Scottísh Ecclesiastical anti G eneral Calendar. MAY 1928. 1 T. ZS, Philip and James. David Livingstone d. 1873. 2 W. S. Athanasius (373). Prin. J. Marshall Lang d. 1909. 3 Th. Archbishop Sharp murdered 1679. Thomas Hood d. 18 45. 4 F. Sir T. Lawrence b. 1769. T. Huxley b. 1818. 5 S. Napoleon I. cl. 1821. Karl Marx b. 1818. 6 after Easter. Accession King George V. Jansen d. 1638. 7 M. Earl Rosebery b. 1847. A. Harnack b. 1851. 8 T. Dante b. 1265. John Stuart Mi ll cl. 1873. g W. Sir J. M. Barrie b. 1860. Vindictive sunk Ostend 1918. io Th. Indian Mutiny, Meerut, 1857. Bp. James Kennedy d. 1466. II F. Margaret Wilson and Margaret M`Lachlan, Wigtown, martyred 1685. 12 S. S. Congall, Durris (602). D. G. Rossetti b. 1828. 13 D Battle of Langside 1568. U.P. Church formed 1847. 14 M. E. Fitzgerald cl. 1883. Vimy Ridge 1916. 15 T. Whitsunday TeIm. Queen Mary and Bothwell ni. 1567. 16 W. S. Brendan, Voyager (577). Court of Session Instd. 1532. 17 Th. Ascension Bap. S. Cathan, Bute (710). R.V. New Test. published 1881. 18 F. The " Disruption," 1843. G. Meredith d. 1909. 19 S. Prof. Wilson (Chris. North) b. 1785. Gladstone d. 1898. 20 Thos. Boston cl. 1732. William Chambers cl. 1883. 21 M. Montrose exted. 1649. Miss Walker-Arnott, Jaffa, cl. 1911. 22 T. 7th Royal Scots disaster, Gretna, 1915. R. Wagner b. 1813. 23 W. St Giles' Cathedral reopened 1883. Savonarola burnt 1498. 24 Th. Queen Victoria b. 1819. John G. Paton b. 1824. 25 F. Emerson b. 1803. E. Bulwer Lytton b. 1803. 26 S. Queen Mary b. 1867. S. Pepys d. 1703. 27 Pentecost. Calvin cl. 1564. Marquess of Argyll beheaded 1661. 28 M. Whit Monday. Thomas Moore b. 1 779. 29 T. Cardinal Bethune assassinated 1546. Keble d. 1866. 3o W. Joan of Arc burnt 1431. Dr T. Chalmers d. 1848. 31 Th. Jutland 1916. Boers surrendered 1902.

Scottísh Ecclesiastical anti G eneral Calendar. · Scottísh Ecclesiastical anti G eneral Calendar. MAY 1928. ... 6 W. Jeremy Bentham d. 1832. ... 8 W. Dr Matthew Leishman d. 1874

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Page 1: Scottísh Ecclesiastical anti G eneral Calendar. · Scottísh Ecclesiastical anti G eneral Calendar. MAY 1928. ... 6 W. Jeremy Bentham d. 1832. ... 8 W. Dr Matthew Leishman d. 1874

Scottísh Ecclesiastical anti G eneral Calendar.

MAY 1928.

1 T. ZS, Philip and James. David Livingstone d. 1873.

2 W. S. Athanasius (373). Prin. J. Marshall Lang d. 1909. 3 Th. Archbishop Sharp murdered 1679. Thomas Hood d. 1845. 4 F. Sir T. Lawrence b. 1769. T. Huxley b. 1818. 5 S. Napoleon I. cl. 1821. Karl Marx b. 1818.

6 after Easter. Accession King George V. Jansen d. 1638.

7 M. Earl Rosebery b. 1847. A. Harnack b. 1851. 8 T. Dante b. 1265. John Stuart Mill cl. 1873. g W. Sir J. M. Barrie b. 1860. Vindictive sunk Ostend 1918.

io Th. Indian Mutiny, Meerut, 1857. Bp. James Kennedy d. 1466. II F. Margaret Wilson and Margaret M`Lachlan, Wigtown,

martyred 1685. 12 S. S. Congall, Durris (602). D. G. Rossetti b. 1828.

13 D Battle of Langside 1568. U.P. Church formed 1847. 14 M. E. Fitzgerald cl. 1883. Vimy Ridge 1916. 15 T. Whitsunday TeIm. Queen Mary and Bothwell ni. 1567. 16 W. S. Brendan, Voyager (577). Court of Session Instd. 1532. 17 Th. Ascension Bap.

S. Cathan, Bute (710). R.V. New Test. published 1881. 18 F. The " Disruption," 1843. G. Meredith d. 1909. 19 S. Prof. Wilson (Chris. North) b. 1785. Gladstone d. 1898.

20 Thos. Boston cl. 1732. William Chambers cl. 1883. 21 M. Montrose exted. 1649. Miss Walker-Arnott, Jaffa, cl. 1911. 22 T. 7th Royal Scots disaster, Gretna, 1915. R. Wagner b. 1813. 23 W. St Giles' Cathedral reopened 1883. Savonarola burnt 1498. 24 Th. Queen Victoria b. 1819. John G. Paton b. 1824. 25 F. Emerson b. 1803. E. Bulwer Lytton b. 1803. 26 S. Queen Mary b. 1867. S. Pepys d. 1703.

27 Pentecost. Calvin cl. 1564. Marquess of Argyll beheaded 1661.

28 M. Whit Monday. Thomas Moore b. 1779. 29 T. Cardinal Bethune assassinated 1546. Keble d. 1866. 3o W. Joan of Arc burnt 1431. Dr T. Chalmers d. 1848. 31 Th. Jutland 1916. Boers surrendered 1902.

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6 Church Service Society Annual

JUNE 1928.

1 F. Drumclog 1678. Paraphrases allowed 1781. 2 S. Ebenezer Erskine d. 1754. Garibaldi d. 1882.

3 Trinity Sunday. King George V. b. 1865. R. Tannahill b. 1774.

4 M. Lord Eldon b. 1751. Magenta 1859. 5 T. The Church's Charter 1592. Earl Kitchener drowned 1916. 6 W. Jeremy Bentham d. 1832. Corneille b. 1606. 7 Th. King Robert the Bruce d. 1329. Montgolfier b. 1745. 8 F. Sir David Wilkie d. 1841. Robt. Stevenson, Engineer,

b. 1772. 9 S. S. Columba, Iona (597). Charles Dickens cl. 1870.

io S 1 Robert Buchanan cl. 1901. Emp. F. Barbarossa cl. 1190. II M. S. Barnabas.

Dugald Stewart b. 1828. 12 T. S. Ternan (43i). Dr T. Arnold, Rugby, cl. 1842. 13 W. Agricola b. 37 A.D. Berlin Congress met 1878. 14 Th. S. Basil (379). E. Fitzgerald cl. 1883. 15 F. Thomas Campbell cl. 1872. Luther excommunicated 1520. 16 S. Dr Norman MacLeod cl. 1872. John Skinner (Tulloch-

gorum) cl. 1807.

17 II John Wesley b. 1703. Sir E. Burne-Jones cl. 1898. 18 M. Waterloo 1815. Lieut. Warneford, V.C., cl. 1915. 19 T. James VI. b. 1566. Earl Haig b. 1861. C. H. Spurgeon

b. 1834. 20 W. Kikuyu Conference 1913. German Fleet scuttled 1919. 21 Th. W. E. Aytoun b. 1813. Inigo Jones cl. 1651. 22 F. S. Alban (303). Bothwell Brig 1679. E. Erskine cl. 1756. 23 S. S. Etheldreda (697). Edward, Prince of Wales, b. 1894.

24 HI S. John the Baptist (Nativity). Bannockburn 1314.

25 M. Archbp. Leighton d. 1684. Mrs Oliphant cl. 1897. 26 T. Lord Kelvin b. 1824. Dr J. Cameron Lees cl. 1913. 27 W. Ruthven Conspiracy 1583. Harriet Martineau cl. 1876. 28 Th. S. Irenaeus (202). Kelso Abbey burnt 1544. 29 F. SS. Peter and Paul.

E. B. Browning d. 1861. 3o S. Second Battle Verdun 1916. Earl Argyll beheaded 1685.

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Calendar, 1928-29 7

JULY 1928.

1 ED S. Serf (543) Boyne 1690. H. Beecher Stowe d. 1896.

2 M. Joseph Chamberlain d. 1914. J. J. Rousseau d. 1778. 3 T. Leibnitz b. 1646. H. Grattan b. 1746. 4 W. U.S.A. Independence Day 1776. D. M. Moir ("Delta")

d. 1851. 5 Th. Airship 34 crossed Atlantic 1919. Sir Thos. More ex. 1535. 6 F. S. Modwenna (518). Lord Balfour of Burleigh d. 1921. 7 S. R. B. Sheridan d. 1816. John Huss d. 1415.

8 D Sir H. Raeburn d. 1823. Joseph Chamberlain b. 1836. 9 M. Maitland of Lethington d. 1573. Ed. Burke d. 1797.

10 T. Calvin b. 1509. Robert Chambers b. 1802. 11 W. S. Cuthbert's Church, Edinburgh, reopened 1894.

12 Th. Erasmus d. 1536. Dr Thos. Guthrie b. 1803. Dr Jamieson (Dictionary) d. 1838.

13 F. Berlin Treaty 1878. 14 S. Bastille fell 1789. Jas. Alex. Haldane b. 1768.

15 DE S. Swithin (862). Second Battle of the Marne 1918. 16 M. The Great Schism 1054. Lady Nairn b. 1766. 17 T. Adam Smith d. 1790. Reform Bill (Scotland) passed 1832. 18 W. S. Thenew (Enoch) (514). Godfrey de Bouillon d. 1100. 19 Th. Dean Stanley d. 1881. Archbp. Sheldon b. 1589. 20 F. Andrew Lang d. 1912. Richard Cameron d. Airsmoss, 1680. 21 S. Robert Burns d. 1796. Matthew Prior b. 1664.

22 DII S. Mary f agdalene. Falkirk 1298. Johnston of Warriston executed 1661.

23 M. Jenny Geddes in S. Giles' 1637. 24 T. John Newton b. 1725. William the Lion captured Ain-

wick 1174.

25 W. Z. James tue Great. Earl of Balfour b. 1848.

26 Th. S. Germanus, Auxerre (448). Donald Cargill executed 1681. 27 F. Killiecrankie 1689. Capt. Fryatt shot 1916. 28 S. Austria declared war on Serbia 1914. J. S. Bach d. 1750.

29 DIII Bismarck d. 1898. Schumann d. 1856. 3o M. Prin. John Caird d. 1898. T. Gray d. 1771. 31 T. George Borrow d. 1881. Horatius Bonar d. 1889.

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8 Church Service Society Annual

AUGUST 1928.

1 W. Lammas Term. Andrew Melville b. 1545. 2 Th. Dr Graham Bell d. 1922. Capt. Marryat d. 1848. 3 F. S. Waltheof, Mailros (1160). Perth Articles passed 1618. 4 S. British ultimatum 1914. Edward Irving b. 1792.

5 S IX S. Oswald (642). Gowrie conspiracy 1600. Dr M'Crie d. 1835.

6 M. The Transfiguration. Tennyson b. 1809. Suvla Bay 1915.

7 T. Church Patronage abolished 1874. Herod Agrippa d. 44. 8 W. Dr Matthew Leishman d. 1874. Isaac Walton b. 1593. 9 Th. B.E.F. landed in France 1914. Robert Moffat d. 1883.

10 F. S. Blaue (590). Alan Ramsay (painter) d. 1784. 11 S. Cardinal Newman d. 1890. Toplady d. 1778.

12 Britain at war with Austria 1914. Wm. Blake d. 1827. 13 M. Florence Nightingale d. 191o. Jeremy Taylor d. 1667. 14 T. " Scottish Hymnal " issued 187o. Walter Besant b. 1836. 15 W. Sir Walter Scott b. 1771. Otterburn 1388. 16 Th. Merle d'Aubigné b. 1794. Thomas Fuller d. 1661. 17 F. Scots Confession adopted 156o. Jesuit Order suppressed

1773. 18 S. S. Helena (328). Sir David Baird d. 1829.

19 II Alex. Henderson d. 1646. James Watt d. 1819. 20 M. S. Bernard, Clairvaux (1153). Gen. Booth d. 1912. 21 T. Queen Victoria in S. Giles' 1886. Greuze b. 1725. 22 W. Marquis Salisbury d. 1903. Warren Hastings d. 1818. 23 Th. Sir Wm. Wallace extd. 1305. Pompeii overwhelmed 79. A.D. 24 F. S. Bartholomew.

Massacre 1572. Papal jurisdiction ended 156o. 25 S. S. Ebba, Coldingham (683). David Hume d. 1776.

26 III Louvain sacked 1914. Wallace Monument, Stirling, 1869.

27 M. Westminster Confession approved 1647. Hegel b. 177o. 28 T. S. Augustine (430). S. Andrews University founded 1411.

29 W. S. John the Baptist (beheading of). Noyon 1918. O. W. Holmes b. 1809.

3o Th. Sir John Ross d. 1856. Scot. Nat. Gallery founded 1850.. 31 F. S. Aidan (651). John Bunyan d. 1688.

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Calendar, 1928-29



1 S. S. Giles (c. 720). Prin. J. Cunningham d. 1893.

2 IIII John Howard b. 1726. Omdurman 1898. 3 M. Dunbar 1650. Oliver Cromwell cl. 1658. 4 T. Chateaubriand b. 1786. Translation of S. Cuthbert's

remains to Durham 995. 5 W. John Home (" Douglas ") cl. 1808. Card. Richelieu b. 1585. 6 Th. Marne 1914. William Quarrier b. 1829. 7 F. Erastus b. 1524. Whittier d. 1892. 8 S. Sebastopol 1855. John Leyden b. 1775.

9 IED Flodden 1513. Archbp. Trench b. 1807. 10 M. Mungo Park b. 1771. Pinkie 1547.

11 T. James Thomson b. 1700. Stirling Bridge 1297. 12 W. Guizot cl. 1874. Sobieski defeats Turks at Vienna 1683. 13 Th. Scots Church, Rotterdam, founded 1643. 14 F. Dante cl. 1321. Duke of Wellington cl. 1852. 15 S. S. Mirren, Paisley (c. 610). Lord Chancellor Campbell

b. 1779.

16 ID S. Ninian, Whithorn (c. 432). A. Bonar Law b. 1858. 17 M. Prince Chas. Ed. Stuart enters Edinburgh 1745. 18 T. Gilbert Burnet b. 1643. Dr S. Johnston b. 1709. 19 W. Dr Jas. A. M'Clymont cl. 1927. Megiddo 1918. 20 Th. Walter C. Smith cl. 1908. Delhi 1857. 21 F. S, Matthew.

Sir Walter Scott cl. 1832. 22 S. Tsar Nicholas II. at Balmoral 1896.

23 IDE S. Adamnan (704). Dean Milman cl. 1868. 24 M. Edward Babel crowned at Scone 1334. Samuel Butler

cl. 1680. 25 T. Solemn League and Covenant signed 1643. Loos 1915. 26 W. Railway to Jerusalem opened 1892. Thiepval 1918. 27 Th. Hindenburg line broken, Cambrai, 1918. Bossuet b. 1627. 28 F. S. Machan, Campsie (c. 525). George Buchanan cl. 1582. 29 S. S. Michael and All Angels.

Iona Cathedral transferred to Ch. of Scot. 1899.

30 AIM S. Jerome (420). Robert Moffat ordained 1816.

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i o Church Service Society Annual


1 M. Damascus occupied 1918. Neil Douglas d. 1862. 2 T. E. Renan d. 1892. City of Glasgow Bank failed 1878. 3 W. Battle of Largs 1263. B. Jowett d. 1893. 4 Th. S. Francis of Assisi (1226). Germany proposed Armistice

1918. 5 F. S. Giles' Church consecrated 1243. H. Walpole b. 1717. 6 S. Tennyson d. 1892. Foundation stone, Glasgow Mun.

Bldgs., 1883.

7 IDEEE Thomas Reid d. 1796. O. W. Holmes d. 1894. 8 M. S. Triduana, Restalrig (532). Fielding d. 1754. 9 T. Cervantes b. 1547. G. Verdi b. 1813.

10 W. Herrick d. 1674. Edinburgh Review published 1802. 11 Th. S. Cainnech (598). Camperdown 1797. Zwingli d. 1531. 12 F. Edith Cavell shot 1915. Hugh Miller b. 1802. 13 S. Sir H. Irving d. 1905. David Clement Scott d. 1907.

14 AS Trial of Mary Queen of Scots 1586. Marshal Keith d. 1758.

15 M. S. Teresa (1582). Allan Ramsay, Poet, b. 1686. 16 T. Robert Fergusson d. 1774. Latimer and Ridley burnt

1555. 17 W. S. Regulus (Riaghail). Sir Philip Sydney d. 1586. 18 Th. z. Luke.

Matthew Henry b. 1662. 19 F. Sir Thos. Browne d. 1682. Arminius d. 1609. 20 S. Robert Adam d. 1794. J. A. Froude d. 1894.

21 S c Tobias Smollet d. 1771. Trafalgar 1805. 22 M. Revocation of Edict of Nantes 1685. W. E. H. Lecky

d. 1903. 23 T. Lord Jeffrey b. 1773. Edgehill 1642. 24 W. Wm. Aikman, painter, b. 1682. David Roberts, R.A.,

b. 1796. 25 Th. S. Crispin (302). Lord Macaulay b. 1800. Chaucer d. 1400. 26 F. S. Eata (611). W. Hogarth d. 1764. P. Doddridge d. 1751. 27 S. Rev. J. Thomson, Duddingston, d. 1840.

28 X XI ZS. Simon and Jude. Locke d. 1704. Lord Hailes b. 1726.

29 M. James Boswell b. 1740. David Calderwood d. 1650. 3o T. A. Bonar Law d. 1923. Caledonian Canal opened 1822. 31 W. Halloween. Messines 1914. Beer-sheba 1917.

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Calendar, 1928-29 11


1 Th. ALL Saints. Ed. Caird d. 1908. Alex. Cruden d. 1770.

2 F. All Souls. R. Hooker d. 1600. 3 S. A. K. H. Boyd b. 1825. Mendelssohn d. 1847.

4 S XXII Toplady b. 1740. James Montgomery b. 1771. 5 M. Gunpowder Plot 1605. Angelica Kauffmann d. 1807. 6 T. Passchendaele 1917. Kate Greenaway d. 1901. 7 W. Second Battle of Gaza 1917. Li Hung Chang d. 1901. 8 Th. Milton d. 1674. Duns Scotus d. 1308. 9 F. King Edward VII. b. 1841. Cruiser Emden destroyed 1914.

10 S. Luther b. 1483. Hogarth b. 1697. Schiller b. 1759.

II S IIEEE S. Martin, Tours (397). Armistice 1918, II A.M. 12 M. S. Mackay, Aberdeen (c. 610). Richard Baxter b. 1615. 13 T. S. Devenic, Banchory (887). R. L. Stevenson b. 1850. 14 W. Earl Roberts d. 1914. Forth Bridge completed 1889. 15 Th. Hon. Neil Primrose killed 1917. Chloroform discovered

1847. 16 F. S. Margaret, Queen (1093). John Bright b. 1811. 17 S. Jaffa occupied 1917. Lord Erskine d. 1823.

18 S t S. Fergus, Muthil (c. 720). Sir David Wilkie b. 1785.

19 M. Charles I. b. 1600. Mountstuart Elphinstone d. 1859. 20 T. First Battle of Cambrai 1917. 21 W. Glasgow Assembly met 1638. James Hogg d. 1835. 22 Th. S. Cecilia (230). Dugald Stewart b. 1753. 23 F. Hakluyt d. 1616. Tallis d. 1585. 24 S. John Knox d. 1572. Spinoza b. 1632.

25 S IID Prof. Flint d. 1910. Dr Jas. Macgregor d. 1910. 26 M. Archbp. Spottiswood d. 1639. Dr Elsie Inglis d. 1917. 27 T. Horace d. 8 B.C. 28 W. W. Blake b. 1757. Rullion Green 1666. Baron Bunsen

d. 1860. 29 Th. Cardinal Wolsey d. 1530. Oliver Goldsmith b. 1728. 30 F. S. Andrew.

Andermas. John Bunyan b. 1628.

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12 Church Service Society Annual


1 S. Queen Alexandra b. 1844.

2 E in Advent. Jas. Robertson (Endowment Sch.) d. 186o. Fr. Xavier

d. 1552. 3 M. R. L. Stevenson d. 1894. Prin. W. Leechman d. 1785. 4 T. Carlyle b. 1795. Drummond of Hawthornden d. 1649. 5 W. John Spottiswood, Superintendent, d. 1585. Mozart d.

1791. 6 Th. Edward Irving d. 1834. Sir David Baird b. 1757. 7 F. Flaxman, Sculptor, d. 1826. 8 S. Mary Queen of Scots b. 1542. John Leyden b. 1775.

Richard Baxter d. 1691.

9 S EE Milton b. 1608. Surrender of Jerusalem 1917. 10 M. William Black d. 1898. Geo. Macdonald b. 1824. 11 T. Allenby entered Jerusalem 1917. Magersfontein 1899. 12 W. Robert Browning d. 1889. Robert Haldane d. 1842. 13 Th. Council of Trent assembled 1545. Dr S. Johnson d. 1784. 14 F. Prince Consort d. 1861. Jas. Bruce (traveller) b. 1730. 15 S. S. Drostan, Deer (587). Scots Confession ratified 1567.

16 S 111 Jane Austen b. 1775. Scarborough bombarded 1914. 17 M. Lord Kelvin d. 1907. Whittier b. 1807. 18 T. Yule Girth commenced. Charles Wesley b. 1707. 19 W. Marquis of Dalhousie d. 1860. J. M. W. Turner d. 1851. 20 Th. First Gen. Assembly 156o. Lady Grisell Baillie d. 1891. 21 F. Z. Thomas.

B. Disraeli b. 1804. George Eliot d. 1880. 22 S. D. L. Moody d. 1899. Prin. Rainy d. 1906.

23 ID Samuel Smiles b. 1812. W. M. Thackeray d. 1863. 24 M. Hugh Miller d. 1856. Robert Dick d. 1866. 25 T. Christmas Day.

Sir Isaac Newton b. 1642. 26 W. S. Stephen. Sir J. Noel Paton d. 1901. 27 Th. S, John, Evangelist.

Prof. James Cooper d. 1922. Dr H. Blair d. 1800. 28 F. Holy Innocents. William Carstares d. 1715. 29 S. W. E. Gladstone b. 1809. Christina Rossetti d. 1895.

3o S 1 Lord Macaulay d. 1859. Rudyard Kipling b. 1865. 31 M. Hogmanay. John Wycliffe d. 1384.

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I 3 Calendar, 1928-29


1 T. The Circumcision. Charles II. crowned at Scone 1651.

2 W. James Woodrow b. 1637. E. Caswall d. 1878. 3 Th. 79th Cameron Highlanders embodied 1794. Gen. Monk

cl. 1670. 4 F. Archbp. Ussher b. 1580. Sir Isaac Pitman b. 1813. 5 S. Auld Yule. John Howie cl. 1793.

6 The Epip any. Twelfth Night. Dr Alex. Whyte cl. 1921.

7 M. Up-Halie Day. Glasgow University founded 1450. 8 T. S. Nathalan (678). Robert Rollock d. 1598. 9 W. S. Fillan, Glendochart (c. 703). Nelson's Funeral 1806.

10 Th. Archbp. Laud beheaded 1645. Cochleaus cl. 1552. II F. K. David I. d. 1153. Linnæus cl. 1778. 12 S. Dean Alford cl. 1871.

13 EE S. Kentigern (601). Prin. R. H. Story cl. 1907. An- toinette Bourignon b. 1616.

14 M. S. Hilary (368). Henry MacKenzie cl. 1831. 15 T. E. Spenser cl. 1599. British Museum Opened 1759. 16 W. Anglo-Scottish Union ratified 1707. Sir John Moore cl.

1809. 17 Th. Battle of Falkirk 1746. Mozart b. 1756. Earl Beatty

b. 1871. 18 F. Capt. R. F. Scott at S. Pole 1912. Bulwer Lytton d. 1873. 19 S. James Watt b. 1736. John Erskine, D.D., d. 1803.

20 BEE S. Vigean (664). John Ruskin cl. 1900. 21 M. George Gillespie, Kirkcaldy, b. 1613. Coverdale cl. 1568. 22 T. Queen Victoria cl. 1901. J. B. Dykes cl. 1876. 23 W. Regent Moray assassinated 1570. W. Pitt d. 1808. 24 Th. Forth Bridge opened 1890. Dogger Bank Battle 1915.

25 F. C onversion of S. Vau!. Robert Burns b. 1759. 26 S. S. Polycarp (155). Gen. Gordon killed 1885.

27 3E S. John Chyrsostom (407). Andrew Bell, D.D., d. 1832. 28 M. Sir Thomas Bodley d. 1612. Charlemagne d. 814. 29 T. E. Swedenborg b. 1688. Victoria Cross instd. 1856. 3o W. Charles I. beheaded 1649. Earl Haig cl. 1928. 31 Th. Prince Chas. Ed. Stuart cl. 1788. Ch. Ser. Soc. instd. 1865.

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14 Church Service Society Annual


1 F. S. Ignatius (114). S. Bride (523). 2 S. Ube Presentatlon in the ample. Candlemas.

3 S F. Mendelssohn b. 1809. (2) Palestrina d. 1594 4 M. S. Modan, Rosneath (507). George Herbert d. 1633. 5 T. Thomas Carlyle d. 1881. John Witherspoon b. 1722. 6 W. Charles II. d. 1685. Dr J. Priestley d. 1804. 7 Th. S. Ronan (737 ?). Charles Dickens b. 1812. 8 F. Mary Queen of Scots beheaded, 1587. S. Butler b. 1612. 9 S. Dr Andrew Thomson d. 1831. Dr J. Gregory d. 1773.

10 S Darnley murdered 1567. Sir David Brewster d. 1868. II M. William Carstares b. 1649. T. A. Edison b. 1847. 12 T. George Heriot d. 1624. Kant d. 1804. Dr Alex. Duff

d. 1878. 13 W. Ash Wednesday. Glencoe, 1692. Prin. Tulloch d. 1885. 14 Th. S. Valentine (268). (13) Richard Wagner d. 1883. 15 F. James Renwick b. 1662. W. Macfarlane, Kalimpong, d.

1887. 16 S. National Debt begun 1500. Melanchthon b. 1497.

17 S 1 Jas. Macpherson (Ossian) d. 1796. Michaelangelo d. 1564.

18 M. S. Colman (676). Martin Luther d. 1546. 19 T. Copernicus b. 1473. Galileo b. 1564. 20 W. Princess Royal b. 1867. Joseph Hume d. 1855. 21 Th. James I. assassinated, Perth, 1437. Jericho occupied 1918. 22 F. George Washington b. 1732. J. R. Lowell b. 1819. 23 S. S. Boisil, Mailros (664). F. Delitzsch b. 1813.

24 II Z. Matthías. Dr Thos. Guthrie d. 1873. Handel b. 1684.

25 M. Sir Christopher Wren d. 1723. Thomas Moore d. 1852. 26 T. Victor Hugo b. 1802. Birkenhead disaster 1852. 27 W. Majuba 188r. Cronje surrendered 1900. Longfellow b.

1807. 28 Th. Nat. Covenant signed 1638. (29) Patrick Hamilton burnt


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I 5 Calendar, 1928-29

MARCH 1929.

1 F. S. David (544). George Wishart burnt 1546. 2 S. Prof. J. S. Blackie d. 1895. John Wesley d. 1791.

3 EEE Robert Adam d. 1792. George Herbert d. 1633. 4 M. Sir H. Raeburn b. 1756. Dr A. K. H. Boyd d. 1899. 5 T. Flora Macdonald d. 1790. Sir A. H. Layard b. 1817. 6 W. S. Baldred, Bass Rock (608). T. Aquinas d. 1274. 7 Th. Thomas Boston b. 1676. Gilbert Burnet d. 1715. 8 F. S. Duthac, Tain (1068). H. Ward Beecher d. 1873. 9 S. Riccio murdered 1566. Prof. W. P. Dickson d. 1901.

10 ED Neuve Chapelle 1915. Father Ogilvie hanged 1615. 11 M. S. Constantine, Govan (596). Henry Drummond cl. 1897. 12 T. Prin. John Cairns d. 1892. Revolution in Russia 1917. 13 W. S. Kevoca (Quivox) (655). John Barbour (Bruce) cl. 1395. 14 Th. Dr Robert Lee cl. 1868. Henry Bell cl. 1830. 15 F. S. Marnock (625). Prof. W. Milligan b. 1821. 16 S. Alexander III. cl. 1286. E. A. Freeman cl. 1892.

17 D S. Patrick (461 ?). Thos. Chalmers b. 1780. 18 M. Bishop Patrick Forbes d. 1635. Ralph Erskine b. 1685. 19 T. David Livingstone b. 1813. Bishop Ken cl. 1711. 20 W. S. Cuthbert (687). S. Rutherford d. 1661. Thos. Erskine

cl. 1870. 21 Th. King Robert the Bruce b. 1274. R. Wodrow d. 1734.

Dr W. Affleck Scott cl. 1895. 22 F. Neil Gow b. 1727. Goethe cl. 1832. 23 S. Laplace b. 1749. C. M. von Weber d. 1829.

24 palm Sunday. H. W. Longfellow d. 1882. W. Morris b. 1834.

25 M. Lady Day. New Year's Day in Scotland to 1600, in England to 1752. R. M. M`Cheyne cl. 1843.

26 T. Beethoven cl. 1827. Regalia in Edinburgh Castle 1707. 27 W. Robert the Bruce crowned 1306. James VI. cl. 1625. 28 Th. Sir Ralph Abercromby d.18o1. Crimea War declared 1854. 29 F. Goon Friday.

Chas. Wesley cl. 1788. John Keble cl. 1866. 30 S. Sicilian Vespers 1282. John Donne cl. 1631.

31 Easter Day. Andrew Lang b. 1844 Bp. Turgot d. 1115.

Page 12: Scottísh Ecclesiastical anti G eneral Calendar. · Scottísh Ecclesiastical anti G eneral Calendar. MAY 1928. ... 6 W. Jeremy Bentham d. 1832. ... 8 W. Dr Matthew Leishman d. 1874

16 Church Service Society Annual

APRIL 1929.

1 M. S. Gilbert, Caithness, d. 1245. Queen Elizabeth d. 1603. 2 T. Marischal College, Aberdeen, founded 1593• 3 W. Napier of Merchiston d. 1617. Bishop Heber d. 1826. 4 Th. S. Ambrose (397). Oliver Goldsmith d. 1774. 5 F. Lord Lister b. 1827. E. Calamy b. 1671. 6 S. Bishop Henry Wardlaw d. 1440. Raphael Sanzio d. 1520.

7 1 W. Wordsworth b. 1770. First daily paper in Scot- land 1847.

8 M. Atbara 1898. King Albert, Belgium, b. 1875. 9 T. Simon Fraser executed 1747. Arras 1917.

10 w. S. James the Les s. Alex. Nasmyth d. 1840.

11 Th. John Galt d. 1839. Charles Reade d. 1884. 12 F. Bossuet d. 1704. Lafontaine d. 1695. 13 S. Edict of Nantes granted 1598. G. F. Handel d. 1759.

14 S H University of Edinburgh founded 1582.

15 M. S.S. Titanic disaster 1912. Matthew Arnold d. 1888. 16 T. S. Magnus, Orkney (c. 1104). Battle of Culloden 1746. 17 W. S. Donan (616). B. Franklin d. 1790. Bp. Stillingfleet

b. 1635. 18 Th. Chitral 1895. Hill 6o 1915. Royal Society founded 1774. 19 F. Byron d. 1824. Beaconsfield d. 1881. Darwin d. 1882.

20 S. Glasgow University Charter, 1453.

21 III S. Maelrubha, Applecross (722). Anselm d. 1109. Abelard d. 1142.

22 M. Scottish Parliament dissolved 1707. Kant b. 1724.

23 T. S. George (303). Zeebrugge raid 1918. Shakespeare d. 1616.

24 W. A. H. Charteris d. 1908. Daniel Defoe d. 1731.

25 Th. S Mark. Anzac Day. Gallipoli landing 1915.

26 F. David Hume b. 1711. Lord Cockburn d. 1854. 27 S. James Bruce (Traveller) d. 1794. Emerson d. 1882.

28 Ed Walter Myll burnt 1558. Chaucer d. 1434. 29 M. Dr John Forbes, Corse, d. 1648. David Cox b. 1783.

3o T. James Montgomery d. 1854. Bayard d. 1524.