School and community interv entions and strategies that aim to improve the access a nd quality of education for AIDS affected children. Lessons from “Child - Friendly Communit y Schools” approach Implemented by The Life Skills Developm ent Foundation Supported by UNAIDS/ UNICEF

School and community interventions and strategies that aim to improve the access and quality of education for AIDS affected children. Lessons from “Child

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Page 1: School and community interventions and strategies that aim to improve the access and quality of education for AIDS affected children. Lessons from “Child

School and community inter ventions and strategies that

aim to improve the access an d quality of education for AI

DS affected children.

Lessons from “Child - Friendly Community Schools” approach

Implemented by The Life Skills Development Foundation

Supported by UNAIDS/ UNICEF

Page 2: School and community interventions and strategies that aim to improve the access and quality of education for AIDS affected children. Lessons from “Child


School and community interventions and strategies that ai m to improve the access and quality of education for AIDS a

ffected children. Strategy 1 To raise awarenes

s of school and community on Child Rights including HIV infected and affected children

Intervention 1 Implement participat

ory child rights sensitization process involving children, parents, community leaders, teachers and stakeholders in community

Page 3: School and community interventions and strategies that aim to improve the access and quality of education for AIDS affected children. Lessons from “Child


School and community interventions and strategies that ai m to improve the access and quality of education for AIDS a

ffected children. Strategy 2 Involve children, adu

lts, community leaders, teachers in local generation of criteria/indicators for child-friendliness

Intervention 2 Conduct school&co

mmunity self - assessment process to establish planning and action system for continuous support for HIV affected children

Page 4: School and community interventions and strategies that aim to improve the access and quality of education for AIDS affected children. Lessons from “Child


School and community interventions and strategies that ai m to improve the access and quality of education for AIDS a

ffected children. Strategy 3 Enhance the capa

bility of teachers and parents/guardians to interact with children including those affected by AIDS

Intervention 3 Conduct teacher t

raining on active learning, how to support children’s self-esteem and dealing with depression from daily life situations

Page 5: School and community interventions and strategies that aim to improve the access and quality of education for AIDS affected children. Lessons from “Child


School and community interventions and strategies that ai m to improve the access and quality of education for AIDS a

ffected children. Strategy 4 Determine local pri

orities for specific positive development and preventive life skills education for HIV affected children

Intervention 4 Infuse life skills lessons i

n relevant subjects Integrated life skills less

ons with relevant subjects as a thematic approach

Specific life skills lessons for parents /guardians

Page 6: School and community interventions and strategies that aim to improve the access and quality of education for AIDS affected children. Lessons from “Child


School and community interventions and strategies that ai m to improve the access and quality of education for AIDS a

ffected children. Strategy 5 Develop learning ex

change networks of teachers, parents/guardians and multi- sector stakeholders whom interact with HIV affected children

Intervention 5 Create networks to

promote and model supportive behaviors and nurturing ways to interact with children in distress and HIV affected children

Page 7: School and community interventions and strategies that aim to improve the access and quality of education for AIDS affected children. Lessons from “Child


School and community interventions and strategies that ai m to improve the access and quality of education for AIDS a

ffected children. Strategy 6 Support continu

al feedback communication systems regarding HIV affected childrens situations

Intervention 6 Conduct regular partic

ipatory monitoring and evaluation for children, teachers, principals, parent/guardians community leaders and stakeholders at community level

Page 8: School and community interventions and strategies that aim to improve the access and quality of education for AIDS affected children. Lessons from “Child


The Life Skills Development Foundation

159/26 Anusarn Villa, Chiangmai - Hod Road.,

A.Maung Chiangmai 50100, Thailand

Tel:(66-53) 201426 -7 E-mail: [email protected]