Saint Matthew Catholic June 24th, 2018 215 Kirkley Road, Tyrone, GA 770.964.5804 (Office) Mass Monday & Wednesday Tuesday & Thursday Saturday Sunday 8:30 am & 11:00 am & 2:00 pm Daily and Weekend Readings can be found at www.usccb.org

Saint Matthew Catholic...2018/07/01  · Saint Matthew Catholic June 24th, 2018 215 Kirkley Road, Tyrone, GA 770.964.5804 (Office) Mass Monday & Wednesday Tuesday & Thursday Saturday

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Page 1: Saint Matthew Catholic...2018/07/01  · Saint Matthew Catholic June 24th, 2018 215 Kirkley Road, Tyrone, GA 770.964.5804 (Office) Mass Monday & Wednesday Tuesday & Thursday Saturday

Saint Matthew Catholic June 24th, 2018

215 Kirkley Road, Tyrone, GA 770.964.5804 (Office)


Monday & Wednesday

Tuesday & Thursday


Sunday 8:30 am & 11:00 am & 2:00 pm Daily and Weekend Readings can be found at www.usccb.org

Page 2: Saint Matthew Catholic...2018/07/01  · Saint Matthew Catholic June 24th, 2018 215 Kirkley Road, Tyrone, GA 770.964.5804 (Office) Mass Monday & Wednesday Tuesday & Thursday Saturday

Saint Matthew, Tyrone, GA

Anointing of the Sick—Anyone facing surgery or dealing with a serious illness should contact the parish office or Fr. Kevin for the reception of this sacrament. Communion to the Sick and Homebound—If you or someone you know is ill, in the hospital, or homebound, please notify the parish office so a visit can be arranged. Reconciliation—Saturday at 4:15 m or by appointment. Sacrament of Marriage—Please contact Parrish Office at least six months in advance for planning of wedding. Baptisms—Please contact Parrish Office to schedule a baptism. Rosary Group —Thursdays after the 9:00am Mass Eucharistic Adoration—Every Thursday 9:30am to 12:00pm . First Thursday of each month from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. Request for Mass Intentions—To schedule a Mass intention, please contact the Parish Office at 770.964.5804 . Bulletin Deadline—Announcements for the bulletin must be submitted by 10:00am on Monday for the following Sunday bulletin. Bulletin announcements will run for 2 weeks. Email them to [email protected] Membership—Please stop by the Parish Office to fill out a Registration Form or complete online on our website. Changed Your Address or Phone Number? —If you have moved or changed phone number please notify the church office with new information at [email protected] or 770.964.5804 . Thank you for keeping us up-to-date! Catholic Counseling — Ellen Thomas, MS, LAPC Candidate, provides counseling for individuals, couples and families from a Catholic perspective for our Parish families. Schedule appointment by calling 678.993.8494 or visiting www.holyfamilycounselingcenter.com. Stephen Ministry— The Stephen Ministers provides spiritual support to people facing a crisis or going through tough times. The care you receive is free, confidential and helpful. To learn how you or a friend, neighbor or family member can receive care, please contact Julie - 734.560.9512 Unción de Enfermos— Cualquier persona que enfrenta cirugía o enfermedad seria debe ponerse en contacto con la oficina parroquial para la recepción de este sacramento. Comunión a los Enfermos—Si usted o alguien conocido esta enfermo, en el hospital, o confinado en casa, notifique a la oficina de la parroquia para convenir una visita. Confesión—Sábados a las 4:15pm o por cita. Sacramento de Matrimonio—Por favor contacte a la Oficina de la Parroquia con 6 meses de anticipación para planear la ceremonia. Bautizos—Por favor contacte a la Oficina de la Parroquia para la preparación de bautismo. Quinceañera—Por favor contacte la Oficina de la Parroquia con 6 meses de anticipación. Grupo de Rosario—Jueves después de Misa de 9:00am. Exposición del Santísimo—Todos los Jueves 9:30am a 12:00pm. Primer Jueves de cada mes de 6:00pm a 9:00pm. Intención de Misa—Para ofrecer una Misa de intención, por favor contacte a la Oficina Parroquial al 770.964.5804. Anuncio de Boletín—Anuncios para el boletín deben llegar a la Oficina el lunes antes de las 10:00am para el boletín del próximo domingo. Envíe el anuncio a [email protected] Membrecía—Pase por la Oficina Parroquial para llenar la Forma de Registración o complete en línea en la pagina web. Cambio de Dirección o Teléfono? - Si usted se a mudado o cambiado de teléfono, por favor notifique a la Parroquia con la nueva información a [email protected] o 770.964.5804. Gracias por mantenernos al día! Consejería Católica - Ellen Thomas, provee consejería para individuos, parejas, y familias con perspectiva Católica para nuestra familia Parroquial. Para una cita llame a 678.993.8494 o visite www.holyfamilycounselingcenter.com

Rev. Kevin Hargaden, Pastor Deacons

Rev. Mr. Jim Weeks Rev. Mr. Bill Hampton Rev. Mr. Gayle Peters Rev. Mr. King Cooper Rev. Mr. Leon Roberts Susana Ikhwan Director of Operations and

Hispanic Ministry Saul Oñate Perez Director of Religious Education Leila Wathen Director of Music Mario Camarillo Communications Specialist

Parish Office Hours / Horario de Oficina

Monday –Thursday, 9 am to 3 pm

Lunes—Jueves, 9 am a 3 pm

Page 3: Saint Matthew Catholic...2018/07/01  · Saint Matthew Catholic June 24th, 2018 215 Kirkley Road, Tyrone, GA 770.964.5804 (Office) Mass Monday & Wednesday Tuesday & Thursday Saturday

July 1, 2018, 13th Sunday of Ordinary Time

MASS INTENTIONS / INTENCIONES DE MISA Monday, July 2, 7 am Communion Service Requested by Tuesday, July 3, 9 am Communion Service Requested by Wednesday, July 4, 7 am Communion Service Requested by Thursday, July 5, 9 am Communion Service Requested by Saturday, July 7, 5 pm St. Matthew Parish Family Requested by Sunday, July 8, 8:30 am Joe Grogan Requested by Sunday, July 8, 11 am Carmen Martin Requested by Lucy Martin Sunday, July 8, 2 pm Altagracia & Baudelio De Santos Requested by Marcela De Santos


July 7 July 8 July 8

5pm 8:30am 11am

Lectors Susie Morrison Michelle Whittaker Dawn Bond

John Milani Scott Whittaker Mary Rice



Mile Anderson Cliff Craddock Pat Herendeen

Carol Andry Hixon Ada Ngoddy Bonnie Kaplan

Lynn Brooks Dennis Norris Rhonda Sauer

Jimmy Derichsweiler Jim Todd Rick Sauer

Rick Helms Dan Triggs Joyce Strength

Jenny MacKinnon Theresa Weeks Frankie Weddington

Ministers of


Amy Anderson Ken Miller Olly Larson

Cidny Boron Henry Mngerem John Onuh

Michelle Campbell Imoter Mngerem Sonya Sartain

Jack Warber Sewuses Mngerem John Strenght

Altar Servers Starr Helms David Soberano Baden Bond

Abby Wheeler Leigh Wright Logan Ferrate

John Wheeler Leon Wright Curtis Smedley

Mary Wgittaker Sherry & Marcus Eileen Hill Kathleen McCarrey Darlene Nollman Gary & Sharon Creed Jon Dawwer Bill Hooss Mary Jo Shamos Marty Yarbrough Janet Cox Stephen Ball Sheron King Sharun Judy Suuni & family Patrick & Zachary Bob & Cathy Graham Doug Gray Steve Good Judy Doan Judy Hughes Hervey Miguel del Valle Kerri Tracy Ben McLeod Ed Craig John Milani Sam W Keith Jon Lynch Family

MCarrey Family Nicole & Cassie Seaple The Russ Family Rene & GeeGe Darcy Mitchell & family The DePalma family Barbara Rafferty & family King Cooper Jr. & family Darius Cooper & family Jaqueline Wallace Anna & Henry Chris B & Paul Tony & Jean Mary Jo Dodson Agnes & Irene Dale Knight Aspen Riddle Shirley Brent family Joyce Pearson Alisa Mathews Alfred & Jaqueline Maffi Alfred Crea Dominick & Mariella Crea Pasquale tosyali Stephanie & Stefano

peters Rose Dabney R. Hazelwood Kids Marcus D. Caldwell Clarke family Dodson family Brayon family Davis family Ben Turk Cecilia & family Paul, Ngozi & family Ngody family Ozo Ibezne family Fr. JP Ezeonyido Agu Famie Amadi Justin Stella Mkemakolam Philo Amadi Michelle E Judy D. Mary O Sharon & family Clerence Cummings Arthur & Elva Davis Charles Tennessee Ruben Jimenez Ulises Gaytan


8 de Julio

Lectores Oscar Gonzalez Roman Alaniz George Guillan Maria Prieto

Ministros de la Eucaristía

Marta de la Cruz Maria(Juanita) de Santos Elida Hernandez

Ujieres Fatima Chavez Rosy Chavez Nayzeth Gutierrez Alex Pedroza Carrasco Eduardo Romo Lorena Seguro

Monaguillos Virgen Peregrina

Victoria De Santos Brittany De Santos Victor Pedroza Carrasco Garcia Avila


Page 4: Saint Matthew Catholic...2018/07/01  · Saint Matthew Catholic June 24th, 2018 215 Kirkley Road, Tyrone, GA 770.964.5804 (Office) Mass Monday & Wednesday Tuesday & Thursday Saturday

Saint Matthew, Tyrone, GA

The Craft & Community Guild A few weeks ago, Father Kevin asked if the Craft Guild might be interested in making Prayer Shawls that he could take to the sick and to those with whom he visits for

prayer. He explained the Shawls offer comfort not only to the recipient, but also to the family. If you can knit, sew, or crochet and would like to participate in this ministry, please contact Amy Anderson @ 678 962 3071 or [email protected] for more information.

Over 50’s Our group will meet on July 9 at 6:30 to share a meal and drinks and visiting

and who knows!! If you have never attended you are welcome to join us. Bring a dish or drinks to share, see you there !!


The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia is excited to announce the launch of our new and improved website at www.cfnga.org! The website has been developed with you in mind

and has lots of helpful information about giving a gift that will make a lasting difference in your parish and the Catholic community. We’ve made it easy to give to your parish endowment fund or favorite Catholic ministry

now. There is also information on wills planning that could save you time and money. Go to www.cfnga.org to see all the great changes and to sign up for our e-communications.

Preshool is seeking a teacher to work 15 hours

a week. An Associate Degree in Early Childhood (or related field) or one year of experience working with young children in a childcare center or preschool needed. Interested candidates should submit a cover letter and resume to Gina DeGennaro at [email protected] or call 678-854-9990.


Father Kevin is non-stop up-

dating his blog on his pilgrim-age this summer. If you want to follow the adventure of his pil-grimage to Santiago de Compo-

stela you may find the link on our parish website or at padrewalking.blogspot.com

Pilgrimage to St. Augustine Holy Trinity’s Seniors Ministry would like to invite the parish-ioners of St. Matthew to join us on a trip to the oldest city

in the United States, St. Augustine, Florida. The dates are Monday, October 15 to Friday October 19. The cost is $600/double occupancy. $100 deposit due by Monday July 23. Stop by the parish office at 101 Walt Banks Rd in Peachtree City for an itiner-ary and registration form, or contact Sandy Marvin at (770) 487-1304.

Page 5: Saint Matthew Catholic...2018/07/01  · Saint Matthew Catholic June 24th, 2018 215 Kirkley Road, Tyrone, GA 770.964.5804 (Office) Mass Monday & Wednesday Tuesday & Thursday Saturday

July 1, 2018, 13th Sunday of Ordinary Time


La Comunidad de Artesania Hace algunas semanas, el padre Kevin preguntó si el Craft Guild podría estar interesado en hacer los chales de oración

que podría llevar a los enfermos ya aquellos con los que visita para orar. Explicó que los chal ofrecen comodidad no solo al receptor, sino también a la familia. Si puede tejer, coser o hacer ganchillo y desea participar en este ministerio, comuníquese con Amy Anderson al 678 962 3071 o [email protected] para obtener más infor-mación.

Más de 50 años

Nuestro grupo se reunirá el 9 de julio a las 6:30 para compartir una comida y bebida y visitar ¡¡y quien sabe!! Si nunca ha asis-

tido, puede unirse a nosotros. Trae un plato o bebidas para compartir, ¡te veo allí!

Anuncios de Fuera de la Parroquia

La Fundación Católica de North Georgia se complace en anunciar el lanzamiento de nuestro nuevo y mejorado sitio web en www.cfnga.org El sitio web ha sido desarrollado pensando en

usted y tiene mucha información útil sobre cómo hacer un regalo que marcará una diferencia duradera en su parroquia y la comunidad católica. Hemos facilitado el donar al fondo de dotación de la parroquia o al ministerio católico favorito. También hay información sobre la planificación de los testamentos que podría ahorrarle tiempo y dinero. Vaya al www.cfnga.org para ver todos los grandes cambios y suscribirse a nuestras Comunicaciones electrónicas.

Preshool está buscando un maestro para

trabajar 15 horas a la semana. Un Grado Asociado en la Primera Infancia (o campo relacionado) o un año de experiencia trabajando con niños pequeños en un centro de cuidado infantil o preescolar. Los candidatos interesados deben enviar una carta de presentación y un currículum a Gina DeGennaro en [email protected] o llamar al 678-854-

El padre Kevin sigue poniendo fotos y mensages de su peregri-naje este verano. Si desea seguir la aventura de su peregrinación a Santiago de Compostela, puede encontrar el enlace en el

sitio web de nuestra parroquia o en padrewalking.blogspot.com

Peregrinación a San Agustín El Ministerio de Personas Mayores de Holy Trinity desea invitar a los feligreses de St. Matthew a que se unan a no-

sotros en un viaje a la ciudad más antigua de los Estados Unidos, St. Augustine, Florida. Las fechas son del lunes 15 de octubre al viernes 19 de octubre. El costo es de $ 600 / ocupación doble. Depósito de $ 100 con venci-miento el lunes 23 de julio. Pase por la oficina parroquial en 101 Walt Banks Rd en Peachtree City para un itinerar-io y formulario de inscripción, o comuníquese con Sandy Marvin al (770) 487-1304.

Page 6: Saint Matthew Catholic...2018/07/01  · Saint Matthew Catholic June 24th, 2018 215 Kirkley Road, Tyrone, GA 770.964.5804 (Office) Mass Monday & Wednesday Tuesday & Thursday Saturday

Saint Matthew, Tyrone, GA












SVdP/ San Vicente de Paul 6/10


Tithing— Free the Kids 6/10


Offertory/Ofertorio 6/10


Online Giving /en Linea 6/10


"As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace."(1 Pt 4:10)

St. Matthew’s embraces the idea of Christian Stewardship. This is more than the giving of funds to run the par-ish. As Catholics stewardship is an im-portant part of our faith. Stewardship is not just another program, nor is it easy. Christian stewardship is a way of life, it is a way to have a relationship with God. Grateful for the time, talents, and treasure given by God we believe it is our responsibility to recognize what we have been given, cultivate them, share them with others and improve upon them for the Lord. It is powerful to re-alize that everything, your life, your tal-ents, your treasure, even your faith it-self, is a gift from God and that he has trusted you to share and invest them wisely. It is this awesome trust and re-sponsibility which calls us to live our lives as stewards. One of the many ways you can be a Christian steward is to give back to God through the parish community.



"Como cada uno ha recibido un regalo, úselo para servir unos a otros como bue-nos administradores de la variada gracia de Dios" (1 Pt 4:10). San Mateo adopta la idea de Christian Stewardship. Esto es más que la entrega de fondos para administrar la parroquia. Co-mo la mayordomía de los católicos es una parte importante de nuestra fe. Steward-ship no es solo otro programa, ni es fácil. La mayordomía cristiana es una forma de vida, es una manera de tener una relación con Dios. Agradecidos por el tiempo, los talentos y el tesoro dados por Dios, creemos que es nuestra responsabilidad reconocer lo que se nos ha dado, cultivar-los, compartirlos con otros y mejorarlos para el Señor. Es poderoso darse cuenta de que todo, tu vida, tus talentos, tu tesoro, incluso tu propia fe, son un regalo de Dios y que él ha confiado en ti para compartirlos e invertirlos sabiamente. Es esta increíble confianza y responsabilidad lo que nos lla-ma a vivir nuestras vidas como mayor-domos. Una de las muchas formas en que puede ser un mayordomo cristiano es retribuir a Dios a través de la comunidad parroquial.



Page 7: Saint Matthew Catholic...2018/07/01  · Saint Matthew Catholic June 24th, 2018 215 Kirkley Road, Tyrone, GA 770.964.5804 (Office) Mass Monday & Wednesday Tuesday & Thursday Saturday

July 1, 2018, 13th Sunday of Ordinary Time


XIII Domingo Ordinario

El tesoro de la vida es el tema central de la liturgia de hoy. Para apreciar y aceptar este tesoro, sin em-bargo, se necesita la fe. El Evangelio presenta a Je-sús sanando a la mujer que le toca la túnica en me-dio de la muchedumbre que lo acosa y a la hija del líder de la sinagoga. Ante la fe de ambos persona-jes, el Evangelio nos presenta también la “lógica” humana que, como siempre, surge de la reacción de sus discípulos: “Con tanta gente, ¿cómo vamos a saber quién te tocó la túnica?” (Marcos 5, 31); “La

niña ya murió; no molestes al Maes-tro” (Marcos 5, 35). Estas expresio-nes presentan una realidad sin espe-ranza, ante la fe en Jesucristo como Señor de la vida y de la muerte. Por ello es importante que escuchemos y reflexionemos sobre las lecturas de hoy con una fe ardiente y un deseo constante de vivir en el Señor. La narración del Evangelio se comple-menta con el texto de la primera lec-tura, que nos hace recordar que Dios no quiere la muerte para nosotros, sino que vivamos en su amor y su generosidad. Los textos no se refie-ren a la muerte física solamente,

sino a la muerte que sufren aquellos que, aunque bautizados, experimentan una falta de fe y les falta encontrarse con Cristo en la Iglesia. A la vez que este tema se proclama en la liturgia dominical, es importante que sirva como punto de partida para un diálogo entre los diversos ministerios de la co-munidad más allá del domingo, especialmente en-tre los jóvenes: ¿Qué significa morir estando vivo, o vivir rescatado por el amor y el regalo de Jesús, el Señor aunque uno muera?

XIII Ordinary Sunday

The gift of life is the central theme of today’s liturgy.

Faith is required to appreciate and accept this

treasure. In today’s Gospel, Jesus heals the daughter

of the synagogue leader and the woman who

touches his tunic in the midst of the crowds. The

faith of those who are healed is contrasted with the

human “logic” of the disciples: “You see how the

crowd is pressing upon you, and yet you ask, ‘Who

touched me?’” (Mark 5:31); “Your daughter has died;

why trouble the teacher any longer?” (Mark 5:35).

These statements reflect a lack of

hope, instead of the faith that comes

from an encounter with Jesus Christ,

the Lord of death and life. It is

important for us to hear and reflect

upon the word proclaimed today

with a deep faith and an ardent

desire to live in the Lord! The Gospel

narrative is complemented by a

passage from the Book of Wisdom

that proclaims that God does not

want us to die. Rather, he wants us

to live in his love and generosity.

These texts not only refer to physical

death, but to the type of death of

those who, though baptized Christians, have not yet

encountered and recognized the power of Jesus

Christ in the Church. This message requires the

attention of the entire liturgical assembly, and may

also be used as a discussion topic for ministers

outside of Sunday worship (in youth groups

especially!). What does it mean to die? What does it

mean to be embraced by the love and gift of Jesus,

the Lord, even in death?

-Saul Oñate, DRE