Divine Redeemer Parish Saint Mary Church Saint James Church

Saint Mary Church Saint James Church · 2020. 12. 5. · Saint James Church will be closing after the 9:00am Mass on Thursday, December 10 and will remained closed all day so the

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  • Divine Redeemer Parish Saint Mary Church † Saint James Church

  • Fr. Brian “Behind the


    Please join me in congratulat-ing Fr. Paul Esibu, who cele-brates this month the 10th anniversary of his ordination

    to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ! Fr. Paul has been inval-uable to our parish, helping in a myri-ad of ways at our liturgies, present to our school and youth group, and ministering to the spiritual needs to our groups and individuals. He is a very prayerful and dedicated priest. Thank you, Fr. Paul, for saying ‘yes’ to our Lord and serving Him so faith-fully by serving us so well. One of our cantors, Felicia Niebel has passed her Basic Cantor Certification from the National Association of Pas-toral Musicians. This certificate recognizes the achieve-ment of fundamental skills expected of cantors and marks the first stage in the NPM certificate program. Way to go, Felicia! Great to see our young people using their God-given gifts in service of His Church. Special thanks to our musicians, Cathy Niebel and Lou Valenzi for mentoring and accompanying Felicia through her certification.

    Finally, special thank you to our St. Vincent de Paul conference members, who delivered dozens of din-ners with all the trimmings on the Sunday before Thanksgiving to clients around the region. Yearly, our volunteers load up turkeys and large boxes of trimmings for each house-hold. Normally they would go into clients houses and

    pray, but CoVid made such opportunities particularly diffi-cult, but not insurmountable. Well done, everyone!

    Greetings parish family! 2020 sure has been an inter-esting and challenging year! Someone once told me that if you want to follow Jesus, hold on tight because it will be an exciting ride full of twists and turns. Over the years, I have heard the fol-lowing questions: “Why did you become a deacon?”, “How did you get started?”, and “Do you like being a deacon?” My path to the diaconate began on March 3, 1957 when I was baptized at St John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Since then I was blessed with the grace of all seven Sacraments. This may come as a surprise, but I never really wanted to become a deacon (that is a story for another day). However, I felt a “calling” to “something” for a number of years and after much prayer and discernment, answered the call and was ordained in June 1999. For nearly 20-years, I was assigned to Sacred Heart Parish in Emsworth and served Holy Family Institute and the Sewickley Valley Hospital. The grace of the sacraments has allowed me to comfort the hurting and give hope to those who were struggling. While it has been fulfilling, it has not been an easy journey, and I underestimated the challenges of balancing my responsibilities as husband, father, son, and deacon. The person who gets little recognition is my wonderful wife Karen. Without her support and sacrifices none of this would have been possible. Thank you babe… I really love you! As we near and journey through the holy season of Advent, may we all cherish our loved ones as we experience the joyful anticipation of the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


  • The Sacrament of Baptism will be available any Sunday of the month. Couples expecting a child should attend Baptism class. To make arrangements for a Baptism please go to www.divine-redeemer.com/baptism and fill out the baptismal registration form. The Sacrament of Marriage requires that the couple meet with the Pastor at least six (6) months before the proposed date of the wedding. Please call Karin at (412)741-6650 or Ruth at (412)741-6460 to make an appointment.

    Hospitalized and Homebound parishioners please contact us or have a family member do so: (412) 741-6650. If you are in need of prayer and would welcome the spiritual support of your parish family, please call Carolyn Oblak for St. Mary at (412)576-9707, via email at [email protected] or Connie for St. James at (412)741-5611.

  • Saint James Church will be closing after the 9:00am Mass on Thursday, December 10 and will remained closed all day so the carpets in the church can be cleaned. The church will reopen in time for 6:45am Mass on Friday.

    In preparing ourselves for the coming of our Lord at Christmas, there will be a “Leave the Light On” for those

    who would like to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance. The evening of reconciliation will be Monday, December 7 at 7:00pm at Saint James Church. Areas for Confes-sion will be set up according to the guidelines for safe-distancing.

    SAVE THE DATE! The March for Life will be held on Friday, Janu-ary 29. Divine Redeemer hopes to send a bus to Washing-ton, DC for this, although virus

    concerns will require it to be only partially filled. Please prayer-fully consider whether your individual and family health status allows you to participate this year. If you are young (or middle-aged) and healthy, perhaps you can step up to take the place of folks who have been faithfully marching for years but are now at high risk and shouldn't be in a crowd. For more information, please contact Elsie at (412)944-8922.

    St. James School students will be enacting our annual Our Lady of Guadalupe virtually across the Diving Redeemer Parish YouTube channel. This live broadcast will be Friday, December 11 at 1:00pm. Please log on a join us. Navigate to the same link that you use to view our Mass virtually located on the Divine Redeemer Parish website at www.divine-redeemer.com.


    Altar Servers.............................. Karin Masterani….…….741-6650 Baptisms……...…..Deacon Steve Deskevich ............................... … . ................................................... [email protected] Bereavement……………….Sister Agnes McCormick ..... 931-2299 Bible Studies Sunday Morning ..................... John Bunce .................... 741-1050 Men’s Saturday. ..................... Jim Haupt...…………….913-8425 Women………………………….. ................................... 741-6650 Centering Prayer Group ............... Victoria Graham ................... 849-0208

    Eucharistic Ministers ............... Karin Masterani ............. 741-6650 Faith Formation ....................... ……...... ........................ .741-6650 Finance Council......................... Andrea Vescio ............... 741-8776 55+ Club..................................... Ed Ference……...…… .. 977-8813 Greeters………………… .......... Anna Villella ................. 741-6650 Home & School…………………Kate Wright…………………….. .................................................... [email protected]…………...




  • The annual Advent Sharing Tree has become a tradition that provides our parishioners an opportunity to help those who are less fortunate and need help during the holidays. CoVid has changed many of the ways we do things and this year we will do our Advent Sharing Tree differently as well.

    All the organizations we serve along with a brief description of the organizations appear below.

    In lieu of giving presents this year, we are asking for monetary dona-tions to help support these groups. All funds collected will be divided according to the needs of each organization/group. The needs of these organizations have not diminished - most have grown! As always, we ask that you please be as generous as possible espe-cially during these unprecedented times.

    Deadline for donations is Monday, December 14.

    Please make your checks payable to Divine Redeemer Parish

    Please put in the memo line - ADVENT SHARING TREE.

    Christmas wafers or “Oplatki” are available on the front porch at Saint James Rectory or in the Vestibule at Saint Mary’s. Each package contains four blessed wafers for you to use during your Christmas Eve or Christmas day din-ner. This year the wafers are FREE but due to limited supply, we ask that you only take one package per family.

    As the holidays approach, we find it necessary to remind parishioners and guests to please follow safe practices when coming to daily or Sunday Masses. • Everyone MUST wear a mask upon entering the

    church. Keep it on at all times, covering both your nose and mouth.

    • Please sit in the designated seat that our main greeter or ushers escorts you to.

    • If you are sick or not feeling well, we ask that you please stay home.

    • Please follow the usher’s directions during Commun-ion and parishioners are to go section by section, row by row, single file, keeping six feet apart while walk-ing towards the altar as well as those who go to communion in the parking lot.

    Since reopening our churches our maintenance depart-ment, wonderful volunteers and pastoral staff have done a remarkable job assuring proper safety practices, and cleaning and sanitation protocols are being followed. We appreciate your patience and cooperation in following these measures to keep EVERYONE healthy and safe!

    Knights of Columbus ................. Terry Sexton ................... 398-0646 Lectors ........................................ Karin Masterani……… .. 741-6650 Marriage Preparation ............... Deacon Tom Lopus ...................... ..................................................... [email protected]……. Pastoral Council………………………... .......................... 741-6650 RCIA ..................................... …..Bob Basl ......................... 310-3101 Respect Life .......................... ..... Elsie Rothfus .................. 944-8922

    Saint Vincent dePaul ........... …..John Nard ................ …...741-6650 Scrip Program ...................... .... Susan Ponticello ............. 741-6650 Ushers ................................... …...Larry Kroner…………...741-9617 Women’s Guild…………. ... …...Barbara Ross….…….….852-3239



  • Pregnancy Hot Line 1-800-712-HELP www.optionline.org

    Text helpline to 313131

    Diocesan Abuse Response Line 1-888-808-1235



    Betty Adams, Ed and Susie Bauer, Jim Behr, Betty Bellisario, Loretta Berry, Beatrice Berti, Jimmy Blich-arz, Jaryd Boyer, Lori Breen, Jimmy Breslin, Antoinette Bruno, Jack Bush, Joan Cerminara, Barry deGroot, Patrick Donahue, Sue Et-ters, John Fields, Francis Fleming,

    Bill Frissell, Nancy Fryermuth, Doris Funderwhite, Bud Glies, Jason Gorman, Sally Houser, Carrie Jad, Davey Jones, Ruth Keitel, Kevin Kenny, Tara Flanagan-Koenig, Wyatt Kriger, Lily Lauffer, Mary Louise Lorey, Patricia G. Lorey, Terri McClain, Janet McGervey, Dan O’Malley, Jerry O’Shaughnessy, Edward Ondek, Alice Phillips, Pat Reddy, Sandy Rishel, Ken Rock, Pat Rothe, Kristin Saladi-no, Alice Scalercio, Mary Beth Sommers, Donna and Travis Tadlock, Glenn Taylor, Carmela Valenzi, Mary Volk, Dorothy Weber, Carol Welsh, James Winter, Dana Wolfe and Marge Zierenberg in your prayers. PLEASE NOTE: We ask that families who have requested prayers to please give us a call when your loved one is bet-ter so they can be removed from our list.


    S.A. Melinda “Minny” Mowery, Lt. Col. Bryan J. O’Neill (Air Force), 1st Lt. David Miller (Air Force), 2nd Lt. Sarah Miller (Air Force), Major Matthew J. DiGiacomo (Army), Cpl. Austin Kisow (Marines), Lt. Col. Sean T. Auth (Air Force), Captain Bo Bear (Air Force), Sgt. Kevin Murphy (Army), Airmen Jere-miah Murphy (Air Force), General Christopher Dziubek (Army), Lt. Col. John Davis (Army), A1C T.J. Owens (Air Force), Sgt. Ian Valenzi (USMC), Colonel Thomas Hess (Air Force), 2nd Lt. Christine Muders (Army), Captain Christopher J. Vish (Marines), Specialist Paul J. Ropon, Jr. (Army), Captain Jacob Enke (Army), Specialist Dana N. Derbish (Army), Staff Sergeant Luke Donovan (Air Force), CW3 Timothy Metcalf (Army) and Specialist Daniella Robichaud (Army).

    Please contact Karin or Ruth at (412)741-6650 if you would like to add a name to our listing

    of service men and women.

    DIVINE REDEEMER PARISH Weekly collection for November 15, 2020

    Offertory 11,563.00 School Support 175.00 Capital Improvement 115.00 St. Vincent dePaul 485.00 Bishop’s Education collection 4.00 All Saints Day 54.00 All Souls Day 110.00 World Mission 4.00 Christmas 100.00 Christmas Charities 150.00 Immaculate Conception 105.00 Religious Retirement 500.00 Christmas Flowers 35.00 Votives 236.00 TOTAL $13,636.00

    DIVINE REDEEMER PARISH Weekly collection for November 22, 2020 Offertory 7,706.00 School Support 115.00 Capital Improvement 30.00 Votives 107.00 Flowers 280.00 St. Vincent dePaul 135.00 All Saints Day 10.00 All Souls Day 20.00 Immaculate Conception 10.00 Children/Youth collection 25.00 Christmas 150.00 TOTAL $8,588.00 Religious Retirement collection $1,535.00

  • December 6, 2020 through December 13, 2020 SECONDSUNDAYOFADVENT 4:30PM + Charles Dyas (Pete & Carol Poninsky) 5:00PM + Margie Larkin (Family) 8:00AM + Joyce Phillips (Debra Hetzer) 9:30AM + Rosalia Freiss (Glenn & Janice Roos) 11:00AM + Daniel Lucich (Ernie & Anna Villella) MONDAY ST.AMBROSE(December7) 6:45AM For The People 9:00AM + Joseph Michalik (Roz & Lou) 9:30AM + Denton Shively (Beth Villegas) 4:30PM + Charles Lippert (Bill Miller) TUESDAY THEIMMACULATECONCEPTIONOFTHEBLESSEDVIRGINMARY (December8) 6:45AM + Trudy Goff (Ralph & Betty Doederlein) 9:00AM + Tony Alfonso (Ruth & Dan Darragh) 9:30AM For the health of our nation (Glenn & Janice Roos) 7:00PM + Steve Parmuko (Walter & Jean)WEDNESDAY ADVENTWEEKDAY(December9) 6:45AM + Jack Davenport (Barbara & Hank South) 9:00AM Special Intention for Katie Mihalyi (Mom and Dad) 9:30AM + Carol Lukasik (Betty & Rich Grantz) THURSDAY ADVENTWEEKDAY(December10) 6:45AM + Virginia Cobaugh (Linda Letrick) 9:00AM + Jose Marcelo (Sandy Foody) 9:30AM + Patty Weixel (5:00pm Ushers) FRIDAY ADVENTWEEKDAY(December11) 6:45AM In Thanksgiving (Ibie Limjuco Alfonso) 9:00AM + Juergen Mross (5:00pm Prayer for Priests Group) 9:30AM Special Intention for Gloria Kelley (Family) SATURDAY OURLADYOFGUADALUPE (December12) 9:00AM + Joseph Dubois, Jr. (Joseph Dubois) 4:30PM + Sara Alice McCullough (Ruth & Dan Darragh) 5:00PM + Catherine Hartle (Family)THIRDSUNDAYOFADVENT 8:00AM + Teresa Hatt (Anna Marie Rheingrover) 9:30AM In honor of St. Lucy (Mary DeAngelis) 11:00AM + Elsie Lewis (Keith & Elsie Rothfus)

    The MARIAN CANDLE is lit this week

    In memory of Rosina Servente


    Rich & Josephine Kantenwein


    is lit this week

    For St. James School Children & Families

    From John Tucci

    The ST. JOSEPH CANDLE is lit this week

    In memory of Dr. Robert Doebler


    Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kania

    KEY CODE FOR MASSES BLUE = Saint Mary RED = Saint James


    at St. James the week of November 23

    were in memory of Terzina Troia

    From the Troia Family

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