STATE OF MAINE COMMISSION ON GOVERNMENTAL ETHICS AND ELECTION PRACTICES 135 STATE HOUSE STATION AUGUSTA, MAINE 04333-0135 OFFICE LOCATED AT: 45 MEMORIAL CIRCLE, AUGUSTA, MAINE WEBSITE: WWW.MAINE.GOV/ETHICS PHONE: (207) 287-4179 FAX: (207) 287-6775 To: Commissioners From: Emma Burke, Candidate Registrar Date: December 10, 2019 Re: Request by Philip Spiller for Waiver of Late-Filing Penalties Due to Three Late 24-Hour Reports for a Municipal Election Philip Spiller was a candidate running for the Mayor of Westbrook in the 2019 municipal election. This was Mr. Spiller’s first campaign for public office. Mr. Spiller’s campaign made three expenditures on separate days that were required to be filed on 24-Hour Reports within twenty-four hours of the transactions. All three reports went unfiled until November 8, 2019, three days after the election. The preliminary penalties for the late reports total $2,395.28. Mr. Spiller is requesting a waiver of the penalties. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS For candidates for municipal office, the municipal clerk is responsible for any duty assigned to the Commission in this subchapter related to the registration of candidates, receipt of reports and distribution of information or forms, unless otherwise provided. Notwithstanding any other deadline set forth in this chapter, candidates shall file their reports by the close of business on the day of the filing deadline established for the office of the municipal clerk. The Commission retains the sole authority to prescribe the content of all reporting forms. The Commission does not have responsibility to oversee the filing of registrations or campaign finance reports relating to municipal campaigns, except that the Commission has the discretion to conduct investigations and assess penalties under subsection 3-A. (21-A M.R.S.A § 1011(3)) Commission Meeting: 12/18/2019 Agenda Item #5

’s first campaign for public office. ’s campaign

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AUGUSTA, MAINE 04333-0135
PHONE: (207) 287-4179 FAX: (207) 287-6775
To: Commissioners
Date: December 10, 2019
Re: Request by Philip Spiller for Waiver of Late-Filing Penalties Due to Three Late
24-Hour Reports for a Municipal Election
Philip Spiller was a candidate running for the Mayor of Westbrook in the 2019 municipal
election. This was Mr. Spiller’s first campaign for public office.
Mr. Spiller’s campaign made three expenditures on separate days that were required to be
filed on 24-Hour Reports within twenty-four hours of the transactions. All three reports
went unfiled until November 8, 2019, three days after the election. The preliminary
penalties for the late reports total $2,395.28. Mr. Spiller is requesting a waiver of the
For candidates for municipal office, the municipal clerk is responsible for any duty
assigned to the Commission in this subchapter related to the registration of candidates,
receipt of reports and distribution of information or forms, unless otherwise provided.
Notwithstanding any other deadline set forth in this chapter, candidates shall file their
reports by the close of business on the day of the filing deadline established for the office
of the municipal clerk. The Commission retains the sole authority to prescribe the content
of all reporting forms. The Commission does not have responsibility to oversee the filing
of registrations or campaign finance reports relating to municipal campaigns, except that
the Commission has the discretion to conduct investigations and assess penalties under
subsection 3-A. (21-A M.R.S.A § 1011(3))
Commission Meeting: 12/18/2019 Agenda Item #5
Municipal campaign finance reports must be filed, subject to all the provisions of this
subchapter, with the municipal clerk on forms prescribed by the Commission on
Governmental Ethics and Election Practices. The municipal clerk shall send any notice of
lateness required by subsection 6 and shall notify the commission of any late reports
subject to a penalty. (21-A M.R.S.A § 1020-A(3))
Candidates, including municipal candidates, are required to file 24-Hour Reports with the
Commission during the 13 days prior to an election if they receive a contribution or make
an expenditure of $1,000 or more. (21-A M.R.S.A. § 1017(3-A)(C)) When a candidate is
late in filing a report, the amount of the penalty is set by a formula which takes into
consideration a percentage of the total contributions or expenditures, whichever is
greater, the number of prior violations within a two-year period, and the number of days
the report is late. (21-A M.R.S.A. § 1020-A)(4-A))
Due to the fact Mr. Spiller was a municipal candidate, the election Mr. Spiller
participated in was overseen by Angela Holmes, the City Clerk of Westbrook. According
to Ms. Holmes, Mr. Spiller had been notified of the requirement to file 24-Hour Reports
via: an initial training session conducted by Ms. Holmes for Mr. Spiller; the Municipal
Candidate’s Guidebook; emails which contained links to guidance materials on the
Commission’s website; in a letter sent October 29th outlining a previous penalty; and in
multiple phone and in-person conversations that took place during the election cycle.
On November 7th, Ms. Holmes became concerned that Mr. Spiller may have been
required to file at least one, if not several, 24-Hour Reports, due to ads that had been
published in the local newspaper and notification of a direct mail piece that had been
delivered to households in Westbrook. Ms. Holmes knew that these expenditures had not
been included on Mr. Spiller’s 11-Day Pre-Election Report, and therefore had most likely
occurred during the 24-Hour reporting period, which began on October 23, 2019, and
ended on November 4, 2019. Ms. Holmes contacted Mr. Spiller directly via phone and
email to offer another reminder of the 24-Hour Reports. After a few points of contact,
Mr. Spiller realized that several 24-Hour Reports had gone unfiled, and subsequently
filed three late 24-Hour Reports with Ms. Holmes at the Westbrook City Hall.
Based on the statutory formula for calculating late-filing penalties, the preliminary
penalties combined amount to $2,395.28, calculated as follows:
Through a letter submitted November 26, 2019 and then revised and resubmitted
December 9, 2019 (revised version attached), Mr. Spiller asks that the Commission
partially waive the preliminary penalties. In Mr. Spiller’s letter, numerous personal issues
and commitments are described as impediments to being able to remember and comply to
campaign finance requirements. These include having multiple voluntary and paid
positions, an illness, and problems with a domestic partner, who was initially Mr.
Spiller’s treasurer. Mr. Spiller’s letter also states that better communication and support
from Ms. Holmes would have increased the likelihood of reports being filed on time. Mr.
Spiller’s letter, however, does not include particular details on precisely why none of the
three 24-Hour Reports were timely filed. Candidate Registrar Emma Burke had provided
Mr. Spiller an opportunity to submit a revised version of the waiver request, suggesting
Mr. Spiller include more specific information on what happened with the late-filed 24-
Hour Reports; Mr. Spiller did submit a revised version, but it does not offer much more
regarding specifically why the reports were late.
Accurate and complete campaign finance reports are an integral part of Maine Campaign
Finance Law. Members of the public, candidates, and other interested parties should
always be able to see how candidates and committees have raised and spent their
campaign funds after a filing deadline. This is especially important in municipal elections
in which financial activity is concentrated in a short time period.
Report Deadline Financial
Mr. Spiller’s waiver request regarding missing filing the three 24-Hour Reports is,
unfortunately, lacking in clear explanations for why that occurred. It is the Commission
staff’s opinion that the work of Angela Holmes should have resulted in a definite
understanding of the filing requirements. Ms. Holmes went above and beyond what is
expected of the role of the City Clerk in explaining campaign finance requirements. In
the opinion of the Commission staff, she should be commended for the level of
information, communication and guidance she provided to municipal candidates in the
November 5, 2019 election.
The choice to run for public office is a voluntary one, and must be weighed against other
personal and employment responsibilities. The majority of candidates have many
responsibilities and difficulties placed upon them, and the expectations to comply to
Maine Campaign Finance Law are almost always met.
In the summer of 2018, the Commission staff announced its intent to use $300 as its
baseline penalty for late-filed reports by candidates, with the flexibility to increase or
decrease penalties based upon the specific circumstances of a late report.
In this case, the Commission staff views the preliminary penalty of $2,395.28 as
disproportionately high, compared to the harm to the public. We recommend a penalty of
$300 per report, for a total penalty of $900, because:
• the financial information was disclosed after the election took place;
• the candidate received all of the information necessary to understand how to
timely file;
• no clear explanations were given as to why the reports were filed late.
Thank you for your consideration of this memo.
Philip D. Spiller, Jr. Captain, Jetblue Airways CDR, US Navy (retired) 76 Sawyer Rd. Westbrook, ME 04092 November 22nd, 2019
Ms. Burke Candidate Registrar Maine Ethics Commission 135 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333
Dear Ms. Burke:
I am respectfully requesting a waiver for a late filing penalty fee for three 24-Hour reports during the recent November 5th, 2019 election as a candidate for the Mayor of the City of Westbrook. As per a letter dated November 12, 2019 from the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Westbrook, I am submitting this request prior to 5:00pm on Tuesday, November 26th 2019.
Being a first-time candidate for municipal office and one I had not really planned on, this was quite the experience. Looking back on the entire process and candidate requirements, there may perhaps be some shortcomings in the communications procedures – especially for first-time candidates. I am certainly willing to offer suggestions and potential improvements – at a minimum for our City of Westbrook communications - during a potential hearing to discuss penalty fees. As great a learning experience as the campaign was itself - now that the election is over and life is returning to normal, I certainly look forward to any final learning opportunities / helping future candidates.
I am respectfully asking for at least a reduced penalty from the $2,395.28 requested from the City of Westbrook. I do not believe it fair – nor right – to ask for a full waiver. These reasons include, but are not limited to, as follows:
1. I initially had assigned a Treasurer to my campaign due to the time commitments / attention I was advised being Treasurer would take. This was even more necessary in my case I believe – due to still working full time as an airline captain and battling a serious lung condition, but also due to an overly-active involvement in the Westbrook community including serving as Board VP of our Main Street America downtown revitalization group, Board President of Westbrook American Legion Post 62, a city-appointed Commissioner on the Westbrook Recreation and Conservation Commission, Westbrook’s representative on the Greater-Portland regional tourism Visit Portland Board of Directors, and helping numerous city-improvement projects including a downtown Main Street banner refresh project, a large dog / ramp park expansion project, and a large federal grant project working with the ME Bureau of Parks and Lands. Initially, my Domestic Partner of nearly 9 years had initially expressed interest in being my Treasurer, so I submitted her name. Unfortunately, when it became apparent that she would not only not support my candidacy - but that one of the other Mayoral candidates would have her full support instead - I removed her as my Treasurer. My suspicions were evidenced not only by her monetary contribution to another Mayoral campaign afterwards (reference donation by Susan McCarthy on 11-day Pre-Election report of candidate Michael T. Foley of Westbrook), but also quite actively discrediting my character and campaign on local social media and throughout the Westbrook community.
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Due to this breach of trust with my first-assigned Treasurer with another Mayoral candidate instead, I decided to act as my own Treasurer. Additionally, this breach of trust - combined with the questionable behavior of a fellow Mayoral candidate in accepting her support (in my opinion) - also took an emotional toll on myself and my campaign. I believe this was a distinct cause of my loss of attention to detail, especially in my reporting efforts
2. Looking back, my initial meeting with Westbrook City Clerk discussing the 2019 Municipal Candidate Guidebook I said I had just printed out - was perhaps a bit more abbreviated than it should have been. In addition to me not knowing what to grasp as important or what questions to ask – being a first-time candidate – there also seemed to be a belief I was not serious about my candidacy, and was not going to follow through with a campaign. This was even discussed in my initial meeting with our City Clerk, as she had also heard these rumors. I do not recall any discussion of penalties of late reporting occurring during this initial briefing – i.e 2% for a first infraction, 4% for the second, etc.
3. My first campaign finance report (and first I had ever filed) was submitted one working day late. The City Clerk became aware of my extreme diligence in ensuring that this initial 11-Day Pre-Election Report would not be any later than that one working day, as I declined to leave the City Hall offices until I had completed the report and filed it with her. I believe she understood that I took the campaign finance requirements very seriously at that point - and would work diligently to ensure any final reports would be in, on time.
4. After paying the first fine of the 11-Day Pre-Election filing report, there was one additional conversation I recall
having with our City Clerk – which essentially entailed her reminding me “to read my emails, as there was important information in them.” To which I responded that I was doing my best to keep my head above water on many fronts, while still working full-time keeping up with my extensive work requirements, health challenges, and community organizational work.
I believe at this point – or shortly thereafter however – Mrs. Holmes probably suspected I had perhaps already been late on one – or multiple – required 24-Hour Reports. The first subsequent phone call I received from her expressing “concern” that I had missed one – or multiple – 24-Hour Reports however, wasn’t until a couple days after the election. Understandably it was my responsibility - and not the City Clerk’s - to completely understand all reporting requirements – but as to the reasons I alluded to above (being a first-time candidate, working full-time, another Mayoral candidate questionably accepting my Domestic Partner’s assistance and thus removing her as my Treasurer, over-active involvement in multiple community organizations and improvement projects, and dealing with a severe lung disorder), with a little better initial guidance / follow-up from our municipality once it was obvious I had missed one or multiple 24-Hour report(s), I would have willingly and swiftly submitted those reports. Because finally, within hours of receiving that phone call from the City Clerk - and finally receiving more specific guidance on the 24-Hour reports - I had the reports quickly submitted.
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Thank you for your engaged attention in this matter – in my attempt to explain just a few of the reasons why I fell short in submitting the required 24-Hour Reports. To say I am beyond disappointed in my shortcoming in this matter is an understatement. Again, I look forward to a possible discussion in this matter – to perhaps mitigate another first-time candidate having similar challenges. And a possible reduction of the late-filing fee of $2,395.28. As a dedicated public servant for the Westbrook community and a Community Volunteer of the Year award recipient from my employer, this penalty amount seems both unfortunate on face value – but also discouraging to other potential candidates considering running for public office.
Philip D. Spiller, Jr. Captain, Jetblue Airways CDR, US Navy (retired)
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From: Angela Holmes To: Burke, Emma Subject: Spiller Communications Date: Monday, December 9, 2019 14:49:35 Attachments: Spiller Communications.pdf
EXTERNAL: This email originated from outside of the State of Maine Mail System. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi Emma, I went through my emails to check each time Spiller received notification of campaign filing requirements. The emails are attached, for reference, and an outline of the dates is included below:
August 27, 2019 – Registration and campaign finance regulations August 30, 2019 – Reminder to register and resending campaign finance filing September 13, 2019 – Overview of campaign finance reporting requirements; summary of reporting FAQs October 18, 2019 – Reminder of upcoming campaign finance deadline October 21, 2019 – This email actually doesn’t address campaign finance; it outlines other election regulations, but I’m including it because I had cited it in my late fine letters to Phil October 25, 2019 – Reminder of deadline for campaign finance October 28, 2019 – Notice to Spiller, 11-Day Report is late October 29, 2019 – Reminder on 24-hour reports; link to scanned copies of reports; letter to Spiller regarding late fines for late 11-Day report November 1, 2019 – Reminder of deadline for 11-Day Pre-Election Report amendments November 4, 2019 – Reminder on 24-hour reports; resending previous email November 7, 2019 – Email to Spiller, concern about potential need to file 24-hour reports
November 12, 2019 – Scanned copy of letter outlining 2nd late filing penalty
There are a number of additional communications with Phil, but these seemed to be most relevant. Angela Holmes, CCM/CMC City Clerk & Registrar of Voters City of Westbrook 2 York Street Westbrook, ME 04092 Phone: (207) 591-8115 Email: [email protected] NOTICE: In accordance with 1 M.R.S. § 402(3) of Maine's Freedom of Access Act, any record (including this email) in the possession or custody of a public official which has been received or prepared for use in connection with the transaction of public or governmental business or contains information relating to the transaction of public or governmental business may constitute a public record. There are very few exceptions. For more information, please visit www.maine.gov/foaa.
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([email protected]); "[email protected]"; Larry McWilliams; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "Adam Cowsert"; "Phil Brown"; "[email protected]"
Subject: Candidate Registration Date: Tuesday, August 27, 2019 4:38:00 PM Importance: High
Dear all, You have all been nominated as candidates to appear on the November 5, 2019 ballot. State law requires that each of you complete a Candidate Registration Form within 10 days of the nomination. I realize I’m sending this notice out late, so I ask that each of you please complete this form if you have not done so already and return it to my office by 5pm on Friday 8/30. For your convenience, you may scan/email the form by the deadline, and mail or drop off the original by the following week. In addition, please note that if you intend to raise/expend funds on your campaign (including your own personal funds), you will be required to complete a Campaign Finance Report. Please review the information listed here. The most important documents to review are as follows:
Filing Schedule Campaign Finance Report Form 2019 Municipal Candidate’s Guidebook
Please let me know if you have any questions, or if you wish to meet in person to review these requirements. In addition, for those already serving on City Council or the School Committee, please note that you will need to designate another email address for campaign use. Angela Holmes, CMC City Clerk & Registrar of Voters City of Westbrook 2 York Street Westbrook, ME 04092 Phone: (207) 591-8115 Email: [email protected] NOTICE: In accordance with 1 M.R.S. § 402(3) of Maine's Freedom of Access Act, any record (including this email) in the possession or custody of a public official which has been received or prepared for use in connection with the transaction of public or governmental business or contains information relating to the transaction of public or governmental business may constitute a public record. There are very few exceptions. For more information, please visit www.maine.gov/foaa.
Included below is an outline of the basics of campaign finance reporting requirements for City of Westbrook candidates. Please consult the “Municipal Candidates Guidebook” for additional information.
OVERVIEW Why do we have to submit campaign finance reports?
• Maine State Law dictates that municipal candidates in municipalities with populations of ≥ 15,000 are subject to the same campaign finance reporting requirements as candidates for state and county office, with the municipal clerk acting in place of the Maine Ethics Commission
• There are two parts to this process – registering as a candidate, and filing campaign finance reports
Can I file my paperwork electronically?
• You may scan/email your registration form and campaign finance reports to the Clerk, so long as the originals are received within 5 calendar days of the filing deadline
Who can look at my reports?
• Your registration and campaign finance reports are public documents and can be inspected by any member of the public, including other candidates and the media. The City may choose to make copies of reports available online for ease of access.
PART 1 – CANDIDATE REGISTRATION Who must register as a candidate?
• If you raise funds for your campaign (including accepting donations) • If you expend funds on your campaign (including your own funds) • If you file nomination papers to appear on the ballot • If you are nominated by caucus to appear on the ballot • If you file as a write-in candidate • EVERY candidate must register, even if you do not intend to raise/expend funds on your
When do I need to register?
• Before you accept contributions for your campaign • Before you make any expenditures on your campaign • Within 10 days of being nominated to appear on the ballot (whether by filing papers or by
caucus nomination)
How do I register?
• Complete the Registration form • Nominate a Treasurer (you can be your own Treasurer) • If there are any changes, notify the Clerk within 10 days
What if I don’t want to raise or expend funds on my campaign?
• If you are not raising/expending funds on your campaign (including your own funds), you still need to register. However, you do NOT need to file Campaign Finance Reports.
• Select the “exempt” option on the registration form. No need to file any other paperwork. • You may change your mind at any point – file an updated registration form to remove your
exempt status
What do I have to do once I’m registered?
• Open a separate bank account to use exclusively for campaign finance activities • Keep record of all financial activities (receipts, etc.) for 2 years • Complete the Campaign Finance Report forms listing all contributions and expenditures made
for your campaign
What Campaign Finance Reports do I have to file?
• Every who is not exempt (whether you win or lose) must file: o 11-Day Pre-Election Report, due on 10/25 (covers beginning of campaign – 10/22) o 42-Day Post-Election Report, due on 12/17 (covers 10/23 – 12/10)
• You may also need to file:
o 24-Hour Reports, if you have any single contribution/expenditure ≥ $1,000 (due 10/23 – 11/4, within 24 hours of the contribution/expenditure)
o Pre-Election Semiannual Report, if you raise/spend over $500 in the calendar year before the election
o Post-Election Semiannual Report, if you carry a balance of more than $100 as of the 42- Day Post-Election Report (due every 6 months until the balance is $100 or less)
What if I want to spend my own money on my campaign?
• Personal funds may be used on a campaign, but must be reported in the Campaign Finance Report
• Decide what type of contribution you are making to your campaign: o A cash contribution describes money that is donated to the campaign without the intent
of being repaid o A loan occurs when you “front” money to the campaign, with the intent of being repaid
later on
o An in-kind contribution is a good or service provided to the campaign at no cost or at a discounted cost; this includes payments/purchases made on behalf of the campaign (i.e. a neighbor buys your lawn signs for you)
o Note that a loan can be “forgiven” at a later date if the intent to be repaid changes – if the donor (the candidate or otherwise) decides not to ask for repayment, the forgiven loan then becomes a cash contribution, and must be reported as such
Are there any limits on contributions?
• “Anonymous” contributions are limited to $10 or less • Contributions from the candidate or candidate’s spouse/domestic partner have no limit • Contributions from everyone else are capped at $850 (cumulatively per contributor) • Contributions may only be made by U.S. citizens and people with valid green cards
What contribution information do I need to track?
• Contributions under $10 can be made anonymously • Contributions of $10 to $50 name, address, amount and date • Contributions over $50 name, address, amount, date, occupation and employer • Non-cash contributions check the handbook for detailed info on how to report
goods/services/in-kind contributions
What expenditure information do I need to track?
• All expenditures, regardless of amount amount, vendor name, date, purpose, and relationship (if the vendor is an immediate family member)
• Expenditures over $50 all of the above, plus the receipt/invoice
What do I need to do after the election is over?
• If you are done raising/expending funds on your campaign, and you do not intend to keep your campaign account active, you may “close out” your campaign activities by disposing of surplus cash over $100 (any balance over this amount will require the filing of semiannual campaign finance reports). Check the Municipal Candidate Guidebook for allowable methods of disposing of surplus cash.
• If your campaign account balance as reported in the 42-Day Post-Election Campaign Finance Report shows $100 or less, your campaign reporting is finished.
From: Angela Holmes Bcc: Phil Spiller; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]" Subject: FW: Candidate Registration Date: Friday, August 30, 2019 9:45:00 AM Importance: High
Dear all, As a reminder, please file your candidate registration form by 5pm today. Angela Holmes, CMC City Clerk & Registrar of Voters NOTICE: In accordance with 1 M.R.S. § 402(3) of Maine's Freedom of Access Act, any record (including this email) in the possession or custody of a public official which has been received or prepared for use in connection with the transaction of public or governmental business or contains information relating to the transaction of public or governmental business may constitute a public record. There are very few exceptions. For more information, please visit www.maine.gov/foaa.
From: Angela Holmes Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2019 4:39 PM Subject: Candidate Registration Importance: High Dear all, You have all been nominated as candidates to appear on the November 5, 2019 ballot. State law requires that each of you complete a Candidate Registration Form within 10 days of the nomination. I realize I’m sending this notice out late, so I ask that each of you please complete this form if you have not done so already and return it to my office by 5pm on Friday 8/30. For your convenience, you may scan/email the form by the deadline, and mail or drop off the original by the following week. In addition, please note that if you intend to raise/expend funds on your campaign (including your own personal funds), you will be required to complete a Campaign Finance Report. Please review the information listed here. The most important documents to review are as follows:
Filing Schedule Campaign Finance Report Form 2019 Municipal Candidate’s Guidebook
Please let me know if you have any questions, or if you wish to meet in person to review these requirements. In addition, for those already serving on City Council or the School Committee, please note that you will need to designate another email address for campaign use. Angela Holmes, CMC City Clerk & Registrar of Voters
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Guy Cote; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: Candidate Communications Date: Friday, September 13, 2019 2:05:00 PM Attachments: FY 20, Clerk & Elections.pdf
Campaign Finance Overview - 2019.08.28.docx Campaign Signage Overview - 2019.08.28.docx signguidance.pdf
Dear Candidates, This is the first of several emails you will receive between now and the election. I intend to send regular updates addressing FAQs, issues, reminders, etc. If you have a designated Treasurer or candidate committee, those individuals will be included on the mailings as well.
Campaign Finance Overview. Please review the attached “Campaign Finance Overview.” This is a summary of basic campaign finance regulations. Click here for the full Municipal Candidates Guidebook and links to campaign finance reporting.
Campaign Signage Overview. Please review the attached “Campaign Signage Overview.” This is a summary of basic campaign signage regulations. Please note that the law regulating
campaign signs is set to change on September 19th, giving enforcement authority to municipalities and expanding the prohibited areas of sign placement. As this change goes into effect mid-election season, the City has determined to maintain status quo regarding sign enforcement for this election. However, please note that policy changes on temporary signage will likely take place in the future. Click here to view the updates to State law.
Consolidated Polling Location. City Council and the Secretary of State approved the consolidation of all polling locations. Please help get the word out – all voters will now go to the Community Center Gym (426 Bridge Street) to vote.
Absentee Ballots. Voters may request an absentee ballot at any time by calling 591-8116, going online here, or by stopping by City Hall to fill out a request form. Please spread the word. Ballots arrive from the printer about 30 days prior to an election, at which point we’ll start mailing them out to all who have submitted requests.
Soliciting City Employees. I have been notified that several City employees who are Westbrook residents have been approached by one or more candidates asking for their support and/or to place a lawn sign in their yard. We ask all candidates to refrain from soliciting support from employees as this could be construed as quid pro quo. Employees are free to reach out to candidates in their personal time, if desired (not during work hours or using city resources).
Voter Stats. A candidate stopped by today, and asked what our party split is here in
TOTAL 13,844
Voter Statistics
Democrat 40%
Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5
Voter Totals by Ward
Department Organization
Operations Overview
FY 2019 Accomplishments
Ongoing Projects & Initiatives
Slide Number 6
Slide Number 7
Slide Number 8
Ongoing Projects & Initiatives
Slide Number 10
Slide Number 11
FY 2020 Summary
Included below is an outline of the basics of campaign finance reporting requirements for City of Westbrook candidates. Please consult the “Municipal Candidates Guidebook” for additional information.
Why do we have to submit campaign finance reports?
· Maine State Law dictates that municipal candidates in municipalities with populations of ≥ 15,000 are subject to the same campaign finance reporting requirements as candidates for state and county office, with the municipal clerk acting in place of the Maine Ethics Commission
· There are two parts to this process – registering as a candidate, and filing campaign finance reports
Can I file my paperwork electronically?
· You may scan/email your registration form and campaign finance reports to the Clerk, so long as the originals are received within 5 calendar days of the filing deadline
Who can look at my reports?
· Your registration and campaign finance reports are public documents and can be inspected by any member of the public, including other candidates and the media. The City may choose to make copies of reports available online for ease of access.
· If you raise funds for your campaign (including accepting donations)
· If you expend funds on your campaign (including your own funds)
· If you file nomination papers to appear on the ballot
· If you are nominated by caucus to appear on the ballot
· If you file as a write-in candidate
· EVERY candidate must register, even if you do not intend to raise/expend funds on your campaign
When do I need to register?
· Before you accept contributions for your campaign
· Before you make any expenditures on your campaign
· Within 10 days of being nominated to appear on the ballot (whether by filing papers or by caucus nomination)
How do I register?
· Complete the Registration form
· Nominate a Treasurer (you can be your own Treasurer)
· If there are any changes, notify the Clerk within 10 days
What if I don’t want to raise or expend funds on my campaign?
· If you are not raising/expending funds on your campaign (including your own funds), you still need to register. However, you do NOT need to file Campaign Finance Reports.
· Select the “exempt” option on the registration form. No need to file any other paperwork.
· You may change your mind at any point – file an updated registration form to remove your exempt status
What do I have to do once I’m registered?
· Open a separate bank account to use exclusively for campaign finance activities
· Keep record of all financial activities (receipts, etc.) for 2 years
· Complete the Campaign Finance Report forms listing all contributions and expenditures made for your campaign
What Campaign Finance Reports do I have to file?
· Every who is not exempt (whether you win or lose) must file:
· 11-Day Pre-Election Report, due on 10/25 (covers beginning of campaign – 10/22)
· 42-Day Post-Election Report, due on 12/17 (covers 10/23 – 12/10)
· You may also need to file:
· 24-Hour Reports, if you have any single contribution/expenditure ≥ $1,000 (due 10/23 – 11/4, within 24 hours of the contribution/expenditure)
· Pre-Election Semiannual Report, if you raise/spend over $500 in the calendar year before the election
· Post-Election Semiannual Report, if you carry a balance of more than $100 as of the 42-Day Post-Election Report (due every 6 months until the balance is $100 or less)
What if I want to spend my own money on my campaign?
· Personal funds may be used on a campaign, but must be reported in the Campaign Finance Report
· Decide what type of contribution you are making to your campaign:
· A cash contribution describes money that is donated to the campaign without the intent of being repaid
· A loan occurs when you “front” money to the campaign, with the intent of being repaid later on
· An in-kind contribution is a good or service provided to the campaign at no cost or at a discounted cost; this includes payments/purchases made on behalf of the campaign (i.e. a neighbor buys your lawn signs for you)
· Note that a loan can be “forgiven” at a later date if the intent to be repaid changes – if the donor (the candidate or otherwise) decides not to ask for repayment, the forgiven loan then becomes a cash contribution, and must be reported as such
Are there any limits on contributions?
· “Anonymous” contributions are limited to $10 or less
· Contributions from the candidate or candidate’s spouse/domestic partner have no limit
· Contributions from everyone else are capped at $850 (cumulatively per contributor)
· Contributions may only be made by U.S. citizens and people with valid green cards
What contribution information do I need to track?
· Contributions under $10 can be made anonymously
· Contributions of $10 to $50 name, address, amount and date
· Contributions over $50 name, address, amount, date, occupation and employer
· Non-cash contributions check the handbook for detailed info on how to report goods/services/in-kind contributions
What expenditure information do I need to track?
· All expenditures, regardless of amount amount, vendor name, date, purpose, and relationship (if the vendor is an immediate family member)
· Expenditures over $50 all of the above, plus the receipt/invoice
What do I need to do after the election is over?
· If you are done raising/expending funds on your campaign, and you do not intend to keep your campaign account active, you may “close out” your campaign activities by disposing of surplus cash over $100 (any balance over this amount will require the filing of semiannual campaign finance reports). Check the Municipal Candidate Guidebook for allowable methods of disposing of surplus cash.
· If your campaign account balance as reported in the 42-Day Post-Election Campaign Finance Report shows $100 or less, your campaign reporting is finished.
Included below is an outline of the basics of campaign signage regulations for City of Westbrook candidates. Please consult the “Municipal Candidates Guidebook”, 23 MRSA § 1913-A(1)(L), and Maine State DOT regulations for additional information.
A new public law goes into effect on September 19th that gives expanded enforcement authority to municipalities and expands the restricted areas for signage. As a policy decision, the City will continue to enforce signage regulations as we have done in the past for the November 2019 election. The new regulations will go into effect in future elections.
There are two sets of regulations that govern political signage (also called “temporary signage”) – campaign finance rules dictate transparency on who authorized and paid for the sign, and State transportation rules dictate when and where signs may be placed in the public right-of-way (ROW).
When can I put out my signs?
· As of 2017, temporary signs such as campaign signs may be placed in the public ROW for a max of 12 weeks during the calendar year.
· There are no restrictions on when campaign signs may be placed on private property.
Where can I place my signs?
· Signs may be located on private property with the property owner’s approval.
· Signs may be located in the public ROW subject to the following restrictions:
· Individual signs bearing substantially the same message must be placed at least 30’ from one another
· Signs may not be placed:
· On public property location within 250’ of any polling place on Election Day
· By painting/drawing on rocks or natural features
· On traffic control signs or devices
· On public utility poles or fixtures
· On rotary traffic islands
· On a median less than 6’ wide
· In any control-of-access area
· Signs cannot be placed in any location where they will limit the sightline of vehicular traffic.
How big can my sign be?
· Signs may not exceed 4’ x 8’ in size.
What information needs to be listed on my signage?
· To meet campaign finance requirements, all communications (such as palm cards or lawn signs, with some exceptions) need to disclose (1) who paid for the item, and (2) whether the candidate authorized the communication.
· Sample disclosure statement for communication purchased by candidate: “Paid for and authorized by the Candidate”
· Sample disclosure statement for communication purchased by candidate’s agent (i.e. someone associated with the campaign whose information is on file with the City Clerk): “Authorized by the Candidate and Paid for by Robert Clark, Treasurer”
· Sample disclosure statement for communication purchased by the Candidate’s committee: “Authorized by the Candidate and paid for by the Committee to Elect Jill Smith”
· Sample disclosure statement for communication purchased by a third party (address must be listed): “Authorized by the Candidate Jill Smith and Paid for by Sam White, 5 Oak Street, Westbrook, ME 04092”
· Communications that are exempt from the disclosure statement are as follows:
· Hand-lettered (i.e. homemade) signage
· Small items, like pencils, where a disclosure statement couldn’t reasonably fit
· Email ads
· Items costing less than $100 which are prepared/purchased by individuals who are not required to register with the City Clerk and who act independently of and without the authorization of the candidate. See the Candidate Guidebook for more information.
· To meet State transportation requirements, signs placed on public ROW must also contain:
· Name and address of the individual/organization that erected the sign; and
· The date the sign was placed in the public ROW.
An easy way to meet this requirement is to print waterproof labels to stick on each sign.
How do I submit a complaint about a political sign?
· Contact the City Clerk to submit a complaint about a sign.
Will the City remove signs?
· The City may remove any sign on the public ROW in the interest of public safety, without notice. Signs will be available at the Westbrook Public Services facilities (371 Saco Street) for pick up.
Westbrook. I’ve included the attached document for reference, which was presented to City Council during the FY 20 budget hearings.
Mayoral Debate. I believe that David Ennis, a teacher at Westbrook High School, will be reaching out to mayoral candidates to coordinate a date/time for a mayoral debate, organized by WHS students. Stay tuned. To my knowledge there are no other debates or candidate nights planned by any local civic organization.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you! Angela Holmes, CMC City Clerk & Registrar of Voters City of Westbrook 2 York Street Westbrook, ME 04092 Phone: (207) 591-8115 Email: [email protected] NOTICE: In accordance with 1 M.R.S. § 402(3) of Maine's Freedom of Access Act, any record (including this email) in the possession or custody of a public official which has been received or prepared for use in connection with the transaction of public or governmental business or contains information relating to the transaction of public or governmental business may constitute a public record. There are very few exceptions. For more information, please visit www.maine.gov/foaa.
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Guy Cote
Subject: Candidate Updates Date: Friday, October 18, 2019 10:10:00 AM
Dear Candidates/Treasurers, Please review the following information:
Contacting the City re: Political Signs. Please contact me directly if you have a question or complaint about political signs. Other departments have been fielding calls, and have asked that this reminder be sent around. The one exception is if you need to report a stolen sign – to file a Theft Report, you can contact the Police Dispatch at 207-854-0644.
Placement of Political Signs. A reminder to make sure that all signs bearing substantially the same message must be placed at least 30’ apart.
Campaign Finance Reports. If you are subject to Campaign Finance Reporting, please note that the 11-Day Pre-Election Report is due by 5pm on Friday 10/25. You may send me a scanned/emailed copy so long as the original is received by the following week. Click here to access the report form, and click here for the Ethics Commission website containing additional information, such as the Candidate Guidebook. Please consult the Guidebook if you are unsure how to list a contribution or expenditure.
Debates/Forums. I have been sharing Facebook posts of any debate or forum that I’m made aware of through the City’s Facebook page. If you hear of any forum that the City can assist in promoting, please let me know. The City does not organize debates or forums, but we are happy to assist in advertising these events.
Absentee Ballots. For general information, we have issued 383 absentee ballots to-date, and 178 have been returned.
As always, please feel free to call or text if you have any questions. My cell is 671-0605. Angela Holmes, CCM/CMC City Clerk & Registrar of Voters City of Westbrook 2 York Street Westbrook, ME 04092 Phone: (207) 591-8115 Email: [email protected]
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Guy Cote; Ashley Rand; Melanie Fernald; Jerre Bryant; Stephen Fields
Subject: RE: Election Day Activities Date: Monday, October 21, 2019 2:30:00 PM
Dear all, I wanted to clarify the regulations pertaining to advertising at City Hall during absentee voting. 21-A MRSA § 753-B(8) states that “For the 45 days preceding an election, during the hours when the clerk's office is open and may be conducting absentee voting, the display or distribution of any advertising material intended to influence a voter's decision regarding a candidate or question on the ballot for that election is prohibited within the clerk's office and on public property within 250 feet of the entrance to the building in which the clerk's office is located.” There are two exceptions – if the person with the advertising material is voting absentee at City Hall, or is at City Hall to conduct municipal business. We interpret this last portion to mean short, transactional municipal business – e.g. the 10 minutes it takes to register your vehicle, and not meetings or conferences. If you are at City Hall for anything other than a short transaction, the expectation is that no advertising materials will be displayed on your person or on your vehicle. Thank you in advance for your assistance in ensuring that Westbrook voters have a fair and influence-free voting experience when absentee voting at City Hall. Please contact me directly if you have any questions about this. Angela Holmes, CCM/CMC City Clerk & Registrar of Voters NOTICE: In accordance with 1 M.R.S. § 402(3) of Maine's Freedom of Access Act, any record (including this email) in the possession or custody of a public official which has been received or prepared for use in connection with the transaction of public or governmental business or contains information relating to the transaction of public or governmental business may constitute a public record. There are very few exceptions. For more information, please visit www.maine.gov/foaa.
From: Angela Holmes Sent: Friday, October 18, 2019 11:23 AM Subject: Election Day Activities Dear Candidates, Please review the below information on Election Day activities. In accordance with 21-A MRSA § 682.2, a person may not influence or attempt to influence another person’s decision regarding a candidate or question that is on the current ballot in the voting place itself or within 250’ of the entrance to the voting place on public property.
No Advertising within 250’ on Public Property. This map has already been distributed, but
I’m including it again for reference. No political advertising is allowed on public property within 250’ of the entrance to any polling location. This rule is currently in effect at City Hall, as we are conducting absentee voting right now, and will be in effect on Election Day over at the Community Center. This includes not only the standard political lawn signs, but it also includes buttons, bumper stickers, signs on vehicles, clothing, hats, name tags, and other advertising items. The exceptions to this rule are as follows:
Advertising is permitted on vehicles traveling to/from the voting place is the vehicle is parked at the polls while the driver or passengers of the vehicle are voting. A person at the polling location for reasons other than voting (e.g. candidate, election worker, pollwatcher) may not park a vehicle bearing political advertising on public property within 250’ of the polls.
Persons in the voting place solely for the purpose of voting may wear campaign buttons (dimensions may not exceed 3”). No one else may wear campaign buttons of any size. The same restrictions apply to badges or nametags containing a candidate’s name or promoting a question on the ballot.
Verbal Communications with Voters. Candidates are allowed to be at the polling location in the designated areas (read more below), and are allowed to verbally communicate with voters as long as they do not attempt to influence the voters. Candidates may shake hands and say their name, but may not state the name of the office they are seeking or ask for a person’s vote. A surrogate for the candidate may also greet voters, but may not say they support the candidate or ask for a vote on behalf of the candidate.
Designated Candidate Areas. Candidates may stand anywhere outside of the Community Center, including outside any entrance. Due to the consolidation of polling locations and increased foot traffic, we will restrict where candidates can stand inside the Community Center while voting takes place (7am – 8pm). Please refer to the attached map (all prohibited areas marked in green). The exception to this prohibition is any candidate who needs to enter the gym or pool atrium hallway to either update voter registration or to vote. A map of the internal layout of the gym and hallway where voter registration will take place is also attached for reference. After the polls close at 8pm, candidates are welcome to stand in the gym outside the guardrail area to observe the closing process and to be present for preliminary results.
Please be sure to share this information with anyone who may be present at the polls on your behalf. Angela Holmes, CCM/CMC City Clerk & Registrar of Voters City of Westbrook 2 York Street Westbrook, ME 04092 Phone: (207) 591-8115
Email: [email protected] NOTICE: In accordance with 1 M.R.S. § 402(3) of Maine's Freedom of Access Act, any record (including this email) in the possession or custody of a public official which has been received or prepared for use in connection with the transaction of public or governmental business or contains information relating to the transaction of public or governmental business may constitute a public record. There are very few exceptions. For more information, please visit www.maine.gov/foaa.
"[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; Guy Cote; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; Ashley Rand; Melanie Fernald
Subject: Candidate Communications Date: Friday, October 25, 2019 9:41:00 AM Importance: High
Dear Candidates/Treasurers,
Campaign Finance Reports Due. The 11-Day Pre-Election Campaign Finance Report is due today by 5pm. These reports must be filed by everyone, except those who signed the exemption certificate stating that they would not raise/expend funds (including personal funds) on their campaign. As noted in a previous email, you may submit a scanned/emailed copy of the report as long as the original is received by next week. Click here to access the report form, and click here for the Ethics Commission website containing additional information, such as the Candidate Guidebook. Please consult the Guidebook if you are unsure how to list a contribution or expenditure.
Election Results. I intend to release the unofficial election results from the Westbrook Community Center on election night. The results will be publicly posted and emailed.
Absentee Ballots. For general information, we have issued 635 absentee ballots to-date, and 400 have been returned.
City Hall Open Tomorrow. We will be open tomorrow from 9am-12pm for absentee voting. Here is a link to the Facebook event. I’d appreciate your assistance in getting the word out!
As always, please feel free to call or text if you have any questions. My cell is 671-0605. Angela Holmes, CCM/CMC City Clerk & Registrar of Voters City of Westbrook 2 York Street Westbrook, ME 04092 Phone: (207) 591-8115 Email: [email protected] NOTICE: In accordance with 1 M.R.S. § 402(3) of Maine's Freedom of Access Act, any record (including this email) in the possession or custody of a public official which has been received or prepared for use in connection with the transaction of public or governmental business or contains information relating to the transaction of public or governmental business may constitute a public record. There are very few exceptions. For more information, please visit www.maine.gov/foaa.
"[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "RR57"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; Ashley Rand; Melanie Fernald
Subject: Candidate Communications Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2019 9:06:00 AM
Dear Candidates, Please review the following:
Amendments. Several candidates must file amendments to their 11-Day Pre-Election Campaign Finance reports. These amendments are due no later than Friday.
24-Hour Reports. As outlined in the Guidebook, if you receive or expend $1,000 or more between 10/23 – 11/4, you must file a 24-hour report with this office within 24 hours of the receipt/expenditure. You may file this by email, provided that the original is received within 5 calendar days. Click here to view the 24-hour report forms.
Receipts/Invoices. As a reminder, I reserve the right to request any receipt, invoice, bank statement or other financial record.
Penalties for Late Filings. There are penalties for late filings, which will be assessed.
Reports Posted Online. All campaign finance reports will be posted online later today, as these are public documents.
Angela Holmes, CCM/CMC City Clerk & Registrar of Voters City of Westbrook 2 York Street Westbrook, ME 04092 Phone: (207) 591-8115 Email: [email protected] NOTICE: In accordance with 1 M.R.S. § 402(3) of Maine's Freedom of Access Act, any record (including this email) in the possession or custody of a public official which has been received or prepared for use in connection with the transaction of public or governmental business or contains information relating to the transaction of public or governmental business may constitute a public record. There are very few exceptions. For more information, please visit www.maine.gov/foaa.
"[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "RR57"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; Ashley Rand; Melanie Fernald
Subject: RE: Candidate Communications Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2019 10:12:00 AM
Dear all, Click here to view all campaign finance reports. Amended/corrected reports will be posted when received. Angela Holmes, CCM/CMC City Clerk & Registrar of Voters NOTICE: In accordance with 1 M.R.S. § 402(3) of Maine's Freedom of Access Act, any record (including this email) in the possession or custody of a public official which has been received or prepared for use in connection with the transaction of public or governmental business or contains information relating to the transaction of public or governmental business may constitute a public record. There are very few exceptions. For more information, please visit www.maine.gov/foaa.
From: Angela Holmes Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2019 9:07 AM Subject: Candidate Communications Dear Candidates, Please review the following:
Amendments. Several candidates must file amendments to their 11-Day Pre-Election Campaign Finance reports. These amendments are due no later than Friday.
24-Hour Reports. As outlined in the Guidebook, if you receive or expend $1,000 or more between 10/23 – 11/4, you must file a 24-hour report with this office within 24 hours of the receipt/expenditure. You may file this by email, provided that the original is received within 5 calendar days. Click here to view the 24-hour report forms.
Receipts/Invoices. As a reminder, I reserve the right to request any receipt, invoice, bank statement or other financial record.
Penalties for Late Filings. There are penalties for late filings, which will be assessed.
Reports Posted Online. All campaign finance reports will be posted online later today, as these are public documents.
Angela Holmes, CCM/CMC City Clerk & Registrar of Voters
From: Angela Holmes To: "[email protected]" Subject: Late Filing Penalty Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2019 1:25:00 PM Attachments: Late Filing, Spiller.pdf Importance: High
Hi Phil, As noted yesterday, you will be subject to a late filing penalty. Please see the attached letter. Angela Holmes, CCM/CMC City Clerk & Registrar of Voters City of Westbrook 2 York Street Westbrook, ME 04092 Phone: (207) 591-8115 Email: [email protected] NOTICE: In accordance with 1 M.R.S. § 402(3) of Maine's Freedom of Access Act, any record (including this email) in the possession or custody of a public official which has been received or prepared for use in connection with the transaction of public or governmental business or contains information relating to the transaction of public or governmental business may constitute a public record. There are very few exceptions. For more information, please visit www.maine.gov/foaa.
"[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "RR57"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; Ashley Rand; Melanie Fernald
Subject: Candidate Communication - Signage Date: Friday, November 1, 2019 9:10:00 AM Importance: High
Dear all, Please review the below:
Reporting sign theft. As noted in a previous email, the only appropriate method to report a stolen sign is to call Police Dispatch at 207-854-0644. Do not call any officer directly.
Signs on Main Street. The Police Department was made aware of a video of a person who appears to be mentally ill pulling signs along Main Street and throwing them in the street. If you see anyone pulling signs, please contact Police Dispatch immediately so that they can take action.
Amendments. If you were required to submit an amendment to your 11-Day Pre-Election Campaign Finance Report, the deadline to submit such amendment is today at 5pm.
Angela Holmes, CCM/CMC City Clerk & Registrar of Voters City of Westbrook 2 York Street Westbrook, ME 04092 Phone: (207) 591-8115 Email: [email protected] NOTICE: In accordance with 1 M.R.S. § 402(3) of Maine's Freedom of Access Act, any record (including this email) in the possession or custody of a public official which has been received or prepared for use in connection with the transaction of public or governmental business or contains information relating to the transaction of public or governmental business may constitute a public record. There are very few exceptions. For more information, please visit www.maine.gov/foaa.
"[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "RR57"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; Ashley Rand; Melanie Fernald
Subject: RE: Candidate Communications Date: Monday, November 4, 2019 7:28:00 PM
Dear Candidates, Another reminder on the 24-hour report filing (see below). Angela Holmes, CCM/CMC City Clerk & Registrar of Voters NOTICE: In accordance with 1 M.R.S. § 402(3) of Maine's Freedom of Access Act, any record (including this email) in the possession or custody of a public official which has been received or prepared for use in connection with the transaction of public or governmental business or contains information relating to the transaction of public or governmental business may constitute a public record. There are very few exceptions. For more information, please visit www.maine.gov/foaa.
From: Angela Holmes Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2019 9:07 AM Subject: Candidate Communications Dear Candidates, Please review the following:
Amendments. Several candidates must file amendments to their 11-Day Pre-Election Campaign Finance reports. These amendments are due no later than Friday.
24-Hour Reports. As outlined in the Guidebook, if you receive or expend $1,000 or more between 10/23 – 11/4, you must file a 24-hour report with this office within 24 hours of the receipt/expenditure. You may file this by email, provided that the original is received within 5 calendar days. Click here to view the 24-hour report forms.
Receipts/Invoices. As a reminder, I reserve the right to request any receipt, invoice, bank statement or other financial record.
Penalties for Late Filings. There are penalties for late filings, which will be assessed.
Reports Posted Online. All campaign finance reports will be posted online later today, as these are public documents.
Angela Holmes, CCM/CMC City Clerk & Registrar of Voters City of Westbrook
From: Angela Holmes To: Phil Spiller Subject: Late Filings Date: Thursday, November 7, 2019 2:30:00 PM Importance: High
Hi Phil, I’m concerned that you may have made expenditures or received contributions which would have required a 24-hour campaign finance report filing, and have not submitted the paperwork. Please reference my previous emails for additional information on these requirements. Late penalties are applicable to each date you are late with these filings. Please call me at your earliest convenience so we can discuss this. Angela Holmes, CCM/CMC City Clerk & Registrar of Voters City of Westbrook 2 York Street Westbrook, ME 04092 Phone: (207) 591-8115 Email: [email protected] NOTICE: In accordance with 1 M.R.S. § 402(3) of Maine's Freedom of Access Act, any record (including this email) in the possession or custody of a public official which has been received or prepared for use in connection with the transaction of public or governmental business or contains information relating to the transaction of public or governmental business may constitute a public record. There are very few exceptions. For more information, please visit www.maine.gov/foaa.
From: Angela Holmes To: Phil Spiller Subject: Penalties for Second Late Filing Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2019 10:07:00 AM Attachments: Second Late Filing, Spiller.signed.pdf Importance: High
Hi Phil, Please review the attached letter outlining the penalties for your second late filing. A certified letter will be mailed to your home address today. Angela Holmes, CCM/CMC City Clerk & Registrar of Voters City of Westbrook 2 York Street Westbrook, ME 04092 Phone: (207) 591-8115 Email: [email protected] NOTICE: In accordance with 1 M.R.S. § 402(3) of Maine's Freedom of Access Act, any record (including this email) in the possession or custody of a public official which has been received or prepared for use in connection with the transaction of public or governmental business or contains information relating to the transaction of public or governmental business may constitute a public record. There are very few exceptions. For more information, please visit www.maine.gov/foaa.
Candidate Communications - 2019.11.01
Candidate Communications - 2019.11.04
Second Late Filing Letter
From: Angela Holmes Bcc: "[email protected]"; Phil Spiller; "[email protected]"; "claude rwaganje"; Deb Shangraw
([email protected]); "[email protected]"; Larry McWilliams; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "Adam Cowsert"; "Phil Brown"; "[email protected]"
Subject: Candidate Registration Date: Tuesday, August 27, 2019 4:38:00 PM Importance: High
Dear all, You have all been nominated as candidates to appear on the November 5, 2019 ballot. State law requires that each of you complete a Candidate Registration Form within 10 days of the nomination. I realize I’m sending this notice out late, so I ask that each of you please complete this form if you have not done so already and return it to my office by 5pm on Friday 8/30. For your convenience, you may scan/email the form by the deadline, and mail or drop off the original by the following week.
In addition, please note that if you intend to raise/expend funds on your campaign (including your own personal funds), you will be required to complete a Campaign Finance Report. Please review the information listed here. The most important documents to review are as follows:
Filing Schedule Campaign Finance Report Form 2019 Municipal Candidate’s Guidebook
Please let me know if you have any questions, or if you wish to meet in person to review these requirements.
In addition, for those already serving on City Council or the School Committee, please note that you will need to designate another email address for campaign use.
Angela Holmes, CMC City Clerk & Registrar of Voters City of Westbrook 2 York Street Westbrook, ME 04092 Phone: (207) 591-8115 Email: [email protected]
NOTICE: In accordance with 1 M.R.S. § 402(3) of Maine's Freedom of Access Act, any record (including this email) in the possession or custody of a public official which has been received or prepared for use in connection with the transaction of public or governmental business or contains information relating to the transaction of public or governmental business may constitute a public record. There are very few exceptions. For more information, please visit www.maine.gov/foaa.
ETH - 10
Included below is an outline of the basics of campaign finance reporting requirements for City of Westbrook candidates. Please consult the “Municipal Candidates Guidebook” for additional information.
OVERVIEW Why do we have to submit campaign finance reports?
• Maine State Law dictates that municipal candidates in municipalities with populations of ≥ 15,000 are subject to the same campaign finance reporting requirements as candidates for state and county office, with the municipal clerk acting in place of the Maine Ethics Commission
• There are two parts to this process – registering as a candidate, and filing campaign finance reports
Can I file my paperwork electronically?
• You may scan/email your registration form and campaign finance reports to the Clerk, so long as the originals are received within 5 calendar days of the filing deadline
Who can look at my reports?
• Your registration and campaign finance reports are public documents and can be inspected by any member of the public, including other candidates and the media. The City may choose to make copies of reports available online for ease of access.
PART 1 – CANDIDATE REGISTRATION Who must register as a candidate?
• If you raise funds for your campaign (including accepting donations) • If you expend funds on your campaign (including your own funds) • If you file nomination papers to appear on the ballot • If you are nominated by caucus to appear on the ballot • If you file as a write-in candidate • EVERY candidate must register, even if you do not intend to raise/expend funds on your
When do I need to register?
• Before you accept contributions for your campaign • Before you make any expenditures on your campaign • Within 10 days of being nominated to appear on the ballot (whether by filing papers or by
caucus nomination)
ETH - 11
How do I register?
• Complete the Registration form • Nominate a Treasurer (you can be your own Treasurer) • If there are any changes, notify the Clerk within 10 days
What if I don’t want to raise or expend funds on my campaign?
• If you are not raising/expending funds on your campaign (including your own funds), you still need to register. However, you do NOT need to file Campaign Finance Reports.
• Select the “exempt” option on the registration form. No need to file any other paperwork. • You may change your mind at any point – file an updated registration form to remove your
exempt status
What do I have to do once I’m registered?
• Open a separate bank account to use exclusively for campaign finance activities • Keep record of all financial activities (receipts, etc.) for 2 years • Complete the Campaign Finance Report forms listing all contributions and expenditures made
for your campaign
What Campaign Finance Reports do I have to file?
• Every who is not exempt (whether you win or lose) must file: o 11-Day Pre-Election Report, due on 10/25 (covers beginning of campaign – 10/22) o 42-Day Post-Election Report, due on 12/17 (covers 10/23 – 12/10)
• You may also need to file:
o 24-Hour Reports, if you have any single contribution/expenditure ≥ $1,000 (due 10/23 – 11/4, within 24 hours of the contribution/expenditure)
o Pre-Election Semiannual Report, if you raise/spend over $500 in the calendar year before the election
o Post-Election Semiannual Report, if you carry a balance of more than $100 as of the 42- Day Post-Election Report (due every 6 months until the balance is $100 or less)
What if I want to spend my own money on my campaign?
• Personal funds may be used on a campaign, but must be reported in the Campaign Finance Report
• Decide what type of contribution you are making to your campaign: o A cash contribution describes money that is donated to the campaign without the intent
of being repaid o A loan occurs when you “front” money to the campaign, with the intent of being repaid
later on
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o An in-kind contribution is a good or service provided to the campaign at no cost or at a discounted cost; this includes payments/purchases made on behalf of the campaign (i.e. a neighbor buys your lawn signs for you)
o Note that a loan can be “forgiven” at a later date if the intent to be repaid changes – if the donor (the candidate or otherwise) decides not to ask for repayment, the forgiven loan then becomes a cash contribution, and must be reported as such
Are there any limits on contributions?
• “Anonymous” contributions are limited to $10 or less • Contributions from the candidate or candidate’s spouse/domestic partner have no limit • Contributions from everyone else are capped at $850 (cumulatively per contributor) • Contributions may only be made by U.S. citizens and people with valid green cards
What contribution information do I need to track?
• Contributions under $10 can be made anonymously • Contributions of $10 to $50 name, address, amount and date • Contributions over $50 name, address, amount, date, occupation and employer • Non-cash contributions check the handbook for detailed info on how to report
goods/services/in-kind contributions
What expenditure information do I need to track?
• All expenditures, regardless of amount amount, vendor name, date, purpose, and relationship (if the vendor is an immediate family member)
• Expenditures over $50 all of the above, plus the receipt/invoice
What do I need to do after the election is over?
• If you are done raising/expending funds on your campaign, and you do not intend to keep your campaign account active, you may “close out” your campaign activities by disposing of surplus cash over $100 (any balance over this amount will require the filing of semiannual campaign finance reports). Check the Municipal Candidate Guidebook for allowable methods of disposing of surplus cash.
• If your campaign account balance as reported in the 42-Day Post-Election Campaign Finance Report shows $100 or less, your campaign reporting is finished.
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11-Day Pre-Election October 25, 2019 Beginning of campaign – October 22, 2019
42-Day Post-Election December 17, 2019 October 23, 2019 – December 10, 2019
Pre-Election Semiannual Reports
Any candidate who raises or spends more than $500 in the calendar year preceding the year of the election or prior to July 1st of the election year must file pre-election semiannual reports. Please check with the Clerk’s Office to determine if and when semiannual reports are required.
Post-Election Semiannual Reports
Any candidate reporting a cash balance, outstanding loan balance, and/or unpaid debt/obligation of more than $100 on the 42-Day Post-Election Report is required to file Post-Election Semiannual Reports every six months until the cash, loan and/or debt balances are $100 or less. Once these balances are $100 or less, the campaign is considered “closed out” and no additional reports are required. Please check with the Clerk’s Office to obtain semiannual report forms, the filing schedule, and information on how to close out your campaign.
October 23, 2019
November 4, 2019
Any single contribution of $1,000 or more. Under Maine Election Law, loans are considered contributions. Any single expenditure of $1,000 or more. Orders placed with or obligations made to vendors for goods or services are considered expenditures at the time an order is placed or obligation are made.
Within 24 hours, including Saturdays and Sundays, of receiving the contribution or making the expenditure, incurring the obligation, or placing the order.
Filing Campaign Finance Reports on Paper. Each original campaign finance report signed by the candidate and/or treasurer must be properly filed with the Clerk’s Office by the filing deadline, except in two circumstances. A properly signed report may be faxed to the Clerk’s Office at the number above by the close of business on the deadline, provided that the Clerk’s Office receives the original report within five calendar days. A report mailed to the Clerk’s Office by certified or registered mail and postmarked at least 2 days before the filing deadline will not be considered late, even if it is received after the deadline.
Staff in the Clerk’s Office will be available until the close of business on the filing deadlines to offer assistance to candidates and treasurers.
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From: Angela Holmes Bcc: Phil Spiller; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]"; "[email protected]" Subject: FW: Candidate Registration Date: Friday, August 30, 2019 9:45:00 AM Importance: High
Dear all, As a reminder, please file your candidate registration form by 5pm today. Angela Holmes, CMC City Clerk & Registrar of Voters NOTICE: In accordance with 1 M.R.S. § 402(3) of Maine's Freedom of Access Act, any record (including this email) in the possession or custody of a public official which has been received or prepared for use in connection with the transaction of public or governmental business or contains information relating to the transaction of public or governmental business may constitute a public record. There are very few exceptions. For more information, please visit www.maine.gov/foaa.
From: Angela Holmes Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2019 4:39 PM Subject: Candidate Registration Importance: High Dear all, You have all been nominated as candidates to appear on the November 5, 2019 ballot. State law requires that each of you complete a Candidate Registration Form within 10 days of the nomination. I realize I’m sending this notice out late, so I ask that each of you please complete this form if you have not done so already and return it to my office by 5pm on Friday 8/30. For your convenience, you may scan/email the form by the deadline, and mail or drop off the original by the following week. In addition, please note that if you intend to raise/expend funds on your campaign (including your own personal funds), you will be required to complete a Campaign Finance Report. Please review the information listed here. The most important documents to review are as follows:
Filing Schedule Campaign Finance Report Form 2019 Municipal Candidate’s Guidebook
Please let me know if you have any questions, or if you wish to meet in person to review these requirements. In addition, for those already serving on City Council or the School Committee, please note that you will need to designate another email address for campaign use. Angela Holmes, CMC City Clerk & Registrar of Voters
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[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Guy Cote; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: Candidate Communications Date: Friday, September 13, 2019 2:05:00 PM Attachments: FY 20, Clerk & Elections.pdf
Campaign Finance Overview - 2019.08.28.docx Campaign Signage Overview - 2019.08.28.docx signguidance.pdf
Dear Candidates, This is the first of several emails you will receive between now and the election. I intend to send regular updates addressing FAQs, issues, reminders, etc. If you have a designated Treasurer or candidate committee, those individuals will be included on the mailings as well.
Campaign Finance Overview. Please review the attached “Campaign Finance Overview.” This is a summary of basic campaign finance regulations. Click here for the full Municipal Candidates Guidebook and links to campaign finance reporting.
Campaign Signage Overview. Please review the attached “Campaign Signage Overview.” This is a summary of basic campaign signage regulations. Please note that the law regulating
campaign signs is set to change on September 19th, giving enforcement authority to municipalities and expanding the prohibited areas of sign placement. As this change goes into effect mid-election season, the City has determined to maintain status quo regarding sign enforcement for this election. However, please note that policy changes on temporary signage will likely take place in the future. Click here to view the updates to State law.
Consolidated Polling Location. City Council and the Secretary of State approved the consolidation of all polling locations. Please help get the word out – all voters will now go to the Community Center Gym (426 Bridge Street) to vote.
Absentee Ballots. Voters may request an absentee ballot at any time by calling 591-8116, going online here, or by stopping by City Hall to fill out a request form. Please spread the word. Ballots arrive from the printer about 30 days prior to an election, at which point we’ll start mailing them out to all who have submitted requests.
Soliciting City Employees. I have been notified that several City employees who are Westbrook residents have been approached by one or more candidates asking for their support and/or to place a lawn sign in their yard. We ask all candidates to refrain from soliciting support from employees as this could be construed as quid pro quo. Employees are free to reach out to candidates in their personal time, if desired (not during work hours or using city resources).
Voter Stats. A candidate stopped by today, and asked what our party split is here in
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TOTAL 13,844
Voter Statistics
Democrat 40%
Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5
Voter Totals by Ward
Department Organization
Operations Overview
FY 2019 Accomplishments
Ongoing Projects & Initiatives
Slide Number 6
Slide Number 7
Slide Number 8
Ongoing Projects & Initiatives
Slide Number 10
Slide Number 11
FY 2020 Summary
Included below is an outline of the basics of campaign finance reporting requirements for City of Westbrook candidates. Please consult the “Municipal Candidates Guidebook” for additional information.
Why do we have to submit campaign finance reports?
· Maine State Law dictates that municipal candidates in municipalities with populations of ≥ 15,000 are subject to the same campaign finance reporting requirements as candidates for state and county office, with the municipal clerk acting in place of the Maine Ethics Commission
· There are two parts to this process – registering as a candidate, and filing campaign finance reports
Can I file my paperwork electronically?
· You may scan/email your registration form and campaign finance reports to the Clerk, so long as the originals are received within 5 calendar days of the filing deadline
Who can look at my reports?
· Your registration and campaign finance reports are public documents and can be inspected by any member of the public, including other candidates and the media. The City may choose to make copies of reports available online for ease of access.
· If you raise funds for your campaign (including accepting donations)
· If you expend funds on your campaign (including your own funds)
· If you file nomination papers to appear on the ballot
· If you are nominated by caucus to appear on the ballot
· If you file as a write-in candidate
· EVERY candidate must register, even if you do not intend to raise/expend funds on your campaign
When do I need to register?
· Before you accept contributions for your campaign
· Before you make any expenditures on your campaign
· Within 10 days of being nominated to appear on the ballot (whether by filing papers or by caucus nomination)
How do I register?
· Complete the Registration form
· Nominate a Treasurer (you can be your own Treasurer)
· If there are any changes, notify the Clerk within 10 days
What if I don’t want to raise or expend funds on my camp