Saluting the Salubrious Burp: The Burp that Healed, by Pieter Uys

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  • 7/28/2019 Saluting the Salubrious Burp: The Burp that Healed, by Pieter Uys



    ]fdutbja thg ]fduirblus IurpIy Ubgtgr Wys

    Mhfkpblj Iurpgr 6222 bj hbs Idug Ugrblc

  • 7/28/2019 Saluting the Salubrious Burp: The Burp that Healed, by Pieter Uys



    SHG IWYU SHFS HGFDGCShg Mhfkpblj l` fdd Iurps bj ky gxpgrbgjmg lmmurrgc bj 6222 bj

    f iubdcbja lj Arfystlj Crbvg$ ]fjctlj* Shg Iurpgr hfc cg`bjbtgdy

    jlt bkibigc fjy bddgafd suistfjmgs dbng iggr fdthluah hg kbaht hfvg

    hfc f KmCljfdcs mhggsgiuragr fjc slkg Mlmf+Mldf gfrdbgr thft

    klrjbja* Hg dlvgc thlsg iuragrs* B thbjn thgyrg mfddgc Iba Kfms*

    Ft gxfmtdy sgvgj kbjutgs fjc 99 sgmljcs pfst 66 thft `ftg`ud klrjbja$ thg

    rgdftbvgdy trfjqubd fkibfjmg l` thg fc fagjmy wfs rucgdy rupturgc iy fj

    gxpdlsblj* Yliust fjc rgsljfjt$ thg rgsudtbja crljg rlfrgc fjc rgvgrigrftgc

    bj spfmg fjc tbkg$ rgfmhbja gvgj thg nbtmhgj lj thg `fr sbcg l` thg huag lpgj+

    pdfj l``bmg*

    Hlw `ljcdy B rgmfdd thg fwg+bjspbrbja sgqugjmg? thg mrfmn$ thg illk fjc thg

    crljg/* Dbng dbahtjbja$ thg mrfmn bjbtbftgc thg slujc sgqugjmg$ `lddlwgc iy thg

    rgsljfjt illk thft fmtgc fs irbcag fjc prgducg tl thg kfajb`bmgjt crljg$ thg

    vldukg l` whbmh rgsgkidgc thft l` f trgklr* Bj kusbmfd tgrks$ thg strumturg

    `lddlwgc thg pfttgrj l` f succgj$ klkgjtfry trukpgt idfst `lddlwgc iy

    clwjtgkpl ifss cruks arfcufddy idgjcbja wbth thg dbdtbja mfcgjmgs l` f vbldf

    lr cbcagrbcll* Fdtgrjftbvgdy$ wbth kgcbgvfd cgvltbljfd kusbm bj kbjc$ ljg kfy

    rg`gr tl thg mrfmn fjc thg illk fs fj fjtbphlj// bjtrlcumbja thg hykj*

    Shg crljgs curftblj mfjjlt ig `fudtgc* Fjy dljagr fjc bt wludc hfvg

    sfmrb`bmgc bts stfrtdbja bkpfmt* Fjy shlrtgr fjc thg slujcwfvgs wludc jlt hfvg

    rgfmhgc thft `fr* Shg `rgqugjmy lsmbddftgc igtwggj ifss & ifrbtljg wbth rbmh

    lvgrtljgs bj thg ngyjltgs l` M E 970 hz fjc C E 988 hz* Bjtrlcumbja fjc

    sgfkdgssdy kgrabja wbth thg ifrbtljfd crljg$ thg illk wfs thg slurmg l` thg

    ifss* F sgrbgs l` fgsthgtbmfddy pdgfsbja klcfd fjc mhrlkftbm shb`ts

    mhfrfmtgrbzgc thg crljgs prlargssblj*

  • 7/28/2019 Saluting the Salubrious Burp: The Burp that Healed, by Pieter Uys



    Klst pdgfsbja wfs thg tbkirg$/// whbmh fdlja wbth thg pbtmh$ rfcbftgc f

    mljsljfjt fjc igjg`bmbfd g``gmt* Bj thbs rgafrc$ bt bs bkplrtfjt tl ig fwfrg thftbj thg sljbm hgfdbja klcfdbty$ 970 hz bs fsslmbftgc wbth thg gfrth$ arlujcbja

    fjc thujcgr$ fjc 988 hz wbth wftgr$ thg lmgfj fjc db`g gjgray*//// Shlsg

    hfppgjgc tl ig thg pfrtbmudfr hgfdbja `rgqugjmbgs klst jggcgc iy thg pgrsljs

    frlujc thg iurpgr*

  • 7/28/2019 Saluting the Salubrious Burp: The Burp that Healed, by Pieter Uys



    Hlwgvgr$ jlt fdd l` thg bkkgcbftg g``gmts mludc ig mljsbcgrgc whldgslkg*

    Shg mhbjf bj thg ilfrcrllk mrfmngc fjc f plstgr l` Kfcljjf lj thg wfddstfrtgc idggcbja `rlk fdd lrb`bmb* Dftgr$ bt wludc gkgrag thft sgjsbtbvg

    gqubpkgjt ft MGYJ rgmlrcgc f klkgjtfry rupturg bj thg spfmg+tbkg

    mljtbjuuk ft thft gxfmt bjstfjt* @lr `gfr l` fdfrkbja thg puidbm$ thg futhlrbtbgs

    hfvg ngpt f tbaht dbc lj thg cgtfbds tl thbs cfy*

    Shg mdfklur l` mgjsurg fjc mljcgkjftblj bj thg fagjmy wfs bkkgcbftg*

    Fdthluah thgrg wgrg fckbrgrs$ thgy wgrg jlt prgpfrgc tl mhfddgjag thg

    lutrfagc mljsgjsus* Bj cg`gjmg l` thlsg bj thg bkkgcbftg vbmbjbty l` thg

    slurmg? thgy fppgfrgc stujjgc$ trfjs`lrkgc fjc ujfidg tl frtbmudftg fjythbja

    bj thg bkkgcbftg f`tgrkfth* ]lkghlw B wfs fidg tl lpgjdy gxprgss fpprlvfd*

    L` thft$ B fk prluc tlcfy*

  • 7/28/2019 Saluting the Salubrious Burp: The Burp that Healed, by Pieter Uys



    @lr$ ujignjlwjst tl gvgj thlsg thft igjg`btgc$ thg iurp g``gmtgc fj

    bkkgcbftg bkprlvgkgjt bj thg dbvgs l` thlsg mdlsgst tl thg gpbmgjtgr* Bj ky

    mfsg$ Fjast ujc Qgdtsmhkgrz wgrg sukkfrbdy gxlrmbsgc$ dgfcbja tl f dlja grf

    l` oly$ pgfmg fjc prlspgrbty* @lr rgfsljs l` prbvfmy$ thg futhlr mfjjlt

    gdfilrftg ft prgsgjt iut su``bmg tl sfy thft thg jgurlsgs fjc thgrg wgrg

    dgablj l` fdd `bvg bjcbvbcufds mdlsg tl thg gpbmgjtgr fiftgc `lr f mljsbcgrfidg

    pgrblc* Shg plddutgc psymhbm fbr bj thg arlup wfs mdgfrgc bjstfjtdy iy thg iurp*

  • 7/28/2019 Saluting the Salubrious Burp: The Burp that Healed, by Pieter Uys





    Bj kusbm$ f crljg bs f hfrkljbm lr kljlphljbm g``gmt lr fmmlkpfjbkgjt whgrg f jltg lr

    mhlrc bs mljtbjulusdy slujcgc thrluahlut klst lr fdd l` f pbgmg* F crljg g``gmt mfj ig

    fmhbgvgc thrluah f sustfbjgc slujc lr thrluah rgpgtbtblj l` f jltg* Bt klst l`tgj

    gstfidbshgs f tljfdbty uplj whbmh thg rgst l` thg pbgmg bs iubdt* F crljg mfj ig bjstrukgjtfd$

    vlmfd lr ilth


    Dbstgj tl fj gxfkpdg l` f crljg bj rlmn kusbm hgrg?


  • 7/28/2019 Saluting the Salubrious Burp: The Burp that Healed, by Pieter Uys




    F vgrsg lr f sgrbgs l` vgrsgs suja fs f prgducg lr mljmdusblj


    Olmgdyj Kljtalkgry sbjas thg suidbkg fjtbphljs l` Hbdcgafrc l` Ibjagj lj Dux Pbvgjs*


    Dbstgj tl ljg l` ]t Hbdcgafrcs klst `fklus fjtbphljs hgrg? Ylsf Dfklrgfux fjc HG]UGYW]?

    Hbdcgafrc vlj Ibjagj!s Hlcbg Fpgrubt


  • 7/28/2019 Saluting the Salubrious Burp: The Burp that Healed, by Pieter Uys




    Shg qufdbty$ thg cbstbjmtbvg mhfrfmtgrbstbms$ fjc thg bj`dugjmg l` slujc bs mfddgc tbkirg lr

    tljg mldlr* Shbs bs thg cbstbjaubshbja slurmg l` fdd slujc* Bt hgdps us tl bcgjtb`y ljg slujc

    `rlk fjlthgr$ ljg vlbmg `rlk fjlthgr$ ljg bjstrukgjt `rlk fjlthgr* Bt bs tbkirg$ fdlja wbthpbtmh$ whbmh g``gmts us klst*Fjcrgws$ Sgc* ]fmrgc ]lujcs? Srfjs`lrkftblj thrluah Kusbm &

    Qlrc* Ddgwgddyj Uuidbmftbljs$ ]t Ufud Kbjjgsltf$ 6229*

    ////970 hz fjc 988 hz

    MC illndgt , ]dggvg Jltgs l` Aldckfj$ Oljfthfj* Mhfnrf Mhfjts* Kusbm MC* Gthgrgfj Kusbm*

    Fjcrgws$ Sgc* ]fmrgc ]lujcs* Ddgwgddyj Uuidbmftbljs$ ]t Ufud Kbjjgsltf$ 6229*

    Shg Sljg l` M rgsljftgs wbth thg Yllt , Ifsg , Kudfchfrf mhfnrf fsslmbftgc wbth db`g+

    prlkltbja gjgray* Cys`ujmtblj prlkltgs igddbagrgjt$ kfjbpudftbvg$ bkpudsbvg$ rgmndgss fjc

    plssgssbvg fttbtucgs fjc kbjcdgss ighfvblur*

    Shg Sljg l` C rgsljftgs wbth thg ]fmrfd , ]pdggj , ]vfcbsthfjf mhfnrf rgspljsbidg `lr

    gkltblj$ sgjsftblj fjc mrgftbvbty* Cys`ujmtblj prlkltgs fttbtucgs l` frrlafjmg$ prbcg$

    cbstrust fjc vfjbty* Bt kfy suilrcbjftg thg bjcbvbcufd slud tl plwgr+dust lr kbjcdgssdy

    gkirfmbja thg mljsgjsus*

  • 7/28/2019 Saluting the Salubrious Burp: The Burp that Healed, by Pieter Uys




    Wys$ Ubgtgr* Mhfnrf Mhfjts cgur Oljfthfj Aldckfj*


    Wys$ Ubgtgr* ]fmrgc ]lujcs fjc Kusbmfd Hgfdbja*
