SCHOOL NAME: St. Raphael Catholic School PRINCIPAL: Anna Aurora Carino SUPERINTENDENT: Douglas Yack TRUSTEE: Mary Cicogna SCHOOL ADDRESS: 3 Gade Dr , Toronto ON , M3M 2K2 STUDENT ENROLMENT: 596

SCHOOL NAME: St. Raphael Catholic School Anna Aurora Carino · Empowered Student Partnership (ESP) questionaire and resources Ministry: School Climate surveys CPCO-Your School surveys

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SCHOOL NAME: St. Raphael Catholic School PRINCIPAL: Anna Aurora Carino

SUPERINTENDENT: Douglas Yack TRUSTEE: Mary Cicogna

SCHOOL ADDRESS: 3 Gade Dr , Toronto ON , M3M 2K2


School Learning PlanSt. Raphael Catholic School

2007 - 2008

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School Learning PlanSt. Raphael Catholic School

2007 - 2008

2008-06-18 Page 3 of 23

Provide oportunities for students to assist people in need and spread gospel values by actively participating in charitable projects, activities and fundraisers.

Ongoing Teacher, Vice Principal, Principal

Community Resources Ongoing Students will participate in a variety of charitable projects; ie.) Thanksgiving Mini Food Drive, Christmas Food Drive, Christmas Mittens Drive, Terry Fox, Angel Foundation, Adopt a child Bake Sale, Me to We, Jump Rope for Heart, Hoops for Heart, Teacher's Dress Down funds for a charitable organization to be determined (St. Philip Neri Catholic Church, etc)

Term 1 Teacher, Vice Principal, Principal

Community Resources Completed Community Advent Mass will be celebrated to bring school, home, and parish together as a community of believers.

Support and maintain an active and on-going relationship between the school community and the parish priest.

Ongoing Teacher, Vice Principal, Principal

Community Resources In progress Paraliturgies and liturgies are celebrated once a month at the school with all students K to 8 with our pastor.

Providing/updating/renewing Religion/Family Life resources for all grade levels.

Academic Year Teacher, Vice Principal, Principal

Board-wide resources In progress Religious Education teacher and student texts, Family Life teacher and student texts, accompanying music for each program

Division JK - 8

Strategy Divisional Consideration Timeline Responsibility Resource Status Evidence of Improvement

Goal Faith Development

To create and celebrate Catholic Community where all proclaim the Good News of the Gospel and where Catholic beliefs are modelled and integrated into the whole learning experience.

Priority Nurturing Our Catholic Community

School Learning PlanSt. Raphael Catholic School

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To establish a SSAT-Safe School Advisory Team to support the development of a Bully Prevention Plan.

Term 2 Principal School resources Complete -a SSAT established -Bully Prevention School Plan

To develop a Progressive Discipline Plan for the school as part of the School's Code of Conduct.

Term 2 All staff CSAC Input

School resources Ongoing -a Progressive Discipline Plan developed by the entire staff and with CSAC input.

MOE In-service on Bullying for teachers

One representative from each division and specialist and staff

Term 2 Teacher, Vice Principal, Principal

MOE Complete -clearer understanding of terms -clearer articulation -improved responses to incidents

To implement the use of Bully Prevention Programs to educate students on conflict mediation and bully awareness and prevention.

-Second Step Program for Primary Students -Steps to Respect for Junior and Intermediate students -I Care for JK/SK -ROE for Juniors Shaping Safer Schools-A Bully Prevention Action Plan -CPCO survey for Intermediates

Term 2 Teacher, Principal and CYW School resources In progress -programs are being used through all grade levels

Note: The principal will report to the school community on the effectiveness of each strategy at the end of the year how the plan worked based on the evidence of improvements.

Gap Analysis

Undertake a needs assessment/gap analysis of current school climate and generate school action planComplete the implementation chart

Undertake a needs assessment/gap analysis of current school climate and generate school action planDevelop a Gap Analysis by analyzing the data collected from Step one and create an action plan for each goal/need.

Undertake a needs assessment/gap analysis of current school climate and generate school action planAssess the school climate by using: Bullying Awareness and Prevention Template Empowered Student Partnership (ESP) questionaire and resources Ministry: School Climate surveys CPCO-Your School surveys Safe Schools Action Team Resource Binder

Division JK - 12

Identified Goal/Need Divisional Consideration Timeline Responsibility Resource Status Evidence of Improvement

Goal Safe, Inclusive and Healthy Learning Environment

To enhance the quality of the working and learning experience through improving schools and workplaces so that they contribute to positive healthy and respectful relationships.

Priority Nurturing Our Catholic Community

School Learning PlanSt. Raphael Catholic School

2007 - 2008

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To increase, expand, broaden vocabulary. Students will learn to adopt new expressions in daily work.

Academic Year Teacher, Vice Principal, Principal

Classroom / school resources

Action to be taken An improvement in the student use of oral and written language. An increase in the variety of vocabulary used in writing.Students are to make connections using the vocabulary in their daily lives.

Charts Running Records-Number of Students-20062007-Term 3 (Feb. 15 to June 1)

At the end of Term 3 June/07, the following number of students in the Primary Division, were reading below the instructional level.JK- 10 students are at levelSK 16 students are at levelGrade 1 0 students below instructional levels but 6 students were only at the beginning of the grade level.Grade 2 3 students were below instructional level and 5 students are at the beginning of the grade level.Grade 3 4 students are below instructional level and 3 students are at the beginning of the grade level.

Gap Analysis:

Division Primary (JK - 3)

Strategy Divisional Consideration Timeline Responsibility Resource Status Evidence of Improvement

Goal Literacy

To improve the overall level of students' literacy skills by enhancing their reading and writing proficiency through an interdisciplinary approach.

Priority Improving Student Learning and Achievement

School Learning PlanSt. Raphael Catholic School

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By using assessment measures to determine primary student reading levels (ie. running records) in Term 1, the school will identify the number of primary students who are reading below the instructional level and then provide early intervention (ie. 5th block and primary remedial classes) to help these students improve their level of achievement

Academic Year Teacher, Vice Principal, Principal

Board-wide resources In progress When comparing running record data from Term 1 and Term 3, there will be a noticeable decrease in the percentage of primary students who are reading below the instuctional level.

Charts Running Records-Number of Students-20062007-Term 3 (Feb. 15 to June 1)

At the end of Term 3 June/07, the following number of students in the Primary Division, were reading below the instructional level.JK- 10 students are at levelSK 16 students are at levelGrade 1 0 students below instructional levels but 6 students were only at the beginning of the grade level.Grade 2 3 students were below instructional level and 5 students are at the beginning of the grade level.Grade 3 4 students are below instructional level and 3 students are at the beginning of the grade level.

Gap Analysis:

Division Primary (JK - 3)

Strategy Divisional Consideration Timeline Responsibility Resource Status Evidence of Improvement

Goal Literacy

To improve the overall level of students' literacy skills by enhancing their reading and writing proficiency through an interdisciplinary approach.

Priority Improving Student Learning and Achievement

School Learning PlanSt. Raphael Catholic School

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Purchase a common Grammar and Writing Conventions Program K-8 which provides a unified approach to improving writing skills throughout all the grades. The Nelson Communicating Skills program was purchased for Gr. 1 to 3 classes

Academic Year Teacher, Vice Principal, Principal

Classroom / school resources

In progress An improvement in student understanding and achievement in grammar and writing skills as indicated by various data including school assessment and evaluation results, CAT3 and EQAO scores

Charts Running Records-Number of Students-20062007-Term 3 (Feb. 15 to June 1)

At the end of Term 3 June/07, the following number of students in the Primary Division, were reading below the instructional level.JK- 10 students are at levelSK 16 students are at levelGrade 1 0 students below instructional levels but 6 students were only at the beginning of the grade level.Grade 2 3 students were below instructional level and 5 students are at the beginning of the grade level.Grade 3 4 students are below instructional level and 3 students are at the beginning of the grade level.

Gap Analysis:

Division Primary (JK - 3)

Strategy Divisional Consideration Timeline Responsibility Resource Status Evidence of Improvement

Goal Literacy

To improve the overall level of students' literacy skills by enhancing their reading and writing proficiency through an interdisciplinary approach.

Priority Improving Student Learning and Achievement

School Learning PlanSt. Raphael Catholic School

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EQAO-Writing-Trend-Grade 6-All Students

Most students had more problems with open responses than multiple-choice questions.They had a great deal of difficulty with questions that asked the students to provide evidence from the text.Only 18% of the boys like to write compared to 45% of the girlsOnly 34% of the students use the computer for writing activities.As Grade 3s these Grade 6s were stronger writiers.71% of the girls are in Level 3/4 while only 39% of the boys are in Level 3/4 of writing.

Gap Analysis:

EQAO-Reading-Trend-Grade 6-All Students

Students experienced difficulties in the following Language Expectations:3.2 Reading unfamiliar words2.3 Using text features to help reader1.5 Making inferences and interpreting text1.6 Expanding understanding1.8 responding to and evaluating texts

Gap Analysis:

Division Junior (4 - 6)

School Learning PlanSt. Raphael Catholic School

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Focus on Boys’ Literacy:- Purchase more materials aimed at boys, namely graphic novels, non-fiction, magazines, etc., - increasing opportunities for authentic reading and writing- increase exposure to computer technology to supplement reading and writing instruction- infuse more opportunities for the arts to be incorporated into daily instruction.

Academic Year Teacher, Vice Principal, Principal

Board-wide resources In progress Improved circulation in the school library (i.e., more boys accessing school library resources).

Teachers use guided practice (explicit teaching) of reading and writing strategies 1) explicit modelling 2) guided practice 3) and releasing of responsibility to the students. Students to showcase writing at school based Young Author's Conference during Education Week

Ongoing Teacher, Vice Principal, Principal

Classroom / school resources

In progress Students will successfully model the effective use of the strategies that good readers and writers use before during and after reading and writing.

Charts CAT3-National Percentile-20062007-Grade 5

Students need to be exposed to sentence structures, writing conventions and paragraph structures. In Language and Writing conventions students need help with sentence/phrases/clauses and their editing skills. They appear to have equal difficulty with fiction and non-fiction materials.

Gap Analysis:

Strategy Divisional Consideration Timeline Responsibility Resource Status Evidence of Improvement

School Learning PlanSt. Raphael Catholic School

2007 - 2008

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Mentorship of divisional teachers regarding implementation of shared reading and writing in both our local JLI program and our core classrooms

Academic Year Teacher, Vice Principal, Principal

JLI mentorJLI Lead TeacherLocal JLI teacherLanguage Arts coordinator and curriculum resource teacherBoard / secretariat sponsored inservicesLiteracy in the Middle Grades binderLiteracy for Learning Expert Panel ReportProfessional Reading resources in central storage

Action to be taken Increased (proper) use of shared reading and shared writing in junior division classrooms.

To build divisional capacity by developing consistency in assessment of student learning in literacy,

Academic Year Teacher, Vice Principal, Principal

Board-wide resources Ongoing A wide variety of assessment techniques will be used to address differentiated instructions.

Division Junior (4 - 6)

Strategy Divisional Consideration Timeline Responsibility Resource Status Evidence of Improvement

Goal Literacy

To improve the overall level of students' literacy skills by enhancing their reading and writing proficiency through an interdisciplinary approach.

Priority Improving Student Learning and Achievement

School Learning PlanSt. Raphael Catholic School

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Division Intermediate (7 - 8)

School Learning PlanSt. Raphael Catholic School

2007 - 2008

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EQAO-Reading-Trend-Grade 6-All Students

Students need help with the following Language Expectations:1.5 Making Inferences and interpreting texts3.2 Interconnected Skills1.6 Extending UnderstandingStudents had equal difficulty with multiple choice questions and open responses.

Gap Analysis:

CAT3-National Percentile-20062007-Grade 7

In Reading the students are having difficulty with poetry.In Language Arts the students have difficulty with vocabulary development especially words and phrases in context.

Gap Analysis:

School Learning PlanSt. Raphael Catholic School

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Establish and support programs such as a Young Author's Conference during Education Week which encourages Intermediate students to write for a variety of purposes and audiences.

Term 3 Teacher, Vice Principal, Principal

Classroom / school resources

Action to be taken Opportunity for students to develop and showcase their writing skills. Increased motivation for Intermediate students to write for a variety of purposes

To improve student's making inference skills and making connections strategies.

Academic Year Teacher, Vice Principal, Principal

Teacher resources Ongoing The division will use a common unit and assessment strategies to see if students were able to improve their making connection strategies.Teachers will use the RAD assessment to verify findings.

Identify Grade 7&8 students achieving below the Provincial Standards and provide a remedial program in literacy

Ongoing Teacher, Vice Principal, Principal

Board-wide resources In progress An improvement of student understanding and achievement as indicated by various data including school assessment and evaluation results, CAT3 and EQAO test scores.

Strategy Divisional Consideration Timeline Responsibility Resource Status Evidence of Improvement

School Learning PlanSt. Raphael Catholic School

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Goal Numeracy

To improve the overall level of students' Mathematical literacy skills through problem solving experiences that involve the application and communication of concepts in Mathematics.

School Learning PlanSt. Raphael Catholic School

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Division Primary (JK - 3)

School Learning PlanSt. Raphael Catholic School

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CAT3-National Percentile-20062007-Grade 2

Students need to work on Data Analysis and Probability.Most of the students are having problems with the subtraction of whole numbers.

Gap Analysis:

EQAO-Mathematics-20062007-Grade 3-All Students

There are more students in Level 3 compared to the Board and Province.We still have too many students in Level 2.

Gap Analysis:

School Learning PlanSt. Raphael Catholic School

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Academic Year Teacher, Vice Principal, Principal

School resources In progress The school purchased $600 worth of of board recommended Math Manipulatives for each grade in the primary division (Demonstaration Clocks, Coloured tiles, 3-D Geonmetric Figures, Dice, Pan Balance Scales, Pattern Blocks, Play Money, Transparent Mirrors, 3-D Fraction Sets, calculators.

Ensure that a variety of instructional approaches are being used in conjunction with appropriate resources such as manipulatives and technology

Ongoing Teacher, Vice Principal, Principal

Classroom / school resources

In progress Teachers are knowledgeable and articulate about the benefits of using manipulatives and technology to teach Math.

Ongoing Teacher, Vice Principal, Principal

Classroom / school resources

In progress All teachers are conversant with the revised curriculum and the new expectations

Ensure that the expectations of the revised Ontario Mathematics curriculum and the Nelson Math program which supports it are being properly implemented

Ongoing Teacher, Vice Principal, Principal

Professional Development In progress Consistent implementation of the new expectations by all teachers across the division.

Strategy Divisional Consideration Timeline Responsibility Resource Status Evidence of Improvement

School Learning PlanSt. Raphael Catholic School

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Division Junior (4 - 6)


EQAO-Mathematics-Trend-Grade 6-All Students

We have not maintained with last year's level.Our students did improve from were they were in Grade 3. They almost doubled the numberof students in Level 3/4.

Gap Analysis:

EQAO-Mathematics-20062007-Grade 6-All Students

Almost half of our students are at Level 2.

Gap Analysis:

School Learning PlanSt. Raphael Catholic School

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Ensure that the expectations of the revised Ontario Mathematics curriculum and the Nelson Math program which supports it are being properly implemented

Ongoing Teacher, Vice Principal, Principal

Classroom / school resources

In progress All teachers are conversant with the revised curriculum and the new expectations

Academic Year Teacher, Vice Principal, Principal

School resources In progress School purchased $600 worth of math manipulatives for each grade level in the Junior Division.

Ensure that variety of instructional approaches are being used in conjunction with appropriate resources such as manipulatives and technology

Ongoing Teacher, Vice Principal, Principal

Teaching and Learning Mathematics (2004) – Junior Math Strategy (JMS) pp. 25-30Manipulatives Kits provided by the CEC Math Department and In-Services

In progress Teachers are knowledgeable and articulate about the benefits of using manipulatives and technology to teach Math.

Charts CAT3-National Percentile-20062007-Grade 5

The students have very weak computation skills. They have a great deal of difficulty with multiplication and division of whole numbers. The students are also experiencing difficulty with decimal operations.About 60 % of the students have difficulty with number concepts and recognizing patterns.

Gap Analysis:

Strategy Divisional Consideration Timeline Responsibility Resource Status Evidence of Improvement

School Learning PlanSt. Raphael Catholic School

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Ensure that the expectations of the revised Ontario Mathematics curriculum and the Nelson Math program which supports it is being properly implemented

Ongoing Teacher, Vice Principal, Principal

Mathematics: The Ontario Curriculum Grades 1-8 (2005)Leading Math Success: Mathematical Literacy Grades 7-12 pp.76-78Targeted Implementation and Planning Supports – TIPS (2003) Checklist: Principal “Look Fors” in the Mathematics ClassroomChecklist: “Supporting the Six Math Principles”Curriculum Side-by-Side Comparisons at: www.ocup.org/resources/#compare CEC Math Resource Department

In progress All teachers are conversant with the revised curriculum and the new expectations

Charts CAT3-National Percentile-20062007-Grade 7

In Mathematics some of the students are experiencingh difficulty with measurement.Half of the students are finding the order of operations a difficult concept to understand.Many students also experience difficulty with concepts of decimal operations and estimation strateies.

Gap Analysis:

Division Intermediate (7 - 8)

Strategy Divisional Consideration Timeline Responsibility Resource Status Evidence of Improvement

Goal Numeracy

To improve the overall level of students' Mathematical literacy skills through problem solving experiences that involve the application and communication of concepts in Mathematics.

Priority Improving Student Learning and Achievement

School Learning PlanSt. Raphael Catholic School

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Academic Year Teacher, Vice Principal, Principal

School resources In progress School has purchased $600 worth of math manipulatives for each grade level in the Intermediate Division.

Ensure that variety of instructional approaches are being used in conjunction with appropriate resources such as manipulatives and technology

Ongoing Teacher, Vice Principal, Principal

Leading Math Success: Mathematical Literacy Grades 7-12 p.31; pp.47-50; and pp.57-58Targeted Implementation and Planning Supports – TIPS (2003) Manipulatives Kits provided by the CEC Math Department and In-Services

In progress Teachers know when it is appropriate to use manipulatives and technology and use them effectively; particularly with students at risk

Charts CAT3-National Percentile-20062007-Grade 7

In Mathematics some of the students are experiencingh difficulty with measurement.Half of the students are finding the order of operations a difficult concept to understand.Many students also experience difficulty with concepts of decimal operations and estimation strateies.

Gap Analysis:

Division Intermediate (7 - 8)

Strategy Divisional Consideration Timeline Responsibility Resource Status Evidence of Improvement

Goal Numeracy

To improve the overall level of students' Mathematical literacy skills through problem solving experiences that involve the application and communication of concepts in Mathematics.

Priority Improving Student Learning and Achievement

School Learning PlanSt. Raphael Catholic School

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Grade 8 teacher and principal will meet with parents of at-risk students to recommend high school courses and pathways that will improve chances for success.

Term 1 Student Success Teacher Board-wide resources In progress Intermediate High School Information Night presented to Gr.7 & 8 parents, by Madonna Secondary School- Success for All Teacher on Oct. 19th at St. Raphael School.

Division Intermediate (7 - 8)

Strategy Divisional Consideration Timeline Responsibility Resource Status Evidence of Improvement

Goal Success for All

To improve opportunities for all our students to achieve their desired destinations through a variety of programs, supports, assessment strategies and pathways (apprenticeship, college, community living, university and the workplace).

Priority Improving Student Learning and Achievement

School Learning PlanSt. Raphael Catholic School

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Promote and support a wide range of school initiatives that benefit student achievement and provide opportunities for staff to develop leadership skills.

Ongoing Teacher, Vice Principal, Principal

Board-wide resources In progress Teachers assume roles of responsibility for school programs and activities ie) Balanced Literacy Rep., Divisional Curriculum Reps, Junior Literacy Lead Teacher, Math Reps, Health Action Team, Religion Rep. Teachers attend in-services and act as a liaison between the board and the school in order to strengthen and build both the local and board-wide professional learning community.

Strategy Divisional Consideration Timeline Responsibility Resource Status Evidence of Improvement

Division JK - 8

Goal Empowering Catholic Leadership

To develop and support Catholic Educational Leaders who are energizing, caring, visionary, student-focused and collaborative role models in building a Catholic professional learning community.

Priority Building Capacity to Lead and Learn