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Screen Personas 2.0 SP03 Master Guide

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  • Master Guide PUBLIC

    Document Version: 1.5 2015-02-17

    SAP Screen Personas 2.0 SP03


  • Typographic Conventions

    Type Style Description

    Example Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons labels, menu names, menu paths, and menu options.

    Textual cross-references to other documents.

    Example Emphasized words or expressions.

    EX AM PLE Technical names of system objects. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and key concepts of a programming language when they are surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE.

    Ex am ple Output on the screen. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, names of variables and parameters, source text, and names of installation, upgrade and database tools.


    Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation.

    Variable user entry. Angle brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries to make entries in the system.

    E X A M P L E

    Keys on the keyboard, for example, F 2 or E N T E R .

    PUBLIC 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    SAP Screen Personas 2.0 SP03 Typographic Conventions


  • Document History

    Version Date Change

    1.0 2013-07-31 First release

    1.1 2013-08-23 Authorization and Role information included

    1.2 2013-10-25 1.0 SP03/2.0 SP01 Version

    1.3 2014-05-08 1.0 SP04/2.0 SP02 Version

    1.4 2014-10-07 Updated the Document

    1.5 2015-02-17 2.0 SP03 Version

    PUBLIC SAP Screen Personas 2.0 SP03 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Document History


  • Table of Contents

    1 GETTING STARTED ............................................................................................................................................................ 5

    1.1 ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT ......................................................................................................................................................... 5 1.2 RELATED INFORMATION ......................................................................................................................................................... 7

    1.2.1 Planning Information ..................................................................................................................................................... 7 1.2.2 Further Useful Links ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 1.2.3 Related Master Guides .................................................................................................................................................. 8

    1.3 IMPORTANT SAP NOTES ........................................................................................................................................................ 9

    2 SOLUTION OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................................... 10

    2.1 SOFTWARE UNITS ................................................................................................................................................................ 10 2.2 SYSTEM LANDSCAPE ............................................................................................................................................................. 11

    2.2.1 SAP Screen Personas .................................................................................................................................................... 11 2.3 OVERALL IMPLEMENTATION SEQUENCE .................................................................................................................................. 12

    3 BUSINESS SCENARIOS OF SAP SCREEN PERSONAS 1.0/2.0 .......................................................................................... 13

    3.1 UI CUSTOMIZATION ............................................................................................................................................................. 13

    4 SOLUTION-WIDE TOPICS ................................................................................................................................................ 14

    5 SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 15

    5.1 FUNDAMENTAL SECURITY GUIDES ......................................................................................................................................... 15 5.2 SECURITY-RELEVANT LOGGING AND TRACING ......................................................................................................................... 15 5.3 DISPENSABLE FUNCTIONS WITH IMPACTS ON SECURITY ........................................................................................................... 15

    6 OPERATIONS INFORMATION ......................................................................................................................................... 16

    6.1 ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................................... 16 6.1.1 PERIODIC TASKS .................................................................................................................................................................. 16 6.1.2 USER MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................................................................ 16 6.2 SOFTWARE CHANGE MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................................................................... 17

    7 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................................................... 18

    8 MEDIA LIST ...................................................................................................................................................................... 19

    PUBLIC SAP Screen Personas 2.0 SP03

    2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Table of Contents


  • 1 Getting Started 1.1 About this Document


    This Master Guide is the central starting point for the technical implementation of the SAP Screen Personas 1.0/2.0 solution. This guide supports SAP Screen Personas 1.0 /2.0. You can find cross-scenario implementation information as well as scenario-specific information in this guide.


    The central starting point for the technical upgrade of your SAP solution is the Master Guide, which you can find on SAP Service Marketplace at

    Use the Master Guide to get an overview of SAP Screen Personas, its software units, and its scenarios from a technical perspective. The Master Guide is a planning tool that helps you to design your system landscape. It refers you to the required detailed documentation, mainly:

    Installation guides for single software units

    SAP Notes

    Configuration documentation

    SAP Library documentation

    The Master Guide consists of the following main sections:

    Section 1, Getting Started

    This section explains how to use this document and related information (documentation and SAP Notes) that is crucial to the installation of the solution.

    Section 2, Solution Overview

    This section provides essential information about the supported scenarios, the installable software units, the software component matrix, and how to plan your system landscape.

    Section 3, Business Scenarios of SAP

    This section contains information about the supported business scenarios and processes. This section also provides links to the relevant configuration documentation that is provided via SAP Solution Manager.

    Section 4, Solution-Wide Topics

    This section contains information about the Solution Manager content for the solution.

    Section 5, Security Considerations

    This section provides an overview of the security considerations that are specific to the SAP Screen Personas solution.

    Section 7, References

    This section lists of the SAP Notes and documents that are mentioned in this Master Guide.

    Section 8, Media List

    This section contains information about where to find the software and documentation download packages.


    2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved

    SAP Screen Personas 2.0 SP03 . Getting Started


  • Section 9, Release Availability Information

    This section contains information about the available software releases, required base software, and other availabilities regarding SAP Screen Personas. Note You can find the most current information about the technical implementation of SAP Screen Personas and the latest installation and configuration guides on SAP Service Marketplace at

    We strongly recommend that you use the documents available here. The guides are regularly updated. Constraints

    The business scenarios that are presented here serve as examples of how you can use SAP software in your

    company. The business scenarios are only intended as models and do not necessarily run the way they are described here in your customer-specific system landscape. Ensure to check your requirements and systems to determine whether these scenarios can be used productively at your site. Furthermore, we recommend that you test these scenarios thoroughly in your test systems to ensure they are complete and free of errors before going live.

    This Master Guide primarily discusses the overall technical implementation of SAP Screen Personas rather than its subordinate components. This means that additional software dependencies might exist without being mentioned explicitly in this document. You can find more information on component-specific software dependencies in the corresponding installation guides.

    PUBLIC SAP Screen Personas 2.0 SP03

    2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved Getting Started


  • .

    1.2 Related Information

    1.2.1 Planning Information

    For more information about planning topics not covered in this guide, see the following content on SAP Service Marketplace:

    Content Location on SAP Service Marketplace

    Latest versions of installation and upgrade guides

    General information about SAP Screen Personas (for example, guide documents such as Master Guide and Application Operations Guide)

    Sizing, calculation of hardware requirements - such as CPU, disk and memory resource - with the Quick Sizer tool

    Released platforms and technology- related topics such as maintenance strategies and language support

    To access the Platform Availability Matrix directly, enter

    Network security

    High Availability


    Information about Support Package Stacks, latest software versions and patch level requirements

    Information about Unicode technology and-unicode

    PUBLIC 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    SAP Screen Personas 2.0 SP03 Related Information


  • 1.2.2 Further Useful Links

    The following table lists further useful links on SAP Service Marketplace:

    Content Location on SAP Service Marketplace

    Information about creating error messages

    SAP Notes search

    SAP Software Distribution Center (software download and ordering of software)

    SAP Online Knowledge Products (OKPs) role- specific Learning Maps

    1.2.3 Related Master Guides

    This Master Guide is based on Master Guides for cross-industry applications. You can find more information about the relevant applications in the following documents:

    Title Location

    SAP NetWeaver

    SAP NetWeaver

    PUBLIC 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    SAP Screen Personas 2.0 SP03 Related Information


  • 1.3 Important SAP Notes You must read the following SAP Notes before you start the installation. These SAP Notes contain the most recent information on the installation, as well as corrections to the installation documentation.

    Make sure that you have the up-to-date version of each SAP Note, which you can find on SAP Service Marketplace at

    SAP Note Number

    Title Description

    1776739 Release strategy for SAP

    Screen Personas 1.0/2.0

    This note lists the Prerequisites and related details about Installing SAP Screen Personas 1.0/2.0.

    1848339 Installation and Upgrade note for SAP Screen Personas 1.0/2.0

    This note contains information on the steps for installing and getting started for both new and existing customers.

    1885334 SAP Screen Personas 1.0/2.0 This note contains information related to the modifications made to some of the features in SAP Screen Personas 1.0/2.0.

    1964257 Cumulative patch release for the SAP Screen Personas Release 1.0/ Release 2.0

    This note contains the latest patches that are available for the supported Personas releases

    1869640 Client copy of SAP Screen Personas delivered customization.

    After Personas installation, all the SAP delivered customizing is present in client 000

    PUBLIC SAP Screen Personas 2.0 SP03

    2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Related Information


  • 2 Solution Overview

    SAP Screen Personas 1.0/2.0 runs on Microsoft Silverlight framework and provides a simple, drag and drop approach to personalize SAP GUI screens. Personas allows you to make the screen more usable as well as more visually appealing making use of existing Dynpro business logic and without any additional programming. It allows creating flavors for transactions; group them into logical groups, and assign them to different user groups of the enterprise. The solution provides means to define system landscape, so that flavor maintenance for GUI screens in SAP transactions that span across multiple systems can be administered centrally. 2.1 Software Units The following software units are of relevance when setting up the solution:

    SAP NetWeaver 7.0 or enhancement packages of 7.0

    SAP Kernel

    The solution is based on ITS (Internet Transaction Server) of SAP Kernel and requires SAP Kernel with release 721 or release 740.

    SAP Basis (SAP_BASIS)

    The solution is an add-on and requires the SAP_BASIS component to be on the below listed releases and support packages or higher.

    Component Release Support Package

    SAP_BASIS 700 SAPKB70024

    SAP_BASIS 701 SAPKB70109

    SAP_BASIS 702 SAPKB70208

    SAP_BASIS 731 SAPKB73101

    SAP_BASIS 740 SAPKB74000

    PUBLIC SAP Screen Personas 2.0 SP03

    2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Solution Overview


  • 2.2 System Landscape

    2.2.1 SAP Screen Personas There are two types of system landscape for this solution.

    Single System Setup

    In this setup, there is only one system in the landscape. The add-on is installed on the same system as the ERP system. When a user launches Screen Personas in a web browser, the request is received and processed by this system. Flavors can be created for any GUI transaction in this system and assigned to users/groups.

    Figure 1


    In this setup, there is more than one system in the landscape. The add-on can be installed on one of the systems, which then becomes the main system for SAP Screen Personas. When user launches SAP Screen Personas, in a web browser, the request is received and processed by the main system. On successful login to the main system, a system selection page is presented with all the systems in which the user has a user profile created. The user can select the system and login to it. Users can then create flavors for transactions in any of the connected system including the main system. However, all master data related to SAP Screen Personas like Groups, User profiles, Flavors etc. are stored in the main system.

    PUBLIC 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    SAP Screen Personas 2.0 SP03 Solution Overview


  • Figure 2


    We strongly recommend that you use a single system setup for production environment. This will ensure a smoother migration to SAP Screen Personas 3.0.

    2.3 Overall Implementation Sequence


    The following table describes the overall installation sequence for SAP Screen Personas 1.0/2.0. This table contains all available software units.


    Implementation Sequence

    Step Action

    [Required Documentation]

    Remarks/Subsequent Steps

    1 Installation of Kernel 7.21 Kernel 7.21 is pre-requisite for SAP Screen Personas.

    2 Installation of SAP Screen Personas 1.0/ 2.0 Addon

    This step installs the SAP Screen Personas 1.0/2.0 solution

    3 Installation of relevant notes

    4 Activation of SAP Screen Personas 1.0/2.0

    PUBLIC 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    SAP Screen Personas 2.0 SP03 Solution Overview



  • 3 Business Scenarios of SAP Screen Personas 1.0/2.0

    The following business scenarios are available for SAP Screen Personas 1.0/2.0.

    3.1 UI Customization Overview

    In this business scenario, the system is customized in order to enable the admin user to perform necessary activities that will allow the business user to use this solution.

    Under this business scenario, the following business processes are provided:

    1. Performing Administration Tasks

    You can user this process to perform the administrator tasks like maintaining users, flavors, user groups, mass users, mass groups, and so on.

    2. Managing Flavors

    You can use this process to transport objects, export, and import flavors.

    For information about technical system landscape, software units, and implementation sequence, see section 2, Solution Overview.

    Further Information

    The following documents provide more information about UI Customization.

    Content Location

    Business Scenario and Process Documentation

    See the documentation in SAP Solution Manager.

    Configuration Documentation See the documentation in SAP Solution Manager.

    PUBLIC 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    SAP Screen Personas 2.0 SP03 Business Scenario


  • 4 Solution-Wide Topics

    SAP provides the SAP Solution Manager as the highly recommended platform to efficiently support the implementation of your solution. Using SAP Solution Manager will significantly accelerate the implementation process and help you to achieve your business goals. At the same time, SAP will be able to deliver support services based on the business scenarios designed and documented in SAP Solution Manager. Implementation content for your solution may further accelerate the implementation process.

    For information about availability of content specifically tailored to SAP Screen Personas 1.0/2.0, see the SAP Solution Manager Business Process Repository on SAP Service Marketplace at On the right page, follow the link provided in the section Available implementation content.

    The Solution Manager content for SAP Screen Personas 1.0/2.0 is delivered via the support package SP38, which is available from SAP Software Distribution Center at

    For more information about SAP Solution Manager, see SAP Service Marketplace at

    PUBLIC SAP Screen Personas 2.0 SP03

    2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved Solution Wide Topic



  • 5 Security Considerations

    This section provides an overview of the security considerations that are specific to the SAP Screen Personas solution. The solution is based on SAP NetWeaver 7.0 with SAP Kernel 7.21. Therefore, the corresponding security settings also apply to this solution. 5.1 Fundamental Security Guides For a complete list of the available SAP security guides, see SAP Security Guides on SAP Service Marketplace at The current version of the SAP NetWeaver security guide, which deals with general security issues, is also available via this quick link.

    Additional Information

    For more information about specific security topics, see the following locations on SAP Service Marketplace:

    Content Location


    Security Guides

    Released Platforms

    Network Security

    Infrastructure Security

    SAP Solution Manager

    5.2 Security-Relevant Logging and Tracing Solution uses the underlying softwares user management and administration framework.

    5.3 Dispensable Functions with Impacts on Security All functions delivered as part of the solution are necessary.

    PUBLIC 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    SAP Screen Personas 2.0 SP02 Security Considerations


  • 6 Operations Information

    This chapter contains important information on how to smoothly operate SAP Screen Personas. The major topics are monitoring, administration, software change management, and high availability. This chapter describes the tasks to execute and the tools to use.

    SAP Screen Personas can be installed on any SAP system. Therefore, the general operations information that is covered in the related Operations Guides also applies to SAP Screen Personas. For more information about related guides, see the corresponding resources on SAP Service Marketplace at

    For a complete list of available SAP Operations Guides, see SAP Service Marketplace at

    The operations information specific to SAP Screen Personas is described in the following chapters. The following areas are covered:

    Administration and Management

    Software Change Management

    6.1 Administration and Management

    All the backend operations like User Management and Flavor Management are to be performed by the Administrator. The Application Help defines in detail the functionality and steps to perform these operations. Please refer to the Application Help in Service Market Place under SAP Screen Personas.

    6.1.1 Periodic Tasks

    Administrator would be assigning System and Roles to users as and when a new user is added. He would also be responsible for Group creation and assigning users and flavors to groups. In addition, he also sets a Global group through which he can distribute flavors to all users.

    6.1.2 User Management

    There is no separate User Management for SAP Screen Personas. To access SAP Screen Personas, users should have SAP user access to the system in which SAP Screen Personas is installed. In order to login to other target systems which are connected to the Main system, a user is required there too. For details on User Authorization Management in the backend and User Role and Permissions, refer to the Solution Manager document.

    PUBLIC SAP Screen Personas 2.0 SP03 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Operations Information


  • 6.2 Software Change Management

    SAP Screen Personas 1.0/2.0 is delivered as an Add-On and can be installed using SAINT. Detailed steps for installation can be found in the installation Note 1776739.

    PUBLIC 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    SAP Screen Personas 2.0 SP03 Operations Information


  • 7 References

    List of Documents

    The following table lists all documents mentioned in this Master Guide.

    Title Where to Find

    Performance Optimization Guide Link to Performance Optimization Guide

    SAP Screen Personas 2.0 Configuration Guide --- Focused Business Solutions --- SAP Screen Personas 2.0

    Application Help for SAP Screen

    Getting Started Page

    PUBLIC SAP Screen Personas 2.0 SP02 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. References


  • 8 Media List

    All deliverables for SAP Screen Personas 1.0/ 2.0 are shipped electronically. The software and documentation download package is available on SAP Service Marketplace at --- Support Packages and Patches --- A - Z Index --- S ---SAP Screen Personas 2.0.

    PUBLIC 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

    SAP Screen Personas 2.0 SP02 Media List


  • 9 Release Availability Information

    For more information about currently available releases for the SAP Screen Personas solution, and for each release, the SAP standard software required to install and use the solution, see

    PUBLIC SAP Screen Personas 2.0 SP03 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Release Availability Information



    2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. Some software products marketed by SAP AG and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. National product specifications may vary. These materials are provided by SAP AG and its affiliated companies (SAP Group) for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind, and SAP Group shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only warranties for SAP Group products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and other countries. Please see for additional trademark information and notices.


    2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice.Some software products marketed by SAP AG and its distributorscontain proprietary software components of other software vendors.National product specifications may vary.These materials are provided by SAP AG and its affiliated companies (SAP Group) for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind, and SAP Group shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only warranties for SAP Group products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty.SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and other countries. Please see for additional trademark information and notices.

    1 Getting Started1.1 About this DocumentNoteNote

    1.2 Related Information1. Planning Information1. Further Useful Links1.2.3 Related Master Guides

    1.3 Important SAP Notes

    2 Solution Overview2.1 Software Units2.2 System Landscape2.2.1 SAP Screen PersonasCaution

    2.3 Overall Implementation Sequence

    3 Business Scenarios of SAP Screen Personas 1.0/2.03.1 UI Customization

    4 Solution-Wide Topics5 Security Considerations5.1 Fundamental Security Guides5.2 Security-Relevant Logging and Tracing5.3 Dispensable Functions with Impacts on Security

    6 Operations Information6.1 Administration and Management6.1.1 Periodic Tasks6.1.2 User Management6.2 Software Change Management

    7 References8 Media