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S (ANOMIE) RE itirmlf NIA (MAI 1010a(ANSI and ISO TEST (HART '21

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ED 248 078





tellowheir, Marvin

*. s'






RC 01C905

Bahane': Naaki Gone' Yiltsiligii II fp

Grandfather Stories: Volume II.Rough Rock Demonstration School, AZ. Navajo-CurriCulum denter.Department-of Education, Washington,. DC.(ISBN-0-936008-25-3.&A4p.k For related docUment, see ED 037 289.uides glassroom Use - Materials (For Learner)051) Multilingual/Bilinijual Materials (171)avajo; English




C01/FCO2 Plus Postage.merican.Indian History ;' *American Indiin

Literature; American Inaians; Cultural Context;Culttital Enricmegt; Elementary Secondary Education;*Oral History; "'Reading Materials; *SupplementaryReading Matitrials


IDENTIFIERS Cultural Contest ;" *Cultural Preservation; CulturalResOurcps;)*Navajb (NatiOn)*


ABSTRACT. At one time "all Navaho stories were .handed down fromgeneration to gendrition by word of mputh. Some stories were recordedand then trnsalated into English. In the process of translation, thestories often times lost their meaning. To avoid this, the secondvolume of."Grandfether-Storift," whichliere told by elders living inthc vicinity of Rough Rock and Ilack mountain, has Inch written inNa#aho and then translated into English. The'sit stories, which may,be used for supplemental reading metetial, are about game animalsthat were taken from the people, the antelope hunt, an escape fromthe Spanish, a close encounter with wolves, cattle,%and atsnowestoim.(ERB) w








* Reproductions supplied by ZDRS are'. the,bOnt that can be made , *

0. ,.- from the origindl document. *.



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Grandfather Stories


A Ji






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ACilEli BAHAISM'Grandfather Sjories

Navaho and English VersionsWritten by .


Illustrated, byFRED BIA

English Editing bySTEPHEN WALLACE

Typist, Navaho. and English,REGINA H. LYNCH


Rough Rock Demonstration ShoolStar Rouie 1 I.

Rotigh Rock, Arizona 814.0/





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The Agtivity which is the subject of this publication was supported inwhole or in part by the U.S. Department of Education, Title IVB of theIndian Education Act. However, -the opinions expressed herein do notnecessarily reflect the position or policy of the U.S. Department of Educa-tion and no official endorsement by U.S. Department of Educationshould be inferred.


ISBN Number 0-936008-25-3 .


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naaltsoos hadilyaaigii ei naaki gone'yilts'ifigil are, Avheii Bahane' wolyeego:tiftsC ei Bilagaana k'ehjltleiya hadilyaa. 1)11 Dine d66 Bilagianak'ehji hadilya. 1-1ast61 d66 saanii ei

hadahane' nilei nathos'a'jikeedahlivinigli. Teas iiikji adahooviidigiireiyit iiyisii baa fme'. La' shii ei hane' vatsallvidge nails deiivehigii adaaVe. Bee bitclalioone'go via yeedaalniihigi aveegobackhane'. I)oo ei haa'igi naaltsoos bik'isinil da k'ad inda akot'eego filyaa.Badahane'4 ei niasg66 t=ail deiiVeeh,dooleef. Dine ba'filchiini Vianinalneellitgo dii hast61 d66 sianii






badahaneVg yaa akodinooziii. Bada-hane' shjj v66 adahay61 nidi doo kilts°naaltsoos bik'i n11'nlif da. La' naaltsooshik'i. nidaas'nil nidi t'66 ch'idaasvinigohadadilyaa (166 Bilagiana k'ehji anidaal-yaago el agh 'flag° hadadilyaa, CI bpitgo fah-06 r.66 nidahodeeshglizh nahalingo da-hane'. Via Dine k'ehjl adaalyaago ei

fireego hane' naaltsoos bik'i ni-claa'nil.

Aid66 time Opp dah naazhjaa'goO Viaattip fireego Viedoo le'e yaa dahalne'.Nihizaad afc16' Via afts'isigo ireegobee yfideiilltig. ie"




Page 7: S (ANOMIE) RE itirmlf (ANSI and ISO TEST (HART › Documents › Grandfather_Stories_Vol_2.pdf · S (ANOMIE) RE itirmlf NIA (MAI 1010a (ANSI and ISO TEST (HART '21. L. ED 248 078




nil naaltsoes hadi6aaigli athini dóót'aa hal sh yideeshtah hã ha-dik aa binahhi iidahooriidiT yaaakotianizin doolobet. Tail Dine k'ehjidoo Bilagilana k'ehji el hadilyaa haalaDin'roti ahavoi i bizaad yenta' doo neii-/mit vinitialutol'aah. Dine k'ehji cia'ottagee >tlaheini ii el Dine k'ehji. hatiilyaalgii



ei iiajl,daykitta'go bit-hohintectizit. Lida-k'ehji da'olta' yeedahosinigii

alii' Bilagiana4k'ehji hadilyaalgii daytit-ta'go ha bohonedzit. Taikihojisinji jiiita'go hanegigii baa akozhdi-miozilt. rah. alch'ishji allitelrcgobane', nidi Dine k'ehji

k'hji anidaalaa.

Page 8: S (ANOMIE) RE itirmlf (ANSI and ISO TEST (HART › Documents › Grandfather_Stories_Vol_2.pdf · S (ANOMIE) RE itirmlf NIA (MAI 1010a (ANSI and ISO TEST (HART '21. L. ED 248 078


K%4 ( Tsecleizi olta'igi Dine 13izaad4166itagaana liizaad athii,' silitago attootiit.

i a thio Dine doo Bilagiiana he'i'oollitAdo' atts'Kdiji hinteniltin hailit Dine k()0keeharinigii riiit iikoreego deiinizin tliiiivee nitlahani rot") Oita' haalwod yi.rdft0'.Diigi iireego Ata'i naneestiip'go naasdit'aq shii i nii iileehgodoo

da do eel, rill yidi-neeittlia dooleel ei iiyisii

ei t'andii tikó-reego nails t Witt.

')lta' Voo haalwoil yl.rdtift' ei rift iiyisiianiihootTgo haalwod, Dine

k'ehji Oita' gone' bee nidi'nootiiiigii actin-

go hahoova. anattootTigii hiniina anaaltsoos haiftligo itlyaa

Naaltsoos Dine hizaad doóbeToollit bee binaliiltinigii hatiaditne'-go Itahoolzhiiih. diijjidi tóó ahavOi

avetago hadadilvaa, cilia' gone' chi-daol, (too nilei

ninahool'aiago chidayooll. Diiottagi 6Ita' gone;--rMtktyootligo yitsli#dooitlahootaah. La' ei rail' hai shij ideestitah

hadadiine". shiifireego hadadilyaa, nakee nahane' tia,

dootiago nihit ithoot'ehigii dayaa ilahalneggo. rill Dine k'ehji adaal-yaa, ta' ei Bilagitana k'ehji ittlaalyaa.


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Dienaaltsoos hadidzaaigii ei dikwii shii(line athilkalijee'go hadidzaa. Dine 11-

iota aheelf.hwiinidzik(106 ahehee' dooleet.

Ts'ida itttse dooleetigii hastOi doo- saa-nii ehidaozlidgO\paaltsoos ha-(lily *ramie() bik'e bada'iisya' danidi yeego iijee'go fire.

hane' yee shit nidahasne' nrit'ee.".naaltsoos nininil

066 tahgoo doo hazhOlo b4daashniihg66ei bininabideetkid. Dii ei shima, Mary B.Yellowhair, d66 s`hizhe'e, Tom Yellow-hair, Sr., doe shicheii, Eteitty Benallie.

(Aadoo bit nidaasirn shigii aid& ahehee'bidideeshniit. Regina B. Lynch ei hane'Dine k'ehji (166 Bilagiikna k'ehji .beeshbee ak'e'elehihi yee naaltsoos yikiiii" nii-ninii. Stepheli,Wallace ei hane' Bilagaganak'ehji kinidaalyaago saadigil liazh6"6 at-kee' nininh. Fred Bia ei hane; a(laaly alaigilyki na'azheh'ilitt" (166 athiihi'niiigo alkee'

Tseeteizhi nahos'a'gi (line keehat'inigii.at(16' yeego ahehee' dooleet halt:la ei binahji' Oita' nii'nil da'otta'dooleet hiniiye.




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I nt rod net ion




' Acknowledgment 6


Dini' Bits'itife Nidiily

-Jack Ila'azheeh



Naakai Bit;eigiry60' Anijoolwod . 15j

1.klalitsoh 19


'as Vitsoh 25



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Dzilijiin doe) hinaa nahos'a'gi ts'idanakihaidtifi' dine dini'nit'ee', jini. 114? shii ei k'ad 'dine dooakt50 nidaakaiigi fireego dine nidaakai da,naat'agii doo naaldlooshii doo tattpaahnaaldeehii keedahaviigo. T'iladooshjj baa adahozhniizri hatslife, nidiilyaala, jini. Dine nidaalzheehgo doo chida'oot-reel) da. WonitasdOO nidi ta'.doo bi-kee' da. Ako vita ii411 i'niighft. Diidine yeego bida'dikt'a dini'altso ha'niigo dine nidaakai.

W6.'11116(166 dine !will yik'ee nidaakai.Nanise' adaat'ehigil reiya nidaakai,nidi don' hinadazhdizin da, jini. I)ini' eidOo nidi la' dajiiltseeh da, doo nidi hasigifa' bikee'g,i da. Ali dine yeego

silij'. I)ini' IA hafiji attso sill' ha'nii-go dine deest'ir da jini.Adin, doo dayiittseeh da. Weinikasdtio dinenitseekai, daats'i ails° ;iiihidoot-


dijt daaniigo.6 A ko shii nilei vine NitsaasIft tsidii lei'

nidit'ash, jini. La' asdziinigo, la' ei has-tiingo. yit'ahgo inda dine

jini. Ts'ida tsidiireiya nayiiltseeh niket'ashi-go. Dike Nhsaadff". NileidW.dahtlii'afizhniigo dine elreeh ak00 dadeezli !eh. ritai



ay ididi!? yi'ashgo inda dine nidayiiltseeh,jini. Dii tsidii shij ei doo deighlinigoayeoooligo vita bi relya nayiiltseeh. Tsrnyyilzhahi wolye, jini.

Lah nainfiat'ashgo via Ilia-dazhnelligo Tsecliiit'hyiidzoh hoolyeek

jini. Akwe'e Ail bighango fikwii

.ninahat'aash. Ashkii yfizhi fits'iisi lei' tvei-

. ya yittidikatih, jini. be'ewee' aVee-go. Akwe'e nat'ash doo nilei Tsedaidilkatitoolyeeji9 niiinfit'ash. Lah via hafidazh-


fiajr anifinfiat:Elazh jini.via aaji" doo hot beedah zin da.la ha'niigo dine elfeeh 66 dadeei911'.

Aadoo shii a onfianadzaa,jini. via Ako nilei Tse Daadilkatjr at-

haaiit'ash. Afidego Ail dine yaakeez. Ila'at'eego hi vita fiko nilei Tgedilkatk haa'i shit' NIA ayidid66

ha'niigo vita 41(11(166 lid hNidi' tsetsiiji' anat'ashgo tzaii

fiaje doo benahoodziih da, jini, via Aajj'

dajideez'irgo doo haajrgo da dahtliiritahda, haalii yireego adoolniit Ia ha'niigodine ya4 ninfiadaastlid. NileianfirOgo la iifid66 hafigtio alnanat'ashha'niigo dine yaa nidaari. Pita

Ayididoo ha'niigo dine t'aia

hlif166 ninatiffaas'na'. T'AA fikeitteeiy9 u

The previous numbered page to

- the original document was thianak

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nidi t4.1siiji' dolt..121J betiaadaboos-.

dzin (ha. !Lila ireego adoolnia Ilai'Illl t)

din('hie! Shp' ti' atialiedif1001-

dOO riih bighandi ban"' stiodaa '100-ler! hodowniid. .kadoo slijj ako la'tsillitihlin allogiliilvaa ilno ranee highan-di tilho'deeltj. Ahigi aba' jizda bitilly.

et Jiili.igtio dine naatladeest ir. ni-DibenirsaagoO. tsinvaava-

----zha hi naii iittsii, nii-go tsedgeeloti dab sizi. lio doo dajooli

yi'asligo hulaNi ITsedaathwil(lzohtli el

bighati. .iadi s'hij altse niniihat%aash...dOO shji nilei:rse 1)aadilkatjr atnatlinita-narash. ei aaji' (loo benaboodziihmla.lie'avvee' shij 01 ,hi!

-la' jidooteet binliveaho4dill% ail.

beeqa,u)doozlit aldo' ha'-Ts'ida la haagOii atnaniikah, hazho'o

dagdliit ho'doo`tiiitlgo Shit rtilei gotighan-eili Ilaslitt'ish tsest,' shiiriak"ei 'Jai-L(111111'dpi ha iiiyaa. Ttgee'go shiiaadi niho'deeltj.--

Itiiskani rah niree' booghandi.{."Aye'. hwiittsfygo -Vali akotiahmliiitiigii' 1)11 411



M13011411. .%011001iigi) Sllik 11111. Ei 41ii(100 fibt"elltipill111 iiree 41a Itifillg0 has ay o-


hooliih. IliialigO.hij bullet-hp) hodiitia".tsin lei' 115itingo ileinil'ijii..iiiii. Nitiak'ti-

.dootsih hoitligniigo raadoo Noe hanak'el-daadee'ilil. Ninilkolgy el (1e)ti faa aaniits'illi tiiiiniiiii bit beiThodowill ho'dignii-go. Niikehi.t. rah niree' hanak''iltsi. aa-diio 'liana, diidi llanak'enagiitsi. liana-kiena'atsiligo ts'ida raadoo jineeskot da,jini. Akohgo shii Inda rdaabiyn oesdityd.Itiye' el haiehago hot naad 61%04 jini. iii-dot) shii kishkiiyazhi bitiallji' nilei Tsediiii-dilkalg66 cal' akee' jinly a. Aadi nire'Tsi..daadlikalgi jikaigo dijdi banakenia'-litsi., jini. "1"aadoo niaineeskot da. Nidiraabiyo via has ayollooliih.

Audi jikai niree' ayoi alionittsogo Nis%(tan Ia. jini. Ts'ida hoteeigo hii' naltas'ila

.la, jini. A kone shit dinia altso noohyish-ehil Ia. Tse et daadilkat la, jiiii. Gish rail.at'iiil adaarehigii yti. picanayill'ialgo ak(i-ne' )1th anakah. Naaki Ail diadilkat la.aldti'. Attie daidilkatigii ei-yootgai gish

n?doo doot 'iliii gosh bee Ream-dial. Iltta'-i 0 t ,igi shii I ie binil'iltsihigo aanitlilzho?. :la-

doo diatlikal la' mialiodV, el tuna dii-'chili gish doe' baashiltinii gish bee Walla.l'iiti. Aka inda tse'aan gone' y.iill'ajighaah.Ts'illisliehilti abo'dillyita yibt shii di; rill"are- hajlisid. Gish ei rail elfe"et 6'104teey l'. naaznil, jini. Nidi hii el raadoo yall'-ajiiyaa ha. TOO rail thio'fifii' jimlii, jiniN.Tse'aan gime' ei haeh'r baa 116(.1'1'0.

4e it

.hits'ilii dooleet nilgo 'relate, jini.azhe'e ant, "Niweh, niebow' niw()hgoo

. 10

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hastiin alts() noohyishetiiigohiniinaa Iiiih Yinitranii woosye", jinesItiih Yinetranii wtine'i yah'eekaii2ako bekie7.4166 Ito t'aatl'ocedi jimlaatn. 1401 Cs'ida ciao ahasOi

jini. Yaa

naaskai vaa hodiina'go initkaido() hooghanigoo nijikal.

hant;' nazh-ni'ii. .kadiV; shii k'adiT haitkaahgodiadilkatgof) ildee' (1(n) Nit) ch'idajiznil.Nilaandi bjjh lii,ktwlil dadiisriiiego shit

la. pill. Aad66hanijoiehet %et. aajj'.

.dikaljr, pieadajiilaats'ida 100 ahayoi

( :h'oilsinLgidtill' Poi') ehihekaah,wonaasdoO fraiiciff' atkie' aa

yd. Itaihgashii Biihduo be'esdiaan

athaa naaniarashgo alts()raadoo hod

altst! eh'(Iviz 'demi 'ahees-wod, jini.

.Dligi areego shjj dini' hats'il? adill-yaago loas jini: Bit14/1Y inilt'anii w lyeego shli d in i'llatslir Ts(.-daidilkat g(in imohyishchil





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naalyehe bahooghan adaadin-dife dine vita bi bich'iyp' hadaatligo ni-

chidayiyoottieeh binideinityp' d66 ch'il dago athji'adeile'go hashre" nidayiijaahgo yi-

Da'dooilhah ha'niihgo. dine bane' bi-tat(raaj,...Kwil yisktipgo fiadi alhiidiikahhgaliigo bee tiihpottaith. Nihootlineekiitkaahgo dikwii shjj hoOghandf?dab. riiit valta° it

kiln nidabeehah Aak'ee haleehgo aineehgo_baa Ni

da bjjh hadaalzheeh leh nit'ite'. bighan nahalingo, nidi it bee

ee niidziinlin ei dibe.


Nidi doo aak'eego Veiya ninadaalzhah t'ee'. Aliso atillago ch'e'etiind66 atts'Oph-liaigO Atsa Biyafizh jigo anit'i'go aide' viiit it

bee alga...Dii alum hashreeviihgo dine ayttlo da-

dilwo'igii jiidi baa alhanidahajeeh yaa ni-h,zh66'igo yik'eelata tadadi-i

kaahgo niidziin)iviineejigo dab deidiniil-ka'. d dine ts'idia ayorb k'aa' d66

adaadjihgo jadi yika ainatidaalzhara ni- yee na'azvi yiyi'dff9

13The prices numbered page to

t* fie'. 13the on document was Wan%

daninfidaalzhah nit'ee". Ts"ida

hani.sliii yiziligii biyi' atsi' bidin datteyee'yiteeh. Wail' Dine bikeyah biknalgi jadi,t'66 ahty6i Kwe'einahatzhiishgo.aid6" deildf? jadi dichidyik'cle dzigaik.ch'ihafiah !eh. AkOdine be'atsl' bitsyti?


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nfdadinfrifh. Kodi dine nidanit'ingo nf-leidi jltdf yileeettit taditd.ikaahgo vita, 14t-zheedgo niidzffn sPitrifjigo deineetkaildlett. Anit/P bita' gone' adeinilka' 466 nfleiniidziin siyanf gene* isa4 adeinitka'.

Jadf yah'iijahgo itaahOsittifDoo wedandi it nfiztyi' da riidi doo ytthatisdandiijeeh da. kads96 dine ntdanitiineetyfiltla91 nfzinigi jadi atbidOitt'Oohge yaa

Nidi doo attso naatsi' da nfree,dabikteigift/eiyanaatsii. La':ef t'66 bee'el-ni.h, nitadaldoolchfit dee' nfiasdi chinfia:neidootlit hionfigfo.

Nidaya'alt birth diditjaW.,Attso nfcla'a'ah-go atsilfg nidahat'is doe dirre deiyfih.




La' ef. altso'heet itdaalitb.dee hoogbange6Hooghandininadayilyeeh-

go attofdeiniitgish dee bidayobeh'ih bi-bfi nayaztykiso dah deidiyiinit.

Jklf bikagi of doo t'66 yee'aheltiviid da.Yilzeehgo Dif abanf of vaiadoo

Itee adaalne9, eev de,6 azis adaat'Ofgff,t'66 ahity6fg66 chidaoll. -

Ativic166/ Dine bikeyah 'bikaa'gi jildlt/66 ahayef nityeel. DIfjfidi a adin. DineIveetmit nfdineestIftitgl, shy kttso nidets-ieed, Nile( adahwiiiritag66 tyeiya da-h61O. Niidzfin veiya lahge6 Vandli bike-

k'eh bidahazIt. Dfkfigo shil fili6t;e Dinebikeyah hikaa9gi,



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Aiklitiftii' Dine at'itit ana'i dikwii shjj yilda'ahObaiih Naakaii d66 Nooda'ida AtitiW hastiih ntikahigoatehini doh astizani hats' ife adayiljtiah!eh. Dila. (too aldo' hats'aa'kaadgo yet. hula naakai. HO atd6' kod66

tik6reego bee haa nijikai. Atehinid66asdztini Afadittl ni-

natlajii'e -shiii ei honaalte' daniljiteh. Dibe d66 titjda nintidahizh-nitkaad tch. yitkaahinatideiineeh teh, hitkadanittlago, tladoo

hits'00' adajilzhjaa'fr rig* bit.haatiih niclaabahgo ta'aty61g66

dine adanieheeh !eh. T'idi yoolkliat toovia oo'Lialgo ayohoolniih teh. Nitei dzit

reiyii dine keedahariigo nizaadniniidahalzhish. Ni lei alanidah6611106ei dine hada'asiidgo naazdia teh. Aaciff'ana'i yianeetgo rat% ako 4ine }lane' bitaa-raah doe rail aka haahrel.fidadiiiiiih. Siia=nii (166 atehini yIzhl ei dani%

bightiteg66 hadahinicheehgo' aadi nida-nit'in teh. Dihe 4166 ei ana'i hitslitjigoanilka' nahoniriniji" anilka'.

Lah shjj iikoreego chikfth jiliigo Naa-

kaii dahasniikh la, jini. Nilei Meehigo g6)yaa shjj hot anidijee'. iiadi hittih

jin I. NaakaiIpastiin lei' hasntiahgo ei highangi

(166 bighan ba hash-rehojosin. Via ahlifth. hahasild.T'66 riihdigo nahjil konijiiviihigo haa-

goo diniya hatnligo nah6dilkid Shi-tslip d6' y661 anijilyeedish teh nizingoshjj. Ch'ooshd#-10? ay6o haa ayohooliih..Nails hodeestrzhiizhgo doo ay6o haa ayo-hooliih da Hooghandi reiyii jizdaht0hit alnalijilnitkal: Bidibe shjj t'66.ahay6i-go IV' bee nazh'nilkaad frh. Nidi ;Wine-hwiiIttloohgo bikee' dah jizdtiago lip hotnaaldloosh teh. Nilei dzitg6O

jini. Aadi shjj nazh"nitkaadgoNintizh'niitkaadgo ei bits 'ani'jiiL'jjh.


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Lab skijj abinigo Aji-.

yftii nivee' nilei dzitg66 adiniil-kat. Aadi deidooyitigii doo bidin 116-yee' da. Mitch!' Igo inda nidi'niilkat, yis-ti la; adiiIiit, ei bikiin adiniilkat."(166 shii aho'di'ninee d66 dahazhdiniitkiiad. randoo nizaad06 diet:adii'aahg66 (!ath azhdiniit ad. T'ila ni-zaadi ei dzit azhnoot-,kalgo w6nitasd66ay66 deesdoiK'adee atni' e4eaahgo nilei dzildi azhninit-

kAaad. Dzildi.ei via hoo'zk'fiti Dibe ni-daqiichaadgo tsinyaa azh'niitkaad.(166 Vita fiko yisvei hajiiyii 066 azh'niiytite.14j' ei bikaa' alkee' dah jizkeego.hol naa-nit'ootehoshgo ajiyti. Bike& shii dah jiz-dfiago, iidinahwilltt6ohgo bit nazh'nit-kaad tell. T'andii shjj Vfiabiy6 has ayohoo-Iiihgo Altso ajilytirgo shii nahg66hot na'atehozhgo hot tadighatih, jini Nah-goti tjj' hot tadightiahgo hodiina' nivee'ise'esgizii daats'i five sikaad lei'jj' hot

jini. Nivee' beesh hitsist'ah si'fineehayii' ergo viiadoo le'e sikaadtc ta' yeek'iinigizh. A406 hafiyiisheehgo yaa ni-diidza. yiniiye avii la jinizingo

l'66 bahadzoo nijisdziid.


shii atsijiikeez. K'ad .dadts'i inda shi'niit-hi jinizingo da, ei daats'i yiniiye kodH"adiniilkat nil nivee' jinizingo akeed66 ni:jildzidgo dah jizda, jini;Hfialigeshil hatahhoditsxiz, jini. Shoottseeh 'ago jinizingoshjj t'66 akeed66 dah jiditsxiz.

Tsinee -altso hafiyiisheego t'ah ,nivee'bijeeyi' yee na'atsigo Iralv nidiidzii. Nish%niaji attse shahiighah bijeeyi' yee na'atsi',bijeehviizh hayiiittt,tehgo yaa Aaagha.

tahji bijeeyi' na'atsigo yaa ni-nafidiidza. Haahgbshjj bijeeyi'dt? hi-jeetaiizh hayinfifilittseeh, kiik166shii vita ako tsizhdeezkeez, Bijee

bijeeyi' yee eeji' g6ne'nidideestslit Nivee'

doo bijeeyi' anakiitsi,eh da, t'66 nilei dzi-gaii goyaa deez'il"go yikaal dah sida.Tsxiitgo anfia'dootsihfr ch'eehjinizingo akeedoot_dah 41zda. T'ita hodii-naigo inda bijeeyi' niniuldiitsi. 'raft Lilcokoc166 tsinee bijeeyi' gone' viia'awolibeeablijiitts'in. ' Ilastinee rfiadoo naaztaziadah iigo'. 116 aid& !Wei gOyaa rah akee'adah ajligo', iijitah aloof via hak'i na--neesdizgodah itzhniidee'. Ilastiinee ei viaiittizh niree', Vaadoo da, jini.

P ^


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4 P.







40,411/47 s

Aad66 shit thiottr haniite-hee k'e'jiii'ah d66 hastiinee chit sikaadtphiih jiishood, afid66 la' bik'infitijiit-'jool. flastinee d66 !sxiitgobee nazh'nitkaadt*c dahhot nikeelwod. T'afilithigi,fireego nalhoo-kvsjigltip hot nooltiit. ts'idi hakeyah-

nizhdoodatigii reiyit baa nitsijikeesgotir hot nooltiil, tanda lir hot nitadiilwo'.Aadff' rtifitahigi fit'eego nazhnivihgofir hot mialwol. Ch'66shdti#ditte doo ni-jildzid da, hodinele bitah nizhdoodatigiiveiya baa nitsijikees. T'fifi fijitligowoniiii!;d66 Nil.- Ako eta nizaad tir hotniilwod, jini.

ei hpph dineeralp ákó stiffvia nahonit'inigi nijilyfiag6 fiji- shil azhdiniiIghaazh,la. Yaa'adeez10 'ago

17 1

`4..!..W. No* 21v-":0.

fah hitijoolyip. Ay6o ehohatheet hazlii'goak00 ye-ego ,hwee hodiina'. Ooljee"

halayfiago hot nikinfifinfildloozh,hibigi Areego nahookcisjigo tir hot nool-

W6nisitsd66 hayillkitit 4)6 Akoshii t'66 bithadzoo tip bikaa' ch'eefi

ald6' dineesna' la. T'66dzoo to t166 talkiwosh bold) hafiteel la.

Itaithg6shil nahididziihgo tsinyaak hoteeldloozh, jini. Aadoo tsin-yaagi tii' bik'i nijilyfia do 6 achxoshtt661jidiniitt166'. ei tsinyaagoo dale jliz-tl'Ocogo Vita biighahg66 jineezti. 91"66 ji-neeztinigo shjj Vie ajiithaazh la,jini. liaashif nizithie ajiithaazhgo t'ah ni-t'ee' Iii" haahgoshii imago ch'eejidzid. Ako

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tai buhnijitka'go bikiin hot nahvod.chgeejidzid. go inda hod inee bitah

Ako shii Nankai hastiinee hihoohya'go nijidza. roe) hahadzoo shii hakeyah bi-yika dadidineeztkego yikidaneeztlife , din jizlir nit'ee' la, jini.Aatii&shii via ako hake dadineeztke. Nflei hatidff' shii hi' hot nfialwolgo, ha-Aadtiti shii tsxiitgo aehxoshthitS1 nizdees- 'keyah t'fia ayidi hadziihgo shii ill' heezh-ts'kid thio lir hot nikinfifinitiwod. Ei ts'ida dlichid nireel hakee' nikinlyti, jini.titiatahigi ajitligo Yeego hi- Woo shii rtio bik'i dah. nitajineezdaagotiijirgo ni' haaghtiah hot nikinfifinalwod. C.i shii reit hodine'ebittS haitjoolyip. Ooljee' haiiyitago tir hot bitah nijidza. Atk'idkilikorkego dine da,nikinfianfildloozh. nizaad tir hot niil- asdzini da hataatii bikee'dloozhgo finfifijiidlaa dog bik'ini- nidahatia !eh. Ilik'el da bilii sodadilzinjiiya. t3iiskani haninitajoolyii'go tip hot teh, tladoo arehegoo nidoodiat ha'nligo.dah niadiildloosh hakeedWgo, Akot'eego still hit iida'jiiiaa. Afid06

nizaadti-' teezh oojot, jini. Aadoii ditahgo vita fiko he zh00 ha niit'aih.ts'ida t'aa hazaakii lir hot nikinifinalwod, niijiidi nihitahgoii doo ana'i hit da'ahii-Naakai daatsgi shikee' tip hit yijah jinizin: niibiah da, nidi nihe'oodl4i' c1cici nihina-go. Aatiff-' shii itreego tij' hot hagha' t'andii vita hirat'eegi danaalwot, vita bita' nahoo'aahigi tie . nihitsilke' ei doodago nihieh'eekr.' dajiildliih, Pia ho aid& Leezh ha- analtahgoo tadighaahgo akoreego he nil-,kibio oojotf stiff ei bileezh rag'. Nilei adahwiis'afigtio tadighaahgoei rit;tdoo hot heehoozin da, t'66 veldt*: ritadoo 1e'e t'66 ahayoiattitit iitleego yenit-higi fireego mff? hotnfialwol. Nanise' ghaith, CI bits1066 ha'atieego shiishii reiya bikiin nijidza. Naadfife anahoori'fc he hashrenallih. T'atit atkl-atda' atehlidigo hwest1102go, ei di101 ci fikot'eego yit'ihii

I 18

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All'iditir Dine doo k'ad kineelveigiineelve' -lila nivel°. Dine viii iiyisii .bita'danizaadgo keedahavii Lahg66.shjj ei ta' dibe binidajisdas teh.

yf.t. shjj velya hootahg66 Anita-daji.kah. 1140' Ail ado' viiadoo it'e bait-dahadzidigii dah610 ma'iitsoh

Dii situ t'oo hi #iijjhigo nikidadiijah.shiiintigo hitiijiihgo thit niliihg66 ni-.

,dajikai da.Dii shii iikovecgo hast61 nidilVeego

k'asiltife ma'iitsoh jini. Nileihaacli shii nizaadi atah .fiaalnishgonitavashgo kintlinigi nittlitazh,itkwii kintahgi niji'aash nival dine Ia'vita bee,hojisinigii bit athizhdiikai, ei shjj

a nilei Mesh siniljil bikee'chfife d66 vfili ni'Dzityijiin nah6s'ali gbh keehojitligo

Afidfe atiing66 joo'-ash nit'ee' shjjdoo nrkaad niho'deegjj da, VIM ityidik.Nile] Dzitykiiindfr niji'aashgo aktft0 ni-joovash. T'eadoo hillijIhi hooghandi ni-diit'ash jiniigo shjj Val fijitlin'i &Oil. ridsitkatlei nidi atni'n14# d66 yaa adetzli. Eiishi i vailahigi fiVeego tsxiitgo vfiii ni' joo"-ash. Ch166shdit4dti? v66 joo'ash, w6nlits-


d66 v7iii iiyisii ayiihik aileezlititgo vitkibiy6alghaamiazhdiivitsh. .Ako dii ma'iitsohhollonigil Ail baa ayohojooliihgo, heejil-dzigo shjj. T'itit nizaadi ei tsin Ia' ch'inivis,doo vita" iiyisli lit'l adaaeitii da, jini. Ei Vita-

doo e'c,..'aahi baa hidPniiicheet jiniigo shjj

atghaanitilzhdiivash. lia'avii shjj, gad

daats'i kiveego Mehl" ahizhnoolchiet. A ko...johonaa'el ei nileileadff. &it yini' g6lpitiighiiith.

Dii Vilii e'e'ahi (166 vaiihiy6 hiliijiihgoVitadoo le 'e nikidadiikah, ma'iitsoh adaa-

vehig i i da. Vãã e'elhi el .doo nitiihg66nrda'aideeh da !eh, ma'iitsoh iidaarei bita-dahadzidgo shjj biniinaa doo nilithg66nidajikai da. 'Wife shjj aid& maiitscili11'66 adahay6igo.. higo ei doo hazh6"6 yin:.tseeh da,Ilitably6 Viiii nidaaldzid teh fikoh-

go ado'. Hiliijiihgo ei doo nidaaldzid da!eh, dichin danizingo shjj vita bizinikii ni-

kidadiijah. Biyazhi dahol6nigli ado' bi-yfizhi dichin danizingo yii chlyiiiin hadei-nitaago nidaajeeh. Biyizhi . dahol6nigiiei vial biziiiikii Vitadoo le'e hadaalzheeh.Yeego dichin danizingo aid& Vila dinen i doo yikiidaasti' da daateeh, tlyeego

tin .'eh.


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rfifi nizaad tsin ch'init'i' hadziihgohwee shjj ts'ida t'fifi awoli-


bee alhaanikijivfifizh, ei tsin ch'init'i'frmen';' t'aa lahigi fireego allitEijoor ash.Wonicast166 yeego jini. Váá ho'diina'go shjj inda ooljee' nileidff'T'ah nit'ee' hakeedtrge, nizaadi,ma'iitsoh la' fidiiniid Aado6t'66 Wifihadzoo nijisdziidgo awotibreathaanikinfifijit'fifizh. Ako tsint'andii t'fifi nizaad hadziih. Ooljee' beehool'ingo shjj alghaajoot'ash, ch'eeh ji-deezhazhiT ei doo beejilniihg66. Ako ha-keedff', t'fifi nizaadff' ei ma'iitsoh hanfi-chah Ch'66shditidtife efifi hazh66"-ow) hanfirha yiits'a', jini. W6nfifisd66 t'fifiyeego hanfichah rfifi stiff fiko

Ahake'tc yik'elwodgostiff aadff' hakee' nikeelwod. TsinNW' ei t'andTh t'fifi niiaad'fiko. shjj toida rfifilfihigi fiveego alghaa-joot'ash. Ma'iitsoh ei hakee' yilwol, riganahodi'naahgo hanachaih. HO shjj ei t'66bahadzoo nijisdziid, hfifihgeshfi tsizh-doolyizgo ch'eeh jideezhlzhfc baa jiyooz-

nahii' t'66 bithadzoo alhaach'ijit'fifizh.Doodo' yaadida boolyeed fit'eegoalghaa-joot'ash, jini.

K'adfc nilei tsin alighaaji-vaashgo t'fifi fiyidW ma'iitsoh /a'

yiits'a', jini. Afid66 nileig66 aid& la'fidaani yiits'a'. shjj da'diizts'ilego as -ddff' dah dadiijee'. Ilojooba'igo inda nileitsin athizhneelchiti', nitletsin fidaaltsvihigil Veiya Amalfi la,jini. T'fifi sh j fikwii hfiehg6shii aighaa-naanijoorash, tsin deezneezigii hagh-nitfiago, ei bpgh hadiilnah jinizingo shjj.

ch'eeh aighaanaanijoovashw6nfifisd66 t'fifi iiyisii t'fifi ma!ii-tsoh la' - amigo yilwol yiits'a', jib'. Tsinfidaats'isigii veiya adaaz'fi. Ch'eeh ahhaa-naanijoot'ash wOnfifisd66 Val fiyididtt'yiits'a',. jini. Gad shjj veiya adaaz'aago, eidoo rids iiyisii danineez da leh. Hojoo-bfilgo inda la' nidi doot'aa iiyisii nineez da, asdzj t'641 bitisigofinittso. via 416t'ke nidi hazfifikabfifih hajis'na', hot nidi'niwOodgo nileibilfitandi dah jineezke, jini.

r 20A 20

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Ts'idti iskohgo ma'iitsoh la' nandff'eh'elwod. Oo W.I.' hee hool'ingo ay6o hoo-t'j, t'aa iishjani tialsdee" eh'elwod (166 nileitsint ahjigo viol haoswod. Ilitithgoshii has-

dais nanigo'go hitsoo hahilltiago yilwot,jini. T sink'i (lair jiz ego ritadoo nidihwiittsisni t'66 hayaag66 eh'elwod. friifijistill' eelwod, duo npaglilihi da. Ho ei Pisa-doo,nijii'nitni, ritadoo iits'a'i t'66 nilei.tsinbikall' dah jizke. 11:1111 hodiina'go t'ah ni-rel.' k.otlii"." nialwol. T'a14 itkwii ta'alyolg66els'eels naanatootkah,.eh'eeh hahonitiagoisiiihgoshii naanitalwol. Ilisajigo lit ahlzh'-nooleisi44 nizingo shj eh'eeh nahatkaah.Tsin bitish dah jizki.hfr yiyaajr eh'eeh anal-halkals, rat lsh' duo bit benahoothiih da.Aido6 nahg66 nintiletitkaah /eh. na'a-hOOnaadgo inda hwiittsji. T'66 hwiittsa-nigo aat1W tsin dah jizkehtv yieh'i'nidiilwod doo k'astlfsfe yistth kiilwod.1"66

naaghazgo adah anidziithaal. Aadoonintiatliklwod (MO Vita ItkOnisisna-


dz '66 .k'astifitl' dahnahgo jini. Ho ihrjj ei t'oortlit awoli bee hot yee'go dah jizke.jrtiadooajOne'egtio shii t'66 dah jizke. T,inklzhtiolptihgo bee nizhdidoohatigii laid eval.(too blighais da. Ako tna'iitsoh tsinyisithkineilwo'go, nilei tsin

hatah ho-ditlxizgo. nit'ee' ma'iitsoh

wod, ei atc16' tsin yisiafkineittishgoy : ; Ch'66shditildisie vita naakitti41(0 naa'aiish. daats'i la" ni- -

nailhaazhjee. !Wisp-4Ni eh'eeh tsin yigthkinideitlish, atchets(th nidaa'nago. Vitayeego hodiina'go efeeeh deeskai lei' t'66nahg66 hatidaalyiihgo naazlijee.tsin kineilwo'go yaa

aaciff' visa five Tteeblighan tikeidaari. Woniiiisdo6 dikwiFshiihanaag66 naakai, eh'eeh tsin y inideilwo%go yaa naakai.


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Ni lei tsin bilatandi dah jizkeego t'66biihadzoo adahozde-eilaia", hajaad da dooda'asd #1d da, nidi nijadZidgo t'66 wadijizke. liaadi shIl yoolkaatO aid& ay6odeesk'aaz aak'eego shii fijit'i. Akoh-

nidilk"as leh. Ei tsink'i dahjizkeego v66bahadzoo adahOzdeesliia",bil da honiighi. W6nagisd66, ha"avii ladoo hah hailkaah shjj, jiniigo tsinki' dal)jizke. Ma'iitsoh éi haahg6shii hanfieg66naaniajah, tsin yeph kinideittishgo, doo

areeg66. rah niree" yeashonnileidf? hayillk# Vint liyisil doo asoho-deelidg66. rfiadoo nidi hodlina'i nueii-tsohfr.altso taozhjee". Bighang66 shiidahaazhjek".

Atid66 fik¢0 dah jizkeegoI'sin bikes' dah jizkeego nileig66 nijighalniVee" via ayldig66 la' lid yaat'i'. Alwe'eAil la' dahooghango. Nigheig66 dah'adii'-tipgo tsin bpph adaajoo'na' d66 hooghanee-g66 Aadi dinet'66 hak'ee tsidadtioiyiz. Iltifidff' la wo-h'ash? dahalniigo nidah6dilkid. Nilei w6-naniji tsin bpph siikeego yiskO, ma'iitsohnihinijeelo t'66 filth; haneeehtife, bijini.Doolad69 yewe9/it'kego doo ahOly#pla, dii yee' e'elahgo k¢¢ ma'iitsoh rfrkda-diijah, dichin dibigh4go bizaika ni-daalieeh leh. Jo hasdiolfizh aadff'os6, ho"doolniid. Aid66 atah ajilyke d66hooghang66 nikinfiajit'fifizh. Ei t'fiadooeiegaahl hooghandi nijitlazh. Diigi Wee-go maiitsoh' loaf*? Dii

ah66tlid. k.


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Aticitifiiii dine bibeegashii t'66 adaha-yol shij indi dine beegashiibitah nitnii'go ay6o, bihoneedlijgo dinebeegashii yinidaalnish teh. Bibeegashiit166 adahay6igo la" t'66 nidaaldzidd66 da'atchin nictahaleeh nit'ee'. Aadoohaashii nizahjj' ninfihalzhishgo beegarhiibina'anish biniiye athinidaliidahNidi dine doo aftso bibeegashii da-

da dikwii dine bibee,gashii dah610¢ niveev. Nidi t'66 ahay6i da-bibeegashii

1144' aid& beegashii lahgo adaat'e, V66dah naazhiago ay6i ficlanitneez

Doo iiyisii atsj' bitith dah610¢ da.Beegashii bida'doonish heniihgo dine

VI% ahay61 athihiika'h d66 bida'dinish.T4%1 fik.00 nidaakailgli aftsedoo nidaaldzidigii attse Bida-.di'doodlif d66 nsialyehe ba hooghang66din6o1katigli aid& via sandii bits'ienitTs'Ida altso azh# nidaal-dzid1g11 nidi atali yah ahinilka'.


ayoo nidaaldzici (Wei dalifishkee teh.iidiigii aycio dine yidaneedliio atah'fi.

&ilea !eh. Akio nidaaldzidig11 ei nileidzil, bigh'di veiya nidaakaigo iiiidff"ch'idajii"eesh teh. Da'atchinigli fa" ay6o

dahashkee teh. Akodaat'ehigii 61 baa ji-athidajileehgo nilei dzit bighfifi'dt?

dzigaijj' ch'idajii'eeshgo baa nijikai tehnireel. La' t966 baiihiidzoo dahashke,dligli attslip nidajiidlohwitt'661 t966 aho-y61 nidaneesdizgo dzigaijj'

teh.Beegashii nidaaldzidigii afah'ilneeh

ha'niihgo dine V66 abay61 bida'alnih d66nihekah. LIP ts'idii dadilwo"411 d66 doobit nidahonitt'aaigiibeegashii nidaaidzidigli biihfiehiihgoattsoni doo nanilyees da,bik'i dah jiadia nidi yicht dahiiteeh. tibititgo doo veiya bee afahe'elneehgo ei ykiit'eeh. t96.5 ahodill-gisgo, ay6o bit nahonitl'ago ei vii lahidibeegashii bit na'atsih.

23 23a'

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Dine beegashii atah,adeitehigii al(16' Saanii d66 fitchini ei tse hadaazt'i'gooakeataastare. Dine dithlmoigii. ayoo bidihe (-166 tl'izi nideinitkaad telt. Bee-,

gashii dattehitti da la' dayiipsir101 t'ootse ypith

Azh' shii (Tint' beega;Itii Matt adajileh-igii aytio dahojiyoi dalto'dognii nidi Vitadahizhnlitl'alahgo to' eegasItti hot nida'-atsi attIty vita akore, acto.tip-Itayeti d66 (too- bit' nidahonitt'a da nidiPia Daniitil'altgo bee-gashii nida'atsi da ha-dahatWsh nit'ite'. Beegashii da'alehiniatah atah'itjiltcelto bOhoneedlii nidi

baahasti' d661niahadzid. Nitti tip dot!,tl'oot, doo hot nahonitt'agitoei doo Vita hachT anah66t1' da teh.Atkidfift' hast61 yff via nidi a6o bee

4100 bit nitlahottitt'ago6 tsintahg66bida'alnih. dint: aid&

ayoo da'diloltgo vita ii4 isii va'at'etch. haa-li dine da tas-beeglAshie dah

kd66 raw. 10.0 bilveedi iiloh (166naatia iithgth. nahtlff' la' anaadzi-lohgo Aadoo t'ailAko tsin

aaji' yideiitliiloh (166 dah dayiitt,oh(166 la' vikee' the nit dahgo shij beegashii itah daheestt'09 teh.

ii3egashii da la' doo dzigaiji" eh'eghaah-g66 da la' dzigaiji' ha hot eh'elwo', eidoodago da ni' la' yi ely'elwo".Aa j beegashii 1)011' dah d irwo'go kodoodine yieh'i' tip' hit dah diijahgo da-yiiloh. T'fia ni' itak ya h'eghitaltgo ei tsinda la' vita ay idigi all Mk°yitith haalwo'. Iii ei tsin yitith dah sidiagodine beegastlii dayiiloh. Dayidoh-go aadoo ako yik'inida'att'ooh (166 ni-


haadi situ beegashii shijeeigoeiadayii'eesh teh. bightitedi dah dahees-tl'ottee at416' bileinida'astiVygo eh'ida-.ii'eesh telt.



eh'idaho'dit'aah K6'6olyeenii ayooyikaa'deio adiloh dahoedi'nligo.

bitpgo aveio bidazhneedliigo atah beega-shii alah finidajiillih telt niree'.

el Dine bibeegashii tahgo adaa-t'e. (100 nidaaldzid tla 4166 bits ?' da-dig'''. Bidet," al(16' doo danineez da, la' ei

bidee' adaadiin. Alk'id4/1" ei beegashiiay 6o doh t'fiabi%6 hashkeda-nidzin nit'elo.


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Al loidiift' t'ah Ip'i naahaiiditte Dine bi-kePthgi (I66 nilei "adahwiis'iiiig66 ts'idaay-66' iinittsogo"yidzaaz.T'siadoo kot'e ilinil'66 bithadzoo deezhchlil. Doo nidi shiiiikoneelki" doodzas hwinnidzin da niree'.Ei shjj biniinaa dine tladoo tlia bitseiidihasht'e' adadinyaa da. Dine , V66 ahay61hiighahi 'bee bieh'j' nidahwii'naago yihai,diehin (1(16 hak'az (166 ts'iih niid6oh ykgoyik'f:e ti'dahooznii'. Nataldlooshii al(16'

alai' rift akOdaadzaa. Ch'il attso bitsliti'biklideiichill (166 he Vita 'tine' dzil bi-ghtip'di bideig daadzaaz.

Dii silk eikoreego la' dtit bightip'di ha-.

deig. yitlzaa?, jini: Aak'ce nahadleehgo shii(74 nilei halgaiji" ch'eeji'neeh nit'ee'.oviia-doo 1400 ch'ijinehe deezhehiil. Ako Ailrii4 nilei dzit bightitedi dahaghanr yitiai.T'66 biihadzoo hachl" nidahwiis'nfill', jini.Half? vita bit haehl' 'flidahwt:iisInati', ha-deig yidzaazgo. Nitell'its'osi d66 Nadel-

Atsoh yizitigii biyi' shii fiado' o yidzaazg66biniinaa.dazhnoovai'. moo 1p'i doodzaskla





gi are, Nitch'itsoh k'adfir' lifts° nidiziidgoinda halgaig66 dibe bit ch'idii'neet ha'nii-go shii dime nidahaz* Dzildi ei ch'il d66to doo bidin hoyee' da, jini. shjj binii-naa fittse vita k00 danihigharv-dooleel da-jiniizii'. Dikwiigo shii hoog dine altodaadzaa, jini. La' shjj ei t'66 a k'ee h

halgaig66 adadahanee o aa nidii-kai. La' shjj é' vita AO() nida'abozdilziid.

Ako shjj t'66 bahadzoo aadff' yichingofit'ee la, jiii. Pi shil doo nidi halm iikodazh-nizin da. T'ah hooshderhita-chill. Aa(166 shji ei 1'66 deezhchiligo dinela' adada'niilkaadgo yaa nicliikai. rfianiehiii nidi nitei adult gOyaa adalizna,jini. La' shii el tilts(' aftso indaadadadi'n'ilkat dazhniizir Ako

Netshjj ts'ida nadridi doo akoree da la, jini.nu' deezhchilligii shii Vita aanii deezh-chalgo la, iikwe'e ei doo baaitkodazh-nizin da. liodiina'go shjj adoochiltgo dine he raja 1140 afirlilloostlid.


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hooshelee billthadiligi (Ina-tsogo yidzaaz. Afidtio nidichlitgo yaa,naagha. Ch'atishaiiiidfife ya s nitsaa nididoo hada'jolii da. Dibe doó ttizi doo tiealdo' doo yada'olii da. T'lla nizaad 'nihool-zhiizhgo dine chiyitan dadineezhlchtife chlzh da tahgoo attOr)Nidi dibe doo tie 6i iiyisii bich'l' da-horiiis'nfia*, shii, alts ° bits' t'

bik'ideichiilgo. Tt'izi ei ayoo dahoyoi, ha-k'az ayoo yinitdzil doe) Vita attso nanise'yiy0, bohoiniihigii tsin aytio yttph ayii.Chieot, gad da ayoo yitchozh. Dibe al yasvita nitsaa doo niiiihg645 dighliabda yileeh. ayoo haa-dayiviihgo Poo niteeh doo doo nfiadii'-neeh da

Dii shl ilkoveego dikwijilree shii dzitbightitedi jirit.stkieaniji-

irjahgo shii hojoobaggo nilei yas

nitsxaa, dibe bit cleidajiiznii. ittse shifIli' bee yas biyi'goo tsin .nidejishoodgoatiin iidahojiilaa. Aadoo shii iikko dibeatkee' iit'i'go nilei adah goyaa adadazle-



neeskaad. - dazh'neetkaadgo dikwiishii yiskftirgo inda adadazh'neeskaad, jini.'Pita ayidije dibe AnakahgoVila akti(i binidazhnitja-h. It ninfidajaVih-


go Via itkO voó boholniihgi deedazhdit-jfh dei, iikoo lIojoo-bieigo shii intio ch'idazb'-niiskaad. Dibe shii veiya ch'idabiznees-kaad, ttizi4eLvita dzil bightitedi riidazh-.nitkaadgo .ch'inidaan doo. Vail aadi da'ash-hi. Dint' altsti dibe eh'ideiiniiskaadgodine Pali &tit bighiiii"di nideiinit-kaadiT Viiadoo birts'ile adaasddigii

tii" yee hanatida'iisgi, cleiiffifin dot')azee' dO6 tokp'i iiadidabeehai.

Ch'eenidpiulgo voo bahadzoo to dila-!kid nidi ei vaadoo ayoo dine yik'ee

da. /Woo biklje vita attsogonideitsoigo naaldlooshii chit doo bit bi-din hayee' (la To atdo', don bidinhoyee' da



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This story book is basically for Na-vaho children to read so that they canlearn more about the history of theirpeople, and for readers who are inter-.ested in learning more. about the Na-vahos:

The st9ries relate to incide4s thathappened in the vicinity o Rough Rockand Black Mountain. We want ourchildren to become aware of them.

The stories were written in Navahoso that the Navaho children will be-come aware that our language is usedin . many ways, such as in writing his- .

torical ,stories in Navaho as they aretoldl, and we trust thgtt they4willbigin



to have appreciation and respect fortheir native language. The Navahoswere created by the Holy People alongwith their language. Our ancestorsused the language to pray and sing.At present this tradition is still carriedon. This is how we becan4 what w&aretoday, a proud people with an ever-growing population and riches as wecontinue to preserve oil!. language andculture.

We want our childre- ri to know theirown language and culture, and also toknow the language and, culture of theoutside world, so that they will encoun-ter fewer difficulties ip the future.

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This book is the second volume ofGrandfather Star: C. The first volumewas written only in English. This bookis written in Navaho and English.These stories were told t us by ourelders who live in the vicinity of theRough Rock/Black 'Mountain area. AllNavaho stories were at onetime handeddown from generation to generation byword of,mouth. At present, it is still likethat. Only a few have been recorded inbooks. Many of our elders who knew alot of stories are dying off. Only a few


of their stories haVe been recorded, butthey hay% been translated into English.

"The stories have lost a lot of their meatlk-ing in the process of translation. To

. avoid another situation like this,filesestories were 'initially written in Nava-ho, then translated into English.

Most Navaho stories also have several versions, depending on what part ofthe reservation you are from. Our lan-guage also varies slightly in some pirtsof the reservation, mostly just in pro-nunciation.



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The school at Ro h Rock has bi-lingual bicultural ucation becausethe people of the co <<s munity wantedtheir children to le about their ownpeople's and the wh teman's ways oflife, and they also waited theirchildrento speakvthe Navaho and English lan-guages so that they would feel comfort-able and be able to :make a living inboth worlds in the future.

When the school first started in.1966



there (were no materials in existencefor the bilingual bicultural educationprogram. In order to have a bilingualbicultural education program, theschool established a curriculum center.At present the center is still in opera-tion, and has produced many readingmaterials for the- classroom and thegeneral public. Some of the books arewritten in Navaho 'and the 'others inEnglish.






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would likt, to thank the followingpeople for their contributions to thepublication of this book.

First of all I would like to thank thepeople who told these stories to mewhen I was little. Although they werenever compensated ip any way for thetime they spent telling the stories, they

,,were willing to provide additional infor-matidin in reference to the stories. FirstI wrote whatever I could remember;then I cqnsulted with them and verifiedwhat I had already, written. They areas follows: my mom, Mary B. Yellow..




hair; my dad, Tom Yellowhair, Sr.; andmy grandpa, Etcitty Benallie.

The following people also deserveto be thanked for the time and effortthey have contributed to the publica-tion of this book. Regina H. Lynchtyped the Navaho and English ver-sions of the stories. Stephen Wallaceedited the English versions of the stor-ies. Fred Bia did the illustrations forthe stories.

I especially would like to thank thepeople) of this community. It is becauseof them that we have a school here.



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Many years ago the Holy People livedon the land we now hire on. Some livedin thi? vicinity of Black Mountain. Stor-ies about these Holy People have beenhanded d6wn from. generation to gener-ation by word of mouth.

There is a story about how game ani-mals were taken and hidden from the,people. The people lived without eatingmeat for quite some time before theyrealized what had happened. The gameanimals had disappeared without atrace. The people hunted in vain; eventhe best hunters could, not find ,a traceof game animals. Peop4 became fright-ened because they could not have meatto eat. If they did not have meat, theywould all die. Meetings were held to tryto figure out what had happened to the

r game animals. Nobody knew or hadany idea what had happened.

People were really hungry for meat.There were plenty of plants for every-one, but no one wanted to eat them.They were not an ideal food for themeat-eating people. Even the crystal-gazers were unable to find out what hadhappened to the game animals. Therewas greet concern among the people.

While searching to find out what hadhappened to the gagrie animals, peoplenoticed two birds that regularly trav-eled from La Plata Mountain (Dibe Ni-tsaa, Sacred Mountain of the North) toa place called Tsedadvhwiidzohon theeast edge of Black Mountain. Peopleknew that their journey originatedthere each time they traveled to BlackMountain, but they did not see themuntil they were nearing the mountain.There was only one bird who had verykeep qight; he could see them when theybegari their journey south. Chicken



Hawk (Tsjyaalzhahi) was the only onecapable of seeing' the two birds fromBlack Mountain to La Plata Mountain.

The people were watching from BlackMountain again as the two birds begantheir journey again. They traveled allthe way to Tsedotidilkat(Rock Doorat the northeast edge of Black Moun-tain). When they got there they dis-appeared. People wondered where theywent. This happened several moretimes. , They disappeared without atrace each time they reached Medea-&Mal, so the people decided to watchfrom a closer distance. They were stillunable to find out where those birdswent after they had arrived at Merida-dilkal, so the people discussed apotherway to find out what was goiiig on.After a lengthy disc ssion they decidedto move in closer it them. Again theywere unable to find out anything. .

The people had another meeting todiscuss another alternative to find outhow the birds vanished each time theyarrived atTsedliadilkal. Finally it wasdecided to have someone changed intoa fake chihuahua dog ind leave him atthe birds' home so that he could begiver a home there. The scheme was tofind out if these two birds had anythingto-do-with- disappearance of thegame animals. So the chihuahua wasleft near the irds' home. The birdswere not at th it home when the dogwas dropped off, so he had to wait for'their return from La Plata Mountain.The people also had to wait for the birdsto return. ,After they had waited forquite some time, the birds were onceagain spotted by the chicken hawkwhen they began their journey south.He said, "They are leaving now," as he


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stood on the edge of a rock. The peoplewere unable to see the birds, as usual,until they were nearing Black Moun-tain. The birds arrived atTsediiiiliwii:dzoit first; then they traveled on to Tsesthiddilkal, -where they once againvanished without a trace. Each timethey mAlle their trips to Tsetiaadilkat,they took along their Stijl. The schemehere was for the boy to takea liking tothe flog, and then to find out if thesetwo birds had anything to do with thedisappeprance of the game animals.The plan was working. The dog was leftnear the birds' home at night. The firstthing the people found out was that aman and a woman were dressed asbirds, and they traveled with a littleboy. They were the ones who traveledfrom the north.

When the family entered the cave, thedoor closed after them. There were a lotof game animals in the huge cave. Thefamily was inside the huge cave for along time before coming out. Then theywent home.

The dog informed the people aboutthe game animals hiddqn in the bigcave and how it could be opened. Thepeople made plans to free the game ani-mals the next morning while Ruh Yi-nifrani was still asleep. The followingmorning, just as the people were freeingthe animals, Iiiihifirtifrani was awak-ened by the sound of hoofbeats. He andhis family immediately traveled byrainbow to Tsedaddilkat.

When the' people opened the cavedoor the game animals began leaving,one after another. Within no time theyhad stampeded out of the cave. iiiihYinifranitried to stop the animals, butwas unable to do it.

Huh Yinitrcini hid all the game ani-:mals inside the cave many years ago..


The people freed the game animals.The following morning,.as the family

was leaving for Tsedaadilkal, theyspotted the dog. Before the dog Wasleft there, a glass-like rock had been putover his eyes to protectbis eyes. As soonas the boy saw the dog, he said, "Thiswill be my puppy! This will be mypuppy!" He held the puppy and beggedhis parents.

The father responded, "Leave italone. Put him down and chase himaway." The man was skeptical. He--carried a long stick. He hesitated sever-al times before he stuck the stick intothe puppy's eyes. The puppy did notblink an eye. This happened severaltimes. The puppy had been warned inadvance that this would happen: if heblinked an eye, the man would find outthat the dog was a fake chihuahua.When the dog did not blink an eye, theman was quite satisfied. The boy keptbegging his parents to keep Pie dog.The parents finally gave in. The boykept the dog, and the dog was allowedto follow the family to Tsederadilkai.When they arrived there, the manpoked the dog's eyes again four moretimes. Again the dog never blinked aneye. But the man appeared skeptical.The people's plan was working.

Upon their arrival there, the dogfound out that there was a big cave thathad a kluge door. The dog also foundout that all of the game animals werehidden in the cave. The man used twocanes as keys to open the door. He useda white shell cane and a turquoise caneto open the door. When the door wasopened, there was another door inside.He used two more-tames to open thatdoor alb ---an abalone shell cane anda cane made of jet. These canes wereburied in the ground by the doors. You


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had to go through two doors before you.entered the cave. Inside the cave therewere hundreds and hundreds of gameanimals. This is why the man was



called Bijh _Yinitetini (Deer Raiser).The dog was not allowed to go into thecave. He had to wait outside by thedoor.

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Many years ago, when there were notrading posts or grocery stores in theNavaho land, the Navahos used to ob-tain their own food by hunting, plant-ing and gathering fruits and berries.During the fall they used to -hunt fordeer to obtain meat.

They did not go hunting only in diefallthey used to hunt for antelope inFebruary. About this time of year themeat people had stored would be gone,so they had to go out and get some morefor spring and early summer. Manyyears ago there-were a lot of antelopein the Navaholand. About this timeof. year the antelope would come downfrom the mountains to a better grazingarea. This vias An ideal time to huntfor antelope.

As many camps as possible were in-formed about the antelope hunt that

x-was to tdke place: After a definite datehad been set, people would gather at adesignated area for-the hunt. As soonas enough people had gathered, theybegan constructing a brush corral.Sagebrush; juniper, tree branches,pinon trees and brush were used tobuild the antelope corral. The corralWas built similar to a sheep corral.After the corralAhad been built twofences were built in a V-shape from, theentrance to the east. Brush was alsoused to build thefence.

After the corral and fence had beencompleted, men who were fast runnerswent into the range to look for the an-telope. Antelope traveled in groups. Ifsome were spotted, the runners wouldslowly walk around them and beginherding them toward the corral. In themeantime, men who were excellentshots with the bow and arrow hid theai-


selves behind the corral, waiting forthe antelope to be herded into the cor-ral so that they could then kill them.While the men were hiding behind thecorral, the antelope were slowly herdedinto the corral. The antelope wereherded between the two fences that ledthem into the corral.

After the antelope had been herdedinto the corral, they started runningaround. Although the corral was notvery high they were still unable to jumpover it. The men who were hiding be-hind the corral began killing the ante-lope, one at a time. tot all the antelopewere killedonly the males were killed.The others, the females and the smallones, were spared and released so theycould give birth and be used again inthe future.

While people were butchering, a bigfire was built. After they had finishedbutchering some meat was roasted overhot coals and was eaten. The rest waspacked and taken home. When the hun-ters arrived home, they began cuttingthe meat into strips to make jerky.

The antelope's hide was not thrownaway. It was saved to be tanned. Thetanned hide was used for many things,such as making moccasins, bags or--pouches. It was used in so many ways.

Many years ago there were many an-telope in Navaholand. There are nonetoday. As the Navaho population be-gan to increase, the antelope popula-tion went down to zero. They were allkilled by the people. Maybe there areantelope still in other parts of the coun-try. All we see in Navaholand are re-,mains of antelope corrals. There areseveral places that are like that.

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Many years ago Navahos were at One day, when she was cookingwar with several enemies: Spaniard-s, breakfast, the man said, "Today we willas well'as other Indian tribe4 who lived take the sheep to the mountain wherearound. them. When these enemies forage is plentiful. We will spend theraided Navaho camps they often cap- whole day there, so prepare lunch. We

Lured women and children. They also will eat whin we get there."took sheep and horses. In return the After she had prepared lunch theyNavahos would go into the enemy coun- left for the mountain. The mountaintry and do the same thing. Eventually was several miles away. They left earlythe enemies would be back to recover 'in the morning. They took 'their time,whatever had been taken from them. allowing the sheep to graze along the

When enemies raided, people would way. They finally reached the moun-run for their lives in different direc- tain close to noontime. By then it wasLions. The enemies would attack at any getting fairly hot. The sheep immedi-time of the day or night. The Navahos ately went under the trees for shelterwould hide in the mountains. Lookouts from the hot sun. But it was not as hotwere stationed in certain areas. If they on the mountain as it was in the valley.saw enemies coming they gave an Since it was close to noontime, theyalarm to the people. The men prepared took out their lunch and began to eat.to fight and the women and children They did not dismount from the horsehid themselves in a safe place. The live- to eat; they ate while the horse grazedstock were also herded to a place where with them. Up to this time she was notthe enemy would not be able to see allowed to wander far away. After theythem. had finished eating the man broke off

During a raid by some Spaniards, a a tree twig and. sharpened it with hiswoman was captured and taken back pocket knife. The woman got scared.to the Spanish country in the south. She wondered what he was going to doShe spent several years there before with that stick. She thought, "Maybeescaping and returning to her home- he is going to kill me now. Perhaps thatland in the Navajo country. She was is why he asked me to bring the sheepcaptured by a Spanish man. She was here with him."made to cook for lAim and maintain his After he had finished sharpening thehome; she was not allowed to wander stick,, however, he started cleaning hisfar from the home. As time elapsed phe ear with it. He cleaned his left ear first;was allowed more freedom, but only then he began cleaning his other ear.to a limited extent. At times, she also As she was watching . the man shehelped to herd his sheep. He owned thought, "This is my chance to escape!several hundred head of them. Each When he starts cleaning his ear againday-they would ride out on horseback. I will shove the twig into his ear." ButHe made her sit behind him and tied the man finished cleaning his ear andher up with a rope. They took the sheep just sat there, staring at something into the hills daily. In the evenings she the distance. She waited for him to be-cooked meals for him. 35 par E

gin again. Finally, he stairtheepLculsenaunmbienregd..

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his ear again. Just at that instant' thewoman shoved the twig into the man'sear as hard as she could. The man didnot even realize what had happenedhe just fell off his horse and died im-mediately. As the man fell off the horse,she fell off the horse, too, because shewas still fastened to him with the rope.

She immediately untied the rope anddragged thse man into a nearby patchof bushes and covered him with bushes,leaves and dirt. Then she jumped onthe horse and headed north as fast asthe horse could run. She slowed downonly after some distance for the horseto catch its breath. The only thought inher mind was *going back to her home-land and being among her peopleagain. She kept riding until sundown.She traveled quite a distance that after-_

noon.By sundown the horse was tired, so

she dismounted in a safe place so thatboth of them could rest before continu-ing. It got really dark after sundown,so she waited until moonrise, then con-tinued her journey to her homeland inthe north. She traveled through thenight until dawn. By then, she wastired from riding on the horse. Thehorse was tired also. Again she dis-mounted under a tree and loosened thecinch. After tying the horse-to the tree,she lay down to rest. She soon fellasleep. The horse was snorting whenshe woke up. She had slept almostthroughout the day. It was almost sun-down when she woke up.

Meanwhile, people back at the Span-ish man's home realized that some-thing had happened because he wasnot back from the mountains for acouple of days. Soon they became curi-ous and started searching for him.They found his body in a patch of

bushes. Then they started looking forthe Navajo woman. The woman knewthat people were looking for her. Shefastened the cinch and started ridingquickly toward the north again. Sherode until it got too dark to ride. Thefollowing morning, after resting over-night, she hgid started. riding when shesaw what looked like some people fol-lowing her on horseback. As soon asshe saw them,eshe started riding againas fast as she could towards the north.She never looked back or waited aroundto find out who they were. She kept rid-ing towards the north for several days.

\ She watered her horse wherever she\ could find water. Forage for the horse

was plentiful along the way. She knewhow to survive in the wilderness, so shedid not have to worry about food. Therewere plenty of berries and plant roots.She gathered these to supplement thedry cornmeal she had with her. Shemixed that with water to eatShe final-ly reached her homeland after ridingfor many days. She was happy to beamong her people again.

Just before she reached her home-land, she decided to )yalk the rest of theway, so she freed he horse, but thehorse did not g? anywhere. The horsewanted to stay with her. So she got backon the horse and rode him back to herhomeland.

-Many years ago when Navahos wereheld in captivity, a medicineman per-formed a special ceremony for them sothat they could safely return to theirpeople. Their families and relativesalso prayed for their safe return. Per-haps a ceremony had been held for thiswoman's safe return; it is then no won-der that she. returned safely. Anotherceremony was performed after shereturned. 36

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. At present we are not at war with ourenemies, but our ceremonies are stillperformed for similar reasons. The



ceremony is still performed for mem-bers of our people upon returning fiornfaraway places. .

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Many years ago there were not asmany Navahos as there are today.They lived far apart froM each other.In some lreas of the reservation onlyOne person would stay at a sheep camp.People rarely visited one another.There were many dangers that facedthe Navahos also, such as wolves. Theywould start running as soon as it gotdark after. sundown. This. -was the rea-son why people hardly went anywhereafter dark.

This is A story about two .men whohad -a very close encounter with wolveswhile they were traveling home on foOt.They were working far away, off thereservation, when they decided to gohome. They took the train ass far asFlagstaff, Arizona, then caught a ridewith a fn. to Winslow, Arizona.From ther they caught another ridewith anoth r friend, but they had notbeen taken very far when their friendhad to turn off, so they had to proceedon foot. Their destination was some-where in the vicinity of Black Moun-tain; that is where they came from.They wanted to get home before sun-down, so they started walking as fastas they could. They kept walking to-ward their home through noon and ontoward mill- afternoon. As the sun wasfast approaching the horizon, they be-gan running. They ran a short ways,then walked a short ways. They keptthis up until close to sundown. Thatwas when they just continued running.They knew that wolves began roamingafter sundown, so they knew they hadto find a safe place before then.

Not ,very far ahead they saw sometrees clumped togethernot many of


them, just a few short ones..They ap-peared to be juniper trees, and thatlooked like a safe place to spend thenight. The sun was fast approachingthe horizon, and they wanted to reachthat place before sundown. They ran asfast as they could.

After sundown dangerous animalssuch as wolves begin roaming. Peoplenever went anywhere then because ofthe dangers. At that time there weremany wolves. You don't see a lot ofthem during the day; they are not so.mean then, either. However, as soonas it gets dark they begin roaming,hunting for food when they get reallyhungry. Some that have puppies haveto look for food for their young ones,also. The ones with puppies are themost ferociousthey can attack any-thing in sight. The ones that are starv-ing are also very fierce. They can at-tack human beings, especially at night.

The men were still quite a ways fromthe trees when the sun went down. Itwas getting quite dark when they werestill quite a ways from the trees. Butthey were in luck: The moon rose justthen, and they could still see wherethey were going. But at the same time,they heard a wolf howling. At first itwas a faint howlhe must still havebeen far away. This really frightenedthem. They began running faster be-cause the trees were still quite a dio-tance. They were so frightened thatthey forgdt they were near exhaustion.Again they coup hear the wolf howlingin back of them. It was still a faint howl,but it was louder and louder. They knewby now that the wolf was followingthem. Perhaps the wolf had found their

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foot tracks and begun following them.In spite of running as fast as they could,they were still quite a distance from thetrees. They just kept running as fastas they could, as the wolf got nearer andnearer. The way they were running,nothing could catch them.

Just when they were about to reachthe trees, another wolf began howling,not very far away. Then more wolvesbegan howling. They could tell a wolfwas in pursuit of something to eat, sothey started traveling faster towardthe trees. At last they reached their

branches and hitting the wolf with itwas not possible.

The men were shaking while theysat in the tree. Soon another wolf ar-rived. He tried to climb the tree also.Now there were two of them. By mid-night several more had arrived. They,too, tried to climb the tree again andagain. After a while they all got tired,so 'they all lay down and waited for themen to come down. Then one of themgot up and began trying to climb thetree. When the rest saw this, they allgot up and started at it again.

destination. But the trees were no taller The two men got tired of sitting inthan six feet, so they began looking forte the tree. Their legs were aching, butanother tree frantically. Finally theyfound one and climbed up that one. Bythat time the wolves were not very faraway. Since all of the trees were juni-per trees, they did not grow very high.Even the tree they climbed was not tootall, and it was withering, also.

Just as they climbed the tree, a bigwolf appeared. There was moonlight, soeverything was very visible. The wolfdid not see the men sitting in the tree.He just ran past them. The wolf wasbreathing heavily and had his tonguehanging out. He never noticed the mensitting in the tree. He was 'gone. Theydid not make a move while sitting inthe tree. After a while the wolf returned.He followed the tracks, then lost them.It took him a while to notice that thetwo men were sitting in the tree. Assoon as the wolf siiw the men sitting inthe tree, he tried to climb it. Again andagain he tried, but could nothe justkept falling back down. His claws werenot made for climbing trees. The twomen were really terrified by this, butthere was nothing they could do aboutit, so they just had to sit at the top of thetree. Breaking off one of the tree's


there was nothing they could do.Around midnight it began to get-cold(this happened during the fall). Theywere also getting sleepy, but the wolveskept them awake. Finally it was dawn,and the wolves scattered. They prob-ably went home.

The men waitedAin the tree until sun-up. While they were waiting for sun-rise, they save smoke from a camp notfar away. They waited a bit longer, then.walked over to the camp. When they gotthere, people were surprised to seethem. The people asked them wherethey were coming from. The men toldthem that they had spent. the night ina tree not far from the camp becausethe wolves had attacked them. Theywere told that wolves roamed at nightaround there. They were invited to eatbreakfast. After.eating, they continuedtheir journey.

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CATTLEMany years ago Navahos had a lot

of cattle: Raising cattle was new tothem then. Therefore a cattle "round-up" was considered ,a very specialevent. The cattle rounakp was a yearlyevent in some areas. Although only afew people owned cattle, some of themowned hundreds and hundreds; a lot ofthese cattle went wild.

Navaho cattle were also differentthen; they were thin and had long slen-der horns.

Whenever a cattle roundup wasplanned many people were informedabout it. First the tame ones wererounded up. Then groups of riders wentafter the wild ones. Once a year the cat-tle were branded and some were takento market. All the cattle were roundedupeven the wild ones were brought in.

Some of the cattle became very wildand very mean. People used to enjoyrounding up this type. The wild onesonly stayed in the mountains. Theywere hard to catch. If and when theywere caught they were brought downfrom the mountains and penned in acorral.

When a wild cattle roundup wasplanned many people would participatein it. Some would come from far away.They brought their fastest horses. Anagile horse was ideal for rounding upwild cattle in the mountains. Wild cat-tle, if cornered, can attack a person onhorseback; that is the reason horsesused in the roundup have to be agile.If they were not agile a wild steer or cowcould easily hook them anyplace- ontheir bodies with its sharp horns.

Men who were rounding up the cattlealso had to be agile. Knowing how-toride fast on horseback in the forest wasa necessity because wild cattle had a

tendency to run and hide there. Themen also had to be excellent ropers be-cause it could mean life or death if awild steer attacked one of the riders.One had only a split second to reactto the situation when one of the riderswas about to be hooked by a steer. Aftera steer or cow was roped by the headand hind hocks, it was tied- to a tree.Then the riders went after another cowor steer.

If a cow or steer did not ru toopen field, a decoy was set for them tolure them into the open: This decoy wasusually someone on horseback or onfoot. When the cow or the steer wentinto the open it was roped and tied toa nearby tree. If a person on footused as a decoy there had to be a tieenearby so he could climb up that treewhen the steer or cow attacked him.While he was safe in the tree the steeror cow was roped. After several wildcattle had been roped and fastened totrees, they were led down from themountains, one at a time. They wereusually festrained so that they couldnot get loose and could be easily con-trolled.

Women and children who were tend-ing sheep nearby usually stayed insafe places.'If they spotted a wild cowor steer they usually climbed on top ofrocks where it was safe.

Rounding up wild cattle was fun, butthere were dangers also. If one over-looked something 'or got careless .hecould get hooked by a wild cow or steer.Horses were the most vulnerable, nomatter how agile they were. Some got

. hooked in the stomach; their intestinesand stomachs would hang out whenthat happened. For participants in theroundup good riding and roping skills


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were necessities. Some: men Were quitewell known for their riding and ropingElkins in ,those days. That is -why theyrisked their lives and`good horses everytime they went on a roundup,

At present, Navaho cattle care is dif



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ferent. Cattle are mostly tame and havemore meat on them. Also their hornsare short, and some do not even/havehorns. Many years ago cattle were wildand quite mean.




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Many years ago big snow storms oc-curred on the Navaho Reservation andin other parts of the country. The onsetof the storm caught people by surprise.They did not 'expett the snow storm tobe that severe. Maybe that is why peo-ple did not properly prepare for it be-forehand: The storm caused a lot ofhardship for the people, such as illness,hunger and lack of warm shelter. Ani-mals encountered similar hardships.Their forage got covered up with snowand ice. Some became snowbound inthe mountains.

This story relates to several familieswho were snowbound on Black Moun-tain during that time. It is a custom forNavaho families to have two sheepcamps, summer and winter. In the sum-mer. they move to higher elevationswhere forage and water are plentifulfor their livestock. In the wintertimethey move down to lower. elevationswhere the weather conditions are lessharsh and forage is plentiful. This par-ticular year, the weather was mild inthe fall and early winter. Perhaps thisis why several families decided to stayat the summer sheep camp longer thanthey usually stayed. This is how they.were caught by surprise by the snowstorm. Some families -had to spend thewinter in the mountains where they be-came snowbound. Because of the bigsnow storm, they encountered a lot ofhardship. Their livestock also sufferedalong with them. The weather wasmildduring November and the early apart ofDecember. This caused the people to bemistaken, thinking that the rest of thewinter months would be mild also.Their plan was to begin moving campin the middle of December ower elk-

vations. Another reason was that for-age was plentiful in the mountains. Notall of the families decided to stay in themountains; some left for the wintercamp during the early part of the fall.

What they were not aware ofwas thatthere was a big storm coming in. Itcaught them by surprise. Some familiesbegan moving as soon as the storm ar-rived. Other decided to stay until thestorm had subsided. They were com-pletely mistaken. The storm las 1'Wseveral days.

It snowed several feet deep. Thenseveral more storms followed. At firstthe people were not really concernedabout the deep snow. But when theybegan to run out of food and other ap-plies, they began to _panic. Firewoodalso became harder to find because ofthe deep snow. Sheep and horses weresuffering the most, because their foragewas covered with snow. Goats can eatjust about anything, such as pinon-treeneedles. They can also withstand the'cold. But sheep can't go anywhereWhen the snow gets deep; They juststand in one place and starve or freezeto death.

Several families who were snow-bound in the mountains decided to gettogethev and help each other move tolower elevations. First they had tomake a path in the deep snow by drag-ging a log by horse. They had to makea path all the way from the top of themountain to the bottom. That is howthey got their sheep out of the moun-tains. The process was very slow, sothey had to make camp several timesalong the way. It took several days toget out of the mountains. They had toleave their goats behind, because they

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had a better chance of surviving thanthe sheep and hories.4he goats did nothave any difficulty surviving throughthe harsh weather co.pditions and didnot have problems giving birth in thespring. After the sheep had been takendown from the mountain, foottl and sup-plies had to be hauled to people whowere still in the mountains caring fcir


the goats.When spring arrived, there were

floods and mud slides in many partsof the reservation. The best thing thatresulted from the snow storm was thatthere was plenty of forage and waterduring the summer, which the Navaholivestockmen were very thankful for.



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