2015 eRecording Partners Network March 2015 eCourier Version 2.0 User Manual

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eRecording Partners Network

March 2015

eCourier Version 2.0 User Manual

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

1 | P a g e


1 The “Home” Tab .................................................................................................................................... 4

1.1 Quick Links .................................................................................................................................... 4

1.1.1 View Available eRecording Jurisdiction List .......................................................................... 5

1.1.2 Change Password .................................................................................................................. 5

1.1.3 Choose Jurisdictions .............................................................................................................. 6

1.1.4 View Org Users (only available to Admin Users) .................................................................. 7

1.1.5 Common Parties .................................................................................................................... 8

1.2 New Jurisdictions .......................................................................................................................... 9

1.3 eRecording News ........................................................................................................................ 10

2 The “Main” Tab ................................................................................................................................... 11

2.1 WIP Package Queue .................................................................................................................... 11

2.1.1 WIP Package Queue Search ................................................................................................ 12

2.1.2 WIP Package Queue Result ................................................................................................. 12

2.1.3 Process WIP Package........................................................................................................... 13

2.2 Processing Status Queue ............................................................................................................. 21

2.2.1 Processing Status Queue Search ......................................................................................... 21

2.2.2 Processing Status Queue Result .......................................................................................... 22

2.3 Returned Package Queue ........................................................................................................... 23

2.3.1 Returned Package Queue Search ........................................................................................ 24

2.3.2 Returned Package Queue Result ......................................................................................... 24

2.3.3 Recorded Package ............................................................................................................... 25

3 The “Search” Tab ................................................................................................................................ 26

3.1 Search Queue .............................................................................................................................. 26

3.2 Search Result ............................................................................................................................... 27

4 The “Reports” Tab ............................................................................................................................... 28

4.1 The “Recorded Document” Reports Tab..................................................................................... 28

4.1.1 Recording Fees Report ........................................................................................................ 28

4.1.2 Submission Fees Report ...................................................................................................... 29

4.2 The “Submitted Document” Reports Tab ................................................................................... 31

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

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4.2.1 Submitted Document Report Search .................................................................................. 31

4.2.2 Submitted Document Report Result ................................................................................... 32

4.3 The “Rejected Document” Reports Tab ...................................................................................... 33

4.3.1 Rejected Document Report Search ..................................................................................... 33

4.3.2 Rejected Document Report Result ...................................................................................... 34

4.4 Additional Reports/Options ........................................................................................................ 35

4.4.1 Additional Reports/Options Search .................................................................................... 35

4.4.2 Additional Reports/Options Results.................................................................................... 36

5 Client Specific Information .................................................................................................................. 37

5.1 Client specific dropdown ............................................................................................................ 37

5.2 Collected Fees and Taxes ............................................................................................................ 39

5.2.1 Collected Fees pulled from 1200 Section of HUD Statement ............................................. 39

5.2.2 User Entered Collected Fees ............................................................................................... 41

6 Recorded Documents .......................................................................................................................... 42

6.1 Recorded Email ........................................................................................................................... 42

6.2 Recorded Invoice ........................................................................................................................ 43

7 Scheduled Reports .............................................................................................................................. 44

7.1 Recorded Document Report ....................................................................................................... 44

7.2 Recording and Submission Fee Report ....................................................................................... 45

7.3 Monthly Submission Fee Report ................................................................................................. 45

8 Rejected Email..................................................................................................................................... 46

9 Adding the North Carolina Stamp to the Image ................................................................................. 47

10 Scanning .......................................................................................................................................... 48

11 Image Editing Tools ......................................................................................................................... 49

12 Glossary ........................................................................................................................................... 50

13 Contacts .......................................................................................................................................... 51

13.1 Support........................................................................................................................................ 51

13.2 Sales ............................................................................................................................................ 51

14 Figures ............................................................................................................................................. 52

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

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Welcome! We are excited to introduce you to eCourier Version 2.0.

We hope that as you learn more about it you will find it a useful tool for eRecording your documents.

eRecording Partners Network Staff

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

4 | P a g e

1 The “Home” Tab Manage your account

See jurisdictions that were recently added to the ePN footprint

See current ePN and jurisdiction News

Figure 1: eCourier Home Tab

1.1 Quick Links Section for managing your account

Figure 2: Quick Links

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

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1.1.1 View Available eRecording Jurisdiction List

View the entire ePN footprint and the document types accepted by each jurisdiction

Figure 3: View Available eRecording Jurisdiction List and the Document Types

1.1.2 Change Password

Change your password

Figure 4: Change Password

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

6 | P a g e

1.1.3 Choose Jurisdictions

Add jurisdictions to your account

Figure 5: Choose Jurisdictions

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

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1.1.4 View Org Users (only available to Admin Users)

Manage the users for the account

Figure 6: View Org Users (only available to Admin User)

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

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1.1.5 Common Parties

Add commonly used grantor and grantee names to help reduce keystrokes during data entry

Figure 7: Common Parties

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

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1.2 New Jurisdictions

View the jurisdictions that have been recently added to the ePN footprint

Figure 8: New Jurisdictions

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

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1.3 eRecording News

read up on the latest ePN and Jurisdiction news

Figure 9: eRecording News

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

11 | P a g e

2 The “Main” Tab

2.1 WIP Package Queue The Work In Progress (WIP) Queue shows all the packages that are currently being prepared to

submit to the jurisdiction.

Figure 10: WIP Package Queue

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

12 | P a g e

2.1.1 WIP Package Queue Search

Enter specific search criteria to restrict the result set

Figure 11: WIP Package Queue Search

2.1.2 WIP Package Queue Result

Result set based on the search criteria entered

Figure 12: WIP Package Queue Result

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

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2.1.3 Process WIP Package

Create a new WIP package

Figure 13: Create WIP Package

Figure 14: Package Workflow Step 1

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

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Figure 15: Package Workflow Step 2

Figure 16: Document Workflow Step 2

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

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Figure 17: Document Workflow Step 3

Figure 18: Parties Name Match

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

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Figure 19: Document Workflow Step 4

Figure 20: Package Workflow Step 3

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

17 | P a g e Submit Package

Submit the package to be processed at the jurisdiction

Figure 21: Submit Package Package Status

Package is processing at county

Figure 22: Package Processing at Jurisdiction

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

18 | P a g e Returned Package

Package is returned from the jurisdiction as rejected

Figure 23: Package Rejected from Jurisdiction Rejected Package

Edit a rejected package

Figure 24: Retry Package

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

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Figure 25: Sidebar Letters

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

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Figure 26: Rejected Document View Re-submit Package

Submit a package that was previously rejected

Figure 27: Package Submit Duplicate Submission Warning

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

21 | P a g e

2.2 Processing Status Queue

View the packages processing at the county

Figure 28: Processing Status Queue

2.2.1 Processing Status Queue Search

Enter specific search criteria to restrict the result set

Figure 29: Processing Status Queue Search

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

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2.2.2 Processing Status Queue Result

Result set based on the search criteria entered

Figure 30: Processing Status Queue Result

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

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2.3 Returned Package Queue

View packages returned from the jurisdiction as recorded or rejected

Figure 31: Returned Package Queue

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

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2.3.1 Returned Package Queue Search

Enter specific search criteria to restrict the result set

Figure 32: Returned Package Queue Search

2.3.2 Returned Package Queue Result

Result set based on the search criteria entered

Figure 33: Returned Package Queue Result

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

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2.3.3 Recorded Package Recorded Package Detail

View the detail of the recorded documents

Figure 34: Recorded Link Export the Recorded Image

Download the image as a PDF or TIF

Figure 35: Export Link

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

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3 The “Search” Tab

Find the status of any package

Figure 36: The “Search” Tab

3.1 Search Queue Enter specific search criteria to restrict the result set

Figure 37: Search Queue

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

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3.2 Search Result

Result set based on the search criteria entered

Figure 38: Search Result

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

28 | P a g e

4 The “Reports” Tab

4.1 The “Recorded Document” Reports Tab

4.1.1 Recording Fees Report Recording Fees Report Search

Report on recorded documents by date and user

Figure 39: Recording Fees Reports Search

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

29 | P a g e Recording Fees Report Result

Figure 40: Recording Fees Report Result

4.1.2 Submission Fees Report Submission Fees Report Search

Report on submission fees by date and user

Figure 41: Submission Fees Report Search

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

30 | P a g e Submission Fees Report Result

Figure 42: Submission Fees Report Result

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

31 | P a g e

4.2 The “Submitted Document” Reports Tab

4.2.1 Submitted Document Report Search

Report on submitted documents by date and user

Figure 43: Submitted Document Report Search

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

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4.2.2 Submitted Document Report Result

Figure 44: Submitted Document Report Result

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

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4.3 The “Rejected Document” Reports Tab

4.3.1 Rejected Document Report Search

Report on rejected documents by date and user

Figure 45: Rejected Document Report Search

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

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4.3.2 Rejected Document Report Result

Figure 46: Rejected Document Report Result

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

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4.4 Additional Reports/Options

Report on recording and submission fees by date

Figure 47: Additional Reports/Options

4.4.1 Additional Reports/Options Search

Figure 48: Additional Reports/Options Search

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

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4.4.2 Additional Reports/Options Results

Figure 49: Additional Reports/Options Results

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

37 | P a g e

5 Client Specific Information

A client can request to have a dropdown labeled as per their request and populated with

information that would be specific for that document


o Account information for debiting a specific bank account

o Branch information for assigning a document to a specific branch

5.1 Client specific dropdown

Figure 50: Client Dropdown

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

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The Client specific information is located after the Document Image section

Figure 51: Client Specific Information Location

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

39 | P a g e

5.2 Collected Fees and Taxes

The recording fees and taxes collected can be entered during the document data entry process.

A report will be emailed identifying the entered recording fees and taxes, the jurisdiction fees

and if there is a discrepancy between them.

5.2.1 Collected Fees pulled from 1200 Section of HUD Statement

The recording fees and taxes can be populated from the 1200 section of the HUD statement

which allows the user to identify the fees and taxes applicable to each document

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

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Figure 52: Collected Fees from Section 1200 in HUD Statement

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

41 | P a g e

5.2.2 User Entered Collected Fees

The user can enter the collected recording fees and taxes

Figure 53: User Entered Collected Fee Report

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

42 | P a g e

6 Recorded Documents

Clients can received emails, invoices and reports for the package that was recorded

6.1 Recorded Email

Figure 54: Recorded Package Email

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

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6.2 Recorded Invoice

The invoice is attached to the recorded email

Figure 55: Recorded Invoice

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

44 | P a g e

7 Scheduled Reports

Clients can receive reports to reflect the documents that were recorded

7.1 Recorded Document Report

Figure 56: Nightly Recording Report

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WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

45 | P a g e

7.2 Recording and Submission Fee Report

Figure 57: Recording and Submission Fee Report

7.3 Monthly Submission Fee Report

Figure 58: Monthly Submission Fee Report

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

46 | P a g e

8 Rejected Email

Clients can received an emails for the package that was rejected

Figure 59: Rejected Email

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

47 | P a g e

9 Adding the North Carolina Stamp to the Image

The stamp required per statute for any document submitted electronically to a North Carolina

jurisdiction can be added to the image

Figure 60: North Carolina Stamp

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

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10 Scanning

Clients with scanners connected to their computer can scan in the document

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

49 | P a g e

11 Image Editing Tools

: Open File : Move Page Up : Eraser

: Crop Margins : Move Page Down : Previous Page

: White out Margins : Despeckle : Next Page

: White out all Margins : Despeckle All : Zoom out

: Delete Image : Increase Size : Zoom in

: Rotate Image Left : Decrease Size : Full size

: Rotate Image Right : Convert to letter size : Best Fit

: Rotate All Pages Left : Convert to legal size : Fit to width

: Rotate All Pages Right : Scan

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

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12 Glossary

Common Parties

parties that appear on several different types of documents, examples include a common

bank name or agency

Rejected Status

a package submitted to the county, but has been returned rejected for reason specified by

the county

Returned Status

a package that has been submitted to the county and has been returned recorded or


WIP- Work in Progress

status assigned to packages where the data entry has been started and may or may not be

complete, package has not been submitted.

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

51 | P a g e

13 Contacts

13.1 Support Phone: 1-888-325-3365 ext 1

Fax: 1-612-677-3495

Email: [email protected]

13.2 Sales Phone: 1-888-325-3365

Fax: 1-866-694-5990

Email: [email protected]

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

52 | P a g e

14 Figures Figure 1: eCourier Home Tab ........................................................................................................................ 4

Figure 2: Quick Links ..................................................................................................................................... 4

Figure 3: View Available eRecording Jurisdiction List and the Document Types.......................................... 5

Figure 4: Change Password ........................................................................................................................... 5

Figure 5: Choose Jurisdictions ....................................................................................................................... 6

Figure 6: View Org Users (only available to Admin User) ............................................................................. 7

Figure 7: Common Parties ............................................................................................................................. 8

Figure 8: New Jurisdictions ........................................................................................................................... 9

Figure 9: eRecording News ......................................................................................................................... 10

Figure 10: WIP Package Queue ................................................................................................................... 11

Figure 11: WIP Package Queue Search ....................................................................................................... 12

Figure 12: WIP Package Queue Result ........................................................................................................ 12

Figure 13: Create WIP Package ................................................................................................................... 13

Figure 14: Package Workflow Step 1 .......................................................................................................... 13

Figure 15: Package Workflow Step 2 .......................................................................................................... 14

Figure 16: Document Workflow Step 2 ....................................................................................................... 14

Figure 17: Document Workflow Step 3 ....................................................................................................... 15

Figure 18: Parties Name Match .................................................................................................................. 15

Figure 19: Document Workflow Step 4 ....................................................................................................... 16

Figure 20: Package Workflow Step 3 .......................................................................................................... 16

Figure 21: Submit Package .......................................................................................................................... 17

Figure 22: Package Processing at Jurisdiction ............................................................................................. 17

Figure 23: Package Rejected from Jurisdiction ........................................................................................... 18

Figure 24: Retry Package ............................................................................................................................. 18

Figure 25: Sidebar Letters ........................................................................................................................... 19

Figure 26: Rejected Document View........................................................................................................... 20

Figure 27: Package Submit Duplicate Submission Warning ........................................................................ 20

Figure 28: Processing Status Queue............................................................................................................ 21

Figure 29: Processing Status Queue Search ................................................................................................ 21

Figure 30: Processing Status Queue Result ................................................................................................. 22

Figure 31: Returned Package Queue .......................................................................................................... 23

Figure 32: Returned Package Queue Search ............................................................................................... 24

Figure 33: Returned Package Queue Result ............................................................................................... 24

Figure 34: Recorded Link ............................................................................................................................. 25

Figure 35: Export Link ................................................................................................................................. 25

Figure 36: The “Search” Tab ....................................................................................................................... 26

Figure 37: Search Queue ............................................................................................................................. 26

Figure 38: Search Result .............................................................................................................................. 27

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E-MAIL: [email protected]

WEBSITE: www.erecordingpartners.net 400 Second Ave South

Minneapolis, MN 55401

53 | P a g e

Figure 39: Recording Fees Reports Search.................................................................................................. 28

Figure 40: Recording Fees Report Result .................................................................................................... 29

Figure 41: Submission Fees Report Search ................................................................................................. 29

Figure 42: Submission Fees Report Result .................................................................................................. 30

Figure 43: Submitted Document Report Search ......................................................................................... 31

Figure 44: Submitted Document Report Result .......................................................................................... 32

Figure 45: Rejected Document Report Search ............................................................................................ 33

Figure 46: Rejected Document Report Result ............................................................................................ 34

Figure 47: Additional Reports/Options ....................................................................................................... 35

Figure 48: Additional Reports/Options Search ........................................................................................... 35

Figure 49: Additional Reports/Options Results .......................................................................................... 36

Figure 50: Client Dropdown ........................................................................................................................ 37

Figure 51: Client Specific Information Location .......................................................................................... 38

Figure 52: Collected Fees from Section 1200 in HUD Statement ............................................................... 40

Figure 53: User Entered Collected Fee Report............................................................................................ 41

Figure 54: Recorded Package Email ............................................................................................................ 42

Figure 55: Recorded Invoice ....................................................................................................................... 43

Figure 56: Nightly Recording Report ........................................................................................................... 44

Figure 57: Recording and Submission Fee Report ...................................................................................... 45

Figure 58: Monthly Submission Fee Report ................................................................................................ 45

Figure 59: Rejected Email ........................................................................................................................... 46

Figure 60: North Carolina Stamp ................................................................................................................ 47