SAP WM Config

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  • 7/26/2019 SAP WM Config


    Step by Step Approach for Configuration of Warehouse Management

    1. Concept of Warehouse Management

    Master Data

    Define control parameters for warehouse no

    A warehouse number is an organizational unit in logistics that represents the company from the warehouse management


    In the Warehouse Management System WMS!" you can #efine various control parameters at the warehouse number level.

    $he control parameters will be%

    1! Weights & units of measure

    '! Storage unit management is active or not

    (! Chec)ing the #ata for capacity chec)








    for the




    automatic number assignment in the Warehouse Management system. $hese are%

    v $ransfer re,uirement

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    v $ransfer or#er

    v -uant

    v osting change notice

    v /roup

    If you are using Storage 0nit Management" you must ta)e the following ob+ects into account%

    1 *umber range for storage units

    $he number ranges for the storage units cover all the warehouse numbers.

    ' $ype of number assignment for storage units


    1. Deci#e which number ranges you re,uire for assigning the #ocument numbers in the Warehouse Management system.

    '. Create the number range intervals.

    $he following action is only re,uire# if you are using Storage 0nit Management%

    (. Create the number range 2 for assigning the storage unit numbers an# the respective assignment type column 3A!. 3ia

    the assignment type" you can #efine per warehouse number whether" for e4ample" e4ternal or internal storage unit numbers

    are to be manage#.

    5. Conversion of the storage unit number in Warehouse Management" you can #etermine per client 6! how the storage unit

    number is to be converte#. 7or information on the #ifferent input options" refer to the fiel# #ocumentation.

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    Storage $ype

    A warehouse number is #ivi#e# up into a number of storage types. A storage type is #efine# on the basis of its spatial or

    organizational features for e4ample" high rac) storage area" bul) storage area" an# goo#s receipt area!.

    A storage type has the following features%

    ( A storage type #oes not have an a##ress" but a short #escription.

    5 It is possible to store storage8type8specific material #ata.9 Within a storage type" inventory is e4ecute# for each storage bin.


    $hese interim storage types ;

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    $he placement strategy for A$C" A2C an# 2C= is #eci#e# as A##ition to e4isting stoc). So while creating the storage type"

    the ut away strategy shoul# be >I? @ A##ition to e4isting stoc).

    $he removal strategy for all the materials without Shelf life e4piration #ate chec) S2D! will be 7I7I ic)ing strategy @

    >7?! an# for the materials with S2D chec) will be >? @ Shelf life e4piration #ate.

    $here will be two #istinguishe# strategies one for materials without S2D chec) ut away strategy @ >I? an# ic)ing

    strategy >7?! an# one for material with S2D chec) ut away strategy @ >I? an# ic)ing strategy >?!.

    Define Storage Sections

    Within a storage type" a storage section is a series of storage bins with the same features. $hese bins are use# for the purpose

    of stoc) placements.

    7or stoc) placements" the following features of storage bins can be important%

    B #istance to the turnover point

    loa#ing capacity temperature

    Stan#ar# settings

    In the SA stan#ar# system" sample entries are preset for the respective storage types in warehouse number

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    Storage Eins

    Storage Eins

    In the menu option FStorage binsF" you #efine the configuration for the storage bins in the Warehouse Management system.

    Eefore you create the storage bins master #ata! you shoul# wor) through this section as well as the section FDefine fiel#

    usage 8 Storage bin #ataF.

    Define Storage Ein $ypes

    Gou can #ivi#e your storage bins into groups for e4ample" large storage bins" small storage bins" an# so on!. A suitable

    storage bin is propose# by the system #uring stoc) placement in combination with thestorage unit type.


    1. Deci#e whether you want to use the FStorage bin type searchF.

    '. Create your bin types with the correspon#ing names.

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    Important *ote%




    Storage bin type for A$C" A2C an# 2C=.Define Eloc)ing :easons

    In the Warehouse Management system" you can bloc) the following units for stoc) placements an# stoc) removals%

    11 Storage types

    1' Storage bins

    1( -uants

    15 Storage unit

    Gou can enter the reason for the bloc) for e4ample" assembly wor)! using the in#icator FEloc)ing :easonF.


    Create your bloc)ing in#icators with the respective #escriptions.

    Define Storage

    Ein Structure

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    In the Warehouse Management system" you can create a se,uence of similar storage bins automatically.

    24ample for setting up similar storage bins

    Define the parameters re,uire# for creating storage bins in the table FStorage Ein StructuresF.

    In this table" you must also #efine which warehouse master #ata for e4ample" storage section" fire8containment section" an#

    so on! you want to create when you generate the structures.


    1. Create your storage bin structures in the #etail screen.

    '. 7rom the menu bar #etail screen!" select% F2nvironment 88H Create binsF to generate your storage bins.




    can also


    foun# in


    application menu menu option FMaster #ataF!.


    In this menu option you configure the material master recor#s that are relevant for the Warehouse Management system.

    Eefore you create the material masters" you shoul# wor) through this section an# the section FDefine fiel# usage 8 Material


    Define Storage $ype In#icators

    With this in#icator you can control whether certain materials are place# into or remove# from stoc) in certain storage types

    with a higher priority. $his lea#s to a classification of your materials an# allows you to use the stoc) placement or stoc)

    removal strategies in an optimum way.

    Default settings

    In the SA stan#ar# system" e4amples are preset for warehouse numbers

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    Important *ote%

    Define ' storage section in#icators @ one for the materials with S2D chec) an# one for the materials without S2D chec).

    In Storage type search you have to #efine the priority accor#ing to materials without S2D chec) an# materials with S2D


    Clic) here to continue...

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    Define Storage 0nit $ypes

    With the in#icator for the storage unit type" it is possible to #istinguish pallets or other containers on which a material is

    store# or transporte#.

    $he classification of your storage units allows you to use the stoc) placement strategies in an optimal way.

    $he storage unit type is ta)en into account #uring stoc) placements if you have activate# the Fstorage bin type searchF.

    Default settings
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    In the SA stan#ar# system" e4amples are preset for warehouse numbers

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    In the SA stan#ar# system" e4amples are preset for warehouse numbers

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    7or each storage type" you must #efine a putaway an# a pic)ing strategy.


    $o be able to ta)e a closer loo) at the processes involve# in the storage bin search that is" processes that involve interaction

    between the materials master #ata an# the #ata from the system configuration menu in Warehouse Management!" you can

    use the function Fog Ein SearchF.

    Gou can call up this function from the preparation screens for stoc) placements an# stoc) removals an# from the single item

    screen for creating transfer or#ers menu option F2nvironmentF!.

    $his bin search log supports" on the one han#" the wor) of the pro+ect team in the implementation phase an#" on the other

    han#" the analysis of customizing errors #uring pro#uctive operation.

    Activate Storage $ype Search

    7or putaway or pic) operations" the Warehouse Management System WMS! must )now%

    1; into which storage types materials can be place#

    '< from which storage types materials can be remove#

    In the WMS" a storage type is #etermine# as follows%

    1. In the case of a put away" you generally )now where the material for the put away is coming from. In the case of a pic)"

    you generally )now to where the material to be remove# is to be transferre#.

    Information on the location from where the material is to be pic)e# is either store# in the transfer re,uirement or #etermine#

    by the system using the WM movement type.

    '. $he system must then )now into which storage type the material shoul# be place#" or from which storage type the

    material shoul# be remove#. $he table FStorage type searchF" which you are setting here" provi#es this information. In this

    table" you store the preferre# se,uence of storage types to be searche# for the material for putaways or pic)s.

    If you have activate# the storage unit chec)" this chec) also influences the storage type search. In this case" the storage unit

    type from the transfer or#er is also chec)e# against the allowe# storage units per storage type. $he system fin#s this

    information via the table FAllowe# storage unit types & storage typeF" which you are also setting here. 7or further

    information on this sub+ect" refer to the chapter Storage type search.

    (. 7urthermore" you can influence the storage type search using other in#icators%

    process in#icator for e4ample" stoc) placement or removal!

    storage type in#icator from the material master

    stoc) category in#icator

    special stoc) in#icator

    storage class

    water pollution class WC!

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    reference movement type

    $he in#icators storage class an# water pollution class influence the storage type search. If you are not implementing

    azar#ous Material Management" you #o not nee# to pay attention to these parameters.

    7or information on how to activate azar#ous Material Management" refer to the chapter azar#ous materialsF.

    5. As mentione# above" #ifferent in#icators influence the storage type search. If" however" you are using storage typein#icators an# you also have materials with #ifferent stoc) categories or materials with #ifferent special stoc)s" the number

    of re,uire# entries in the storage type search table can become ,uite large.

    $o re#uce the number of entries" you can #efine an access strategy for the storage type search table. With the help of this

    access strategy" the system #etermines the re,uire# entries in the storage type search table as follows%

    $he system first tries to fin# a suitable match" that is" an entry in the storage type search table with all the

    relevant in#icators from the material master an#" if available" from the hazar#ous material master.

    If the system #oes not fin# a suitable entry in the storage type search table" it again tries to rea# this table" butthis time using the access strategy.


    Set the re,uire# parameters for the FStorage type searchF in the specifie# se,uence%

    1. Storage type in#icator

    0sing the storage type in#icator" you can ensure that certain materials are only remove# from certain storage types or place#

    into certain storage types in the or#er of preference you have #efine#.

    Gou #efine the vali# storage type in#icators in the table for FStorage type in#icatorsF.

    '. Storage type search

    *ow #efine the se,uence of storage types to be searche# by the system for stoc) putaway an# stoc) pic) proposals.

    Ma)e sure that you enter the correct in#icators for stoc) putaway an# stoc) pic) in the appropriate column.

    If you want the system to search through the entire warehouse number for a stoc) pic)" enter FJJJF stan#s for stringent7I7=! as the storage type. $he system will then search the entire warehouse for the ol#est stoc) of the material. $he entry FK

    KKF means that the system branches to the user e4it to the stringent 7I7= process MWM$=

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    5. Access optimization for storage type search

    Instructions for access strategy for the storage type search table

    Clic) here to


    88888888888888888888888888888888888 '

    Activate Storage Section Search

    In the Warehouse Management System WMS!" a storage section is foun# in the following manner%

    1. If the WMS is to search for a suitable storage section" it first searches for a suitable storage type. $he storage type is

    #etermine# #uring the storage type search.

    '. If the system has foun# a suitable storage type" it then #etermines the correspon#ing putaway strategy. It fin#s this
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    information in the FStorage typeF table.

    (. *ow the system must F)nowF into which storage section the material is to be place#. $he table FStorage section searchF"

    which you are setting here" provi#es this information. $his table contains a preference list for the storage sections into

    which the materials shoul# preferably be store#. $he system first searches for a bin in the first storage section. If it #oes not

    fin# a bin there" it continues its search in the secon# section" an# so on.

    5. In a##ition" you can influence the storage section search using the following in#icators%

    storage section in#icator from the material master

    storage class

    water pollution class WC!

    *ote% $he WMS only ta)es the in#icators FStorage classF an# FWater pollution classF into account if azar#ous Material

    Management has been activate#.

    $o fin# out how to activate azar#ous Material management" refer to the section Fazar#ous materialsF.

    9. In the WMS" you can enter the storage bins for putaway manually. In this case" the system chec)s whether the bin you

    have entere# is in a storage section that is allowe# for the material concerne#.


    Gou must have the storage section chec) active. $his chec) #epen#s on the strategy you have chosen. It can be implemente#

    for all the putaway strategies" with the e4ception of the 7i4e# Ein Strategy.


    Set the re,uire# parameters for the FStorage section chec)F in the se,uence specifie#%

    1. Storage section in#icator

    Gou can assign a storage section in#icator to each material. $his in#icator enables you to have materials place# into storage

    in special storage sections.

    Gou #efine the vali# storage section in#icators in the correspon#ing table.

    '. Storage section search

    7or each storage section in#icator" you can have up to ten storage sections in one storage type. During putaway" the system

    first loo)s for a bin in the first storage sectionL if it #oes not fin# a suitable bin here" it goes on to the ne4t section" an# so on.

    (. Activate the storage section search.

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    Warehouse Management System WMS! can manage #ifferent sizes of storage bins within astorage type. $he storage bins

    are #etermine# #uring the storage bin search%

    1. It is generally )nown which loa#ing e,uipment storage unit type! is re,uire# to place the materialinto stoc). $his

    information is either

    2ntere# manually =:

    Can be foun# in the material master.

    In this case" the SA System suggests the relevant storage unit type for the putaway as a #efault.

    '. $hen the WMS chec)s if the storage unit which is to be place# into stoc) may be put away in the storage type##etermine# by the storage type search.

    $he table FAllowe# storage unit types per storage typeF contains #etails on which storage unit types S0$s! may be use# in

    which storage types.

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    $his table #efines which storage unit type may be use# within each storage type. 0p to 1< storage units may be assigne# per

    storage type.

    If more than 1< storage units are re,uire# per storage type" it is possible to activate the wea) S0$ chec).

    $o #o this" enter JJJ in this table as the allowe# S0$. $his has the effect that" in theory" all S0$s are allowe# for this storage

    type. $he system then searches for a bin that matches the storage unit type accor#ing to the allowe# storage bin type per


    (. $hen the system searches for a suitable storage bin using the putaway strategy.

    o 7or this purpose you have assigne# a storage bin type to each storage bin in the master #ata.

    o 3ia the table FStorage bin type searchF the WMS fin#s information on which S0$s match which storage bin types.

    $he search for a subse,uent storage bin type is restricte# to the permitte# storage bin types which are run through

    se,uentially accor#ing to the se,uence of entries in this table.

    5. If you manually enter the storage bin #uring putaway" the WMS chec)s if the S0$ may be use# on the relevant storagebin.


    $he storage unit type chec) parameters must be activate#. $his chec) is in#epen#ent of a particular strategy. Gou can use it

    for all putaway strategies.


    If you wish to implement the above wea) S0$8chec)" chec) your table options e4actly as performance problems may ariseif the customizing option is not properly set.

    $he following e4ample shoul# illustrate these problems an# their solution%

    Storage bin types 1 ' ( 5 9 are allowe# for storage unit type 21. 21 is to be place# in stoc) in storage type

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    Divi#e your storage bins into groups for e4ample" large bins" small bins!.

    '. Chec) your warehouse master #ata an#" if necessary" fill in any missing storage bin types.

    (. Storage unit types

    Classify your storage units for e4ample" by palette type!.

    5. Chec) your material masters an# a## palletization #ata" if this has not alrea#y been #one.

    9. Allocation of storage unit types & storage type

    7or each storage type" #efine which storage unit types may be place# into stoc) in this storage type.

    B. Allocation of storage unit types & storage bin types

    7or each storage bin type" #efine which storage unit type may be put away.

    . Activate the storage unit type control function in the putaway control parameters for the #esire# storage bin.

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    here to
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    8888888888888888 (

    utaway Strategies

    $he stoc) placement strategy is a proce#ure in the Warehouse Management system whereby the system searches for a

    suitable storage bin within a storage type or a warehouse number using a particular strategy.

    $he Warehouse Management system supports the following strategies%

    v 7i4e# storage bin

    v =pen storage

    v A##ition to e4isting stoc)

    v 2mpty storage bin

    v allets storage units!

    v Eul) storage

    v *ear to pic)ing fi4e# bin

    v *o strategy manual bin location assignment!

    Define Strategy for 7i4e# Eins

    $he Ffi4e# binF stoc) placement strategy is use# for storage types in which a material is assigne# to a particular storage bin.

    $his strategy is use# mainly in storage types where pic)ing is carrie# out manually for e4ample" in small parts storage areas

    with manual pic)ing!.

    Default Settings

    In the SA stan#ar# system" warehouse number

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    A##ition to 24isting Stoc)

    0sing this stoc) placement strategy" the SA System tries to place a ,uantity of material into a storage bin in which the

    material alrea#y e4ists. $o a## to e4isting stoc)" there must be sufficient remaining capacity in the storage bin. So you

    must switch on the capacity chec) for the relevant storage type to implement the strategy a##ition to e4isting stoc).

    If the system #oes not fin# a storage bin with enough remaining capacity in this storage type" it will call up the strategy

    F2mpty storage binF.


    1. Deci#e if you want to use this putaway strategy.

    '. Deci#e which type of capacity chec) you want to use.

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    Gou can fin# out which capacity chec) types are currently supporte# via the possible entries fiel# capacity chec).

    1. 2nter the in#icator for the putaway strategy Fa##ition to e4isting stoc)F in the #etail screen.

    '. Activate the capacity chec).


    :emoval Strategies

    A pic)ing strategy in the Warehouse Management System refers to a proce#ure whereby the system searches #uring a pic)

    for a suitable ,uant within a storage type or a warehouse number.

    $he Warehouse Management system supports the following pic)ing strategies%

    '1 7I7= 7irst In 7irst =ut!

    '' Strict 7I7=

    '( I7= ast In 7irst =ut!

    '5 artial ,uantity

    '9 arge&small ,uantities

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    Define 7I7= Strategy

    With the stoc) removal strategy 7I7= 7irst In 7irst =ut!" the warehouse management system proposes the ol#est ,uant in

    each storage type from which you want to remove stoc).

    $he system calculates the age of a ,uant using the #ate of the goo#s receipt posting that was set in the ,uant by the transfer

    re,uirement an# the transfer or#er.


    1. Deci#e whether or not you want to use this stoc) removal strategy.

    '. Activate the stoc) removal strategy F7I7=F in the stoc) removal control of the relevant storage type.




    24piration Date

    With this stoc) removal strategy" you can influence the search of the materials un#er consi#eration of the shelf life.

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    Material manage# accor#ing to shelf life e4piration #ate is foun# as follows in the Warehouse Management System

    1. Gou must have activate# the shelf life e4piration #ate management in the respective warehouse number.

    '. 7or each storage type " the shelf life e4piration #ate S2D! strategy must be activate#" provi#ing you #o not wor) use the

    stoc) removal strategy FStrict 7I7= principleF.

    (. $he minimum remaining shelf life must be maintaine# in the material master recor# storage view!.

    Materials for which this remaining life is not maintaine# are searche# for with stoc) removal strategy F7I7=F.


    1. Gou have to #eci#e whether you want to use this stoc) removal strategy.

    '. Activate the shelf life e4piration #ate management for each warehouse number.

    $he shelf life e4piration #ate management must be activate# at warehouse number level. In the application" this activation

    causes that the shelf life e4piration #ate is a re,uire# entry #uring stoc) placements" #epen#ing on the material an#movement type. In some analyses" the shelf life e4piration #ate of materials manage# accor#ing to shelf life e4piration #ate

    is #isplaye# instea# of the /: #ate.

    Activate the shelf life e4piration #ate management.

    (. Activate the stoc) removal strategy

    Activate the stoc) removal strategy e4piration #ate in the stoc) removal control for the relevant storage type.

    7urther notes

    If you are using the stoc) removal strategy FStrict 7I7= principleF" please refer to the section FDefine Strict 7I7= rincipleF

    strategy for more information on the FShelf ife 24piration DateF.

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    here to


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    In this unit" you set the following activities in the Warehouse Management system%

    'B $ransfers

    ' Differences

    ' rint control

    '; hysical inventory

    (< Appointments

    (1 Define transaction parameters


    In this section" you set the configuration for the transfer of goo#s.
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    $his inclu#es the following%

    1. $ransfer types

    '. Movement types

    (. :e,uirement categories

    5. osting changes an# stoc) transfers

    Define :e,uirement $ypes

    Movements an# stoc) recor#s in the Warehouse Management System contain a reference to the originating #ocument.

    v $he re,uirement category #escribes the origin type for e4ample" goo#s receipt for a purchase or#er" an# goo#s

    issue for the cost center!.

    v $he re,uirement trac)ing number #escribes the origin itself for e4ample" the purchase or#er number" the cost



    Create the re,uirement types for each warehouse number.

    Define Shipment $ypes

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    In the Warehouse Management system" there are two types of transfers movements!%

    (' Movements that are also important for Materials Management

    for e4ample" stoc) placements an# stoc) removals!

    (( Movements that only concern the warehouse

    stoc) transfers within a warehouse" for e4ample!.

    $he transfer type is a suitable tool for reports for e4ample" all stoc) placements into a storage type" all stoc) removals froma storage type" an# so on!.


    $he transfer type is not use# in system control functions.

    Stan#ar# Delivery

    In the SA stan#ar# #elivery" all the relevant transfer types are preset.

    SA :ecommen#ation

    SA recommen#s )eeping the transfer types #elivere# with the stan#ar# system. Gou can a## to these transfer types as



    Define the transfer types for each warehouse number.

    Define Movement


    $he system processes



    movements for

    e4ample" goo#s

    receipt for a purchase

    or#er or goo#s issue

    to a cost center! using

    movement types. If

    the SA system

    #etermines that a

    movement is relevant

    for Warehouse

    Management" it

    assigns a WM

    movement type to this

    movement via a table.

    $he movement type

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    for the Warehouse Management system provi#es the information re,uire# for stoc) placements an# stoc) removals%

    v Interim storage type

    v Coor#inate of the interim storage bin

    pre#efine# coor#inate

    #ynamic coor#inate

    fi4e# bin coor#inate

    v Control in#icator for processing" confirming an# printing transfer or#ers

    v In#icator for storage type search.

    7or information on the lin)s between the IM an# the WM movement types an# how to change them" see the section

    Movement $ypes for Interim Storage Eins.

    Stan#ar# settings

    In the SA stan#ar# system" all the relevant movement types are preset.


    SA recommen#s )eeping the movement types #elivere# with the stan#ar# system.


    1. Eefore you create movement types for a new warehouse number%

    start with the configuration for the printer control

    #elete the print co#es

    then maintain the print co#es when you configure the printer control

    '. Create the movement types for each warehouse number using the copy function.

    (. Define your own company8in#ivi#ual settings for e4ample" for the interim storage types! in the #etail screen.

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    Define Stoc) $ransfers an# :eplenishment Control

    0sing a posting change" you can change the material i#entification of stoc)s. A posting change affects at least one of the

    following items%

    v material number

    v plant

    v stoc) category

    v special stoc)

    A stoc) transfer is involve# if a ,uant is move# physically from its storage bin.

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    osting changes an# stoc) transfers always ta)e place within a warehouse number.

    Stan#ar# settings

    7or stoc) transfers an# posting changes" the movement types in the series F(nnF are at your #isposal.

    7or internal warehouse replenishment" use the WM movement type F(1;F. Gou can use this movement type as a copy

    sample for creating your own movement type.


    1. Chec) all the movement types for posting changes" stoc) transfers" an# replenishment.

    '. Ma)e your own company8re,uire# a#+ustments in the #etail screen. 7or replenishment movement types" you #o not

    re,uire the #efinition of the re,uirement type.

    (. If you want to use the functionality F:eplenishment for fi4e# bin warehouseF using the report :*AC1!" you must

    #efine the storage types for which replenishment is to be use#.

    Assign the appropriate replenishment type to the respective storage types.

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    In this section" you configure the system settings for han#ling #ifferences an# for confirming transfer or#ers.

    an#ling Differences

    $he system posts #ifferences that you fin# in the warehouse into a specific #ifference storage typefor e4ample" ;;;!

    whenever you

    (5 Confirm a transfer or#er with #ifferences.
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    (9 erform a manual stoc) transfer to the #ifference storage type for e4ample" ;;;!.

    (B erform automatic stoc) transfer to the #ifference storage type for e4ample" ;;;! after aninventory with ,uantity


    In the WM system" you can classify #ifferences accor#ing to cause for e4ample" brea)age" theft!.

    0sing the #ifference in#icator" you #etermine the storage type an# the storage bin to which the #ifferences are poste#.

    7or each #ifference in#icator" you can save the percentage value for the #eviation allowe#" that is" starting from which the

    #ialog bo4 is to appear. Suppressing the #ialog bo4 is appropriate for stoc) pic)s that cannot be #one to the e4act amount

    an# where the #ifference is cleare# against the stoc) in the source bin.


    A warehouse wor)er guesses a ( )ilogram pic) for a particular material an# #etermines the actual weight further away from

    the bin. In this case" each pic) is confirme# with a #ifference. It woul# be appropriate to have the #ialog bo4 suppresse# so

    as to save this e4tra step.

    Confirmation Control

    =ne important aspect of confirmation of transfer or#ers is the setting of the confirmation re,uirement. $his re,uirement

    means a##itional wor) for the user" but it also affor#s a high level of stoc) an# information security.

    $he #ecision as to whether a transfer or#er item re,uires confirmation an# whether it is confirme# imme#iately #epen#s on

    the parameters you set for your movement types an# your storage types.

    ( At the warehouse number level you #efine%

    whether there is to be separate confirmation of pic) an# transfer

    ( At the storage type level you #efine%

    1 whether putaways to this storage type re,uire confirmation

    ' whether pic)s from this storage type re,uire confirmation

    ( whether a zero stoc) chec) is to ta)e place for a bin that becomes empty through the pic)

    5 whether the #estination storage bin can be change# #uring confirmation

    (; At the movement type level you #efine%

    whether transfer or#ers with this movement type can be confirme# imme#iately

    whether the confirmation re,uirement is to be propose# #uring transfer or#er generation

    whether single8step confirmation is to be applie# although two8step confirmation is set for the source an#

    #estination storage types

    through which screen the transfer or#ers are to be confirme#.

    Confirmation :e,uirement

    As soon as one of the above parameters calls for a confirmation re,uirement for a transfer or#er item" the item must be


    Imme#iate confirmation of a transfer or#er item only wor)s out if

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    5< the respective movement type #oes not #isallow this

    51 if the storage type from which the materials are pic)e# is not sub+ect to pic) confirmation

    5' if the storage type into which the materials are put away #oes not have a putaway confirmation re,uirement.

    $wo8Step Confirmation

    7or two8step confirmation" both storage types involve# in the transfer or#er must be sub+ect to confirmation.

    At the warehouse number level" you #efine whether transfer or#ers or $= items are to be confirme# in two separate steps.

    During the confirmation of the first step" you confirm the pic) process from the source storage bin. $he source storage bin

    an# the ,uant are automatically up#ate#. In the ,uant of the #estination storage bin" only the open transfer ,uantity is

    up#ate# at this point.

    During the confirmation of the secon# step" you confirm both the transfer process an# also the receipt of the material at the

    #estination storage bin. ere the source storage bin an# its ,uant are no longer up#ate#" but only the #estination storage bin

    an# the ,uant store# there.

    SA :ecommen#ation

    SA recommen#s wor)ing with the stoc) placement an# stoc) removal confirmation functions. $he confirmation proce#ure

    is recommen#e# for the following reasons%

    5( Stoc) in a storage bin shoul# only be available after the actual putaway has been confirme#.

    55 Storage bins shoul# only be release# for further putaways after the goo#s putaway in the #estination bin has been


    59 A storage bin that is going to be emptie# by a pen#ing stoc) pic) shoul# alrea#y be fille# with a putaway before it is

    really emptie#.

    5B $he posting of #ifferences shoul# be e4ecute# #uring the actual confirmation" an# not by means of a separate

    transfer or#er.

    Inclu#e the confirmation process in your organizational proce#ures.

    Gou can use the bar co#e for confirming transfer or#ers. $his ma)es your wor) much easier.


    1. Deci#e whether you want to confirm the transfer or#ers create# in the SA system using the confirmation proce#ure.

    '. Maintain the #ifference in#icator for #ifferences in $= confirmation.

    (. Maintain the in#icator FConfirmation control&Warehouse numberF.

    5. Maintain the in#icator FConfirmation control&Storage typeF.

    9. Maintain the in#icator FConfirmation control&Movement typeF.

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    In this section" you set the configuration #ata for print control.

    0sing the print control function" for e4ample" you can #efine

    5 Which #ocuments that is" for transfer or#ers! are to be printe# for goo#s movements.

    5 ow these #ocuments are to be printe# that is" which forms are to be use#" how many copies are to be printe#!.

    5; =n which printer a #ocument is to be printe# automatically.

    0sing the print control functions" you have fle4ible control of the printing activities in your warehouse. $his fle4ibility"

    however" means that setting the parameters is a comple4 tas). 7or this reason" we recommen# that you ta)e a loo) at the

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    entire print control functions first" an# then analyze the Fprint situationF in your warehouse.

    $he number an# type of settings you nee# for your print control #epen#s on whether you are using the Storage 0nit

    Management component. If you are not using this component" you only nee# to set the Fstan#ar#F print control functions.

    owever" if you are using Storage 0nit Management" you nee# to set both the Fstan#ar#F print control functions as well as

    the functions for storage units.

    In this section" we #escribe the Fstan#ar#F print control functions. $hese control the printing of transfer or#er slips.

    $he print control for printing specific slips for storage units is #escribe# in the chapter Define print control for warehouses

    with Storage 0nit Management.

    Gou nee# the following settings for the Fstan#ar#F print control function%

    9< Spool In#icator

    Slips are always printe# within the SA system using the Spool function. 7or each printout" certain #ata nee#s to be

    passe# on to the Spool file. $ypical e4amples of such #ata are%

    *umber of copies to be printe#

    Dataset name of the printout within the Spool system

    Frint imme#iatelyF

    FDelete after printF

    0sing the Spool in#icator" you #efine the most appropriate combinations of the in#ivi#ual parameters you want to


    In the following settings for e4ample" the settings for the print co#e!" you #o not nee# to specify these parameters

    each time. Gou only enter the spool in#icator as a type of abbreviation.

    91 rinter ool & abels

    In the printer pool for labels" you can #efine a #epen#ent label printer for each printer. In this way" for e4ample"

    labels can be printe# in parallel on special paper while transfer or#er #ocuments are being printe#.

    9' Sort rofile & Multiple rocessing

    $he sort profile sets the se,uence of the transfer or#er items for printing. As of :elease 5.1A" this only applies to

    printing in multiple processing" since #uring Fstan#ar#F $= processing the sorting is set alrea#y when the $= is

    create#. 7urthermore" you can #eci#e #uring multiple processing printing whether there shoul# be a control brea)"

    that is" whether printing shoul# continue on a new page if the fiel# content changes.

    9( rint co#e

    $he print co#e #efines the following information for printing transfer or#ers%

    7orm that is use# for printing

    Sort se,uence via sort pool! in which the in#ivi#ual items of a transfer or#er are to be printe#. $he sort pool is now

    calle# up through the multiple processing run.

    Spool in#icator see above!

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    :ea#ing shipping #ata. With this function you can have a##itional information for pic)ing or#ers calle# up" for

    e4ample" the a##ress of the ship8to party or serial numbers alrea#y assigne# to the #elivery items.

    :ea#ing pro#uction #ata. ere reservations for staging materials for pro#uction are rea#. Eoth switches for rea#ing

    #ata shoul# be inactivate# for time8critical printing.!

    abel form" label spool in#icator" an# the #efinition as to how the number of labels is to be #etermine# for each $=


    $he following te4t e4plains how you can assign a print co#e to each movement type in the Warehouse Managementsystem. A transfer or#er is always assigne# to a movement type. In this way" the print co#e #etermines the general

    print parameters for the transfer or#er.

    95 Assignment of rint Co#e & Movement $ype

    Gou can #efine #ifferent printers an# spool co#es for various goo#s movements source storage type 8 #estination

    storage type!. Also" you can suppress the printing of transfer or#ers" if re,uire#.

    $here are also parameters print co#e" form! that you can #efine both in the configuration Frinter8MovementF as

    well as in the print co#e settings.

    During the automatic #etermination of the print parameters" the system procee#s as follows% If an item of a transfer

    or#er is to be printe# automatically" the system #etermines the general print parameters through the print co#e

    assigne# to the movement type. Afterwar#s" it chec)s the movement8specific print parameters. If one of these

    parameters for e4ample" for the form! is also #efine# in the print co#e" the system will use the movement8specific


    It is possible to overri#e the #efinitions for label printing in the print co#e" #epen#ing on the warehouse movement.

    Gou can also store an a##itional form for a combine# pic)ing list with the spool co#e an# the printer in or#er to

    print a combine# #ocument in parallel to single printing for each $= item. $his is only possible as an

    accompaniment to non8combine#8printouts in#icator for combine# printing in the print co#e! an# is otherwise


    99 Assignment rinter 8 ic)ing Area

    It can be useful to select a printer near the pic)ing area for printing pic)ing or#ers.

    Again you are face# with the ,uestion% ow #oes the system procee# with automatic printer #etermination" since it

    is possible to #efine a stan#ar# printer both in the configuration for Frinter8MovementF as well as in the

    configurations Frinter 8 Storage $ypeF" Frinter 8 ic)ing AreaF" an# in the user master of each userN

    7irst the system chec)s whether a printer is set in the configuration Frinter8MovementF. If so" the printer

    #etermination is complete at this point.

    If not" the system uses the parameter FriSrc$ypF #efine# in the configuration Frinter8MovementF to #eci#e how it

    will procee#.

    If the parameter is set here" the system chec)s if a printer is #efine# in the setting Frinter ic)ing AreaF an# then

    proposes this printer.

    If the system fin#s no printer" it searches in the setting Frinter 8 Storage $ypeF an# uses this" if a printer is set.

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    If the system cannot fin# a printer using the metho#s #escribe# above" it selects the printer #efine# in the user

    master of the user currently logge# on.

    If no printer is #efine# here" the system automatically proposes

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    Clic) here to continue...

    8888888888888888 B


    Create the spool in#icators for each warehouse number.

    Create the #epen#ent printers for label printing.

    Define the sort profile for multiple processing.

    Create the print co#es for each warehouse number.

    Assign the printers to the in#ivi#ual movements.

    Assign the printers to the pic)ing areas.

    Assign the printers to the storage types.

    Assign the print co#es to the movement types.

    Assign the print reports to the warehouse numbers.

    Assign the print control to the multiple processing runs.

    0sing the analysis program" chec) whether the settings comply with your nee#s.
  • 7/26/2019 SAP WM Config


    hysical Inventory

    In this menu option" you configure the following system settings%

    Default values

    $ypes per storage type


    *umber ranges

    0nli)e the material8relate# physical inventory in the Inventory Management IM! system" the Warehouse Management

    system supports inventory proce#ures base# on the storage bin.

    Define Default 3alues

    In this menu option you #efine%

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    which #ata shoul# be printe# out on the system inventory recor#

    how the entry screen for the inventory count shoul# be set up


    Maintain the #efault values for each storage type.




    Storage $ype

    $he Warehouse Management system WM! supports the following inventory proce#ures%

    Annual inventoryS$!

    Counting the material ,uantity in the storage bins at a fi4e# inventory #ate.

    Continuous inventory P!

    Counting a certain number of storage bins on any #ay in the fiscal year.

    Continuous inventory base# on stoc) placement

    When a bin is occupie# for the first time in the fiscal year" the system registers that inventory has been ta)en for

    that bin. Gou can only use this inventory proce#ure un#er certain con#itions an# must always chec) with the

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    company au#itor first.

    Continuous inventory base# on zero stoc) chec)

    $his proce#ure can be activate# by the SA system if a storage bin is empty.

    Inventory through cycle counting

    Counting of materials accor#ing to a pre8classification at #ifferent times #uring the fiscal year.


    Gou have coor#inate# your inventory proce#ure with the company au#itor.


    Maintain the inventory type for each storage type.

    Define Differences an# Document imits

    In or#er that the inventory #ifferences can be poste# to the interim recor# for #ifferences" internalmovement types arere,uire#.

    $he movement types use# for this purpose belong to the Warehouse Management area. $he interim recor# is #etermine# by

    the system on the basis of these movement types.

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    Stan#ar# settings

    In the SA stan#ar# version" the following parameters are preset in warehouse number

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    Differences Interface to Inventory Management!

    In this section you specify the movement types for posting #ifferences in Inventory Management" an# specify from which

    storage types this type of posting can be starte#.

    Movement type%

    In or#er to be able to post inventory #ifferences to the interim recor# for #ifferences" internal movement types are re,uire#.

    $he movement types use# for this purpose come from the Inventory Management system" an# refer to a movement type in

    the Warehouse Management system.

    $he interim recor# for #ifferences is #etermine# on the basis of these movement types.

    rohibit storage types%

    $echnically spea)ing" you can post from practically all storage types. owever" it is a#visable to collect the #ifferences in

    one storage type ;;;! an# start the postings from there.

    Stan#ar# settings

    In the SA stan#ar# version" inventory movement types for Inventory Management are preset in warehouse numbers JJJ


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    *umber :anges

    In the menu option

    F*umber rangesF you

    #efine number ranges for the inventory #ocuments.

    7or each warehouse number you can create three number ranges%

    for the system inventory recor#s

    ere the users create the #ocuments themselves.

    7or transfer or#ers that initiate continuous inventory base# on stoc) placement. In this case" the transfer or#er is the

    inventory #ocument.

    for the ,uant8by8,uant cycle counting physical inventory

    SA :ecommen#ation

    =nce you have #efine# your number ranges" you cannot change them if the #ata in the number range intervals has alrea#y

    been use#.

    $a)e the long8term #ata ,uantity into account. Define your number range intervals accor#ingly.


    1. Define your number ranges.

    '. Maintain your number ranges.

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