Scientific Skills Scientific Skills The Sets of attitudes The Sets of attitudes and Values of different and Values of different Scientists” Scientists”

Scientific Skills “The Sets of attitudes and Values of different Scientists”

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Page 1: Scientific Skills “The Sets of attitudes and Values of different Scientists”

Scientific SkillsScientific Skills

““The Sets of attitudes and The Sets of attitudes and Values of different Scientists”Values of different Scientists”

Page 2: Scientific Skills “The Sets of attitudes and Values of different Scientists”


Scientists all over the world are usually driven to uncover more of life’s mysteries through careful observations, experimentation, and sound analysis. They base their preliminary processes on models or ideas, some of which are products of accidental discoveries. A valid and systematic method of investigation is the result of alertness, curiosity, and persistence of the scientific mind.

Page 3: Scientific Skills “The Sets of attitudes and Values of different Scientists”

Different Attitudes of Different Attitudes of Scientists…Scientists…

Page 4: Scientific Skills “The Sets of attitudes and Values of different Scientists”


A scientist that asks personal questions, observes, reads a lot, seeks information, and carries out experiment to satisfy his curiosity.

This scientist continues to search for answers to explain what was observed to predict possible results.

Examples:Galileo’s curiosity about the heavens led him to

construct a better telescope.Benjamin Franklin was curious about the nature of lightning.

Page 5: Scientific Skills “The Sets of attitudes and Values of different Scientists”

Willing to Suspend JudgmentWilling to Suspend Judgment

A scientist that does not jump to conclusions. He/she takes time to look for more information. Perhaps he/she also needs to repeat some experiments that have not been well prepared. He/she encourages other scientists to duplicate his/her experiment and comments on it. He/she also finds time to discuss with other scientists.

Page 6: Scientific Skills “The Sets of attitudes and Values of different Scientists”

Examples: Joseph Henry, an American mathematician and scientist,

knew from his experience in constructing electromagnets. However, he did not make a conclusion until he had conducted many experiments that proved his hypothesis.

Dr. Miguel D. Fortes of the Marine Science Institute, came out with the list of fish families, mollusks, reptiles, birds, and mammals. He did not make a specific comment on the diversity of living species found in the mangrove areas of the Philippines. He presented his findings when he had completed his observations.

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An open-minded scientist should be able to modify plans if necessary or discard a belief that has not enough scientific basis. If he/she can do these, then he believes in the tentativeness of scientific knowledge. It should be because Science keeps on improving or changing as more information gathered.

Example:Dr. Regalado G. Zamora, a Filipino scientist, in his

researches on animal science nutrition, kept on open-minded stance when he tried other sources of animal feeds.

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A scientist that has a consideration on the hypothesis of another scientist.

Example:Charles Darwin, a scientist well known for his theory

of evolution demonstrated the difference between open-minded and critical minded. He also consider other than his hypothesis of other scientist about the evolutions.

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Intellectually HonestIntellectually Honest

A scientist that can recognize the contributions made by others in the final formulations of a product or a process. This attitude is very important especially in this present world where information is easy to get.

Example:A scientist who is intellectually honest must keep on

asking himself questions like: Did I gather data exactly as planned and designed? If not, what made me change? Did I report all observations exactly as I saw or measured them?

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A rational scientist can able to think logically and reason clearly. He/she analyzes conditions and objects in order to see their relationships. He/she is systematic to avoid confusion. Because he/she is rational, he/she is not superstitious.

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Willingness to work hardWillingness to work hard

A scientist that can accommodate the scientific works which requires long hours of planning, observations, analyzing and thinking out conclusions.

Example: Dr. Porfirio Aliño in his study of coral reefs as a habitat of

fishes. He spent years studying silt and polluted coral reefs. He looked into how this condition affects reef fishes.

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A scientist who is willing to work hard to attain his goal and purpose on his /her experiments. It may involve combination of some of other attitudes mentioned.

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Other Attitudes of Other Attitudes of scientists…scientists…

Page 14: Scientific Skills “The Sets of attitudes and Values of different Scientists”

Patience A scientist must be patient in waiting for results of

experiments that may take years to accomplish.

Perseverance A scientist must continue experiments that may

(take years to accomplish) not be successful right away.

Accepting Authority A scientist must accept authority when using the

findings of earlier scientists as basis of their experiments.

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Suspending Conclusion A scientist must suspend conclusion until after

sufficient observations have been made or sufficient data have been collected.

Truthfulness A scientist must be truthful in reporting, stating

things with some degree of uncertainty if indeed the results of an investigations are not conclusive; also not manufacturing or manipulating data in order to prove a preferred finding.

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Constant Awareness of Limitations of

ScienceA scientist must not look at Science as a

panacea, expecting it to solve all problems and explain all phenomena.

A. Humility in accepting the views and opinions of others.

B. Humility in admitting error in their experiments or conclusions.

C. Humility of scientists when they realize the overwhelming magnificence of creations.

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These sets of attitudes has led scientists to make correct ethical judgment or decisions in their many attempts to discover things about the environment. In the process of applying these attitudes in their respective fields of study, they are also able to promote self-reliance, productivity, and respect for the environment.

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By:Anthony C. Revilla

NSCS001 – N2