FROM DISTRICT GOVERNOR - LARRY BUNTROCK Some images and content in this publication contain a link to more information online. MAY 2017 SD LIONS 5SE NEWSLETTER Where has the year gone? It seems that my year just started and now I am about though. It has been a great experience and now I am looking forward to the MD 5 Convention celebrating 100 years in Lionism in Deadwood next week, May 18-20th . I hope to see many of you there celebrating the 100th year of Lionism. I know the con- vention committee has put in many hours preparing for the celebration. Our 5SE will have a horse and bug- gy entry in the parade. Hope more clubs will have an entry in the pa- rade also. Sounds like there are quite a few entries and it should be a good parade. There will be more in the June newsletter about the convention. I would like to thank all the clubs that entered the contests in the Dis- trict and Multi-district. I am disap- pointed that we did not get an entry for the “Speak Off” contest where the 1st place prize in the Multi- District is $500. There is still time to get new mem- bers in your clubs. We are down about 50 members from last year. I had hopes to at least remain the same. Please just “ASK ONE” and see if we can get a few more new members before the year ends. International President Bob Corlew announced that Youth Engagement is a cornerstone of our service framework. We must reach out to these young leaders in our commu- nities by engaging them in service and giving them a voice in Lions. Young people are so important to the growth and success of your clubs and the Lions association. So we need to seek out the young peo- ple by “ASKING ONE”. Centennial Commemorative Coins are still available at LCI or the US Mint. They are about $50 each. We are still accepting applications for the Newsletter Editor. Please contact 1VP Neil Bowes at [email protected] if you are interested. Upcoming dates: MD5 convention – May 18-20 – Deadwood –see agenda in this Newsletter Cabinet meeting – June 3 – 12:30 lunch, 1 PM meeting - Mitchell at Overtime Steakhouse (1 block north of Corn Palace, turn west @ Cor- Trust Bank, ½ block south on south side of street) Budget meeting will be prior to lunch at 10:30 AM for those concerned Club Visitations – Corsica and Rosholt – To be announced See you in Deadwood. DG Larry Buntrock

SD LIONS 5SE NEWSLETTER · SD LIONS 5SE NEWSLETTER Where has the year gone? It seems that my year just started and now I am about though. It has been a great experience and now I

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Page 1: SD LIONS 5SE NEWSLETTER · SD LIONS 5SE NEWSLETTER Where has the year gone? It seems that my year just started and now I am about though. It has been a great experience and now I


Some images and content in this publication contain a link to more information online.

MAY 2017


Where has the year gone? It seems that my year just started and now I am about though. It has been a great experience and now I

am looking forward to the MD 5 Convention celebrating 100 years in Lionism in Deadwood next week, May 18-20th . I hope to see many of you there celebrating the 100th year of Lionism. I know the con-vention committee has put in many

hours preparing for the celebration. Our 5SE will have a horse and bug-gy entry in the parade. Hope more clubs will have an entry in the pa-rade also. Sounds like there are quite a few entries and it should be

a good parade. There will be more in the June newsletter about the convention.

I would like to thank all the clubs that entered the contests in the Dis-

trict and Multi-district. I am disap-pointed that we did not get an entry for the “Speak Off” contest where

the 1st place prize in the Multi-District is $500.

There is still time to get new mem-bers in your clubs. We are down about 50 members from last year. I had hopes to at least remain the same. Please just “ASK ONE” and see if we can get a few more new members before the year ends.

International President Bob Corlew announced that Youth Engagement is a cornerstone of our service

framework. We must reach out to these young leaders in our commu-

nities by engaging them in service and giving them a voice in Lions.

Young people are so important to the growth and success of your clubs and the Lions association. So we need to seek out the young peo-

ple by “ASKING ONE”.

Centennial Commemorative Coins are still available at LCI or the US Mint. They are about $50 each.

We are still accepting applications for the Newsletter Editor. Please contact 1VP Neil Bowes at [email protected] if you are interested.

Upcoming dates:

MD5 convention – May 18-20 – Deadwood –see agenda in this Newsletter

Cabinet meeting – June 3 – 12:30 lunch, 1 PM meeting - Mitchell at Overtime Steakhouse (1 block north

of Corn Palace, turn west @ Cor-Trust Bank, ½ block south on south

side of street) Budget meeting will be prior to lunch at 10:30 AM for those concerned

Club Visitations – Corsica and Rosholt – To be announced

See you in Deadwood.

DG Larry Buntrock

Page 2: SD LIONS 5SE NEWSLETTER · SD LIONS 5SE NEWSLETTER Where has the year gone? It seems that my year just started and now I am about though. It has been a great experience and now I


Fall Forum

Oct 1, 2016 Brandon, SD

Fall Rally

Sept 23-24. 2016 Murdo, SD

State Convention

Jan 27-28, 2017 AmericInn, Pierre, SD

MD5 Conventions

May 17-20, 2017 Deadwood, SD

May 17-19, 2018 Mandan, ND

USA Canada Forums

Sept 15-17, 2016 Omaha, NE

Sept 21-23, 2017 Portland, OR

Sept 20-22, 2018 Columbus, OH

Great Plains Lions Leadership Institute

July 21-23, 2017 Maryville, MO

International Conventions:

2017 Chicago, IL June 30-July 4

2018 Las Vegas, NV June 29 - July 3

2019 Milan, Italy July 5-9

2020 Singapore June 29-30



August 6, 2016 Watertown, SD 1pm

Sept 30, 2016 Brandon, SD, Pizza Ranch 6:00pm

Jan 27, 2017 Pierre, SD, AmericInn 2pm

June 3, 2017 Time & Location TBD



Lion Sunshine Cady

3240 S Bluegrass Ct

Sioux Falls, SD 57103

Email: [email protected]


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Page 4: SD LIONS 5SE NEWSLETTER · SD LIONS 5SE NEWSLETTER Where has the year gone? It seems that my year just started and now I am about though. It has been a great experience and now I

Dear Lion 5-SE Cabinet Officer,

BEWARE!! Besides the email scam trying to get Lions Treasurers to write a check, there is a 2nd email scam target-

ing members of non-profit organizations. This email says it is from UPS and informs you that your package has been shipped and gives you a website link to check and track your package or an attachment to track your pack-age. DO NOT OPEN THE LINK OR ATTACHMENT, ESPECIALLY IF THE WORD “ZIP.” APPEARS IN THE LINK OR AT-TACHMENT NAME. This file or link is ransomware which locks up your computer and you have to pay money to un-lock your computer.

This happened to DG Larry & Lori this morning. They took their computer to their repair person and he explained what happened. DG Larry asked me to send this email to all persons listed in our District Lions Directory to warn you. Lion Sharon is leaving shortly on a trip so that is why DG Larry asked me to send this email rather than Sha-

ron. I have received this scam email a couple of times this winter but did not open it since I had not ordered any-thing. DG Larry and Lori had their files backed up and have an older computer so they have elected to just pur-chase a new computer rather than pay the ransom but right now they are without a computer.

Since I am also sending this email to all club presidents, secretaries, treasurers, and membership chairpersons that we have email addresses for, you may receive more than one copy of this warning. I will try not to send you 2 cop-ies but I might miss someone.

New Mountains to Climb

PDG Joan

VISION SCREENING FOR PRE-SCHOOLERS Lions Joyce Klinghagen ,Melvin Koehn,Vern Harms and Bill

Payfer doning Vision Screening for the pre-school testing.

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Page 5: SD LIONS 5SE NEWSLETTER · SD LIONS 5SE NEWSLETTER Where has the year gone? It seems that my year just started and now I am about though. It has been a great experience and now I


Terry Peterson, DG/Lions Info Chair submitted two photos from the Council of Governors meeting in Minot, March 31-April 1, 2017.


Council Chair Elect Terry Peterson of 5SW receives the gavel from Council Chair Eunice Cameron after the council chair election.

Current Council of Governors:

Back row: DG Larry Buntrock, 5SE; DG Mark Koller, 5NW; DG Luis Coca, 5NE; DG Paul Danis, 5SKN; DG Terry Peterson, 5SW.

Front: Multiple District Treasurer Kevin Vannett, Council Chair Eunice Cameron, MD Secretary Ken Peters, DG Karen Holmes, 5SKS. Both photos were taken by District Governor Elect Tim Brown of 5SW.

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There were no “April fools” at the historic meeting of Multiple District 5 held in Minot. In addition to the spring Council of Governors’ meeting, Lions for all six Districts were on hand to endorse Past District Governor Patricia “Pat” Vannett for International Director. What made this meeting historic was the endorsement of District 5NW’s

first candidate for International Director; and also, the endorsement of the first female candidate from MD5.

The weekend began with training sessions for the Vice District Governors who benefitted from the Global Leadership and Global Membership Coordinators and their leadership experience at many levels of Lionism.

These sessions will pay off in the future when these leaders demonstrate the effective management and motivation-al skills learned from these trainers. Going on simultaneously was an organized effort by the “Pat for ID Endorse-ment” Committee to get ready for the special convention. The excitement was clearly evident, as many Lions drove to Minot in order to show their support for PDG Pat.

Saturday events started early, as the Magic City Lions Club hosted a delicious pancake breakfast fundraiser at

Badland’s Restaurant. Many members of the Council of Governors went to support the local club fundraiser. The restaurant donated the space and cooked the food; while the Magic City Lions served.

Council Chair Eunice Cameron (District 5-SKS in Saskatchewan) presided over her final working meeting of the Council in Minot; and demonstrated her ability to get things done, creating a positive climate for everyone while doing the work of the Multiple District.

Another major item on the agenda was the planning for the MD Convention to be held in Deadwood, SD on May 17-20. How memorable it will be for us to welcome incoming International President Naresh Aggarwal of India as our

keynote speaker! Very exciting!

New Lion leaders were elected for the Multiple District on Saturday, including Council Chair-Elect, DG Terry Peterson

(District 5-SW).

Others elected included: Global Leadership Team Coordinator, CC Eunice Cameron (District 5-SKS); Global Mem-bership Team Coordinator, PCC Ken Wetz (District 5SW); and Council Vice Chair, IPDG Mark Koller (5-NW).

On Saturday afternoon, the certified delegates to the Special Convention were in place to vote on the endorsement of Mandan’s own, PDG Patricia Vannett, as the first woman to seek endorsement as an international director from MD5.

Endorsement in hand, PDG Pat brought the delegates to tears as she shared a story about the impact of Lions ser-vice on a six-month old child who needed assistance.

In the evening, the representatives from Saskatchewan were responsible for hosting and providing the entertain-ment. A bonus featured CC Eunice lip-singing with her back-up “singers and dancers”–“PCC Rick Pockett” and “PID Marvin Chambers”–so, no ‘great pretenders’ there! Congratulations to the North Dakota team from District 5NW for winning the “family feud” event.

The convention and council meeting ended positively. Endorsed ID candidate Pat’s name now will move forward and

her credentials be vetted by LCI’s Legal Department. After that step, her name will be in consideration, along with others from the United States who are seeking to be placed on the ballot as a candidate from Constitutional Area I. As Lion Kathy and I drove back to Fargo to catch our flight home, we were grateful for the opportunity to be part of

this historic endorsement convention. What a thrill to be part of the process for such a deserving Lion–PDG Patricia Vannett!

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TION, con’t.

Page 7


DG Mark and IPDG Judy get ready to demonstrate for ID

Candidate Pat’s endorsement.

Minot Magic City Lions greeted the hungry public and

invited us to come in and have breakfast!

District 5NW’s first candidate for International Director:

Past District Governor Patricia "Pat" Vannett

Page 8: SD LIONS 5SE NEWSLETTER · SD LIONS 5SE NEWSLETTER Where has the year gone? It seems that my year just started and now I am about though. It has been a great experience and now I

The ID candidate couple poses with past directors (l-r):

PID Marvin Chambers, PID Robert Littlefield, PDG Pat

Vannett and spouse, PDG Kevin Vannett, PID Bruce

Schwartz, PID Garnet Davis.


TION, con’t.

Page 8


The food was great and the service even better!

President-Elect Naresh Aggarwal will inspire us all with

his faith in “the Power of ‘We!'” Council Chairperson-Elect Terry Peterson

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TION, con’t.

Page 9


PDG Kevin Vannett and PDG Ken Gifford enjoy the wait

before giving their endorsement speeches for PDG Pat! Endorsement in hand, PDG Pat brought the

delegates to tears as she shared a story about

the impact of Lions service on a six-month old

child who needed assistance.

Council Chairperson Eunice and her backup singers delivered a memo-

rable rendition of “The Great Pretender!”

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MD5 2017 Lions Youth Camp

Flock to Drake

Looking for a way Lions can help youths? Look no more.

Lions and Lions clubs in MD5 are asked to help sponsor

youngsters for the International Youth Exchange Camp,

scheduled July 16-22, 2017 near Drake, N.D. This is

a great way for youths from our area and all over the

world to get together in the spirit of Lionism, and to

learn what Lions are all about.

Ages are 15 to 19 and the cost is $400 per person. Only

40 slots are available

There are many ways for MD5 Lions to help. You can

sponsor a youth, host a youth, help with meals, donate

money for camp activities and to pay for transportation

for the different trips or become a camp counselor.

Host families are especially needed. Being a host family

would be a three to six-week commitment depending on

how long the student is able to stay. Host families would

provide a room, meals, transportation to the camp,

sleeping bags and pillows. These students have their

own spending money and full health insurance as well.

Drake is in the center of North Dakota, so there are

many possibilities for activities. Among the ones that

have been discussed are as follows:

Going to Bismarck-Mandan to see the State Capitol,

Heritage Center and to have some fun at Raging

Rivers Water Park.

Going to Rugby to see the geographical center of

North America, the Village Museum and then to Min-

ot to the zoo.

Going to Newtown and the surrounding area for a


One of the days will be spent doing a community

project and just having fun at camp.

The camp itself has swimming, boating, fishing, canoeing

and other activities. Bonfires will most likely be a nightly


Any questions, please contact the co-chairs, Lions Carla

Lein and Jan Coca. Carla can be reached at 701-781-

0743 and Jan can be reached at 701-509-4901.

Please help make this a success. All Lions and Lions

clubs are encouraged to help.

Thank you for your support,

Lion Carla and Lion Jan

Page 11: SD LIONS 5SE NEWSLETTER · SD LIONS 5SE NEWSLETTER Where has the year gone? It seems that my year just started and now I am about though. It has been a great experience and now I


WHAT GPLLI is an intensive, professional and valuable leadership skills program for

Lions who have not served as District Governor. You will learn skills for club,

job, community and church, as well as personal development.

WHEN July 21-23, 2017. Registration is from 9:00 a.m. to noon, Fr iday, July 21.

Adjournment and checkout is by 3:00 p.m. Sunday, July 23, 2017. Lunch on

Friday, July 21 is at 12:00 noon.

WHERE Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville Missouri

COST US$175 per attendee if received by the Registrar on or before May1, 2017.

Cost increases to US$200 beginning May 2, 2017. Registration covers double

occupancy room, seven meals, and all course materials. Single occupancy rooms,

if available, require an additional US$40. Any remaining costs will be covered

by funding from Lions Clubs International and contributions from participating

multiple districts.

WHO Any Lion, Lioness or Leo who has attained majority and who has not yet served

as a District Governor as of the dates of the institute is eligible. No previous

attendees are eligible without prior approval of the Institute Coordinator, PID

David Stoufer.

This institute is being sponsored by Multiple Districts 5 (Saskatchewan, North Dakota and South Dakota), 9

(Iowa), 17 (Kansas), 26 (Missouri) and 38 (Nebraska).

Dynamic presenters from across the Great Plains will provide emerging Lion leaders with modules on com-

munication skills, team building, delegation, time management, conflict management, project management,

diversity, motivation, goal setting/action planning/personal mission statement and leading effective meet-


For additional information please contact Registrar PID Gary Fry at frygj35@msn. com or 515-967-4645.


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"The Future of Peace" is the theme of the 2017-18 Peace Poster Contest. This is the 30th anniversary of the Peace Poster Contest. Lions clubs can sponsor the pro-gram in their community for children in local schools or organized, sponsored youth groups. Students, ages 11, 12 or 13 on November 15, are eligible to participate.

Through the contest, students are encouraged to visually depict their interpretation of the contest's theme. Lions clubs may purchase a contest kit through the Club

Supplies Sales Department. A kit must be purchased for

each contest sponsored. The contest must be sponsored

by a Lions club.

Artwork must be no smaller than 13 inches by 20 inches (33 centimeters by 50 centimeters) and no larger than 20 inches by 24 inches (50 centimeters by 60 centime-ters). Do not mat or frame artwork. Only one entry per student, and each entry must be the work of only one student. All artwork must be the individual student's original creation. Duplications are not accepted.

All media are accepted. Note: Chalk, charcoal and pastel entries should be sealed with a fixative spray to prevent smearing. Do not laminate entries. Three-dimensional entries will not be accepted. Nothing may be glued, stapled or attached to the artwork in any way. The use of lettering or numbering on the front of the poster, in any language, is not allowed. All artist sig-natures or initials should be written on the back of the poster. Artwork should be done on a flexible material, so it can be rolled for shipping in a mailing tube. Do not fold poster.

Participants accept all responsibility for late, lost, misdi-rected or illegible entries. Lions Clubs International is not responsible for entries damaged, destroyed or lost during the judging process. Entries cannot be acknowl-edged or returned; they become property of Lions Clubs International upon receipt. Peace Poster Contest images cannot be used without written permission from Lions Clubs International. In consideration for the opportunity to enter the Peace

Poster Contest, participants agree to allow Lions Clubs International to use their names and photographs for promotional and publicity purposes. In addition, the in-ternational grand prize winner, two family members (one being a parent or legal guardian) and the sponsoring club president or a club member (as designated by the sponsoring club president) are required to attend the special award ceremony. An international grand-prize winner is not eligible to receive subsequent prizes in fu-ture Peace Poster contests sponsored by Lions Clubs In-ternational. By entering, participants agree to be bound by these rules and the decisions of the judges and Lions

Clubs International.


Judging Each poster is judged on originality, artistic merit and expression of the theme. Posters advance through several judging levels: local, district, multiple district and international. At the inter-

national level, judges from the art, peace, youth, educa-tion and media communities select one grand prize win-ner and 23 merit award winners. Awards

One international grand prize winner will receive a

trip to a special award ceremony. There the winning artist will be presented with an engraved plaque and a cash prize of US $5,000.

Each of the 23 merit award winners will receive a

cash award of US $500 and a certificate of achieve-ment.

District 5SE winner will receive a cash award of

$100. Deadlines Please note that entries not meeting deadlines will be disqualified.

October 1, 2017 Deadline to purchase kits from the Club Supplies Sales Department at International Headquarters.

November 1, 2017

MD5SE Postmark deadline for a club to send one winning poster (per contest sponsored) to

Leanne Gutormson at 2187 21st St SE; Huron, SD 57350

December 1, 2017

Deadline for a governor to bring one winning district poster to the multiple district council of governors meeting

and give to the MD 5 LOFY Chairper-son.

December 15, 2017

Postmark deadline for the MD 5 LOFY Chairperson to send one winning en-try to the Public Relations Department

at International Headquarters.

February 1, 2018

International winners will be notified on or before this date.

If there are any questions, please feel free to contact MD 5SE Chairperson, Lion Leanne Gutormson at [email protected]

2016 2nd Place MD5


Created by Hope Lester from

Yankton Middle School!

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Region A







Warner - Stratford

Deuel County/Clear Lake




Region B



Huron Eye-Opener



Willow Lake


Brookings Early Bird


Dell Rapids



Region C





Mitchell Palace City







Viborg Area

Region D




SF Downtown

Sioux Empire

Sioux Land

Sioux Rise



Bon Homme

Elk Point

N. Sioux City



Attention Club Secretaries: Please submit articles and photos for the next

newsletter to [email protected] prior to the 25th of the month


There are 49 clubs in our Multiple District. We’d like to hear from each and every one of you. We can all

benefit from learning about your Club’s:

Service Activities

Membership Ups and Downs

Meetings & Special Programs

New Member Recruiting Efforts

Member Retention

Problem Solving

Social Media

New Member Orientation


When I attend my Lions Club and break bread at the table,

I give a million thanks to God to know that I am able,

To meet there with my fellow man, relax and play and sing,

To hear the speakers of the day, the fine thoughts that they bring,

I realize that I have a part in caring for the blind,

Also the underprivileged, let’s keep them all in mind,

Now as we do our daily tasks, pray God we do them greatly,

Then Liberty and Intelligence will be Our Nation’s Safety.


Page 14: SD LIONS 5SE NEWSLETTER · SD LIONS 5SE NEWSLETTER Where has the year gone? It seems that my year just started and now I am about though. It has been a great experience and now I


encouraged to send in monthly news updates

and photos.

Email to: [email protected]

Subject line: "newsletterinfo"

Article Deadline: 25th of the month

Published: 1st week of the month

Mechanical Requirements:

Articles =75 to 200 words

Photos = 300 dpi in .jpg format (if possible)

S o u t h D a k o ta

D i s t r i c t 5 S E

Find us on the web at


Page 14

Celebrating 100 Years

of Lionism

Multiple District 5 Convention

May 17 - 20, 2017