1 Garden Fields School School Improvement Plan 2017-18 Happy, Caring and Inspiring

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Garden Fields School School Improvement Plan

2017-18 Happy, Caring and Inspiring


Garden Fields JMI School Vision Statement and Aims

January 2017 (Review January 2018)


Garden Fields School is a happy, inspiring and caring community which respects and values everyone, empowering lifelong learning.


Provide a safe environment where all children feel happy and confident and are challenged to make the most of their abilities

Develop individual personalities alongside respect and understanding of others Provide a positive atmosphere where each child can be encouraged to develop their potential

academically, physically, socially and emotionally Have fun and experience new, enriching, challenging, technological and stimulating opportunities from

the world around us. Develop and support creativity and problem solving skills through a variety of experiences Support every child to make progress through the curriculum and to have high expectations for their

achievements in each year they are within the school


Key Priorities 2017/18

Induct, train and fully integrate newly qualified teaching staff who have joined KS1

Develop the teaching of guided reading across the school

Developing a whole approach to the teaching of handwriting and spelling

Develop mathematical fluency and progression in calculation across the school

Ensuring consistent high quality provision for children with SEND, particularly in relation to those with SpLD

Developing assessment systems for the non-core subjects so that standards in these areas can be better evaluated

Develop better hardware provision for the teaching of Computing

Developing the daily mile across the school to improve children’s mental wellbeing and physical fitness

Ensure that the organisation of roles within the school is financially sustainable

Explore the creation of a multi academy trust with Sandringham School and other like-minded schools locally


Spring 2018

Marvellous maths week

Classroom observations/learning walks

Performance appraisal mid-year reviews

Maths moderation

2nd term assessments



SIP mid-year review

Parent Consultations

Summer 2018

Performance Appraisal Final Review



Multi-cultural story week

Residential trips

Parent and Pupil Surveys

Final teacher assessments

Transition meetings – pass on assessment details

NQT final assessments

Sports Days

Final reports

SDP Draft Timetable of Key

Activities 2017/2018

Autumn 2017 Safeguarding refresher INSET

Guided reading INSET

School Improvement Plan (SIP) intro

SEF update

Induction programme for NQTs begins

Performance appraisal - new Targets

Long term and medium term planning in place

IIPs set up

Take One Picture whole school art focus and writing stimulus

Classroom observation and learning walk

Reception Baseline

HfL Maths planning and maths fluency CPD

MAT working party and parents forum


Writing moderation

More able CPD

Assessment of Non-Core ideas

Assessment/Pupil progress meetings

Subject leader carousel

Anti-bullying (e-safety focus)

First term report and Parent Consultations

SIP review

Christmas performances


Leadership and Management Action Plan

Governing Body, Headteacher: Andrew Farrugia, Deputy Head: Michelle Cole, Assistant Head/INCo Ruth Palmer Phase Leaders: Lower (EYFS and Y1) – Sophie Lincoln, Middle Phase – Lucy Gleeson and Upper Phase - Adele Girdwood

Outcomes from 2017/18 Priorities

New Head appointed, DSPs refresher training undertaken, Governor induction and other relevant training initiated by new governors, new staff inducted and building snagging work completed. Highly positive safeguarding and health and safety audits carried out by HfL/County with highly


Priorities for 2017/18

Target Actions – What will I do? Lead Timescale Monitoring Success Criteria Review and Evaluation


Establish MAT with Sandringham School

Obtain views of stakeholders hold information sessions

Working party of govs / staff establish to drive

Establish Foundation Status in order to have control of leasehold

Develop terms of reference with Sandringham and other first phase participating schools

Andrew Farrugia

Views taken Autumn 17

Working party

established October 17


developed by March18

If agreed then

MAT joined summer term or

Sept 18

Governing Body Agreement of MAT philosophy and principles

An agreed structure established

Garden Fields plays a significant role in the strategic development of the MAT

Collaboration with other schools encourages creative thinking and initiatives that further develop the delivery of an outstanding education for our children

High quality induction and training for newly qualified teachers in KS1

Induction programmes run with selected teacher mentors

Induction programme run by Michelle Cole

NQT Induction training programme with Wroxham School

Michelle Cole All established Sept ’17 and

completed June 18

Senior Leadership Team

NQT Lessons all graded good or better

Teaching and Learning guidelines understood and followed

Expectations for pupil progress understood and met

6 Ensure that the organisation of roles within the school is financially sustainable

Talk with County representatives to look for funding streams to support with school growth over the next 4 years

Establish working Party

Ensure staffing structure meets the school’s priorities

Look for grants / bids to support more expensive budgetary outlays such as for ICT

Andrew Farrugia/Peter Jones

September 2017

October 2017

January 2018

February 2018

Governing Body School has a workable financial model, which moves towards carrying a contingency of between 3-5% whilst maintaining high standards both academically and in terms of pupil welfare


SEND and Inclusion Action Plan INCo: Ruth Palmer, EAL Lead: Lucy Gleeson, SpLD Lead: Su Kemp-Robertson, Higher Attaining Pupils: Talla Lee,

Pastoral Lead: Helen Robbins, Nurture Lead: Inger Howe

Outcomes from 2016/17 Priorities Comprehensive Map of Need and Support developed. Support programme developed and delivered. Outcomes of support within intervention show

progress over time for most pupils this was less so in Year 1 but many of these children now identified as having SpLD which will be a key focus for the 2017/18 plan. Pupils identified and baseline assessment completed. Greater evidence in books of strategies taught in intervention being used

independently. Pupil Voice has been gathered and acted upon in the development of learning passports. Staff are confident in teaching the support programmes and can measure impact effectively. Key staff have been booked on autism training and will disseminate to other staff.

Budget: £500

Priorities for 2017/18

Target Actions – What will I do? Lead Timescale Monitoring Success Criteria Review and Evaluation


Ensure that children with SpLD make the progress expected of them

Establish the ‘Nessy’ ICT system across the school to support children with SpLD

Ensure that classrooms are ‘Dyslexic Friendly’ and that that the needs of SpLD pupils are met across the school day and curriculum

Continue to develop the skills of existing staff and induct new staff in providing excellent provision for children with SpLD

Ruth Palmer/Su

Kemp Robertson

Set up September 2017 for an end of Sept/early October start Monitoring over each school term

RP/SKR/SLT Nessy programmes of support in place for children

Classroom observations demonstrate that classes increasingly show the characteristics of a SpLD friendly environment

Ensure that children with EAL receive necessary support earlier in the school

Programmes of support in place for children in EYFS/KS1

Lucy Gleeson

Set up September 2017 Review each term

LG/SLT Pupils with EAL show good progress (4 to 6 steps on assessment tracker over the school year

Increased opportunities for parental engagement

More opportunities for shared parent/pupil play sessions

AF/RP/IH Set up September 2017 Review each term

AF/RP Boxall shows improvements in pupils social and emotional health


English Action Plan Subject: English (£1,500) Subject Team: Gemma Ellwood supported by Sophie Lincoln and Ian Randall with RWI Leaders: Cathy

Riordan (Y1) and Sally Welton (EYFS). Library lead: Sasha Roth

Outcomes from 2016/17 Priorities 1. Develop an effective English Team

The team has undergone many changes throughout the year but have worked effectively to deliver the SIP priorities. A lot of work was done in terms of monitoring work, including both work scrutiny and moderation and as a consequence refinements have been made to our marking and

teaching and learning policies. 2. Develop high quality pedagogy in writing

A big focus last year was on the teaching of writing - looking at the teaching approach to writing and giving children a rich curriculum by linking writing to the topics that the children study. The impact has been great – particularly at KS2 with 90% reaching the expected standard and 44%

assessed as achieving greater depth. External moderators also verified our judgements. New methods for the teaching of spelling and handwriting are also being introduced this year after reviewing these areas over the last term.

This was noted as a strength in the JARV and the way we teach writing has changed considerably for the better during the year. 3. Develop the use of cross curricular writing links Again, this was considered a strength in the JARV.

Reading will now be a key focus for next year – particularly at KS1 to ensure that children here have a wider experience of reading beyond the Rea, Write, Inc. scheme.

Budget: £500


English Priorities for 2017/18

Target Actions – What will I do? Lead Timescale Monitoring Success Criteria Review and Evaluation


Improve the teaching of reading comprehension across the school.

Establish clear expectations around the teaching of reading, particularly relating to guided reading sessions

Effectively monitor and support the teaching of high quality Guided Reading sessions across the school

Create opportunities for teaching staff to share good practice relating to the teaching of guided reading

Continue to develop the Parent Readers scheme

Develop the use of PM Benchmarking to ensure accurate book banding in lower and middle phases

Investigate possible involvement in the new HfL reading project

GE September whole school INSET Set expectations early Autumn term. Continued monitoring and development over Autumn and Spring terms.

Learning walks

Pupil voice

Review of reading files

End of KS results show improved performance on 2016/2017 data

Learning walks evidence high quality guided reading sessions

Pupil voice shows strong engagement and enjoyment of guided reading sessions

Teaching staff are clear on expectations and have opportunities to share good practice

To raise the standard of writing in KS1 to bring it in line with the rest of the school.

Continue to work with RWI leaders to ensure high expectations of writing in these sessions

Work with RWI leaders to arrange peer observations for new KS1 staff and RWI teachers identified as needing more support

Establish and monitor the new expectations around handwriting

Implement new LTP for spelling in Y2 and monitor coverage of National Curriculum spelling requirements in Y1 Monitor books in KS1 to ensure high expectations, particularly cross-curricular writing

Impact should be apparent by the end of Autumn 2

English book looks

Learning walks

Subject leader carousels

Tracker data

English book looks and subject leader carousels will demonstrate evidence of improved standards of writing in KS1, particularly with reference to spelling, handwriting and presentation

Peer observation feedback forms demonstrate positive impact of observations

Assessment tracker data showing 4-6 steps progress over the year

10 To support and develop high quality teaching of spelling and handwriting across the school.

Resource, support and monitor the introduction of the Spell to Excel spelling scheme of work across KS2

Support the development of a structured spelling program for Year 2

Work in collaboration with the RWI leaders to ensure high expectations for spelling in all RWI groups

Work in collaboration with SKR, in order to ensure the best possible provision for children with SpLD

Provide opportunities for stuff to share their experiences of Spell to Excel and find solutions to any problems arising

Handwritingschool.com cursive model adopted across the school

IR All spelling programs underway early September Assessment at the end of each assessment cycle with overall evaluation of the effectiveness of the scheme by end of Summer 2

Learning walks

Book looks/carousels

Spelling assessment data

Spelling assessments show marked improvement in the quality of spelling

English book looks and subject leader carousels show improved spelling standards in children’s work

Learning walks show evidence that the spelling programs are being followed and that the expectations of the children are sufficiently high

Standards of presentation improved and seen in lesson observations and work scrutiny


Mathematics Action Plan Subject Leader: James Berman supported by Michelle Cole (KS1)

Outcomes from 2016/17 Priorities

1. Develop children’s mastery of the fundamentals of mathematics, especially in KS1/the early years This is an area which is improving – work scrutiny and discussion with pupils and children shows that there is a growing awareness of what

these models are (e.g. bar model, widely used in Year 2). Data for EYFS and KS1 also compares well with the national data over the first 2 years of assessing against the new curriculum. In the EYFS in 2016/17, 85% achieved the Early Learning Goal for Number and according to our internal tracking data 87% made 4 or more steps of progress with 79% making 6 or more steps of progress. In KS1 at the end of Year 2 in 2016/17, 78% reached the expected standard, which was higher than the national and Herts percentages and 22% made the higher level,

which was higher than the national percentage but just lower than the Herts average. Also in KS1, for the Year 2 cohort, 92% made 4 or more steps of progress and 67% made 6 or more steps of progress.

2. Develop a consistent school-wide approach to calculation, based on a robust and clear calculation policy The Calculation Policy has been updated and is in place. We now need to ensure that staff are using it effectively to further develop children’s mathematical understanding. Calculation is strongest in KS2 as shown by the end of year data. In the 2016/17 Year 6 SATs for example, data for maths in KS2 was for the second year above both the national and Herts averages both in terms of the percentage achieving the expected

standard and for the average scaled score. It was also above the national average for progress since KS1. The percentage achieving at the higher standard in maths was also well above both national and Herts data.

3. Develop mathematics coaching and mentoring across the school, establishing a Maths team with KS1 and KS2 leaders. This began last year with a KS1 and KS2 leaders. Unfortunately, the KS1 teacher has left but Miss Cole (deputy) will now take on this role in

order to induct a number of new teachers in the Key Stage 1 and help with improving standards in maths further in the Key Stage. Mr Berman also carried out a project with teachers and TAs in years 1-3 as part of the maths leadership programme that he took part in. He saw some

strong teaching but also areas for development, particularly concerning the use of concrete resources and the development of mastery across the school.

We have had inset and 2 sessions with the Herts primary mathematics adviser this year, which were helpful in terms of identifying how different year groups can structure their teaching to develop mastery. She identified teachers’ understanding of the curriculum and their

understanding of where the children are with their learning as real strengths. Marking is generally consistent and next steps are being used much more formatively than a year ago.

Budget: £500


Maths Priorities for 2017/18

Target Actions – What will I do? Lead Timescale Monitoring Success Criteria Review and

Evaluation (RAG)

To develop pupils’ fluency by providing regular opportunities to learn and practise number sense skills and a range of strategies.

Promote (through staff meeting, observation and discussion) the use of a daily fluency session across the school – and especially in KS1 – to develop children’s number sense and calculation strategies – as recommended in HLA visit (17.3.17)

JB/MC 3rd October staff meeting on maths fluency 14th November ‘Give one, take one’ - Effective development of mental fluency Calculation staff meetings January and February ‘18

JB/MC Such sessions explicitly planned for (in weekly planning) and observed in action; observed improvement in children’s fluency, number sense and ability to calculate (mentally) using a range of strategies

Assessment shows more children working to a greater depth of understanding by the end of KS1

To ensure that sequences of learning (especially in KS1) provide a variety of models to explore the same concept

Focus upon this area in staff meetings, promoting the new HFL planning materials, and when setting expectations for lesson observations

JB/MC Phase meetings and NQT induction Sept and Oct

JB/MC Seen in observed lessons; use of a range of models observed and seen in work scrutiny

To ensure consistency of high quality maths teaching across the school

Identify strong teachers of Mathematics across school and pair them less experienced teachers to develop teaching and learning in line with objectives set out in subject priorities 1 and 2

JB/MC Autumn Term JB/MC Identified coaches/mentors will become more reflective about their own effectiveness in these areas, as well as about areas they can develop themselves

Recipients of coaching/mentoring will become more confident in developing these skills and


will be observed to use them in own teaching, resulting in higher quality learning


EYFS and Lower Phase Action Plan There were no EYFS Priorities from last year.

New Phase leader for 2017/2018 is Sophie Lincoln

Priorities for the Year

Target Actions – What will I do? Lead Success Criteria Specific

Monitoring Completion Date Evaluation of impact on pupil


Priority 1 To improve the quality of teaching and learning.

Work alongside Nurture leader/INCO to develop strategies to support pupils with SEN/Behavioural Needs.

SL EYFS/Y1 Team Lunchtime staff

Early observation of EYFS pupils identified by EYFS Team by the Inco to ensure early identification of needs/possible support required.

-Learning Support Assistants support the individual needs of SEN children.

-All team aware of needs and behavioural support strategies.

-Adaptations made for SEN children

-Lunchtime staff aware of needs and observation needs within the playground. Must follow the strategies in place for specific children.

-Nurture leader attends phase meetings and provides support for pupils with behavioural needs.

Nurture leader leads Nurture Sessions for specific pupils.


On-going throughout the year-July 2018


To develop the outside area to ensure it can be used for all areas of learning.

EYFS Team Outside Area: B.F

Areas created for all areas of learning.

New Resources on wish list prioritised.

More Opportunities for developing writing in the outside area.


July 2018

Develop and embed self-assessment strategies in the EYFS:

Embed the use of the next step stamps across the setting

To be used by all teachers and TA’s in EYFS and Y1 Teams

EYFS/Y1 Team Autumn Term:

EYFS: Introduced to basic stamps and used alongside adults Year One: Continued use of stamps for self-assessment in written work

Spring Term:

EYFS: Introduction of all stamps. Use it for self-assessment Year One: Begin using the stamps as a checklist for self-assessment

Summer Term:

EYFS: Begin using the stamps as a checklist for self-assessment Year One: Continue to use the stamps as a checklist for self-assessment. H.A: Written next steps

SL Introduction of stamps- Autumn Term 2017 Self-Assessment developed- Spring 2018 Checklist (Y1) of self assessment stamps-Summer Term 2018

Develop effective intervention groups across the phase:

Teaching Assistants plan and deliver effective intervention groups for identified children

SL to timetable intervention groups and plan logistics

To ensure assessments

SL Phase Team

Time ring fenced for EYFS, Yr 1 and Yr 2 to carry out interventions at the same time so groups can be mixed if needs meet this

Teaching assistants planning and delivering effective intervention sessions.

Teaching assistants gain CPD in area of intervention

SL New intervention groups set at the end of each term. To be reviewed regularly


are shared with class teachers

they are delivering.

Teaching Assistants aware of objectives and share assessments with class teachers half term sheets to be created to make this process easier

Children make progress within the areas of intervention

Develop the teaching of making relationships:

Ensure there is a focus on making relationships as part of topic work.

Interventions run by teachers and TA’s to ensure more children are reaching exceeding level in making relationships.

SL Phase Team

Low number of children reaching exceeding level in making relationship for year 2016-2017. Ensure planning links to promoting the use of making relationships

Ensure there are lots of opportunities for speaking and listening during partner and group work.

Increased obs in evidencing making relationships

SL End of year – Summer 2018

Priority 2

Objective Specific Actions Person/s

Responsible Success Criteria

Specific Monitoring

Completion Date Evaluation of impact on pupil progress/Outcomes

Priority 2 Developing the quality of formative assessment and summative judgements across the setting.

To develop the quality of CIL observations:

Tapestry to be used across the EYFS setting promoting an increased amount of observations.

For observations to demonstrate pupils learning and skills towards the ELGs.

For all relevant information required to be evident on observation forms.

NG to carry out tapestry training. All staff in EYFS setting.

Tapestry training to be carried out for all staff in EYFS setting.

Observations demonstrate learning/skills relevant towards evidence against the DM/ELGs.

Increased amount of observations

SL Half Termly Learning Journal Scrutiny.

Summer 2018


evident in learning journals.

Ensure cohort analysis data is being used to monitor the progress of individual children and identify vulnerable groups or those at risk of delay. New PPM format to be developed for EYFS:

Half termly data is used to identify children’s attainment and progress

Data is used to create specific interventions/support for children

Each teacher to share their class data with the team half termly

Ensure SEN adult support informs class teacher of learning/progress on a regular basis


Cohort data is shared with team

Regular team meetings to ensure children vulnerable of not making progress are picked up quickly

Support/ Interventions are planned for and timetabled

SEN support providing regular feedback forms of progress within intervention activities

-Data is used to support the completion of PPMs-New sheet to be created

SL Inco

Half Termly

Ensure previous and current assessments are secure for 1-1 moderation:

All children’s highlighted outcome sheets to be checked against evidence in learning journals.

Gaps in evidence to be highlighted and teachers/T.As to observe specific children in CIL to gain evidence for the gaps.

-Year group, whole school and across school moderation meetings to take place.

EYFS and year 1 teachers SL to oversee.

Outcome sheets indicate evidence needed for judgements to be secure.

EYFS Judgements consistent and accurate.

Year 1 judgements are consistent and accurate.

Internal and external moderations. SL-Book Scrutinies SLT book Scrutinies



Objective Specific Actions Person/s

Responsible Success Criteria

Specific Monitoring

Completion Date Evaluation of impact on pupil progress/Outcome

Priority 3 Improve the Leadership and Management of the phase

To ensure all members of staff are aware of any medical and/or special needs:

Create a provision map at beginning of year to share with team members and new members of staff

Use provision map as a working document to continuously be updated over the year.

S.L to create All EYFS staff to add over the year

Ch with additional needs/support are identified

Overview created for all members of staff to be aware of specific needs/support

Interventions timetabled. using document and findings from baseline assessments

S.L Each Term

To ensure cohort analysis data is being used to monitor the progress of individual children and identify vulnerable groups or those at risk of delay

-Use half termly data to identify children’s attainment and progress

-Share data with team and create specific interventions/support for children

-S.L to work alongside Inco to ensure effective support is provided for children


Interventions/ support identified in planning

Lists of children made as a team for children who need to be challenged further.

Inco to observe and provide feedback/support for teachers for pupils with SEN.

S.L. Ongoing

Observe teachers and provide feedback to improve teaching/learning:

Informally and formally observe members of the Phase Team

Provide positive


Subject Leaders -S.L to timetable:

Observations and time for team teaching/supporting

Termly Book scrutinies identify progress of marking and feedback

Learning Environment

S.L Termly


constructive feedback and return to see actions in place

Regular general feedback to be given during phase meetings

Working walls developed in classrooms

feedback sheets identify improvements towards effectiveness

Evidence of improved teaching/learning

Complete End of Year Data Analysis sheet:

Create an end of year data analysis sheet providing details of outcomes for each area of learning

Create targets for the next year

S.L Improvements to be made are identified

Actions are created for the year

S.L September 2018

Introduce an online observation tool to increase the amount and quality of observations

To oversee the smooth implementation of Tapestry

For all staff to have assess to tablets to carry out observations

Increased amount of observations for all areas of learning

Effective monitoring of observations by EYFS Leader

S.L. Autumn Term:

S.L and N.G to introduce Tapestry and support staff to use it effectively

All staff members use Tapestry

Spring Term:

S.L to monitor observations-create clear expectations on amount made and the written quality of them

Summer Term:

Introduce ‘Tapestry’ online for parents to increase parent communication and access to learning journals.

S.L September 2018


Other Curriculum Targets 2017 – 2018

Key focus for all areas: create a whole school assessment tracking system for all curriculum subjects

Science Computing Humanities M.F.L Adele Girdwood Jon Ryan Claire Watson/Nicola

Gurney/Susan Howitt Debbie Huntley

Outcomes from 2016/17 Priorities Increase in the quantity and quality of work in

Science books. Introduction of the vocab project to support

EAL/PP/SEN pupils in developing their scientific understanding.

Overall perception of Science in the school is positive, particularly after STEM week.

Links made with external providers for resources and ideas such as the armed forces, AECOM, Tesco

and University of Herts. Priorities for 2017/18

1) To ensure that ‘working scientifically’ (WS) skills are an integral part of every science lesson with staff inset on WS to raise awareness and introduce priorities.

Staff to identify 2 WS leaders to liaise with subject leader and assist with monitoring of WS strands.

WS wheels displayed in every class and used

in lessons to identify which skills are at the centre of learning. These will also highlight the skills that are not being visited as often.

Consider how we evidence WS in children’s books.

2) To ensure that children of different scientific ability are being supported and Challenged across the school

staff to know the scientific ability of groups of children and to differentiate lessons

based on scientific ability rather than in literacy or maths.

more able scientists to be identified and noted by subject leader.

Outcomes from 2016/17 Priorities Use of Rising Stars – Switched On

Computing scheme: used throughout school; gives teaching

staff ideas for lessons and resources to use.

Successful rollout of Windows 10 & move to new server in 2016-2017

academic year; new set up of pupil logins, passwords and folders.

Priorities for 2017/18

1) Purchase and integrate new

netbooks into ICT provision.

2) Evaluate provision for ICT in Y2 and Y6

(not included in 2017 summer term monitoring).

Outcomes from 2016/17 Priorities Creation of the Humaities Portfolio as an exemplar of what the creative curriculum

looks like at our school. Joining the website,

www.keystagehistory.co.uk has helped teachers to plan more in-depth, skill focused

lessons that promote analysing and interpreting evidence. Cross curricular

writing very evident and praised by HIP.

R.E. trips and visitors have had a greater profile. Rev. Jeremy and Becki Chafe from

Christ Church, High Oaks. Dan Hook from Spicer Street Church visited

to talk to EYFS. He is happy to be involved in R.E. lessons in the future.

Imam Fakrul Islam from Hatfield Road Islamic Centre has continued his involvement with

Garden Fields and has visited twice this year to speak to Year 2 and Reception.

Priorities for 2017/18 1) All classes need a globe/map/timeline.

2) Further use of our school grounds – link with forest schools next year.

3 Co-Lead JLT with recycling/sustainability scheme

4) To introduce teachers to the ‘Expected Learning Outcome Wheels’ for assessment and develop an effective way of assessing

R.E. at Garden Fields.

Outcomes from 2016/17 Priorities Language Angels Scheme purchased.

Word sheets provided for ZK’s raps for use by other staff teaching French, as the

children really enjoy these.

Priorities for 2017/18

1) Develop resources/skills for French to

be taught by class teachers from Sept. 2017.

2) New subject leader to establish monitoring priorities for new role.


P.E. Music Art/D.T. SMSC/Character Education

Joanna Johnson Rachel Wray Becky Hyland Talla Lee

Outcomes from 2016/17 Priorities Gold Award achieved again for high

quality of sports provision. Notable successes in sporting

competition e.g. Boys won St Albans football league, girls’ cross-country

team won the St. Albans League, we also won the indoor athletics

tournament and the Swimming team won the St Albans Gala.

Daily mile trialled successfully with Y4.

Dance INSET delivered to staff.

Priorities for 2017/18 1)Extend the daily mile across the

school (also links to wellbeing/mental health initiative)

2)Aim to achieve platinum status for

exemplary sports provision

Outcomes from 2016/17 Priorities Extra-curricular opportunities for Music developed throughout the

school e.g. as seen in French singing performance during Y5 trip to France Music technology in the curriculum

as seen by use of iPads in KS2 composition work.

Excellent performances at the o2 Young Voices and Alban Arena. Packed audience for end of year


Priorities for 2017/18

1) Forge further links with peripatetic providers as with the

Suzuki violins this year.

Outcomes from 2016/17 Priorities Planning and work scrutiny shows

that staff have greater confidence in planning and delivery of curriculum

– inspiring both pupils and staff - developing skills and ideas.

Lots of cross curricular links being made –e.g. Roald Dahl / Christmas Fayre Produce/Science and topic

work – continuing to embed creative curriculum.

1) Raise profile of art in the school

through whole school Take One Artist theme

Outcomes from 2016/17 Priorities

Character Education launch – staff INSET and training delivered including how we

are covering the 4 areas of British Values.

Priorities for 2017/18 1) Prioritise teaching of e-Safety this year e.g. Anti-Bullying Week to have –e-Safety

focus 2) Develop mental health provision e.g. through techniques such as mindfulness


Garden Fields 3 Year Strategic Priorities set in 2016 and reviewed annually

Garden Fields JMI School Strategy 2016-2019 Our Strategic Priorities

Develop a high quality curriculum which inspires all children; optimising their social, emotional, creative and academic outcomes

Provide children with engaging and rich learning opportunities; nurturing values, skills and learning behaviours to empower lifelong learning

Refine school-wide systems and organisation, resulting in a collaborative school community Continue to develop effective teaching teams, across phases, to support high quality outcomes for all learners Support learning with effective interventions and clear communication with staff, pupils and parents/carers

Garden Fields JMI School Strategy 2016-2019 Our Strategic Actions

1. Ensure most pupils achieve age related standards in reading, writing and maths

2. Ensure good achievement for disadvantaged pupils

3. Embed the core values (Happy, Caring, and Inspiring) of Garden Fields in everything we do

4. Make best use of the learning environment and resources for staff to teach and pupils to learn

5. Create framework for professional development that attracts high quality applicants and retains all types of staff

6. Develop a strong recruitment plan that makes Garden Fields an appealing place to work

7. Set and achieve funding goals that support strategy and long-term financial health

8. Establish a sustainable school status that delivers the school vision, ethos and outcomes