional Development Center (NMOPDC) on board NCBCGulfport, June 6. Upon completion of the school, the students willearn the Analyst-Forecaster Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC AG-7412) and be qualified to develop and issue warnings of severeand hazardous conditions as weather forecasters, and conductenvironmental briefings/debriefings for combat and trainingoperations. (U.S. Navy photo by Utilitiesman Constructionman AliciaFluty/Released)

Twenty people participated in the Memorial Day Murph, acrossfit workout challenge done in honor of Navy LieutenantMichael P. Murphy, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed inAfghanistan June 28, 2005. The challenge consists of a 1 milerun, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats and finishes withanother 1 mile run. The top male was Jon Childers, with a timewas 30:28, while the top female was Leah Benoit with a timeof 31:48. This year’s Murph was a great event. Everyone teamedup to push every competitor to their max and not let anyonegive up. (U.S. Navy photo courtesy of MWR/Released)

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Special OlympiansSpecial Olympiansenjoy their day of competitionenjoy their day of competition

The 2013 Area 3 Special Olympics was held on board Naval Construction Bat-talion (NCBC) Gulfport June 8. More than 85 athletes and 200 military and civil-ian volunteers came together as the athletes competed in nine events in foursports: softball, soccer, croquet and horseshoes. One of the day’s highlightswas the opening ceremony which included an athlete carrying the torch and

leading a procession of fellow athletes onto the competition field followed bya welcome by NCBC Commanding Officer, Capt. Rick Burgess. After a fullmorning of activity, the athletes were awarded their ribbons and a pizza partylunch. (U.S. Navy photos by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Ryan G. Wilberand Utilitiesman Constructionman Alicia Fluty/Released)

Page 5: Seabee eCourier June 13, 2013

Confidentialitywith Chaplains:Sailors hold the key

In a recent poll on Navy Personnel Command’s website, 63 per-cent of 5,049 respondents did not believe that what they say toa chaplain is confidential, and 65 percent of 2,895 respondentsbelieve that Navy chaplains are required to report certain mat-ters to the command.

In light of these results and other anecdotal evidence, Chiefof Chaplains Rear Adm. Mark L. Tidd saw an opportunity to rollout an official campaign to help educate service members, lead-ership and families across the Navy and Marine Corps on SEC-NAV Instruction 1730.9: Confidential Communications toChaplains. This policy was established on Feb. 7, 2008 to protect the sa-

cred trust between an individual and a chaplain. Per Navy policy, service members and families have the right

and privilege to confidential communication with a Navy chap-lain; Chaplains have the obligation and responsibility to protectand guard the confidential communications disclosed to them;and commanders honor and support the unique, confidential re-lationship between an individual and a chaplain.

Chaplains cannot be compelled by the command, medicalprofessionals or others to disclose what a service member or fam-ily member shares in confidence.

“What you say to us stays between us, unless you decide dif-ferently- You hold the key,” said Tidd. “That being said, chap-lains will always assist in guiding an individual to the appropriateresources and will not leave an individual alone when the indi-vidual or others are at risk,” Tidd added.

Chaplains serve as advocates to help individuals get the sup-port needed to overcome the challenges they face before mat-ters escalate. “This unique relationship between an individual anda chaplain can serve as a valuable safety valve to the commanderto facilitate increased morale and mission readiness,” said Tidd.

Given the continuing stigma service members associate withseeking help, chaplains offer Sailors, Marines and their familiesa safe place to talk, without fear or judgment. “Confidentiality can be particularly important when a Sailor or

Marine may feel they have nowhere to turn during a personalcrisis, or if they’re concerned about command involvement or animpact on their career,” said Tidd.

In addition to a Message to the Fleet on confidentiality, theChaplain Corps has established a resource page devoted toconfidentiality on its website: www.chaplain.navy.mil. This pageincludes frequently asked questions, a fact sheet, a flyer, as wellas a link to the policy.“The Chaplain Corps is committed to caring for all with dignity,

respect and compassion, regardless of an individual’s beliefs, ifany. One of the ways we do this is through confidentiality,”Tidd said.

Contact your command chaplain today! Don’t know who yourchaplain is? Contact Navy 311 for support in your area: 1-855-NAVY-311 or text to: [email protected]. Visit: www.chap-lain.navy.mil to learn more about Navy chaplains andconfidentiality and to review the complete SECNAV Instruction1730.9 on confidential communications to chaplains.



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By Christianne M. WittenChief of Chaplains Public Affairs

If you are a victim of abuse, youare not alone and you have theright to be safe! You are not re-sponsible for violent behavior andno one deserves to be beaten orthreatened. Call the Family Ad-vocacy Office at 228-871-3000 formore information. If you are avictim of sexual assault, IT IS NOTYOUR FAULT!!! Help for victimsof sexual assault in the DoD com-munity is only a call, click or textaway 24/7/365: The SafeHelplineprovides live, one-on-one crisissupport and information world-wide by specially trained staff.CALL: 877-995-5247; CLICK:www.SafeHelpline.org; or TEXT:55-247 CONUS; 202-470-5546OCONUS (may be additionalcharges for OCONUS).

The Sexual Assault Preventionand Response (SAPR) Programprovides prevention, interventionand a 24/7/365 response to adultvictims of sexual assault. Activeduty and adult family membersexual assault victims have achoice of reporting options - un-restricted and restricted.

Unrestricted reporting allows avictim to have an advocate, seek

medical care, counseling legalservices, safety interventions suchas a Military Protective Order(MPO), separation from offender,Expedited Transfer, etc. To ac-cess an unrestricted report, thevictim may report to his/her chainof command, Security/law en-forcement, NCIS, SAPR VA, SARC,and his/her commanding officershall began an investigation of thesexual assault.Restricted reporting allows a vic-

tim to have a confidential report ofsexual assault, which does nottrigger either command nor lawenforcement notification and thevictim may have a SAPR victimadvocate and seek medical careand/or counseling.

To access restricted reporting,the victim may disclose his/hersexual assault only to the SARC, acurrent SAPR victim advocate, aHealth Care Provider and/or aChaplain. To contact the Naval Construction

Battalion Center (NCBC) 24/7 Vic-tim Advocate, please call 228-596-0697. To contact the SARC, pleasecall 228-871-3715 or SARC cell228-323-4717. To contact the al-ternate SARC at NAS JRB New Or-leans, please call 504-762-0224.

SAPR CORNERFrom the Sexual Assault

Response Coordinator: NCBC Gulfport


Assault andPrevention


June 14 8 a.m.

Training Hall

Attendance isMANDATORY

Local 24/7 Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program Contact #: (228) 596-0697

Your installation Sexual Assault Response Coordinator’s Contact #: (228) 323-4717

Alternate Sexual Assault Response Coordinator’s Contact #: (504) 762-0224

Click: www.SafeHelpline.org; Call: 877-995-5247; Text* 55-247 (Inside the U.S.)Text* 202-470-5546 (Outside the U.S.)

*Text your location for the nearest support resources

Page 6: Seabee eCourier June 13, 2013

CAMP LEATHERNECK, Afghanistan – The military hasan instructional manual for almost everything, but NavyPetty Officer 3rd Class Scott Wray knows experience isnot in any manual, and that there’s no better way to gainit than having a mentor.Wray is a construction builder assigned to Naval Mo-

bile Construction Battalion 15, but his computer talentshave resulted in his assignment to the training depart-ment here.

“At first, I thought I was going to helping for a fewdays,” he said. “It turned into a full-time position.”Wray soon found himself permanently assigned toHeadquarters Company’s training shop managing theAdvanced Skills Management program instead of serv-ing in E Company as a builder. But when an opportu-nity to work on a camp maintenance project presenteditself, Wray seized the opportunity.“I saw it as an opportunity to get some real builder rate

training, so I accepted,” he said.For this project, Wray was assigned under the tute-

lage of Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Daniel Niles to as-sist him with a complete door installation, includingwall, studs and frame, at the Combat Logistics Regiment2 compound. Niles is an experienced builder with sixyears of experience in the Seabees, and even more asa full-time civilian construction worker.After arriving at the construction site, the two loaded

their materials and began to work.“I prefabricated the door and showed [Wray] how to

frame it up, and then we installed it,” Niles said. “If youdon’t do it every day, you are going to have a little bitof a struggle.”Wray appreciated the help he got from Niles. “At first,

I was kind of rusty,” he said. “It was kind of nice to getback out and build.”

Niles mentored Wray through the project and as-sisted him when necessary. He noted that it wasn’tlong before Wray regained his form and that he had lit-tle trouble for the rest of the project.

As he watched Wray work, Niles said, he was awarethat having more experienced Seabees mentoring jun-ior ones on projects like this is important.“I think it’s good to have mentors, because you are sav-

ing a lot time by preventing them from running into mis-takes that you once made yourself,” he explained. “Ithink there’s a lot to learn from it.”

After completing the project, Wray also noted that hav-ing Niles present was essential not only for getting thejob done in a timely manner, but also for helping himto exercise his skill set.

“It was definitely nice having [Petty Officer] Nilesthere,” he said. “And with his help, I was able to pickup a few skills.”



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Face of Defense: Seabee builder mentors junior Sailor

Builder 3rd Class Scott Wray, assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 15 hammersa nail as he works to install a door while performing camp maintenance. NMCB 15 is currently de-ployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and is an expeditionary element of U.S. Naval Forcesthat support various units worldwide through national force readiness, civil engineering, human-itarian assistance, and building and maintaining infrastructure. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass CommunicationSpecialist 2nd Class Daniel Garas)

By MC2 Daniel GarasNaval Mobile Construction Battalion 15 Public Affairs



Team (UCT)


Contact UCT CCC/Diver recruiting team at 757-462-3988/4313 or Email YNC Aberle [email protected]; SW1 Dohse [email protected] or visitwww.facebook.com/seabee.diver for information.

Join an ELITE forceand travel as a small,professional team.Execute specializedconstruction, divingand demolition skillswith the latest andgreatest technologyand equipment.

UCT 1 is searchingfor highly motivatedSeabees and CEC Officers looking for acareer and lifestylechange.

NCIS has two new anonymous ways to re-port crimes or suspicious behavior with theuse of discreet and secure online or textingtip lines.To report information by Cell text:1. Text “NCIS” to the short code 274637 (CRIMES) from any cell or smartphone.2. Receive a response, for example: “Your alias is: S2U5 Call 911 if ur-gent! If replies put you at risk, text “STOP”3. Begin dialogueTo report information Online:1. Go to www.NCIS.navy.mil, click on the “Report a Crime” tab and selectthe icon for “text and Web tip Hotline.”There is a reward of up to $1,000 for information leading to a felony ar-rest or apprehension.

See Something Wrong, Do Something Right!

Page 7: Seabee eCourier June 13, 2013

OKINAWA, Japan -- Naval Mobile Construction Battalion(NMCB) 5 held a change of command ceremony June 7while deployed to Camp Shields in Okinawa Japan.

Cmdr. Cameron Geertsema assumed command fromCmdr. Peter Maculan, becoming the 39th commandingofficer of NMCB 5.

“While visiting [battalion workshops, spaces, and con-struction sites] I met sharp, articulate Seabees with thecleanest and most organized sites I have ever seen bat-talions have,” said Capt. Dean Tufts, the commodore ofNaval Construction Group (NCG) 1 while speaking at theceremony.“Even though [Maculan] will always deflect credit and give

it to the people under him, you would not be as success-ful without a great leader guiding you,” Tufts went on tosay.During the ceremony, Tufts presented Maculan with a Mer-

itorious Service Medal for his successful two-year tenureas the commanding officer of the Seabee battalion knownas the “Professionals.”While under Maculan’s leadership, the battalion was de-

ployed two times and one disaster relief response to NewYork City and New Jersey after Hurricane Sandy devastated

the area. From June 2011 until June 2013, the battalionhas worked on more than 70 projects in 27 different ge-ographical areas.

While speaking to the “Professionals” in the audience,Maculan thanked everyone for enduring and accommo-dating some of the grueling tasks that sometimes came upto help the battalion become a success.“You are the most cohesive, professional and dedicated

Seabees, and I’m proud to have worked with each andevery one of you,” said Maculan. The change of command between the two men was so-

lidified by the traditional passing of the colors from Mac-ulan to Geertsema.

Geertsema, a native of San Antonio, Texas, earned aBachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Texas A&MUniversity before he received his commission through theOfficer Candidate School in Pensacola, Fla.

Prior to assuming command, he was serving as the as-sistant regional engineer for Navy Region Southeast.

“Thanks to each and everyone for welcoming me,” saidGeertsema. “I’m humbled and proud to be part of the FIVEfamily.”Geertsema’s operational tours include assignments with

NMCB 7, NMCB 133, and the 25th Naval ConstructionRegiment. During these tours he served as company

commander, detail officer-in-charge, and operations offi-cer while deployed to U.S. Central Command, SouthernCommand, Pacific Command, European Command, andAfrica Command in support of multi-national training ex-ercises, humanitarian aide missions, and combat relatedoperations.Since his commission, he has earned a Master of Science

Degree in Civil Engineering from University of Texas anda Master of Arts Degree from Marine Corps University inQuantico, Va. He is a registered professional engineer inTexas, a certified energy manager, designated a Seabeecombat warfare specialist, and a member of the Acquisi-tion Professional Community.Geertsema is married to the former Julia “Jill” Disharoon

of Port Gibson, Miss., and they have four daughters.Geertsema stood before the Seabees of NMCB 5 and said,

“FIVE: family and mission, integrity, values, and esprit decorps are what you have lived by and I will continue to up-hold and lead by those tenants as well. I look forward toserving with you ‘The Professionals’ as we proudly serveour country’s Navy combat team with honor, courage,and commitment.”Maculan was selected to be promoted to the rank of cap-

tain and transferred to NCG 2 in Gulfport, Miss., as the chiefof staff.



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OKINAWA, Japan - Cmdr. Cameron Geertsemawalks through the side boys as the new Com-manding Officer of Naval Mobile ConstructionBattalion (NMCB) 5 at the conclusion of thechange of command ceremony. Geertsema re-lieved Cmdr. Peter Maculan as the commandingofficer during a ceremony on Camp Shields.NMCB 5 is currently supporting Navy and jointforces throughout the U.S. Pacific Command(PACOM). (U.S. Navy photo by Mass CommunicationSpecialist 1st Class John P. Curtis/Released)

NMCB 5’s Colors passed to new leadershipBy MC1 John P. CurtisNaval Mobile Construction Battalion 5 Public Affairs

Military Community Career Fair A Career Fair, sponsored by Fleet and Family Support Center(FFSC) Gulfport will take place June 13 from 10:30 a.m. - 2p.m. at the Naval Operations Support Center (NOSC), building114 on board NCBC. Bring your resume and be prepared to in-terview with more than 40 businesses including Huntington In-galls, Oceaneering, AT&T, Raytheon and CSX Railroad. Formore information, contact FFSC at 228-871-3000.

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My 40-something brain regularlyforgets that my sunglasses areperched on my head, can’t remem-ber where I parked the minivan,and compels me to walk around myhouse mumbling to myself, “Now,why did I come in here again?”However, for some unknown rea-son, I have an incredibly detailedmemory of my childhood.I don’t have a perfect chronologi-

cal recollection of my upbringing;instead, I have an almost photo-graphic memory of certain mun-dane, seemingly unimportantoccurrences like climbing my neigh-bor’s tree or eating dry Tang out ofthe jar with my licked finger. It’s asif I can transport myself back intime and re-experience all thesights, sounds, smells, tastes andfeelings all over again. Sometimes, if one looks at snap-

shots or home movies, one can ar-tificially remember the eventsdepicted. However, other than acouple shaky 8 mm films in mymother’s attic without a workableprojector to watch them, and a fewyellowing photo albums -- with aclear preponderance of shots of myolder brother, I might add – myfamily did not regularly memorializeevents on film. Therefore, my childhood memo-

ries are totally legit. A couple weeks ago, I was at Wal-

mart buying cards for Father’s Day.Our kids think their Dad is thegreatest thing since Double FudgeCookie Dough Blizzards, so theywere happy to help. While theylooked for cards, I figured I’d getone for my own father. I read card after card, but could

only mumble to myself, grimaceand shake my head. None seemedto fit my complex circumstances.None described our complicated re-lationship. None communicated thevastly mixed emotions and uniquebond that my father and I have. The kids were done, so I sent

them to find a gallon of milk to buyme more time. “Stop overthinkingthis,” I said to myself, “there mustbe something here that you cansend to Dad.”Before picking up another card, I

tried to remember how I felt aboutmy dad when I was a kid. Beforemy marriage to my Navy husbandemptied my parents’ nest. Beforemy parents got divorced. Before myDad resented me for not speakingto him for five years. Before I re-sented him for breaking up ourfamily. Before we butted heads try-ing to form a new relationship. Be-fore we had to forgive each other. I thought back to a time when I

was just a kid and he was just myDad. As the details of my childhood

awoke from hibernation, vividscenes began to flash in my mind.Dad taking out his false tooth (col-lege football accident) on a familyroad trip, and talking to the toll-booth operator with a fake hillbillyaccent, just to make my brotherand I laugh. Dad letting me skipschool to go with him to Pittsburghfor business, and me throwing uppeanut butter cookies in the A/Cvents of his Buick on the way. Dad lying shirtless on the floor so

my brother and I could draw on hisback with ink pens while hewatched golf tournaments. Dad lec-turing my brother and me at thedinner table on report card day.Dad explaining to the police officerwhy he was teaching me how to dodoughnuts in the icy natatoriumparking lot after swim practice onenight. Dad handing me an old tubesock filled with tools – a small ham-mer, screwdrivers, pliers – before Ileft for college. Dad nervously walk-ing me down the isle at my wed-ding. One memory lead to another, and

to another. Then, my mind was seized by one

final recollection, which ended myparalyzing over-analysis. I couldsee my father lifting me from theback seat of our station wagon. Ihad fallen asleep on the way home,but woke up when my parentspulled into the driveway. I kept myeyes closed and pretended, lazilyallowing my arms to drape aroundmy father’s neck and my head to lieupon his shoulder. I bobbed gentlyas he walked through the houseand into my yellow bedroom,where he laid me in my mock brassbed, removed my shoes and tuckedthe covers around my chunky littleframe.I felt him kiss my forehead, and

then, he stood there and waited amoment before he turned and leftthe room.Suddenly, there at the Walmart,

the Father’s Day cards on the rackhad relevance. My father raised me, protected

me, cared for me, loved me. I love and appreciate him. Enough said.

‘The Meat & Potatoes ‘The Meat & Potatoes of Life’of Life’

By Lisa Smith Molinari Military Spouse Contributer

Father’s Day:Keeping it Simple

Get more wit and observa-tions from Lisa at her blog,http://themeatandpotatoes-oflife.com.

Yards of the Month

Community Huddle . . . Join BBCfor a Community Huddle June 19,from 5 - 7 p.m. at Rhodes Hall,Building 303. The Resident EnergyConservation Progam (RECP) will bethe topic of discussion.

Magnolia Place I Housing Yard of the Month for Juneon board NCBC Gulfport. (Photo courtesy ofBalfour Beatty Communities)

Pinewood Housing Yard of the Month for June onboard NCBC Gulfport. (Photo courtesy of Balfour BeattyCommunities)

Balfour BeattyCommunities

Page 9: Seabee eCourier June 13, 2013

On June 10, Retired RearAdm. Robert J. Bianchi,Chief Execut ive Off icer,Navy Exchange ServiceCommand (NEXCOM) pre-sented a ceremonial checkto Ret ired Adm. SteveAbbot, President and ChiefExecut ive Off icer of theNavy-Marine Corps ReliefSociety (NMCRS), symboliz-ing the record breaking$357,690 donated toNMCRS by NEX customersduring a promotional eventheld in the spring.

“We are happy once again

to represent the thousandsof NEX patrons who choseto donate to this Navy andMarine Corps focused causeand we are proud to pres-ent this check on behalf ofour customers,” saidBianchi. “This is the thirdyear customers have beenable to purchase benefittickets to support the NavyMarine Corps Relief Society.Each year, NEX customershave responded withgreater generosity and en-thusiasm than the year be-fore.”

Beginning in March, NEXcustomers were able to pur-

chase a $5 card to benefitthe NMCRS. The ticket en-titled customers to specificdiscounts for a one-timepurchase on either April 22or 23.

“We are grateful for thisstrategic partnership withthe Navy Exchange Com-mand,” said Abbot. “Thisgenerous donat ion wi l lmake a significant, positiveimpact on the Society’s abil-ity to provide emergency fi-nancial assistance for activeduty and retired Sai lors,Marines and their families.Thank you to all those whocontributed!”



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Focus on Education Focus on Education

NEX customers make record donations to NMCRS

Retired Rear Adm. Robert J. Bianchi, right, Chief Executive Of-ficer, Navy Exchange Service Command (NEXCOM), presentsa ceremonial check for $357,690 to Retired Adm. Steve Abbot,President and Chief Executive Officer of the Navy-MarineCorps Relief Society(NMCRS). (U.S. Navy photo courtesy of NEX-COM/Released)

By Kristine M. SturkieNEXCOM Public Affairs

Despite rising college costs,fewer American families with chil-dren under age 18 are saving forcollege. Only 50 percent are doingso today, compared to 60 percentjust two years ago, according to“How America Saves for College2013” a national study from SallieMae, the country’s largest finan-cial services company specializingin education.While nearly all parents believe

college is an investment in theirchildren’s future, only one-thirdhave plans to pay for college.And when asked to describe theirfeelings about saving for college,parents’ top answers were over-whelmed, annoyed, frustrated,scared, or that they don’t likethinking about it at all.Among those not saving, 47 per-

cent cite barriers other thanmoney. Top reasons included thinking

children would be awardedenough financial aid to cover col-lege costs, uncertainty about

which savings option to use, andother concerns.Slightly more than one quarter

of parents who are saving for col-lege use a 529 college savingsplan, a tax-advantaged programcreated to help families save foreducation expenses. However,

more parents save for collegeusing general funds or CDs, andtherefore may miss out on tax in-centives offered by 529 accounts. More information about saving

for college is available online atwww.salliemae.com/howamericas-aves.

Are you saving enough foryour child’s college education?By StatePoint Media

They grow up so fast . . . before you know it these recentgraduates of the Naval Construction Battalion Center(NCBC) Child Development Center (CDC) will be checkingout college course catalogs! (U.S. Navy photo by UtilitiesmanConstructionman Alicia Fluty/Released)

Educational NewsCenter for Personal and Professional Development(CPPD) courses can results in college credit . . . The Amer-ican Council on Education (ACE) recommends college credits forseveral CPPD courses, including Personal Development Instruc-tor Skills Training (NEC 9518), Navy Instructor Training Course(NEC 9502), and Master Training Specialist. To take advantageof ACE recommended credits, visit the Navy College Office,building 60 on board NCBC Gulfport or call the Virtual EducationCenter at 1-877-838-1659.

NCBC School Liaison Officer Kevin Byrd is located at MWR Build-ing 352 1706 Bainbridge Ave. , 228-871-2117 or email:[email protected]

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MWR Programcontact information Come out to the

Beehive and win

one of these

at the Beehive

Dart Tournament

June 26

7 p.m.

Anchors & EaglesAuto Skills CenterBeehive All Hands ClubChild Development CenterFitness CenterInformation, Tickets & TravelLiberty CenterSeabee Heritage CenterNavy Outdoor Recreation Shields RV ParkThe GrillTraining HallYouth Activities CenterMain Office



Page 11: Seabee eCourier June 13, 2013

EXCEL BY 5 - a community-based certification programdesigned to improve achild's overall well-being byage five is in need of volun-teers for a Children’s HealthFair (birth to 5-years-old)June 15, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. atJones Park on Highway 90 inGulfport. Volunteers areneeded to help with chil-dren’s activities, set up/teardown, work at the refresh-ment stand and help withother miscellaneous duties.Volunteers do not have to

work the entire event - anhour or two would be mostappreciated. If you can helpout, please contact Genevaat 228-265-2229. HABITAT FOR HUMANITY- The Mississippi Gulf CoastHabitat for Humanity is ask-ing for volunteers to workduring a Veteran ResourceWorkshop June 18, 4 - 6:30p.m. at the West HarrisonCommunity Center on EspyAve., in Long Beach. Volun-teers will serve as greetersand register attendees. Point

of contact is Kenya Miniardat [email protected] orcall 228-678-9100, ext.1009.BILOXI VA - The Biloxi Vet-erans Administration needseight volunteers to escortresidents with wheelchairsto an event on the propertyJuly 9. Contact Susan Smith,FFSC Gulfport, 228-871-3640or [email protected] tovolunteer.USO GULF COAST - Interestedin volunteering? We need volun-teers every day to assist at our

centers throughout the Militarycommunity. Whether you’re in-terested in providing coffee andconversation to our travelingtroops or assisting in deploy-ments the USO Gulf Coast has aspecial opportunity for you. Weare also looking for volunteersto assist in community outreachevents scheduled throughoutthe year. To become a USO vol-unteer, you’ll need to create avolunteer profile throughwww.usovolunteer.org. Thiswebsite allows you to keeptrack of your hours and if you

move to another location yourhours will transfer with you toany USO in the world. If youhave any questions please feelfree to contact USO Gulf Coast’sProgram Manager, Nicole Lewisat [email protected]. We look for-ward to having you on our vol-unteer team!COAST SALVATION ARMY -Volunteers are needed for vari-ous projects throughout theyear. [email protected] if you have a bit ofspare time to help out.



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NCBC Center Chaplains: Lt. Cmdr. Paul Smith, Chaplain

Lt. Yoon Choi, ChaplainFor more information about Chapel programs,

please call the Chapel at 228-871-2454.Religious Services

Sunday:Gospel: 8 a.m., Catholic Mass: 9:30 a.m., Protestant: 10:30 a.m.

Weekday Mass: Tuesdays at 11:15 a.m.

Seabee Memorial ChapelSeabee Memorial Chapel

NCBC Helping Hands volunteer opportunitiesNCBC Helping Hands volunteer opportunities

Looking for a church?The Seabee Memorial Chapel holds services every Sunday to suit yourneeds. Protestant Services include a Gospel Service at 8 a.m. and a Wor-ship Service at 10:30 a.m. Catholic Mass is at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday andthe Chapel also holds a weekly Mass on Tuesday at 11:15 a.m.Seabee PantryThe Seabee Pantry is a valuable resource for those families needing a lit-tle extra assistance during the month. Please donate as many cannedgoods and other nonperishable items as possible. Donation drop-off sitesare located at the Navy Exchange, Chapel, Commissary, Fleet and Fam-ily Support Center and Armed Forces Retirement Home.Praise and WorshipThe Seabee Memorial Chapel is looking for new members for the Praiseand Worship Team for the 10:30 a.m. Worship Service and the Gospelchoir at 8 a.m. If you can sing or play an instrument, you are invited toshare your gift. For more information, please contact the Chapel at 228-871-2454.

Chapel Offerings

FREE Services: Fax - Send/Receive: 228-575-5225, Copies, Snacks and Drinks, UnitedThrough Reading Program, Computers with web cams Internet/Email Access, X-Box

Office hours: Monday-Friday,8 a.m. - 4 p.m. 901 CBC 3rd St., Building 114, 228-575-5224


Furlough class . . . Civilian employees facing Fur-lough are invited to an encore of Fleet and FamilySupport Center's, "Adjusting to the Economy and aFurlough" class June 17, 11 a.m. - noon.

Pass and ID service information . . . Due tomandatory training, NCBC Pass and ID will have limited servicesJune 14, from 7:30 - 10:30 a.m. Please plan accordingly.

Moving? Mailing packages? Need abox? Visit the Recycling Center, located inbuildings 275/276, behind building 200 offof McKinney Ave between the hours of6:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., and get all the boxes youneed for FREE!Questions on recycling? Call 228-871-4031/3336 or228-871-3001.

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SUPPORTFamily Readiness Groups NMCB 1 FRG invites friends andfamily members to attend FRG meet-ings the second Monday of everymonth at the Youth Activity Center,building 335. Meetings are from 6 - 8p.m. Children are welcome andbabysitting is provided during deploy-ment. Contact FRG President JennyRichter, [email protected]. NMCB 11 FRG For more informationregarding the NMCB 11 FRG, pleasevisit www.facebook.com/nmcb11frg oremail us at [email protected] 74 FRG All families of NMCB74 are invited to the 74 FRG meetingthe third Monday of each month.Meetings are at the MWR Youth Activi-ties Center, building 335, behind theGrinder on NCBC. Socializing begins at5:30 p.m., and meetings begin at 6p.m. Bring a covered dish to share atour potluck dinner. Children are wel-come. Email [email protected] visit our Facebook page at

“NMCB74 Fearless FRG” for details.NMCB 133 FRG invites all friendsand family members to attend FRGmeetings the first Monday of themonth at 6 p.m. at the Youth Center.Children are welcome and babysittingis provided. Please bring a dish toshare. For more information contactFRG President Jaime Royal at 317-730-4064 or email [email protected]. Log on to the FRG site,http://www.wix.com/NMCB133FSG/133frg. FOCUSFamilies OverComing Under Stress(FOCUS), provides resiliency trainingto service members and their familiesby teaching practical skills to helpmeet the challenges of military life, in-cluding how to communicate & solveproblems effectively and to success-fully set goals together. Confidentialand free with family-friendly hours,contact FOCUS today! Call 228- 822-5736 or email [email protected] Officer’s Spouse ClubThe Gulfport Officers’ Spouses’ Club isa social organization that has FUNwhile helping our community. Wemeet monthly and have special inter-est groups for almost everyone! Formore information, email [email protected]. We hope to seeYOU soon! Navy Wives Clubs of America,Inc. The Navy Wives Clubs of Amer-ica, Inc. is interested in reestablishinga club in the local area. If you are in-terested in joining an organizationthat promotes the health and welfare

of any enlisted member of the Navy,Marine Corps or Coast Guard, pleasecontact Darlene Carpenter at 228-342-2271 or Tina O’Shields, 228-357-0513. Visitwww.navywivesclubsofamerica.org formore information on NWCA. NMCRS The Navy-Marine Corps Relief SocietyThrift Shop is located in building 29on Snead Street. The Thrift Shop isstaffed entirely by volunteers, andchild care and mileage are reim-bursed. Retail hours of operation areTuesday and Friday, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.Volunteers are always welcome. Visitthe NMCRS offices at the Fleet andFamily Support Center, building 30,suite 103 or call 228-871-2610 to findout how to become a part of theNMCRS volunteer team!Gamblers AnonymousThe Fleet and Family Support Centeroffers GA meetings every Thursday at11 a.m. GA is a fellowship of peoplewho share their experience, strengthand hope with each other. All meet-ings are confidential and facilitated byGA. Come to a meeting or call Jim So-riano at 228-871-3000 for more infor-mation.TRAINING Naval Sea Cadets The Gulfportbranch of the Naval Sea Cadets arerecruiting youth ages 11 to 17 for SeaCadets, a nation-wide organizationthat help youth achieve personal suc-cess through nautical training. Meet-ings are the third Saturday of themonth from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m., build-ing 1, 2nd floor conference room.

Contact Lt.j.g. Bowling at 228-313-9035 or [email protected] formore information.SOCIAL Miss. Gulf Coast First Class Asso-ciation is always looking for newmembers. Meetings are everyWednesday at 2:30 p.m., at the Fit-ness Center classroom. For more in-formation, contact Associationpresident, CE1 Daniel Shaver, 228-871-2145. NCBC Multi-Cultural DiversityCommittee is seeking members.Meetings are held the first and thirdWednesday of the month at 9 a.m., atthe Seabee Memorial Chapel. ContactBU1 Jerma Cloude, 228-871-2454 fordetails. VFW Post 3937 Long Beach isopen Monday - Thursday from noonuntil 8 p.m., Friday and Saturday fromNoon until 10 p.m., Sunday from noonuntil 7 p.m. The first Friday of themonth is Seafood Night, the remain-ing Fridays are Steak Night. Breakfastis served from 7 to 10 a.m. on Satur-days. VFW meetings are held the sec-ond Wednesday of the month at 7:30p.m. New members are always wel-come. Contact Post Commander BillNorth at 228-863-8602 for info. VFW Post 4526 Orange Grove isopen daily from Noon to 10 p.m. andlocated at 15206 Dedeaux Road, Or-ange Grove. Meetings are the firstWednesday of the month at 7 p.m. Allare welcome and encouraged to at-tend. Call 228-832-0017 for more info. NMCB 62 Alumni GroupNaval Mobile Construction Battalion

(NMCB) 62 was recommissioned inGulfport in 1966, and decommissionedin 1989. To become a member, go tohttp://nmcb62alumni.org or for linksto Seabee historical sites. D.A.V. - Disabled American Veter-ans, Chapter 5 invites Veterans andfuture Veterans to monthly meetingsheld the 3rd Monday of each month at7 p.m. Call Service Officer, SilvaRoyer at 228-324-1888 to find outmore about our organization. Navy Seabee Veterans of America(NSVA) Island X-1, Gulfport is al-ways looking to add new members.You do not have to be retired to be amember. If interested, please con-tact Eugene Cowhick [email protected], 228-871-2488 or Robert Smith [email protected], 228-871-2436. If you are already a member,please join us on the second Thursdayof each month at 6 p.m. in the A&EChiefs and Officers Club, NCBC Gulf-port, for the Monthly Island X-1 busi-ness meeting. For more informationon NSVA Island X-1, visitwww.nsva.org.HERITAGE The Seabee Gift Store is located inthe Seabee Heritage Center TrainingHall, building 446. Hours are Monday -Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Satur-days from 11a.m. to 3 p.m. The shophas a variety of Seabee related mem-orabilia, books and DVD’s. Contact themuseum at www.seabeemuseum-store.org or call the gift shop at 228-871-4779 for information on all that isavailable.


Have questions about the new vehicledecal policy? Read the most frequentlyasked questions and answers at:http://cnic.navy.mil/om/operating_forces_support/force_protection/Vehicle_De-cals_FAQ.html

Decal FAQ’s

Watch out for pedestrians . . . Remember, they

have the right of way! Unless otherwise posted,

the speed limit on board NCBC is 25 m.p.h.

LADD . . . Leaders Against Drunk DrivingLADD is a program sponsoredby the NCBC/20th First Class As-sociation. The mission ofLADD is to prevent drunk drivingon board NCBC Gulfport by pro-viding rides for any servicemember who needs assistancegetting home after an outingthat involves alcohol.

~ LADD is strictly confidential.NO REPRISAL!

~ LADD will take individual

home only, no stops. ~ Volunteers who

stand the watch are oncall 24/7.

~ It is always important tohave a plan in place when goingout in town, but if your plans fallthrough, please call LADD andwe will pick you up!

100 percent confidentialZero reprisal!

Call 228-239-9007