Caritas Job Vacancy Caritas is looking to hire a bank counsellor to provide a counselling and family support service in schools across the Diocese of Salford according to each schools formal agreement. The posion will require working with pupils referred to the Caritas SchoolsService on a variety of issues, providing a non-judgemental, caring and confidenal environment for them to work through their problems and difficules. For further informaon, please visit www.caritassalford.org.uk or contact Rebecca Anderson on 0161 817 2264 or by email [email protected] Sea Sunday 11th July 2021 The second Sunday in July, is when we come together across the globe to celebrate the role seafarers play in our daily lives. To thank them for the hardships they face and the sacrifices they have been forced to endure due to the Covid lockdowns. You can join with your church, community group, school or individually. From London to Lagos and Manila to Melbourne, our community gathers together to give something back to these essenal workers who spend months away from their families in oſten difficult condions to help keep our global economy afloat. Sea Sunday can also be celebrated any day of the year to suit your church. You can view their first ever global Sea Sunday 2020 service and hear stories about their important work at www.youtube.com/watch?v=zboLBgJmjiY . If you would like more informaon on our Sea Sunday 2021 service, then please see the poster at the back of church or visit www.missiontoseafarers.org/sea-sunday/order-sea- sunday-packs If you would like to make a donaon, please take one of the envelopes at the back of church or donate online by vising www.missiontoseafarers.org/ individual-giving Chrisan Heritage Centre 5 th 8 th August Faith & Reason: A Catholic Integraon A short, residenal summer course exploring the relaonship of faith with philosophy, science and culture. Parcularly helpful for catechists and teachers fielding commonly-asked quesons around Catholicism, besides anyone wanng to deepen their understanding of the Faith. For more info and registraon please visit www.chrisanheritagecentre.com/events/faith-and-reason/ The Green Church Showcase The Green Church Showcase is looking for inspiring church iniaves to protect and preserve the planet. The Showcase builds on earlier successful collaboraons: the Green Church Awards and the Green Health Awards. We are inving churches, church schools, dioceses, and Chrisan groups of any denominaon to submit details of work that they have undertaken to combat climate change, protect nature, and involve their communies in making changes. The details of the event include: Launch: 4 June Closing date for entries: Wed 21 July Judging w/b: Mon 26 July Creaon of videos, booklet, and dossiers: August-October Launch event and publicaon: w/b 1 November The Common Good Events There is a new series of four events exploring the common good. The events are a collaboraon between the Benedict XVI Centre at St Marys University, Twickenham; Together for the Common Good; Caritas Social Acon Network; and the Centre for Social Jusce. They are kindly supported by the CCLA. Future events will be held on 13th July, and 29th September and the 16th November (at St Marys, Putney). Booking informaon will be sent out in due course. Ask your MP to vote against aboron up to birth The aboron lobby, led by the UKs largest aboron provider, BPAS, has worked with Diana Johnson MP to bring forward an amendment to hijack the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill to introduce aboron on demand, for any reason, up to birth to England and Wales. This would be the single biggest change to aboron legislaon since 1967 and would leave England and Wales with one of the most extreme aboron laws in the world. We are expecng that this radical proposal will be voted on by MPs this Monday. Right To Life UK has launched an easy-to-use tool that makes it simple for you to send an email to your MP asking them to vote against the moon. Please visit the website at for further informaon www.righolife.org.uk/StopAboronUpToBirth Online Retreat for Married Couples The organisers of the online prayer resource Pray As You Go, in partnership with the Westminster Dioceses Marriage and Family Life Team, offer an Audio Retreat for Married Couples. It uses as its base ingredients scripture, the Ignaan tradion and other Chrisan insights to provide a simple recipe, which you can then enjoy blending together to make a tasty, excing and balanced meal to feed your marriage. For further informaon please visit: www.pathwaystogod.org/resources/where-two-are-gathered -marriage-retreat?mc_cid=3511f204ab&mc_eid=03400967c8 250 Chapel Street, Salford M3 5LE 0161 817 2210 Open Monday to Friday 9.00am-5.00pm Website: www.salfordcathedral.co.uk @salfordcathedral @salfordcathedra @salfordcathedral Cathedral Dean: Fr Michael Jones [email protected] Assistant Priest: Fr Ignaus Boakye [email protected] Permanent Deacon: Rev Stephen Sco [email protected] Parish Sister: Sr. Brenda Maerson DC. [email protected] Parish Secretary: Mrs Deborah Holmes [email protected] Cathedral Finance Officer: Mrs Corinne Turnbull [email protected] Cathedral Director of Music: Mr Alex Paerson [email protected] Cathedral Organist: Mr Anthony Hunt [email protected] Cathedral Communicaons officer: Mr Dom Hyndman [email protected] Cathedral Volunteer Programme Co-ordinator: Maura Pasini [email protected] Cathedral Sacristan: Mr Anthony Wilson [email protected] Also in Residence: Fr Paul Daly—Episcopal Vicar for Formaon Canon Michael Buckley (Rered) Fr. David Lannon (Rered) Fr. Robert Morrow (Rered) Fr. Vincent Naylor (Rered) Fr. Gabriel ODonoghue (Rered) Fr. David OKane (Rered) Fr. Michael OLeary (Rered) Sunday 4th July 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time People of the Parish Bishops Intention Winefred Matthews (B) 9.15am 11.00am 5.30pm Monday 5th July St Antony Mary Zaccaria, Priest Marth Morris (A) Colette Flynn (RIP) 8.00am 12.10pm Tuesday 6th July St Maria Goretti, Virgin & Martyr John Heslop (B) The Ward Family 8.00am 12.10pm Wednesday 7th July Weekday Maureen Joyce (A) Betty & Rita Mills (SI) 8.00am 12.10pm Thursday 8th July Weekday Ronald Aldcroft Joaquim Vaz (RIP) Mr Reilly 8..00am 10.00am School Mass 12.10pm Friday 9th July St Augustine Sbao Rong & Companions, Martyrs Philip Astin (A) Bishops Intention Hugh Mitchell (BA) 8.00am 10.00am Diocesan School Mass 12.10pm Saturday 10th July Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary Patricia Astin (A) Christine Murphy (A) 10.00am 12.30pm Baptism 5.30pm Opening Times this week Sunday: 8.30am–6.30pm Monday to Friday: 7.30am—3.30pm Saturday: 9.30am – 6.30pm Times of Holy Mass Sunday: 5.30pm (Sat Vigil) 9.15am, 11.00am & 5.30pm Monday to Friday: 8.00am and 12.10pm Saturday: 10.00am Holy Days of Obligaon: 5.30pm (Vigil), 8.00am, 10am (Term me only), 12.10pm and 7.30pm Times of Confession Monday to Friday: 11.30am—11.55am Saturday: 10.30am—11.25am and 4.45pm—5.15pm Times of Exposion of the Blessed Sacrament Monday to Friday: 11.30am—12noon Saturday: 10.30.am—11.30am Join our live streamed services at: www.salfordcathedral.co.uk

Sea Sunday 11th July 2021 - salfordcathedral.co.uk

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Page 1: Sea Sunday 11th July 2021 - salfordcathedral.co.uk

Caritas Job Vacancy Caritas is looking to hire a bank counsellor to provide a

counselling and family support service in schools across the Diocese of Salford according to each school’s formal


The position will require working with pupils referred to the Caritas Schools’ Service on a variety of issues, providing a non-judgemental, caring and confidential environment for

them to work through their problems and difficulties. For further information, please visit

www.caritassalford.org.uk or contact Rebecca Anderson on 0161 817 2264

or by email [email protected]

Sea Sunday 11th July 2021 The second Sunday in July, is when we come together across

the globe to celebrate the role seafarers play in our daily lives. To thank them for the hardships they face and the

sacrifices they have been forced to endure due to the Covid lockdowns. You can join with your church, community group,

school or individually.

From London to Lagos and Manila to Melbourne, our community gathers together to give something back to these essential workers who spend months away from their families in often difficult conditions to help keep our global economy

afloat. Sea Sunday can also be celebrated any day of the year to suit

your church. You can view their first ever global Sea Sunday 2020 service and hear stories about their important

work at www.youtube.com/watch?v=zboLBgJmjiY .

If you would like more information on our Sea Sunday 2021 service, then please see the poster at the back of church or visit www.missiontoseafarers.org/sea-sunday/order-sea-

sunday-packs If you would like to make a donation, please take one of the envelopes at the back of church or

donate online by visiting www.missiontoseafarers.org/


Christian Heritage Centre 5th – 8th August

Faith & Reason: A Catholic Integration

A short, residential summer course exploring the relationship of faith with philosophy, science and culture. Particularly

helpful for catechists and teachers fielding commonly-asked questions around Catholicism, besides anyone wanting to

deepen their understanding of the Faith. For more info and registration please visit


The Green Church Showcase

The Green Church Showcase is looking for inspiring church initiatives to protect and preserve the planet. The Showcase builds on earlier successful collaborations: the Green Church

Awards and the Green Health Awards.

We are inviting churches, church schools, dioceses, and Christian groups of any denomination to submit details of

work that they have undertaken to combat climate change, protect nature, and involve their communities in making


The details of the event include: Launch: 4 June

Closing date for entries: Wed 21 July Judging w/b: Mon 26 July

Creation of videos, booklet, and dossiers: August-October Launch event and publication: w/b 1 November

The Common Good Events

There is a new series of four events exploring the common good. The events are a collaboration between the Benedict

XVI Centre at St Mary’s University, Twickenham; Together for the Common Good; Caritas Social Action Network; and the Centre for Social Justice. They are kindly supported by the


Future events will be held on 13th July, and 29th September and the 16th November (at St Mary’s, Putney).

Booking information will be sent out in due course.

Ask your MP to vote against abortion up to birth

The abortion lobby, led by the UK’s largest abortion provider, BPAS, has worked with Diana Johnson MP to bring forward an

amendment to hijack the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill to introduce abortion on demand, for any reason,

up to birth to England and Wales.

This would be the single biggest change to abortion legislation since 1967 and would leave England and Wales with one of

the most extreme abortion laws in the world. We are expecting that this radical proposal will be voted on by MPs

this Monday. Right To Life UK has launched an easy-to-use tool that makes it simple for you to send an email to your MP asking them to

vote against the motion. Please visit the website at for further information


Online Retreat for Married Couples

The organisers of the online prayer resource Pray As You Go, in partnership with the Westminster Diocese’s

Marriage and Family Life Team, offer an Audio Retreat for Married Couples. It uses as its base ingredients

scripture, the Ignatian tradition and other Christian insights to provide a simple recipe, which you can then enjoy

blending together to make a tasty, exciting and balanced meal to feed your marriage.

For further information please visit:


250 Chapel Street, Salford M3 5LE 0161 817 2210

Open Monday to Friday 9.00am-5.00pm Website: www.salfordcathedral.co.uk




Cathedral Dean: Fr Michael Jones [email protected]

Assistant Priest: Fr Ignatius Boakye [email protected]

Permanent Deacon: Rev Stephen Scott [email protected] Parish Sister: Sr. Brenda Matterson DC.

[email protected] Parish Secretary: Mrs Deborah Holmes

[email protected] Cathedral Finance Officer: Mrs Corinne Turnbull

[email protected] Cathedral Director of Music: Mr Alex Patterson

[email protected] Cathedral Organist: Mr Anthony Hunt

[email protected] Cathedral Communications officer:

Mr Dom Hyndman [email protected]

Cathedral Volunteer Programme Co-ordinator: Maura Pasini

[email protected] Cathedral Sacristan: Mr Anthony Wilson [email protected]

Also in Residence:

Fr Paul Daly—Episcopal Vicar for Formation Canon Michael Buckley (Retired)

Fr. David Lannon (Retired) Fr. Robert Morrow (Retired) Fr. Vincent Naylor (Retired)

Fr. Gabriel O’Donoghue (Retired) Fr. David O’Kane (Retired)

Fr. Michael O’Leary (Retired)

Sunday 4th July 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

People of the Parish

Bishop’s Intention

Winefred Matthews (B)




Monday 5th July St Antony Mary Zaccaria, Priest

Marth Morris (A)

Colette Flynn (RIP)



Tuesday 6th July St Maria Goretti, Virgin & Martyr

John Heslop (B)

The Ward Family



Wednesday 7th July Weekday

Maureen Joyce (A)

Betty & Rita Mills (SI)



Thursday 8th July


Ronald Aldcroft

Joaquim Vaz (RIP)

Mr Reilly


10.00am School Mass


Friday 9th July

St Augustine Sbao Rong & Companions, Martyrs

Philip Astin (A)

Bishop’s Intention

Hugh Mitchell (BA)


10.00am Diocesan School Mass


Saturday 10th July Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Patricia Astin (A)

Christine Murphy (A)


12.30pm Baptism


Opening Times this week Sunday: 8.30am–6.30pm

Monday to Friday: 7.30am—3.30pm Saturday: 9.30am – 6.30pm

Times of Holy Mass Sunday: 5.30pm (Sat Vigil) 9.15am, 11.00am & 5.30pm

Monday to Friday: 8.00am and 12.10pm Saturday: 10.00am

Holy Days of Obligation: 5.30pm (Vigil), 8.00am, 10am (Term time only), 12.10pm and 7.30pm

Times of Confession

Monday to Friday: 11.30am—11.55am Saturday: 10.30am—11.25am and 4.45pm—5.15pm

Times of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Monday to Friday: 11.30am—12noon

Saturday: 10.30.am—11.30am Join our live streamed services at: www.salfordcathedral.co.uk

Page 2: Sea Sunday 11th July 2021 - salfordcathedral.co.uk

Mass intentions received this week Fred Frimston, Betty McGuire, Archie Martin, The Martin Family, Guy Ryan, Wilfred Morris,

The Ward Family, The Donovan Family, The McDonagh Family, Caroline Ward, Shirley

Ward And Ellen Lawrence Please pray for the following

Ellen Lawrence, Fred Frimston & Archie Martin who have died recently

Offertory collection Week Commencing: 23rd June 2021—£ 796.15

Thank you for your continued generosity

If you would like to donate to the Cathedral online, you can scan the QR on your phone or visit the

donations page on our website at:

www.salfordcathedral.co.uk/donate Salford Roman Catholic

Diocesan Trustees

A Registered Charity No. 250037

Monday 5th 7.30pm

Legion of Mary Via Zoom

Tuesday 6th From 3.30pm

Cathedral Children’s Choir Rehearsal

Assembly Room

6.30pm Cathedral Choir/Music Group Rehearsal

Assembly Room

7.00pm First Reconciliation Cathedral

Wednesday 7th From 4.00pm

Children’s Choir Music Theory Class

Assembly Room



Via Zoom

Thursday 8th July 7.00pm

First Reconcilation


7.00pm SVP Cloisters

7.30pm Cathedral Choir Rehearsal

Assembly Room

Saturday 10th 11.00am

Children’s Catechesis For first Holy Communion

Assembly Room/Cloister

Sunday 11th 10.00am

Cathedral Choir Rehearsal

Assembly Room

4.30pm Cathedral Choir Rehearsal

Assembly Room


Congratulations go to Samuel Egbele who was baptised in the Cathedral on Saturday and to Christiane Moreira Fernandes Lima

who will be baptised today. Please keep Samuel, Christiane and their families in your prayers as they begin their

Christian journey of faith.

From the Cathedral Dean’s Desk

St. Joseph’s Church and Presbytery, Ordsall As many of you are aware, on the 19th March 2020,

just before the first lockdown was introduced, we celebrated the final Mass ever to be said in St. Joseph’s church, which subsequently marked its closure and the

end of another chapter in the life of the catholic community in Salford. Since that time, we have been in the process of emptying the church and the presbytery of its contents, much of which has now been brought

to its new home here at the Cathedral. However, during this past week, I have received the formal

notice that the church and presbytery will now be demolished in the Autumn, some point after the 6th September. I still do not have any final details of the

demolition but as soon as I know the exact date, I will let you know.

Furthermore, no definitive plans have yet been made about a use for the land on which the church and

presbytery are located but discussions are taking place about a number of possibilities. Therefore, once concrete proposals have finally been produced, a

parish consultation will then take place so that we can discern together, the right way forward for the use of the land. In the meantime, I would like to take

this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to all of you who have thrown yourselves enthusiastically

into the amalgamation of the two former parishes of St. Joseph and St. John the Evangelist, in order to

create the wonderfully warm, welcoming and vibrant parish community that we have today. It is a privilege and pleasure to serve you as your parish priest. Thank

you to everyone!

Eco Thought of the Week

Each week the Eucharistic Prayer begins with one of a number of Prefaces.

In Ordinary Time one such Preface prays:

“You have laid the foundations of the world and have arranged the changing of times and seasons;

You formed man in your own image and set humanity over the whole world in all its wonder,

to rule in your name over all you have made and for ever praise you in your mighty works,

through Christ our Lord.”

How have succeeding generations exercised that ‘rule’ over all creation?

How will we do so?

Music Group Seeking New Members We are looking for new instrumentalists and singers to

join our Music Group and lead the music for the Sunday 9.15am Mass each week. We have a rehearsal

from 7pm-8.30pm on the first Wednesday of each month as well at 8.40am before Mass each Sunday.

Enthusiastic singers of all ages are very welcome to join us, as well any instrumentalists, particularly guitarists or keyboard players. You do not have to be able read music!

If you are interested in joining us, please contact Alex Patterson [email protected]

Communication and Marketing Officer (Cathedral)

An exciting opportunity has arisen to join the Diocese of Salford as a Communications and Marketing Officer to

work with the Communications Manager and Cathedral Dean. This role will be key in supporting the Cathedral to

tell its story, past, present & future in a busy, dynamic environment. The successful candidate will be responsible for delivering a variety of multimedia communications to

assist the Cathedral team in raising awareness of the Cathedral among external audiences while encouraging

greater engagement with the Cathedral Community. As a member of the Diocesan Communications Office, the

incumbent will also play a part in supporting the team’s work around the diocese, its projects, and parishes.

Closing date for applications: 12 noon on Friday 16th July 2021.

Cathedral Campus Estate & Facilities Manager

The Diocese of Salford are seeking to recruit a suitability qualified individual to provide leadership and oversee all

facilities management aspects of the Cathedral Campus to develop and sustain excellence in all areas. The Cathedral,

Cathedral House and Cathedral Centre are of great significance to the Church in Salford and this role will be

responsible for delivering the highest standards of safety, hygiene, hospitality and service across this diverse setting

through effective facilities management.

Closing date for applications: 12 noon on Friday 16th July 2021.

For more information and application packs, please visit: www.dioceseofsalford.org.uk/

If you have any queries, questions can be sent to [email protected]