SCHOOL NEWSLETTER For TERM 4 WEEK 1 Starting 14 OCT 2019 DATES TO REMEMBER PB FOR L FOCUS October 14th - All students return on Mon- day 15th - Scripture and Ethics start 16th - Chess continues 17th - Got Game - Gymnastics 17th - Korean Dance Group - lunch time 18th - Merit Certificate Assembly for week 1 21st - Assembly - Goannas 23rd - P&C Meeting - Playground Design 25th - Network Public Speaking Final 31st - First Kindy 2020 Orientation November 1st - traded certificates due by 12pm for next assembly 4th - Assembly - Wombats 7th - Second Kindy 2020 Orienta- tion Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com/sppssydney PAGE 1 Our focus this week is being Safe, Respectful, Learners in the Office and Out of School. Chess - Term 4 We Need Your Opinions - Tell Them from Me Assemblies Welcome Back Chess continues in Term 4 and all families doing chess are required to re-enrol for Term 4. An enrolment form is attached to this newsletter. is will be a 9 week chess term with Chess continuing to the December 11. All students even new students are welcome to join. So we can make our school a better place, we need your help in providing us some feedback on your views as a parent at St Peters. is survey called Teel em From Me is also used by the Department of Education to understand how its community feels about its schools. is years survey is now active and can be answered at the link: 2019 Parent Partners in Learning Survey Or you can type in your browser: http://bit.ly/2MeCBdH Assemblies for Term 4 start next week and will be held in week’s 2, 4, 6 and 8. ere will be no week 10 assembly due to Presentation Day. As usual, awards that are traded will be presented at this assembly. However, for a certificate to be included, it will be necessary for it to be placed in the box in the office by the latest Friday lunch time. Any certificates placed aſter this time will be included in following assembly. Please do not ask Mrs Ross to sneak your certificates in on the Monday. She is too polite to refuse but this does cause disruption to her busy work schedule. It only seems like yesterday that we were all saying goodbye for the holidays. We do hope that you managed to get some family time with the children and were able to relax and perhaps enjoy some of your interests or perhaps a holiday. Even though we seemed to lose an hour by putting the clock forward, it is now nice that we are getting the extra light in the evenings. We have another action packed term of events... the last one of 2019. For at least the first half of the term there will be a big focus on classroom learning with fewer extracurricular events happening. We will be keeping you informed of all events as they come up and please be assured that if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask and we will do our best to answer. Students enjoying the K-2 Botanical Gardens Excursion Beautiful Morton Bay Figs

School ewSletter For term 4 week 1 Starting 14 oct 2019 · Assemblies for Term 4 start next week and will be held in week’s 2, 4, 6 and 8. There will be no week 10 assembly due

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Page 1: School ewSletter For term 4 week 1 Starting 14 oct 2019 · Assemblies for Term 4 start next week and will be held in week’s 2, 4, 6 and 8. There will be no week 10 assembly due

School NewSletter For term 4 week 1 Starting 14 oct 2019 DateS to remember

Pb for l focuS

October14th - All students return on Mon-

day15th - Scripture and Ethics start16th - Chess continues17th - Got Game - Gymnastics17th - Korean Dance Group - lunch

time18th - Merit Certificate Assembly

for week 121st - Assembly - Goannas23rd - P&C Meeting - Playground

Design25th - Network Public Speaking

Final31st - First Kindy 2020 Orientation

November1st - traded certificates due by 12pm

for next assembly4th - Assembly - Wombats7th - Second Kindy 2020 Orienta-


Like us on Facebook


Page 1

Our focus this week is being Safe, Respectful, Learners in the Office and Out of School.

Chess - Term 4

We Need Your Opinions - Tell Them from Me


Welcome Back

Chess continues in Term 4 and all families doing chess are required to re-enrol for Term 4. An enrolment form is attached to this newsletter. This will be a 9 week chess term with Chess continuing to the December 11. All students even new students are welcome to join.

So we can make our school a better place, we need your help in providing us some feedback on your views as a parent at St Peters. This survey called Teel Them From Me is also used by the Department of Education to understand how its community feels about its schools. This years survey is now active and can be answered at the link: 2019 Parent Partners in Learning SurveyOr you can type in your browser: http://bit.ly/2MeCBdH

Assemblies for Term 4 start next week and will be held in week’s 2, 4, 6 and 8. There will be no week 10 assembly due to Presentation Day. As usual, awards that are traded will be presented at this assembly.However, for a certificate to be included, it will be necessary for it to be placed in the box in the office by the latest Friday lunch time. Any certificates placed after this time will be included in following assembly. Please do not ask Mrs Ross to sneak your certificates in on the Monday. She is too polite to refuse but this does cause disruption to her busy work schedule.

It only seems like yesterday that we were all saying goodbye for the holidays. We do hope that you managed to get some family time with the children and were able to relax and perhaps enjoy some of your interests or perhaps a holiday. Even though we seemed to lose an hour by putting the clock forward, it is now nice that we are getting the extra light in the evenings. We have another action packed term of events... the last one of 2019. For at least the first half of the term there will be a big focus on classroom learning with fewer extracurricular events happening. We will be keeping you informed of all events as they come up and please be assured that if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask and we will do our best to answer.

Students enjoying the K-2 Botanical Gardens Excursion

Beautiful Morton Bay Figs

Page 2: School ewSletter For term 4 week 1 Starting 14 oct 2019 · Assemblies for Term 4 start next week and will be held in week’s 2, 4, 6 and 8. There will be no week 10 assembly due

This Week in Koalas - Year K

English Other KLAs RemindersReading: Students will revise all learnt comprehension and decoding strategies this week. Guided reading will continue in reading groups.Writing: Students will continue with imaginative writing. We will focus on writing three sentences that include characters, verbs and nouns.Grammar and punctuation:This week we will review verbs and nouns for our imag-inative writing. Spelling and Phonics: All phonemes will be reviewed this week to ensure we are making the correct sounds.Speaking and Listening: We will review active listening this week to set ourselves up for a solid term of listening and learning.

Geography: This week we will finalise our work on People Live in Places. We will finish with researching maps and how they relate to places.Creative Arts: Students will commence playing some drama games.PDHPE: Students this week will finalise our unit on safe living by looking at water safety in swim-ming pools.

Tuesday: Library. Please bring in your library bags and books to return and borrow.Class sport. Please wear your house uniform.Thursday: Got Game. House uni-forms to be worn


Number and Algebra: The maths challenge will restart this week focusing on addition. Students will also work with money for the first time. We endeavour to rec-ognise all Australian coins and notes and roleplay a shop to practise using correct mathematical language when using money.Measurement and Geometry: Students will revise position. We will use positional language in a series of games.

This Week in Echidnas - Year K/1

English Other KLAs RemindersReading: Students will make simple inferences from images and continue to learn ways to work out unknown words.Writing: Students will write a short informative and imaginative text and write a more detailed persuasive text.Grammar and Punctuation: Students will revise adjectives, verbs, conjunctions and nouns, and talk about enhancing their writing.Spelling and Phonics: Students will continue to revise all phonemes and learn spelling linked with phonemic workSpeaking and Listening: Students will participate in active listening games

Geography: Students will conclude their study of People Live In Places by look-ing at mapping. In Features of Places students will continue to learn about the weather.PDHPE: In class sport students will learn a variety of activities includ-ing soccer skills and other games. Students will study safe living: water safety. In Got Game students will learn gymnastics.CAPA: Students will use drama in storytelling.Positive Behaviour for Learning: Stu-dents will learn about safety, respect and learning in play areas.

Monday: MusicTuesday: Scripture and Ethics - Class Sport (House Uniform)Wednesday: Library today . Please remind your child to return their book inside their library bag. Thursday: Got Game today. All students to wear their sports shirt.Friday: Korean today.Home Reading: Remind your child to pack their Home Reading every day.


Number and Algebra: This week maths challenge continues with simple multiplication questions. Students will learn about patterns and algebra and continue to solve simple word problems.Measurement and Geometry: Students will continue to learn about position.

This Week in Bilbies Year 1

English Other KLAs RemindersReading: Students will focus on self monitoring their readingWriting: Students will be writing persuasive expositions based on their school holidaysGrammar and Punctuation: Students will focus on writing effective persuasive sentencesSpelling and Phonics: The Bilbies will learn more about the phoneme ieSpeaking and Listening: Students will engage in active listening activities

Personal Development and Health: This week the Bilbies will be com-pleting the Personal Safety unit from last termPhysical Education: Students will be focusing on the skills of gymnastics in GOT Game.Geography: Students will complete the previous term’s unit about weath-er in places.Science: The Bilbies will be learning about ‘The Material World’ this term. Science lessons shall begin in week 2

Monday: No homework this week.Tuesday: K-2 sport, students please wear sports uniformWednesday: LibraryThursday: GOT Game, students please wear sports uniformHome Reading: please remind your child to bring their home reader folder daily and read as often as possible.


Number and Algebra: Students will learn how to read and write numbers using words rather than numeralsMeasurement and Geometry: Students will revise 3D space, focusing on describing objects using flat/curved surface/edge/vertex.

This Week in KoreanKoalas Echidnas Bilbies Wombats Goannas Dingoes

The Koalas and Echidnas will learn about materials around us this term. As an introduction, we will learn the names of the objects in classroom and what they are made of.

The Bilbies and Wombats will learn about materials this term. As an introduction, we will be looking at different materials and what we can do with them. We will focus on the ways they manipulate paper, e.g. fold, tear, cut, soak in water.

Goannas will learn about materials this term. As an introduction, we will learn about the difference between materials and objects using the classroom objects.

Dingoes will learn about what the reunification of North Korea and South Korea would mean to the Korean children this week.

The Week AheAd in LeArning for Term 4 - Week 1

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Page 3: School ewSletter For term 4 week 1 Starting 14 oct 2019 · Assemblies for Term 4 start next week and will be held in week’s 2, 4, 6 and 8. There will be no week 10 assembly due

This Week in Wombats Year 2

English Other KLAs RemindersBeing the first week back after the holidays Wombats will be focusing on the school rules Be Respectful, Be a Learner and Be Safe to set up high expecta-tions for behaviour and learning for the term ahead. Students will be involved in a variety of reading, writing and speaking and listening activities around these areas. Writing: students will continue exploring narratives and creative ways of beginning their stories. The will have a go at rewriting the beginning to make it more exciting of an already written story.Grammar & punctuation: The focus will be on speech marksDigital skills: using the holidays as their stimulus students will be learning how to cooperatively work on a Google Slide with other students. Through the task they will also be practising previously learned computer skills.

Personal Development and Health: focusing on the school rules Be Re-spectful and Be a Learner to set up high expectations for behaviour and learning for the term ahead. Physical Education: Students will be focusing on gymnastic skills Science: This term Wombats will be exploring a science topic ‘Material World’. This will begin in Week 2.Drama: Students will explore storytelling through freeze frames.

Tuesday: Library is on today. Class sport is also on today. Students are to wear their sports uniform.Thursday: Got Game today. All students to wear their sports uni-form. Students also have Korean.Homework: optional writing task this week. Homework, includ-ing spelling, begins officially in Week 2 however students are still encouraged to do their home reading.Mathematics

Statistics and Probability: Students will be reviewing previously learned data skills. Student will gather and organises data, display data in tables and picture graphs, and interpret the results.Measurement and Geometry: The focus is on time. Students will revise telling the time (half-past and quarter past/to).

This Week in Goannas - Year 3/4

English Other KLAs RemindersThis week the Goannas will be revising and refreshing the school and class expectations - Be Respectful, Be a Learner and Be Safe to set up high expectations for behaviour and learning for the term ahead. Students will be involved in a variety of reading, writing and speaking and listening activities around these areas. The Goannas will also finish editing and publishing their informa-tion report about a location or landmark in Australia.

Creative arts: The students will continue to work on role plays commence last term focus-ing on PB for L.PD, H: This week we will be focusing on our school and class expectations - Be Respect-ful, Be a Learner and Be Safe to set up high expectations for behaviour and learning for the term ahead. The students will also partici-pate in some team building activities.Geography: Over the next two to three weeks we will be finalising our Places are SImilar and Different unit. The students are planning a trip around Australia.Science: We will commence the topic Material World that focuses on how solids and liquids change state, the properties of materials and how different properties of materials affect their suitability for products.

Tuesday: class sport is on today. Stu-dents are to wear their sports uniform.Wednesday: library is on today. Please remember your library books and bags.Thursday: Got Game and Korean. Stu-dents are to wear their sports uniform.Friday: merit certificate assemblyHomework: sent home on Friday and due to be returned the following Thursday.


To start the week the students will complete a pre-test based upon the mathematical concepts introduced during the next five-week block. This will be followed by a focus on chance with students predicting and recording possible combinations in a chance situation and comparing chance events. We will finish the week off investigating angles - identifying the arms and vertex of an angle; creating, drawing, comparing and classifying angles of various sizes.

This Week in Dingoes Year 5/6

English Other KLAs RemindersThis week the students will continue to write a written explanation on Australia’s voting process. We will also be revising the key language features of persuasive texts. In reading groups, the students will finalise their drama script based upon a chosen scene from their reading group text.

Creative Arts: The students will rehearse their plays before the drama performances on Thursday. PD, H: Students will focus on safe living in relation to the importance of sun safety. This week students will discuss the importance of sun safety in Australia. Science: We will start our material world unit where students will discover how solids, liquids and gases have different observable properties and behave in different ways. This week the students will observe and compare the differences in the properties and behaviour of solids and liquids such as their shape and ability to flow.

Tuesday: Music. Class Sport (House Uniform)Wednesday: Library bags. Thursday: Got Game. Friday: Korean and Merit Certificate Assembly.


The students will complete a pre-test based upon the mathematical concepts introduced during the next five-week block. This week’s fo-cus is on addition and subtraction where the students will solve word problems and record the strategy used, including word problems involving money. They will then use these skills to planning a party to fit within a budget.

This Week in MusicKoalas Echidnas Bilbies Wombats Goannas Dingoes

We will listen to “Dance Macarbre” by Camille Saint-Seans, and identify struc-tural features such as repetition, rhythmic and tempo features as we explore ways to move to the score. We will also rehearse the chant “Miss White Had A Fright!” seeing the many different “voices” we can discover and use to a fright-ening effect… ready for Halloween!

The Goannas will be be getting re-acquainted with reading scores and rehearsing on their recorders.

Dingoes will be adding to their rep-ertoire with a new piece, rehearsing “Come As You Dare”

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Page 4: School ewSletter For term 4 week 1 Starting 14 oct 2019 · Assemblies for Term 4 start next week and will be held in week’s 2, 4, 6 and 8. There will be no week 10 assembly due




Church S

treet, St P

eters 204

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ail: stpeters-p





12th December, 6-8PMSchool hall and courtyardStudent and locally made art for sale • Silent auction • BBQ and snack foods • Face painting and activities for kids • Live art making

Page 5: School ewSletter For term 4 week 1 Starting 14 oct 2019 · Assemblies for Term 4 start next week and will be held in week’s 2, 4, 6 and 8. There will be no week 10 assembly due

Why Chess? • Create Brighter Thinkers• Improve Student Focus• Achieve Academic Success

Educational Benefits:• Improves concentration and focus• Develops logical thinking and problem solving skills• Enhances memory• Encourages creative and lateral thinking• Promotes discipline• Accelerates emotional development• Expands visualisation and spatial awareness• Demonstrates actions and consequences• Rewards correct decision making• Increases self-confidence• Provides opportunities to make new friends from diverse backgrounds

Term 1 Cost: $100 6th Feb - 10th AprTerm 2 Cost: $100 1st May - 3rd JulTerm 3 Cost: $100 24th Jul - 25th SepTerm 4 Cost: $90 16th Oct - 11th Dec

St Peters Public School Chess Classes, 2019Wednesdays 11:10AM - 11:50AM

To enrol please pay online with your credit card at www.sydneyacademyofchess.com.au/payment

Enter the code 3B89EO3NVC and fill in the electronic form, with your child’s details.

*Fees are due on the first day of term. A late fee of $10 will be applied if payment is not received within 4 weeks of the start of the term. No refunds or credits for missed lessons during the term and trial lessons must be paid for.For pro-rata fees (ie. starting part way during the term) please contact Sydney Academy of Chess on 9745 1170.

Sydney Academy of Chess Pty Ltd ABN: 14 139 982 004

Level 1, 30A George Street Burwood, NSW PO Box 1325, Burwood, NSW 1805

P: 9745 1170 F: 9745 1176 E: [email protected]

OPTIONAL EXTRAS (prices include delivery)To enhance your child’s learning experience these items are available for purchase online at the time of enrolment

Workbook 1 – Cost: $30[For Beginner/Rookie Players]

Workbook 2 – Cost: $30[For Intermediate Players]

Workbook 1 & 2 – Cost: $45[SPECIAL OFFER]

Exploration in Chess Beauty – Cost: $41[For Advanced Players]

Chess Set & Roll-up Board – Cost: $33[Recommended for All Ages]

Chess Clock – Cost: $76[Recommended for All Ages]

Pay for four terms in advance and receive a free chess set or workbook 2 valued at up to $33. Offer expires 31st March, 2019.

Page 6: School ewSletter For term 4 week 1 Starting 14 oct 2019 · Assemblies for Term 4 start next week and will be held in week’s 2, 4, 6 and 8. There will be no week 10 assembly due

�S�li� n�� involves separa� ng an established hive, allowing a new hive to grow independently from the fi rst. This new hive will be donated to a school / community garden.

��� �e �ee habitats are under threat, hos� ng a na� ve bee hive at our school helps to sustain, support and increase the species (Tetragonula carbonaria – a small, s� n��less, social bee). In return, our kitchen garden benefi ts from these � ny pollinators – o� ering fantas� c learning op-portuni� es for our students.


When: Friday 8th November, from 1:30pmWhere: St Peters Public School – at the kitchen garden, St Peters Street, St Peters, NSW 2044Entry: �old coin dona� on

RSVP: h� ps://� nyurl.com/yy8b4r��Info’: www.sppspandc.org.au/hivesplit

invitation St Peters Public School��� �e �ee �i�e S�lit

�ocal na� ve bee e�pert �avin Smith will be spli� ng our na� ve bee hive.

Come along to view the uni�ue spiral forma� on of the hive, hear a fascina� ng talk about na� ve bees, their habits, and life-cycle; and taste some of their sought-a� er honey.