t 7- f I S I 1- rI f v PAGE EIGHT OI OCALA EVENING TAft FRIDAY JANUAAY 3 1W Co tk S Plumbing and ii Plumbers Supplies R E Yonge Co the original and pc reliable plumberH having gone entire w ly Out of the bicycle buHinesH are now devoting all of their time with a com- petent ¬ force of men to the plumbing c and tinning business and are better prepared than ever to do firstclass work in quick time and at living i prices The company has just receiv- ed ¬ a big shipment of the Standard goods in enameled bath tube one piece ginkfi lavatories toilet sets jtc and have also a big line of medium priced cc goods as well as a cheaper line In tin and galvanized Iron for customers who- p dQ3Irethem The company has a complete stock 6 fittings faucets and fixtures of all kinds and will be pleas- ed ¬ to show the stock to you and give you an estimate on the cost of your work An experience of a quarter of 2 century gives this company many advantages See RE Yonge Co if you need their services z I E Y8NCE 4 COMPANY t Plumbers Ocala Fla El t SNAILS FOR FOOD li f Were Deveiad Entirely te Them In- I Many Citiea of Europe I France Is the premier snail produc- J j I nation although Austria Bavaria Jed Switzerland hay thousands of small farms where the famous escar cots are raised and fattened on vine leaves The demand for snails in p t France Is far too great for the supply i to be left to chance and thus It comes s about that snail farming II an Impor- tant ¬ r industry Paris alone consumes millions between September and May y when these little creatures are at their beet In great cities of Europe are stores r doted entirely to them each orna- mented ¬ by an immense gilt snaIl over tile door as a sign Huge tubs of snails in the rough are displayed and- o o there are besides dishes of carefully Mprepared mollusks all ready for eating These have ben cooked extracted vfrom their ahells and minced The r f meat Is then mixed with butter chop- ped ¬ it parsley and herbs nnd the shells trimmed and made attractive are re- filled ¬ with this prepared paste The most popular snails today come Sjj from Dijon and Macon In Burgundy j r where they are fed on vine leaves and d the parks AS the local snail farms are called open their gates In the mouth qot August when the little creatures Jt bestir themselves actively Chicago Ntws r- AN t ANCIENT BIBLE w Valuable Manuscript Treasured In r the Cottonian Library I In the Cotto lan library in Inglandi- YIe an old manuscript copy of a part of the Bible In Latin This was used at J the coronation of English sovereigns a years before the stone of des xfftiiny was brought from Scone to West- minster ¬ i by Edward I In other words > tbe use of this BJble for the purpose I In question dated back to the year iooo f11 The Bible is a quarto of 217 leaves s 4 Mnlrig the four gospels and seems F the style Of t tho writing and 11 t faatlons whlcM are very beauti- V1ttI to been made about the end C the ninth century I LfAAtirinj Testament escaped destruction y1the fire at Asbburnhain House in jr fl1i of which It bears evidence on it- srup1d leaves and ruIned margins- is t j eoiuc evidence that the HOU- r r Edward tile LId r Atheist th- eiioue who was king of the west i kxons from 925 to 940 owned this B tad presented it to the chur- chpDovrPbadeIpbIa Record 14 MH MM BVWH M KaM K MHW- WMWeuld i4 Cheoae Hi Company In the west some twenty years ago Mr llred a good man whogave ujia- dpirt of bis time to teaching the In haaa the Christian faith On one o- rt id trip he stopped at the ranch of a iv 1iJ1 t do aidTiry religious Swede IM requested anirirfcts lodging be Swede thought a great deal of jths missionary and disliked to offend t but be also disliked extremely t IiIg m pack of dirty greasy Indians jc bSg about his place so after muc- hJjtmmarandhawlng he stated his ob JI t Bt these Indians are Christians good brother and If you cant- ibde with them for a staple night here J arth bow do you expect to dwe- llsibYeu with them through all ete- rclit7r inquired the Indignant mission i Swede waa perplexed but after fJtfceufhtfully scratching hU head a mo J t he said The Bible says that in Y < fathers honsS alre many mansions ji I tank r hf a wparate f1 tlppuicotts Magazine I I 1- 1JJIictrIc f 1 > smoothIng Irons the finest 1jf i ever Invented for the home Ev 4tvwonian ld have met in the 4 d thn it Tucker r a atojre- f < Jx 1Jt 1i J Lt1 > rT rF r 1 J COTTAGE FOR SALE- A splendidly located cottage In best part of town and in good condition I cheap for cash Apply at this office I NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC- We are not out of business and will be pleased to do your electrical wiring Estimates cheerfully furnished Phone 129 Florida Plumbing Electric Co- ST I An PETERSBURG HOME FOR SALE elegant residence and big lot best location in the city will sell cheap- for cash or will exchange for prop- erty in Ocala or good farm close to transportation Apply at Star office An Interesting Animal Higgins My II vet was greatly pleased with that horse you sold me WiggInsWhat pleased him aboutllje animal Ulggins Why he discovered twelve new diseases he never suspect- ed ¬ before IIlubtrnted Blta The Easy Part He This shopping business Is an aw- ful ¬ nuisance SheWhy Henry you have no reason to complain Ive done all the shopping All you do is to car ¬ ry the parcels The Origin of the Word Filibuster The name buccaneer was chiefly affected by the Englishadventurers on our coast while the French members of the profession often preferred the name of flibustler This word which has since been corrupted into our fa- miliar ¬ filibuster Is said to have been originally a corruption being nothing- more than the French method of pro- nouncing ¬ thea word freebooters which title hud long been used for In- dependent ¬ robbers Th Modern Youth When I WHS your age said the se ¬ vere parent I was compelled to earn my own living Sir answered the complacent youth I know too little of the circum- stances ¬ to attempt to defend my grand ¬ father Washington Star The fox may lose his hair but not his cunning Dutch Proverb Encourage- dI inn afraid said Mr Henpeck that I made a fool of myself today Dont worry about it his wife re- plied ¬ It isnt likely that anybody noticed anything unusual about the way you pole or acted Chicago Record Hem hi As a Missile Dont you hate to grow old said the first eggsn < lly No I dont returned the second egg with a toss of the bead When I become old enough I am going on the stugeClncinnati Enquirer WATCHED FIFTEEN YEARS Tor fifteen years I have watched- the workings of Bucklens Arnica Salve and it has never failed to cure any sore boil ulcer or burn to which it was applied It has saved us many a doctors bill says A F Hardy of East AVilton Me Twentyfive cents at Tydings Cos drug store FOR SALEOne good farm hors I ore twoyear old colt 180 bales of good Florida hay and 50 bushels of corn Apply to Mrs G M Long Red dick Fla- WANTEDSecond hand bags and burlap any kind any quantity any ¬ I where we pay freight Richmond BaJ- Co Richmond Va THE PERFECT WAY Scores of Florida Citizens Have Learn- ed It If you suffer from backache There is only one way to cure it The perfect way Is to cure the kid- neys ¬ A bad bade means sick kidneys Neglect it urinary troubles follow Doans Kidney Pills are made for kidneys only S B Lemons cigarmaker living at 1311 Ashley street Tampa Fla says- I used Doans Kidney Pills and they cured me of backache and disorder of the kidneys Two or three times on account of the pain in my back I was unable to go to work for several days The secretions of the kidneys were in very bad condition dark in color and- if allowed to stand would become of the consistency of jelly I tried various remedies taking what seemed like gal- lons ¬ of medicine and I also put on plasters but nothing helped me at all until I got Doans Kidney Pills upon the advice of a friend of mine and us- Ing them according to directions they cured me in a very short while For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents FosterMilburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the United States Remember the nameDoansandt- ake no other Large assortment of CUT GLASS and CHINA Postofflce Drugstore J lt t l 1 4- ii1S J t JiAl tM rr EXPECTED TOO MUCH The Hotel Clerk Thought the Guest Got His Moneys Worth- A friend of mine has guined con- siderable ¬ notoriety among the boys said a drummer on account of his an- tipathy ¬ for many of the lunabitauts to be found in the hotels of many of the small country towns Many a time he bas been known to leave his bed In the middle of tbe night to search for more comfortable and agreeable quar- ters ¬ Recently he landed at a small town I happened to he there that night and when I saw him enter I Immediately scented trouble That place was known for the droves of rats which swarmed about the prem- ises ¬ and if there was anything my friend abhorred it was a rat Vell be- got his room I was sitting In the lob- by ¬ rending about an hour after he had retired when suddenly I was star- tled ¬ by a sudden racket on the upper floor It was followed a few seconds later by my friend his clothes under his arm making a hurried exit from his room Running up to the hotel clerk be expostulated excitedly against the rats They ran all over the bed and all over the floor Finally I tried to shoo thetn out turned on the light and there were two big ones in the center of the floor fighting like tigers U Well pWhat do you want for50 cents calmly asked the clerk a bull- fight ¬ Exchange THE PIANOS SOUL- It Is imparted to the Instrument by the Scale Every piano factory saul a piano manufacturer employs what we pi- ano ¬ men call a scale It would be too long for me to explain to you all about- It but in piano making the scale is the man who after all else has been done imparts to the piano Its soul- I cannot tell you how they do It They do not know themselves and no man can teach another It is born like all art The scales are very few and hard to get and we pay them hand ¬ some wages But they are as difficult- to manage as the great tenors of grand opera and as sensitive as women Like all artists they are forever squabbling among themselves about little things andns you may guess Jealousy is their besetting evil But I have not yet explained what the scale does When a piano Is all strung Andtuned and ready to leave the factory the scale sits down to It all alone and screws It to pitch His ear is so true bis hand so fine and his sense of the reasons for sound is so delicate and exquisite that when he has finished his work that which was- a mere box containing strings has be ¬ come a voice that can sing if you know how to make it sIng The scale has given it a soutapart of his own soulXew York World 1 Didnt Please the Critic When Verdi was putting the last touches to un Trovatore he was vis ¬ ited In his study by a privileged friend The friend was one of the ablest living musicians and critics He was permit- ted ¬ to look at the score and run over the anvIl chorus on the pianoforte What do you think of that asked the master Trash said the con- noisseur ¬ Verdi rubbed hlSi hands and chuckled Now look at this and this he said Rubbish said the other rolling a cigarette The composer rose and embraced him with a burst of joy What do you mean asked the critic My dear frletfd cried Verdi UI have been making a popular opera In it I resolved to please everybody except- the purIsts the great Judges the clas ¬ sicists I1ke you Had I pleased you I should have pleased no one else What you say assures me of success In three months II Trovatore will be sung and roared and whistled and bar ¬ rel organed all over ItalyPhiladelp- bla ¬ Inquirer- The American Auther The chief thing in the average Amer ¬ ican norel is tile amazing vitality of the author He writes always at the top of his voice His strenuousness Is unceasing The render can almost see- the swollen veins on his forehead the tight drawn mouth and flashing eye It is do it or die And he never knows where to stop With his feverish anx- iety ¬ to make points he does not seem to realize when he has achieved his purpose and frequently fizzles out In- effectively ¬ He has ideas He has vast quantities of material He has a command oflanguage a fatal fluency that frequently leads to his downfall- for he lacks a sense of values He lacks self restraint He is full of tricks and artfulness but he Is not an artist London Saturday Review TOO MUCH FACE You feel as if you had one face too many when you have Neuralgia dont you Save the face you may need it but get rid of the Neuralgia by ap ¬ plying Ballards Snow Liniment Fin ¬ est thing in The world for rheuma- tism ¬ I neuralgia burns cuts scalds lame back arid all pains Sold by the AntiMonopoly Drugstore FORSALE HORSES MULES AND FEED- At J L Smoaks old stand on Exposition street stock fine prices reasonabletGive us a call not only A r good stock but feed A B De- Co flflt Ocala Fla Well Preserved I told Miss Knox today saUl lie that the only word thnt properly de- scribed you was peach Indeed replied Miss Bute I sup ¬ pose she said something real nice as usualWell she said I suppose thtt is the proper word At any rate she looks well preserved Philadelphia- Press Bobby Reason Little Bobby was saying his prayers at his mothers knee but so rapidly that she asked him why he did not speak more slowly Because you know be replied hit would keep nil the other children wait- ing ¬ Lippincotta Didnt Find Out So you really attended the lecture last night hYeU t What did the lecturer talk about Well Im not sure for he didnt any Lyceumite and Talent Like the Parret Thumper occasionally says things that are wonderfully apropos said one statesman- Yes answered the other hes like our parrot at home It doesnt know much but what it does know it keeps repeating until some circumstance arises that makes the remark seem marvelously apt A good way to get on in the world- Is to make people think you are doing It New York Pree THE PRICE OF PEACE- The I terrible itching ana smarting incident to certain skin diseases is al- most ¬ instantly allayed by applying Chamberlains Salve prce 25 cents For sale by all druggists No man should continue paying rent when he can buy a lot on as easy terms as Mr Woodrow Is offering in Oak ridge additicn ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE OF FINAL DISCHARGE Notice is hereby given that on the Second day of June A D 1908 the undersigned administrator of the estate of A H Frederick deceased win make my final settlement with Hon Joseph Bell judge of probate at his office in Ocala Marion county Fla and wil apply for my discharge- as administrator of said estate R T Frederick Adin of Estate of A H Frederick deceased Nov 19th 190- 7STOCKHOLDERS MEETING- The i regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Ocala Telephone Company will he held in the city of Ocala Florida at the hour of eleven oclock in the forenoon in the office- of I Geo R McKean its secretary on Monday the thirteenth day of Janu- ary ¬ I A D 190S Geo R McKean Secretary ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE TO CreditorsIn re Estate of John Kins ler Deceased j Notice is hereby given to all creditors legatees distributees and all other persons having claims or demands against the estate of John Kinsler de- ceased ¬ to present the same to the un- dersigned ¬ I administrator within one year from this date Geo Giles As Administrator Estate of John Kinsler Dated Ocala Fla Dec 21st 1907 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR Tax Deed Under Section 8 of Chap- ter ¬ 4888 Laws of Florida Notice is hereby given that Miss An ¬ nie Xce ham purchaser of tax cer- tificates ¬ Nos 4379 and 4389 dated the 4th day of April A D 1S9S has filed said certificates in my office and has made application for tax deed to is- sue ¬ In accordance with law Said cer ¬ tificates embrace the following de ¬ scribed property situated in Marion county Florida towit Lots 11 13 15 17 19 21 25 29 and 30 block 1 Andersons add to Ocala- in sV2 of neVk of se i sec 13 tp 15 s r 21 e The said land being assessed- at the date of the issuance of such certificates in the name of Emily Chester and H L and E B Anderson Unless said certificates shall be re ¬ deemed according to law tax deed will issue thereon on the 10th day of January A D 1908 Witness my official signature and seal this the 7th day of December A D 1907 S T Sistruhk ClerkCircuit CourtMarion Co Fla- B H BFO1rr D c >t < low 10 nr OiiI- H = J COLORED PEOPLES DEPARTMEITl 1 J M Deas Reporter- MILESWASHINGTON Ii I A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized New Years night by tiJ9 Rev Hopkins at the residence the bride on Dougherty street the con ¬ tracting parties being Mr Athos Miles and Miss Sarah Washington The house was tastefully decorated in ev ¬ ergreens and white roses Only the immediate family and intimate friends- of the bride were present The bride 1 wore a white crepe de chene dress with lace trimmings and was given away by her mother Fruit punch and cake was served after the ceremony < The bride is the eldest daughter Qtl Mr and Mrs George Washintgon and- a bright capable girl The groom ia I a good substantial citizen and a faith ¬ ful employe of he Teapot Grocery t Many handsome gifts were received The handsomest present was a cheat of silver the gift of Dr and Mrs E Van Hood for whom the ride has 1 It worked for over six years The young couple have the good wishes of many I M friends t Become a property owner There no investment as good or safe as real estate and none can be had as cheat or on as easy terms as those beautiful lots in Oakridge addition Ask Mr Woodrow 1 NOTICE Thirty days from date or rs near therafter as practicable the town I council will receive bids for all of the c Q I unfinished sidewalks on Oklawaha av- enue I Fort King avenue Fox Lane Ray street Watula street Tuscawifr- la I street Watula street Magnolia I street Main street South street Ex- position ¬ I styeet and any other street mentioned in cement sidewalk ordi ¬ nance I s Specifications on file In town clerks office n Said council reserves the right to reject any or all bids a I Ocala Fla Oct 9 1907- J D Robertson Attest President City Council H C Sistrunk City Clerk SCJENTIFIC SPANKING Consists in punishment only when a 1I- n child is actually bad Some mothers think that all crying is badness Its not When your baby cries look for i pins or some external cause If you cant find them give the baby Whites l Cream Vermifuge as the chances are r It is suffering from worms which keep- it hungry and cross all the time Pleasant to takesure in its action i Price 25 cents Sold by the AntiMo- nopoly ¬ I Drugstore FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS- I 1 am keeping a full stock of fresh and i salt water fish and oysters which I re- ceive ¬ daily and guarantee to be fresh and good I also carry a complete line J of fresh meats beef pork sausagew etc and country produce and respect- fully ¬ 1 ask a share of your patronage t l- and guarantee satisfaction r EMPORIUM MEAT MARKET f- I L Casminski Proprietor I < niY I the CircuitCourt of the Fifth Judi il cia Circuit of Florida In and for Ma- rion ¬ CountyIn Chancery- The Passumpsic Savings Bank a Cor ¬ poration Under the Laws of the State- of Vermont Complainant vs Mrs E I B Brockington Defendant Order for Constructive Service- It Is ordered that the defendant here- in ¬ named towit Mrs E B Brocking- ton ¬ be and she is hereby required to appear to the bill of complaint In this cause on or before Monday the 3rd day of February 190 t- It Is futher ordered that a copy orI S this order be published once a week < for eight consecutive weeks in the j Ocala Star a newspaper published in said county and state I This 4th day of December 1907- S T Sistrunk Clerk Circuit Court Marlon Co Fla By H B Foy Jr D C Hocker Duval- Complainants Soli- citorFOLEYS KIDNEY CUREW- ILL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney of Bladder diiease that is not < I beyond the rca h of medi ¬ cine Take it at once Do not risk having Brights Dis ¬ ease or Diabetes There is nothing gained by delay Wj SOc and 100 BottU isij i- O uwt wyruL DY ALL OEALHtSJL- jV k- I J V1 f1t 8- NA l I Ir

S J Plumbing and FORSALE Plumbers Supplies I Iiufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00736/0029.pdf · 2009-05-15 · t 7- f I I S 1-rI v f PAGE EIGHT OI OCALA EVENING TAft FRIDAY

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Page 1: S J Plumbing and FORSALE Plumbers Supplies I Iiufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00736/0029.pdf · 2009-05-15 · t 7- f I I S 1-rI v f PAGE EIGHT OI OCALA EVENING TAft FRIDAY

t 7-f


SI 1-




tk S

Plumbing and

ii Plumbers SuppliesR E Yonge Co the original and

pc reliable plumberH having gone entirew ly Out of the bicycle buHinesH are now

devoting all of their time with a com-petent


force of men to the plumbingc and tinning business and are better

prepared than ever to do firstclasswork in quick time and at living

i prices The company has just receiv-ed


a big shipment of the Standardgoods in enameled bath tube one pieceginkfi lavatories toilet sets jtc andhave also a big line of medium priced

cc goods as well as a cheaper line In tinand galvanized Iron for customers who-

p dQ3Irethem The company has acomplete stock 6fittings faucets andfixtures of all kinds and will be pleas-ed


to show the stock to you and giveyou an estimate on the cost of yourwork An experience of a quarter of2 century gives this company manyadvantages See R E Yonge Co ifyou need their servicesz


t Plumbers Ocala Fla



f Were Deveiad Entirely te Them In-I Many Citiea of Europe

I France Is the premier snail produc-Jj I

nation although Austria BavariaJed Switzerland hay thousands of

small farms where the famous escarcots are raised and fattened on vineleaves The demand for snails in

p t France Is far too great for the supplyi to be left to chance and thus It comes

sabout that snail farming II an Impor-tant


r industry Paris alone consumesmillions between September and May

y when these little creatures are at theirbeet

In great cities of Europe are storesr doted entirely to them each orna-


by an immense gilt snaIl overtile door as a sign Huge tubs ofsnails in the rough are displayed and-


o there are besides dishes of carefullyMprepared mollusks all ready for eating

These have ben cooked extractedvfrom their ahells and minced The

rf meat Is then mixed with butter chop-ped


it parsley and herbs nnd the shellstrimmed and made attractive are re-


with this prepared pasteThe most popular snails today come

Sjj from Dijon and Macon In Burgundyj r where they are fed on vine leaves andd the parks AS the local snail farms are

called open their gates In the mouthqot August when the little creatures

Jt bestir themselves actively ChicagoNtws r-


w Valuable Manuscript Treasured Inr the Cottonian Library

I In the Cotto lan library in Inglandi-YIe an old manuscript copy of a part of

the Bible In Latin This was used atJ the coronation of English sovereigns

a years before the stone of desxfftiiny was brought from Scone to West-


i by Edward I In other words>tbe use of this BJble for the purpose

I In question dated back to the yeariooo

f11 The Bible is a quarto of 217 leavess 4 Mnlrig the four gospels and seemsF the style Of ttho writing and 11

t faatlons whlcM are very beauti-V1ttI to been made about the end

C the ninth century I

LfAAtirinj Testament escaped destructiony1the fire at Asbburnhain House in

jr fl1i of which It bears evidence on it-srup1d leaves and ruIned margins-

ist j eoiuc evidence that the HOU-

rr Edward tile LId r Atheist th-eiioue who was king of the west

i kxons from 925 to 940 owned thisB tad presented it to the chur-

chpDovrPbadeIpbIa Record14 MH MM BVWH M KaM K MHW-

WMWeuldi4 Cheoae Hi CompanyIn the west some twenty years ago

Mr llred a good man whogave ujia-dpirt of bis time to teaching the In

haaa the Christian faith On one o-rt id trip he stopped at the ranch of a

iv 1iJ1 t do aidTiry religious SwedeIM requested anirirfcts lodging

be Swede thought a great deal ofjths missionary and disliked to offend

t but be also disliked extremelyt IiIg m pack of dirty greasy Indians

jc bSg about his place so after muc-hJjtmmarandhawlng he stated his obJI t

Bt these Indians are Christiansgood brother and If you cant-

ibde with them for a staple night hereJ arth bow do you expect to dwe-llsibYeu with them through all ete-

rclit7r inquired the Indignant missioni

Swede waa perplexed but afterfJtfceufhtfully scratching hU head a mo

J t he said The Bible says that inY < fathers honsS alre many mansions

ji I tank r hf a wparatef1 tlppuicotts MagazineI I 1-

1JJIictrIcf 1

> smoothIng Irons the finest1jf i ever Invented for the home Ev

4tvwonian ld have met in the4

d thn it Tuckerr a atojre-

f< Jx1Jt1i J

Lt1 >rT rF r 1



A splendidly located cottage In bestpart of town and in good condition


cheap for cash Apply at this officeI


We are not out of business and willbe pleased to do your electrical wiringEstimates cheerfully furnished Phone129 Florida Plumbing Electric Co-





elegant residence and big lotbest location in the city will sell cheap-for cash or will exchange for prop-erty in Ocala or good farm close totransportation Apply at Star office

An Interesting AnimalHiggins My II vet was greatly

pleased with that horse you sold meWiggInsWhat pleased him aboutlljeanimal Ulggins Why he discoveredtwelve new diseases he never suspect-ed


before IIlubtrnted Blta

The Easy PartHe This shopping business Is an aw-


nuisance SheWhy Henry youhave no reason to complain Ive doneall the shopping All you do is to car ¬

ry the parcels

The Origin of the Word FilibusterThe name buccaneer was chiefly

affected by the Englishadventurers onour coast while the French membersof the profession often preferred thename of flibustler This word whichhas since been corrupted into our fa-


filibuster Is said to have beenoriginally a corruption being nothing-more than the French method of pro-nouncing


thea word freebooterswhich title hud long been used for In-



Th Modern YouthWhen I WHS your age said the se ¬

vere parent I was compelled to earnmy own living

Sir answered the complacentyouth I know too little of the circum-stances


to attempt to defend my grand ¬

father Washington Star

The fox may lose his hair but nothis cunning Dutch Proverb

Encourage-dI inn afraid said Mr Henpeck

that I made a fool of myself todayDont worry about it his wife re-


It isnt likely that anybodynoticed anything unusual about theway you pole or acted ChicagoRecord Hemhi

As a MissileDont you hate to grow old said

the first eggsn <llyNo I dont returned the second

egg with a toss of the bead WhenI become old enough I am going onthe stugeClncinnati Enquirer


Tor fifteen years I have watched-the workings of Bucklens Arnica Salveand it has never failed to cure anysore boil ulcer or burn to which itwas applied It has saved us many adoctors bill says A F Hardy ofEast AVilton Me Twentyfive centsat Tydings Cos drug store

FOR SALEOne good farm hors I

ore twoyear old colt 180 bales ofgood Florida hay and 50 bushels ofcorn Apply to Mrs G M Long Reddick Fla-

WANTEDSecond hand bags andburlap any kind any quantity any ¬

I where we pay freight Richmond BaJ-

Co Richmond Va


Scores of Florida Citizens Have Learn-

ed ItIf you suffer from backacheThere is only one way to cure itThe perfect way Is to cure the kid-


A bad bade means sick kidneysNeglect it urinary troubles followDoans Kidney Pills are made for

kidneys onlyS B Lemons cigarmaker living at

1311 Ashley street Tampa Fla says-I used Doans Kidney Pills and they

cured me of backache and disorder ofthe kidneys Two or three times onaccount of the pain in my back I wasunable to go to work for several daysThe secretions of the kidneys were invery bad condition dark in color and-if allowed to stand would become ofthe consistency of jelly I tried variousremedies taking what seemed like gal-


of medicine and I also put onplasters but nothing helped me at alluntil I got Doans Kidney Pills uponthe advice of a friend of mine and us-

Ing them according to directions theycured me in a very short while

For sale by all dealers Price 50

cents FosterMilburn Co BuffaloNew York sole agents for the UnitedStates

Remember the nameDoansandt-ake no other

Large assortment of CUT GLASSand CHINA Postofflce Drugstore

J ltt l 1 4-

ii1S J t JiAl tM rr


The Hotel Clerk Thought the GuestGot His Moneys Worth-

A friend of mine has guined con-siderable


notoriety among the boyssaid a drummer on account of his an-


for many of the lunabitautsto be found in the hotels of many ofthe small country towns Many a timehe bas been known to leave his bed Inthe middle of tbe night to search formore comfortable and agreeable quar-ters


Recently he landed at a smalltown I happened to he there thatnight and when I saw him enter I

Immediately scented trouble Thatplace was known for the droves ofrats which swarmed about the prem-ises


and if there was anything myfriend abhorred it was a rat Vell be-

got his room I was sitting In the lob-by


rending about an hour after hehad retired when suddenly I was star-tled


by a sudden racket on the upperfloor It was followed a few secondslater by my friend his clothes underhis arm making a hurried exit fromhis room Running up to the hotelclerk be expostulated excitedly againstthe rats

They ran all over the bed and allover the floor Finally I tried to shoothetn out turned on the light andthere were two big ones in the centerof the floor fighting like tigers

U Well pWhat do you want for50cents calmly asked the clerk a bull-fight




It Is imparted to the Instrument bythe Scale

Every piano factory saul a pianomanufacturer employs what we pi-


men call a scale It would be toolong for me to explain to you all about-It but in piano making the scale isthe man who after all else has beendone imparts to the piano Its soul-

I cannot tell you how they do ItThey do not know themselves and noman can teach another It is born likeall art The scales are very few andhard to get and we pay them hand ¬

some wages But they are as difficult-to manage as the great tenors of grandopera and as sensitive as women Likeall artists they are forever squabblingamong themselves about little thingsandns you may guess Jealousy istheir besetting evil

But I have not yet explained whatthe scale does When a piano Is allstrung Andtuned and ready to leavethe factory the scale sits down to Itall alone and screws It to pitch Hisear is so true bis hand so fine and hissense of the reasons for sound is sodelicate and exquisite that when hehas finished his work that which was-a mere box containing strings has be¬

come a voice that can sing if you knowhow to make it sIng The scale hasgiven it a soutapart of his ownsoulXew York World


Didnt Please the CriticWhen Verdi was putting the last

touches to un Trovatore he was vis ¬

ited In his study by a privileged friendThe friend was one of the ablest livingmusicians and critics He was permit-ted


to look at the score and run overthe anvIl chorus on the pianoforteWhat do you think of that asked

the master Trash said the con-


Verdi rubbed hlSi hands andchuckled Now look at this and thishe said Rubbish said the otherrolling a cigarette The composer roseand embraced him with a burst of joyWhat do you mean asked the critic

My dear frletfd cried Verdi UI havebeen making a popular opera In it I

resolved to please everybody except-the purIsts the great Judges the clas ¬

sicists I1ke you Had I pleased you Ishould have pleased no one else Whatyou say assures me of success Inthree months II Trovatore will besung and roared and whistled and bar¬

rel organed all over ItalyPhiladelp-bla



The American AutherThe chief thing in the average Amer ¬

ican norel is tile amazing vitality ofthe author He writes always at thetop of his voice His strenuousness Isunceasing The render can almost see-the swollen veins on his forehead thetight drawn mouth and flashing eyeIt is do it or die And he never knowswhere to stop With his feverish anx-iety


to make points he does not seemto realize when he has achieved hispurpose and frequently fizzles out In-


He has ideas He hasvast quantities of material He has acommand oflanguage a fatal fluencythat frequently leads to his downfall-for he lacks a sense of values Helacks self restraint He is full oftricks and artfulness but he Is not anartist London Saturday Review


You feel as if you had one face toomany when you have Neuralgia dontyou Save the face you may need itbut get rid of the Neuralgia by ap ¬

plying Ballards Snow Liniment Fin ¬

est thing in The world for rheuma-tism


neuralgia burns cuts scaldslame back arid all pains Sold bythe AntiMonopoly Drugstore


At J L Smoaks old stand onExposition street stock fine pricesreasonabletGive us a call not onlyA r good stock but feed A B De-

Coflflt Ocala Fla

Well PreservedI told Miss Knox today saUl lie

that the only word thnt properly de-

scribed you was peachIndeed replied Miss Bute I sup ¬

pose she said something real nice asusualWell

she said I suppose thtt isthe proper word At any rate shelooks well preserved Philadelphia-Press

Bobby ReasonLittle Bobby was saying his prayers

at his mothers knee but so rapidlythat she asked him why he did notspeak more slowly

Because you know be replied hitwould keep nil the other children wait-ing



Didnt Find OutSo you really attended the lecture

last nighthYeU t

What did the lecturer talk aboutWell Im not sure for he didnt

any Lyceumite and Talent

Like the ParretThumper occasionally says things

that are wonderfully apropos saidone statesman-

Yes answered the other hes likeour parrot at home It doesnt knowmuch but what it does know it keepsrepeating until some circumstancearises that makes the remark seemmarvelously apt

A good way to get on in the world-Is to make people think you are doingIt New York Pree




terrible itching ana smartingincident to certain skin diseases is al-


instantly allayed by applyingChamberlains Salve prce 25 centsFor sale by all druggists

No man should continue paying rentwhen he can buy a lot on as easy termsas Mr Woodrow Is offering in Oakridge additicn


Notice is hereby given that on theSecond day of June A D 1908

the undersigned administrator of theestate of A H Frederick deceasedwin make my final settlement withHon Joseph Bell judge of probate athis office in Ocala Marion countyFla and wil apply for my discharge-as administrator of said estate

R T FrederickAdin of Estate of A H Frederick

deceasedNov 19th 190-



regular annual meeting of thestockholders of the Ocala TelephoneCompany will he held in the city ofOcala Florida at the hour of elevenoclock in the forenoon in the office-of


Geo R McKean its secretary onMonday the thirteenth day of Janu-ary


I A D 190S Geo R McKeanSecretary


CreditorsIn re Estate of John Kinsler Deceased j

Notice is hereby given to all creditorslegatees distributees and all otherpersons having claims or demandsagainst the estate of John Kinsler de-


to present the same to the un-


I administrator within oneyear from this date Geo Giles

As Administrator Estate of JohnKinsler

Dated Ocala Fla Dec 21st 1907

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FORTax Deed Under Section 8 of Chap-ter


4888 Laws of FloridaNotice is hereby given that Miss An ¬

nie Xce ham purchaser of tax cer-


Nos 4379 and 4389 dated the4th day of April A D 1S9S has filedsaid certificates in my office and hasmade application for tax deed to is-


In accordance with law Said cer¬

tificates embrace the following de ¬

scribed property situated in Marioncounty Florida towit

Lots 11 13 15 17 19 21 25 29 and30 block 1 Andersons add to Ocala-in sV2 of neVk of se i sec 13 tp 15 sr 21 e The said land being assessed-at the date of the issuance of suchcertificates in the name of EmilyChester and H L and E B AndersonUnless said certificates shall be re ¬

deemed according to law tax deedwill issue thereon on the 10th day ofJanuary A D 1908

Witness my official signature andseal this the 7th day of December AD 1907 S T Sistruhk

ClerkCircuit CourtMarion Co Fla-B H BFO1rr D c


< low 10 nr OiiI-H=



J M Deas Reporter-



A quiet but pretty wedding wassolemnized New Years night by tiJ9Rev Hopkins at the residence thebride on Dougherty street the con ¬

tracting parties being Mr Athos Milesand Miss Sarah Washington Thehouse was tastefully decorated in ev ¬

ergreens and white roses Only theimmediate family and intimate friends-of the bride were present The bride 1

wore a white crepe de chene dresswith lace trimmings and was givenaway by her mother Fruit punch andcake was served after the ceremony <

The bride is the eldest daughter QtlMr and Mrs George Washintgon and-a bright capable girl The groom ia

Ia good substantial citizen and a faith¬

ful employe of he Teapot Grocery t

Many handsome gifts were receivedThe handsomest present was a cheatof silver the gift of Dr and Mrs EVan Hood for whom the ride has 1 It

worked for over six years The youngcouple have the good wishes of many


friends t

Become a property owner Thereno investment as good or safe as realestate and none can be had as cheator on as easy terms as those beautifullots in Oakridge addition Ask MrWoodrow 1

NOTICEThirty days from date or rs near

therafter as practicable the townI council will receive bids for all of the c QI unfinished sidewalks on Oklawaha av-enueI Fort King avenue Fox LaneRay street Watula street Tuscawifr-la


street Watula street MagnoliaI street Main street South street Ex-position


Istyeet and any other street

mentioned in cement sidewalk ordi ¬

nance I sSpecifications on file In town clerks

office n

Said council reserves the right toreject any or all bids a


Ocala Fla Oct 9 1907-

J D RobertsonAttest President City Council

H C Sistrunk City Clerk

SCJENTIFIC SPANKINGConsists in punishment only when a 1I-


child is actually bad Some mothersthink that all crying is badness Itsnot When your baby cries look for

i pins or some external cause If youcant find them give the baby Whitesl Cream Vermifuge as the chances are

r It is suffering from worms which keep-it hungry and cross all the timePleasant to takesure in its action


Price 25 cents Sold by the AntiMo-nopoly


I Drugstore



am keeping a full stock of fresh and isalt water fish and oysters which I re-


daily and guarantee to be freshand good I also carry a complete line J

of fresh meats beef pork sausagewetc and country produce and respect-fully

¬ 1

ask a share of your patronage t l-

and guarantee satisfaction rEMPORIUM MEAT MARKET f-

I L Casminski ProprietorI


I the CircuitCourt of the Fifth Judi ilcia Circuit of Florida In and for Ma-rion


CountyIn Chancery-The Passumpsic Savings Bank a Cor¬

poration Under the Laws of the State-of Vermont Complainant vs Mrs E I

B Brockington Defendant Order forConstructive Service-It Is ordered that the defendant here-


named towit Mrs E B Brocking-ton


be and she is hereby required toappear to the bill of complaint In thiscause on or beforeMonday the 3rd day of February 190 t-

It Is futher ordered that a copy orI Sthis order be published once a week <for eight consecutive weeks in the jOcala Star a newspaper published insaid county and state I

This 4th day of December 1907-

S T SistrunkClerk Circuit Court Marlon Co Fla

By H B Foy Jr D CHocker Duval-

Complainants Soli-




of any case of Kidney ofBladder diiease that is not < Ibeyond the rca h of medi ¬

cine Take it at once Donot risk having Brights Dis¬

ease or Diabetes There isnothing gained by delay Wj

SOc and 100 BottU isij i-

O uwt wyruLDY ALL OEALHtSJL-jV k-I JV1 f1t 8-