Page 1 of 39 Schedule and Plan for Home Learning Classes IV (Session 2020-21) Lesson Plan (April 13 -18, 2020) Guidelines: The written work can be done in any notebook/register available at home. The assignments will be uploaded every week under Home Assignment section on school website. Follow the given schedule for better learning experiences. Recorded explanations by teachers are also included in the lesson plans. Answer Key of previous plan is attached for your reference. Post your subject specific queries using the link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdh35Fdrw9bHFh2n279VAUc- zkQargJA0lAFxt1jEJmvTHXjA/viewform?usp=sf_link Schedule for Home Learning: Classes Monday 13/04/2020 Tuesday 14/04/2020 Wednesday 15/04/2020 Thursday 16/04/2020 Friday 17/04/2020 Saturday 18/04/2020 III Hindi Calligraphy Activity, Life skills English (Punctuation) Arts Mathematics (Comparing and Forming 4-digit numbers) EVS (My Family and Me -Worksheet) SUPW, Music Hindi (सॊऻा उसके दो बेद) IV Hindi Calligraphy Activity, Life Skills Mathematics (Number System) English (Subject and Predicate Creative Writing- Picture Composition), Arts Hindi (सॊऻा उसके बेद), Music Science (Plants-The Source of Food), SUPW Social Science (Looking at Our world) V Hindi Calligraphy Activity, Life Skills Mathematics (Comparing and formation of numbers), Arts Science (Reproduction in Plants), Music Hindi (वणवचाय औय वणवछे द) English (Poem), SUPW Social Science (Globes)

Schedule and Plan for Home Learning

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Classes IV (Session 2020-21)
The written work can be done in any notebook/register available at home.
The assignments will be uploaded every week under Home Assignment section on school website.
Follow the given schedule for better learning experiences.
Recorded explanations by teachers are also included in the lesson plans.
Answer Key of previous plan is attached for your reference.
Post your subject specific queries using the link
Classes Monday
Mathematics Life Skills
12:30 pm)
V D, E & F (1:00 pm
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(The writing piece should be sent at [email protected] by 15th April 2020)
myself because
today is
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What will I learn?
Marking periods in 7 digit numbers.
Roman Numeral
To Understand:
The Place value system for 7 digit number is divided into PERIODS.
A period called LAKHS is used for writing 7 digit number.
The LAKHS period has two places, LAKHS and TEN LAKHS.
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Example: 7951024 can be placed in place value chart as given below:
To mark the periods:
Roman Numerals:
Roman Numerals are a special kind of numerical notations that were earlier used by
the Romans using a different letters of latin alphabet .
Rules to write Roman Numerals:
1. The Letter I and X can be repeated , but not more than three times. The letters V
are L are not repeated. The values of the repeated number gets added.
Example: I= 1, XX= 20
2. When a symbol appears after a greater symbol, it will be added.
Example- VI = V + I = 5 + 1 = 6
3. When a symbol appears before a greater symbol, it will be subtracted.
Example- IX = X – I = 10 – 1 = 9
I can only be subtracted from V and X
X can only be subtracted from L .
30= XXX - correct 30= XXL - incorrect
You can subtract only once from a
Roman Number.
A. 7623401
B. 908456
C. 12078
II. Mark the periods using commas and write the number in words.
A. 389010
B. 2952126
C. 81756
A. 18 = 10+8=X+VIII=XVIII
B. 25
C. 42
A. XVII= X+VII= 10+7=17
V. In a 200 metre race, Suraj crossed the finishing line in XXVI seconds and
Sahil crosses it in XXIV seconds. Who won the race?
To Create:
How many Roman numbers up to 20 can you make with matchsticks ?
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Fill in the table:
* You can use A4 size coloured or white sheet for the table given above.
To Remember:
Memorize the basic symbols: I, V, X and L .
The symbols I and X can be repeated up to 3 times to make numbers.
Smaller valued symbols that come after larger valued ones are added.
Smaller valued symbols that come before larger valued ones are subtracted.
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To identify predicate in the sentence.
To create a story with the given picture. To See:
SPS Faculty:
To Understand:
The subject is the person or the thing in a sentence that is being spoken about.
The predicate is the part that tells us what the subject does or is.
For Example:
Who performs the action (writing) here? Mukesh
So, Mukesh is the subject.
The predicate tells us something about the subject.
The subject can be a single word.
Fire burns. (Here the subject consists of just one word – fire)
Heat expands bodies.
Here the subject consists of three words – the pretty girl.
If a sentence is a command or request, the subject is sometimes not stated. In that case, the subject of the sentence is the person who is implied.
For example:
Go there.
Who should go there?
The answer is ‘You’, which is implied in the question. Hence the subject is ‘You’.
We can identify the predicate of the sentence by identifying the part of the sentence that contains the verb. For example: The boy blew the whistle.
Here, the verb is blew. Since the highlighted part of the sentence contains the verb, it is the
predicate of the sentence.
Generally speaking, the predicate consists of all the words that are not a part of the subject.
The verb (a word denoting action) is the most important word in the predicate.
To Do:
1. The lotus is a beautiful flower.
2. The fireflies looked beautiful.
3. I shot an arrow in the air
4. Honesty is the best policy.
5. My friends understand my problems.
6. The students boarded the school bus.
7. The boy visited his grandfather in Pune.
8. Geography is an interesting subject.
9. Sunil likes to eat chocolates.
10. Ravi has many toy cars.
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1. ____________ gives us light and energy.
2. ____________ ws caught by the police.
3. ____________ are fond of eating hay.
4. ____________ was found in my cupboard.
5. ____________ is the capital of India.
6. ____________ sleep during the day.
7. ____________ are worn during summers.
8. ____________ often returns late from office.
9. ____________ protects us from getting wet during the rain.
10. ___________ has a wealth of marine life under it.
III. Give a predicate for each of these subjects:
1. The President ___________________.
10. An alarm clock _______________.e predicate.
IV. Match the subject with the predicate. Rewrite the complete sentences.
1. The doctor a. eat nuts
2. Kangaroos b. wore a beautiful crown
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4. Bhopal d. cured his patients
5. Squirrels e. are found in Australia
6. The queen
highest peak
8. These grapes h. always encourages me to do
Topic: Creative Writing- Picture Composition:
To See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0h6bFKDqyDU
The first step is to know the story structure – what are the important story elements that each
composition must include.
Using the ‘W’s, the setting tells the reader the time (When), place (Where) and main
character (Who) of the story.
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2) Observe the picture carefully and imagine a situation. Understand the theme of the
picture and then organize your ideas in a systematic order.
3) Give names to the characters and create story.
4) The composition must have an interesting conclusion
To Do:
What will I learn?
How to draw landscape?
How to mix colours?
Step by step drawing of a landscape
Colour shading
– – –
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, ?
SPS Faculty: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1fJUqUlwDaXnxC5jV5b9eyIa_aon3Bjdj
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. ________
. _________
. _________
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. __________

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What will I learn?
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To See: (SPS Faculty)
Complete the following Alankars :
1. Aaroh – Sa re sa , re ga re ,ga ma ga , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Avroh – Re sa re , sa ni sa , ni dha ni , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2. Aaroh – Sa re , sa re ga , re ga, re ga ma, ga ma, ga ma pa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Avroh-- sa ni,sa ni dha,ni dha ,ni dha pa, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The lyrics of school prayer ‘ ’:
1. ,


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Subject: Social Science
April: Week II
Purpose: To understand the features and uses of a map and a globe
Central Idea: To learn about our planet
To See:
SPS Faculty: (The PPT has been explained during online Subject Contact classes…for reference only)
To Understand:
A globe, like the earth, is round in shape, but much smaller in size so that we can easily see
different parts of the Earth. We can also move it around so that it rotates, just like the Earth.
But we cannot see the entire Earth at a single time on them, as it shows only one half of the
Earth at a time.
A map is a sketch of the Earth or a part of it, on a flat surface. It gives more detail than a
globe and is also easier to carry. So, depending on the need, we can use maps of the entire
world, or a more detailed map showing only one country, one city or one colony. A book of
maps is called an atlas.
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Continents- The surface of the Earth is made up of land and water. About three – fourths of
the Earth’s surface is covered with water, while the remaining is covered with land. A very
large mass of land is known as a continent.
o There are seven continents in the world. They are Asia, Europe, Africa, North
America, South America, Australia and Antarctica.
o Asia is the largest continent while Australia is the smallest continent.
o Continents usually comprise of many countries.
Oceans- The huge water bodies on the Earth’s surface are called oceans.
o The five oceans of the world are the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian
Ocean, The Arctic Ocean and the Southern Ocean.
o The Pacific Ocean is the largest and the deepest ocean while the Arctic Ocean is the
o Oceans and seas contain salt water.
Colours, symbols and directions on a map- Colours, symbols and directions help us to
read a map.
o On a map, oceans and other water bodies are generally marked in blue color.
Continents are marked in colors like brown or yellow.
o The symbols on a map are used, so that reading and understanding them becomes
points towards the north direction.
Q1- Tick the correct answer:
1. _______ is a very large mass of land.
a) Continent
b) Ocean
c) Mountain
a) Globes
a) Asia
b) Europe
c) Australia
4. Which color should be used to show the Arabian sea on a map?
a) Red
b) Blue
c) White
Q2- Fill in the blanks:
1. _________ is a very large body of water on the Earth’s surface.
2. _________is the largest and the deepest ocean in the world.
3. _________ is a book of maps.
4. Mountains, Plains and Plateaus are known as ____________.
Q3- Answer these-
b) What is the use of a compass?
c) What is the difference between a map and a globe?
d) What are continents? Name the seven continents.
e) Aditya wants to know about the location of monuments in Delhi. Should he use a map
or a globe? Why?
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To See; (SPS Faculty)
a) The substance which makes the leaves green. __________
b) Pores on the underside of leaves. __________
c) The main vein running along the centre of leaf. __________
d) The food prepared by the plants is in the form of __________
e) Food stored by the plants is in the form of __________
f) Chemical used to test the presence of starch __________
2. Write true or false for the following statements:
a) Stomata can be seen with our naked eye. ( )
b) Leaves need oxygen to make food. ( )
c) The word photo in photosynthesis means light. ( )
d) Plants and animals can live independently. ( )
e) Roots are known as the food factory of the plant. ( )
3. In which part of the following plant is the food stored:
a) Cauliflower ____________
b) Pea ____________
c) Cabbage ____________
d) Radish ____________
e) Potato ____________
know the importance of clean toilets for healthy communities.
understand that bacteria and viruses can affect health and that following simple, safe
routines can reduce their spread.
learn about the importance of hygiene education in creating healthy communities.
To make real choices and decisions (for example: issues affecting health and wellbeing)
Value Points:
To Understand:
Good hygienic habits are much more than just hand-washing. Once you master the
techniques of good sanitation during childhood, these habits are sure to last all through
your lives. It is the best way to prevent the spread of contagions and disorders. Always
remember, following the principles of correct hygiene at a nascent stage will aid you to live
a healthy life in the future. Cleanliness should be made a part of everyday life.
Expected Behaviour:
Follow bathroom rules.
Use bathroom properly
Ask permission to use the bathroom
Define & describe non-examples
Disrupting privacy (i.e. opening doors, shutting off lights, throwing paper towels)
Pushing ahead of others
Running in or out of the bathroom
Not washing hands or spending too much time washing hands to avoid class,
leaving trash on the floor
Using the restroom to avoid class and/or not returning to class when finished
I. Form the greatest and smallest number of the using the digits given
below in the table:
a. 2,3,8, 9, 0 98,320 20,389
b. 1,5,6,3,4,7 7,65,431 1,34,567
d. 7,2,9,0,6,8 9,87,620 2,06,789
D.O.- 7,7667,676 6,767 6,677
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IV. Compare using > = < :
(a) 34,872 < 34,900
(b) 87,945 > 78,945
(c) 7,24,582 > 88,899
(d) 2,06,006 > 1,16,116
(e) 8,46,470 < 8,47,740
(f) 42,358 < 4,23,580
Number Successor
Number Predecessor
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I am a 5 digit number.
My highest place is largest 1-digit number.
My lowest place is zero.
My hundreds place is equal to half a dozen.
My tens place is the number of sides of a triangle.
My thousands place is the smallest even number.
2. Expand this number - 90,000 + 2,000 + 600 + 30 + 0
3. Form the same number interchanging
thousands and ones place.The new number
4. Compare the numbers formed in (1) and (3) using <, >, =
92,630 > 90,632
5. For the number in (1) change the ten thousands place and hundreds place. The new
number is 62,930
6. Arrange the numbers in ascending order formed in (1), (3) and (5).
T.Th Th H T O
9 2 6 3 0
T.Th Th H T O
9 0 6 3 2
T.Th Th H T O
6 2 9 3 0
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Ascending Order -62,930 < 90,632 < 92,630
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I. Match Meanings
Draw a line from the phrases on the left to those on the right to make complete
sentences.( Answers have been written in ‘bold’ against each phrase)
II. Declarative, Imperative, Interrogative, or Exclamatory?
Write whether the sentence is declarative, imperative, interrogative, or exclamatory.
1. Declarative
2. Interrogative
3. Interrogative
Are you sure that you want to spend your money on that toy?
4. Exclamatory
1. You need to be more attentive in class
2. Her dance routine was the highlight of the evening
3. The children ventured into the forest to look for bunnies
4. It was difficult for me to find the entrance to that building
5. Tonight we will honor the most outstanding students of the
7. He watched the plane furiously disappear into the distance
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Get the word out that we are having a party.
8. Imperative
Put on your boots before you go out in the rain.
9. Declarative
Dad had to nail the boards together to make a box.
My grandmother will slowly regain her health after the surgery.
11. Interrogative
12. Exclamatory
13. Interrogative
What will you gain by winning all the awards if you lose all your
15. Declarative
Answer key – Lesson Plan-1
To do -
Fill in the blanks:
a) The gas absorbed by plants during photosynthesis is - carbon dioxide.
b) The green pigment present in leaves is - chlorophyll
c) The gas released during photosynthesis is - oxygen.
d) Plants make their food in - leaves.
e) Plants - can make their own food.
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Lesson Plan-2 Science
Answer the following questions. Q1. The process by which green plants make their food is called photosynthesis. Why? Ans- The process of making food by plants is called photosynthesis because the plants make their food in presence of sunlight. The word `photo' means light and synthesis means putting together. Q2. Name the three things required by plants to make food. Where do they get these from? Ans - Three things required by plants are - Carbon dioxide, sunlight, water and minerals,. Plants get carbon dioxide from the air, water and minerals are absorbed by the roots from the soil. Plants get energy to make food from the sun. Q3. What is the role of stomata? Ans - Role of stomata: a) it helps in exchange of gases. b) loss of water from plants also take place through stomata. Q4. Give some example of food storing parts in plants. Ans- Root, stem, leaves, fruit, flower, seed. Q5. How does cutting down trees affect our breathing? Ans - We need oxygen to breathe. This oxygen is produced by plants during photosynthesis. If we cut trees the amount of oxygen will decrease. Match the following –
Roots absorb water Green leaves kitchen of plant Plant prepare food by photosynthesis Stomata tiny openings Stored food starch
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Answer Key
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