LO QUE LAS FAMILIAS Y LAS COMUNIDADES TIENE QUE CONOCER DE LAS NUEVAS NORMAS DE APRENDIZAJE Estándares Estatales Esenciales Comunes Common Core State Standards (CCSS) School’s Out Washington and Ready Washington April 29, 2014 APRENDIZAJE REAL PAR LA VIDA REAL

Schools Out Washington Common Core State Standards Presentation.Spanish Version.April 2014

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Real Learning for Real Life

lo que las familias y las comunidades tiene que conocer DE las nuevas normas de aprendizajeEstndares Estatales Esenciales ComunesCommon Core State Standards (CCSS)Schools Out Washington and Ready WashingtonApril 29, 2014


Hello, My name is Lynne Tucker and Im with Schools Out Washington

Today, Im here to talk about the rollout of Common Core State Standards in our state.

My presentation will focus on the thinking behind national move towards Common Core, not necessarily whether it is a good or bad thing for WA state. Going forward, Common Core will be WA learning standards in place. Please keep in mind that I am here today to give you basic information about Common Core Standards.

We have two hours together tonight and to get through our presentation, we ask that you hold your questions to the end. Everyone has been provided with colored index cards to write their questions down, as we go through the presentation together. Please include your name, in case we dont get to every questions or we run out of time and we will respond after the meeting.

Okay Id like to get a little information about the audience:How many people here have children in public schools? Who are educators or school administrators? Are community-based organizations or afterschool providers? Community members and businesses?1

Esperando lo MejorSchools Out de Washington ofrece servicios y orientacin para las organizaciones de la comunidad para asegurar que todos los estudiantes tengan un lugar seguro para aprender y crecer cuando no estn en la escuela.Ready Washington es una amplia y diversa coalicin de agencias de educacin, asociaciones y organizaciones de defensora estatales y locales que apoyan la preparacin de los estudiantes para tener xito en la universidad, el trabajo y la vida.

Schools Out Washington is a statewide organization that provides services and guidance for community organizations to ensure that all students have a safe place to learn and grow when not in school.

We provide training on CCSS to community organizations and are a member of Ready Washington.

Ready Washington is a coalition of state and local education agencies, associations and advocacy organizations that support college- and career-ready learning standards.

The coalition believes all students should be better prepared for college, work and life.


La AgendaQu son los Estndares Estatales Esenciales Comunes (CCSS por sus siglas en ingls)? Por qu CCSS? Actividad de Grupo: Identificar barreras de comunicacin con las familias acerca de CCSS Que es diferente? Encuesta: Tome una encuesta sobre lo que aprendi hoy Preguntas y Respuestas

Common Core = Los Estndares Estatales Esenciales Comunes

From our audience:Who here in the room has heard about Common Core State Standards?How many know what Common Core is about?Understand why Common Core Standards were developed ?

Today, our agenda will coverWhat is CCSSWhy CCSS?What is Different?


Qu son los Estndares Estatales Esenciales Comunes ?

What is CCSS?4

Qu es CCSS?5Los estndares Estatales Esenciales Comunes.Establecer normas de aprendizaje para todos los estudiantes.

Establece altos estndares de aprendizaje en matemticas, lengua y literatura en ingls

Proporcionar a los maestros herramientas para ayudar a los estudiantes a aprender.

First, well explain academic learning standards:

The CCSS State Standards: Academic standards set learning expectations for students. Standards determine what students should know and be able to do by the end of a specific section or by the end of the school year in each grade.

High academic learning standards in math and English language arts;Math; English language acquisitions: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, and Language

Provide teachers with teaching tools and ways students can apply knowledge theyve learned in the previous years grades.


Qu es CCSS?6Los Estndares Estatales Esenciales Comunes.Elevan las expectativas de aprendizaje para todos los estudiantes.

Alinee aprendizaje de los estudiantes con las habilidades necesarias para el empleo y la educacin despus de alta escuela.

Las escuelas y los maestros prepararan a todos los estudiantes para tener xito en la universidad, carrera profesional y la vida.

The CCSS State Standards:Raises learning expectations for all students

Align learning standards with skills need for employment and education after high school allowing students to compete globally.

Developed and voluntarily adopted by 46 states in collaboration with educators and experts.

Is Washington State law and will allow WA schools to prepare all kids for career, college and life.


Qu es CCSS?7

Esto representa un gran cambio en la forma en que los estudiantes aprenden.

Aunque pasar tiempo para ver los resultados- Nuevas pruebas se dar en el ao 2015.

Ayudar a los estudiantes a competir por empleos de calidad en el Estado de Washington y de la nacin.

Until now, all 50 states had different standards. With CCSS, if a student moves from another state to Washington, he/she will be able to pick up where they left off. The standards and expectations will be the same across most states, and thats a big benefit to students.

CCSS State standards are a big change in the way students learn. The standards move students into showing how or demonstrating their knowledge. It will take time to see results (first student test scores released in 2015)

Will help students compete for quality jobs in Washington State, in the US and globally.7

Por quCCSS?8

Why CCSS?8

Por qu CCSS?9Actualmente en Washington:Los empleadores reportan que los estudiantes que se gradan no estn preparados para el empleo

Menos de la mitad de los estudiantes se gradan preparados para 2 aos de colegio o 4 aos de universidad.

Casi la mitad de los graduados que entran a colegios comunitarios deben tomar cursos de recuperacin.

As measured by employer feedback, community college assessments and college entrance exams, currently in Washington:

Employers are reporting that schools are not preparing graduating high school students for employment.

The majority of our students are not ready for college when they graduate from high school. Less than half of our students graduate from high school ready for two- year or four-year college.

Nearly half of all students entering community colleges must take remedial courses. Remedial courses are those classes students to need to so they can take college courses. Remediation is a huge financial and time barrier for families and to students completion of college.9

Por qu CCSS?10

Para el ao 2018, se prev que dos de cada tres empleos en Washington se requiere formacin tcnica o un grado universitario.

Los estudiantes y las familias diversos se ven afectadas en gran forma por la falta de preparacin para el empleo, la escuela tcnica o universidad.

In fact, we, Washington State, is one of only a handful of states where the achievement gap is ever-growing, not shrinking. Growing achievement gap impacts students and families from culturally diverse communities.

By 2018, 2 out of every 3 jobs in Washington state will require a certificate or college degree. This means we need to make sure all students are being prepared to earn a living wage in WA.

The growing achievement gap ensures our graduating students are not prepared for employment, technical school or college. Students from culturally diverse communities are greatly impacted by this gap.

It also means that students and families from culturally diverse communities need a better understanding of common core.


Actividad de Grupo11La participacin familiar y de la comunidad.Barreras: Qu cree usted que son las barreras de comunicacin con las familias acerca de CCSS? (5 min.)Hoja: Escribir sus respuestas en ingls o en espaol.

Family and Community Engagement

Now were going to spend some time doing a family and community engagement activity. You will break out into small groups of 6-8 people and will work together to answer a question. Be sure to have someone in your group take notes and pick someone to in you group to report your findings. From your list, please pick two key barriers to share with the larger group if you have already heard your finding(s) reported, please chose another to report on.

The Question: What do you see as barriers to communicating CCSS to families? ( You will have 10 min. to work in groups and create a list this list will be collected.)

Report: Now we have about 10 minutes to have all groups report on two barriers for communicating CCSS to families. Please be very brief and keep it to two points. (10 min.)

From your list, please pick two key barriers to share with the larger group if you have already heard your finding(s) reported, please chose another to report on.

This has been very helpful input and I personally thank everyone for your help. Now we will be moving into the differences with Common Core.

Now one final step for our family and community engagement exercise. Please take about 5 minutes to complete a survey about what you learned today. (5 minutes)11

CCSS: Qu es Diferente?12

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development12

CCSS: Qu es Diferente?131. Proporciona un conjunto uniforme de estndares y expectativas de aprendizaje para todos los estudiantes.

2. Esto representa un gran cambio en la forma en que los estudiantes aprenden.

3. Se enfoca en desarrollar una comprensin ms profunda de los conceptos claves.

4. Los estudiantes aprenden habilidades que necesitan de un trabajo.

5. Nuevos exmenes sern dados en 2015.

Lets start by discussing some key points you should know about CCSS. We will get into details in next few slides.Consistent learning expectations for all students. Students may start at different levels and will have the same finish line. New standards that focus on deeper understanding A new way for students to demonstrate their knowledge. Giving students new skills which are needed in the job market Skills which help them compete in the global economy


Qu es Diferente?141. Expectativas uniformes de aprendizaje para todos los estudiantes

Hasta ahora, los 50 estados tenan diferentes estndares de aprendizaje para los estudiantes.

CCSS proporciona un conjunto uniforme de estndares y expectativas de aprendizaje para todos los estudiantes, sin importar donde vivan.

1. Expectations are consistent for all and not dependent on a students zip code. Thats important. It brings more equity to our public education system.

Before CCSS, all 50 states had different sets of learning expectations for what students. Different learning standards greatly impacts certain students, particularly whose families moved frequently.

CCSS provides a consistent set of learning standards and expectations for all students, . no matter where they live.


CCSS: Qu es Diferente?152. Esto representa un gran cambio en la forma en que los estudiantes aprenden

Los estudiantes adquieren conocimientos en las reas acadmicas.

Adems de adquirir conocimientos en cuanto a los modos de pensar es para gestionar y realizar la transicin a la universidad y las oportunidades de carrera.

Habilidades como pensamiento crtico solucin de problemas persistencia y el trabajo en conjunto

Qu es Diferente?163. Estndares claros que se enfocan en una comprensin ms profunda

CCSS profundiza ms en menos temas y se enfoca en desarrollar una comprensin ms profunda de los conceptos claves en los estudiantes.

Permitiendo que los estudiantes pongan en prctica las habilidades y los conocimientos adquiridos en situaciones de la vida real.

Ms oportunidades para aprendizaje experiencial.

The standards are focused, coherent, and clear. CCSS goes into fewer topics and focuses on deepening students understanding of key concepts.

The standards build on one another, allowing students to apply what they learn from each grade to real life situations.

Clearer standards help students (and parents and teachers) understand what is expected of them.16

Qu es CCSS?174. El desarrollo de las habilidades criticas para el mercado laboral

CCSS se concentra en la creacin y aplicacin de conocimientos que los alumnos necesitarn una vez que se gradan de la escuela secundaria.

stas le ayudarn a preparar a los estudiantes con el conocimiento y las habilidades que necesitan para tener xito en la educacin y la capacitacin despus de la secundaria.

CCSS focuses on building and applying real-world skills students will need to be ready for college and work. The CCSS standards aligned with are college- and career-ready expectations.

They will help prepare students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in education and training after high school.


Qu es Diferente?185. Nuevas evaluaciones de CCSS en el ao 2015

Exmenes totalmente diferentes (conocido como Smarter Balanced)

Las evaluaciones estn basadas por medio de recursos tecnolgicos

When it comes to CCSS and Testing:

Its a totally different test from current state assessmentsThe assessment system to support CCSS Standards is Smarter Balanced.Technology based assessment18

Qu es Diferente?19Exmenes diferentes y medidas de evaluacin diferentes

Los resultados de los exmenes sern inicialmente ms bajos, comparados con los exmenes estatales anteriores.

Las investigaciones indican que cuando se elevan las expectativas de aprendizaje, los estudiantes se esfuerzan ms por alcanzarlas.

Existe una comprensin mutual que elevando los estndares de aprendizaje es importante para el futuro de nuestros estudiantes.

Because a different test and different bar:

Student test scores will be initially lower, compared to previous state exams scores. This will be temporary. Research shows that when learning expectations are raised, students work hard to meet them.

There is shared understand that raising learning standards is important for our students futures.


Encuesta20Encuesta: Por favor, complete la encuesta sobre lo que aprendi hoy. (5 min.)

Everyone has provided great input and information around the barriers for communicating Common Core. We will be taking one final step in our family and community engagement activities before we get to questions and answers.

Please take about 5 minutes to complete a survey about what you learned today. (5 minutes)

Before getting to questions and answers, we are going to draw raffles for two more prizes.

While we are raffling more prizes, please make sure you have your notecards completed with your questions and please include your name.20


This has been great conversation and appreciate spending an evening with the families.

Please hand in your question notecards.



Preguntas, comentarios, o sugerencias?

Este proyecto (Real Learning for Real Life ) recibe apoyo de financiamiento por parte de College Spark Washington

Please be sure to visit the resource table and Ill stay to answer a few more questions.

Again, thank you on behalf of Schools Out Washington, Ready Washington and College Spark.

Good night and drive safely.22