School-Based Assessment for Learning Workshop (B engkel P enilaian K endalian Sekolah ) Ministry of Education, Negara Brunei Darussalam SBA PD Program for Y7 & Y8 Teachers 17 Januari 2011 BRIDEX, Jerudong

Sb afl part 1

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presented by Kay SMPW 2011

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Page 1: Sb afl part 1

School-Based Assessment for Learning Workshop

(B engkel P enilaian K endalian Sekolah)

Ministry of Education,Negara Brunei Darussalam

SBA PD Program for Y7 & Y8 Teachers

17 Januari 2011BRIDEX, Jerudong

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School-Based Assessment for Learning Workshop (B engkel P enilaian K endalian Sekolah)

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Review and ReflectAdakah abiskita sudah….?

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SPN 21

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❀ Memenuhi keperluan-keperluan dan cabaran-cabaran perkembangan pembangunan ekonomi dan sosial abad ke-21

❀ Merealisasikan Visi dan Misi Kementerian Pendidikan ❀ Menyediakan kemahiran-kemahiran abad ke-21 ❀ Memenuhi tema-tema strategik sepertimana digariskan

dalam Pelan Strategik Kementerian Pendidikan (2007- 2011)

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Rasional perubahan adalah berasaskan kepada: ❀ Wawasan Brunei 2035 Menjelang 2035, kita berhasrat

menjadikan Negara Brunei Darussalam dikenali di seluruh dunia dengan:

✼ Rakyat yang berpendidikan, berkemahiran tinggi dan berjaya

✼ Kehidupan rakyat yang berkualiti tinggi ✼ Ekonomi yang dinamik dan berdaya tahan ❀ Lapan (8) Hala Tuju Dasar dalam Strategi Pendidikan,

Wawasan Brunei 2035 ❀ Melaksanakan misi pendidikan dengan lebih sempurna

iaitu ’untuk memberikan pendidikan yang menyeluruh bagi mencapai potensi yang penuh bagi semua’

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❀ Menanai dan meningkatkan penguasaan pelajar dalam Bahasa Melayu

❀ Penyelidikan-penyelidik tempatan dan yang didatangkan khusus dari luar negeri telah mengenalpasti ruang- ruang khas yang memerlukan perubahan dalam Sistem Pendidikan Negara

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H o w S B A f L c a m e a b o u t

The term School Based Assessment for Learning (SBAfL) is a fusion of School Based Assessment (SBA), which has already been widely practiced in schools since the introduction of SPN21 Interim in 2008, and Assessment for Learning (AfL). The term was adopted during the SBA core group training session in order to emphasize the distinction between current SBA practices in school and the revised SBAfL.

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When School Based Assessment (SBA) was implemented during the first year of the interim stage, students were over-assessed to the extent that almost all the homework and classwork were elevated into high-stakes summative assessments. This over-assessment did not allow sufficient time for teaching and learning. Students did not have the opportunity to receive formative feedback from their teachers, reflect on their own learning and learn from their mistakes in a low-stakes environment before they were assessed for summative purposes.

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In addition, assessments were mostly based on written tests which were mini versions of external written exams. Thus, the students were taught in an exam-oriented manner where they were drilled towards an end-of-year exam. The reliance on written tests in SBA meant that students were assessed on a limited set of skills. Skills such as oral communication, ICT, research and creative thinking were not enhanced as they are not readily assessed in a one-off written test. Therefore, students resorted to rote-learning as their assessments mainly focused on memorisation skills.

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Because every piece of student work was accounted for summative marks, teachers’ time was devoted mostly to assessing and marking for summative purposes. Teachers were required to record marks from each piece of assessment in the teachers’ record book. Teachers could not provide quality feedback to students as marks were not accompanied by useful descriptions or criteria in rubrics.

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Mengapa reformasi Pendidikan ini diperkenalkan?

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Based on Learning Areas and Learning Outcomes

Various combinations of subjects from the 8 Learning Areas

Common Curriculum from Year 1 to Year 6 (primary) and Year 7 to Year 8

Differentiated Curriculum from Years 9, 10 and 11



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Valid measurement of students’ attainment in various aspects of skills, knowledge and attitudes (SKA) and values

Continuous school-based assessment (SBA)for diagnostic and intervention purposes

The weighting for SBA will be counted in the summative assessments

SBA should be monitored and moderated



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Teaching approaches for students of different abilities

Diagnostic assessment to identify students’ capability and weakness

Intervention and remedial instructions



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Kaji semula dan MuhasabahReview and Reflect

Apakah yang telah awda fahami tentang Istilah PKS / SBA?

Adakah awda pernah melaksanakan PKS / SBA di kelas atau sekolah ?

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School-based assessment (SB A ) is assessment which is embedded in the teaching and learning process. I t has a number of important characteristics which distinguish it from other

forms of assessment:

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Penilaian Kendalian Sekolah atau nama Inggerisnya ‘School Base Assessment’ (PKS/ SBA) adalah penilaian yang terkandung di dalam proses p & p. Pelbagai kriteria boleh membezakannya dengan bentuk penilaian lainnya, iaitu:

M emerlukan penyertaan guru dari awal proses p & p hinggalah kepada penyudahnya. I ni termasuklah dalam hal merancang program penilaian, mengenalpasti dan memperkembangk

an tugasan penilaian dan diakhiri dengan membuat keputusan terhadap penilaian berkenaan.

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PKS/ SBA? Memerlukan himpunan data dan maklumat pelajar

tentang pencapaian pembelajarannya dalam masa yang ditetapkan.

Guru boleh membuat sebarang adaptasi dan perubahan selaras dengan matlamat P&P yang akan dicapainya (terhadap kelas dan pelajar yang akan dinilainya)

Penilaian dilaksanakan dibilik darjah. Dinilai oleh guru pelajar berkenaan

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PKS/ SBA? Memerlukan penglibatan aktif pelajar dalam proses

penilaian terutamanya jika menggunakan penilaian kendiri dan rakan sebaya sebagai asas penilaian

Membolehkan guru memberikan maklum balas dan respons segera dan konstruktif kepada pelajar yang dinilai.

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Black, Harrison, Lee, Marshall & Wiliam, 2003, ms. 2-3)

[… apa saja jenis penilaian yang bertujuan untuk memajukan pembelajaran pelajar … maka aktiviti penilaian yang boleh mendorong pembelajaran tersebut haruslah menggunakan penilaian berbentuk informasi seperti maklum balas dari guru, dan pelajar-pelajar boleh menilai diri sendiri juga sesama mereka..]

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Penilaian diterapkan dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran

Matlamat pembelajaran dikongsi dengan tegasnya dan pelajar diajarkan tentang bagaimana cara untuk mencapai tahap yang hendak dicapai

Pelajar dilibatkan dalam penilaian secara kendiri, berterusan dan rakan sebaya

Maklum balas yang membina secara kualitatif dapat menolong pelajar untuk mengetahui tahap pembelajarannya

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Ciri-ciri penting dalam penilaian untuk pengajaran

Guru, ibubapa dan pelajar sama-sama sentiasa mengimbas balik hasil dapatan penilaian

[Diandaikan bahawa semua pelajar akan dapat meningkatkan diri] (diambil dari the Assessment Reform Group, 1999, p.7)

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Gabungan dua konsep utama:

Penilaian Kendalian Sekolah (PKS)School Based Assessment (SBA)


Penilaian untuk Pembelajaran (PuP)Assessment for Learning (AfL)

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Example of SBAfL policy in Singapore …Example of SBAfL policy in Singapore …

““For teaching and learning to be effective, teachers will For teaching and learning to be effective, teachers will identify and monitor pupils’ changing needs, abilities and identify and monitor pupils’ changing needs, abilities and interestsinterests so that they can modify or adapt their teaching so that they can modify or adapt their teaching methods to methods to help pupils improve their learninghelp pupils improve their learning. Teachers will . Teachers will also give timely and also give timely and useful feedback to pupils useful feedback to pupils and provide them and provide them with opportunities to act on the feedback with opportunities to act on the feedback to improve their to improve their learning. learning. Together, the processes of diagnosing pupils’ needs, Together, the processes of diagnosing pupils’ needs, abilities and interests, monitoring pupils’ learning progress, and abilities and interests, monitoring pupils’ learning progress, and feeding-forward feeding-forward to improve learning constitute Assessment to improve learning constitute Assessment forfor Learning (ALearning (AffL).” L).”

(MOE Singapore, 2008)(MOE Singapore, 2008)

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Example of SBAfL policy in Hong Kong …Example of SBAfL policy in Hong Kong …

““Based on the beliefs that every student is unique Based on the beliefs that every student is unique and possesses the ability to learn, and that we should and possesses the ability to learn, and that we should develop their multiple intelligences and potentials develop their multiple intelligences and potentials …… there there should be a change in assessment practices and schools should be a change in assessment practices and schools should put more emphasis on 'Assessment for Learning' as should put more emphasis on 'Assessment for Learning' as an integral part of the learning, teaching and assessment an integral part of the learning, teaching and assessment cycle cycle …… …… In other words, teachers should use In other words, teachers should use assessmentsassessments(e.g. as simple as (e.g. as simple as effectiveeffective verbal questioningverbal questioning, observation , observation of student behaviour) and provide of student behaviour) and provide immediate feedback immediate feedback to to enhance student learning in everyday classroom lessons. enhance student learning in everyday classroom lessons. The focus is on why they do not learn well and The focus is on why they do not learn well and how to help how to help them to improvethem to improve rather than just to use assessments to find rather than just to use assessments to find out what knowledge students have learnedout what knowledge students have learned””


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(Khusus penilaian BM bagi tahun 7&8)

Strategi penilaian untuk belajar

(Black & William, 1998a, 1999 dlm Glasson: 2009)

Memberikan maklum balas yang tepat dan berguna bagi meningkatkan pembelajaran pelajar.

Harus menggunakan penilaian (contoh menggunakan cara penyoalan yang efektif dan mencerap kelakuan pelajar).

Maklum balas secara langsung.

Penilaian melalui pemerhatian, checklist (senarai semak), catatan maklum balas untuk tindakan susulan (feed-forward).

........ ????

1. Kongsi sama guru dengan pelajar mengenai objektif dan kriteria yang akan dinilai dalam pembelajaran.

2. Strategi penyoalan.

3. Maklum balas yang efektif.

4. Penilaian kendiri5. Menjadikan

penilaian formatif berguna dalam penilaian sumatif