Jasmine and Jamie’s Wild Adventure By:Sara Maherali Decmeber 7,2010

Sara Maherali Novel

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Decmeber 7,2010 By:Sara Maherali Back from the Dead………………………………………………………31 Seeing the Ghost………………….………………………..………..…..9 Coming Home………………………………………………………………12 Disappearing……………………………………………………………..25 Vanishes……………..............................…...………………………20 Chapter 1 school, when those girls found out that they were liars, they kicked Jasmine and Jamie out. People started telling Jasmine and Jamie that they will be hated for the rest of their lives. Chapter 2 Being Popular in School

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Table of Contents

The Haunted House………………………….…………………...…..2

Being the Popular People in School……………………………6

Seeing the Ghost………………….………………………..………..…..9

Coming Home………………………………………………………………12


The Ghost……………………...……………………………………………..17


Moving out of the Haunted House…………………….……22



Back from the Dead………………………………………………………31

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Chapter 1

The Haunted House

There was once a girl, she lived near a haunted house so whenever

she walked home from school, she always past the Big old haunted

house. Her friend dared her to knock on the door; she was so

frightened she never knew it could be this dangerous she got so scared

she ran away. Her friend also got scared, but she was brave so she

stood there like a minute extra, then she also ran away. The next day

came, her friend told everyone about the wild adventure they went on

yesterday. Everyone was now proud to hang around Jasmine and Jamie.

That day, Jasmine and Jamie were proud of them and actually wanted

to go back to the haunted house, so they did and they knocked on the

door quite a few times, this time they stood there for several minutes.

No one talked, it was a moment of silence but this time they stood

there for a long time. They were anxious, Jasmine and Jamie told

everyone again and this time there were even more 6th graders that

wanted to hang out with them. A few days went by, and the people

that thought that they were cool invited some of their very own

friends and they planned one day of every month and on that day they

would all go to the haunted house together, and most of the people

that would run away. After that they were the only girls and then one

by one the boys would leave and the last people there were Joshua,

Jamie’s little 5 year old brother, and of course Jasmine and Jamie.

None of them were scared, after a while Jasmine and Jamie also made

Jamie’s Sister Joanna popular in the school they went to. Everyone

wanted to hang out with them. Before any of this happened they were

all kids that had no friends and were always with no one but each

other. Jasmine has always been scared of everyone and everything.

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After a while, everyone started to like them and people still came to

the haunted house to see them.

Jasmine actually could be really interesting because she is only

12 and does all of these crazy things, in only 5 foot 12, and there is

only one reason why the boys are all over her because of her beautiful

smile, hazel colored eyes, and her nice smooth hands. A few more

reasons are because, she has smooth shoulder length hair with a nice

skinny body (she is also a cheerleader.) Whenever Jasmine has nothing

to do and is home with her nice older brother or sister, they all love to

swim; play baseball, basketball, and all of them have a girlfriend or

boyfriend so they all hang out together. Sadly, Jasmine and her family

had to move from the house Jasmine was born in which was in Los

Angeles, California to a new mansion in Coppell, Texas. The best part

for Jasmine and her brothers and sisters is that in their new house

there is a plasma TV in every room, there is a spa and swimming pool ( a

huge one,) it had 4 floors, and the house looked like a celebrity owned

it from the outside.

The haunted house was very scary to live in Jasmine couldn’t even

sleep a single night without waking up or having a nightmare. She was

horrified of the strange noises that were coming from odd places like,

behind the fridge, from the attic, basement, the bedrooms, and from

the closets in the house. At night the windows would make so much

noise that her family was really scared to even go close to a window.

The next few days, went by smoothly but not after that a next night at

12 am in Jasmine’s brother’s room the windows glass shattered

everywhere. No one was happy about this incident, Jasmines brother

had to go to the hospital because he had glass stuck in him. It was in

his arm, head, stomach, and many other horrifying places. No one was

happy, and everyone started to think that Jasmine and Jamie were big

time liars. It turned out that there was one piece of glass that was

stuck in his heart so he started to bleed and an hour later Jasmines 14

year old brother past away.

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Now that everyone heard about what happened to Jasmines

brother everyone started to like her, well some people did for the fact

that they felt sorry for her and they would also hate to be in such a

difficult situation. Her best friend her only friend Jamie also felt

sorry even though it was just the two of them she didn’t care Jasmine

was her best friend since kindergarten and they really didn’t want to

break a perfect friendship between the two of them even when they

are mad at each other or for any other reason. Everything was back to

normal, and people actually did want to be her friend because she was

funny, smart, intelligent, and sweet. After a while, she was the most

popular girl in school; but, the haunted house was still pretty scary.

The scariest thing was that she met the ghost that killed her very own

brother, the horrifying ghost told her what he did to the others that

lived in the haunted house and he didn’t do anything bad to Jasmines

brother and he did to the other poor children that are adopted or

orphans. After that little talk, Jasmine was not feeling as bad and she

told the ghost that she is going to have a party at the haunted house

so he doesn’t do anything to the other children that are Jasmines

friends and even after they leave don’t ever go to haunt the children.

The party was so much fun for everyone and that was all that was going

around in school. People were having so much fun that Jasmines party

that it didn’t end till 12 am when it was supposed to end at 9pm. The

next day, someone made a rumor that Jasmine and Jamie were liars

because no one ever answered the door of the haunted house.

Everyone hated the girl that spread the rumor and it turns out that it

was Jasmine and Jamie’s worst enemy Barbra Jackson. Barbra hated

everyone since no one liked her since she was a 12 year old slob, that

picks her nose, harasses others, wears ugly clothes, does not pay any

attention in class, and the worst of all even the teachers hate her and

always give her fs even if she actually got a 100 %. Poor Jasmine and

Jamie, everyone hated them and no one like to talk to them, people

were not happy they were tricked by 2 big fat liars. In the school, they

were in a group called the bossy group, just because they are popular in

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school, when those girls found out that they were liars, they kicked

Jasmine and Jamie out. People started telling Jasmine and Jamie that

they will be hated for the rest of their lives.

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Chapter 2

Being Popular in School

Well apparently, being popular in school is not to fun, because

sooner or later you can’t be popular anymore since people start making

rumors about you. In the bossy group one of the girls just got kicked

out since Barbra made a rumor that they kissed the schools weirdest

guy ever. Another girl was kicked out by a rumor that they have a dog

that bit her friend. The worst part was that it turns out that Barbra

Jackson was once part of the popular group. No one ever knew that

Barbra was part of the bossy group, but some people actually did

believe it and even the main girls say it comes and goes “I have been

the most popular girl in school ever since I started pre-school and I

got kicked out quite a few times but I survived and I became part of it

again for a little while, look at me now I am not part of the group any

more, right.” After the girls had that discussion Jasmine and Jamie

became much more comfortable with not being in the bossy group, but

they still felt like killing Barbra. For some reason, Barbra became part

of the bossy group again and everyone was on her side, thanks to

Barbra, Jasmine and Jamie was hated by everyone around them. People

always gave her an evil eye, there were a few people that actually were

nice to them and that was their families and not everyone from their

family only a few people still liked them and they were their parents

and brothers and sisters. People were so mad at them they became

popular since they were hated so much, they were happy but they felt

like they had to fix the problem but they just didn’t know how to fix it.

Jasmine went over to Jamie’s to figure out how to solve the problem

but they just couldn’t, they got so mad at their selves for doing causing

this problem but they just don’t know how it had happened. Jasmine

finally thought of a plan, the plan was to ignore each other at school, or

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just tell everyone to come over to the haunted house and they will

prove that a ghost really lives in that house. So they had Jasmine

sister dress up as a ghost and told everyone to come over, people were

proud they did but then Jasmines sister did her job and jumped jump

out of nowhere to scare the children and surprisingly everyone was

sacred and ran home to their moms. People actually started to like

Jasmine and Jamie again so they started getting mad at Barbra for

accusing them and thankfully Barbra got kicked out of the group and

Jasmine and Jamie got put back in to the bossy group. Everyone hated

Barbra and no one ever went closer than 30 feet to her so Barbra

doesn’t touch them. People were even embarrassed to talk to her,

since she was so boring and had lots of jealousy in her. People accused

her of what she said, like Mr. Wacky said “how dare you accuse my

best student, she never talked to you so why did you get into her

business.” Barbra got in trouble and she felt sorry for Jasmine and

Jamie, she wanted to apologize but they wouldn’t talk to her;

therefore, she found out Jasmine and Jamie’s address and sent them a

sorry card. They really weren’t expecting anything from the person

that made fun of them and had no friends. Each person in the school

found out about what Barbra sent them and everyone was happy, but

there was just one problem, if people found put they were friends they

would be the most embarrassed 7th graders ever. So a few days went

by, they made a deal with Barbra that they would be friends with her

but not at school, she could come over but you can’t come directly from

school, the list went on and on. The rule they said was most important

was that they can’t be seen together at school, and don’t say anything

when people are making fun of each other, and go along with it. People

started asking if Barbra actually sent a postcard or something else,

and they said no one sent me anything, just so no one was hated even

more. One of the cheerleaders told the coach “ if Jasmine does not

change from being team captain then I am going to quit and join

another club in school at least I won’t have to stay with the 2 out of 3

most hated kids in school.” Jasmine found out about what happened and

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told the coach that she is quitting cheerleading, since everyone on the

team hates her. “For today I will come for practice but in a few weeks

don’t be surprised if you don’t see me in cheerleading ever again.”

Jasmine told the coach, but the coach says, “ well your our best

cheerleader you can’t just quite like that, everyone thinks your

awesome and people tell me they want to ask you out since you’re so

popular in the school since everyone hates you.” Jamie was outside

waiting for Jasmine and she was not too happy about any of this since

there was nothing wrong with Jasmine it is just rumors around school,

and no one should be hating Jasmine it’s not her fault it is Barbra’s.

Jamie is not happy, but then thankfully Jasmine couldn’t find anything

else to join so she went back into cheerleading, but quite again since no

one cared about she and she dropped her from the pyramid so now she

has a broken foot, hand, nose, and a fractured figure. Jasmine didn’t

come to school for the next two months and every single day Jamie

would come to school take Jasmines homework and sit with her until 6

or 7 pm and helped her understand what she learned in school today.

People were giving Jamie presents to take to Jasmine in the hospital

and soon there were like 5 people bringing in gifts just for Jasmine,

and when the mail man came by the there was a cart full of cards,

sorry cards for poor old Jasmine which is not having too much fun in

the hospital. Thankfully, unlike her brother she didn’t die, and then

her mother would only have a single child. The cheerleaders even told

the coach that they want Jasmine to be team captain once she is

feeling better. After a while, Jamie told Jasmine that there were

people that wanted to come and visit her in the hospital, Jasmine said

it is alright if they come as long as Barbra is not seen as being our


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Chapter 3

Seeing the Ghost

After Jasmine got better, she went straight back into the

haunted house. By the way, Jasmine is the only one that could see the

haunted ghost. Even Jamie can’t see the ghost, but there is a special

power that the ghost has that makes everyone see him and see what he

is doing. One day, Jamie came over to Jasmines house to hang out and

to talk, for Jamie the main point was to help Jasmine feel better and

forget about her leg. Jasmine’s sister Joanna would have been a great

help if she didn’t go to college. Jasmine only had Jamie now and they

both depended on each other, people felt so sorry for Jasmine that

the first week she came back to school she had her books sticking out

of her backpack but most of it were gift baskets, card, and one card

said “ Dear Jasmine,

I feel so sorry for you, but even though you might not like me I really

like you. My number is 856-656-2367.



P.S. I am the star quarter back of the school football team.”

Jasmine was extremely happy to hear that the cutest guy in

school is asking her out. People were amazed when Jamie told Barbra

and the word spread out, the quarter back of the school football team

is asking her out. The worst part is that Jasmine will have to come to

every single game and probably have to go to the dance with him.

Jasmine called Joey and said “Hi, is this Joey, this is Jasmine from

school. I saw the card you sent me and I am so happy you sent me that

card. I am going to get out of the Children’s Hospital in a week or two

so I was wondering if you are interested in the head cheerleader. I

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know I got kicked out but I rejoined and the Coach said she wanted me

to be the head cheerleader again, so I guess I will be coming to every

football team and watch you play as the star quarter back.” There was

no voice and then it finally came out and Joey said “I really like you too

and I was wondering if you would like to go out once you come back to

school and feel better. Plus don’t be mad if everyone is asking you if

you are really going out with Joey just say yes because someone spread

it around school that I asked you out, I have to go, bye.” She was so

happy, there was really only one nurse she liked at the hospital since

she really makes her feel at home, and she shows Jasmine pictures of

her own children. The best part is that now I have a boot on with a

cast underneath and the doctor said to walk a little but don’t over use

your leg, so one day Jasmine asked the nurse if she would walk around

with Jamie and one little kid around the hospital and said, “of course.”

She said yes and at that moment Jamie was also there so she said “why

don’t I take you to Jamie and we could take Brendon and Samantha

along with us.” Jamie was pleased that the nurse asked her and she

said yes since everyone in the hospital was so nice and helpful. Brendon

and Samantha were really happy that Jasmine and Jamie came along

with them. They were all so happy and in the play room there was a

photo booth so Brendon, Samantha, Jasmine, Jamie, and the nurse all

got into and took a pictures and one copy per person so they could

remember each other when they leave. The next thing Jasmine knew

was that the nurse went outside since there was a new arrival, this kid

had a problem with his heart and kidney, and they were both bleeding.

People were so sad when they saw the child, the worst part about Brian

the new kid is that he is only 5 years old and there are already

problems in his body going on. People were feeling so bad for the little

kid; therefore, Jasmine and Jamie were now allowed to walk around the

hospital so they always went to the Brian’s room because he was not

feeling good. Apparently, it turns out that Brian was Joey’s little

brother, so Jasmine was nice enough to tell the people that worked at

the hospital that Joey has come to visit her. So as quickly as they can

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she took Joey to see his little brother there he was in surgery, the

doctor came out and said there is some bad and good news, Joey said “

let me hear the bad news first,” the doctor said okay “ your brother

has been put onto many medicines, “ the good news” Joey said, “ your

brother is still alive, he is very lucky most of the time people would die

if they were in this bad of a situation,” Joey was so happy that Brain

was okay. He was so happy, he asked the doctor a few more questions, a

few hours later Joey was allowed to go see Brian; he was awake so they

talked to each other both of them happy to see each other. Both so

happy to see each other they started crying, happy crying. After a

while, Brian and Joey’s parents came by to see the two of them since

they were so happy about the good news and they heard the bad, Brian

became a good friend of Jasmine’s and Jamie’s. Therefore, Joey

became good friends with Jamie and Jasmine. Now that Joey knew

which room Jasmine was in after school he would caller her from

Brain’s room and tell her to come down so Joey could help her and so

both of them could help Brain if he doesn’t understand something,

sometimes when there were football games, Jasmine would stay behind

and watch Brian while Joey would go with the games with his wonderful

team mates. For Jasmine, Jamie went and they would be talking on the

phone about what is happening at the game and just to make Brain

happy Jasmine would also tell him so he could stay happy and have some

faith in his own brother. Everyone found out about what happened to

Joeys little brother and then everything went over to Joey, the gifts,

and cards.

Chapter 4

Coming Home

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Finally, the day has come, Jasmine finally gets go back home and

live her normal life again. Of course, Jasmine has a boot on her leg so

she can walk around school easily but it is still difficult to be the

person that skipped school for the last month and has a hurt leg.

Jasmine and Jamie were so happy to finally see each other again at

school again, there were so many people asking how it felt to be in the

hospital. Thankfully, Jamie was also included in the conversations so

she didn’t feel left out, then Joey came along and asked Jasmine if she

made up her mind and then she said yes. People were happy and mad at

her for dating the hottest boy in school. She was happy and then was

asked to go to the movies, the posy group actually got Jasmine and

Jamie back in, Jasmine was put back into cheerleading and Jasmine

said “if I am a cheerleader, than Jamie will be a one two or I quit.” The

coach for the cheerleader, she was confused, she thought there might

be too much to learn and she doesn’t know what position she will be.

The cheerleaders told Jasmine, “that they were sorry about the way

they acted, and also told her that we are okay with you being the head

cheerleader and this time we will respect you for sure. The coach also

said if we don’t we are kicked out of cheerleading and we really don’t

want that to happen to us.” We were mad at you but not anymore, and

actually we want to be your friend. When the day was over, Jasmine

went home and she was not too happy, she was talking to herself and

said “the first day I am back and there are so many problems to solve.”

Jasmine quickly finished all of her homework and then went on over to

the hospital to say hi to everyone, and of course there was one main

reason she went, today at school there is a football game and of course

she needed to help Joeys brother in the hospital so she told Jamie to

go to the game. Well apparently, she was not too happy that she made

Brain watch the game because the school team loss. People were sad

that the team loss, if they didn’t lose this game they would have

became the city champions in football and tennis. At least tennis won

the state championships, and now everyone on the tennis team is

popular in school. Jasmine was part of the tennis team until she hurt

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her leg. Jamie called we were talking on the phone and then Joey

walked into the room with a limp on the right leg. Joey walked into the

room and told her I saw Jamie at the game today, you should have

come now that we are going out because after the game the football

players go out with their girlfriends. Joey was happy to see his

brother, but then Brain started to talk, “you could have easily made 5

more touch downs but you and your team was not trying hard enough.”

There was an odd moment of silence and Joey looked at me and so did

Brain I was confused and then I said, “I have to get going because I

have to make dinner for the family and there are guest coming over to

our house today.” Joey went and gave Jasmine a big hug and then

Jasmine went head and gave Brain a hug too since he was getting angry.

Joey walked me down and apparently the entire football team was

standing outside and gave Jasmine a dozen balloons since Joey was a

good friend to them and now Joey’s girlfriend. People were so happy

for them and the next day she came to the hospital and told Joey and

Brain that I will not be able to come to the hospital when there is a

football game for now on since I am the head cheerleader again and

neither will Jamie since she is now also a cheerleader. Joey was really

happy about that and apparently the guy who Jamie likes is also on the

football team so if they go out everyone on the football team will have

a girlfriend. And apparently, the guy who Jamie likes, Michael, likes her

to and Joey told him that Jamie likes him so now they are going out

with each other. People were so happy about all of this and now

everyone is happy. Michael and Jamie always have a great time right

after the football games and so do Joey and Jasmine. After school,

Jasmine, Jamie, Joey, and Michael all went to the hospital to see Brain.

Brain was extremely happy to see everyone and after a while, Brain

figured out that Michael was on the football team and started giving

lectures about what they could do to make the team better. One of the

nurses, walked into the room and asked for Joey, Joey went outside

and there he was talking on the phone with his mom, she said “I am at

home right now but, I have to leave for a business trip and she will be

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gone for 2 to 3 weeks. Of course Joey told Brain and he was okay with

it, Brain was not to surprised and then he told us, “Our mom goes away

all the time thanks to her job and we are okay with it, as long as me

have a home and our family is happy Joey and I are all right to stay

home.” Jasmine felt bad for them so she called her mom and asked if

Joey and Brain could stay over for the next 2 weeks. Jasmine told

them “it is okay with my mom and me if you stay over at our house for

the next week or so because she wants to get to know you better and

she thinks you guys are great kids.”

Chapter 5


There they were Jasmine, Jamie, Joey, Michael and Brian sitting

in Jasmines room doing homework, helping each other. It was 5 P.M and

they were all finally done with their homework, the door was shut no

one spoke to each other, therefore; there was an odd moment of

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silence around. Brian finally said “I am done now,” it was still quite no

one replied to Brian except for an odd voice in the closet which he

never heard before. Scared to death, Brian was freaked out his self.

Michal moved but fell back down then slowly Jasmine and Jamie

started to get up. His own brother Joey started to make weird noises

like pencils cracking but in Brian’s mind it was a ghost breaking peoples

bones while they were sitting there staring right at Brian. Jasmine

started talking to herself about how boring it was to sit in a boring old

hospital and heard the nurses running around and people walking down

the hallways. Poor Brian, he was scared not knowing what to do and

when he tried to open the door knob and it broke. They were all talking

to their selves Jasmine and Jamie talking about the cool boys and of

course their boyfriends. While Michael and Joey were talking about

football and their girlfriends, Joey was talking about the girl that was

the head girl of the posy group how cute she was. People were running

outside and throwing rocks at the windows and when they broke a

window they would laugh easily and would say “I will get you my pretty.”

Jasmine, Jamie, Michael, and Joey were just sitting there staring into

space not knowing what was happening with Brian and how confused he

was, downstairs there was sound and it was the sound of people running

around and breaking stuff. Glass shattering, things falling on the floor,

and the sound of things getting thrown around the house, and there

were things falling on the floor as if there was an earth quake that was

like 9.6 which is really bad. He was sacred, trapped, and had to go to

the bathroom really badly. Brian was puzzled he didn’t know what to do

there was still a sound of breaking things going on downstairs and old

ladies started screaming at the kids that were throwing rock

everywhere just to be evil and to break windows. Now Jasmine and

Jamie were starting to wake up and started asking Brian, “what in the

world is going on here, this is not the way to act when everyone is

sleeping.” Michael and Joey woke up sleep walking around the house, not

knowing what is going on around them. Joey bumped right into a wall

and while Michael was walking around he stepped on glass and jumped

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up in fright. Jamie and Jasmine went to go see if he is okay but his

entire foot was bleeding. He was hurt horribly and Jasmine and Jamie

were totally freaked out, they heard the children laughing oddly

outside, Brian told them it had been going on for the last three hours.

Joey finally heard the noise so he got up to check if everything is all

right. He was the door and his eyes were bulging out of his face, he

looked at Michael and his foot was bleeding but not as badly, then he

looked at Brian, Jasmine, and Jamie they were all right except for

Brian he had a big scar on his face and it was turning purple and five

seconds later it was orange. Joey got up and when he did the noise

started coming again that things were breaking, but this time there

were a few weird things, one was that there was something scratching

on their legs, and the other is that the light weren’t working. There

was only one flashlight in the room and that was where there was glass

all over the floor everyone huddled up in a small corner Jasmine

started to feel something on her had it was her small cat that was

scratching on their legs. Joey said out loud “one mystery solved two

more to go.” Not knowing what to do everyone stopped talking the noise

stopped it sounded like it was getting closer and closer to Jasmines

room. A voice came “I will get you my pretty and all of your little

friends too.” They all ran into the bathroom the door was locked they

tried to get the flash light it was not going to work, the voice was

getting even closer and it said “count to hundred and you’ll be dead.”

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Chapter 6

The Ghost

The voice make back, this time everyone was awake no one

was happy. We just kept saying “we are going to die, we are going to

die.” No one was happy Jasmine went to pick up her phone all it said on

the screen was no reception!!! Then the sign came up and it said count

to ten and you’ll be dead. Scared to death Jasmine, Joey, Jamie,

Michael, and Brian started crying, the only thing that Jasmine wanted

to do is be in the hospital. Brian starts crying and they all get scared,

no one was happy about what was happening and Joey and Brian got

really scared and they were not too happy about it. Brian had to go to

the bathroom so badly that he went to the bathroom in his pants since

he was not able to go to the bathroom. Michael was confused so he

went to get his phone and the voice came back, “opening the door come

out where ever you are. Remember count to 5 now and you’ll be dead.

Joey was scared and he remembered what the football team coach

taught him, always get the person into a head lock. Jamie went behind

Michael and just kept on hugging him. Brian was just holding on to

Jasmine so she couldn’t even get up to even give her own boyfriend a

hug. Scared, the voice then talked again and said, “You are not the

first ones dead.” The door knob started turn, slowly and there was just

silence, just silence. Jasmine started to cry even more but she calmed

herself down and so it sounds like on one is in the room. The door

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creaked open more and more every second they looked at it. A voice

came again, “go to sleep or I will have to kill you!!! Oh look I see you now

wake up.” Brian woke up he got killed. Jasmine, Jamie, Michael, and

Joey stood still, the voice came back, “I see you now get up and go run

around the house because I said so.” Michael woke up the voice said,

“Good, now I get a full meal tonight, but you kid that is running your

saved and so is the little kid, you have passed my test.” The voice

finally went away. Jasmine, Joey, and Jamie were still lying on the floor

Brian told them, “this was all a test and we are safe so you guys could

wake up now.” Jasmine woke up, “I am so glad this is all over but now

what do we do? We are home alone still my mom is not home yet.”

Everyone was happy about what was going on at the moment, but they

were scared at the same time, why did this have to happen to us they

thought. Jasmines mother called to see if they were okay because she

heard about what just happened. She was also scared herself since

they had some guest over but she told Jasmine to tell everyone to get

ready because we had to go to the hospital to check on all the children.

The emergency lights were on in the hospital and there were many

ambulances outside with children in them. There she was the nurse

that was the best with Jasmine. Jasmine, Brian, Michael, Jamie, and

Joey all ran up to her. Jasmine asked, “what is going on here?” the

nurse replied to her, “one of the doctor were mixing chemical and all of

the sudden the light went out and there was a fire we tried to get the

children out but 3 died, 10 are majorly injured and they just came out

of surgery, and the rest are fine but do you remember Dr. Wilson he

died just right now in this incident.” Jamie was horribly sad and went

to Joey and started crying, Brian went up to the nurse and asked if his

friend Jimmy was okay, the nurse told him, “ Jimmy is alright now he

just went home with his family about five or six hours ago. Jamie then

asked, “Is Samantha and Jacob okay.” Yeah they are alright they went

home a week ago. Do you guys remember Josh, Marie, and Stephanie?

They are the children that died. Michael remembered that his cousin

was also in the hospital they were at right now so he asked, “is Mike

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okay?” the nurse replied, “yes he went home a day or two ago. He is

perfectly fine and his family was very glad to see him again. Jasmine

went inside the ambulance and there he was Matthew he was not okay

his entire leg was bleeding, and he was crying to see his mom. Matthew

saw Jasmines face and then he said, “Is that you Jasmine?” Jasmine

replied “it sure is, so how are you doing, your hand feeling any better

than before when you feel off the tree?” He replied, "I am doing much

better but my hand it still sore, the doctor said I have to say in the

hospital for an extra week."They are taking us to another hospital

right now. Jamie came up behind Jasmine and took her out of the

ambulance they have to leave if you want the children to be safe.

Chapter 7

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Jasmine felt horrible for the poor children that had to sit

in the hospital all day so instead, after school she went to go to the

hospital and there it was the hospital all burnt down and then she

remembered that the children went to a nearby hospital and Jasmine

and Jamie fast walked so fast that they were at the hospital in less

than five minutes. They went straight up to the receptionist and said,

“We are looking for the group of children that were transferred her

from the Children’s Hospital about 20 minutes away from here.” The

nice nurse came up to us and leaded us right to the rooms that the

children were in. They didn’t see half of the faces before so one by one

they were talking with the small children and some of them had some

homework they had to do so Jasmine and Jamie even helped them in

that. They finally came to a child that they had seen before. As an

engorgement to the parents, Jasmine talked to them about all the

great doctors and that Jasmine just came out of the hospital and that

it was painful but it’s a great experience to learn about people that you

never knew before. Jasmine and Jamie went home and they also saw a

few parents that apparently didn’t know that their child was moved to

the other hospital. As a good citizen, Jasmine and Jamie decided to

take the parents to the hospital that their child was in and so they

don’t have to see so many parents cry. The parents went straight up to

their child’s room. Well Jasmine didn’t go to the hospital for the next

few days but then, she went and all the kids vanished. There was not a

single child that was in the hospital, the Children’s Hospital was also

closed no one was there either. Jasmine and Jamie both wondered

about what was happening, and where all the children went. The next

day came, Michael, Joey, and Brian also came along this time and still

none of the children were there. They went back to the Children’s

Hospital and there was no one there. There was a bench pretty close to

the hospital so all of them went and sat down over there. People got

really angry and no one really knew where they went so they all went

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over to Jasmines house and had some crackers and jumped right into

the swimming pool. They tried to figure what’s going on for hours but

they just couldn’t get the answer. They went back to the hospital like 3

weeks later still no one there. Jasmine started to cry since she didn’t

know what happened to the innocent children. A light bulb went on in

Jasmines head. “What if we go to the next nearest hospital other than

this one and the Children’s Hospital?” Jasmine said, “Well let’s give it a

shot.” Jamie was surprised about how worried Jasmine was about the

children, they ran and they finally got there no one was there. Michael

started to feel bad for the children, well then Joey said, “You guys are

all so weird, look at the time, which hospital would be open at 12 am?”

Brian did have a point though; he said “what if there was an emergency

at 12 in the morning you never know.” With everyone trying to figure

the problem out they just went straight Jasmines house and everyone

slept over there. Brian and, Joey parents were still out of town, Jamie

was supposed to sleep over tonight, Michaels mom was out of town and

his dad works until 6 in the morning, and they are all at Jasmines house

and her mom is at home with them. They felt horrible but good at the

same time. All of them were happy because they felt like detectives

trying to figure out the entire problem but they felt bad because they

were not doing to good on it. Bummed out Jasmine fell asleep right way,

then Brian, then Jamie, then Michael, and the last person to go to sleep

was Joey. In the morning, Joey didn’t wake up until 2 in the afternoon

since he went to sleep so late. When he woke up there was no one at

home except for Joey. Joey had been left home alone and didn’t have

any idea of where Jasmine, Jamie, Michael, and Brian went. Then the

door creaked open, Joey asked, “who is it?” there was no reply, then

Jasmine jumped into the room and told him, “It’s about time to wake up

for you.” Jamie came back and all she had in her hands were shopping

bags and so did Michael.

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Chapter 8

Moving Out of the Haunted House

Jasmine went to tell her mom what happened but sadly, Jasmines

come didn’t believe her. Joey, Brian, and Michael searched to

upstairs portion of the Haunted House to look for evidence, but

they didn’t find anything. While the guys were searching upstairs,

Jasmine and Jamie were searching downstairs. They found

evidence they started to yell so loudly that they woke Jasmine’s

mom up. The guys came running downstairs and there they were

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staring right at a letter from the ghost that lives in the house.

Joey asked Jasmine, “were did you guys find all of this?” Jasmine

replied, “It was hiding in the back of the fridge.” All of them told

Joey and Michael to go upstairs and into the attic to find some

evidence and while that Jasmine, Jamie, and Brian all went

downstairs and into the basement. This time the boys started

yelling and Brian heard them so he told Jasmine and Jamie and

they ran upstairs, but they boys weren’t there anymore. They

disappeared, so Jasmine and Jamie ran to the master bedroom to

check on Jasmines mother. Thankfully, Joey and Michael were in

there showing the evidence to Jasmines mother and she decided

that they are moving back to a regular house, but not a haunted

house like the one they live in. Jasmine was so happy and the best

part is that there new house it twice the size and their next door

neighbor is Joey. While the process of moving was going on, they

found a few interesting facts about the haunted house. Well

first of all, there were a million things to move so just for a

relaxing moment, Joey, Michael, Jasmine, Jamie, and Brian went

outside and then they found the grave of the ghost of the

haunted house. Apparently, the ghost had a weird name and it was

Smith Jones. He had a bad life and did suicide his self at the age

of 18. He had a hard time in collage and he lived by himself so he

killed his self and that was the end of his life. Apparently, the

break was over so Jasmine went straight up to her room and

started packing everything up and only whatever was hers. A few

minutes later, Jamie came up to the room and helped her packing

and they started talking and Jamie said, “I called my mom the

other day and it turns out that all of us are living close to each

other. Another way to say this, is that the first house is Joey’s,

then you, then mine, and then Michael’s house it not directly

there but there is one house and then it is his.” As Jasmine was

so happy to hear this news she quickly ran up to Jamie and gave

her a big hug. There was a knock on the door, standing at the

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door, was Joey’s and Brian’s mom and dad. Jasmine ran down the

stairs and then Jasmine fell and hit my head, Jasmine didn’t know

what in the world was going on everything was spinning. Michael

heard the thump of Jasmine falling on the floor and he ran as

fast as he could to see if everyone was okay. There was not too

much good news, well first of all, she really hurt herself and was

not feeling very good. Secondly, she went head first down the

stairs and hit half of her head on the handles of the stair case

and the other half hit the marble floor. Jamie was really sad, she

didn’t know what to do, she went upstairs and into Jasmine’s mom

and told her what happened and next thing Jasmine knew was

that her mom was standing right there next to her. They had to

Jasmine to the emergency room, because when though she was

lying on the sofa her head wasn’t feeling any better but it just

kept getting worse. The emergency room was closed, so they had

to take her to the hospital and thankfully it was open but not the

Children’s Hospital but the regular adult hospital. Joey went with

Jasmine, Jamie, and Michael to the hospital, the doctor took a

really long time to come but finally he did. Michael was sitting

with Jamie in a corner of the waiting room and next to them

there was a couple and then came Joey. He was sitting there all

alone and then Jasmine’s mom came out of the emergency area

and she told Michael, Jamie, and Joey that Jasmine will be okay

but her head is going to hurt for the next day or 2. Joey was

really sad but when they went home Jamie and Michael went and

searched around the stairs and they found out that there was

one stair that had water spilled on it. They didn’t know what in

the world was happening.

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Chapter 9


Jamie, Michael, and Joey went to the hospital to go check

on Jasmine but when they went to her room there was no one

there, it was pitch black. They went around the hospital to look

for her, she wasn’t there then one by one they started to

disappear at the end there was only one person left. Jamie was

that one person, that was left and she had no idea what she

should do. She went to front desk but the lady didn’t see any

children leave the hospital. Jamie saw Jasmine and ran after her,

it was some old lady walking around the hospital and she saw

Michael. She yelled Michael but then she ran after him. Jamie

was so happy she found Michael, but they didn’t know where Joey

and Jasmine were. Then Michael said, “I was Jasmine and Joey

walking around and then I lost track of them, I also saw Jasmine’s

mom hugging some 60 or 65 year old guy.” They didn’t know what

in the world was happening but they heard a sirin, it was the

sirrin of a fire alarm. Jamie and Michael saw Joey and Jamsine

outside so they went up to them to see if it was really them. It

was and then joey said, “I have been trying to get her back into

her room but she will not come with me I don’t know why.” Jamie

went up to Jasmine but all she di was try to hit her but them

Michael came and he had a pair of handcuffs in his pocket so he

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got them out and put Jasmines hands together. Jasmine was

totally confused and then Jamie hit Jasmines head really hard,

unknowingly Jasmines teeth came out and her gums didn’t even

bleed a bit. The ambulance came and Jamie took Jasmine to them

and they had to do some acupuncture to Jasmine since she was

acting so weirdly. A while after, she was becoming herself again

and of course had no idea what in the world was happening. Jamie

had a big burse on her head and then Jasmine asked, “What

happened to you?” Then Jamie said, “you did all of this to me,

Joey, and Michael. We went back into Jasmine’s room but this

time the lights were on and there was someone in the bathroom.

They had no idea what to do so they went ahead and broke the

bathroom door open. There was Brian sitting inside and then he

started crying and Joey told him, “everything will be alright little

bro.” Brian was so happy to hear Joey’s voice. The Jamie asked

him how he got in, he answered in a long way. Well first I knew

that they won’t let me in by myself but then I told the lady at the

front desk that I am from out of town and I really have to use

the bathroom. So the lady lead me to the bathroom and inside

there was one of those little handles that say pull down for alarm

to turn on so I did that and the lady ran away. I went around

looking for Jasmine room and I found it, I needed a place to hide

so I went into the bathroom and you guys are the first people to

find me. There was a big rush in the hospital hallways, there were

elders that took 2 minutes to walk like a step and there were

young children that took 30 steps in 2 minutes. There was a nurse

that asked the children for help so of course they did help but it

was not fun at all. Some of the elders oddly fell down and they

didn’t know what happened, so they called the nurse and the

doctor came along. The nurse told he children, “She’s dead.”

Jasmine was ready to die, sadly the lady was only 55 and had

breast cancer, and she had a brain tumor. There was a moment of

silence and there was a small kid walking in the halls he called his

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mom, his mom called 911 and the ambulance came to take her to

the grave yard. Apparently, the lady that died was a mother of a

3 and 6 year old kid, she also was a single mother so her children

had nowhere to go and got put into an orphanage. The children

cried their heads off and were so mad at their selves for not

taking enough care of their mother. The doctors had taken the

children children to the examination room, and in there, they

asked the children if their mother ever complained at home or if

she wasn’t feeling good before she came to the hospital. After

hearing the word your mother, your mother the children started

crying and just wanted to go home and be left alone.

Chapter 10

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There the children went crying outside to their aunt.

Jasmine felt bad for the young children but was kind of use to

the sound of people crying in the hospital and especially when the

people would stand right next to the window to her room. There

was also another senior next to the room Jasmine was in but then

she also died in the middle of the night. She was a great

grandmother and she had her family at the hospital but before

she died, she told Jasmine and Jamie that she would rather be

dead then feel the pain. Jasmine was surprised about her

decision, but while Jasmine and Jamie were in her room she

passed away. Her family came to the hospital to tell the people

that there will be a funeral happening and there will be a truck

that will be picking up Kelley Jones. For some reason, he lady

started to cry and just told the lady to make sure that Kelley is

ready for the day. The lady felt like asking Jasmine and Jamie

who they were since they were right behind her. Jasmine told her

that I was the girl that had the room right next to Kelley, the

lady told Jasmine and Jamie to come to the funeral. The day had

come, it was Saturday morning and Jasmine and Jamie were

getting ready for the sad day. They went inside and the place was

packed with lots of people, everyone was either wearing white or

a very little color. Jasmine got annoyed after a while because she

heard everyone crying and she felt like leaving but Jamie thought

it would look bad to get up and leave. The lady that went to the

hospital was there and she was wearing a white and was crying the

most. Jasmine and Jamie went up to her and asked, “Why are you

crying so much? I was talking to Kelley before she died and she

said that she would rather die than feel the pain.” The lady told

Jasmine and Jamie, “Kelley was my older sister and my only sister.

We were very close with each other.” Kelley had a husband but he

died a long time ago, they had many fights with each other and he

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had a heart attack and died. Jasmine started feeling bad and told

the lady that she was going to step outside for a few minutes.

Everyone went inside and sat down again, the ceremony started

again. Finally the men of the family carried Kelley’s coffin back

into the truck and there was nothing that was better than that.

One of the men fell down since the coffin was so heavy and he

fainted. The ambulance was outside; the emergency medical

transporters’ (EMT) were sitting in the ambulance eating a

subway sandwich. Jasmine ran as fast as she could to get to the

ambulance and told them that one of the men were carrying the

coffin out and feel, and he is not opening his eyes and we can’t

tell what happened to him. The EMT ran inside and got the gurney

and took the patient into the back of the ambulance. Everyone

followed them outside but sadly, the EMT told the family that if

this girl didn’t come faster to us this man could have died.

Therefore, he had to go to the hospital since he couldn’t

remember anything and the doctor’s just wated to make sure that

he was okay. Everyone was happy that he was okay but when

everyone went inside they became said again since they saw

Kelley dead in a coffin. The coffin was just lying exactly where

the guy dropped it at, then Jasmine, Jamie, and 5 other guys

went and took the coffin to the truck and the truck took the

people to the place that Kelley was going to be buried in. The men

put Kelley into the ground, and one by one they got a shovel and

put the dirt back on to the ground. Then, they went back inside

and the women came outside and he men lead then to Kelley Jones

grave and they all said a small prayer for Kelley Jones. So

everyone left and Jasmine and Jamie was the last people to leave

the funeral hall. They were so happy that the event was over, and

then Jasmine’s mom finally came. The lady that they meet at the

hospital went to go thank Jasmine’s mom for bringing the children

to the funereal. Then Jasmines mom noticed something, and

asked the lady if she was Isabella Anthea and, the lady replied,

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“yes.” She was surprised and Jasmine’s mom told her that she was

Emily Jackson and she remembered that they were best friends

in high school and college.

Chapter 11

Back from the Dead

Jasmine was feeling horrible about what happened because

it was sad to see a dead person and put them into the ground.

Pretty soon, Jamie came over to Jasmine’s house and they were

both depressed. Even as a child, they thought, “why did Kelley

Jones have to die, why couldn’t it be a person that was rude and

didn’t have a family. After all, Kelley didn’t even have bad health;

she didn’t have diabetes, no cancer, no brain problem, and no

heart problems. She was a perfect lady and was very nice,

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Jasmine and Jamie were talking and they came up to one point,

that point was that whenever Kelley Jones needed help to do

something she would pick up the phone and call Jasmine and

Jamie, she would ask them to come over and usally she needed

help to go to the bathroom or she wanted accompiney so they

would always do it since they thought it was nice and Kelley liked


Every few weeks, Jasmine and Jamie would go on over to

the graveyard to pray for Kelley, and apparently, there were

always so many people there. Jasmine asked one guy, “How did it

feel like to be close friends with Kelley or be part of her family?”

The guy replied to Jasmine, “well first of all, I was part of her

family and she was a very nice person. Personally, I didn’t like her

husband but overall Kelley Jones is one of the nicest people that

I have known threw out my entire life. Everyone was so sad that

they lost a good friend or a part of their family. There were many

people there and a few of the kids were about Jasmine’s and

Jamie’s age and it turned out that they also went to the same

school as Jasmine and Jamie and one of the guys were Joey’s

older brother. After a while, Joey came and I asked him what he

was doing here and he said, “Kelley is my grandmother.” Then he

asked Jasmine and Jamie what they were doing her and they said,

“that we helped Kelley in the hospital and Isabella Anthea came in

and we were in line behind her to talk to the receptionist and she

asked us if we knew Kelley Jones and I told her my room is right

next to hers and every day I would go help her out if she needed

anything.” Joey took Jasmine to his brother and said, “This is

Jasmine my girlfriend and this is Jamie Michael’s girlfriend.”

While Jasmine and Jamie were there, everyone planned a

day to go to the graveyard on a dark night. Well of course after

what jasmine has done for Kelley they invited her and she told

them, “I will be there as long as Jamie is invited and it is scary.”

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They told everyone to meet at the front yard of Joey’s house and

to make sure they have some snacks so if they get lost they will

have some food and water to drink. Jasmine was ready for the

adventurous ride, and so was Jamie they were actually wanted to

go really badly. Jamie was so happy to go and since Joeys is a very

good friend of Jasmine and Jamie they just slept over. For some

reason, Joey’s brother was mad at him since he found out that

Joey has a girlfriend and he just broke up with his. While

Jasmine, Jamie, and Joey were talking in the room, Joey’s

brother went up and called his ex-girlfriend to come with them on

an adventures trip to the graveyard in the dark night. Well when

we left there were about 10 or 12 people, it was a really long walk

from Joeys house it took about 30 minutes and then when we got

there there were already 3 other groups of people camping out.

Both of these groups had about 40 people and they set up tents

and everything. They were scared about what was happening since

they weren’t even wide awake. Everyone was tied but they made

theirselves stay awake, there was not a single persom hat was

able to stay awake. Well, at 1 in the morning, Jasmine woke up

from hearing a strange noise and since Jamie, Jasmine, Joey, and

Michael were all sleeping in one area they all heard Jasmine wake

up. First joey woke up and they just waited for Jamie and Michael

to wake up since they were scared to go outside by theirselves.

Slowly, Jamie and Michael woke up so they all went outside and

there was a tea party going on, there were hands sticking out of

the graves and all of them and cups of tea in their hands. After a

while, Jasmine, Jamie, Michael, and Joey started drooling and the

heads started to pop out of the graves. They all tried to stay

calm, but when Joey looked back, everyone that came with them

to the grave yard were getting their things ready to leave since

they saw what was happening.

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Chapter 12


After a while, Joey became so scared that he called his mom but

his brother didn’t let him. The reason he wanted to call his mom is

because when they were walking their map flew away and they didn’t

have any idea about where they were. On the way home, they past a

house that had a party going on and everyone was drunk and outside

there was a guy kissing someone and they had to run past the house,

but it turned out that the person that threw the party is Mike (Joey’s

brother best friend.) Mike was drunk and had no idea what he was

doing. Joey said he was going to the bathroom but actually he went in

and called is mom for help. His mom had a guest over and just old her

son that she was busy so she wouldn’t have to go and pick him up. Well

it turned out that they ended back up in the back of the graveyard but

this time all of them were playing bingo and Kelley Jones was right

there saying that she hated her family and mostly Joey’s older

brother. She was having a great time but after a while, the police were

checking the area if there was anyone there. They found Joey and the

12 other people with them and the worst part was that the police dogs

were with them. Then Joey called his mom and his time she picked up

the cell phone and told her that we are at the graveyard and the police

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have caught, so you will be needing to pick us up as soon as you can, and

he told her that make sure you bring the biggest car we have there are

about 10 or 12 of us.

One by one, Joeys mom dropped everyone home, and whenever

they went to someone else’s house Joeys mom would go inside and tell

the parents what happened and everyone would just be sitting outside

for like 20 or 30 minutes and each and every house so when Joey got

home is was about 5 or 6 am. Joey’s mom was so mad so they all had a

talk and Joey didn’t go to sleep until like 10 in the morning so he

wasted like an entire day since he was sleeping until 6 in the evening.

Jasmine’s mom was apparently not mad at her and even Jamie’s mom.

The only reason Jasmine and Jamie moms were not mad that them was

because they were half asleep when Joey’s mom was talking to them

about what had happened. At about 8:30 Jasmine got a call from Joey

and he asked her if her mom was mad at her. She replied to him and

said, “no not at all and Jamie’s mom is not even mad at her that was the

best part. How about you?” Joey replied, “I am grounded number 1 and

number 2 I am not allowed to go outside the house in less I am going to

school.” Joey had a mad and frustrated voice, he didn’t really have any

idea about what in the world was happening at that moment but he was

getting annoyed of his mom. Then Joey told Jasmine, “I didn’t go to

sleep until 10 in the morning and I woke up at 6 in the evening. My mom

gave us like a 3 hours lecture.” You could hear Joey’s mom’s voice in the

phone telling him to hang up since she needs to talk on the phone. Joey

hang up but 3o minutes later when I went downstairs there was a guy

Joey’s mom was kissing so guy that worked with her. There were

millions of people playing outside and when I looked outside carefully

Joey saw his brother. Joey ran downstairs told his mom that Patrick

(joey’s brother) was outside playing with his friends and he has not

shirt on. His mom ran out of the house and went got Patrick by the ear

and pulled him inside, she was so mad that she said he is grounded for

another 2 months while Joey could go and play outside with his friends.

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He went straight to Jasmines house and told her what happened while

Patrick was getting a lecture at home about you did the wrong thing

and a million things that he already knew about. He went over to his

cousins house with Jasmine and apparently he wasn’t I trouble either.

It was the time of the family reunion but Patrick and to sit with the

old people while everyone went swimming and for some reason everyone

there considered Jasmine and Jamie as part of the family so they were

also invited. Jasmine was happy but sad because she got to go with

Joey but she had to see Patrick sit there all alone with his mom

embarrassed from people. The main reason he was embarrassed was

because his mom was wearing a swim suit and she is really fat and his

school friends were there so he had to see everyone have fun while his

mom embarrassed him. Jamie felt bad for him, but Joey told us before

not to talk to his mom because that she will get mad at you instead and

will let Patrick go inside the water and make you just sit right next to

her on a big pink chair.

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Chapter 13

Having a Good Summer

Summer break has finally come. Everyone is so happy in

school that they kept one of those machines that tell you how much

longer until the day if over in every single room. The best part is that

the machines even tell you how many more days; hours, seconds, and

milliseconds are left until summer break is here. Jasmine, Jamie,

Michael, and Joey all have the same last period class so whenever they

have to work with a partner it is always the 4 of them. People were so

happy on the last day that our teacher couldn’t even control the class.

In the last 5 to 10 minutes of class, everyone would go pack up their

backpacks and stand right by the exit of the school so on the last day

our class was the first to get out of school. In the class there are

about 30 of us but we are really loud because when we were counting

down on the last day, we were so loud that teachers started to

complain that my class wasn’t paying attention and started counting

down with the rest of the classes. The students ran out of the front

door and went straight to their friends to say bye to them and most of

the kids went to their older or younger brothers and sisters and gave

them a big hug and just kept telling them to go so they could go home.

Well of course now that Jasmine was Joeys girlfriend and Michael was

Jamie boyfriend they went to the football field and everyone would

meet each other there and everyone said bye to each other. They were

jumping up and down to say bye but then the football team coach and

the cheerleader coach came out and everyone became quite and both

the coaches told the team mates to come to the football/cheerleading

party and the coach said to make sure you have either your boyfriend

or girlfriend there. Then the coach came up to Jasmine and told her,

“you made a big come back and the coaches were thinking about having

you and Joey as the king and queen at the dance and as a favor we were

thinking about having two kings and two queens. The other king will be

Michael and the queen will be Jamie. Jasmine was so happy and excited

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since this was going to be the best night ever. People were having so

much fun at the party and Joey, Jasmine, Micheal, and Jamie all went

together since they were all best friends. Jasmine was sort sad that

the year was over because Jasmine had a few good times at school like

being part of the posy group, being in the hospital, meeting Brain and

Patrick, and having adventurous trips.

The party was finally over, but just because they party was over didn’t

mean that Jasmine, Jamie, Michael, and Joey were not going to see

each other anymore. During break, the gang would always go to

different places together, for example most of the time in summer

break all of them would go to the water park another week they would

go out for lunch, another week they would go to someone’s house. So

they would always see each other but they wouldn’t always meet at the

same place they would go to different places. People from the football

team and cheerleading team would also come with them and hang out.

There were always tons of people at the water park so whenever they

went they would meet people from school there and they would go on

all the rides together. Since Joey, Michael, Jasmine, and Jamie were

all popular, if there were people at the water park they would always

huddle around them. Joey told them that there were not allowed to be

any kids following them and Brian came along to ask Joey something

and one kid pushed him into the water. That kid got in a lot of trouble

and then Joey told him, “That kid you just pushed in to that pool was

my brother!” Then Joey told that kid to get lost and he was not

allowed to follow them anymore. Joey dived into the water to get Brian

but the water was too deep. Well of course he got Brian out but they

had to take him to the pools nurse to make sure he was okay. There

was another kid that decided to push Joey other brother Patrick into

the pool so he also not able to follow them around. Since a different

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kid was about to push Patrick in again Jasmine told him to stop because

that again was Joey’s brother. Some little kid pushed Jasmine in and

their older brother and sister were in the line that followed Jasmine,

Jaime, Joey, and Michael so they asked the little kid how their brother

and sister is and they both got kicked out thanks to their little

brother. Just because Michael and Jamie are going out, some kid that

has a secret crush on Jamie decided to follow along and pushed poor

Michael in. After a while, there were only like one a few of the

cheerleaders and football players. Jasmine decided to tell everyone

rejoin since she will give them another chance, there were a million

people in the line since this time they were also letting the young kids

follow along. This time, the rules were harder to obey. The hardest

rule was that if you touch the person in front of you, you are out of the

line. The line was short very quick and the best part was that you have

to stop the minutes Michael stops, and you would never know when he

would stop. For example, he would stop in the middles of the stair case

to get up to the entrance of the water slide so people would touch each

other and on the side, Jasmine, Jamie, and Michael would see who is

out. People got out very quickly on this challenge to. The last 15 people

were moved on to the next level. For example, one group would go with

Jasmine and then everyone who failed gets to try and then the last 15

from there would follow Michael. It kept going on and on but at the

end there was only one person that won from each group and they were

against each other on the last level. The last was the easiest and that

level was to follow the leader and you had to do every motion that the

leader does. People were mad at them but the last person in line

became the winner and they could invite 10 people to follow them

around until 6:30 in the evening.

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The day had ended and there were many people that were

following along and then the next day they went to the mall. There the

crowd was and people thought that they were like the real queen and

king so they went inside the shoe store and even if the shoes were a

$100 some people would actually go inside the store and buy it for

them. Jasmine felt sort of bad since people were wasting their own

money on her. People were confused about what was happening since

they heard a police man say, “put the bags down, your hands up, and

shut up.” Jamie was not sure if this was a good idea but slowly, step by

step they went outside and ran for the hills. Joey told everyone to

leave them alone and just act normal around them, they didn’t like the

odd behavior but we did like the gifts from you. The followers got mad

at him so they decided to take their gifts they gave them back and

went to the store they brought it from to return it. There were tons

of people there at the mall, and they were confused about what was

happening in the mall since they made Joey, Michael, Jasmine, and

Jamie take of their clothes since the clothes they were wearing were

the gifts. The shoppers decided to run so they don’t have to see the

children but when they started to run the police came in and made

everyone freeze so if they need evidence they have it. People were mad

at the police, so the shoppers started to walk and when they did the

police told them to freeze but they didn’t so the police called for

backup and they brought the big German Shepherds on in. The young

children started crying since they were so small compared to the dogs

so they thought the dogs were going to eat them. One child went pee in

his pants since he got so scared, and another little baby started

drooling and for some reason the police dog fell down and didn’t get

back up. When the police asked what happened, the people that were

followers of Jasmine, Jamie, Joey, and Michael said, “I should be the

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one that is blamed I did all of this.” Jasmine felt bad so she told the

police the entire story but since Jasmine said the story and Jamie said

some of it two so they didn’t get in trouble but Michael and Joey did.

Their parents were really mad at them and Joey got grounded for the

next 3 months and Michael got grounded for 4 and months. Jamie and

Jasmine were sort of mad about that since they can’t hang out with

their boyfriends. On the bright side, Jasmine and Jamie get time to

hang out with the other cheerleaders and football players.

This book is about 5 children who live next to a haunted house

and Jasmine and Jamie dared each other to knock on the door of the

haunted house. These children had gone to the hospital quite a few

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times in this story since they weren’t feeling too good so they had to

go to the hospital. Most of the story takes place in a Children’s

Hospital and the main character Jasmine was in the hospital 2 times

since she wasn’t feeling good. The children had also been part of a few

plans at school, Jasmines best friend Jamie lied to everyone that they

saw the ghost that lives in the haunted house. People actually believed

her but then everything turned on her.