SAP Brochure Community Overview Customer Community © 2017 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 1 / 22

SAP SuccessFactors Community Overview

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SAP BrochureCommunity Overview

Customer Community

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Table of Contents3 Introduction

4 Home Page

5 Navigation Bar

6 Empowerment Center

10 Product Pages

12 Training Page

13 Support Page

14 Services Page

15 Groups Page

16 Customer Adoption Value & Innovation in Practice

17 How to Search

18 How to Post

20 How to Upload Your Photo & Update Your Profile

22 Conclusion

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Customer Community Overview

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Welcome to the Community! Our CustomerCommunity is a private platform for customers, partners and SAP SuccessFactors subject-mat-ter experts to engage with one another aboutproduct solutions and best practices. As aCommunity member, you have access to prod-uct information, support, tools and resources that help you move self-sufficiently through each stage of your HR journey.

In this Overview of the Community you will learn how the Community is a springboard to the en-tire SAP SuccessFactor ecosystem. Forexample, you’ll learn how to find information and participate in discussions. And if you don’t find the information you need you’ll find out how to use our ‘Quick Answer forums’ to pose questions to support. You’ll be able to navigate

through information based on where you are in your HR journey through our Empowerment Center, which is organized by stages: onboard, implement, launch and utilize. If you want to get training, learn about the next product update or join a user group, the Community will take you there. There are tools that are unique to our Community as well, for example, Peer Match (customer-to-customer connection) and Admin Resource Calculator. From the Community you can link to our idea submission tool where you can share your ideas and influ-ence our product roadmap. Be sure to follow the guide for filling out your personal profile, so that your peers will know who you are. Finally, be sure to follow the instructions for completing your profile so your peers know more about you.

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Customer Community Overview

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1. The banners at the top change often and are used to announce new programs and upcoming events.

2. Under Community are the following: – Resources and Updates blog: for informing the community about new programs, tools and resources. – General Community Discussions forum: for general discussion items only. Specific product questions should be posted on the appropriate product page by using the product drop down from the top navigation bar. – Admin Compass Newsletters: a monthly round up of resources and information for SAP SuccessFactors admininstrators.

3. Easy Links on the right side are frequently visited pages in the Community. Please note there is an Easy Link to the Community A-Z list which is an index to all pages, blogs, tools and fo-rums in the Community.

4. Below the Community section, you will see the Customer Empowerment Events Calendar. On the right side, are Upcoming Events and a countdown to the next Preview or Production Release.

5. Below the calendar are the following items: – Recent Answers: answers from Quick An-swer boards that have been marked as ac-cepted solutions – The Improve your Profile Widget which de-tails how complete your profile is. – Tweets from SAP SuccessFactors – Latest Topics: new posts from community members – Author Leader board which lists our top kudoed and top solution authors.

6. Finally at the bottom you will see the latest SAP SuccessFactors video

Home Page

The top navigation bar enables you to navigate to the main sections in the community.

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Navigation Bar

EMPOWERMENT CENTERThe Empowerment Center is a centralized hubfor programs, tools and resources.

PRODUCTSFor information or for questions about a specificproduct, use the Products drop down list tonavigate to the product that is of interest to you (figure 1).

TRAININGThe Training page includes information about the Training Life Cycle, how training is delivered and provides FAQs about training. From the Training page, you can enter the SAP SuccessFactors Ad-ministrator Learning Center (SFALC).

SUPPORTThe Support page includes information and links to many support resources.

Figure 1. The Products dropdown list

SERVICESThe Services page includes the ProfessionalServices Implementation Welcome Kit withdetailed information about each phase of theSAP implementation methodology. On the rightside of the page are links to connect you withSAP Professional Services and resources.

GROUPSThe Groups page lists regional, industry and special topics groups. Product focused special interest groups are on the product pages

VIPThe Customer Adoption Value & Innovation in Practice (VIP) page provides information about all the knowledge-sharing virtual and in-person events that are provided to help customers maxi-mize their SAP SuccessFactors investment.

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Empowerment Center

On the Empowerment Center pages, key tools and resources are organized by the point in the journey at which the information will be most useful to you. Come back often to navigate to existing tools and resources and learn about new ones too.

We believe you will be more successful and happy in your SAP SuccessFactors journey when you know where to find, and also understand the tools and resources available to you.

Here are the 4 customer journey phases represented in the Empowerment Center:

ONBOARDThis phase is the first few weeks as a SAP SuccessFactors customer. You are getting your project team together for implementation and understanding the ‘who, what, when, where, why’ of SAP SuccessFactors.

IMPLEMENTThe implementation phase of your journey is when your team is working with consultant(s) to configure your solution(s), test, and plan for roll-out.

LAUNCHDuring this phase, you are completing the roll-out of your solution, end-users start using it, and your Admin and Support team understand the re-quired processes and tasks to support the live solution.

UTILIZEIn this phase, now that your solutions are live, it is time to drive adoption among your end users. Use the wealth of resources that are available to you and start to build your engagement with us! You are on your way to becoming a true SAP SuccessFactors expert.

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4. Each topic contains bulleted information, of-ten with links to additional pages; links to Cus-tomer Community pages will open in the same browser window and links to external pages will open in a new browser window or new tab.

5. For some topics, you can also watch a video by clicking the blue ‘Watch Video’ button — these are the Steps to Success videos that align with applicable topics.

6. Click the arrow down symbol to expand each topic.

Customer Community

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The landing (Overview) page of the Empower-ment Center includes links to all the topics on the four journey pages.

1. If you are just starting your journey with SAP SuccessFactors, navigate to the Onboard page by clicking the blue ‘Onboard’ link or by clicking the first link in the list below Onboard.

2. On each page, you will see a list of topics, sum-marizing tools and resources that we recom-mend you are familiar with at that phase of your journey.

3. An * indicates new or updated topics.


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8. After you have completed all topics on a page, you will earn a badge.

9. Then you will receive an email indicating you have earned a badge (make sure you do not have the email notifications turned off in My Settings > Email tab).

10. When you click on your name at the top of the screen, you should see your badge on your profile summary.

To complete topics, you can either watch the video associated (if applicable) and/or read through all the content associated with the topic, clicking the applicable links, etc.

7. If you complete an item by reading through the content, please make sure you check the box AND click the button ‘I have reviewed the above items’ and then the status bar for that item will change to 100%.





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13. As you approach a new phase of your cus-tomer journey, navigate to the appropriate phase in the Empowerment Center to famil-iarize yourself with the applicable tools and resources. New tools and resources will be added periodically and will be announced on the Resources and Updates blog found on the Community Home Page.

11. Note that you can navigate to another journey page by clicking the links on the top right, and you can click back to the Empowerment Center landing page by clicking ‘Overview’ or the Empowerment Center ‘bread crumb’ link on the top left.

12. On the landing page, the status bar at the top will reflect your new status after finishing a phase.




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Product Pages

Every product page is organized in a similar fash-ion so once you are familiar with the structure of one product page, you can easily navigate any of the product pages. Typically product pages in-clude a Quick Answers and Discussions forum, as well as a Resources blog.

EMPLOYEE CENTRAL PAGE • On the left side of the page are: • Latest posts which lists posts from forums and blogs

• Recent attachments which lists attachments from any posts or comments

On the right side of the page, under Community are:

• Forums & Blogs • If there are product focused special interest groups (SIGs) they will be listed

• Announcements • Product Page Owner

Let’s look at the various forums and blogs on the Employee Central page. Most these can be found on every product page under Community on the right side.

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QUICK ANSWERS The first forum you will find on any of the prod-uct pages is a forum designed to give customers access to our top support analysts and help find answers to “how-to” questions quickly. In gener-al, our goal is to provide a response within 24 business hours. If there is an issue that is time-sensitive and/or business critical, please note that only incidents submitted within the SAP Support Portal adhere to SAP SuccessFactors support level agreements. Before you post your question, do a search first to see if your question has already been answered. Questions that are specific to your instance or questions requiring a more in-depth answer are still best addressed by submitting a case to our support team.

DISCUSSIONS This is a forum for peer to peer discussions and is where customers post questions and share best practices. Customers and partners reply to each other’s posts.

PRODUCT RESOURCES This blog is owned by the SAP SuccessFactors Product expert and is used to push product infor-mation and resources out to customers. Latest articles are listed on the right hand side. Custom-ers can comment on the blog if they have ques-tions about the topic.

These are the basic components you will find on nearly all product pages. You may find additional blogs or groups on some product pages.

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2. By clicking the Enter Here! button you will be directed to the SFALC. For detailed login instructions, please click on the link to the SFALC Access Guide underneath the Enter Here! button.

3. As you scroll down the page you will see descriptions of the various ways that training is delivered for your convenience.

4. Near the bottom of the page are Frequently Asked Questions.

The Training page is where you can learn about SAP SuccessFactors HCM Global Training and access the SAP SuccessFactors Administrator Learning Center (SFALC). The SFALC is your one-stop access point to top quality SAP SuccessFactors Project Team Orientations, Administrator Training, Job Aids, SFX Exams, and a variety of facilitated Live Sessions delivered via Learning Rooms to enhance your learning experience.

1. In the middle of the page, the training life cycle is outlined with links to relevant materials for each step in the journey.

Training Page





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The Support page provides guidance on where to go for help depending on the specific situation. Links are provided to a host of useful resources including links to a checklist to help with opening a support incident, the product updates page, patches, the support blog and more.

The Product Updates page can be accessed either from the link on the Support page or from the Products dropdown menu.

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Support Page

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The Customer Welcome Kit from the Professional Services team provides you and your project team with detailed information about each phase of the implementation methodology. Review the materials provided for each of the stages - Pre Kick-Off, Prepare, Explore, Realize and Deploy. Checklists, To-Do lists and helpful links to more materials are provided to support you through each stage. Check out the Customer Guide to a Successful Project and review the Methodology

page to understand more about tools, templates and processes use in the SAP Activate methodology. On the right side, under Our Services, click the links to learn more about Professional Services, Customer Success Stories, Team Bios and Rapid Deployment Solutions.

Use the Contact Us link for contacting Professional Services.

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Services Page

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The Groups page is where you can find regional and industry focused groups you can join.

1. Use the toggle in the middle of the page to navi-gate to the various regional and industry groups.

2. Click on the + to see content about groups who are outside of the Community.

3. On the right side are Special Topics Groups.

4. Note that groups can be open or closed. If the group is open, then you become a member just by clicking on the Join Group button. If the group is closed then click the Ask to Join Group and the group’s leaders will review your request.

5. Further down the page Latest Topics from all the groups’ posts are listed.

6. On the right side is a link to more information about how to join or start a group.

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Groups Page

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The Customer Adoption Value & Innovation in Practice Programs provides SAP SuccessFac-tors solution adoption and human resource strategy knowledge-sharing opportunities to help customers maximize their SAP Success-Factors investment. We facilitate customer-to-customer knowledge-sharing through virtual and in-person events focused on the SAP SuccessFactors solution and human resource process leading practices.

1. In the center of the page there are descrip-tions of types of events.

2. On the right side are Upcoming Events. View All links to the Global Calendar of Customer Adoption Value & Innovation in Practice Events which has all upcoming events including registration information.

3. Below Upcoming Events, under Resources the latest webinar recording is posted. View All links to the Past Event Materials and Recordings blog with posts to all the previous events.

4. Further down this page is a description of the Value Series with link to the full List of Value Series.

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Customer Adoption Value & Innovation in Practice

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The Community offers robust search functional-ity. You can search for content at the community, category, or forum-level.

1. To search the community insert your search terms into the search bar on the top right hand side of the community. In this example, on the recruiting page, search default is to just search that category or page.

2. Auto-suggest accelerates the search by displaying results.

3. The checkmark in front of the first search result indicates that this is an accepted solu-tion. This means that the person who posted the question acknowledged that reply offered a solution that works. Click on the search result to see this solution.

4. To search at a different level than the page you are on, change the scope of the search by click-ing on the arrow to choose a different level. In this example, I’m on the Compensation Man-agement page but have a question and want to search the entire community so I click on Community.

5. You can also use the search functionality to find a member of the community. Insert the name of an individual member and be sure to have clicked on Users on the dropdown menu next to the search bar.

6. Note also that you can see where you are in the community by viewing the breadcrumbs on the top left side. Here in this example you can see that you are on the Recruiting Quick Answers forum on the Recruiting page. To navigate back to the community home page you can just click on SuccessFactors Community.

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How to Search

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Remember that if you have a question, try searching first to see if it’s already been asked and answered using the Search bar at the top. If your question has not been answered, decide which forum it should be posted on.

• The General Community forum is the place to post general questions for the community.

• “How to” questions for a specific product should be posted on that product’s quick an-swers forum since it is monitored by our Sup-port experts.

• Questions about best practices or tips from other customers should be posted on that product’s discussions forum.

• When you are ready to post a question, click on the appropriate forum.

1. In this example to post a question on the Employee Central Quick Answer forum, click New Message.

2. Input Subject. Create post in the body. Add attachments (if applicable). Click on Post. Use tags to improve searches.

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How to Post

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3. If a community member answers your ques-tion, please acknowledge this by clicking accept as solution.

– In this example a community member has posted a reply to a question but the person who asked the question still needs to review the answer and then click on Accept as Solution.

4. When you accept a solution, both the question and the solution get special icons and links that take you directly from the question to the answer.

– In this example you can see that both the question and the solution have the check-mark icon. – This checkmark icon also appears on forums and in search results so you can see which messages have solutions.

5. Whenever you see a question that you know the answer to, please help others out by pro-viding a reply!

6. Give authors of solutions, articles and ideas the kudos they deserve. Kudos are a way to give approval to content you like. To give kudos just click on the thumbs up icon.

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Photos make the community more personal and help your peers to put your face with your name.

1. To upload a photo, click on your name at the very top of the page.

2. Under My Images on the right hand side, choose upload image.

3. Browse to your image and click Open. Once it has uploaded click Save.

4. Next, select My Settings, to the right of your name at the top of the page.

5. Click on Avatars, choose From Uploaded Images and click on your picture.

6. Also under My Settings, you can complete or update your Personal Profile.

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How to Upload Your Photo & Update Your Profile

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7. To set up your time zone and language go to Preferences, then Preference Options. Set your Time Zone. The Community structure can be translated into French and German by clicking the drop down for language. This will not translate the community content, only the community structure to your language preference.

8. There are also preference settings related to Display, Layout and other options that you can adjust.

9. If you would like to receive email notification when there is a new post on your favorite blog or forum, from the Options menu click on subscribe.

10. If you want to change these settings you can go to My Settings, then to Subscriptions and Notifications to confirm or change them.

Under Personal Information, provide as much information as you can so your peers know more about you.

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Thank you for taking the time to familiarize yourself with the SAP SuccessFactors Customer Community. We hope to see you in the Community!

For questions about the Community, please contact us at [email protected].

ABOUT SAP SUCCESSFACTORSSAP SuccessFactors provides the leading cloud-based HCM suite, which helps HR drive business execution with solutions that are complete, beautiful and flexible enough to start anywhere — optimizing your workforce today and preparing them for tomorrow. SAP SuccessFactors solutions are supported by a global partner ecosystem and the experience and commitment of SAP. With approximately 45 million subscription seats globally, we strive to delight our customers by delivering innova-tive solutions, content and analytics, process expertise and best practices insights from serving our broad and diverse customer base. Today, with more than 6,000 customers, we serve organizations of all sizes across more than 60 industries in more than 177 countries using our application suite in 42 languages.

ABOUT SAPAs market leader in enterprise application soft-ware, SAP (NYSE: SAP) helps companies of all sizes and industries run better. From back office to boardroom, warehouse to storefront, desk-top to mobile device — SAP empowers people and organizations to work together more effi-ciently and use business insight more effective-ly to stay ahead of the competition. SAP applications and services enable more than 253,500 customers to operate profitably, adapt continuously, and grow sustainably. For more information, visit www.sap.com.

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