SANTA CRUZ RECORD · PDF fileJonathan Strasser JBA Roofing Corralitos CA 95076 Kennon Joan Hamil Paper Tiger Freedom ... Juan Carlos Solis Morales Solis Striping San Jose CA 95153

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  • Inside this IssueBookworm Review . . . . . . . . . . .2

    Slingshot to Success . . . . . . . . . .3

    New Business Filings . . . . . . . . . .4

    Real Estate Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

    Distressed Real Estate . . . . . . . . .8

    Public & Legal Notices . . . . . . . . .8

    Bulk Sales/ABC Transfers . . . . . . . 19

    Commercial Leases . . . . . . . . . . . 19

    Dr. Jay Pennock has been enjoying sailing, surfing and practicing med-icine here in Santa Cruz for 20 years. After treating medical and traumatic emergencies in his practice, he began to see that many of his patients health problems were more than just accidents.

    I started seeing patterns emerging, says Pennock. It was a compilation of worsening diet, sedentary lifestyles, stress, and loss of connectivity with family and friends, which really starts to deteriorate our bodies, minds, and rela-tionships.

    This realization led to a change in his own life, focusing on improved nutrition, yoga, meditation and education about lifestyle effects on health.

    Pennock then began to dream up a way to help others take the helm of their own wellbeing. In 2015, he opened Nav-

    igator Medical Consultancy, where its all about the ex-perience. Dr. Pennock meets his patients at the door, and commits hours of time pro-viding very personal ser-

    vice, literally charting a course to better health. Everyone has the ability to alter their course, says Pennock. Empow-ering people to change their lives and make better decisions about their health is really what its all about. Located at 304 Lincoln St. Santa Cruz 831 226-2108,


    Navigator Medical Consultancy

  • 2 Santa Cruz reCord july 18, 2017

    by Terri Schlichenmeyer

    Your phone will not stop ringing.It chimes constantly, too, letting you know that youve got mail. Face-book announces itself with a thwock, and another noise works as a calendar notification. On one hand, its nice to be needed. On the other hand, youd like to throw everything into a nearby river and walk away but before you do, read Fully Connected by Julia Hob-sbawm and you might feel better.Your entire life is run by networks.Think about it: the roads you travel, your healthcare, banking, social media, real-life friends and foes, the games you play or follow; certainly, your work. If you think everythings somehow connected these days, youre right. Thats because, says Hobsbawm, we live cheek by jowl with another spe-cies entirely: technology. Our com-puters, smartphones, clocks, even our entertainment seems to have a life of its own, a phenomenon that started when the telegraph was invented. It can be a good thing or it can be overwhelming.Social Health, defined as who, what and when you know, is the remedy for that, Hobsbawm says. Having Social Health can spur change and fix infor-

    mation obesity time starvation and other connection ills from which mod-ern humans suffer. The lack of Social Health, in fact, can lead to stress, badly organized infrastructure, uncertainty,

    misplaced optimism bias, and even crimi-nal behavior.To achieve Social Health, she says, in-dividuals need net-works, knowledge, management, time, good commu-nication to and from others, and a sixth sense, or intuition, all of which are designed to ease connect-edness over-

    load. It also helps to remind ourselves that we can aim for 5,000 Facebook friends, but we only really socialize with 150 people, on average. Also, we should remember most networks are less planned and far more accidental and organic than people may think.Overall, Hobsbawm says that Con-nection is the very essence of life. But its also important that the power of being connected is [knowing] the opposite when to disconnect and unplug.Tired of being wired, 24/7? You can look inside Fully Connected for help, but you may very well not find it there.Filled with circle-talk, etymology

    lessons, references to poetry, old song lyrics, and a bit of biography, author Julia Hobsbawm goes so off-topic, so often, that I halfway expected to see SQUIRRELS! every so many pages. In short, this book that should have been about surviving and thriving in an age of overload (as per its subtitle) is instead about other things as often as not. Yes, there is advice in here, but its not very clear. Youll find intriguing ideas, but they can be contradictory. There are thought-provokers but, if youre a businessperson, youve prob-ably already thought about them. Its all wrapped up in a college-thesis-like essay that, lets face it, isnt much fun to read. Overall, I was no fan of this book. I thought it was inaccessible and, pardon the pun, hard to connect with. You can certainly try Fully Connected for yourself, if youd like, but dont be surprised if you hang it up early. n

    Fully Connected: Surviving and Thriving in an Age of Overload

    by Julia Hobsbawm

    Bookworm ReviewThe Bookworm is Terri Schlichenmeyer. Terri has been reading since she was three years old and she never goes anywhere without a book. She lives on a hill in Wisconsin with two dogs and 11,000 books.

  • july 18, 2017 Santa Cruz reCord 3

    Santa Cruz County's Business Launch & Startup Specialists

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    Success through Meshing Your Skills with a Home-Based Business

    SlingSHoT To SucceSS

    by Andy Van Valer

    if youve ever wished you could quit your job and start a small business you are not alone. The excitement of setting your own hours,

    not having to report to anyone and having more family time is appealing. Many businesses appear simple to do and even look easy to an outsider, but as people who own their own businesses can testify, starting a business from home can be just as hard in the beginning, if not harder as per-forming a normal job. But, in the end, it is much more rewarding and secure than having a tradi-tional job.

    So, if you think you can handle owning your own business, what next?

    You must choose a business to begin. There are so many different businesses to choose from, each with their own separate skill sets needed. Some home-based businesses offer a stricter schedule, while others can be run more laid back. It all depends on the oppor-tunity. One thing to think about before start-ing your home based business is the time and dedication it is going to take. When you are

    your own boss, you are the manager of your own time.

    Think about the skills you currently have. What are you best at? Is there something you have always wished to do as a profession? Per-haps now you can work it into your business.

    If you love children, perhaps you can be a nanny, or other child care professional. If your dream has always been to coach, consider being a business coach or representing one. If you re-ally wanted to be a teacher in the past, consider becoming a private tutor or freelance writer. Al-ways wanted to be a cook? Try a home-based ca-tering business.

    What you are good at is your marketable tal-ent. That is what you will use to make money. When you have discovered your marketable skill, you are ready to set up your home-based business.

    Here is where most people go wrong. They try to do it all themselves.

    I do not know of many businesses that have had success where there has been a person who has done it all by themselves. Not one. Im sure there might be one out there, but I

    dont know of any and Ive seen a lot of busi-nesses.

    If you want to be successful you need to un-derstand your skills and, just as important, the skills you dont have that you will need. Have you ever seen any business run alone Starbucks, Borders or Payless?

    As a small business owner, you need to iden-tify your strengths and weaknesses and draw from your knowledge and experience in order to run your business smoothly.

    It is imperative that you recognize your skills and abilities so that you can determine the ap-propriate business for you. For instance, if you are good at maintaining public relations and have effective communication skills, you may be best in a service-oriented industry.

    No matter what your personality or skills, you can build a small business that suits you. n

    Andy Van Valer, CEO Slingshot, is an organiza-tion that helps entrepreneurs get the support, re-sources and advice theyll need to make their busi-ness idea a reality or to scale to the next level. For more information visit

  • 4 Santa Cruz reCord july 18, 2017

    new Business FilingsRosalie Hamilton Rose Dayal Aptos CA 95003

    Nina Paganetti Troy Paganetti Santa Toes Academy Aptos CA 95003

    Robert Whalen Farwell Farmor Painting Ben Lomond CA 95005

    Richard J. Wiens Robert A. Kittle West Coast College Camps Ben Lomond CA 95005

    Kimberly Custodio Contreras Lady Lurkers Boulder Creek CA 95006

    Jonathan Strasser JBA Roofing Corralitos CA 95076

    Kennon Joan Hamil Paper Tiger Freedom CA 95019

    Halen Harris & Jonathan Seiwell Sand Glass Jewelry La Selva Beach CA 95076

    Juan Carlos Solis Morales Solis Striping San Jose CA 95153

    Greg D. Burnett Chippertalk Santa Cruz CA 95060

    Cathi L. Caly Ananda Fiduciary Services Santa Cruz CA 95062

    Deborah Hoyt Hoyt & Hufford Santa Cruz CA