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Sadlier-Oxford Level H Unit 9

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1. beatitude a state of perfect happiness or blessedness

2. bete noire some or something that one especially dislikes, dreads or avoids

3. bode to be an omen of

4. dank unpleasantly damp or wet

5. ecumenical worldwide or universal in influence or application

6. fervid burning with enthusiasm or zeal; extremely heated

7. fetid having an unpleasant or offensive odor

8. gargantuan of immense size,volume, or capacity

9. heydey the period of greatest power, vigor, success, or influence

10. incubus a demon or evil spirit; a nightmare

11. infrastructure a basic foundation or network

12. inveigle to entice, lure, or snare by flattery or artful inducements

13. kudos the acclaim, prestige, or renown that comes as the result of some action or achievement

14. lagniappe an extra or unexpected gift or gratuity

15. prolix long-winded and wordy; tending to speak or write in such a way

16. protege someone whose welfare, training, or career is under the patronage of an influential person

17. prototype an original pattern or model

18. sycophant someone who attempts to win favors or advance him- or herself by flattery or servile behavior

19. tautology needless repetition of an idea by using different but equivalent words

20. truckle to yield or submit tamely or submissively

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