Scientists Create Portable Smartphone

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  • 8/13/2019 Scientists Create Portable Smartphone


    Scientists create portable smartphone 'microscope'

    Scientists have created a novel smartphone "microscope" that can detect viruses andmaterial less than one-thousandth of the width of a human hair, according to a studypublished in the journal ACS Nano.

    Researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), created the portablesmartphone attachment, which they say can be used to detect viruses and bacteria, eliminatingthe need for expensive or bulky microscopes and laboratory equipment.

    The device, which weighs 186 g (less than half a pound) and is attached directly to the camera ofa smartphone, is described as a "fluorescent microscope." It was created using a 3D printer andcontains a color filter, an external lens and a laser diode.

    The attachment works by illuminating fluid or solid samples at an angle of approximately 75degrees using the diode. By illuminating the samples at this angle, the researchers say it avoidsdetecting "scattered light" that could interfere with the fluorescent image.

    When testing the device, the researchers were able to detect singlehuman cytomegalovirus(HCMV) particles - a virus that can cause birth defects includingdeafnessand brain damage.

    The virus can also lead to increased risk of death in people who have undergone organtransplantation, are infected with theHIVvirus or who have a weak immune system.

    According to the researchers, a single HCMV particle measures approximately 150-300nanometers, and the device detected the particles clearly. By comparison, a human hairmeasures around 100,000 nanometers.

    In another experiment, the device was able to detect nanoparticles. These were markedfluorescent polystyrene beads created especially for the experiment that measured between 90-100 nanometers.

    The researchers verified the smartphone device by comparing its effectiveness against ascanning electron microscope and a photon-counting confocal microscope. This confirmed theirprevious findings.

    Aydogan Ozca, professor of electrical engineering and bioengineering at the UCLA HenrySamueli School of Engineering and Applied Science, says:

    "This cellphone-based imaging platform could be used for specific and sensitive detection of sub-wavelength objects, including bacteria and viruses and therefore could enable the practice ofnanotechnology and biomedical testing in field settings and even in remote and resource-limitedenvironments."

    Prof. Ozca adds:

    "These results also constitute the first time that single nanoparticles and viruses havebeen detected using a cellphone-based, field-portable imaging system."

    Medical News Todayrecently reported on another creation from the research team at UCLA - aportable smartphone device that can conduct kidney tests.

    Researchers from the UK recently created aportable eye clinic in a smartphone,able todiagnosecataracts,check prescriptions for vision lenses and check the retina for signs ofdisease.

    Written by Honor Whiteman
  • 8/13/2019 Scientists Create Portable Smartphone


    The smartphone 'microscope' attaches to the smartphone's camera (a & b), weighing 186 g itcan detect viruses and material less than one-thousandth the width of a human hair.Image (c) shows a working diagram of the device.Image (d) illustrates how the device works by illuminating fluid or solid samples using the diode

    at an angle of approximately 75 degrees, in order to avoid "scattered" light images.Photo credit: UCLA