As of 07 Feb, 2020 JFL: Japanese as a Foreign Language ◆Please confirm Application Guidebooks of each schools for required documents other than EJU scores. Science ( P: Physics C: Chemistry B: Biology ) JW: Japan and the World MT: Mathematics ( 1: Course1 2: Course2 any: free choice of Course1 or Course2 ) ◆Please convert [@] to @ when you send an e-mail. Japanese or English or any (for SC, JW and MT) P C B Remarks <University (undergraduate)> 【National】 (Hokkaido and Tohoku region) Kitami Institute of Technology (北見工業大学) School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Engineering ○○○ 2 School of Regional Innovation and Social Design Engineering ○○○ 2 http://www.kitami-it.ac.jp/ Hokkaido University (北海道大学) Integrated Science Program (ISP), School of Science Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Biological Sciences(Division of Biology) 2 subjects 2 any An interview on the Skype. You can use EJU scores for one of the Score reports. Admission Center +81-11-706-8045 adm-isp[@]academic.hokudai.ac.jp https://www.oia.hokudai.ac.jp/isp/how-to-apply/ Muroran Institute of Technology (室蘭工業大学) Engineering + 1 subject 2 Sciences and Informatics 2 subjects 2 http://www.muroran-it.ac.jp/oia/en/inbound/admissions.html Iwate University (岩手大学) Chemistry and Biological Science ○○○○ 2 Physical Science and Materials Engineering ○○○○ 2 Systems Innovation Engineering ○○○○ 2 http://www.iwate-u.ac.jp/nyusi/nyushi_jyoho/gakubu_nyushi.html Tohoku University (東北大学) Science Advanced Molecular Chemistry Course ○○ 2 Engineering International Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Course ○○ 2 Agriculture Applied Marine Biology Course 2 subjects 2 Interview http://www.fgl.tohoku.ac.jp/ Akita University (秋田大学) Life Sciences 2 subjects 2 Materials Science ○○○ 2 Mathematical Science and Electrical-Electronic- Computer Engineering ○○○ 2 Systems Design Engineering ○○○ 2 http://www.riko.akita-u.ac.jp/ Admission Division +81-157-26-9167 nyusi02[@]desk.kitami-it.ac.jp Admissions Office +81-19-621-6064 TOEFL iBT: 79 and above(PBT: 550 and above, IELTS: 6.0 and above) FGL Undergraduate Admissions, Student Exchange Division, Education and Student Support Department +81-22-795-3242 tohoku-fgl[@]grp.tohoku.ac.jp TOEFL or TOEIC is needed Admissions Office Akita University nyushi[@]jimu.akita-u.ac.jp List of Schools Offering Pre-arrival Admission using EJU "Pre-arrival Admission" is a system to enable international students outside of Japan to secure admission to the higher educational institutions in Japan without having to go to Japan. The higher educational institutions printed below are those which utilize the "Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students(EJU)" for their selection of international students in the intakes. This list will be updated periodically and changed constantly by JASSO. https://www.jasso.go.jp/en/eju/examinee/prearrival/uni_national.html It would be advisable for international students to check directly with the higher educational institutions of their choice as well as those listed below for further information on the procedures of admission application. Subject Exam. Language Reference Inquiry JFL Science Selection of subjects Remarks Faculty Course Subject Exam. Language Exam. in outside of Japan JW MT any Engineering Science and Engineering Engineering Science 2 subjects Both Interview and writing any Japanese English any Science and Engineering Admissions Department +81-143-46-5162 nyushi[@]mmm.muroran-it.ac.jp Score of TOEFL is needed 1 / 33

schools offering pre arrival admission using the EJU...Score of TOEIC or TOEFL is needed Score of TOEFL is needed Score of TOEFL PBT 523 (CBT 193 and iBT 70) above or IELTS overall

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As of 07 Feb, 2020

JFL: Japanese as a Foreign Language ◆Please confirm Application Guidebooks of each schools for required documents other than EJU scores.

Science ( P: Physics C: Chemistry B: Biology )  JW: Japan and the World

MT: Mathematics ( 1: Course1 2: Course2 any: free choice of Course1 or Course2 ) ◆Please convert [@] to @ when you send an e-mail.

Japanese or English or any (for SC, JW and MT)

P C B Remarks

<University (undergraduate)>


(Hokkaido and Tohoku region)

Kitami Institute of Technology (北見工業大学)

School of Earth, Energy and EnvironmentalEngineering

○ ○ ○ 2

School of Regional Innovation and Social DesignEngineering

○ ○ ○ 2


Hokkaido University (北海道大学)

Integrated Science Program (ISP),School of Science

Department of Physics, Chemistry, and BiologicalSciences(Division of Biology)

○ ○ ○ 2 subjects 2 anyAn interview on theSkype.

You can use EJU scores for one ofthe Score reports.

Admission Center+81-11-706-8045adm-isp[@]academic.hokudai.ac.jp


Muroran Institute of Technology (室蘭工業大学)

Engineering ○ ○ + 1 subject 2

Sciences and Informatics ○ ○ ○ ○ 2 subjects 2


Iwate University (岩手大学)

Chemistry and Biological Science ○ ○ ○ ○ 2Physical Science and Materials Engineering ○ ○ ○ ○ 2Systems Innovation Engineering ○ ○ ○ ○ 2


Tohoku University (東北大学)

Science Advanced Molecular Chemistry Course ○ ○ 2

EngineeringInternational Mechanical and Aerospace EngineeringCourse

○ ○ 2

Agriculture Applied Marine Biology Course ○ ○ ○ 2 subjects 2 Interview


Akita University (秋田大学)

Life Sciences ○ ○ ○ ○ 2 subjects 2Materials Science ○ ○ ○ 2Mathematical Science and Electrical-Electronic-Computer Engineering

○ ○ ○ 2

Systems Design Engineering ○ ○ ○ 2http://www.riko.akita-u.ac.jp/ 

Admission Division+81-157-26-9167nyusi02[@]desk.kitami-it.ac.jp

Admissions Office+81-19-621-6064

TOEFL iBT: 79 and above(PBT: 550and above, IELTS: 6.0 and above)

FGL Undergraduate Admissions,Student Exchange Division, Educationand Student Support Department+81-22-795-3242tohoku-fgl[@]grp.tohoku.ac.jp

TOEFL or TOEIC is neededAdmissions Office Akita Universitynyushi[@]jimu.akita-u.ac.jp

List of Schools Offering Pre-arrival Admission using EJU

"Pre-arrival Admission" is a system to enable international students outside of Japan to secure admission to the higher educational institutions in Japan without having to go to Japan.The higher educational institutions printed below are those which utilize the "Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students(EJU)" for their selection of international students in the intakes. This list will be updated periodically andchanged constantly by JASSO.   https://www.jasso.go.jp/en/eju/examinee/prearrival/uni_national.htmlIt would be advisable for international students to check directly with the higher educational institutions of their choice as well as those listed below for further information on the procedures of admission application.


Exam. Language

Reference InquiryJFL

Science Selection of subjectsRemarks

Faculty CourseSubject


Exam.in outside of JapanJW MT



Science and Engineering

Engineering Science

2 subjects

Both Interview andwriting





Science and EngineeringAdmissions Department+81-143-46-5162nyushi[@]mmm.muroran-it.ac.jp

Score of TOEFL is needed

1 / 33

P C B RemarksReference Inquiry

JFLScience Selection of subjects

RemarksFaculty Course



in outside of JapanJW MT

Yamagata University (山形大学)

Humanities and Social SciencesHumanities and Social Sciences(Human Sciencesand Culture Studies)

○ ○ 1 Japanese InterviewApplicants must take IAT atUlaanbaatar city, Mongolia.

Science Science ○ ○ ○ ○ 2

Engineering, daytime courses All courses ○ ○ ○ ○ 2

AgricultureDepartment of Food, Life, and EnvironmentalSciences

○ ○ ○ ○ 2


(Kanto region)

Tsukuba University of Technology  (筑波技術大学)

Industrial Information ○ 1

Synthetic Design ○ ○

Only designated schools determined by the university.

Utsunomiya University (宇都宮大学)

Agriculture Environmental Engineering ○ ○ + 1 Subject 2 any

Administrative Office for AdmissionCenter+81-28-649-5112gaknyuu1[@]miya.jm.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp

Need contact person in Japan. The entrance examination fee shall be transferred from financial institutions in Japan. http://www.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp/admission/index.php 

Gunma University (群馬大学)

School of Science and Technology Department of Mechanical Science and Technology ○ ○ ○ 2 JapaneseDesignated schools only(SchoolTwinning Program)

Admissions Office of Gunma University+81-27-220-7150g-admission[@]jimu.gunma-u.ac.jp


Ochanomizu University (お茶の水女子大学)

Science Physics ○ ○ + 1 Subject 2 JapaneseAdmissions division+81-3-5978-5152nyushi[@]cc.ocha.ac.jp

Need contact person in Japan http://www.ocha.ac.jp/en/index.html 

Tokyo Institute of Technology (東京工業大学)

School of Environment andSociety

Department of Transdisciplinary Science andEngineering

○ ○ ○ 2 anyYou can use the score from 1stsession only.

Admissions Division+81-3-5734-3990nyu.gak[@]jim.titech.ac.jp


Yokohama National University (横浜国立大学)

Engineering ScienceMechanical Engineering, Materials Science, andOcean Engineering

○ ○ ○ 2

Architecture and Building Science ○ ○ 2

Civil Engineering ○ ○ 2

Risk Management and Environmental Science ○ ○ ○ ○ 2 subjects 2



There are two systems whichexaminees can use EJU.One is a special auditing studentsystem, and the other is a third-yeartransfer admission system.Examinees wishing to enroll as aspecial auditing student are notrequired to submit their TOEFLscore or the graduation certificateof their high school or most recenteducational institution.Examinees seeking third-yeartransfer admission should havetaken TOEFL or TOEIC in advance.However, they are exempted fromthe listening and speaking sectionsof TOEFL and the listening sectionof TOEIC.

Academic Affairs section for Studentswith Hearing impairment+81-29-858-9326gakuseia[@]ad.tsukuba-tech.ac.jp

Engineering Science: Total scoremust be at least 80%.The interview will be given on theinternet.TOEFL, TOEIC or IELTS is needed.(specified period of taking exam)

Admissions Division, Student AffairsDepartment+81-45-339-3121nyushi1[@]ynu.ac.jp

Enrollment Management DepartmentAdmissions+81-23-628-4141nyujishi[@]jm.kj.yamagata-u.ac.jpTOEFL or TOEIC is needed

Industrial Technology

Urban Sciences

The examination application may be mailed only to the representative in Japan, and the payment of enrollment fee shall be limited to the transfer at the counter of financial institutions inJapan.

2 subjects

For subjects given inthe JFL, Listening andListening-ReadingComprehension test isexempted. Examineeswishing to enroll asspecial auditingstudents are notrequired to take theMath examination.

+ 1 Subject



2 / 33

P C B RemarksReference Inquiry

JFLScience Selection of subjects

RemarksFaculty Course



in outside of JapanJW MT

(Chubu region)

Nagaoka University of Technology (長岡技術科学大学)

All courses ○ ○ ○ ○ 2 subjects 2 TOEFL or TOEIC is needed.Division of Admissions+81-258-47-9271nyushigroup[@]jcom.nagaokaut.ac.jp

Mechanical Engineering ○ ○ ○ 2Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering ○ ○ ○ 2Civil and Environmental Engineering ○ ○ ○ 2Information and Management Systems Engineering ○ ○ ○ 2


Gifu University (岐阜大学)

Applied Life Science ○ ○ + 1 Subject any

Agricultural and Environmental Science ○ ○ ○ ○ 2 subjects any

Mechanical Engineering ○ ○ ○ 2

Civil Engineering ○ ○ ○ 2


Shizuoka University (静岡大学)

Social and Human Studies ○ ○ 1Language and Literature ○ ○ 1Law ○ ○ 1Economics ○ ○ 1

Education Training course for School Teachers ○ ○ anySocio-Information Studies ○ ○ anyBehavior Informatics ○ ○ ○ ○ 2Computer Science ○ ○ ○ ○ 2Mathematics ○ ○ ○ ○ 2Physics ○ ○ 2Chemistry ○ ○ 2Biological Science ○ ○ ○ ○ 2Geoscience ○ ○ ○ ○ 2Mechanical Engineering ○ ○ ○ 2Electrical and Electronic Engineering ○ ○ ○ 2Electronics and Materials Science ○ ○ ○ 2Applied Chemistry and Biochemical Engineering ○ ○ ○ 2Mathematical and Systems Engineering ○ ○ ○ 2Bioresource Sciences ○ ○ ○ ○ 2Applied Life Sciences ○ ○ ○ ○ 2


Toyohashi University of Technology (豊橋技術科学大学)

General Course ○ ○ ○ ○ 2 Japanese Interview

Global Technology Architects course ○ ○ ○ ○ 2 any Interview


Nagoya Institute of Technology (名古屋工業大学)

Electrical and Mechanical Engineering ○ ○ ○ 2

Architecture, Civil Engineering and IndustrialManagement Engineering

○ ○ ○ 2

Designated schools only (School Twinning Program) http://www.nitech.ac.jp/ 

International Affairs Sectionabpquery[@]suml.cii.shizuoka.ac.jp


Entrance Examination Division+81-532-44-6581nyushi[@]office.tut.ac.jp

TOEFL(iBT), TOEIC L&R(SP) orIELTS is needed.

Score of TOEFL is needed

Student Affairs DivisionInternational Student Affairs Office+81-52-735-5079international[@]adm.nitech.ac.jp

InterviewTOEIC L&R,, TOEFL Paper-delivered Test, TOEFL iBT, orIELTS(Academic Module) is needed.

Designated schools only (SchoolTwinning Program)

Division of International Affairs+81-258-47-9238kokusai[@]jcom.nagaokaut.ac.jp


Designated schools only (SchoolTwinning Program)

Applied Biological Science

Engineering Japanese



Humanities and Social Sciences







2 subjects

2 subjects

+ 1 Subject

2 subjects

2 subjects


Student Affairs Section,Faculty of Applied Biological Sciences+81-58-293-2838gjab00019[@]jim.gifu-u.ac.jp

Student Affairs Section,Faculty of Engineering+81-58-293-2371gjen00028[@]jim.gifu-u.ac.jp

3 / 33

P C B RemarksReference Inquiry

JFLScience Selection of subjects

RemarksFaculty Course



in outside of JapanJW MT

Mie University (三重大学)

Engineering Mechanical Engineering ○ ○ ○ 2 JapaneseDesignated schools only (SchoolTwinning Program)

Student Affairs+81-59-231-9469eng-gakumu[@]eng.mie-u.ac.jp

Designated schools only (School Twinning Program) http://www.mie-u.ac.jp/en/ 

(Kinki region)

Kyoto Institute of Technology (京都工芸繊維大学)

Mechanical Engineering ○ ○ 2

Design and Architecture ○ ○ 2

Only for the Twining Program students of MJEED project https://www.kit.ac.jp/en/ 

Kyoto University (京都大学)

EngineeringUndergraduate International Course Program of CivilEngineering

○ ○ 2 any InterviewTOEFL-iBT, TOEFL-PBT or IELTSis needed.

Admissions Office of UndergraduateInternational Course Program of CivilEngineering, Faculty of Engineering+81-75-753-4700icp_ug[@]t.kyoto-u.ac.jp


Wakayama University (和歌山大学)

Systems Engineering Systems Engineering ○ ○ ○ 2 Japanese InterviewInternational Student Section+81-73-457-7528kokusai[@]center.wakayama-u.ac.jp

applicable only to schools designated by Wakayama University (under twinning programs) http://www.wakayama-u.ac.jp/sys/faculty/admission/exam.html 

(Chugoku and Shikoku region)

Shimane University (島根大学)

Law and Economics ○ ○ anySocio-cultural Studies ○ ○ anyLanguages and Culture ○ ○ anyPhysics and Materials Science ○ ○ 2Chemistry ○ ○ 2Earth Science ○ ○ ○ ○ 2 subjects anyMathematics ○ ○ 2Information Systems Design and Date Science ○ ○ 2Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic Engineering ○ ○ ○ 2Architectural design ○ ○ 2Physics and Materials Science ○ 2Chemistry ○ 2Earth Science ○ ○ ○ 2 subjects anyMathematics ○ 2Information Systems Design and Date Science ○ 2Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic Engineering ○ ○ 2Architectural design ○ 2Life Sciences ○ ○ anyAgricultural and Forest Sciences ○ ○ ○ ○ anyEnvironmental and Sustainability Sciences ○ ○ ○ ○ any


Yamaguchi University (山口大学)

Economics ○ ○ 1Mechanical Engineering ○ ○ ○ 2Civil and Environmental Engineering ○ ○ ○ 2Applied Chemistry ○ ○ ○ ○ 2 subjects 2Electronic Engineering ○ ○ ○ 2Information Science and Engineering ○ ○ ○ 2Perceptual Sciences and Design Engineering ○ ○ ○ 2Sustainable Environmental Engineering ○ ○ ○ ○ 2 subjects 2


Education and Student SupportDepartment Entrance ExaminationPlanning Group+81-852-32-6073epd-nnyushi[@]office.shimane-u.ac.jp

Student Exchange Services,International Affairs Office+81-75-724-7131ses[@]jim.kit.ac.jp

Admissions Division+81-83-933-5153nyushi[@]yamaguchi-u.ac.jp

Score of TOEIC or TOEFL is needed

Score of TOEFL is needed

Score of TOEFL PBT 523 (CBT 193and iBT 70) above or IELTS overallband score 5.5 is needed.Admission for "English-JapaneseBilingual Education Course forInternational Students"





anyScience and Technology

Law and Literature

Interdisciplinary Faculty ofScience and Engineering

Life and Environmental Science

+ 1 Subject

+ 1 Subject

+ 1 Subject

+ 1 Subject

+ 1 Subject

2 subjects

4 / 33

P C B RemarksReference Inquiry

JFLScience Selection of subjects

RemarksFaculty Course



in outside of JapanJW MT

Tokushima University (徳島大学)

Civil and Environmental Engineering ○ ○ 2Mechanical Science ○ ○ 2Applied Chemistry ○ ○ 2Electrical and Electronic Engineering ○ ○ 2Computer and Optical Sciences (Computer Science) ○ ○ 2Computer and Optical Sciences (Optical Sciences) ○ ○ 2Mathematical and Natural Sciences ○ ○ ○ ○ 2 subjects 2

Bioscience and Bioindustry Bioscience and Bioindustry ○ ○ + 1 subject 2

Integrated Arts and Sciences Integrated Arts and Social Sciences ○ ○ 1 JapaneseOnly designated schools determined by the university. http://www.tokushima-u.ac.jp/admission/exam/ 

Ehime University (愛媛大学)

Science(Mathematics Sciences, Physics, Chemistry) ○ ○ ○ ○ 2

Science(Biology, Earth Sciences) ○ ○ ○ ○ any


Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and ElectronicEngineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering,Materials Science and Engineering, AppliedChemistry, Computer Science

○ ○ ○ 2Engineering+81-89-927-9697kougakum[@]stu.ehime-u.ac.jp

AgricultureFood Production Science, Bioscience, Science andtechnology for Biological Resources andEnvironment

○ ○ ○ ○ 2 subjects anyAgriculture+81-89-946-9648agrgakum[@]stu.ehime-u.ac.jp


Kochi University (高知大学)

Humanities and Social SciencesInternational Studies Course, Department ofHumanities and Social Sciences

○ ○ Japanese TOEFL or IELTS is neededAdmission office+81-88-844-8153nys-web[@]kochi-u.ac.jp

Need contact person in Japan. The entrance examination fee shall be paid at financial institutions in Japan (post office, Japan Post Bank).  http://nyusi.kochi-u.jp/nyushi

(Kyushu and Okinawa)

Kyushu University (九州大学)

Agriculture Bioresource and Bioenvironmental ○ ○ ○ 2 subjects 2Interview(writing maybe required)

Score Report of a standardized testis needed. (EJU, SAT, GCE AS-Level and others.)

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science(Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)

○ + 1 subject 2

Applied Chemistry (Materials Science andEngineering)

○ + 1 subject 2

Civil Engineering(Department of Earth Resources,Marine and Civil Engineering)

○ ○2 subjectsincludingeither P or C


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering(Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering)

○ + 1 subject 2

Earth Resources, Marine and Civil Engineering (CivilEngineering) Higher Engineering EducationDevelopment Project Mongolia Twinning Program

○ ○ ○ 2

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MechanicalEngineering) Higher Engineering EducationDevelopment Project Mongolia Twinning Program

○ ○ ○ 2

Interdisciplinary Science andInnovation

○ * * * * any*1 subject(JW, P,C,orB)

any InterviewScore Report of an Englishproficiency test isneeded.(TOEFL/IELTS)

[Agriculture] You can use EJU scores for one of the Score reports. [Engineering] optional use http://www.kyushu-u.ac.jp/en/admission/faculty/foreign/foreign10/ 

Kyushu Institute of Technology (九州工業大学)

Mechanical and Control Engineering ○ ○ ○ 2only for Mechanical EngineeringCourse Score of TOEIC is needed

Civil and Architectural Engineering ○ ○ ○ 2

Only for the Twining Program students of MJEED project http://www.kyutech.ac.jp/examination/gs-expense.html


Score Report of an Englishproficiency test is needed.(TOEFL/IELTS)

Score of TOEIC is needed

International Affairs Division+81-88-656-7079ryugakkc[@]tokushima-u.ac.jp

Admission Division, Student AffairsDepartment+81-92-802-2005nyu-inquiry[@]jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp

Writing, Interview andOral Examination

School of Engineering+81-93-884-3088koh-kyoumu[@]jimu.kyutech.ac.jp



*Certificate of enrollment, Resultsof national/provincial level universityentrance examinations required inthe applicant's country.

An interview on internet or in local.

Science and Technology








Internet-based Interview(Oral Test)


+ 1 subject

2 subjects


5 / 33

P C B RemarksReference Inquiry

JFLScience Selection of subjects

RemarksFaculty Course



in outside of JapanJW MT

Kumamoto University (熊本大学)

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineeringand Architecture

○ ○ ○ 2

Designated Programs only(Education Program for Civil andEnvironmental Engineering ,Education Program for Urban andRegional Planning and Design)Score of TOEIC is needed.

Department of Mechanical and MathematicalEngineering

○ ○ ○ 2

Designated Programs only(Education Program for MechanicalEngineering , Education Program forMechanical Systems)Score of TOEIC is needed.

Only for the Twining Program students of MJEED project http://www.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/ 

【Local Public】

(Hokkaido and Tohoku region)

The University of Aizu (会津大学)

Computer Science andEngineering

Computer Science and Engineering ○ ○ ○ 2 subjects 2 any TOEFL and others is needed

Student Recruiting Section, StudentAffairs Division+81-242-37-2723admission[@]u-aizu.ac.jp


(Kyushu and Okinawa region)

Fukuoka Women's University (福岡女子大学)

International Liberal Arts ○ ○ any

Environmental Science ○ ○ ○ ○ 2

Food and Health Sciences ○ ○ ○ ○ 2


University of Nagasaki (長崎県立大学)

Business Administration ○ * * * * any

International Management ○ * * * * any

Public Policy ○ * * * * any

Business Economics ○ * * * * any

Global and Media Studies Global and Media Studies ○ ○ any

Information Systems ○ ○ any

Information Security ○ ○ any

Nursing Science ○ ○ ○ any

Nutritional Science ○ ○ ○


Business Administration

Regional Design and Development

【Faculty of BusinessAdministration/Faculty of RegionalDesign and Development】Sasebo Campus Student SupportSection+81-956-47-5703

【Faculty of Global and MediaStudies/Faculty of InformationSystems/Faculty of Nursing andNutrition】Sieboldin Campus Student SupportSection+81-95-813-5065


Local exam will be required inVietnam.An interview on internet.

Both essay andinterview

*1 subject( SC or JW )

Nursing and Nutrition

The entrance examination will takeplace three times a year (A, B, andC)TOEFL iBT®、TOEFL®PBT orTOEIC®Listening&Reading Test orIELTS is needed.

A: Local interview and writingexamination will be required in Seoul,Republic of Korea and Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia. B and C: Local interviewwill be required in Vietnam.

Admission, Public Relations and CareerSupport Center+81-92-692-3100nyushi-qa[@]fwu.ac.jp

Administrative Division of Science andTechnologyAcademic Affairs Section of Faculty ofEngineering+81-96-342-3522szk-kyomu[@]kumamoto-u.ac.jp


any Interview and writing



International College of Arts andSciences

2 subjects


Information Systems

2 subjects

6 / 33

P C B RemarksReference Inquiry

JFLScience Selection of subjects

RemarksFaculty Course



in outside of JapanJW MT


(Hokkaido and Tohoku region)

Sapporo International University (札幌国際大学)

Contemporary Cultural Studies ○

Clinical Psychology ○

Child Psychology ○

Tourism Business ○

International Tourism ○

Sports Business ○

Sports Instruction ○


Hokkaido Bunkyo University (北海道文教大学)

Foreigen languages(4月,秋入学) International language studies ○

Physical Therapy ○

Occupational Therapy ○

Tomakomai Komazawa University (苫小牧駒澤大学)

International Faculty Career Creative Department ○An interview on theSkype or by othervisual software.

TOEFL is needed.Public Relation Office+81-144-61-3100komamail[@]e.t-komazawa.ac.jp


Aomori University (青森大学)

Software and InformationTechnology

Software and Information Technology ○ any Japanese

Integrated BusinessAdministration

Business Administration ○

Sociology Sociology ○

Pharmaceutical Sciences Pharmaceutics ○Writing, interview andessay

An interview and Original EntranceExam by SchoolAn interview on the Skype.

Local interview will be required in Republic of Korea, and Taiwan. In the other countries, admissions are determined on the basis of internet interview and results of EJU. http://www.aomori-u.ac.jp/admission/application-foreign-student/ 

Aomori Chuo Gakuin University (青森中央学院大学)

Management and Law Management and Law ○

Graduate School of RegionalManagement

Graduate School of Regional Management ○

Sendai Shirayuri Women’s College (仙台白百合女子大学)

Human Development, major in Child Development ○ ○Psychology and Social Work ○ ○Health and Nutrition ○ ○ ○Global Studies ○ ○

A guarantor is not required at the time of application, but a guarantor is required at the time of admission. http://sendai-shirayuri.ac.jp/admission/foreign_students.html 

Miyagi Gakuin Women's University (宮城学院女子大学)

Contemporary Business Contemporary Business ○ ○ Interview

Human Life Science Lifestyle and Space Design ○ * * * 2 subjects * *

*choose one out ofany of these 3subjects. Math shouldchoose Course 1.

Japanese Literature ○ ○English ○ ○Cultural Studies ○ ○Psychological and Behavioral ○ ○


Liberal Arts



Sports & Humanities

International Affairs Division+81-11-881-8844siu-ec[@]ad.siu.ac.jp

Human Sciences

Entrance Exams Office+82-22-279-5837nyushii[@]mgu.ac.jp

Interview インターネットによる面接を行う。入試広報課+81-123-34-0160nyushi[@]do-bunkyodai.ac.jpHuman Sciences


An interview on the SkypeInterview


International Exchange Division+81-17-728-0131international[@]aomoricgu.ac.jp

Both Interview andwriting


An interview on the Skype if deemednecessary.


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in outside of JapanJW MT

(Kanto region)

Utsunomiya Kyowa University (宇都宮共和大学)

City Life ○ Writing国際交流センター+81-28-650-6611kokusai[@]kyowa-u.ac.jp


Shobi University (尚美学園大学)

Music Business Development ○ InterviewInformation Expression ○

Policy Management Policy Management ○

Faculty of Sport Management Department of Sport Management ○ https://www.shobi-u.ac.jp/en/admission/ 

Meikai University (明海大学)

Japanese ○ * *It will be administered only forCategory B in December.

English ○ * *

Note: On B system (Exam date: Dec.12,2015) , you can take theexamination outside Japan with"Pre-Arrival Admission". You mustat least take 52 points at TOEFLiBT® or 500 points at TOEIC®L&Rwithin 2 years from the date of theexamination.

Chinese ○ * *

Economics Economics ○ * *

Real Estate Sciences Real Estate Sciences ○ * *

Hospitality & TourismManagement

Hospitality & Tourism Management (HospitalityTourism Major)

○ * *

Note: On B system (Exam date: Dec.12,2015) , you can take theexamination outside Japan with"Pre-Arrival Admission". You mustat least take 52 points at TOEFLiBT® or 500 points at TOEIC®L&Rwithin 2 years from the date of theexamination.


Josai International University (城西国際大学)

Management and InformationSciences

Management and Business Administration ○

International Humanities International Exchange Studies, Cultural Studies ○

Media Studies Media and Communications ○

Social Work Studies Social Work Studies ○

Tourism Wellness Tourism ○http://jiu.ac.jp/englishsite/ 

Reitaku University (麗澤大学)

Department of Global Communication ○

Department of Global Business ○

Economics ○

Business Administration ○


Faculty of Global Studies


Planning & Public Relations+81-47-355-5116hhigu001[@]meikai.ac.jp

TOEFL or TOEIC or IELTS isneeded.

Entrance Examination and PublicRelations Section+81-4-7173-3500koho[@]reitaku-u.ac.jp

Admissions Division+81-475-55-8855admis[@]jiu.ac.jp

Both Interview andessay

It will be administered only forCategory B in December.

Both Interview andwriting

International Exchange Center+81-49-246-3709iec[@]s.shobi-u.ac.jp

Languages and Cultures

*the pass/fail isjudged by the betterscore of JW orMath(1)


Informatics for Arts

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in outside of JapanJW MT

Asia University (亜細亜大学)

Business Administration Business Administration ○

Economics Economics ○

Law Law ○ International Relations ○ Multicultural Communication ○

Urban Innovation Urban Innovation ○ http://www.asia-u.ac.jp/english/admissions/faculty/ 

J. F. Oberlin University (桜美林大学)

Arts and Science (1年次4月入学,4月編入)

○ ○Local exam location will be any ofChina, Korea or Hong Kong.

Global Communication (1年次4月入学)

○ ○

Local exam location will be any ofChina, Korea or Hong Kong.TOEFL iBT scores of 62 or above(or equivalent qualifications) ,TOEICL&R scores of 62 or above ,IELTSscores of 5.5 or above can replaceEJU and other Japanese proficiencyexams.

Business Management (excl. FlightOperations program) (1年次4月入学, 4月編入)

○ ○

Health and Welfare (excl.Childcare Services program) (1年次4月入学)

○ ○

Performing and Visual Arts (1年次4月入学)

○ ○

Arts and Science (1年次秋入学,秋編入)

○ ○Local exam location will be any ofCHINA, Hong Kong or USA.

Global Communication (1年次秋入学)

○ ○

Local exam location will be any ofCHINA, Hong Kong or USA.TOEFL iBT scores of 62 or above(or equivalent qualifications) ,TOEICL&R scores of 62 or above ,IELTSscores of 5.5 or above can replaceEJU and other Japanese proficiencyexams.

Business Management (excl. FlightOperations program) (1年次秋入学, 秋編入)

○ ○

Health and Welfare (excl.Childcare Services program) (1年次秋入学)

○ ○

Performing and Visual Arts (1年次秋入学)

○ ○


Gakushuin Women’s College (学習院女子大学)

Japanese Studies ○ ○

Intercultural Communication ○ ○


Keio University (慶應義塾大学)

Economics Economics(Method A) ○ ○ 1Law(Method A) ○ ○ 1Political Science(Method A) ○ ○ 1


International Christian University (国際基督教大学)

Arts and Sciences ○ ○ any

Arts and Sciences ○ ○ ○ ○ 2 subjects 2


If you take a Japan and the World inJapanese, you will also need a scorefor TOEIC (L&R), TOEFL iBT, IELTS

Admissions office+81-3-3203-1906gwc-off[@]gakushuin.ac.jp

Admissions Center+81-422-33-3038admissions-center[@]icu.ac.jp

Liberal ArtsMinimum Requirement: IELTS 5.0,TOEFL iBT 61 (PBT500)

TOEFL or IELTS is needed.Japanese

Intercultural Studies


Admissions Division+81-422-36-3273nyushi[@]asia-u.ac.jp

Format CJapanese: Score of EJU or JLPT isneeded.English: Score of TOEFL or IELTS isneeded.Document screening

Information Center+81-42-797-1583info-ctr[@]obirin.ac.jp

Local exam location will be any ofCHINA, Hong Kong or USA.

Admissions Center+81-3-5427-1611admissions[@]info.keio.ac.jp

Local exam location will be any ofChina, Korea or Hong Kong.

essay, interview


International Relations



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in outside of JapanJW MT

Kokushikan University (国士舘大学)

Asia 21 Asia 21 ○

admissions office+81-3(5481)3211ad1[@]kokushikan.ac.jpschool of asia 21+81-42(736)1050asia21jim[@]kokushikan.ac.jp


Sophia University (上智大学)

Materials and Life Sciences ○ ○ ○ 2

Engineering and Applied Sciences ○ ○ ○ 2


Senshu University (専修大学)

Economics ○ ○Law ○ ○

Business Administration ○ * **either J&W orMath(any)


Network Information ○ ○ + 1 Subject any **Japanese if TOEFL is submitted,English if TOEFL is not submitted.


Daito Bunka University (大東文化大学)

Sinology ○English and American Literature ○Japanese Literature ○Chinese Language ○English Language ○

Social-Human Environmentology Social-Human Environmentology ○

Foreign Languages Japanese Language ○ Format D

Law Law ○International Relations ○International Culture ○

Business Business ○ Interviewhttp://www.daito.ac.jp/file/block_32102_01.pdf 

Chuo University (中央大学)

Economics Method B ○ ○ any

Commerce Method B ○ ○ any


Teikyo University (帝京大学)

Economics ○ ○International Economy ○ ○Regional Economics ○ ○Business Administration ○ ○Tourism Management ○ ○Law ○ ○Political Science ○ ○Japanese Cultures ○ ○History ○ ○Sociology ○ ○Psychology ○ ○

Language Studies Language Studies ○ ○

Education Education and Culture ○ ○Department of Mechanical and Precision System ○ ○ * * 2Department of Aerospace Engineering ○ * * 2Department of Information and ElectronicEngineering

○ * * 2

Department of Biosciences ○ * * ○ 2http://www.teikyo-u.ac.jp 

Faculty of Science andTechnology

International Office+81-3-5399-7323dbuinter[@]jm.daito.ac.jp

Admissions center+81-42-674-2121admission[@]tamajs.chuo-u,ac,jp


TOEFL or IELTS is needed.Admissions Office+81-3-3238-4018admission-u[@]cl.sophia.ac.jp

Admissions Center+81-44-911-0425admiss[@]acc.senshu-u.ac.jp

TOEFL-iBT(PBT), TOEIC or IELTSis needed if you took the Exam inJapanese language.

General Affairs Group AdmissionCommittee+81-42-678-3317t-nyushi[@]main.teikyo-u.ac.jp

Local interview will be required inKorea or Taiwan.

International Relations


2 subjects



Faculty of Science andEngineering





Foreign Languages


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in outside of JapanJW MT

Teikyo University of Science (帝京科学大学)

Life & Health Sciences ○ * *Animal Sciences ○ * *Natural and Environmental Science ○ * *

When an applicant passes the entrance examination and begins the admission procedures, the applicant must have a guarantor in Japan. Examinees paying the examination fee from abroad shall submit evidence of payment. http://www.ntu.ac.jp/exam/ 

Tokai University (東海大学)

LettersCivilization, Department of History, Course ofJapanese History, Occidental History, Archaeology,Department of Japanese Literature, English

○ ○

Cultural and Social StudiesAsian Studies, European and American Studies,Nordic Studies, Creative Writing, Media Studies,Psychological and Sociological Studies

○ ○

Tourism Tourism ○ ○

Political Science and EconomicsPolitical Science, Economics, BusinessAdministration

○ ○

Business Administration Business Administration, Tourism Management ○ ○Law Law ○ ○

Human Development, Course of Human WelfareEnvironment

○ ○ ○ ○ 2 subjects any

Human Development, Course of Human WelfareEnvironment, Department of International Studies

○ ○

International Cultural RelationsCommunity Development, InternationalCommunications, Design and Culture

○ ○

ScienceMathematics, Mathematical Sciences, Physics,Chemistry

○ ○ ○ ○ 2

Information Science andTechnology

Human and Information Science, Applied ComputerEngineering

○ ○ ○ ○ any

Information andTelecommunication Engineering

Information Media Technology, EmbeddedTechnology, Management Systems Engineering,Communication and Network Engineering

○ ○ ○ ○ any


Applied Biochemistry, Applied Chemistry, Opticaland Imaging Science and Technology, NuclearEngineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Materials Science, Architecture and BuildingEngineering, Civil Engineering, Precision Engineering,Mechanical Engineering, Prime Mover Engineering,Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Course of Aerospace, Department of BiomedicalEngineering

○ ○ ○ ○ 2

Industrial and Welfare EngineeringElectrical Engineering and Computer Science,Medical Care and Welfare Engineering

○ ○ ○ ○ any

Maritime Civilizations, Environmental and SocietalAffairs

○ ○

Marine and Earth Science, Department of Fisheries,Course of Applied Biological Science, Food Science,Department of Marine Biology, Department ofNavigation and Ocean Engineering, Course ofNavigation, Ocean Engineering

○ ○ ○ ○ any

Biological Sciences Biology, Marine Biology and Sciences ○ ○ ○ ○ any

Agriculture Plant Science, Animal Science, Bioscience ○ ○ ○ ○ any

Physical Education Physical Recreation, Sport & Leisure Management ○ ○

Health Studies Health Management ○ ○http://www.u-tokai.ac.jp/english/admissions/undergraduate.html 

Only method B is conducted

Screening test will be conducted forthe departments and courses if thenumber of applicants exceeds 30(1stterm) respectively.



Marine Science and Technology

2 subjects

2 subjects

Office of Admissions Services forInternational Students (OASIS)+81-463-58-1211oasis[@]tsc.u-tokai.ac.jp

Humanities and Culture

Japanese*both JAFL andMath(any) orScience(2 any)

Life & Environmental Sciences

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in outside of JapanJW MT

Toyo University (東洋大学)

Sociology ○Sociocultural Studies ○Social Welfare ○

Regional Development Studies ○

Global Innovation Studies ○

Global Innovation Studies ○

second-yearTransfer(hennnyugaku/for applicantswho have completed another school)second-yearTransfer(tennyugaku/for applicantswho have finished at least oneacademic year at another school)

International Tourism Management International Tourism Management ○Mechanical Engineering ○ ○ ○ ○ 2Biomedical Engineering ○ 2Electrical, Electronic and CommunicationsEngineering

○ ○ ○ ○ 2

Applied Chemistry ○ ○ ○ 2Civil and Environmental Engineering ○ 2Architecture ○ 2Information Sciences and Arts ○

Information Sciences and Arts ○

second-yearTransfer(hennnyugaku/for applicantswho have completed another school)second-yearTransfer(tennyugaku/for applicantswho have finished at least oneacademic year at another school)

Life Sciences Life Sciences ○ Applicants must pay the examination fee from inside Japan, and have the address inside Japan which the application materials are sent from and to. (It is also accepted relative or acquaintance inside Japan make the transaction above in place of applicant.)

Nihon University (日本大学)

EconomicsEconomics; Industrial Management, Finance andPublic Economics

○ ○ any Japanese

Hosei University (法政大学)

Law Law, Politics, Global Politics ○ ○

EconomicsEconomics, International Economics, BusinessEconomics

○ * *

Social SciencesPolicy Sciences on Society, Sociology, Media andCommunication Studies

○ * *

Sustainability Studies Sustainability Studies ○ ○Computer and InformationSciences

Computer Science, Digital Media ○ 2

Engineering and DesignArchitecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering,Engineering and Design

○ 2

Mechanical Engineering (Course of MechanicalEngineering)/Electrical and ElectronicEngineering/Applied Informatics/Advanced Sciences

○ ○ * * 2

*Applicants must take2 subjects on thescience test withphysics as one ofthem.

Industrial and Systems Engineering ○ 2Bioscience and AppliedChemistry

Frontier Bioscience, Chemical Science andTechnology, Clinical Plant Science

○ ○ ○ ○ 2 subjects 2


third-yearTransfer(hennnyugaku/for applicantswho have completed another school)second-yearTransfer(tennyugaku/for applicantswho have finished at least one ortwo academic year at anotherschool)

TOEFL® / IELTS / TOEIC®L&R isneeded.

TOEFL® / IELTS / TOEIC®L&R isneeded.

Admissions office,Toyo University+81-3-3945-7272mliao[@]toyo.jp

Admission Center InternaionalAdmission Office+81-3-3264-5776kokusain[@]hosei.ac.jp

*Higher score of JWor MT(Course1) will beconsidered forscreening.


Faculty of Global and RegionalStudies

*If a candidate has taken both Japan & the World and Mathematics (Course 1) tests, only the subject with the higher score will be considered for screening.【NOTE】Computer and Information Sciences, Engineering and Design, Bioscience and Applied Chemistry, Science and Engineering: Applications by those living in Japan is Not Allowed.

Document screening

Document screening,online interview

Science and Engineering


Information Sciences and Arts

anyScience and Engineering

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in outside of JapanJW MT

Meiji University (明治大学)

Commerce Commerce ○ ○ 1TOEFL iBT 41 and above or TOEIC405 and above is needed

Science and Technology

Electronics and Bioinformatics, MechanicalEngineering, Mechanical Engineering Informatics,Architecture, Applied Chemistry, Computer Science,Mathematics, Physics

○ ○ ○ 2 TOEFL iBT or TOEIC is needed

Business AdministrationBusiness Management, Accounting, PublicManagement

○ ○ any TOEFL iBT 41and above

Global Japanese Studies Global Japanese Studies ○ ○ JapaneseTOEFL iBT 48 and above, TOEIC600 and above or IELTS 4.0 andabove is needed


Meiji Gakuin University (明治学院大学)

International Studies International Studies ○ ○ JapaneseAdmissions center+81-3-5421-5151mginfo[@]mguad.meijigakuin.ac.jp

need contact person in Japan http://www.meijigakuin.ac.jp/admission/information/foreigner/ 

Rikkyo University (立教大学)


Christian Studies, History, Education,Letters(English and American Literature, GermanLiterature, French Literature, Japanese Literature,Philosophy and Creative Writing)

○ ○

Sociology ○ ○

Community and Human Services ○ ○

Economics ○ ○ 1

Business ○ ○ 1

Law and Politics ○ ○ 1

Tourism ○ ○

Mathematics ○ ○ ○ ○ 2 subjects 2

Physics ○ ○ 2

Chemistry ○ ○ 2

Life Science ○ ○ ○ ○ 2 subjects 2

Psychology ○ ○ 1

Body Expression and Cinematic Arts ○ ○


(Chubu region)

Niigata Sangyo University (新潟産業大学)

Economics and Management ○

Cultural Economics ○


Niigata University of Rehabilitation (新潟リハビリテーション大学)

Rehabilitation Physical Therapy Course ○ ○ ○ ○

Rehabilitation Occupational Therapy Course ○ ○ ○ ○

Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Psychology Course ○


Nagaoka University (長岡大学)

Faculty of Economics andManagement

Faculty of Economics and Management ○ Writing, interview

designated schools in Mongolia only

Yamanashi Gakuin University (山梨学院大学)

Faculty of Law Faculty of Law ○ 筆記試験, 面接は韓国にて実施する

Faculty of Business Faculty of Business Administration ○


International Student Office+81-3-3296-4144intadmi[@]meiji.ac.jp

Writing, interview

College of Arts, College of Sociologyand College of Community andHuman Services set a standardminimum score requirements. Referto the following website for details.

Applicants must submit their testingscores or grades from either theCambridge English, EIKEN, GTECCBT, IELTS, TEAP(Reading/Listening+Writing+Speaking), TOEFL iBT or TOEIC L&R andTOEIC S&W(IP test not accepted).

Writing, interview

essay, interview


+ 1 Subject

Contemporary Psychology



Allied Health Sciences2 subjects


anyAdmissions Office+81-3-3985-3293admissions[@]rikkyo.ac.jp

Admissions Public Relations Division:International Exchange Officer+81-254-56-8292ryugaku[@]nur.ac.jp

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in outside of JapanJW MT

Matsumoto Dental University (松本歯科大学)

Dentistry ○ ○ ○ ○ 2 Method C

Dentistry ○ ○ ○ ○ 2 Method D


Aichi University (愛知大学)

Modern Chinese Studies Modern Chinese Studies ○ ○

International Communication Global Liberal Arts ○ ○


Seijoh University (星城大学)

Business Administration ○Both Interview andwriting



Nagoya University of Commerce & Business (名古屋商科大学)

Management ○Management Information Science ○Policy Management ○Economics ○Marketing ○Accounting & Finance ○Global Interdisciplinary Studies ○English Studies ○


Nanzan University (南山大学)

Christian Studies ○TOEFL iBT or IELTS is needed.Essay must be submitted withapplication materials.

Anthropology and Philosophy ○ ○Psychology and Human Relations ○ ○ 1Japanese Studies ○ ○British and American Studies ○ ○Spanish and Latin American Studies ○ ○French Studies ○ ○German Studies ○ ○Asian Studies ○ ○

Economics Economics ○ ○

Business Administration Business Administration ○ ○ 1 TOEFL iBT or IELTS is needed.

Law Law ○TOEFL iBT or IELTS is needed.Essay must be submitted withapplication materials.

Policy Studies Policy Studies ○ ○Mechatronics ○ ○ ○ 2Software Engineering ○ ○ ○ 2Systems and Mathematical Science ○ ○ ○ 2

Global Liberal Studies Global Liberal Studies ○ ○https://www.nanzan-u.ac.jp/admission/nyushi/shubetsu/download.html 


Skype Interview

TOEFL iBT or IELTS is needed.

TOEFL iBT or IELTS is needed.Essay must be submitted withapplication materials. 学務部入試課


2 subjects

International Studies


Foreign StudiesJapanese

JapaneseScience and Engineering


TOEFL iBT or IELTS is needed.


International Admissions Office+81-263-51-2161info_ryugaku[@]mdu.ac.jp

International Exchange Office+81-52-564-6116inted[@]aichi-u.ac.jp

Admissions office+81-561-73-3006intl_adm[@]nucba.ac.jp



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in outside of JapanJW MT

(Kinki region)

Kyoto University of Foreign Studies (京都外国語大学)

Foreign Studies Japanese Studies ○

Examinees shall havetaken the level N1 ofthe JLPT or thesubject: JFL of theEJU.

Global Engagement Global Tourism ○ ○http://www.kufs.ac.jp/en/faculties/index.html 

Kyoto Seika University (京都精華大学)

Manga Manga, Animation ○

Art Fine Art ○

DesignIllustration, Visual Design, Product Design,Architecture

Popular Culture Popular Culture ○

Humanities Humanities ○

Local interview and painting will be required in Korea. http://www.kyoto-seika.ac.jp/eng/ 

Kyoto Notre Dame University (京都ノートルダム女子大学)

English Language and Literature ○ Japanese and Global Cultures ○ Social Work and Life Design ○Psychology ○


Contemporary Human Sciences

International Education Office+81-75-706-3746international[@]notredame.ac.jp

Language and Culture

Practical exam,Interview

Only the students of the designatedhigh school can apply for theentrance examination overseas.

Admissions Office+81-75-702-5100nyushi[@]kyoto-seika.ac.jp

Admission Center+81-75-322-6035nyushi[@]kufs.ac.jp

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in outside of JapanJW MT

Doshisha University (同志社大学)

Theology Theology ○ ○ Interview

LettersEnglish, Philosophy, Aesthetics and Art Theory,Cultural History, Japanese Literature

○ ○ Oral Examination

Social StudiesSociology, Social Welfare, Media, Journalism andCommunications, Industrial Relations, Education andCulture

○ ○

Law Law, Political Science ○ ○ InterviewTOEFL-iBT®TEST, TOEIC®LISTENING AND READING TEST orIELTS(Academic Module) is needed.

Economics Economics ○ * **1 subject from J&Wand Math(any)

Exam I: Required tocome to Japan forthe exam.Exam II: documentscreening

Commerce Commerce ○ ○Interview (Exam Ionly)

Policy Studies Policy Studies ○ ○

Culture and Information Science Culture and Information Science ○ ○ any Oral ExaminationElectrical Engineering, Electronics,Mechanical and Systems Engineering,Mechanical Engineering and science

○ ○ ○ 2

Intelligent Information Engineering and Sciences,Information Systems Design, Molecular Chemistryand Biochemistry, Chemical Engineering andMaterials Science, Environmental Systems Science,Mathematical Sciences

○ ○ ○ ○ 2

Life and Medical SciencesBiomedical Engineering, Biomedical Sciences andInformatics, Medical Life Systems

○ ○ ○ ○ 2

Health and Sports Science Health and Sports Science ○ * * * * **1 subject from J&W,Math(any) andScience (any)

Psychology Psychology ○ ○Short article, OralExamination

Global Communications Global Communications(Japanese Course) ○ ○Writing, OralExamination

Global and Regional Studies Global and Regional Studies ○ ○ Oral ExaminationTOEFL-iBT®TEST, TOEIC®LISTENING AND READING TEST orIELTS(Academic Module) is needed.


Section for International Admissions,Office of International Students,International Center+81-75-251-3257ji-intad[@]mail.doshisha.ac.jpTOEFL-iBT®TEST, TOEFL-ITP®


2 subjects

Science and Engineering



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in outside of JapanJW MT

Ritsumeikan University (立命館大学)

Law Law ○ * *

Social Sciences Social Sciences ○ * *

International Relations International Relations ○ * *Score of an English LanguageProficiency Test

Policy Science Policy Science ○ * *

Letters Letters ○ * *

Image Arts and Sciences Image Arts and Sciences ○ * *

Economics Economics ○ ○ anyScore of an English LanguageProficiency Test(only for Kokusai senkou)

Business Administration Business Administration ○ * *Score of an English LanguageProficiency Test

Sport and Health Science Sport and Health Science ○ * *

Comprehensive Psychology Comprehensive Psychology ○ * *

Gastronomy Management Gastronomy Management ○ * *

Pharmaceutical Sciences Pharmaceutical Sciences ○ ○ ○ ○ 2 subjects 2Score of an English LanguageProficiency Test

Science and Engineering

Mathematical Sciences, Physical Sciences,Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Electronic andComputer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,Robotics, Architecture and Urban Design, Civil andEnvironmental Engineering

○ ○ ○ 2

Information Science andEngineering

Information Science and Engineering ○ ○ ○ ○ 2

Life SciencesApplied Chemistry, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics,Biomedical Sciences

○ ○ ○ ○ 2Score of an English LanguageProficiency Test

Outside of Japan, exams will be held in Korea. http://ritsnet.ritsumei.jp/ 

Osaka University of Tourism (大阪観光大学)

Tourism Tourist Business ○

Cross Cultural Studies Cross Cultural Studies ○

Only designated country or region determined by the university. http://www.tourism.ac.jp/nyusi/ 

Osaka University of Economics and Law (大阪経済法科大学)

International Studies(Freshman(first-year) entrance) ○ * * *either J&W or Math anyInternational Studies(Junior-year(third-year)entrance)

Business AdministrationBusiness Administration(Freshman(first-year)entrance)

○ * * *either J&W or Math any

Economics Economics(Freshman(first-year) entrance) ○ * * *either J&W or Math anyEconomics(Junior-year(third-year) entrance) ○Law(Freshman(first-year) entrance) ○ * * *either J&W or Math anyLaw(Junior-year(third-year) entrance) ○

Persons who have scores below 200 for the subject of the Japanese as a Foreign Language(reading comprehension, listening comprehension, and reading & listening comprehension) are not allowed to apply. http://www.keiho-u.ac.jp/english/ 

Osaka International University (大阪国際大学)

Business Administration ○Economics ○International Communication ○International Tourism ○Psychology and Communication ○Human Health Science ○Sports Management ○


International Exchange Center+81-6-6907-4306adkokusai[@]oiu.jp

The Entrance Examinations&PublicRelations Division+81-72-453-8222nyushikoho[@]tourism.ac.jp


International Center at BKC,Ritsumeikan University+81-77-561-3946cger-bkc[@]st.ritsumei.ac.jp

International Liberal Arts

Human Sciences

*either J&W or Mathany

Selection based on applicationdocuments.An interview on the phone or Skypeif deemed necessary.


2 subjects



Business Administration andEconomics

*either J&W or Math

International Studies

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in outside of JapanJW MT

Osaka Sangyo University (大阪産業大学)

International Studies ○ ○

Business Management Business Management, Commercial Science ○ ○

Economics Economics, International Economics ○ ○

Architecture and Environmental Design ○ * **higher JW orMath(Course2)

Information Systems Engineering, EnvironmentalScience and Technology

○ 2

Mechanical Engineering ○ 2Mechanical Engineering for Transportation ○ 2Civil Engineering ○ 2

Electronics Information and CommunicationEngineering

○ 2


Kansai University (関西大学)

Law Law and Politics ○ ○

Economics Economics ○ ○The score of TOEFL iBT or TOEICL&R is needed.

Sociology Sociology ○ ○

IELTS overall band score of 3.5 orhigher (Academic Module)/TOEFLiBT® score of 37 or higher/TOEIC®L&R score of 420 or higher

Policy Studies Policy Studies Global and Asian Legal Policy Studies ○ * * **J&W, Math1 orScience (2 any)

Safety Science Safety Management ○ * * 2*J&W or Science (2any)

Engineering ScienceMathematics, Pure and Applied Physics, MechanicalEngineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering

○ ○ ○ 2

Environmental and UrbanEngineering

Architecture; Civil, Environmental and AppliedSystem Engineering; Chemical, Energy andEnvironmental Engineering

○ ○ ○ 2

Chemistry and Materials Engineering ○ ○ ○ 2Life Science and Biotechnology ○ ○ ○ ○ 2 subjects 2





Chemistry, Materials andBioengineering


Design Technology

Undergraduate School Admissions,Articulation of High Schools andUniversity Group+81-6-6368-1121rgs[@]ml.kandai.jp

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in outside of JapanJW MT

Kinki University (近畿大学)

Law Law ○ ○

EconomicsEconomics, International Economics, PublicManagement

○ ○ any TOEFL or TOEIC is needed.

Science and Engineering

Science, Life Science, Applied Chemistry,Mechanical Engineering, Electric and ElectronicEngineering, Informatics, Civil and EnvironmentalEngineering

○ ○ ○ ○ 2

Architecture Architecture ○ ○ ○ ○ 2Literature (Japanese Literature Major (Story andReview Writing Course, Linguistics and LiteratureCourse)), Cultural and Historical Studies, CulturalDesign

○ ○

Literature (English Language and English andAmerican Literature)

○ ○ English Score of TOEFL is needed

Applied Sociology Applied Sociology ○ * * *either J&W or Math1

International Studies International Studies ○ ○TOEFL or TOEIC or IELTS or EIKENor United Nations Association's Testof English is required


Agricultural Science, Fisheries, Applied BiologicalChemistry, Food Science and Nutrition(NationalRegistered Dietitians Course), EnvironmentalManagement, Advanced Bioscience

○ ○ ○ ○ 2 subject any Score of TOEFL is needed

Biology-Oriented Science andTechnology

Biotechnological Science, Genetic Engineering,Human Factors Engineering and EnvironmentalDesign, Science and Technology on Food Safety,Computational Systems Biology, BiomedicalEngineering

○ ○ ○ ○TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, EIKEN or TheUnited Nations Association's Test ofEnglish is required.

EngineeringBiotechnology and Chemistry, MechanicalEngineering, Robotics, Electronic Engineering andComputer Science, Informatics, Architecture

○ ○ ○ ○ 2

Biological and Environmental Chemistry ○ ○ ○ ○

Electric and Electronical Engineering, Architectureand Design

○ 2

Information and Computer Science ○ anyManagement and Business ○ * * *either J&W or Math1


Kobe University of Welfare (神戸医療福祉大学)

Faculty of Social Welfare Management Welfare Business ○Osaka Tennoji Campus+81-6-6776-8171osaka[@]sw.kinwu.ac.jp


Otemae University (大手前大学)

Cultural and Historical Studies Cultural and Historical Studies ○Media and Arts Media and Arts ○Modern Social Studies Modern Social Studies ○Health and Nutrition Management and Nutrition ○


1 subject


2 subjects



International Exchange Center+81-798-32-5018kokusaic[@]otemae.ac.jp

Local interview and writing will berequired in Myanmar,China(shanghai) and Vietnam.

Score of TOEFL is needed

Literature, Arts and Culturalstudies

Humanity‐Oriented Science andEngineering

International Center+81-6-4307-3081isc[@]itp.kindai.ac.jp

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in outside of JapanJW MT

Kwansei Gakuin University (関西学院大学)

Theology ○

HumanitiesCulture and History, Integrated PsychologicalSciences, Literature and Linguistics

Law and Politics ○ ○ 1Economics ○ ○ anyInternational Studies International Studies ○ ○

Policy StudiesPolicy Studies, Applied Informatics, Urban Studies,International Policy Studies

○ ○

Mathematical Sciences, Bioscience, BiomedicalChemistry, Nanotechnology for Sustainable Energy,Applied Chemistry for Environment, Informatics,Human System Interaction

○ ○ ○ ○ 2 subjects 2

Physics and Astronomy, Chemistry ○ ○ ○ 2

Human Welfare StudiesSocial Work, Social Organization Development,Holistic Human Sciences

○ ○

Minimum required: 240and above forJFL(excl. Writingscore)

Japanese Interview will be held in Soul, Korea.


Kobe International University (神戸国際大学)

EconomicsEconomics and Management, Department of GlobalCulture Industry & Tourism

○Both Interview andessay

Examinees having passed the levelN2 of JLPT are exempt from writingan essay.

Office of Admissions+81-78-845-3131nyushi[@]kobe-kiu.ac.jp

Local interview and writing will be required in China, Vietnam and Indonesia etc. http://www.kobe-kiu.ac.jp/en/ 

(Chugoku and Shikoku region)

Okayama University of Science (岡山理科大学)Applied Mathematics ○ 2Chemistry ○ ○ ○ ○ 1subjectApplied Physics ○ 2Basic Science ○ anyBiochemistry ○ ○ ○Life Science ○ ○Zoology ○ ○ ○ ○ anyApplied Chemistry and Biotechnology ○ ○ ○ ○Mechanical Systems Engineering ○ ○ anyElectrical and Electronic Engineering ○ ○ 1 Math1or PhysicsInformation and Computer Engineering ○ 2Intelligent Mechanical Engineering ○ ○ ○ ○ anyBiomedical Engineering ○ ○ ○ ○ anyArchitecture ○ 2Engineering Project Course ○ ○ ○ ○ 1subject 2

Informatics Information Science ○ 2 Biosphere-GeosphereScience Biosphere-Geosphere Science ○ ○ + 1 Subject 2

Primary Education Department ○ ○Secondary Education Department ○ ○

Management Management ○ ○Veterinary Medicine ○ ○ ○ ○ 2subjects 2Veterinary Associated Science ○ ○ ○ ○ 1subject 2


Hiroshima University of Economics (広島経済大学)

Economics Economics ○ * *

Business AdministrationBusiness Administration, Sport BusinessAdministration

○ * *

Media Business Information system in Business, Media Business ○ * *

At the time of admission procedure, you need a guarantor, an emergency contact persons who live in / out of Japan. http://www.hue.ac.jp/exam/ot_inter/index.html 


*Applicants arerequired to take eitherthe “SogoKamoku(Japan and theWorld)” or “SugakuKamoku(Mathematics)”



For designated institutions only.

Science and Technology any

An interview on theSkype



Interview will be held in Seoul, Korea.Exam for candidates recommendedby designated institutions will also beconducted.

The application documents will beevaluated when consideringadmission. TOEFL, TOEIC, or IELTSis required.Exam for candidates recommendedby designated institutions will also beconducted.


Center for International EducationExchange+81-82-871-1002int-sc[@]hue.ac.jp

Center for International Educationaland Cooperation+81-798-51-0952liuxue[@]kwansei.ac.jp



EngineeringInternational Affairs Office+81-86-256-8415nyushi[@]office.ous.ac.jp

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RemarksFaculty Course



in outside of JapanJW MT

Tokushima Bunri University  (徳島文理大学)

Pharmaceutical Sciences Pharmaceutics ○ ○ ○Psychology ○ ○Architecture Design ○ 1Human Life Sciences ○ ○Media Design ○ ○ 1Childhood Education ○ ○Human Welfare ○ ○ *

Nursing ○ * * **either Science orMath

Oral Health Sciences ○ ○ ○ ○ Chemistry or Biology

Policy Studies Policy Studies ○ * **either J&W orMath1

Music Music ○ ○ Practical DVDPharmaceutical Sciences atKagawa Campus

Pharmacy ○ ○ ○

Nano Material and Bio Engineering ○ 2Mechanical Engineering ○ 2Electronic Engineering and Information Science ○ 2Cultural Property ○ ○Japanese Literature ○ ○English-American Culture ○ ○

All All ○ Designated schools only

Matsuyama University (松山大学)

Economics Economics ○ ○

Business administration Business administration ○ ○ Document screening TOEFL or TOEIC is needed.Law Law ○ ○


(Kyushu and Okinawa)

Japan University of Economics (日本経済大学)Department of Economics ○Department of Commerce ○Department of Management Law ○Department of Health and Sports Management ○Department of Management ○Department of Global Business ○Department of Entertainment Produce ○


Kwassui Women's University (活水女子大学)

Music Music ○

Applicants for admission to MusicPerformance and Expression Courseare required to submit a recording ofthe assignment (CD).

Nutritional Health ○ ○ ○ ○ 2 subjectsDesign and Science for Human Life ○ 1Child Development and Education ○ TOEFL or TOEICEnglish ○ TOEFL, TOEIC, or IELTS is needed.Japanese Culture ○


Nagasaki International University (長崎国際大学)

International Tourism ○

Social Work ○


Science and Engineering

Health and Welfare

Human and Social Studies


Wellness Studies

Writing, interview

Human Life Sciences


written examination,interview,document review.

Faculty of Economics

International Cultural Studies

Examinees scored JAFL 200 aboveor passed the level N2 of JLPT areexempt from writing an essay.(writing is required for transferadmission)

Faculty of Management

Admission's Office+81-120-60-8100gogo[@]tks.bunri-u.ac.jp

International Center+81-956-20-5677kokusai[@]niu.ac.jp

International Student Exchange Center+81-95-820-6024intersec[@]kwassui.ac.jp

Admission Office+81-92-922-5131kyomuka[@]fk.jue.ac.jp

International Affairs Office+81-89-926-7148mu-kokusai[@]matsuyama-u.jp


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in outside of JapanJW MT

Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (立命館アジア太平洋大学)

Asia Pacific Studies Asia Pacific Studies ○ ○ 1

International Management International Management ○ ○ 1

select 1 subject or more http://admissions.apu.ac.jp/ 

Okinawa University  (沖縄大学)

Law and Economics Law and Economics ○International Communication ○Social Work ○


Okinawa International University (沖縄国際大学)

Law Law, Regional Administration ○

Economics and EnvironmentalPolicy

Economics, Regional Economics and EnvironmentalPolicy

Industry and Information ScienceBusiness Administration, Industry and InformationScience

Global and Regional CultureJapanese Language and Culture, British andAmerican Language and Culture, Society andRegional Culture, Human Welfare




Admissions Office+81-98-893-8945entchr[@]okiu.ac.jp

Admissions are determined on thebasis of internet interview.

Admissions Office (International)+81-977-78-1119welcome[@]apu.ac.jp


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in outside of JapanJW MT

<Junior college>


(Hokkaido and Tohoku region)

Tohoku Bunkyo Junior College (東北文教大学短期大学部)

Human Welfare ○

(Kanto region)

Kokugakuin Tochigi Junior College (國學院大學栃木短期大学)

○ Writing, interviewdesignated schools in Republic of Korea only

Teikyo University Junior College (帝京大学短期大学)

Human Cultures ○

Contemporary Business ○


Yamano College of Aesthetics  (山野美容芸術短期大学)

○ ○ Japanese

(Kinki region)

Shiga Junior College  (滋賀短期大学)


business communication ○ If an applicant lives overseas, a hearing will be held for the intermediary who introduces her/him to the examination. Applicant's Japanese language ability may be confirmed by phone.

Otemae College (大手前短期大学)

○ InterviewLocal interview and writing will berequired in Myanmar,China(shanghai) and Vietnam.

International Exchange Center+81-798-32-5018kokusaic[@]otemae.ac.jp


(Chugoku and Shikoku region)

Tokushima Bunri University Junior College  (徳島文理大学短期大学部)

○ ○○ ○○ ○○ ○○ ○○ ○○

(Kyushu and Okinawa)

Nishikyusyu University Junior College (西九州大学短期大学部)

○Admission Division+81-952-37-9616nyusi-jc[@]nisikyu-u.ac.jp


An interview on theSkype(Designatedschools only)

Liberal Arts

Japanese Culture

Life Science-Food ScienceLife Science-Life Science


Language and CommunicationCommerce

The General Department of Aesthetics

Early childhood care and educationLiving Science


Child Care

Life Design


Local Life Support Sciences

Admissions and Public RelationsCenter+81-23-688-2296go[@]t-bunkyo.ac.jp

Admission's Office+81-120-60-2455gogo[@]tokushima.bunri-u.ac.jp

General Affairs Group AdmissionCommittee+81-42-678-3317t-nyushi[@]main.teikyo-u.ac.jp

Local interview will be required inKorea or Taiwan.

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in outside of JapanJW MT

Nagasaki Junior College  (長崎短期大学)

○Admissions Division+81-956-47-5566nyushi[@]njc.ac.jp


<Graduate school>


(Hokkaido and Tohoku region)

Aomori Chuo Gakuin University (青森中央学院大学)

Regional Management ○Both Interview andwriting

International Exchange Division+81-17-728-0131international[@]aomoricgu.ac.jp

Local Interview and writing exam will be required in Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam and Malaysia.

(Kanto region)

Keio University (慶應義塾大学)

Graduate School of Law ○三田学生部大学院入試担当+81-3-5427-1713grad-admission[@]adst.keio.ac.jp


(Chubu region)

Graduate Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies (事業創造大学院大学)

Graduate course ofEntrepreneurship

entrepreneurship ○interview, documentsand writing

Admissions Office+81-25-255-1250info[@]jigyo.ac.jp


Niigata University of Health and Welfare (新潟医療福祉大学)

Graduate School of Health andWelfare

○ Essay and interviewInternational Center+81-25-257-4500kokusai[@]nuhw.ac.jp


(Kinki region)

Otemae University Graduate School (大手前大学)

Graduate School of ComparativeCulture

○International Exchange Center+81-798-32-5018kokusaic[@]otemae.ac.jp


(Chugoku and Shikoku region)

Hiroshima University of Economics (広島経済大学)

Center for International EducationExchange+81-82-871-1002int-sc[@]hue.ac.jp

At the time of admission procedure, you need a guarantor, an emergency contact persons who live in / out of Japan. Master's Program: bachelor thesis, Doctor's Program: master thesis http://www.hue.ac.jp/exam/ot_inter/index.html 

Economics Master's Program, Doctor's Program

Global Communication, Food, Childcare

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in outside of JapanJW MT

<Professional training college>


(Hokkaido and Tohoku region)

Sapporo Broadcasting and Music Dance College (札幌放送芸術&ミュージック・ダンス専門学校)

○ interviewJikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


Sapporo School of Anime (札幌アニメ・声優専門学校)

○ interviewJikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


Sendai College of Medical Health, Sports and Child care (仙台医健・スポーツ&こども専門学校)

○ interviewJikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


Sendai College of ECO and Animals (仙台ECO動物海洋専門学校)

○Both Interview andwriting

Jikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


Sendai School Of Café Patissier And Culinary Arts (仙台カフェ・パティシエ調理専門学校)

○ interviewJikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


Sendai College of Music & Dance (仙台スクールオブミュージック&ダンス専門学校)

○ Essay and InterviewJikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


Sendai College of Design and Technology  (仙台デザイン&テクノロジー専門学校)

○ Essay and InterviewJikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


Sports science / Judo therapist / Physical therapy / Orthotic exercise /Childcare

Digital Technology / Creative Design / General Entertainment

Animal, Pet / Ocean, ECO

Creative Communication

Performing Arts / Broadcasting Arts Music / Music Business

Music Communication(2Year),Music Communication(3 Year)

Café・patissier / Chef

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in outside of JapanJW MT

(Kanto region)

Shuto IKO (首都医校)

Clinical MedicalEmergency Life-Saving / Clinical Engineering /Clinical Engineering Technologist

Nursing CareAdvanced Diploma of Nursing Care / High Nursingand Health Care / Practical Nursing Ⅰ / PracticalNursing Ⅱ/ Midwifery

Dentistry Medical Dental Health ○

RehabilitationPhysical Therapy / Occupational therapy / Speech-Language-Hearing Therapy

Oriental Medicine Acupuncture / Judo Therapy ○

Health and Sports Sports Trainer/ Athletic Trainer ○

Welfare Mental Health Welfare / Social Welfare ○


ESP College of Entertainment, Tokyo (専門学校ESPエンタテインメント東京)

○ Writing and Interview Online entrance exam.International Community Center (ICC)+81-3-3368-9123ryugaku[@]esp.ac.jp


Tokyo Announce Gakuin Performing Arts College (専門学校東京アナウンス学院)



Tokyo Cool Japan College (専門学校東京クールジャパン)


Tokyo Designer Gakuin College (専門学校東京デザイナー学院)


Product Design ○

Interior Design ○

Architectural Design ○

Fashion Design ○

Make-Up Design ○http://www.tdg.ac.jp 

Tokyo Visual Arts College (専門学校東京ビジュアルアーツ)


Performing Arts ○○


Music Artist, Music Entertainment Staff, Music Instrument Technician 2 yearsMusic Instrument Technician 3 years, Acting(Voice Acting / Film)

Broadcasting Voice Actor Department

Special effects Make-up Department

Visual CommunicationGeneral Music

Announcing Department

Variety Show DepartmentActing Performance Department

Dance&Performing Art Department

writing, essay andinterview

interviewInternational Student Center+81-3-3292-0661sol[@]tdg.ac.jp

Visual Image DesignIllustrationManga

Publication and Entertainment

Game Department

Animation Department

Graphic Design

Photography Department

Local exam will be required inRepublic of Korea, Taiwan, China andHong Kong.

Dance Department

Admissions Office+81-3-3401-9701info[@]cooljapan.ac.jp


Document selection、Interview,JLPTN2 or EJU more than 200 needed


Admissions Office+81-3-3346-3000nyugaku[@]shuto.iko.ac.jp

Toho Gakuen Admission Office,Students Recruitment Center+81-3-3378-7531kimusan[@]tohogakuen.ac.jp

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in outside of JapanJW MT

Musicians Institute Tokyo (専門学校ミュージシャンズ・インスティテュート東京)

○ Writing and Interview Online entrance exam.International Community Center (ICC)+81-3-3368-9123ryugaku[@]esp.ac.jp


Tokyo College of Anime (東京アニメ・声優&eスポーツ専門学校)

○ interviewJikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


Tokyo Institute of Tourism (東京観光専門学校)


Travel ○

Railway Service ○

Airline Service ○○○○


Tokyo Communication Arts College (東京コミュニケーションアート専門学校)

○Both Interview andwriting

Jikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


Tokyo School of Business (東京スクール・オブ・ビジネス)

○Both Interview andwriting



Tokyo School of Music and Dance (東京スクールオブミュージック&ダンス専門学校)

○ interviewJikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


Tokyo School of Music, Shibuya Campus (東京スクールオブミュージック専門学校渋谷)

○ interviewJikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


Tokyo College of Dance and Acting (東京ダンス&アクターズ専門学校)

○ interviewJikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


Tokyo Design Academy (東京デザイン専門学校)

○Both Interview andwriting

Admission consultation section+81-3-3497-0701t-design[@]tda.ac.jp


Tokyo Design Technology Center College (東京デザインテクノロジーセンター専門学校)

○ interviewJikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


Performing arts / Music Technology / Super e-Entertainment

Performing arts / Anime general production

Dance&Actors / Super Dance

Super IT / IT. Design

Creative design / e-Entertainment (creative) / Super creator / Car design / Ecocommunication

Visual Design

Pro Musician / Music Technology / Dance&Actors / Super e-Entertainment

Music Artist

Café ServiceFuneral DirectorTourism Business


All subjects



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in outside of JapanJW MT

Tokyo Film Center College of Arts (東京映画・俳優&放送芸術専門学校)

○ interviewJikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


Tokyo Mode Gakuen (東京モード学園)

○Admissions Office+81-3-3344-6000nyugaku.tokyo[@]mode.ac.jp


Toho Gakuen Media Training College (東放学園専門学校)



Toho Gakuen Film Techniques Training College (東放学園映画専門学校)



Toho Gakuen Sound Technology College (東放学園音響専門学校)


Hal Tokyo College of Technology & Design  (HAL東京)

○Admissions Office+81-3-3344-1010nyugaku.tokyo[@]hal.ac.jp


College of Business and Communication (外語ビジネス専門学校)

○ interview

We visit Korea, Taiwan, and Thailandfor giving interviews. For othercountries, we give interviews on theinternet.

○Both interview andwriting

We visit Korea, Taiwan, and Thailandfor giving the examination.


(Chubu region)

Nagoya College of Medical Health and Sports (名古屋医健スポーツ専門学校)

○Both interview andwriting

Jikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


Acoustic Media Department

Advanced Studies in Japanese

TV Art Design DepartmentBroadcasting Acoustic Technology Department

Broadcasting Arts / Movie Production / Movie Actor

Fashion Design Advanced Diploma / Mode Basic / Fashion Design / FashionTechnique / Fashion Business / Stylist / Interior / Graphic / Make-Up & Nail /Hair-Make Artist / Hair-Stylist&Colorist

Business Japanese

Broadcasting Arts Department

writing, essay andinterview

Sports science / Judo Therapist / Acupuncture&Moxibustion / Physical therapist/ Occupational therapist / Dental hygienist / Childcare

Promotion Movie DepartmentAnimated Image DepartmentCreative Writing Department

Acoustic Technology Department

Film Production Department

Broadcasting Engineering DepartmentEvent Lighting Department

Daytime Course [4year] Game Development / Game Planning / Game Design /CG Images /Graphic Design / Anime & Illustration / Music / Car Design /Advanced Information Processing / WEB DevelopmentDaytime Course [2year] Game / CG / Music / Information Processing /WEBDaytime Course [1year] License Acquisition

Toho Gakuen Admission Office,Students Recruitment Center+81-3-3378-7531kimusan[@]tohogakuen.ac.jp

Local exam will be required inRepublic of Korea, Taiwan, China andHong Kong.

Toho Gakuen Admission Office,Students Recruitment Center+81-3-3378-7531kimusan[@]tohogakuen.ac.jp

Local exam will be required inRepublic of Korea, Taiwan, China andHong Kong.

Toho Gakuen Admission Office,Students Recruitment Center+81-3-3378-7531kimusan[@]tohogakuen.ac.jp

Local exam will be required inRepublic of Korea, Taiwan, China andHong Kong.

Advanced Studies In JapaneseBusiness Japanese+81-44-244-3200jpn[@]cbc.ac.jp

writing, essay andinterview

writing, essay andinterview

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RemarksFaculty Course



in outside of JapanJW MT

Nagoya Isen (名古屋医専)

Clinical Medical Emergency Life-Saving / Clinical Engineering ○

Nursing Care

Advanced Diploma of Nursing Care / High Nursingand Health Care / Practical Nursing Ⅰ/ PracticalNursing Ⅱ/ Practical Nursing / Health Sciences /Midwifery

Dentistry Medical Dental Health ○

RehabilitationPhysical Therapy / Occupational therapy / Speech-Language-Hearing Therapy / Vision Training

Oriental Medicine Acupuncture / Judo Therapy ○

Medical Information Health Information Management ○

Welfare Social Welfare / Mental Health Welfare ○https://www.isen.ac.jp/nagoya

Nagoya College of ECO and Animals (名古屋ECO動物海洋専門学校)

○ Essay and InterviewJikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


Nagoya College of Café,Patissier and Culinary Arts (名古屋カフェ・パティシエ&調理専門学校)

○ interviewJikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


Nagoya School of Music and Dance (名古屋スクールオブミュージック&ダンス専門学校)

○ interviewJikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


Nagoya College of Design and Technology (名古屋デザイン&テクノロジー専門学校)

○Both interview andwriting

Jikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


Nagoya Mode Gakuen (名古屋モード学園)

○Admissions Office+81-52-582-0001nyugaku.nagoya[@]mode.ac.jp


Hal Nagoya College of Technology & Design (HAL名古屋)

○Admissions Office+81-52-551-1001nyugaku.nagoya[@]hal.ac.jp


(Kinki region)  

Kyoto College of Medical Health (京都医健専門学校)



Judo therapistAcupuncture&Moxibustion

Sports science

Total Beauty

Chef / Café・Patissier / Food Management

Super Game Creator, Game Creator, Digital Media, Manga, Design

Fashion Design Advanced Diploma / Mode Basic / Fashion Design / FashionTechnique / Fashion Business / Stylist / Interior / Graphic / Make-Up & Nail /Hair-Make Artist / Hair-Stylist&Colorist

Daytime Course [4year] Game Development / Game Production / Game Design /CG Movie Animation / Graphic Design / Anime Illustration / Music /Car Design/Advanced Robotics Development /Advanced Information Processing / WEBDaytime Course [2year] Game / CG / Music/ Information Processing / WEBDaytime Course [1year] License Acquisition

Pro-Musician / Dance&Actors / Commercial music / Music technology


Admissions Office+81-52-582-3000nyugaku.nagoya[@]iko.ac.jp

Jikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp

Physical therapyOccupational therapyOrthotic

Both Interview andwriting

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P C B RemarksReference Inquiry

JFLScience Selection of subjects

RemarksFaculty Course



in outside of JapanJW MT

Ueda College of Fashion (上田安子服飾専門学校)


Fashion Business ○○○○


Osaka College of Animation and e-Sports (大阪アニメ・声優&eスポーツ専門学校)

○ interviewJikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


Osaka Isen (大阪医専)

Clinical Medical Emergency Life-Saving / Clinical Engineering ○

Nursing CareAdvanced Diploma of Nursing Care / High Nursingand Health Care / Practical Nursing

RehabilitationPhysical Therapy / Occupational therapy / Speech-Language-Hearing Therapy / Vision Training

Oriental Medicine Acupuncture / Judo Therapy ○

Health and Sports Sports Trainer/ Athletic Trainer ○

Welfare Nursing Care Welfare / Mental Health Welfare ○https://www.isen.ac.jp/osaka

Osaka College of Eco and Animals (大阪ECO動物海洋専門学校)

○ interviewJikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


Osaka College of Culinary Arts (Application for Authorization) (大阪キャリナリー製菓調理専門学校)

○ interviewJikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


Oca Osaka College of Design and It (OCA大阪デザイン&It専門学校)

○ interviewJikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


Osaka School of Music (大阪スクールオブミュージック専門学校)

○ interviewJikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


Osaka College of Dance and Acting (大阪ダンス&アクターズ専門学校)

○ interviewJikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


Osaka Mode Gakuen  (大阪モード学園)

○Admissions Office+81-6-6345-2222nyugaku.osaka[@]mode.ac.jp


Fashion Creator Advance

College music / Pro-musician / Music Business / Super e- Entertainment

An interview on the Skype or others.Admission Office+81-6-6371-1661udminfo[@]uedagakuen.ac.jp

Fashion Creator

Dance & Actors / Super Dance

Confectionery Bread making / General café / Licensed cook / Hotel andRestaurant resort / Food and Management

Creator / Game・CG creator / IT Super Game / e・Sport / EntertainmentContents

Fashion Zakka Design

Styling Photo

Top Creator

Voice acting / Creative design / Super digital creator

Fashion Produce

Fashion Craft Design

Amimal Advanced Medical / Zoo・Aquarium / Pet Business / Animal and MarineAnima / Veterinary carrel

Fashion Design Advanced Diploma / Mode Basic / Fashion Design / FashionTechnique / Fashion Business / Stylist / Interior / Graphic / Make-Up & Nail /Hair-Make Artist / Hair-Stylist&Colorist

Admissions Office+81-6-6452-0110nyugaku.osaka[@]iko.ac.jp


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P C B RemarksReference Inquiry

JFLScience Selection of subjects

RemarksFaculty Course



in outside of JapanJW MT

Kansai College of Business and Languages (関西外語専門学校)

Asian Languages Business ○

Applied Japanese ○http://www.tg-group.ac.jp/kansaigaigo/kg/n_annai/02.html#ryugaku_b

Osaka Integrated Resort & Wedding, Hotel College (大阪IRウェディング&ホテル・観光専門学校)

○ interviewJikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


Syusei Technical College (修成建設専門学校)

Architecture CG design ○

Space design ○

Civil engineering ○○

Living Environment Renovation ○https://www.syusei.ac.jp/foreign/check/private.html 

ESP College of Entertainment, Osaka (専門学校ESPエンタテインメント大阪)

○ Writing and Interview Online entrance exam.International Community Center (ICC)+81-6-6373-2888ryugaku_osaka[@]esp.ac.jp


Hal Osaka College of Technology & Design (HAL大阪)

○Admissions Office+81-6-6347-0001nyugaku.osaka[@]hal.ac.jp


Broadcasting Arts College (放送芸術学院専門学校)

○ interviewJikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


Kobe・Koyo School of Music and Dance (神戸・甲陽音楽&ダンス専門学校)

Dance&Actors ○

Professional Musician ○

Music Creator ○

Commercial Music ○http://www.jikei.asia/com/en/index.html  

(Kyushu and Okinawa)

Aso Medical And Welfare Fukuoka College (麻生医療福祉専門学校 福岡校)


Local interview and writing test will be required in Indonesia and Thailand.


Jikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp

Both Interview andwriting

Music Artist ,Voice Acting ,Music Entertainment Staff

Daytime Course [4year] Game Development / Game Planning / Game Design /CG Movie Animation /Graphic Design / Anime Illustration / Music / Car Design /Advanced Robotics Development / Advanced Information Processing / WEBDaytime Course [2year] Game / CG / Music/ Information Processing / WEBDaytime Course [1year] License Acquisition

Super media creator / Media create / Entertainer

Childcare EducationSocial Welfare

English International Business

General bridal department / IR・Hotel&resort / IR・MICE Management / Airline


Garden design

Medical Secretarial Major

Welfare Care

Health Information Manager

Social Worker Training Correspondence Course

Student Service BureauStudent Administration Affairs+81-6-6474-1644

Admissions Office+81-6-6623-1851kansaigaigo[@]tg-group.ac.jp


Welfare & PsychologyInterview and writing

Both Interview andwriting

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P C B RemarksReference Inquiry

JFLScience Selection of subjects

RemarksFaculty Course



in outside of JapanJW MT

Aso Foreign language Tourism & Patissier College (麻生外語観光&製菓専門学校)


Local interview and writing test will be required in Indonesia and Thailand.

Aso Architecture And Design College (麻生建築&デザイン専門学校)


Local interview and writing test will be required in Indonesia and Thailand.

Aso Business Computer Fukuoka College (麻生情報ビジネス専門学校)


Local interview and writing test will be required in Indonesia and Thailand.

Aso Business Computer Kitakyushu College (麻生情報ビジネス専門学校 北九州校)



Aso Pop Culture College (ASOポップカルチャー専門学校)


Local interview and writing test will be required in Indonesia and Thailand.

Aso Beauty College (専修学校 麻生ビューティーカレッジ)

○ Interview and writing+81-92-415-2024ryugaku[@]asojuku.ac.jp

Aso Medical Welfare And Tourism College (専門学校 麻生医療福祉&観光カレッジ)

Welfare Care ○

Airline ○

Hotel & Bridal ○


Aso College Of Automotive Engineering And Technology (専門学校 麻生工科自動車大学校)



Tourism Department


Architectural Engineering Department

Computer Science & EngineeringAdvanced Information Systems

Computer & Business

Architecture Department

Management & Business

Information Systems

Hotel Resort DepartmentAirline DepartmentAirport Department


Patissier Department

Interior Design DepartmentCreative Design Department




Interview and writing

Interview and writingComputer Aided Architectural Design Department

Business ExpertInterview and writing

1st Grade Auto Mechanic Course

English Communication Department

System EngineerComputer SystemsGame DevelopmentOffice BusinessComputer Graphic Design

Beautician Studies

2nd Grade Auto Mechanic CourseAutomotive Engineering, Mechanical Design Course

International Business Department

Bridal & Wedding Department

Medical Secretarial Specialist

International Center+81-92-415-2024ryugaku[@]asojuku.ac.jp

Interview and writing+81-93-533-1133info-kitakyu[@]asojuku.ac.jp

Interview and writing+81-93-882-0001info-kitakyu[@]asojuku.ac.jp


Interview and writing

Interview and writing

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P C B RemarksReference Inquiry

JFLScience Selection of subjects

RemarksFaculty Course



in outside of JapanJW MT

ESP College of Entertainment Fukuoka (専門学校ESPエンタテインメント福岡)


Fukuoka College of Medical Health and Sports (福岡医健・スポーツ専門学校)

○ interviewJikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


Fukuoka College of ECO and Animals (福岡ECO動物海洋専門学校)

○ interviewJikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


Fukuoka College of Culinary Arts (福岡キャリナリー製菓調理専門学校)

○Both Interview andwriting

Jikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


Fukuoka School of Music and Dance (福岡スクールオブミュージック&ダンス専門学校)

○ interviewJikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


Fukuoka College of Design and Technology (福岡デザイン&テクノロジー専門学校)

○ interviewJikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


Fukuoka Integrated Resort & Wedding, Hotel College (福岡IR&ブライダル・ホテル観光専門学校)

○ interviewJikei Com International Center+81-3-5679-5644jcic[@]jikeicom.jp


ICC (International Community Center)+81-3-3368-9123ryugaku[@]esp.ac.jp

Airline / IR・Hotel&resort / General Bridal

Dental hygienist / Physical therapy / Occupational therapy / Judo therapist /Acupuncture&Moxibustion / Emergency medical officer / Pharmaceutical /Nurse/ Sports science / Medical information manager

Eco Communication (2 years) / Eco Communication (3 years)

Confectionery&Breadmaking / Chef / General café

Creative Design / Super Creator

Pro-Musician / Dance&Actors / Commercial music / Music Produce

Applicants from abroad will berequired to take an online exam andinterview.

writing and Interview

Music Artists

Voice Acting

Music Entertainment Staff

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