QUESTION 3. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?


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Page 1: Sadklhas

QUESTION 3. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Page 2: Sadklhas


The internet for me was the biggest source of help when it came to research purposes. I used websites such as GOOGLE and often

YouTube and sometimes Wikipedia.

GOOGLE – I would use Google to search up on certain artist to find out more about them, which label they were from, how many

albums, when they had their first single, what genre they were from etc. And for ancillary I would do the same, check on Google images

for Digipaks to see it visually. Also when it came to writing my copyright on my DigiPak I had to search on Google how and what to

write. YOUTUBE – I used YouTube when I first started looking for a song.

When we decided our genre would be Dubstep, I could narrow down my search. It helped me loads because it would come up with loads

of different artists and videos that id never seen before. Also YouTube has a comments page and reviews (thumbs up and thumbs

down) which helped me decided on what an audience prefers. WIKIPEDIA – I used when searching something specific, for example

when I was looking into the SONY MUISC ENTERTAINMENT – wiki helped decided whether our artist would fit in because I could see

all their previous artist signed on.

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PLANNING STAGE ~ When it came to planning, Blogger.com was a big help

because I could record and write down everything I was doing and how my research was going.

I could put up pictures of locations we were planning to go to. I posted up Vlogs about my progress.

If something went wrong or plans changed I could blog about it. It helped see where I went wrong.

If I ever forgot anything, I’d check up on the blog to see if it was there and most of the time it was because I do blog most

things. I would use Photobucket – an internet software that allowed

me to present my pictures to look more appealing Also because I have the smart phone App for Blogger, it was

easy for me to access When planning my ancillary, I would go on Google...to find

examples of album artwork and covers to get ideas.

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CONSTRUCTION STAGE - When constructing our music video we used a JVC camera to film

everything. We had to make sure we used to right memory cards, we did have a couple of issues in the beginning because we were using the wrong memory card but we had that fixed.

Sometimes we would use the camera handheld and other times on the tripod. The JVC camera was fairly simple to use and

captured everything as we wanted it. We would also use a still Camera to take pictures of us shooting t

post up on the blog. It was also used for taking pictures of our artist for our ancillary work.

A flip cam was also used when we wanted to make short videos about our progress and when we filmed an interview with our

artist. The flip cam was very useful because its small and portable and easy to use it came in very handy.

Studio/Photography lights were also used when we were filming in the studio, we would put them at the right level to get the perfect lighting. Because we going to put some shots on the

green screen we had to make sure there was no shadow.

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CONSTRUCTING STAGE – FINAL CUT PRO. When it came to editing the video we used FINAL CUT PRO a

programme for editing. We used a lot of different tools from final cut pro, including

effects such as ‘BLOOM’ and ‘DAZZLE’ which made the contrast of some frames different.

We had to make sure we remembered each number for each effect, so it would be the same on every frame.

We used it to speed up clips, (The cigarette) And to also slow some down, also we put clips into reverse (In

the video when she is flipping her hair) We also had to put in images in place of the green screen, I

learnt how to use the chroma key, which was a bit difficult because we would either have to much shadow or her hair was not in place.

We also used final cut pro when we made the Animatic for the music video which fairly straight forward, we just added in the clips and there was no cutting needed.

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When making my DigiPak and advertisement I used PHOTOSHOP to construct the whole thing.

One of the main tools I used was the ‘Stamp’ tool, this helped me put in my white background and blurring the

edges so my artist hair didn't come out looking like weird. I also used the ‘Clone’ tool in order to make her skin look

clearer. You could call it airbrushing. I used the colour enhancer to brighten the colour of her

eyes from a dull green to a bright blue/orange. I also the colour enhancer to make the tips go her hair brighter red and used it on he lips to make them a brighter

pink. PHOTOSHOP was fairly easy to use after I got the hang of

it, sometimes I would forget what tools I use and sometimes I couldn't find the exact colour I wanted but in

the end I got the hand of it.

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In my evaluation stages I used internet websites such as Prezi.com to make my presentations for some questions. It would save on the internet and I would then embed it into Blogger.

Prezi would allow me to add videos and pictures. I would also use Microsoft Power point and upload

it to websites such as Slideshare and SlideRocket, again I’d have to embed it into blogger.

In this evaluation question three I used a software called Camtasia 2 although a very short clip, it was me showing how I would use the internet for research.

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