Safety Firearms by Brasco

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  • 8/13/2019 Safety Firearms by Brasco


    Making Firearms Safety Funand other important lessons in life

    by Erik Ze lm a n(w ith som e he lp from Ga rn Turner)

    N o. 1 in a Series

  • 8/13/2019 Safety Firearms by Brasco


    Hi. Im Erik Zelman. I thought upBrasco so that we could reach outto everyone and tell them how gunsafety can be fun, and how the gov-ernment today abuses our rights.

    I am only eleven years old, and I am

    worried that I will never know thefreedom that my Dad knew growingup in the Arizona desert.

    I hope all of you like Brasco. Makehim part of your family, and do allyou can to share his message with asmany people as you can.

    A lot of people say Do it for the chil-dren. In my opinion, the best gift

    adults can give to us kids is a futurebased on liberty. I hope you agreewith me.

    Erik Zelman



    A m ericas Aggressive Civ il R ights Organ iz at ion

    Tax Exempt under IRSCode Section 501(c)(3)


    Copyright 1998 by Erik Zelman

    All rights reserved,including the right to reproduce this book or portionsthereof in any form whatsoever.For information address JPFO,Inc.,2874South Wentworth Avenue,Milwaukee,Wisconsin 53207Tel:414-769-0760 Fax:414-483-8435

    First printing August,1998

    Printed in the U.S.A.

  • 8/13/2019 Safety Firearms by Brasco


    Ais for ALWAYS Always be smart. Nevertouch areal gun. If you see one, run and tell your parentsor atrusted neighbor. Brasco Buddies know that realguns are not toys to play with. If your parents allow you

    to look at areal gun, it mustbe unloaded. ALWAYS!

    1 one

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    Bis for BURGLARS and BANDITS Burglars and Bandits are Bad people who should be

    punished for the bad things they do. They lie, steal,

    and hurt people.

    Brasco Buddies are good

    people. We dont lie, steal, or

    hurt people. We dont talk

    back to our parents, and we

    never touch a real gun

    unless our parents allowus to.

    2 two II

  • 8/13/2019 Safety Firearms by Brasco


    C is for CONTROL Gun Control is whathappens when the people who run a country dont

    trust the people who live in that country. The people in

    charge take away the other peoples guns so no one

    can do or say anything the government doesnt like.

    Brascos cousins are suffering from Gun Control.

    Cousin Browniein Canada hasno Bill of Rights

    to guarantee she

    will be able toprotect herself.

    Cousin Koalain Australia has

    no rightsguaranteeing

    his right todefend himself

    against hisgovernment.

    Cousin Pandain China

    suffers underCommunism a kindof government where

    people are slavesto the military and

    government criminals.

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    Dis for DIALING Sometimes dialing 9-1-1can be useless! Didyou know the police dont have toanswer your call for help?1The police cant alwaysshow up to stop a criminal as soon as you call. Parents

    who love their children protect them and do not rely onthe police. Your parents guns are goodto protect youfrom badpeople, but you must never touch a real gunwithout your parents permission.

    4 four IV 1See inside back cover

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    Eis for EYES and EARS Ear protectorsarevery important when you are shooting. Very loud

    noise is bad for your hearing. Brasco Buddies always

    wear hearing protection when they go shooting with an

    adult. It is thesmart thing to do. Eyeprotection is

    another good idea.

    Fis for FIREARMS can be FUN When you follow the rules of firearm safety, shooting at

    targets or hunting with an adult can be

    fun. Brasco and his father are care-ful to point the muzzles of their

    rifles in a safe direction

    at all times.

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    G is for GUNSMITH A Gunsmith knowshow to make guns, and keep them working safely.

    Gunsmiths are important because they have special

    skills. They can machine, polish and color metal parts.

    They can shape wood to fit perfectly to the metal parts

    of your parents gun. Gunsmiths developed the guns

    that American pioneers and soldiers used to keep

    America free.

    Ask your parents to take you to visit a gunsmith. If you

    bringan empty brass cartridge case,maybe the gunsmith

    will polish it for


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    His for HISTORY Brasco Buddies learntheir history. You must know the story of the past, so youwont make the same mistakes in the future. Here is ahistory lesson everyone should know:

    On April 19, 1775, British soldiers told the Americancolonists to give up their guns and ammunition, but theAmericans were smart and said No. A battle started

    between the British and the Americans.This is how gun control started theAmerican Revolution.

    Today Americans are beingtold to give up their gunsagain. And again, theyhaveto say No!

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    I is for INJUSTICE An injustice is when

    something is wrong,

    or unfair. Putting

    people in prison for

    no good reason is an


    J is for JAPANESE

    The Japanese government,with the help of bad people inAmerica, want to take awayyour right to own and enjoyguns. They tell people that

    America should be

    more like Japan,where the peoplecant own guns.They dont tell peo-ple that in Japan,people can be held

    in prison withoutfood or water untilthey confess tocrimes they didntcommit.

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    Kis for Gun Control KILLSKIDSEvil politicians have passed laws that make schoolsunsafe. Your parents are not allowed to carry a gunnear a school to protect you from bad people.

    This bad law makes it possible forbad people to hurt oreven kill you. Somegovernment officialsand evil politiciansreally like this law.

    Lis for LAWS Some laws are good.Laws that tell people to

    stop at a stop sign, ordont drive through a red

    stop light are good

    laws. Lawsthat dont

    allow goodpeople to protectthemselves and theirchildren against bad

    people are bad laws.Gun Control is a badlaw.

    Brascos lever-actionrifle lobs lots of lead atoutlaws.

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    10 ten X

    Mis for MURDER Brasco Buddies alwayssay no to murder, because they care for and respectothers. Murder is very, very bad. It happens when badpeople intentionally kill other people. This is absolutely

    forbidden by our Creator.You may only kill people in self-defense, if they arecoming to kill you or someone else.Never let anyone try to confuse you about murder andkilling. Make sure you tell your teachers and parents if

    you hear angry

    people talkingabout killing ormurderingpeople.

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    Ois for OURRIGHTS.Our rights existedbefore our government came intobeing. A privilege iswhat a government allows you to have. Aprivilege can be taken away. But aright cannot be taken away, ifyou fight tokeep it.

    Our Bill of Rights

    is a list of therights Americanshad before ourgovernment wasaccepted by thepeople. Today, badpeople work to

    destroy the Bill ofRights.

    Celebrate Bill of RightsDay every December 15th*,because the Bill of Rights iswhat allows you to cele-

    brate any religious holidayyou want. What kind ofparty will you have tocelebrateyour Bill of Rights?

    *December 15th, 1791was the daythe Bill of Rights was ratified.

    Nis for NOOther Country but the United Statesof America has a Bill of Rights

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    Pis for PLEDGE of ALLEGIANCE Do you know what the words of thePledge of Allegiance mean?I pledge allegiance means I

    promise my love and devotion,To the flag means to the symbolof my country,Of the United means we have all come together,States are the 50 individual parts of our country,Of America means all of us.

    And to the Republic means ourform of government, where the lead-ers serve the people, and the peoplechoose their leaders,For which it stands means theflag stands for our country and our

    form of government,One nation, made up of sepa-rate states,Under God whatever your faith,indivisible means it cant bebroken up,With liberty means freedom,

    and the right to live your life withoutthreats of fear,And justice means fairness underthe law,For all means it is our country,yours and mine and everybodys.

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    Qis for QUARTERING Quartering meansto have someone living in your house and eating yourfood who is not a member or guest of your family.

    In colonial America, two hundred years ago, Britishtroops were quartered in private houses. They took thebest beds and the best food. Sometimes they madenoise and were messy and rude to the people whoowned the houses. That is why the Third Right in the Billof Rights says: No Soldier shall, in time of peace, be

    quartered in any house,without the consent of theOwner, nor in time ofwar, but in a mannerto be prescribed bylaw.

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    Ris for RACISM Brasco Buddies do notsupport racism.

    Racism means not liking someone just because of thecolorof theirskin, orthe country they came from.

    In America, Gun Control laws were started to preventblack people from owning guns.

    Gun Control is racist, and people who support GunControl must be toldthat they support racist policies.

    Good people are not racist.

    Ask your parents to read the Granpa Jack booklet GunControl Is Racist.

    14 fourteen XIV

    I hate you causeyoure different

  • 8/13/2019 Safety Firearms by Brasco


    Sisfor SAFETY Brasco Buddies believe inSafety First Safety Always.

    Safety meansyou alwaysmake sure a gun isunloadedbefore you look at it.Safety meansyou never pointthe muzzle at a person.

    Safety meansyou alwaysknow where the bullet isgoingto go before you shoot.

    Safety meansyou alwayswear eye and ear protectionwhen you go shooting.

    15 fifteen XV

    Tis for TRIGGER The trigger firesthe gun. Another importantpartofsafety is always keeping your fingeroff the trigger until you have thegun aimed

    atthetarget, andknow exactlywhere the bulletis going.

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    U is for UNITEDNATIONS The UnitedNations is a very bad organization made up of foreign

    countries who do not want youtobe free.

    The United Nations doesnt like yourBill of Rights, and they are trying todestroy freedom in America.

    Brasco Buddies aresmart and they

    dont believe the lies ofthe United Nations. If youbelieve the things theUnited Nations tells you,youwill never know thefun of a gun.

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    Vis for VETERAN Veterans are peoplewho helped their country by serving in the Army, Air

    Force, Coast Guard, Navy or Marine Corps. Veterans

    fought to keep America free. Many died so we can live

    in freedom. Brasco Buddies respect veterans and thank

    them for all that they did.

    Ask your parents to take you to visit a veteran. Perhaps

    some of your parents or grandparents

    are veterans!

    Special Daysto HonorVeteransAre:

    June 14th(Flag Day)

    July 4th


    Memorial Day

    Veterans DayBill of Rights Day

    (December 15)

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    Wis for WASHINGTONGeorge Washington was the firstPresident of the United States.

    He would be sad today if he saw how

    our hard-won liberties are beingdestroyed by evil politicians

    and the dangerous UnitedNations.

    Brasco Buddies can make PresidentWashington happy by telling other

    kids howthey are being lied to. Showthem this storybook.

    Brasco Buddies are smart. Theyalways preferfreedom overslavery.

    18 eighteen XVIII

    Xis for X-RINGThe X-Ring is the center of thetarget. Brasco checks hismarksmanship by aiming atthe X-Ring. Excellent!

  • 8/13/2019 Safety Firearms by Brasco


    Yis for YOUNGKIDS Young kids,properlytrained to use firearms safely, can help protecttheir families.

    13-year-old Jarrod Barnes of Tulsa, Oklahoma, probably

    saved his life and the lives of his three younger brotherswhen he shot an intruder in their home.2

    17-year-old Darren Yakunovich of Kipton, Ohio caught aburglar who had stolen things from Darrens house manytimes. Darren held the burglar at gunpoint until thepolice arrived.3Did you hear about this on TV?

    Brasco Buddies are smart. Theyknow if these kids hadnot used a gun in self-defense, bad people might havekilled them.

    19 nineteen XIX2,3See inside back cover

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    Z is for ZEROIN A firearm is not accurateor safe unless it shoots where it is pointed. When ashooter adjusts the sights on his gun to improve hisaccuracy it is called Zeroing In. To make sure he

    knows where the bullet will hit, Brasco zeroes in hisrifle while his father watches through binoculars andtells him whether his bullets are hitting high or low, leftor right.

    As soon as they are done, Brasco and his dad aregoing to clean their guns, make sure they

    are properly stored, and go to the zoo!

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    A Note to Parents

    Obviously I am very proud that my son Erik createdBrascoand that we had the opportunity to worktogether.Even Eriks younger brother Jeremy and mywife made suggestions about how to educate morekids about liberty.I hope your family will takeBrascosLiberty Lessonsto heart and reach out to

    as many kids as you and all your family can.

    We parents are in a race for time against some veryruthless and evil forces whoH AT E the Americandream.Its frightening that some of them are sittinginside our government.

    Time grows shorter each day.I encourage all of you tobuy and distribute the first issue of Brascoto asmany children as quickly as you can.Do your part tosave our kids if you dont,the American dream willdie,and your children and mine will be slaves.

    Aaron Zelman


    1 Shooting guns is enjoyable and there isabsolutely no reason why our children

    should not know the fun of a gun.

    2 The liberty lessonsare an inoculationforour children against government/media lies

    that guns are somehow bad and evil.

    3 As a parent I have witnessed the effective-ness ofBrascowith children.They now

    know a lie when they are confronted by one,

    without my presence.Its great to see kids tell

    their parents about the lies they heard today,

    or how some other kids just dont get it.

    4 Have a Brascoparty.Make it fun for kidsto read out loud and color the pages from

    Brasco.Offer prizes to kids who do thebest job.

    Footnotes1In 1982,the U.S.Court ofAppeals,Seventh Circuit,

    held that:there is no constitutional right to be protect-ed by the state against being murdered by crim-inals or madmen.It is monstrous if the state failsto protect its residents against such predatorsbut it does not violate the due process clause ofthe Fourteenth Amendment or,we suppose,anyother provision of the Constitution. TheConstitution is a charter of negative liberties;ittells the state to let people alone; it does notrequire the federal government or the state to

    provide services,even so elementary a service asmaintaining law and order.[Bowers v.DeVito,U.S.Court of Appeals,Seventh Circuit, 686F.2d616 (1982).See also Reiff v.City ofPhiladelphia,471 F.Supp.1262 (E.D.Pa.1979)].

    2FromThe N ew Am erican, May 25,1998,p.9:

    the Salt Lake Tribun e reported an incident inTulsa,Oklahoma in which 13-year-old JarrodBarnes,who had been properly trained in the use

    of firearms,probably saved his own life and those

    of three younger brothers who sought refuge in abedroom after an intruder burst into their homewhile their parents were away.According to theTribune, while a brother dialed 911 the interlopertried to force the bedroom door open,at whichpoint Jarrod went for his stepfathers .357Magnum and fired through the bedroom door,striking the man in the chest.The man stumbledinto the front yard and collapsed dead.A pocketknife and 15-inch screwdriver were found on thebody.

    3FromThe N ew Am erican, May 25,1998,p.10:

    In 1993,after the family home had been burgledseveral times,17-year-old Darren Yakunovich ofKipton,Ohio stayed home from school in thehope of apprehending the burglar.The thief didindeed strike again (it was an erstwhile friend),but when he entered an upstairs room Darrenended his crime career,at least temporarily,byholding him at gunpoint until the police arrived.

  • 8/13/2019 Safety Firearms by Brasco



    A m ericas Aggressive Civ il R ights O rgan iz at ion2874 South Wentworth Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53207

    www.jpfo.orgPrinted in the U.S.A.