Tutor Course Planner All tutors are expected to keep a course file which should contain the following information: Mandatory This Course Planner* Venue and Field Trip Risk Assessment Personal Emergencey Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) and Physical Readiness Assessment – if necessary Class Register including Record of Achievement Session Plans Resources/handouts Individual Learning Plans Recommended Examples of learners’ work Case Study Template Tutor Guide *This Course Planner includes: 1. Guidance 2. RARPA Checklist 3. Scheme of Work 4. Group Profile 5. Induction Checklist 6. End of course Tutor Evaluation 1 ACL Scheme of Work 2018/19 – V1 Tutor Course Planner

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Tutor Course Planner

All tutors are expected to keep a course file which should contain the following information:


This Course Planner*

Venue and Field Trip Risk AssessmentPersonal Emergencey Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) and Physical Readiness Assessment – if necessaryClass Register including Record of Achievement

Session Plans


Individual Learning Plans


Examples of learners’ work

Case Study Template

Tutor Guide

*This Course Planner includes:1. Guidance2. RARPA Checklist3. Scheme of Work4. Group Profile5. Induction Checklist6. End of course Tutor Evaluation

Other tutor documents can be found on our online staff room: https://staffsacl.wordpress.com/


ACL Scheme of Work 2018/19 – V1

Tutor Course Planner

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GuidanceCourse learning outcomesThe course learning outcomes may be differentiated using for example the “All /Most /Some” system and these agreed as individual learning outcomes with the learners after initial assessment and recorded on the ILP.Alternatively the differentiation may occur at the beginning of each session.It is advisable to number course learning outcomes as this information supports tutors tracking of achievement.

Potential Wider or Soft Skills Outcomes Learners may identify wider or ‘soft skills’ outcomes that are of a more personal nature, for example building confidence in new situations, working in a team, improved communication skills. These need to be discussed with the learner and recorded on their ILPs and will form part of their overall achievement.

Describe how you are embedding the following into the delivery of the course:

Equality and Diversity

o Are there topics in the course content where promotion of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion can be explicitly explored

o What do you do to ensure that all learners are actively involved in each session?o How do you encourage learners to interact with each other and to do so

appropriately?o How do you encourage learners to respect each other?o What do you do to support learners who have particular needs?

British Values and the Prevent Duty

o What are the naturally occurring opportunities to discuss extremism and radicalisation and ways to avoid these risks?

o What are the naturally occurring opportunities to discuss the rule of law and democracy?

o How can you give learners the opportunity to exercise and discuss personal liberty, tolerance and respect?

Safeguarding Health and well-being

o How do you make learners aware of any safety issues relevant to the content of the course, e.g. risks involved in learning activities, attending the venue, fire exits, using technology etc.?

o How do you make learners aware of their own right to be safe?o How do you make learners aware of what to do if their safety is threatened in

any way including cyber-bullying?o Are there topics in the course content where promotion of health and well-being

can be explicitly discussed?o How do you make learners aware of how they can stay healthy?

Information, Advice (CEIAG)

o What is the information available to potential learners before they enrol on the course?

o What information do you give learners when they have enrolled about the course outcomes and requirements?

o At what points during the course do you discuss with learners what their next steps might be, in learning, volunteering or employment?

o How do you give learners advice at the end of the course about achieving their next steps?


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English, maths and IT

o How do you assess learners’ skills in English, maths and IT? What information can you give them about developing these skills if they want this?

o How are these skills used in the subject? What key specialised vocabulary do they need to know? Are there any number/math tasks/calculations/ measuring/estimates they need to do?

o How do you make learners aware that they need to use these skills? How do you teach them any useful strategies?

o How do you support any particular needs individual learners may have in these areas?

Enhancing learning with ILT

o Will you or the learners be using internet, email, social media, mobile devices, apps, digital cameras or any other technology?

o How can learners can support in this if they need it?o How are you ensuring that learners are using technology safely?


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The Citizen’s Curriculum is an excellent tool to help you embed opportunities to develop literacy, language, lCT and numeracy. The following tables below show how tutors may support the development of these skills from Entry level to level 2.

Literacy Capability

Numeracy Capability


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Digital Capability

Useful Websites:www.esol.excellencegateway.org.uk











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Recognising and Recording Progress and Achievement (RARPA) RARPA is a learner-centred process for assuring the quality of the learners’ experience. Some of the evidence for RARPA will be found in fully completed “fit for purpose” Individual Learner Plans (ILPs) along with other course documentation such as:

Scheme of Work Session Plans Assessment Records

Course Leaflet Learner Focus Group Findings

Learner Surveys

Registers Enrolment Forms Session Evaluations

Use the checklist on the following pages to ensure that each stage of the RARPA process is embedded in your course, and to make a note of where the evidence is recorded.

RARPA ChecklistRARPA stage 1: Aims appropriate to individuals and group of learners

Tutor notes

Are previous learners’ views taken into account when you are planning the course? How?Have learners received information before they enrolled about -

overall aims of the course progression options pre-requirements eg IT,

English and maths

Are learning aims and outcomes clearly shown on session plans /SoW and including Personal, Social and Employability skills where appropriateRARPA stage 2: Initial assessment to establish learners’ starting points

Tutor notes

Does initial assessment record-

previous knowledge previous experience existing qualifications existing skills

Does initial assessment record 6

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- additional support needs preferred ways of learning

How does initial assessment feed into course planning? eg Group Profile?

RARPA stage 3: Identification of appropriately challenging learning objectives: initial, re-negotiated and revised

Tutor notes

Are outcomes expressed in learner -friendly language?Are outcomes SMART?

Are learning outcomes suitably challenging?Is there an opportunity to recognise existing previous knowledge and skills?Do outcomes include personal, social and employability skills, where relevant?Do outcomes reflect learners’ own goals where appropriate?RARPA stage 4: Formative/ongoing assessment feedback

Tutor notes

Are learners given feedback on their progress? How? When?Does the feedback enable the learner to progress?

Is there evidence of progress against the individual learning outcomes?Is there an opportunity to record additional/unplanned outcomes?Is there an opportunity for outcomes to be renegotiated with the learners?RARPA stage 5: end of programme learner and tutor summative

Tutor notes


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assessmentIs there a summative assessment which reviews and records the achievement of the learner against the original outcomes?Is there advice on what the learner can do next?Is learner feedback collected to inform future planning?Are all learners’ achievement data recorded to collate for course data?Do you reflect on the achievement of learners in order to inform future planning?


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Scheme of Work


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ACL Scheme of Work 2018/19 – V1

Provider Venue

Course Title

Tutor Name

Start Date End Date Start Time End Time

Programme Area

Course Code

Description of the initial assessment undertaken with learners

RARPA Stage 1 - Course learning outcomes including Potential Wider or Soft Skills Outcomes eg improved confidence, improved team work, communication skills.(agreed with learners after initial assessment and may be differentiated) e.g. All/Most/Some1.

Describe how you are embedding the following into the delivery of the course:

Equality and diversity

English, Mathsand IT

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RARPA Stage 2 - Group Profile A group profile should be a summary of all the learning strengths and needs within your group, as established at initial assessment, and should be used to refine your course plan and scheme of work.

PEEPs - does the learner need a Personal emergency evacuation plan (PEEP) ie do they need particular support in order to evacuate the building in case of emergency?

Learner Name

PEEP required?Y/N

Functional skills/English/Maths/ICT levels

Soft skills eg communication skills, team work, motivation etc

Subject specific experience/initial assessment

Additional support needs

Learning style

Any other information


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RARPA stage 3 Session Learning outcomes

(these should be refined in Learning Plans to account for individuals)

Session Outline(activities should be differentiated to allow learners to achieve individualised outcomes)










ACL Scheme of Work 2018/19 – V1

Include planning for mid-course review

Include planning for summative reviews – ILPs, celebration of achievement, progression advice and learner survey

To include – Induction (refer to checklist), initial assessment and starting to agree SMART learning outcomes

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Learner Induction ChecklistEach learner should receive a copy of the learner handbook, or Easy Read version.The following topics should be covered at the start of each course and for each new learner. You may wish to split induction over two sessions. Guidance on how to do this is listed below:

Session 1Housekeeping

Emergency procedures - emergency exits, fire assembly points, fire extinguishers, first aid box, toilets, refreshmentsPersonal Emergency Evacuation Plans (where necessary)SafeguardingStaying safe – Safeguarding and learners’ responsibilitiesStaying safe online (if learners will be required to use the internet)You might need to create an account - what is a secure password?If you look for information on the internet, how would you know if it’s true?If you saw something that made you uncomfortable on this social media account, what would you do?Course InformationLearning Outcomes, resourcesEnrolment and Learner AgreementSupport for your learning, English and maths checks if necessaryAttendance – dates and times, who to contact if absentProgress and AchievementLearning Plans (ILPs)

Session 2HousekeepingRecap emergency procedures (where necessary)SafeguardingCyberbullyingThe Prevent DutyOther ACL policies

Equality and DiversityTeaching and Learning and Quality including possible class visits from managersLearner VoiceFeedback and focus groupOther InformationUnique Learner Number


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Please tick above and sign and date below to confirm that induction has taken place.

Tutor Signature ……………………………………… Date ……………………………………….


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Tutor End of Course EvaluationThe following questions refer to the statements in Ofsted’s Common Inspection Framework


Please use these questions to reflect on and evaluate your practice. Please identify strengths andareas for improvement in your practice which will be used as evidence within your Provider’s annual review. Please keep in mind learners’ attendance and achievement.

Section 1 – Outcomes for learnersNo of

learners enrolled

No of learners complet


No of learner

s passed

a) Comment on progress and achievement in relation to starting points, including personal development. Were there any significant variations in achievement between different individuals?

b) Describe any additional outcomes for learners to those planned?For example, a learner using the internet to book tickets, learner supporting other members of the group or becoming motivated to take part in community activities.

c) List factors which may have prevented (a) learner(s) from achieving?For example absenteeism, not enough time, learners uninterested in course, literacy issues.

Section 2 - How effective was teaching, learning and assessment?a) a) What worked well and what could have worked better?

b) Describe how you addressed the full range of learners’ needs including additional needs.

c) How did you give formative feedback to learners and what impact did it have


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on their learning?

d) The involvement of parents and carers in their children’s learning and development(FEML and WFL)

Section 3 - How effective are leadership and management in raising achievement and supporting all learners?a) Comment on the suitability, access, facilities etc of the venue.

b) Were you able to access the support you needed?

c) Comment on suitability and availability of relevant learning resources including ILT

Section 4 – Personal development, behaviour and welfareHow did you address learners’ needs in…

a) English

b) Maths

c) IT

d) Wider outcomes/soft skills

e) Employability

f) The Prevent Duty and British Values

Section 5 - Strengths and areas for improvementReflecting on the above and any class visits/observation feedback you have received...What worked well?

What would you improve?

Section 6 –List any professional development needs you have identified for yourself


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Tutor End of Course Evaluation (pages 12-13) - To be completed and returned to your Manager to contribute to ongoing programme evaluation and annual review.


ACL Scheme of Work 2018/19 – V1