Sales Intelligence™ Report Infosys BigDataEdge™ 14 th January 2014

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“Everything about Customers”.

Sales Intelligence™ Report

Infosys BigDataEdge™ 14th January 2014

“Everything about Customers”.

Sales Intelligence™ Report

Infosys BigDataEdge™



Infosys BigDataEdge™ - Introduction ...................................................................... 4

About Infosys BigDataEdge™ ..................................................................................................... 4

Infosys BigDataEdge™ - Features .............................................................................................. 4

Infosys BigDataEdge™ - Outcomes ............................................................................................ 5

Infosys BigDataEdge – Key capabilities .................................................................................... 6

Infosys Big Data™ Product Development, since March 2012 ................................................... 7

Leveraging Value from Infosys BigDataEdge™ ......................................................................... 8

About Infosys BigDataEdge™ Team, Methods and Solutions ................................................... 9

Infosys BigDataEdge™ - Business Strategy ............................................................ 9

Infosys present Business Strategy using BigDataEdge™ .......................................................... 9

Business Strategy / Actions performed by Infosys Executives with BigDataEdge™ .............. 10

Infosys Big Data Framework ................................................................................................... 11

Infosys BigDataEdge™ Adoption Enablers .............................................................................. 11

Infosys BigDataEdge™ Architecture ........................................................................................ 12

Infosys Capabilities................................................................................................................... 12

Infosys SocialEdge – Big Data Analytics Platform .................................................................. 13

Infosys Corporate Level Strategies .......................................................................................... 13

Infosys BigDataEdge™ - Technology Partner ..................................................... 14

Infosys BigDataEdge + Oracle ................................................................................................. 14

Infosys BigDataEdge™ + Oracle Technology Model (as of December 2013) ......................... 15

Infosys BigData™ Global Landscape ...................................................................... 16

Infosys Cloud & Big Data™ IT Infrastructure Management ................................................... 17

Infosys BigDataEdge™: Big Data projects executed in ‘Information Management CoE’ in Infosys labs located in Quincy, MA 02169, USA ....................................................................... 18

Infosys’ Hadoop Roadmap started since February 2011 ........................................................ 20

Infosys BigDataEdge™ in Banking and Finance vertical using Big Data and NoSQL technologies .............................................................................................................................. 20

Infosys BigDataEdge™ Key Projects from CA, USA ................................................................. 20

Infosys BigDataEdge™ and CRM Analytics projects served since 2012, from Infosys office located in Plano, Texas, USA .................................................................................................... 22

Infosys BigDataEdge™ use Microsoft’s internal Big Data Analysis platform called Cosmos in Log Retention Service............................................................................................................... 22

Infosys BigDataEdge™ use Oracle Exadata in CA, USA ........................................................... 23

Infosys BigDataEdge™ - Digital Marketing Strategy .............................................................. 24

Infosys BigDataEdge™ - Internal training program on Big Data is called ‘Infosys at the Cutting Edge’ ............................................................................................................................ 24

Infosys BigDataEdge™ - Customer Intelligence ................................................ 25

Partial list of customers using Infosys BigDataEdge™ ........................................................... 25

1 - Infosys BigDataEdge™ serves Wells Fargo Bank, USA using MongoDB in ‘FOREX Position Risk Management Application ................................................................................................. 27

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Infosys BigDataEdge™


2 - Infosys Technologies Ltd serves Bank of America (BOA) using BigDataEdge™ ............... 35

3 - Infosys BigDataEdge™ serves American Express (AMEX) ................................................. 37

4 - Infosys BigDataEdge™ serves SunTrust Banks Inc ............................................................ 38

5 - Infosys Technologies Ltd serves Apple Inc using BigDataEdge™ ...................................... 39

6 - Infosys BigDataEdge™ product is used in T-Mobile’s Big Data - Web Analytics .............. 43

7 - Infosys BigDataEdge™ product is used in GAP Inc for ‘Mainframe Re-hosting Program’ 44

8 - Infosys BigDataEdge™ - Strategic Insights Practice of Campaign Analytics for Ally Financial, Ally Bank ................................................................................................................. 45

9 - Infosys serves Sears Holdings Corporation using IBM Infosphere DataStage 8.0.1 and preparing PoC using Infosys BigDataEdge™ ........................................................................... 46

10 – Infosys BigDataEdge™ serves Deutsche Bank using ‘Data Analysis Application’ .......... 47

11 - Infosys performs ‘Investor Portfolio Analysis’ and ‘NAV Prediction of omnibus funds’ for DBS Bank Ltd ............................................................................................................................ 47

12 - Infosys serves its customers using Weblog Analytics ...................................................... 48

13 - Infosys BigDataEdge™ - Strategic Insights Practice of Web Analytics for a Legal Services Customer .................................................................................................................... 48

14 - Infosys BigData™ serves its customers from its Infosys Office in CA, USA in “Foreign Exchange Risk Management Banking Domain ....................................................................... 49

15 - Infosys BigDataEdge™ serves its customers in ‘Mortgage and Online Credit Applications’ ............................................................................................................................. 50

Infosys BigdataEdge™ – Global Services IT Outsourcing Intelligence ..... 51

Infosys BigDataEdge™ serves Fidelity Investments Company in project ‘Sentiment Analysis’................................................................................................................................................... 51

Infosys BigDataEdge™ serves Walmart Stores using largest ‘Online Transformation Program’ ................................................................................................................................... 58

Infosys BigDataEdge™ - Cloud Computing COE ...................................................................... 59

Infosys BigDataEdge™ serves UL by performing Test Report Analysis .................................. 59

Infosys BigDataEdge™ serves AMP, USA by performing Customer Churn Analysis .............. 60

Infosys BigDataEdge™ serves T-Mobile in project ‘T-Mobile Big Data Analytics’ ................. 60

Infosys BigDataEdge™ serves Australian Bank using ‘Online Transformation Program’ .... 61

Infosys BigDataEdge™ - India Operations ........................................................... 61

Infosys BigDataEdge™ - Cloud and Big Data Practices from Pune, India .............................. 61

Quick facts ................................................................................................................................ 64

Contact Details ......................................................................................................................... 65

“Everything about Customers”.

Sales Intelligence™ Report

Infosys BigDataEdge™


Infosys BigDataEdge™ - Introduction

About Infosys BigDataEdge™

Infosys BigDataEdge™ focuses on enabling the enterprise to device in-sights by

augmenting the in-house structured trusted data with un-structured data within and

outside the enterprise in a real time. Infosys BigDataEdge™ enables enterprise to adopt

Big Data Technologies seamlessly by providing them the benefits of standardization,

Re-use, Accelerators and Framework to realize their Big Data Journey at 1/6th the Cost

and with 8 times faster time to market.

BigDataEdge™ provides a GUI approach to Cloud Computing. The data from internal

sources (Example: local data from desktop) and external sources (Example: Facebook,

Twitter, LinkedIn, Salesforce, etc) can be loaded to cloud cluster using its GUI interface

after applying particular algorithms to it.

BigDataEdge™ product enables user to execute a large number of algorithms in Hive,

Cassandra, Mongodb, HDFS etc with simple drag and drop option and also creates

visualization based on the result.

Infosys BigDataEdge™ - Features

Metadata driven Pre-built Adapters for Data ingestion from various sources

Discover data using auto-clustering, ad-hoc query, search, entity extraction,


Pre-built components for Stream Processing & Real Time Analytics

Pre-built transformers for data transforming and cleaning

Record Linkage, De-duplication components for data enrichment

Comprehensive & easy to use Analytical & Machine Learning algorithms support

Seamless Integration of Analytics Tools like R with Hadoop

Graphical easy to use User Interface with drag and drop features for configuring data


Industry leading Visualization techniques for deep insights

Collaboration platform for collective decision making

Integration with Enterprise systems for Real-Time Decision making

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Infosys BigDataEdge™


Insight Governance and Management

One-Click Cloud Deployment - Seamless Analytical Cluster Setup, Configuration and Full

Featured Hub Management

Infosys BigDataEdge™ - Outcomes


Batch Data Adapters

Event Stream Adapters


Entity extraction

Ad-Hoc Query

Auto clustering


Generic Transformers

Data Cleansing

Data Masking

Content Extractions

Change Capture

Unique ID


Text Analytics


Pattern Matching



Time Series Analysis

Regression Analysis

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Sales Intelligence™ Report

Infosys BigDataEdge™



Normal Visualizations

Cluster Visualizations

Geospatial Graphs

Drill Down



Send Alert Adapter

Integrate with

Enterprise Workflow system

Send Emails Adapter

Integration Adapters with Enterprise systems

Infosys BigDataEdge – Key capabilities

Discover and Aggregate

Real-time data discovery

o 50 out-of-the-box connectors

Extensible connector framework

o Rapid addition of new information sources

o Automates 80% of connector functions

Transformation builder

o Visual approach to build transformations

o 70 reusable components


Meta-data based Virtual Data Source

o Process at the source

o Reduce Infrastructure cost by 30%


Insight Builder

o 250 pre-built algorithms

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Infosys BigDataEdge™


o Drag and drop visual interface

o Empower business analysts to build insights


Insight Builder

o 50 ready-to-use visualization options

o Traceability of insights

o Executive dashboard

o Smart device access


Collaboration Wall

o Cross-functional collaboration

o Real-time decisions

Enterprise workflow

o Influence systems using pre-built connectors

Uniqueness of Infosys BigDataEdge™:

Agility: Actionable intelligence from new data in hours

Speed: Expedite your processing deployment across all data types by 10X or more

Business Value: Monetize your data through applied insights

Infosys Big Data™ Product Development, since March 2012

Technology Modules in Infosys Big Data™ Product

1. Metadata driven Ingestion Framework

2. Metadata Management

3. Dynamic Validation Framework

4. Big Data Processing Accelerators

5. Machine Learning Processing Toolkits

6. Search and Indexing on Big Data

7. Text Analysis (including Identity Resolution)

8. On Demand Analysis and Dynamic Visualization Framework

9. Information Service Framework

10. Real-Time Analytics Framework

11. Automated Cluster Deployment

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Infosys BigDataEdge™


JDK / JRE – 1.6 Cloudera

Hadoop 3.0




AVRO Hive 3.0 Pig Eclipse JSON formats XML Output



Infosys creates Ingestion, Transformation Components on BigDataEdge and developed

MapReduce programs for various Input formats and algorithms.

Infosys created various components using Map Reduce, Avro, Hive, Oozie and the

analytics using R, R integration with Hadoop like RHDFS, RMR, RHipe and also set-up

RStudio Server on Hadoop Cluster.

Infosys created a single stop solution for all Big Data related requirements which is 8x


Infosys use Tableau for dynamic generation of graphs over JQuery that resulted in

sizable time-cost benefits

Leveraging Value from Infosys BigDataEdge™

Integrate data silos across the research organization to allow scientists easy access to

the wealth of information available

o Also the ability to capture and ingest data from multiple structured and

unstructured data sources

Develop and place flexible and broad high throughput analytical layers on the

integrated data sets to mine the information

o Continue to allow the researchers the flexibility of choosing a broad array of

analytical tools that fit their research needs

o Advanced near real time analytics over Big Data combining structured and

unstructured data

o Ability to process data on cloud architecture and cloud platforms

Develop scalable and flexible infrastructure to support the increasing computing needs.

o Bioinformatics increasingly needs Tera-Scale computing in the areas of drug

discovery and drug repurposing.

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Infosys BigDataEdge™


About Infosys BigDataEdge™ Team, Methods and Solutions


Number of Consultants: 8000+

Number of Visualization Experts: 100+

Data Scientists: 500+


Value Realization Method™


Questions To Actions

Infosys Solutions:

[BigDataEdge™ + TradeEdge™ + InteractEdge + FINACLE™ + Infosys Labs + Technology

COE’s + Alliances]

Infosys BigDataEdge™ - Business


Infosys present Business Strategy using BigDataEdge™

Infosys is deriving business value using BigDataEdge™ and performing business and

technology transformation by leveraging BigDataEdge™.

[Thoughts + Devices + Processes = BigDataEdge™]

Big Data Value: Change the Business (Use Data) -> Run the Business (Produce Data)

1. Run the Business by organizing Data to do something specific (Produce Data)

2. Change the Business by taking Data As-Is to figure out what it can do (Use Data)

Infosys BigDataEdge™ - Success Strategy

Infosys BigDataEdge™ Data Architecture is saving over $250 Million for an enterprise

customer in Retail business

Infosys adopts State of the art architecture for Real-Time actionable insights, for its


Infosys is helping its major retailing customer to get price competitive online

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Infosys BigDataEdge™


Business Strategy / Actions performed by Infosys Executives with


During past 10 months, Infosys has perfectly marketed its BigDataEdge™ to all its

customers. Infosys customers in BFSI have asked for PoC (Proof of Concept).

o Priority 1: Currently, as of December 2013, Infosys is working on PoC (Proof of

Concept) for all its existing customers in Banking and Finance vertical.

o Priority 2: Infosys is focusing on close related ‘Competitors’ of existing

Customers for whom the BigDataEdge™ is implemented during 2013

o Priority 3: Infosys is performing extensive research on Enterprise customers

who are making Big Data Initiatives and are willing to use BigDataEdge™ during


o Priority 4: Infosys is identifying Enterprise customers who are setting up CoE,

Research labs, Innovation Centers, etc.

Infosys is developing customized unique Big Data Strategy for each and every customer

in Banking and Finance sector.

Infosys is establishing and managing Big Data implementation for its customers using


Infosys is designing solutions based on a mix of Big Data and NoSQL technologies -

Hadoop, Vertica, MongoDb etc., for its customers in Banking and Finance vertical.

Infosys BigDataEdge™ performs “Knowledge Based Solution” in Big Data

implementation for Failure Analysis organization to its customers.

How Infosys BigDataEdge™ achieved during 2013 and how it took advantage with


During 2013, Infosys has taken advantage of customer’s non-expertise and timelessness

to implement a large-scale big data strategy in-house.

Customer’s lack of investments, timelessness, cost overruns, lost opportunities and

failure risks have been taken advantage by Infosys BigDataEdge™ practice.

During 2013, customers couldn’t realize business benefits of the entire project using Big


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Infosys BigDataEdge™


During 2013, customers couldn’t partner with expert IT Vendor with expertise in Big

Data analytics projects; or IT vendors who could take risks, low costs and timely big

data implementation.

Infosys Big Data Framework

Infosys BigDataEdge™ Adoption Enablers

I. Accelerator – Solution & Expertise

II. Services – Extreme Data

III. Product – Voice of Customer Analytics

IV. Platform – Social Edge for Big Data

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Infosys BigDataEdge™


Infosys BigDataEdge™ Architecture

Infosys Capabilities

Global Delivery Model

Training Capabilities

Operational Efficiency


High Quality Standards

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Infosys BigDataEdge™


Infosys SocialEdge – Big Data Analytics Platform

Infosys Corporate Level Strategies

Core Strategies

I. Global Delivery Model: Producing where it is most cost effective to produce & selling

where it is most profitable to sell.

II. Moving up the Value Chain: Getting involved in a software development project at the

earliest stage of its life cycle.

III. PSPD Model: “Predictability of Revenues, Sustainability of Revenues, Profitability, De-

risking” for risk management.

Generic Strategies

I. Low cost Global delivery 24/7 Model

II. Little differentiation in low-end services of value chain

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Infosys BigDataEdge™


III. High differentiation in high end services of value chain like software products and

package solutions

IV. Focus on quality, customer relationship management, timely-delivery

Infosys BigDataEdge™ - Technology

Partner Oracle is Technology Partner of Infosys BigDataEdge™

Infosys BigDataEdge + Oracle

Value Proposition of BigDataEdge + Oracle

i. 40% faster ingestion & Discovery

ii. 8X faster insights

iii. 250 prebuilt algorithms for rapid insights

iv. Real time decisions

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Infosys BigDataEdge™


Infosys BigDataEdge™ + Oracle Technology Model (as of December


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Infosys BigDataEdge™


Infosys BigData™ Global Landscape Eclipse Netbeans JBOSS developer





Apache Jena


Apache Jena - Fuseki Protege OpenRDF Putty Winscp

Filezilla OpenNLP RestClient Firebug Postman

Tomcat server JBOSS TomEE Hadoop Hive

Pig Oozie Mahout Impala Zookeeper

Storm - open source, big-

data processing system

Whirr HBase Cassandra Sqoop

MongoDB Flume Apache Mesos Rhipe Amazon s3

EC2 and EMR Cloud

instances (Amazon Elastic

MapReduce (Amazon


CDH Mapr HDP Apache Hadoop

Intel® Distribution for

Apache Hadoop





Ganglia BigDataEdge™

Exclusive Technology Landscape in Infosys Big Data™

Hadoop Hive Pig Oozie







Ruby on Rails


MongoDB Windows Linux JavaScript

Jquery Backbone.js HTML CSS

Apache Tomcat

Web Server


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Infosys BigDataEdge™


Inclusive: Technology Landscape in Infosys Big Data™

VMware player Virtual Box Jira MediaWiki

Twiki Dokuwiki Wordpress Mantis Bug


Visual SVN


Apache Tomcat


Apache httpd


JBOSS server

Infosys BigDataEdge™ product development started: May 2012

Product Developed launched in Market: February 2013

Infosys Cloud & Big Data™ IT Infrastructure Management

Infosys performs Big Data research using Core Java, Pig scripting, Hive queries, R scripting,

Rhipe programming and MapReduce programming involving summarization patterns, Data

Organization patterns, Filtering patterns, Join Patterns, Meta patterns.

Infosys performs RDF data processing using SPARQL, Apache Jena SDB java API, Apache

Jena Fuseki Java API, Text Processing

Infosys performs content extraction using GATE & JAPE

Infosys performs text processing using apache Open NLP

Infosys performs MapReduce orchestration using oozie

Infosys performs recommendation to its customers in using Mahout Algorithms, Encog

Machine Learning, JSP, HTML and jQuery

Infosys executes Linux shell scripting, Python scripting, Windows Shell scripting

Infosys Big Data™ serves its customer in a project for creation of an automated car

using Artificial Intelligence.

Infosys Big Data™ R&D delivers one of its customers in Sentimental Analysis and Tag

Clouding using MapReduce and also using Hive SerDe

Infosys Big Data™ R&D performs analysis using Pig scripting and creates a Workflow

using Oozie.

Infosys Big Data™ serves its customers in following areas,

o Social Media Analytics

o Analyzing the reason for churn happened to a company.

o Analyses system logs generated using snort using hadoop.

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Infosys BigDataEdge™


o Creation of new Hadoop Clusters

o Creation of Virtual Machines for Hadoop Cluster and Servers.

Infosys Big Data™ is deploying Hadoop and other BigData services in Cloud

Infosys Big Data™ is monitoring Hadoop clusters using Cloudera Manager and Ganglia

Infosys Big Data™ use Cloudera, Apache, Hortonworks, Intel and Mapr distributions of


Infosys Big Data™ installed and configured the following technologies


(Hive server 1 and 2)

Pig Impala HBase


Storm Cluster

Sqoop Mahout Oozie Zookeeper Cassandra


Cloudera Manager Free

and Enterprise Edition

Ganglia Hue Flume R Studio

Rhipe RMR R



- -

Infosys Big Data™ performs cluster creation using Whirr and performs Hadoop cluster

testing using Tera-sort

Infosys Big Data™ executes Open NLP – Natural Language programming and Encog

Programming for Machine Learning

Infosys BigDataEdge™: Big Data projects executed in ‘Information

Management CoE’ in Infosys labs located in Quincy, MA 02169, USA

‘Infosys BigDataEdge™ - Information management CoE’ performs BigDataEdge™ Product

Engineering; conceptualizing, designing and executing the development of the IP assets in

the Advanced Analytics areas.

Infosys BigDataEdge™ - Research operations performed in Infosys labs:

‘Information Management CoE’ in Infosys labs performs conceptualization and design of

product features of BigDataEdge™ financial services offerings.

Infosys labs are mapping the business use cases with technology features, evaluating

the appropriate use of techniques and algorithms for their implementation.

Infosys delivered use cases like,

o Enterprise risk analytics in financial derivatives

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Infosys BigDataEdge™


o Social media compliance

o Enhanced product classification leveraging textural product description

Analytical Techniques used in BigDataEdge™

Infosys BigDataEdge™ use different analytical techniques deployed by ‘Information

Management CoE’ in Infosys labs in Quincy, USA

o Data mining

o Unstructured Analytics – Natural Language Processing

o Text Mining

o Neural networks

o Artificial Intelligence

o Bayesian networks

o Forecasting and Recommendation

o Image processing

Infosys deploys Advanced Analytics for its BigDataEdge™ offerings, after performing

intense market research.

Infosys prepares multiple solution designs, develops use cases, PoC and then validates


Project Onsite Location: USA

Project Offshore Location: Mysore, Pune and Bangalore

Project Start: February 2013

Project End: As of December 2013, Infosys BigDataEdge™ implementation and delivery

are in fast progress.

C C++, UNIX Linux

Windows MATLAB R Software

Address of Information management CoE that performs BigDataEdge™ Product

Engineering: Two Adams Place, Quincy, MA 02169; Phone:+1 781 356 3100; Fax:+1 781

356 3150

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Infosys BigDataEdge™


Infosys’ Hadoop Roadmap started since February 2011

Infosys has started to build Hadoop Team within the organization, since February 2011

Infosys is building the Hadoop Competency across the organization (since February

2011) by training them in Hadoop and its Eco system.

o Framework: Hadoop ecosystem, Cascading

o Development Methodology: Scrum/Sprint

Infosys BigDataEdge™ in Banking and Finance vertical using Big Data

and NoSQL technologies

Infosys is currently executing a multi-year $10 million program (for BOA) to

consolidate multiple applications in the BOA’s domain and re-platform to Hadoop /

Vertica architecture to reduce cost and improve performance.

Infosys has recently executed a $10 million program (for Apple) to build a high

performing common reconciliation platform for gift card transactions using MongoDB.

Infosys is identifying tools; defining and implementing proof of concept (PoC) for all its

existing and prospect customers in Banking and Finance vertical

Infosys is designing and implementing architecture in Big Data and SOA, for key

customers in Banking and Finance vertical.

Infosys BigDataEdge™ Key Projects from CA, USA

Infosys is architecting Big Data solutions for Enterprises using algorithms like,


o Random Forest

o Linear Regression

o Clustering etc.

Infosys use Big Data Technologies like R, Rhipe, RMR, Hadoop - Hive and Map Reduce

Infosys is successfully implementing Scalable and High Performance Data Platforms

Infosys implements next generation web BI platform for telecom service providers in


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Infosys BigDataEdge™


Infosys delivers project from its office location address: 7707 Gateway Boulevard, Suite

110, Newark, CA 94560; Phone: +1 510 742 3000; Fax: +1 510 742 3090.

Technology Landscape deployed in Infosys office located in CA, USA

BigDataEdge™ platform: Ambari, Zookeeper, Sqoop, Hive (Stinger), MapReduce, R

Software, Rhipe, GLMNET, Mahout Algorithms, Hortonworks Data Platform 1.3

Databases Programmin

g Languages



Tools PM Tools Processes

DB2 on LUW

and z/OS

COBOL Linux HMC MS Projects Infosys IPM+







IMS SQL Solaris Nagios ILC OPAL


Hadoop Assembler,

UNIX Shell

Scripts and


z/OS, OS/390,



Studio and DB2Control

Centre Tools, DB2TOP,

DB2PD, DB2exfmt,

DB2expln, CA-

Platinum for DB2,

BMC Apptune, STROBE,


Omegamon, TMON









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Infosys BigDataEdge™


Infosys BigDataEdge™ and CRM Analytics projects served since 2012,

from Infosys office located in Plano, Texas, USA

Infosys delivers the following major projects using BigDataEdge™

1. Social Media Analytics/CRM solution for a global pharmaceuticals company in

Philadelphia, PA, USA

2. Big Data/Analytics solution for a leading Casual Dining chain in Orlando, FL, USA

3. CRM Analytics solution for an office supplies company in Miami, FL, USA

4. Social CRM/Analytics for a Financial Services/Insurance company in USA

5. CRM/Analytics solution for a leading Japanese Auto company in Dallas, Texas, USA

6. CRM/Analytics solution for a pharmaceuticals company in New York city, USA

Infosys office Location of project delivery: Plano, Texas, USA.

Infosys BigDataEdge™ use Microsoft’s internal Big Data Analysis

platform called Cosmos in Log Retention Service

The Log Retention Service provided by Infosys is addressing the process of collecting

the log data from federated services and retaining it, so that it can be provided to the

syndication partners of Infosys. This aids syndication partners in fulfilling local data

retention requirements.

While providing the Log Retention Service, Infosys executed deployment of WCF

services on to Windows Azure platform and implemented uploading logs to Microsoft’s

internal big data analysis platform called Cosmos.

Infosys delivers BigDataEdge™ projects from onsite location address: 3326 160th

Avenue SE, Suite 300, Bellevue, WA 98008; Phone: +1 425 256 6200; Fax: +1 425 256


Project Start: February 2013

Windows Azure C# WCF

PowerShell MEF Windows Forms

MS Build Source Depot StyleCop

FxCop CodeFlow Microsoft Cosmos

Address of Infosys office that use Microsoft Cosmos in BigDataEdge™ product: 3326 160th

Avenue SE, Suite, 300, Bellevue, WA 98008. Phone: +1 425 256 6200. Fax: +1 425 256 6201

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Infosys BigDataEdge™


Infosys BigDataEdge™ use Oracle Exadata in CA, USA

Infosys BigDataEdge™ is coupled with in Cloud Computing - Big Data Practice

(erstwhile Performance Engineering and Enhancement practice)

Project Management activities are,

o Oracle Exadata optimization

o Oracle Database Performance optimization

o SQL Tuning and PLSQL

o Performance Consulting Services

o Performance Assessment

o Performance Benchmarking

o Performance Tuning

o End-to-End performance engineering life cycle

o NFR gathering and Validation

o Performance modeling

o Hardware sizing and capacity planning

o Performance testing strategy

o Performance testing using load-runner

o Data modeling

Infosys delivers project from its office location address: 7707 Gateway Boulevard, Suite

110, Newark, CA 94560; Phone: +1 510 742 3000; Fax: +1 510 742 3090.

Hadoop and


HP, IBM, Sun and

Windows servers

Linux, HP-

UX, AIX, Solaris,

Windows, RHL


Exadata, Oracle 11g /

10g / 9i,

Oracle TimeTen IMDB

Oracle 10g AS,

Weblogic 8.1

Mercury Load

Runner, Oracle 9i

Developer Suite, Oracle

Designer6i, Mercury Test

Director, HP Glance Plus.



Forms, Pro*C, Unix

Shell Programming

Statspack / AWR, Tkprof,

Sar, Vmstat, Lostat,


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Infosys BigDataEdge™


Infosys BigDataEdge™ - Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital Marketing – Products, Platforms and Communities Team in Infosys

launched BigDataEdge™, Cloud Ecosystem Hub and Finacle Digital Commerce in the

span of one year, which included

o Website launch

o Digital outreach and branding / lead generation through LinkedIn, Google PPC,


Infosys garnered over 7K visits to the BigDataEdge™ site and 100+ leads in two weeks

after launching in February 2013.

Infosys BigDataEdge™ - Internal training program on Big Data is

called ‘Infosys at the Cutting Edge’

Infosys’s internal training program on Big Data called ‘Infosys at the Cutting Edge’ is the

initiative taken by the CTO of the Retail Unit, during 2012.

Top Performers across all business verticals are recognized in a program titled, ‘A Day

in the Life of a Leader’ during 2012. Top performers in Big Data Practice were also

recognized in this program during 2012.

Top Performing employees working at the client sites are recognized in a program

titled, “Client Superstars of the Month” during 2012. Top performers in Big Data

Practice, who are located in Client locations, were also recognized in this program

during 2012.

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Infosys BigDataEdge™


Infosys BigDataEdge™ - Customer


Partial list of customers using Infosys BigDataEdge™

SI # Customer Name Customer Satisfaction Index

1 Bank of America 7/7

2 SunTrust Banks Inc 7/7

3 Aetna 7/7

4 Humana 7/7

5 McKesson 7/7

6 Wells Fargo 7/7

7 Fidelity Investments 7/7

8 PMI Group 7/7

9 First USA (currently JPMC) 7/7

10 Deutsche Bank, USA 7/7

11 CapitalOne, USA 7/7

12 Ally Bank, USA 7/7

13 Shinsei Bank, Japan 7/7

14 Wachovia Bank, USA 7/7

15 Nokia, Asia Pacific 7/7

16 Cathay Pacific 7/7

17 DHL Worldwide 7/7

18 Apple Inc 7/7

19 Xerox 7/7

20 Motorola 7/7

21 T-Mobile 7/7

22 Cisco 7/7

23 Ahold, Netherlands 7/7

24 Pfizer 7/7

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25 GAP Inc 7/7

26 SuperValu 7/7

27 DIRECTV 7/7

28 Erricson 7/7

29 Pfizer Inc 7/7

30 Deutsche Bank 7/7

31 British Telecom 7/7

32 Sainsbury’s 7/7

33 GMAC Financial Services 7/7

34 Toyota 7/7

35 PricewaterhouseCoopers 7/7

36 Baker Hughes 7/7

37 CardinalHealth 7/7

38 American Express 7/7

39 Deutsche Bank 7/7

40 DBS Bank Ltd 7/7

41 Walmart Stores 7/7

42 UL 7/7

43 AMP, USA 7/7

44 Australian Bank 7/7

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1 - Infosys BigDataEdge™ serves Wells Fargo Bank, USA using

MongoDB in ‘FOREX Position Risk Management Application

Infosys has built its team; prepared project scheduling; performed design and

development of the ‘Forex Position Risk Management application’

Infosys has built a strong technology team using Mongo DB, Eclipse RCP, Oracle

Coherence CEP, Distributed Computing, Messaging Systems

Java MongoDB Spring Oracle Coherence

Scrum Maven GUI: Eclipse RCP Anthill

SQL Server My Batis Nexus Quartz

Infosys delivers project from its office location address: 13777 Ballantyne, Corporate Pl,

Suite 250, Charlotte, NC 28277, USA; Phone:+1 704 972 0320; Fax:+1 704 972 0311

Project Start: August 2011

Project Delivery – 1st Phase: October 2012

Infosys served Wells Fargo Bank, USA by delivering ‘Enterprise Reporting Platform’

Infosys designed and developing an Enterprise Reporting Platform across the

organization of Wells Fargo, USA

Spring Jasper Reports Scrum

Maven Nexus Anthill

Infosys delivers project from its office location address: 13777 Ballantyne, Corporate Pl,

Suite 250, Charlotte, NC 28277, USA; Phone:+1 704 972 0320; Fax:+1 704 972 0311

Project Start: April 2011

Project End: August 2011

Infosys BigDataEdge™ use ‘Oracle’ while serving Wells Fargo Bank, USA

Wells Fargo runs Oracle Application Express 4.1 on Oracle Real Applications Clusters

(Oracle RAC) 11g Release 2. It uses the Oracle Application Express interface to provide

a portal for the Wells Fargo Database Neighborhood (DAN). Among the key portal

components are,

o Management of the scheduling, data migration, add-target requests, and

communications for the Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Cloud Control migration

o Interface for creating production support e-mails to DAN customers

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o Oracle patch set reporting used to identifying where Oracle Database PSUs/CPUs

are missing

o Reporting for host-level jobs running in the DAN

o Reporting for the policing of resource utilization in DAN

Wells Fargo Bank use Database Area Neighborhood (DAN)

o DAN provides infrastructure services for Oracle Real Application Clusters

o DAN is supporting:

5 Lines of Business

45 Oracle DBAs

1100 Databases

430 hosts

91 clusters

Enterprise Data Management (EDM)

DAN Infrastructure Services

Operations Community


Corporate Wealth Consumer Lending

APEX Infrastructure Components

DAN MetaData Interface via Oracle Application Express

Oracle APEX v4.1.1

Oracle Application Server 10gR2 with PL/SQL Toolkit (mod_plsql)

Oracle RAC Database v11.2.0.2

Real Application Cluster (RAC) v11.2.0.2

Application Express


o Map out how your application will flow


o Make use of key APEX components

Deliver Solutions

o Understand how you can best meet your customer’s needs

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Data Consolidation using DAN MetaData via Oracle APEX

Best Practices Implementation of Oracle

a. Utilize PLSQL procedures and packages for application logic

b. Keep complex queries in views

c. Maintain a consistent look and feel for interface

i. Theme

ii. Navigation

iii. Formatting with CSS

d. Make use of built in features such as Interactive Reports

e. APEX Advisor

f. Monitor Activity of the Application

g. Slow Page, check underlying queries

h. Debug Mode for problem analysis

i. Code Review

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Infosys BigDataEdge™ serves Wells Fargo Bank, USA using Oracle Active Data Guard

for Data Protection

About Wells Fargo - Enterprise Data Management (EDM):

Centralized Technology Group Supporting Multiple Lines of Business

Support 2000+ Oracle Databases

Across 10 Data Centers in the U.S.

Project status during 2012:

Wells Fargo initiated a project for the brokerage to migrate away from using costly

hardware-based replication and an “All or Nothing” data center failover model for Disaster

Recovery (DR).

Project Goal:

Enable a more flexible component level failover

Reduce overall costs

Leverage the DR hardware to improve ROI

Previous Solution Architecture in Wells Fargo Bank

Project Requirements:

Consolidate Multiple Databases Clusters

Reduce Production Load by Offloading Backups & Ad/Hoc Queries

Reduce DR Testing Requirements

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Support Component Level Failover

Shared Services RO calls must run Locally due to Response Time SLA

Ease of Maintenance

Present Solution Architecture (as of December 2013)

Key Points:

During OLTP window, database averages 750 commits and 3MB of Redo per second.

Standby side is able to maintain an Apply Lag <= 1 second.

The ability to offload backups to standby, reducing physical reads on the primary

cluster by 18%.

User Reports and Ad/Hoc queries make up approx 5% of workload. They are now able

to be isolated to standby cluster to limit impact to online activity.

The ability to monitor Active DR Databases and reduce the frequency for DR testing.

Success factors:

Tuning Redo Transport to limit Apply Lag

o Enabling Redo Transport Compression

Helped lower bandwidth on average by 2.5x

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Standby DB are able to catch up much quicker from Redo spikes


Default value = 4

Increased value helped with heavy redo spikes during batch activity

The ability to backup and recover a database from either cluster

o All backup files are cataloged and available to both clusters

o Makes for EASY re-instantiation and incremental recovery of very large


Proper TNS Configuration

o Leverages Role Based Named Services

o Descriptions list the Local Cluster first

o Tune Connection timeouts to limit login time when primary cluster is offline.


PROD_Reports =





LOCAL-SCAN) (PORT = 1521)))





REMOTE-SCAN) (PORT = 1521)))



Configure services to auto-start based on database role to manage where clients can

connect, no system event triggers needed:

srvctl modify service -d db_unique_name -s PROD_RW -l PRIMARY

srvctl modify service -d db_unique_name -s PROD_REPORTS -l


srvctl modify service -d db_unique_name -s PROD_RO -l


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The ability to monitor and report on standby apply lag:

o Grid Control to alert when apply lag exceeds SLA

o Dictionary views to monitor and troubleshoot issues

V$DATAGUARD_STATS – Shows current status

V$STANDBY_EVENT_HISTOGRAM – Histogram of Apply Lag

V$ARCHIVE_GAP – Any archive gap blocking recovery

Infosys BigDataEdge™ use Oracle Database 12c (today and in Future) for Wells Fargo


Writeable Global Temp Tables on the Physical Standby to Enable Additional Offloading

of Reports

Better Audit Collection and Management for Physical Standby Activity

Simplified Rolling Upgrades

New features to be included in Wells Fargo using Active Data Guard

Protection and Increased Return On Investment

o Zero-Data-loss protection at any distance

o Writing to global temporary tables

o Using unique sequences

o Real-time Cascading

Monitoring and Manageability

o New capabilities of the Data Guard Broker

Planned Maintenance

o Automated Rolling Database Maintenance

EDA (Enterprise Data Analytics) at Wells Fargo Bank

Infosys BigDataEdge™ is creating PoC for using Big Data technologies in Wells Fargo’s

EDA (Enterprise Data Analytics) project.

Infosys BigDataEdge™ is developing MapReduce programs for extracting and analyzing

data in Aster hadoop platform.

Infosys BigDataEdge™ is designing and implementing new ETL process and


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Infosys BigDataEdge™ is designing and developing application layer for six different

projects on top of the existing EDW

Infosys BigDataEdge™ has designed and developed ETL jobs using Abinitio and Terdata

BTeq scripts

Infosys BigDataEdge™ serves Wells Fargo’s business users on ADHOC data pulling and

loading data.

Technology Landscape:

AbInitio (GDE (3.1.3) and Co. Op


Oracle 10G

Teradata UNIX Shell


Pre populate risk model (PPRM) project during 2010: The purpose of Pre populate risk

model (PPRM) project is data integration of WFE (Wachovia) and Wells Fargo for Fraud

detection and prevention.

AbInitio (GDE (3.1.3) and Co. Op 3.1) Oracle 10G

UNIX Shell Script -

MSR (My spending report): MSR (My spending report) is an online banking solution which

helps to analyze each customer’s spending patterns.

AbInitio (GDE (3.1.3) and Co. Op 3.1) Oracle 10G

Teradata UNIX Shell Script

Key number about Wells Fargo Bank (as of June 2013)

Assets: $1.4 trillion

Team members: More than 275,000

Customers: 70 million

Wells Fargo Bank - Digital Banking Strategy (as of December 2013)

Digital Banking Strategy of Wells Fargo is to re-assess, re-imagine, and re-launch the

online banking offering for 70 millions of consumers, taking into account the rapid

adoption of social media, mobiles, and new devices such as tablets.

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Digital Banking Strategy Team of Wells Fargo is analyzing and evangelizing Social Media

trends, adoption by customer segments, impact on customer behavioral

patterns, emerging best practices both within and outside banking, and identified

related business opportunities. Wells Faro Bank is prototyping customer digital

experience and instilling social plug-ins.

Digital Banking Strategy of Wells Fargo is building the multi-million business case to

transform the digital channels and upgrade the digital user experience for 20MM+

digital customers.

Digital Banking Strategy of Wells Fargo has valuated analytical capabilities to better

target and deepens the relationship with customers

by leveraging marketing analytics and enabling better personalization and

contextualization of product offering.

2 - Infosys Technologies Ltd serves Bank of America (BOA) using


Infosys is serving Bank of America (BOA) during the past 13 months (since November

2012, even before BigDataEdge™ is marketed as a brand, in the media during February

20, 2013)

Infosys serves Bank of America (BOA) to re-platform Teradata applications to Vertica /

Hadoop based architecture and consolidates multiple warehouses in the BOA’s domain.

During December 2013, Infosys BigDataEdge™ team is extensively working to perform

End-to-End development for Bank of America(BOA),

o Stage 1: Initial proposal preparation and submission

o Stage 2: Business Case Development

o Stage 3: Architecture definition

o Stage 4: Implementation of roadmap definition using Big data technologies


o Stage 5: BigDataEdge™ Implementation in multiple location of BOA.

Project Onsite Location: USA

Project Offshore Location: -Not Available-

Project Start: November 2013

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Project End: -Not known- (From January 2014, Infosys BigDataEdge™ will perform

implementation and delivery, in fast progress).

Infosys is delivering BigDataEdge™ to BOA from Atlanta, GA, USA: Address - 3200

Windy Hill Road SE, Suite - 100W, Atlanta, GA 30339, USA; Phone:+1 770 799 1860;

Fax:+1 770 799 1861

Infosys BigDataEdge™ serves Bank of America (BOA) using “Customer Data Mart


The Customer Data Mart (CDM) project’s objective is to have a one-stop shop for all

customer related information that would provide a 360 degree view of customer

related data. This was done post the 2008 downturn to avoid a scenario where the bank

had encountered losses due to the lack of comprehensive customer information.

The CDM application sources data from various source systems like UNIX and

Mainframes that send all related data through files or even directly pull from source

database tables. Data is fetched across different lines of business, processed by

subjecting it to transformations, organized it in a customer oriented format and sent to

the downstream systems. This data is used in risk analysis for a customer, and used to

make key decisions in adjudging customer eligibility for loans, mortgages, card

applications etc and credit reporting/analysis.

Customer Data Mart (CDM) project involves migration of one of their unit from

Teradata to HP Vertica as Vertica offers increased security features and benefits.

Infosys performed consolidation of CDM and C&RA (Customer and Relationship

Application) on a single platform CDH (Customer Data Hub).

Hadoop Teradata HP Vertica

BTEQ Scripts Autosys Linux

Infosys’ large engagements for BOA: Maintain Customer Information for Consumer

and Small Business Banking customers of Bank of America

The Customer Information Systems (CIS) is a shared services group within Consumer

and Small Business Banking segment of Bank of America, servicing many channels like

Banking Centers, Online Banking, ATM, VRS, etc. CIS was using KTC (Know The

Customer) which is a Siebel CRM based system to manage customer information. Over

the years, the KTC system became so huge and complex; it became challenging to


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The Customer Information Systems (CIS) management took a strategic decision to

replace KTC with a Copernicus model having WCC (IBM Websphere Customer Center)

as a hub containing core customer information and many Federated Applications

containing different functions around WCC.

Scope of Work:

o (1) implementing and customizing WCC

o (2) Building new Federated Applications CNE (for Alerts)

OFR (for offers)

FRE (for risks)

SPX (for Combined Statements and Relationship Pricing)

IDV (for identity validation)

o (3) Integration with other systems due to mergers and acquisitions

o (4) Implementing new business requirements.

Onsite Location: BOA, Charlotte, USA

Offshore Location: Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, India

Project Start: February 2009

Project End: December 2013

Number of Resources deployed since the Project started: 160+

J2EE Web Services COBOL DB2 JCL

Oracle IBM Websphere Application


RAD Rational Clear Case

Quality Center FieldGlass Microsoft Project Microsoft Visio

3 - Infosys BigDataEdge™ serves American Express (AMEX)

Infosys BigDataEdge™ is providing more accurate Business Intelligence (BI), performance

efficiency and technical capabilities of the Hadoop platform.

SAS Revolution R Open Source R Datameer KarmaSphere

Protegrity Dataguise Microstrategy Informatica Sync Sort

Infosys provides ‘Performance Architecture’ for American Express

The customer (AMEX), an engine of commerce, provides innovative payment, travel and

expense management solutions for individuals and businesses of all sizes.

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Infosys BigDataEdge™


The customer engaged Infosys to redesign their application so that it can scale up to

handle the increased load in the system due to open up the system to web users.

Infosys executes database administration activities for both DB2 on z/OS and UDB on


Infosys provides performance improvement recommendations by analyzing existing


Infosys performs workload management and analysis

IBM mainframes – z/OS COBOL JCL DB2

PL/SQL Stored Procedures DB2 UDB Unix MS Office suite BMC / Apptune

BigDataEdge™ - Customer Satisfaction Index: 7/7

Project Start: June 2009

Project End: March 2010

4 - Infosys BigDataEdge™ serves SunTrust Banks Inc

Infosys BigDataEdge™ is serving SunTrust Banks Inc during the past 17 months (since

August 2012) even before BigDataEdge™ is marketed as a brand, in the media during

February 20, 2013)

Infosys serves SunTrust Banks Inc to implement a validation and an application of Big

Data technologies (BigDataEdge™) for Risk Management.

During December 2013, Infosys BigDataEdge™ team is extensively working to deliver

this project during June/July 2014,

o Stage 1: Initial proposal preparation and submission

o Stage 2: Defined Proof of Concept

o Stage 3: Defined Architecture

o Stage 4: Defined roadmap for BigDataEdge™ implementation at the SunTrust

Banks Inc.

o Stage 5: BigDataEdge™ Implementation in multiple location of SunTrust Banks


Project Onsite Location: USA

Project Offshore Location: -Not Available-

Project Start: August 2012

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Infosys BigDataEdge™


Project End: 2014 (From January 2014, Infosys BigDataEdge™ will perform

implementation and delivery, in fast progress).

Infosys is delivering BigDataEdge™ to SunTrust Banks Inc from Atlanta, GA, USA:

Address - 3200 Windy Hill Road SE, Suite - 100W, Atlanta, GA 30339, USA; Phone:+1

770 799 1860; Fax:+1 770 799 1861

5 - Infosys Technologies Ltd serves Apple Inc using BigDataEdge™

Infosys is serving Apple Inc during the past 17 months (since August 2012) even before

BigDataEdge™ is marketed as a brand, in the media during February 20, 2013)

Infosys serves Apple Inc to build a reconciliation platform using NoSQL technologies

(MongoDb) and techniques - to improve performance for processing gift card

transactions in US Market.

During December 2013, Infosys BigDataEdge™ team is extensively working to deliver

this project during June/July 2014,

o Stage 1: Initial proposal preparation and submission

o Stage 2: Defined Proof of Concept

o Stage 3: Gift card reconciliation track for Apple Inc

o Stage 4: Defined Architecture

o Stage 5: Defined roadmap for BigDataEdge™ implementation at the Apple Inc.

o Stage 6: BigDataEdge™ Implementation in multiple location of Apple Inc.

Project Onsite Location: USA

Project Offshore Location: -Not Available-

Project Start: November 2011

Project End: Not Known (From January 2014, Infosys BigDataEdge™ will perform

implementation and delivery, in fast progress)

Infosys is delivering BigDataEdge™ to Apple from Atlanta, GA, USA: Address - 3200

Windy Hill Road SE, Suite - 100W, Atlanta, GA 30339, USA; Phone:+1 770 799 1860;

Fax:+1 770 799 1861

Infosys BigDataEdge™ serves Apple Inc using Reconciler platform

Reconciler for Apple Inc, a generic financial reconciliation product for reconciling many

transactions (inbound and outbound), which happen through many sales channels

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(Retail and Online). This is a highly scalable and configurable platform that supports

multi tenants of different products.

Reconciliation platform provides one standard and scalable platform to accomplish

reconciliation needs for reconciliation of various products - Multi tenancy support.

iPhone Reconciliation, Gift Card Reconciliation and iTunes Reconciliation, are tenant applications on boarded specific to iPhone, Gift Card and iTunes product reconciliation that provide user interface to configure the templates definitions, to configure the reconciliation rules, analyze the results of reconciliation performed by the platform and enable end user actions for identified use cases.

Infosys BigDataEdge™ is implementing multiple Hadoop for processing the billion transactions in Apple Inc.

Infosys BigDataEdge™ is scheduling Oozie workflow engine to run multiple jobs and performs capacity planning, cluster set-up with Replicas, and Back up.

Infosys BigDataEdge™ executes Performance Tuning (process tuning and query tuning), Stress testing on each of this application to handle the volume of a billion transactions per month.

Infosys provides Enterprise wide Performance Engineering and Optimization solution to Apple Inc. The solution focuses on delivering high performance and scalability for mission and business critical applications.

Hadoop Hive Grid Gain IBM WebSphere

eXtreme Scale



MongoDB Java 5

Design Patterns:

GoF and J2EE


Web Development: J2EE

Web Components

(Servlets / JSP), Struts

1.1/1.2, Web Services,

JavaScript, XML, XSLT,



Technologies: EJB 2.1

JMS, IBM MQ Series

Application and Web

Server: Tomcat 4.1+,

BEA Web Logic 7.0 /

8.1, JBoss 3.2.7,



Oracle 10g, SQL

Server 2000,

MySQL Sever

Tools / Frame Work: Ant,

Maven, XDoclet, Quartz,

Sonar, Jenkins, Crucible,

Struts 2, SPEL, Spring

MVC, Spring Batch, JQGrid,

JQuery, Hibernate 3.0,


Methodologies: Agile


Browser Technologies


JavaScript, CSS/CSS3,


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Log4J, JUnit, TIBCO Portal

Builder, Spring Cache

Currently, Infosys performs TeraData to Hadoop Migration Semantics Aggregation, for Apple Inc

Hive Oozie TeraData Hadoop Platform: HortonWorks 1.0.3

Project Start: February 2013

Project End: During 2014

Infosys delivers Apple, Inc from Infosys office located in CA, USA: 7707 Gateway Boulevard, Suite 110, Newark, CA 94560; Phone:+1 510 742 3000; Fax:+1 510 742 3090

Infosys India delivers Hadoop EDW for Apple Inc, since 2010

Hadoop-EDW Semantic Integration

A Semantic application is developed for carrying out all the Aggregate processes. The Hive queries are required to be formed and configured at design time scripts for the Oozie workflow.

The Autosys job calls the python script which executes the Oozie workflow and in-turn the hive queries automatically. The metadata comes from the semantic framework which connects to Oracle using myBatis. The metadata is updated automatically using framework.

o Infosys developed oozie workflows for end-to-end execution and framework interaction.

o Infosys performed Hive Queries to accomplish the task through joins and functions.

o Infosys developed and tested Autosys jobs to schedule the execution of aggregate tasks after the dependencies are fulfilled.

o Infosys performed Unit testing, Data Validation and Production Deployment.

Hadoop-EDW Semantic Framework Development

A Generic Semantic framework is developed for carrying out all the Semantic processes.

The framework executed the queries automatically after being started by the Autosys job. The framework had the capability for statistics collection and used to update the run-time metadata.

Infosys has developed Java classes for end-to-end framework interaction and developed the utility functions.

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Infosys BigDataEdge™


Java Hadoop Hive

Oozie iBatis Teradata

Eclipse Mac OS X Linux

Hadoop EDW Pilot phase for Apple Inc

Hadoop EDW Pilot phase is a cloud migration project developed using java that uses Hadoop as File system and Hive.

Data of various applications is loaded into the EDW using the ETL process. PoC was created by Infosys to migrate the EDW data from Teradata to Hadoop.

Data from Teradata tables is migrated to Hive tables and the Hive QL is used to run map-reduce jobs on HDFS to load the data from flat files to the core tables.

Data generated by various applications across all regions is finally aggregated as an end result. In addition to faster processing and reduced cost storage, it also migrate existing data from Teradata to Hadoop.

Infosys developed Java classes for end-to-end framework for interacting with Hadoop

Infosys used Hive Queries to accomplish inserts and update on data through joins and functions.

Hadoop Hive Java Teradata

Eclipse Mac OS X Linux -

Project Start: June 2011

Project End: April 12

Infosys BigDataEdge™ developed and delivered Replication- EDW2.0 for Apple Inc

Replication EDW 2.0 is a framework to replicate data to and from databases within and across multiple products spanning across various geographical regions. It is built in 3 layers - Eventing layer for producing and consuming messages to and from Application Teams, Replication Engine for replicating data from one database to another and Orchestration Layer for wiring eventing layer with replication. It consumes messages from application teams as events, uses built in intelligence to direct this event to an appropriate replication flow, execute replication flow and notify application team of the end result. Also, it is capable of replicating data to and from products like Teradata, Oracle and Hadoop.

Infosys created PoCs for Talend Studio and Talend Big Data - ETL tools that provide adapters for interacting with varied products.

Infosys use Perl to write a script for accepting some data from user validate it and pass it to stored procedure running on a server.

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Java, J2EE Teradata Utilities Perl Mac OS X Linux

Infosys BigDataEdge™ developed and delivered Hadoop EDW 2.0 for Apple Inc

Hadoop EDW 2.0 is a cloud migration project developed using java that uses Hadoop as File system and Hive as the underlying Database.

Hadoop EDW 2.0 is provides cloud-based storage to data generated by various Applications across all regions and generates aggregates as an end result.

In addition to faster processing and reduced cost storage, it also migrate existing data from Teradata to Hadoop.

Project Start: June 2011

Project End: November 2011

6 - Infosys BigDataEdge™ product is used in T-Mobile’s Big Data - Web


Infosys BigDataEdge™ is engaged with the T-Mobile Enterprise Architecture and Transformation Solution team to build a next generation web analytics platform that can handle massive amount of data coming from multiple channels and properly correlate those data to build insights and next generation Business Intelligence Platform. The new platform required to be capable of handling data coming through click stream and correlate those data with subscriber and corporate data stored in enterprise DW.

Infosys BigDataEdge™ performed Research to understand the current Landscape and Data Sources for T-Mobile Web BI Platform and also documented the current DWBI Architecture.

Infosys BigDataEdge™ performed detailed analysis of the Data Sources and current technologies used to analyze those data, for T-Mobile

Infosys BigDataEdge™ created integration architecture with a focus on using new technologies to augment the current analytics, for T-Mobile

Infosys BigDataEdge™ Identified and documented use cases that should be implemented in the new Platform, for T-Mobile

Infosys BigDataEdge™ performed installation of Hortonworks Data Platform, for T-Mobile.

Infosys BigDataEdge™ designs Hive tables with partitioning, bucketing and indexing and also created Hive queries to support the business objectives.

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Infosys BigDataEdge™ is monitoring and managing Hadoop cluster using Ambari and Nagios

Linux Hive 0.11 HDP 1.3 Ambari Zookeeper



Eclipse jqGrid jQuery

BigDataEdge™ - Customer Satisfaction Index: 7/7

Project Start: March 2013

Project End: Expected to be completed during February 2014

Project delivery location from Infosys office located in Bellevue, WA, USA

7 - Infosys BigDataEdge™ product is used in GAP Inc for ‘Mainframe

Re-hosting Program’

Infosys BigDataEdge™ is engaged with the GAP Inc to discontinue use of Mainframe and moving the application to Clerity platform in RHEL.

Infosys BigDataEdge™ and Dell prepares requirement gathering after reviewing Blue Printing documents for new platform,

a. Target Infrastructure

b. Database Architecture

c. Security Architecture

d. Printing and Reporting

e. Interfaces

f. Tape data Migration Strategy

g. Backup, Archival and DR solution

Infosys BigDataEdge™ is creating database Migration Strategy for re-hosting the mainframe DB2 Databases to target database DB2 on Linux platforms

Infosys BigDataEdge™ has installed UDB software on Linux environments and manages DB2 on z/OS and DB2 on Linux

Infosys BigDataEdge™ automates the migration tasks to eliminate manual errors in both Mainframe and Linux










BigDataEdge™ - Customer Satisfaction Index: 7/7

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Project Start: June 2012

Project End: March 2013

Project delivery location from Infosys office located in San Francisco, CA, USA

8 - Infosys BigDataEdge™ - Strategic Insights Practice of Campaign

Analytics for Ally Financial, Ally Bank

Infosys BigDataEdge™ is developing analytical solutions to enable segmentation and targeting, campaign design and measurement, for Ally Financial, unit of Ally Bank.

Infosys BigDataEdge™ is designing solutions to implement new direct marketing strategies, for Ally Financial.

Infosys streamlines and automates the segmentation process to achieve high levels of quality and improve operational efficiency, for Ally Financial.

Infosys has streamlined the Cross-Sell marketing process which helped in cutting down the manual effort from1.5 FTE to 0.75 FTE, 80% reduction in space usage and 78% reduction in total cycle time.

Technology Landscape used by Infosys BigDataEdge™ for Ally Financial:

Analytical Tools: SAS (Base,

Macros, STAT & Access),

SAS Enterprise Miner, SAS EG, R,


Big Data: Hadoop

and MADlib



Office Tools:


Office Suite





Project Onsite Location: Plano, TX, USA

Project Offshore Location: -Not Available-

Project Start: September 2011

Project End: Project implementation is in Progress. Delivery date is not known, due to upcoming deployment challenges.

Infosys is delivering BigDataEdge™ to Ally Financial from Atlanta, GA, USA: Address - 6100, Tennyson Parkway, Suite 200, Plano, TX 75024, USA ; Phone +1 469 229 9400; Fax +1 469 518 3858

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9 - Infosys serves Sears Holdings Corporation using

IBM Infosphere DataStage 8.0.1 and preparing PoC using Infosys


Infosys is designing a common promotion framework for both Sears and Kmart for sending the promotions (coupons / gift cards / mail in rebates) to the store and the corresponding signs information to the store. This involves sending the best price for a product in a store among the promotions set by multiple merchants at corporate office.

The price selected in a set of business rules are sent to the store and sent to a third party for printing the circulars/coupons.

Also, Infosys Technologies is validating the business rules against the store and product like store authorization, best price winning for a product, sign information, sending the promotion prices of a product to the store register, handling different promotional deals for a product etc.

The main Functionality of the project is to send all the deals and prices in Kmart and Sears Stores and the business team that creates the offers online, and then Infosys have to send those offers to mainframe at the offer product store level. Once the offers are created then online team run the java batches to create the market and product files and then we start processing the data.

Infosys executed several steps to process the data.

i. First, Infosys explore the markets and products and then perform store authorization and chaining and collision. Infosys process around 1.5 billion records in these steps and then load the staging tables.

ii. From the staging tables, Infosys send the data to all the downstream systems. For the mainframe system which sends the price to stores, Infosys provide the fixed width files at event level, event product level and event product store level. There are other downstream systems like coupon, rewards, rebates etc.

iii. For signing, Infosys sends the data to a system which is called RES and it also provide data to allocation system.

iv. Then, Infosys load the datastore table which is used for Microstrategy reporting where Infosys keep the history records.

v. The above process runs every day as part of Infosys regular run and beside that Infosys run emergency batch twice daily.

Infosys used DataStage Designer to develop various Parallel jobs and Server Jobs to extract, cleanse, transform, integrate and load data into different tables.

Infosys has extracted data from different source systems such as DB2 UDB, Flat files, VSAM files, Mainframe DB2 etc.

Infosys executes performance tuning on Datastage Parallel jobs due to huge volume.

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Infosys uses Teradata Fast Load, Teradata Fast Export and different utilities of Teradata.

IBM Infosphere DataStage 8.0.1

IBM DB2 UDB IBM Mainframe



Shell Scripting WinCVS Versioning


Control M

Scheduling Tool


10 – Infosys BigDataEdge™ serves Deutsche Bank using

‘Data Analysis Application’

Infosys performs design and development of analyzing financial data using Hive

Infosys designing Hive UDF’s for XML data archived in HDFS

Infosys is creating a PoC using Composite Data Virtualization tool, Hive and Oozie.

Infosys is developing Maven plugins for Hadoop based maven repository

Hadoop(HDFS) Hive

Oozie Composite Build Management Tools:



Java Oracle Development



Hadoop Environment:

CDH 3/4

Location: 13777 Ballantyne, Corporate Pl, Suite 250, Charlotte, NC 28277; Phone:+1 704 972 0320; Fax:+1 704 972 0311

Project Start: Oct 2012

Project End: June 2013

11 - Infosys performs ‘Investor Portfolio Analysis’ and ‘NAV Prediction

of omnibus funds’ for DBS Bank Ltd

Infosys performs analysis of investor portfolio based on transaction summary provided by custom views of underlying oracle tables for other asset classes of WMS like bonds, equities etc.

NAV prediction using various techniques like social media analytics and mining the historical transaction data.

Hadoop Pig Hive Sqoop Shell Scripting

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12 - Infosys serves its customers using Weblog Analytics

Infosys performs Big Data analytics include Extraction, Transformation and loading Data into Big Data Systems like Hadoop, Hive and Hbase.

o Data comes from various sources like Application logs, Application Messages, Application Databases in different format.

o The objective of the project is to extract, transform and load data to Hadoop based systems and do analytics on it like

CDR analytics

Bill Payment Fraud Detection

Customer insights etc

o The second track included digital media analytics and web traffic/Click Stream analytics based on digital media sources like,


Direct Response


Natural Search

Paid Search

Organic/Non organic traffic

Platform (Web/Mobile) analytics

o It also consists of purchase/order analytics based on Cart/Purchase log analytics to provide customer insights.

Hadoop Hive MapReduce Oozie



Java Hbase -

13 - Infosys BigDataEdge™ - Strategic Insights Practice of Web

Analytics for a Legal Services Customer

Infosys BigDataEdge™ is serving a customer in Legal Services in understanding the user activity on their newly launched Legal Research portal and user dynamics which drives the product adoption and conversion (Paid Subscribers) using the Predictive Modeling.

Infosys BigDataEdge™ team has analyzed all the drivers who play a vital role in adoption of the product and then based on the adoption score highlighted the key drivers

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Infosys BigDataEdge™ team has assessed business needs of key business stakeholder and developed solutions to cater their needs

Infosys BigDataEdge™ team is serving this customer to identify key customer engagement channels that are relatively more effective.

Technology Landscape used by Infosys BigDataEdge™ for a customer providing Legal Services:

Analytical Tools: SAS ( Base,

Macros, STAT & Access),

SAS Enterprise Miner, SAS


Big Data:






Office Tools:


Office Suite





Project Onsite Location: 6100, Tennyson Parkway, Suite 200, Plano, TX 75024; Phone:+1 469 229 9400; Fax:+1 469 518 3858

Project Offshore Location: -nil-

Project Start: July 2010

Project End: 1st phase of the Project got completed during August 2011. 2nd phase of the project implementation is in fast progress.

14 - Infosys BigData™ serves its customers from its Infosys Office in CA,

USA in “Foreign Exchange Risk Management Banking Domain

Infosys is implementing and delivering Hadoop based applications like,

o Cloudera CDH4

o Hive

o Composite Data Virtualization tool

Cloudera Hadoop HBase Map Reduce

HDFS Hive Pig HBase

Cascading Oozie MongoDB J2EE Technologies

Oracle Coherence MongoDB Lucene/SOLR Amazon AWS

Groovy on Grails Struts Spring Hibernate

jQuery UML Rational Rose Rule Engine

Web Services e-Learning LCMS Solutions Eclipse RCP -

Project Start: June 2013

Project End: During 2014

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Project Delivery from Infosys Office Location: 7707 Gateway Boulevard, Suite 110, Newark, CA 94560; Phone:+1 510 742 3000; Fax:+1 510 742 3090

Infosys - Technology Infrastructure in CA, USA


Java, Groovy,





Web Services

(Axis 2)


Servers: JBOSS,

TOMCAT, Apache







Oracle, SQL




Spring, Struts,


SiteMesh, Ruby

on Rails



Batch, Spring


Search / Rule

Engines: Lucene,

SOLR, e-Rules,



Tools: Jasper



UML: Rational


CMS: Drupal e-Learning /

LCMS Tools:





(Cascading, Map

Reduce, HDFS,

HBase, OOzie,







GUI: jQuery

15 - Infosys BigDataEdge™ serves its customers in

‘Mortgage and Online Credit Applications’

Infosys BigDataEdge™ serves its customers by delivering ‘Mortgage and Online Credit applications using its Big Data technologies.

Infosys BigDataEdge™ has delivered Big Data projects involving,

o Mortgages, Derivatives, Credit Card, Cable and Automotive applications

o Enhancements to Banking Portals for Mortgage and Refinance applications.

Infosys BigDataEdge™ is mapping the Business Processes associated with mortgage and refinance lending products from origination through to loan servicing to ensure that processes are in compliance, legal constraints and meet with new Financial Reform legislation and business rules.

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Infosys BigDataEdge™ deploys JAD sessions with sales teams to capture process flow diagrams, business and functional requirements and translate the requirements into functional IT functional specs documents.

Project delivery from Infosys Office Location: 13777 Ballantyne, Corporate Pl, Suite 250, Charlotte, NC 28277; Phone:+1 704 972 0320; Fax:+1 704 972 0311

Infosys BigdataEdge™ – Global

Services IT Outsourcing Intelligence

Infosys BigDataEdge™ serves Fidelity Investments Company in project

‘Sentiment Analysis’

Infosys is creating a PoC on BigDataEdge for Fidelity Investments Company, with the aim to perform ‘Sentiment Analysis’ to judge whether the customers are satisfied or dissatisfied with the services provided by Fidelity.

Hive Pig Hadoop Backbone.js

Ruby on


Core Java Operating Systems: Windows,


Mongo DB

JavaScript Web Technologies:


Web/App Server: Apache

Tomcat Web Server, Nginx


Project Onsite Location: 82 Devonshire Street Boston, MA 02109, USA

Project Offshore Location: Bangalore, India

Project Start: July 2012

Project End: Infosys BigDataEdge™ product implementation is in fast progress

Fidelity Investments, USA:

Fidelity Investments’ IT Team has developed multiple applications with Netezza. Fidelity Investments’ have created a Java wrapper to pass SQL statements to Netezza.

Data Movement and ETL:

o Fidelity Investments’ IT Team is developing scripts to load large quantities of data into Netezza along with scripts to extract and load aggregated results into ODS databases.

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o Fidelity Investments’ IT Team is developing workflows with Informatica to migrate data between databases. Fidelity Investments’ IT Team has implemented its customized Fidelity’s ETL Framework which governed how to manage data from the feed file up to and including moving aggregated data to the final table.

o Logical Data Modeling – Fidelity Investments’ IT Team is creating objects to feed data from staging tables into final tables via stored procedures, triggers and queues utilizing.

About Fidelity Investment’s Database Engineering Practice:

Fidelity Investment has bootstrapped an engineering discipline within the Fidelity Institutional business unit to bridge the technical gap between architectural requirements and operational implementation and support.

Fidelity Investment implemented a 50TB data warehouse using Oracle Exadata and IBM Netezza hardware.

About Fidelity’s Personal and Workplace Investing (PWI) Division – IT Strategy

Fidelity’s Personal and Workplace Investing (PWI) Division is currently managing application and IT infrastructure – optimizing performance and capacity for the Fidelity’s Health and Welfare portals and Fidelity.com applications

Fidelity’s Personal and Workplace Investing (PWI) Division’s infrastructure program is delivering Fidelity’s Health & Welfare annual enrollment program (1million + on-line participants)

Fidelity’s Personal and Workplace Investing (PWI) Division initiating for Data Center consolidation, Virtual Data Center build outs, Infrastructure restacking (moving Solaris to Linux, Oracle R12 & 11G upgrades and IBM P770 platform migration and P2V migration)

Fidelity’s Personal and Workplace Investing (PWI) Division is developing and delivering next generation contact center strategy and PoC, a cloud based SAS model - Integrated with existing Fidelity’s telephony, desktop and CRM infrastructure supporting 20 million+ Fidelity’s customers.

Java, Oracle PL/SQL, C,

C++, Unix Scripting, SQL,


DATABASES: Oracle 9i,

10g, 11g, 12g, Exadata;

Sybase 12 & 15; Sybase IQ;

SQL*Server; DB2 v8 & v9

on z/OS; Netezza


[Solaris, AIX], Linux, DB2

z/OS, Microsoft Windows

Greenplum PoC BYO appliance NoSQL

Hadoop MYSQL Qlikview

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About Fidelity Investment’s Data Architecture Practice:

Fidelity Investment’s Data Architecture team is driving the data strategy for Fidelity’s Personal & Workplace Investing (PWI) division. This includes Data Governance, Metadata, Data Movement (ETL), Data Modeling, Big Data, Data Architecture Frameworks (Staging to EDW to Data Marts and OLAP), Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence, Master Data Management and Data Quality for all major PWI Technology Portfolio initiatives including SOA data strategy.

Fidelity Investment’s Data Architecture team drives and develops the Data Strategy roadmap to align with their business requirements.

Fidelity Investment’s three Data architecture team are:

o General Data Architecture

o Data Movement (ETL) and Data Modeling

o Data Governance, Master Data Management and Metadata

Fidelity Investment’s Data Movement in Enterprise Platforms - Data Architecture


Hadoop: Reducing Business Latency in Fidelity Investment

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Fidelity Investment uses Hadoop Based ETL Platform - Data Architecture Practice:

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ETL Reference Architecture used in Fidelity Investment - Data Architecture Practice:

Operational Data Refinery - Data Architecture Practice:

Collect data and apply a known algorithm to it in trusted operational process

Capture: Capture all data

Process: Parse, cleanse, apply structure & transform

Exchange: Push to existing data warehouse for use with existing analytic tools

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Big Data Exploration & Visualization - Data Architecture Practice:

Collect data and perform iterative investigation for value

Exchange: Explore and visualize with analytics tools supporting Hadoop

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Application Enrichment - Data Architecture Practice: Collect data, analyze and present salient results for online apps

Exchange: Incorporate data directly into applications

Data Ingestion: Fidelity Investments

Ingestion into Hadoop can be categorized into the following types of data sources:


o Direct SQL

Raw Files

o RDBMS export files (delimited format)

o Large unstructured data sets

o Media files, other binary files


o Syslog


o MOM (MQ, Tibco, JMS)

o DB Trigger events

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Tools for Data Ingestion – considered in Fidelity Investments

Data Source Type Extract & Load Description

RDBMS Sources


Sqoop, Talend


Bidirectional SQL to Hadoop

connectors for common data


Event-driven Flume Streaming event data into


Queues/Messages WebHDFS,


RESTful API to Write/Read


into HDFS. Flume has JMS

Source to extract from

Raw Files WebHDFS, Java

DFS Client,

RDBMS exports

Write batched files to HDFS

Infosys BigDataEdge™ serves Walmart Stores using largest ‘Online

Transformation Program’

Project deals with developing historical database using Hadoop ecosystem. Walmart maintains last 10 years of data spread across 4500 pharmacy stores across USA and Canada. Aim of the project is to centralize the source of data for audit / legal report generation using historical database which otherwise are generated from multiple sources.

Infosys BigDataEdge™ operation for the Bank: Infosys BigDataEdge™ team is designing Big Data applications using Hadoop and its family of products.

Hadoop -




Source Systems: Legacy


(RDBMS and XML web logs)

MapReduce Sqoop Platform:


Target Systems: HDFS

Project Onsite Location: USA

Project Offshore Location: Hyderabad

Project Start: February 2013

Project End: Duirng 2014 - Infosys BigDataEdge™ implementation is in fast progress

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Infosys BigDataEdge™ - Cloud Computing COE

Cloud Computing COE is Infosys Labs’s research wing of Infosys Ltd that uses the following,

o Open source Bigdata

o NoSQL databases and search technologies

o Virtualization Platforms

Infosys performs implemented of Bigdata Content Repository solution over Hadoop and Hbase and provides full text search using Apache Solr.

Infosys is developing private cloud solution known as “Infosys Cloud Dynamic Resource Management (iCDReM)” during past six months.

Infosys has developed network provision and management modules for iCDReM in VMware and Citrix XenServer virtualization environments, using VMware VI and XenServer Java APIs.

Infosys implemented iCDReM service instance VMs backup-restore modules for VMware environment.

Infosys has implemented geo-coordinate based search solution for its client using Apache Solr and MongoDB.

Infosys BigDataEdge™ serves UL by performing Test Report Analysis

Infosys BigDataEdge received the quality test reports conducted by UL (http://www.ul.com).

Infosys BigDataEdge team is required to find the alternatives available for the same product having equal or more quality.

Infosys BigDataEdge performs Content Extraction from the test reports using GATE and JAPE. Then, Infosys BigDataEdge, created ontology, processed the RDF and obtained the output.

Hadoop /



Apache Jena SDB GATE JAPE Java

Project Onsite Location: USA

Project Offshore Location: Trivandrum, India

Project Start: July 2013

Project End: During 2014 - Infosys BigDataEdge™ product implementation is in fast progress

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Infosys BigDataEdge™ serves AMP, USA by performing Customer

Churn Analysis

Infosys BigDataEdge is required to determine the reason for the Customer Churn happened to the company by analyzing previous Call Logs and Transactions.

Infosys BigDataEdge is suggesting the optimal solution for enhancing the business by determining the best way to interact with the customers. These project activities are done by analyzing the call logs, transaction logs and other raw details available with the AMP, USA.

Infosys BigDataEdge is focused on Building and executing the logic for the getting the optimal solution. Infosys BigDataEdge has created the Hadoop cluster for processing the data and executed performance tuning practices.

Hadoop MapReduce Hive R Rhipe Java

Project Onsite Location: USA

Project Offshore Location: Trivandrum, India

Project Start: February 2013

Project End: During 2014

Infosys BigDataEdge™ serves T-Mobile in project ‘T-Mobile Big Data


T-mobile Big Data Analytics includes Extraction, Transformation and Loading data into Big Data Systems like Hadoop / Hbase.

Data Source: Data comes from various sources like Application logs, Application Messages, Application Databases in different format.

Project Objective: To extract, transform and load data to Hadoop based systems and perform analytics on it like CDR analytics, Bill Payment Fraud Detection, Customer insights etc.

Hadoop Hive Pig Map Reduce

Apache Drill Apache Whirr Apache Flume Oozie

Cassandra MongoDB Hbase Amazon DynamoDB

Ruby on Rails JAVA Spring JAVA C

Project Onsite Location: USA

Project Offshore Location: Pune, India

Project Start: March 2013

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Project End: During 2014 - Infosys BigDataEdge™ product implementation is in fast progress

Infosys BigDataEdge™ serves Australian Bank using ‘Online

Transformation Program’

The Australian Bank required performing Analytics. Infosys BigDataEdge™ has enabled the Australian Bank in reading and analyzing past 5 years of historical data and generates legal reports. Australian Bank is enabled in answering products relevant data, which assists them in analyzing customer's interests and improvements necessary to the existing system.

Infosys BigDataEdge™ Operation for the Australian Bank: Infosys BigDataEdge™ team is designing Big Data applications using Hadoop and its family of products.

Hadoop -


MapReduce Hive Sqoop

Flume Platform:


Legacy systems

(RDBMS and XML web logs)

Target Systems: HDFS

Project Onsite Location: Australia

Project Offshore Location: Hyderabad, India

Project Start: May 2013

Project End: During 2014 - Infosys BigDataEdge™ Implementation is in fast progress

Infosys BigDataEdge™ - India


Infosys BigDataEdge™ - Cloud and Big Data Practices from Pune, India

BigDataEdge™ PoC: Infosys creates multiple PoCs using the BigDataEdge™ product and

demonstrating them to existing customers.

Retail PoC for Infosys customer: Most of the BigDataEdge™ PoC are relating to customers based on various criteria and finding their consolidated financial exposure, fraud detection using a machine learning algorithm, sentiment analysis from Twitter feeds, indexing a document repository and searching through it, analyzing customer data from multiple sources and suggesting the next best action to the business.

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Telecom PoC for Infosys customer: Infosys BigDataEdge™ created and submitted ‘Big Data Analytics PoC’ with highlights on production solution development. The details of this PoC are as follows,

o Data Extraction from XML logs and loading into Hive, aggregate, load to HBase, REST implementation to access this data from HBase

o Relating data from multiple sources and aggregating it to generate Tableau reports

o Customer Clickstream traversal and related analytics using Web Logs

o Funneling customers for targeting advertisements and promotions using Web Logs, Network Logs and Internal Warehouse Data.

Currently, Infosys BigDataEdge™ is creating PoC for most of its telecom customers in USA.

Infosys BigDataEdge™ product serves a Telecom customer

Infosys BigDataEdge™ creates multiple PoCs for performing ETL from Web logs, traditional databases, application logs, CDR, etc. into Hadoop and NoSQL databases and performing analytics on it.

Infosys BigDataEdge™ prepares Production Solution developed to extract data from web logs, network logs and traditional database system; relate this data and analyze it to provide insights to the customer regarding the market segmentation of their products and services, marketing spend efficiency and some more for targeting their advertisements and promotional campaigns better.

Infosys BigDataEdge™ designs ingestion adapters to perform ETL from web logs and traditional databases into Hadoop file system.

Infosys is writing Java code and Hive scripts for relating and analyzing data

Infosys is creating reports using Tableau and HTML+JQuery and using Oozie for automation

CoreJava Hadoop –


MapReduce Hive Oozie

Tableau HTML Javascript JQuery -

Project Onsite Location: USA

Project Offshore Location: Pune

Project Start: February 2013

Project End: During 2014 - Infosys BigDataEdge™ Implementation is in fast progress

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Business Operations with BigDataEdge™ product:

a. Infosys BigDataEdge™ is building Roadmap using BigDataEdge™ product

b. Infosys BigDataEdge™ is identify features like Adapters, Components, Algorithms

c. Infosys BigDataEdge™ is extensively performing 'Competition Analysis’ on Big Data Practice.

d. Infosys BigDataEdge™ executes all its Proof of Concept process and forms its team as per customized project deliverables for its customers, in Big Data Practice.

e. Infosys BigDataEdge™ creates Use case conceptualization

f. Infosys BigDataEdge™ provides inputs to conceptualize Pricing Models

g. Infosys BigDataEdge™ prepares ‘General Acceptance Audit’

h. Infosys BigDataEdge™ is intensively identifying Business Value for each and every client leveraging Statistical algorithms used in Big Data Technologies to deliver descriptive, diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive modeling.

i. During March 2013, Infosys BigDataEdge™ has developed product on “Customer Service Analytics (CSRi)”, where its PoC is created with key Ratios computed using Statistics.

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About Sales Intellect Company Sales Intellect Company is a Sales Intelligence and Business Research Company that

provides ‘Sales Intelligence™’ company reports derived from Big Data/Data Sciences. Sales

Intellect’s Sales Intelligence™ portal is a retail E-Commerce web-based application that

provides a well-structured repository of 5 million Sales Intelligence™ company research

reports derived from Big Data / Data Sciences, and altogether has 1 Billion Sales

Intelligence™ company reports, across all Industry verticals and domains from all

geographical regions. Sales Intellect serves through Sales Solutions, Solution Sales, Sales

Services and Mobile Sales Intelligence™, for several leading Companies.

Sales Intellect prepare Sales Intelligence™ for Customer Sales Team to increase Sales using

16 Sales Intelligence™ like Business Model, Business Architecture, Business Strategy &

Planning, Business Initiatives and Opportunity Evaluation, Technology Intelligence, Project

Management Intelligence, Product Intelligence, Global Services Projects, Information

Technology Intelligence, Information Technology Roadmap, Information Technology

Strategy, HR Intelligence, Financial Analysis and Marketing Intelligence.

Awards: Sales Intellect Company has won awards like Red Herring Top 100 Asia finalist

2013, Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service 2013, Rockstar of the Stevie® Awards

2013 and NASSCOM IP4Biz Award 2012 in INTEROP Mumbai 2012 and many awards /

honours like Business Judge in 2013 Stevie Award for 'Women in Business', USA; Business

Judge in 2013 Stevie Award for 'International Business Award', USA; Stevie Rockstar Award

- Business Judge for 'Sales and Customer Service Award’ 2013, CII – Confederation of Indian

Industry 2004, etc.

Quick facts

Sales Intelligence™ + Marketing Intelligence + Business Research + Human Intelligence,

using Big Data = Sales Intellect Company.

‘Everything about Customers’

Prepare: Sales Intellect’s Sales Intelligence™ company reports

For all Industry Verticals | Domains | Countries | Regions

Mission: To provide Complete, Accurate, Reliability, and Timely Sales Intelligence.

Vision: To increase Sales/Revenue of Companies using Sales Intelligence™

1 Product cost: between US$ 10,000 to US$ 8

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Trademarks: Sales Intelligence™

Headquarters: Chennai, India

Established: 12th April 2010

Contact Details

Name: Mr. Churchill Dass Prince, Founder & CEO

E-mail: [email protected]

Corporate Headquarters: 2/86, 1st floor, Cisons Complex, Montieth Road, Chennai 600008, Tamil

Nadu, India

Mobile: +91-766-767-7775 and +91-766-776-6777

Phone: +91-44-28540100

USA Office Address: 701, Jackson Road, Silver Spring, Maryland, 20904, MD, USA

Web-site: www.salesintellect.co & www.salesintellect.net