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  • 7/30/2019 Scholarship 5/27


    I am a junior attending Animo Inglewood Charter High School. Next year I will be

    graduating from there as well. In the future, I plan on attending California Baptist University,

    majoring in public relations. I am also aiming for a masters degree in a field that I have not yet


    I would consider the most important issue that society has to deal with in the next 10 or

    20 years is unity amongst America. I think that over the last couple of years, the media has had

    the power to diminish the worlds sense of culture and ethnicity. Society, especially in American

    culture has put more emphasis on race instead of ethnicity. What the world doesn't understand

    is that people plant words like race into people's heads as a way to create more division.

    Race, in simplistic terms, is defined as the color of skin. The media focuses on skin tone to

    determine superiority. It establishes what's appealing and what's not. Even for Latinos, the

    media only casts Latinos in movies that look the part. Afro-Latinos could never get a Latino roll

    because they're not "Latino enough". Take Laz Alonso, Tristan Wilds, and Tatyana Ali into

    account. The media's view prevents people like them from being themselves.

    If the media prevents people like them from being true to themselves, then imagine what

    the media prevents ordinary people from doing. Because you don't look "right" then you are put

    behind the scenes. You get shut out and eventually, you start hating yourself for the flaws that

    aren't really flaws but the things that make you unique. If you can't even love yourself, how can

    you love others? In the next 10 or 20 years, the shift of power will be controlled by appearance.

    In the future, it won't be about knowledge and education that gets you ahead but your

    complexion and body type. In the future, black history month would have lost its value, Hispanic

    heritage month would have lost its significance, and the normal things that bring Americans

    together would eventually be the things tearing them apart.

    From the September 11th bombings, the Boston Marathon bombings that happened

    earlier this year, and everyday police brutality that always seems to slip under the cracks

    because it doesn't affect the people that "matter", the world is slowly being divided into multiple

    sections. It seems like as time develops, people separate; whether its by religion, ethnicity,

    race, gender, or sexuality. American society is too opinionated for their own good and in the

    next couple decades, we won't be able to come together for the greater issues that face us.