School Life Italy

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Page 2: School Life Italy

60 60 yearyear……

In the 60 yearsthe primary school wascompulsory since five or sixyearsof age.The compulsory school formostof the ssendedwiththe primary course at 10 yearsold.Actually just in thatperiodthe reformcalledafter the ministerGentile whopromotedit, made itcompulsory toend the school with the thirdformof junior secondary school.

80 80 yearyear……

In the 80 years, the primary school wascompulsory since six.The compulsory schoolendedwiththe junior secondary school, at 14 yearsof ageand sswereallowed togo and enterthe world of work


Nowthe primary school iscompulsory since five or six yearsof age.The compulsory school can end after the second formof high secondary schoolat 16 yearsof age. In thiscase the teensare obligedtoprovide for themselvesfor anapprenticeshipuntillthe age of 18 .Actually the school shouldend after the graduationat the end of the fifthform of high secondary school.

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’60 sIn the ’60s only few boys could continue their studies at junior and high secondary school . Especially for those who lived in the villages and countryside there were social problems and the economic conditions were not at the best. The main subjects were: Italian (grammar and literature) Latin Mathematics; History;Catholic religion

’80 sIn the ’80s most of the teenagers could continue their studies. The guys who wanted to go to work left the school after the end of the eighth grade, while the students who wanted to continue studying went to high school getting the diploma or final qualification.The main subjects were: Italian; Mathematics; History; Geography; French / English; Catholic religion.

PresentIn the present the teenagers must continue their studies until the age of 16, but most of them continue the learning programme until 18 years old getting the diploma or final qualification.Most of the teens go to university.The main subjects are: Italian; Mathematics; History; Geography; English; French; Physical education; Science;Religion.

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CorporalCorporal punishmentspunishments ToTo makemake ssss kneelkneel on on

chickpeaschickpeas ToTo givegive caningcaning on the on the

handshands ToTo putput behind the self behind the self

standing standing blackboardblackboard

RemovingRemoving fromfrom classclass

StayingStaying after classafter class

TalkingTalking toto parentsparents

GivingGiving more more homeworkhomework


vv v









DisturbDisturb the the lessonlesson Bad Bad mannersmannersSkipping lessonsand homework


Since the seventies through the “decreti delegati” the students began to protest in a democratic manner through meetings and strikes, often there were arguments with

teachers but despite them no-one occurred to insult a teacher.

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’60s ’80s PresentIn the sixties our grandparents wore blackuniforms for boys and white for girls at primaryand secondary school.

In the ’80 years ourparents wore uniformonly at primary and junior school while at high secondary schoolstudents didn’t wear uniform.

At present children under fourteen usually wear blueuniform with white collars at the primary school. In the junior and high secondary school studentsdon’t wear uniform.

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’60s ’80s Present

The teacher commanded

Group work

Pair work


Pratical activities

Use of media

The teachers used a stick, Teachers elicited the studentsto use encyclopedia for

researches, to use videotapes

The students use tv to watch videos,

the computer, the Internet,facebook,,


’60s ’80s Present

The teacher commanded

Group work

Pair work


Pratical activities

Use of media

Teachers used a stick while teaching butit was often used

to beat sson their hands

to punish them ,

Teachers elicitedthe students,

better in groups,to use

encyclopediafor researches, to watch videos

as documentariesor films, read newspapers

The students useTv, cds and dvds,

computer, Internet,Facebook,

Lim, newspaper.

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’60s• The marking

system wasbased on numbers: 0 to 10

• The minimum mark forpassing the exams was 6.

• anni 60.jpg

’80s• The marking

system was basedon specificevaluation:

X Not sufficient Sufficient Good Very good Excellent

• The minimum mark for passingthe exams wassufficient.

• anni 80.jpg

Present•The markingsystem is againbased on numbers: 2 /10 •The minimum mark for passingthe exams is6/10 at primaryand junior school; 60/100 at high secondaryschool.

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Parents’ involvement in theirchildren’s school life


I n the ’60 yearsparents were

actually not veryinterested in the

school lif e of theirchildren.

’80sI n the ’80s parents were muchinvolved in the school lif e of

children even if they were verybusy with their work.

Since the seventies, in fact, theyhad conquered the “decreti delegat i 1974” . I t was a national ref ormtoallow representatives of parentsinto meeting with teachers and

vital decisions about school life, eg. choosing the text books.


At present time, parents are of tenseriously asked totake part into the

school lif e of children.

They are of ten alsothe stakeholders

that want the schoolto satisf y specifi c

social needs.

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I n order to graduate school:’60s ’80s Present

1. Whatexams didyou haveto take?

Studentshad to take examsat the end of the secondand the fif thgradeof primary schooland at the end of the third f ormof junior secondaryschool.

Studentshad to take examsat the end of the secondand fi f th gradeof primary school and third grade of junior secondaryschool.

Studentshave to take examsat the end of thirdgradeof secondaryschooland fi f th grade of high school

2. What subjects did you have to take?

The main schoolsubjectswere:, I talian(grammar and literature) latin, History Maths., and Science

The school subjectswere: History, I talian, Religion, Maths, Science, P.E. and English or French.

The school subjects are: History, I talian, Religion, Maths, P.E., English,/ French,, Geography, and Law, and Science.

3. What qualification did you get?

At the end of the primary school the student couldgo to work, but who wantendtocontinue studyng couldgo to high school and university.

At the end of the junior secondaryschool the student couldgo towork, but whowantendtocontinue went tohigh school and university.

We receive at the and ofthe secondf ormof , secondaryschool a certificate ofcompetences. Additionally, in vocational schools ss can achieve the qualification of the third grade. The offi cial qualification is at the and of secondary school at 18

4. What was the minimun mark for passing the exams?

the minimun mark f or passing the exams were 6/ 10

the minimun mark f or passing the exams at junior school was suffi cient, at high school 36/ 60

the minimun mark f or passing the exams is 60/ 100