Bank Reconciliation Statement Bank Reconciliation is a process in which we reconcile our main bank account balance with the bank statement balance. In the process various entries are passed to the main bank account G/L as per the statement received from the bank. The entire process of uploading the bank statement is automated in the SAP system. The system not only posts the entry in the main bank account G/L, it also clears the respective open items in the sub bank accounts G/L (for e.g. cheque issued or cheque received accounts). The system uses the cheque no. (assignment field entry) to match and clear open items along with the amount in the bank statement. Transaction Code: ZBRS The entire process of uploading the bank statement can be divided into three steps as follows: Step1: Availability of Bank statement in the required txt format Step 2: Run Transaction Code ZBRS Step 3: Process batch input session via Transaction Code SM35 FI_ User_ Manual Bank Reconciliation Statement 1

SAP FI- Bank Reconciliation Statements

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Bank Reconciliation Statement

Bank Reconciliation is a process in which we reconcile our main bank account balance with the bank statement balance. In the process various entries are passed to the main bank account G/L as per the statement received from the bank. The entire process of uploading the bank statement is automated in the SAP system. The system not only posts the entry in the main bank account G/L, it also clears the respective open items in the sub bank accounts G/L (for e.g. cheque issued or cheque received accounts). The system uses the cheque no. (assignment field entry) to match and clear open items along with the amount in the bank statement.

Transaction Code: ZBRS

The entire process of uploading the bank statement can be divided into three steps as follows:

Step1: Availability of Bank statement in the required txt format

Step 2: Run Transaction Code ZBRS

Step 3: Process batch input session via Transaction Code SM35

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Step 1: Availability of Bank statement in the required txt format

The order of data of bank statement in the txt format should be as described below:

Transaction Type

Value Date Amount Bank reference

Customer Vendor Cost Center

G/L acct

Required Required Required Conditional Conditional Conditional Conditional ConditionalSee options below

Date of debit or credit as appearing in the bank statement(dd.mm.yyyy)

Amount Cheque no/Ref No.

Customer no. as maintained in SAP

Vendor No. as maintained in SAP

Cost Centre of the transaction in case of Expense transactions

The G/L account needs to be entered only for certain transaction types as explained below

Transaction Types Amount sign Description

Input G/L Account

HP01 - Cheques Issued No

HP02 - Bank Interest paid No

HP03 - Cash Withdrawals No

HP04 - Wrong debits No

HP05 - Reversal of wrong credits No

HP06 - Bank Charges No

HP07 - Bank Trf Payment No

HP08 - Direct Debit - Elect No

HP09 - Direct Debit - Other YesHP10 - Direct Debit - Salar No

HP11 - Direct Debit - Tele No

HP51 + Cheques Received No

HP52 + Bank Interest received No

HP53 + Cash Deposits No

HP54 + Wrong credits No

HP55 + Reversal of wrong debits No

HP56 + Bank Trf Receipt No

HP57 + Direct Credit Yes

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Each transaction in the bank statement needs to be assigned the relevant transaction type as shown above in the table. For e.g. if cheque has been issued and a debit is appearing in the bank statement assign transaction type as HP01.For transaction type HP09 and HP57, it is mandatory for the user to input the G/L account. For all other transaction types selected, please do not enter any G/L account.

To get the file in the txt format, first enter the data in an excel file in the above format. Make sure that there is no header row and only data in the required order.Then save the file as text file using Save as option

We attach a sample excel and text file for your ready reference.

We would be using this sample data to run the BRS.

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Step 2: Run Transaction Code ZBRS

This is the screen which appears on entering the T-Code ZBRS

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Enter the following required fields as explained:

Input - Required Fields Field Value / Comments

Company Code Enter the Co. Code .

House Bank Enter the House Bank for which we have received the bank statement

Account ID Enter the Account ID indicating the specific Bank account. Each House Bank and Account ID is linked to a specific G/L account.

Currency Enter the currency in which the account is maintained

Statement number Input the statement number. This is an external field and needs to be input by the user.

Statement DateEnter here the date in which the BRS is being run.

Currency Enter the currency in which the bank account is maintained

Opening Balance Enter the opening balance of the bank statement

Closing Balance Enter the closing balance of the bank statement

Posting Date Enter the date on which you want to post the entries to the Bank account G/L.

Section Variant Always enter “HOPF” in this field

Input file- Enter txt file Enter the path of the txt file containing the upload data. You may also browse the system by placing the cursor on the field and left clicking to locate the file.

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Enter the fields as described above in the table and press the ‘Execute’ button.

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Enter the House Bank, Account Id and other fields in this screen

After entering the above fields press this “Execute” icon to process

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Next Screen

The message appears that the Bank Balance tallies. Press Enter

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The message indicating that the balance tallies.

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Next Screen

Continue pressing Enter

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Next Screen

You can see the data getting uploaded

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Data from the txt file getting uploaded

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Next Screen

You need to continue pressing Enter until the message ‘Statement/list posted’ appears on the bottom of the screen.

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Message indicating the list has been posted

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Step 3: Process batch input session via Transaction Code SM35

Please note till now the transactions have not been posted.We now run transaction Code SM35 from the SAP menu screen to process the session and post the transactions.

Enter T Code: SM35

Select the session from this screen and click on ‘Process’ icon. The session name would be the combination of House Bank and Account ID.

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Select your session and click on this icon to Process

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On clicking the ‘Process’ icon, a dialog box pops up with the following Processing Mode options:

Process foreground: Indicates that the session will run in the foreground on the screen. You can view them on your screen.Display errors only: Indicates that the session will run in the background and only in case of any error the system will display the particular transaction.Background: In this case, the session will run on the background and you cannot view the same

We can select any one of the options. Let us select the Process/foreground option and click on ‘Process’

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Select the processing mode option here

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Next Screen

The document entry screen is displayed. Press enter to move forward.

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Continue pressing enter. The screen will keep on changing

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Optional step: In case after viewing a couple of transactions in the foreground you want the system to process in “Display Errors Only” mode, you can change the same by selecting System- Services-Batch Input- Display Errors only as shown below.

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Option to switch to “Display Errors only” mode

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Once all the transactions in the session are entered we see the message box on the screen ‘Processing of batch input session completed’. Press Enter.

Press Enter

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Message indicating the processing of Batch input session completed

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Next Screen

All the transactions have been entered now and we see that the session line item executed no longer appears on the Session Overview screen.

However in case of any error in posting, the session line item would have remained in this screen and the number of error transactions would have been reported under the red mark icon.

You can check the G/L account of Main Bank account and sub Bank accounts to view the postings made.

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In case of any error in any transaction the same would be reported under this column against the respective session name