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Mass Schedule Staff

Saint Patrick

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July 24 — August 1, 2021 Saturday, July 24 5:00 PM †Mary Ann DeLuca by the Richard F.

Cayo Council, Knights of Columbus Sunday, July 25 8:00 AM †Mike Yoemans by Kathleen Nowacki-

Correia 10:30 AM Rebecca Page Harper by Randolph Bell Monday, July 26 — No Mass Tuesday, July 27 12:00 PM †Terry Burleigh by the Rappold Family Wednesday, July 28 8:00 AM Mary Monica Syrrist by John & Reyna

Cerkey Thursday, July 29 8:00 AM †Stanley and †Pauline Porter by Edna

Palmer Friday, July 30 12:00 PM †Richard Perrin by Rita Poranski Saturday, July 31 5:00 PM The Parishioners of St. Patrick Sunday, August 1 8:00 AM †Mike Yoemans by John and Barbara

Czekner 10:30 AM †Stanley Wojcik by Judy Chittum

Scripture Readings: July 25: 2 Kings 4:42-44; Ephesians 4:1-6; John 6:1-15. Aug. 1: Exodus 16:2-4,12-15; Ephesians 4:17,20-24; John 6:24-35.

The RARA food of the month: Peanut Butter Parish Finances: Collection for 7/18/2021 $ 7,435 Weekly Budgeted Need $ 7,777 Operating Income YTD $ 23,787 Budgeted Operating Income YTD $ 23,331 Over YTD Budgeted Income $ 456 Collection not included above Haiti $ 415 Maintenance Reserve $ 400

The advertiser of the month is Allstate—Vargas Insurance Agency. Albert Vargas can help you with all your insurance needs — home, life, car or business. Contact Albert at 540-458-1010. Please thank Albert Vargas with Allstate for supporting our bulletin!

Religious Education, Christian Formation, & New Evangelization

“There is a boy here with five barley loaves and two fish, but what good are these for so many?”

In today’s Gospel, the Evangelist John’s account of the multiplication of loaves and fishes presents a challenge: What do we have to offer in service of Christ? While the assignment may seem as daunting as feeding 5,000 people from such an insignificant offering, we are called to put our faith in the wonders that Christ can do with all that we have to give. In his 2015 Angelus Address on this Gospel, Pope Francis notes that Jesus stresses the importance of giving, not buying, the food needed to feed the multitudes. And, he reminds us that “Christ’s acts of giving thanks to the Father and distributing the loaves prefigures the Last Supper in which the Bread of Life is Jesus Himself.” The Pope teaches that “taking part in the Eucharist, means entering into the logic of Jesus — of freely giving and sharing, for, ‘to receive Communion’ means to draw from Christ the grace to share all that we are and all that we possess. Poor as we are, we all have something special to give in communion with and in service of the Lord.” May we be inspired by the boy with a few loaves and fish to step forward in faith, offering our time, talent, and treasure in service of our neighbor and of God’s Heavenly Kingdom. ~K.N.-C.

Parish Movie Nights are Back Tonight! Ever heard of the Camino de Santiago? Join us in the Parish Hall at 7:00 p.m. for a virtual trek of the Way of St. James. Santiago: The Camino Within shows the spiritual journey of pilgrims on the ancient route to the burial place of the apostle St. James at the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Spain. The physically demanding and spiritually challenging hike has fascinated people all over the world since the Middle Ages. Follow a few travelers - sharing their stories and the transformation of their souls. Led by Bishop Donald Hying, Bishop of Madison, Wisconsin, this virtual pilgrimage through such holy land will inspire the viewer on his/her own interior journey into a contemplative relationship with God. Fr. J. Morton Biber will share a little about his own experiences on the Camino. Refreshments will be offered. Bring a friend and share this adventure with our parish family! Sponsored by the AFF/NE Team. The Adopt-A-Rat program is run by the chaplain ’s office at VMI. Local churches help to match at least two rats to a host family that will offer them some off time from their intense, first year training, called the Rat Line. You could take them out to eat, let them eat in with your family, let them study, rest or relax in the comfort of your home. St. Patrick’s wants to fully participate so that every Catholic Rat will have a host family. Please prayerfully consider providing Catholic fellowship for these cadets. If you would like to participate or have questions, please see the flyer or contact Mary Stuart Harlow or Carey Wyatt at [email protected].

Please note the new weekday Mass schedule currently in effect: Mondays No Mass Tuesdays 12:00 p.m. Wednesdays 8:00 a.m. Thursdays 8:00 a.m. Fridays 12:00 p.m. Mondays are Fr. Štefan’s day off.

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Prayer Net: Hector Guerrero; Alberta McGrogan; Helen Hogel; Brian Valley; Rita Kantrim; Warren Browning; Marilyn Rom; John Rafferty; Chris Hugo; Allen J. Chittum, Sr.; Eileen Roth; Mack Sharp; Mitchell King; Irene Pouliot; Allan Perkins; Paul Freeman; Matt Hemp; Carol Melvin; Wendell Tucker; Stephanie Batterman; Deborah Soutar; Tanya Lalley; Shawn Hamric; Patricia Browning; Coen Deschambault; Virginia Mitchell; Amanda Soutar; Patricia Burch; Knox Thomas; Mary Lou Olszewski; Antoinette Warzinski; Tom Greenwood; Jerry Beckley; our parishioners in nursing homes and those who are homebound; those addicted to alcohol & drugs; the underemployed and unemployed; and our military and their families. (For Prayer Net requests, contact Cher McCoy at [email protected] or 540-570-2111.)

Inspiration for the Year of St. Joseph

“The Fathers of the Church from the earliest centuries stressed that just as St. Joseph took loving care

of Mary and gladly dedicated himself to Jesus Christ’s

upbringing, he likewise watches over and protects Christ’s Mystical

Body, that is, the Church.” ~ St. John Paul II

Holy Father’s Prayer Intention: We pray that, in social, economic, and political situations of conflict, we may be courageous and passionate architects of dialogue and friendship. Parish Registration: Summer is a transitional time for many parishioners. If you are moving away from the area, please notify the parish office. If you are new, please come in and officially register. FORMED: Take advantage of our parish subscription for the best Catholic movies, devotions, e-books, study series, webinars, and top speakers! Go to formed.org, scroll down, click Register, enter parish code T2WDQ3, your email, click Submit, and fill in your information for free access. Sponsored by our AFF/NE Team. Engage! These short weekly videos from Bishop Barron’s Word on Fire Institute will continue to be sent directly to your Email addresses from our parish through Flocknote. Take advantage of the link to access the extensive WOF Digital Library for even more exclusive content. Sponsored by our AFF/NE team. Haiti Update: We are no longer accepting Haiti donations of clothes, school supplies, or other items at this time due to shipping issues. However, we are able to continue our financial support.

Monday, July 26 — No Mass, Fr. Štefan’s Day Off Tuesday, July 27 10:30 AM Staff Meeting — Parish House 11:30 AM Rosary with the Association of Marian Helpers 12:00 PM Mass Wednesday, July 28 8:00 AM Mass followed by Rosary with the Association of Marian Helpers 8:30 AM Adoration Thursday, July 29 8:00 AM Mass followed by Rosary with the Association of Marian Helpers Friday, July 30 11:30 AM Rosary with the Association of Marian Helpers 12:00 PM Mass Saturday, July 31 4:00 PM Reconciliation 4:15 PM Cantor Rehearsal 5:00 PM Vigil Mass Sunday, August 1 7:15 AM Cantor Rehearsal 8:00 AM Mass 8:30 AM “Kindle My Fire” Radio Program on 96.7-3WZ 9:45 AM Cantor Rehearsal 10:30 AM Mass 1:00 PM Feast Day of God the Father/PPC Retreat—Terra Patris, Goshen


Music & Liturgy

On this Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, the message of our Scripture readings is that the Lord nourishes us physically and spiritually. In the text from Second Kings, the prophet Elisha and his servant feed one hundred hungry people with twenty barley loaves. Saint Paul exhorts the Ephesians to practice humility, patience, and charity, so that their harmonious relations reflect the peaceful unity of God. And in the Gospel, Jesus miraculously feeds more than five thousand people who are following him around the Sea of Galilee with five barley loaves and two fish. “In front of suffering, loneliness, poverty and the difficulties of so many people, what can we do? Complaining does not resolve anything, but we can offer that little that we have like that boy. We surely have some time, some kind of talent, some kind of expertise. Who among us does not have their ‘five loaves and two fishes’? We all have it! If we are willing to place it in the Lord’s hands, it would be enough so that in the world there would be a bit more love, of peace, of justice and above all, of joy… God is capable of multiplying our little gestures of solidarity and making us participants in His gift” (Pope Francis, Angelus, 7/26/15). May we offer whatever gift we have to the Lord so he can use them for the good of others. *** Liturgical Note: Thanks to Miriam Austin for volunteering as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion for our Sunday Masses. ***

A message from Pere Daisma about distributing the Food for the Poor bounty to his Fond Pierre community: These people are from one of our chapels. I called them this morning. To get home they are obliged to cross a large lake. Time: 30 min. from the parish to the lake, 15 minutes on the lake, 10 minutes from the lake to their house. They put the food in the satchels and the mules swam. They received the food to share with some people in the chapel. I called them at 5:00 and the answer is: We are starting the distribution to the nearest neigh-bors. On behalf of these people and of the whole community, I thank you brothers and sis-ters. Fr. Polinice Daisma, Fond Pierre.

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