BooK I.] (AHn,l,) inf. n .,.- , (AHn, TA,) He cut off the .. [q. v.] of the palm-tree, (A Hn,,) to eat it. (AHn, TA.) - .. Ii ,l . tHe ran quickly. (L in art. s..) See also 7. ... ,JW, ($,A,g,) aor. , inf. n. . , (TA,) The greater part qf the month (., S, A, 1, i. e. . St, TA) passed. (8, A, g.) = qJ., aor. ', He overcamne him in a) .1 (K) [lit. drawing, dragging, pulling, &c.; (see 3;) but also] used figuratively [an meaning S he overcame him in contention]. (TA.) You say, I.j. ~4j..i [I contended nitlh him in draRving, draqg- ging, &c., and I overcame him thlerein: and also] t I contended waith him and I overcame him. (T, A,* TA.) 3. W114. He contended with him in draming, dragging, pulling or tugging, straining, or stretcth- ing, &c. (L in art. .. ) And JJI ~lt. [He contended with him in pulling the rope]. (Mgh in art. tj.) And i;1 4 . Ie contended writh him in pulling the garment, or piece of cloth. (A.) And ;jSl I l.., inf. n. ;4$ , They p,tled the thing, every one of the,n to himself. (Mbh.) And iq. s;l3.: see 1, last sentence: [a plhrne having two meanings: for] you say, I,4 (1, TA,) inf. n. · (TA) and .. , (I-ar p. G36,) meaning t Tbey two contended [in any manner], each n,ith the other: (],TA:) and [in like manner,] * Slt.!J, (K,) inf. n. .wi_, (t,) t They tn'o contendled together. (S,* 8.) You - , 4` : - P - say also, 141.* ,lS-- [There were contentions between them: then they agreed]. (A, TA.) And ;,JI O t I contended with him for the thing. (S.) See also 1, in two places, beside the instance in the last sentence. 5. t4. I lie drank it; (A, g ;) namely, milk: said of a pastor. (A.) 6. ;JI _jlW. 7'hey contendled together in pulling the garmnent, or piece of cloth. (A.) [Ilence,] 4li Lj I [They contended together in discourse, talk, or conversation]. (A.) Sec also 3. - And see 7. 7. rJ.l It (a thing) was, or became, dranwn, dragged, pulled, tugged, strained, extended by drawing or pulling or tugging, or stretched, &c.; it dragged, or trailed along; syn. .,Jl. (S and B in art. q.) _ It was, or becane, transferred, or removed, from its place; anmid so / ?,j. (f.) -, ,J.'1! also signifies t Quick going or iourneying or travelling. (f.) [You say, .,.J Jt1, and JlI j, (the latter occurring in the TA in art. , &c., like j l .J, men- tioned above, see 1,) t IIe rent, or journeyed, or travUelld, quickly.] And .JIt 1MI,pnl. and ).ljl . . t,J They brought,or purvyed, n,heat, or corn, or provisions, from qfar. (A, TA.) 8. 4 et-: see 1._Also He seized it, or took it, or carried it of, byforce. (B, TA.) - And t He called, suntmoned, or invited, him. (Jam p. 645.) ~ t. tQ/uick journeying or travelling. (ISd, K·.)- And The stopping, or a stoppage, of the flow of salia (a jIl vil). (e.) w,. The pith that is at the head of the palm- tree, from which the [fibres called] Jie are pulled of, and which is then eaten; as though so called because pulled off [or cut] from the tree; (TA;) the heart, pith, or cerebrum, ( oL.,) of the palm-tree; (AI.n, $; TA ;) so in some copies of the K; (TA;) i. e. the _ of the palm-tree: (S:) or, as in some copies of the K, and in the M and L, only such as is coarse: (TA:) as also t .~.: (K :) n. un. 4. ($, K.) [Sec also 3JjlP s. i . A portion that is dran,n by a single puUllofspn thread, or yarn. (S.) [Hence,] ., .,, . · a ·l Jib jkc. Uax. i X He gave him not aught. (A, TA.)_ 4~ j;l - e t Betnween me and the place qf alilhting is a piece [qf land or country, or a tract], meaning a distance: ( :) or a far-extending piece [of land or country]. (iS.) And . .. ., i' j t.,' and , t Between us and the son.s of such a one is a mall space, or short distance; i. e., they are near to us. (ISh, TA.) . p1s? i -. M.1 [He tooh his nway into the valley of Jedhelbti]: (i :) or, as given by Meyd, [and in the A,] l.j [they.fell into the valley of Jedhebat]: a celebrated prov.: (TA :) applied to a man who has missed the object of his aim or pursuit; (1K, * TA;) ,,j. being said to be derived from - JI ..j. "he weaned the boy;" because, in weaning, a child sometimes dies: or from JI 'I , or. ..... JI eJ$, explained above: or, accord. to some, the right reading is .: or, as Az says, on the authority of As, the most correct reading is from ,JI ; "the serpent bit him;" and the prov. is applied to him who falls into perdition, and to him who wanders in perplexity tfrom the object of his aim or desire. (TA.) [See also another reading in art. .. '.] OjY... The sandal-thong that is between the great and seconml toes. (K, TA.) You say, L* .J . " 1 He did not stand me in stead of, or avail mne as much as, a sandal-thong that is between the great and second toes. (AA, TA.) .. ,.C4, indecl., [su a proper name, chianged in form from ,] (TA,) Deatlh: (lSd, :) so called because it draws away the soul. (lSd, TA.) ve1* see o. .,,I.Ur:: see ., ... 41J*. Hairs, (TA,) or coarse hairs, or a coare hair, (V,) tied, and mnade into a snare, (TA,)for catching larks. (~, TA.) .s.. :A she-camel that has ewceeded the umal timeu of pregnancy, and passed beyond the time [of the year] when she had been covered: (Lb, TA:) or a she-camel that has extended, or pro- tracted, te period of her pregnancy to eleven months. (A, TA.) tA she-camel, (S, K,) and a she-ass, (TA,) scant of milkh; (, , TA;) as also d. and t 'i: (}g:) pl. [of the first and second] 4'1, and .I.. ($, 1.) 51i~. (M,10) and the latter formed by transposition, (L and TA in art. i.t,) A kind of food, prepared with sugar and rice and flesh-meat: (M, ] :) [from the Persian ;1}~, as observed by Golius:] it might be hastily imagined to be arabicized from .1 , jI ,; but this is not the case: (TA :) [n. an. withl : or] a1$-. is a cake of bread (j4.) Itn into the oven (,J;), and having suspended over it a bird or some jesh-meat, the gravy of which flows upon it as long as it is cooking; also called QAi l .1, because it removes one's anxiety for seasoning, or condiment. (.Jar p. 227.) 1. ;, (A, TA,) aor. ', (Tr,) inf. n. ;, (A, K,) le cut, or cut nfl', or severed, (]g, TA,) a thing: (TA:) and (K) he extirpated, or cut off entirely, (A, K,) a thing; (A;) as also tj .; (S;) and t jjI, inf. n. ;iJl1. (AZ,1.) } see 1. 4: 7. j l It became cut, or cut off, or evered. (g, TA.) ; (As, IAar, , A, Msb, 1) and t;' (AA, , .K) The root, or lower part, (AI, %, A, Meb, ],) of anything: (As, E, A:) or (so in thie ]g, but in other lexicons " and") particularly, of the tongue: (Sh, A, Msb, l]:) and of the penis: (Slh, :) and of a horn (8,' A) of a cow (S) or of a bull; (A;) or the horn [itself] of a cow: (TA:) and the latter word, the root, or foot, or lowest part. of a tree: (TA:) and the former word, the base of the neck: (EI-Hejeree, 1 :) pl. J.~ (I.) Hence J , J- . L~ '_11 ;Jj; Love took up its abode in the bottom (J,1l) of his heart. (A.) And [hence] it is said in a trad., ,.Jj; aL l ;.' Jd-~i .. !.r~.J , [app. meaning, Verily reason, or intellect, or rather conscince, each of which is a trust committed by God to man, and a faculty which renders him responsible for his faith and works, (see, in art. X.,l, an explanation of a;.l as used in the l]ur xxxiii. 72,) hath taken up its abode in the bottom of the hearts of men]. ($.)-Also, both words, The origin, or stock, f'.on which one springs. (TA.)... And the for- mer, (8, A, Mgh, Myb, ]i,) and the latter, or the latter only, (],) or the former only, (TApr, TA,) A root of a number; (A;) an arithmetical root; (Mgh, ] ;) [a square root;] a number that is multiplied by itelf; (Mqb;) as wrhen you any that ten mltiplied by ten is a hundred; (Mgh, Myb;) and three multiplied by thre is nine; (A;) in the former of which castes, ten i the jjq., (Mgh, Meb,) i. e., the jJ. of a hundred; (Mgh;) and in the latter, three; (A;) and in each case, the [square or] product of the multipli. cation is called the Jl, (Mqb,) or the I~-. ., (A,) 50' 305

s. · 2005. 11. 23. · (TA,)for catching larks. (~, TA.).s.. :A she-camel that has ewceeded the umal timeu of pregnancy, and passed beyond the time [of the year] when she had been

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  • BooK I.]

    (AHn,l,) inf. n .,.- , (AHn, TA,) He cutoff the .. [q. v.] of the palm-tree, (A Hn,,)to eat it. (AHn, TA.) - .. Ii ,l . tHe ranquickly. (L in art. s..) See also 7. ...

    ,JW, ($,A,g,) aor. , inf. n. . , (TA,)The greater part qf the month (., S, A, 1,i. e. . St, TA) passed. (8, A, g.) = qJ.,aor. ', He overcamne him in a) .1 (K) [lit.drawing, dragging, pulling, &c.; (see 3;) butalso] used figuratively [an meaning S he overcamehim in contention]. (TA.) You say, I.j.~4j..i [I contended nitlh him in draRving, draqg-ging, &c., and I overcame him thlerein: and also]t I contended waith him and I overcame him.(T, A,* TA.)

    3. W114. He contended with him in draming,dragging, pulling or tugging, straining, or stretcth-ing, &c. (L in art. .. ) And JJI ~lt. [Hecontended with him in pulling the rope]. (Mgh

    in art. tj.) And i;1 4 . Ie contendedwrith him in pulling the garment, or piece of cloth.

    (A.) And ;jSl I l.., inf. n. ;4$ , Theyp,tled the thing, every one of the,n to himself.(Mbh.) And iq. s;l3.: see 1, last sentence:[a plhrne having two meanings: for] you say,I,4 (1, TA,) inf. n. · (TA) and .. ,(I-ar p. G36,) meaning t Tbey two contended [inany manner], each n,ith the other: (],TA:) and[in like manner,] * Slt.!J, (K,) inf. n. .wi_,(t,) t They tn'o contendled together. (S,* 8.) You

    - , 4` : - P -say also, 141.* ,lS-- [Therewere contentions between them: then they agreed].

    (A, TA.) And ;,JI O t I contended withhim for the thing. (S.) See also 1, in twoplaces, beside the instance in the last sentence.

    5. t4. I lie drank it; (A, g ;) namely,milk: said of a pastor. (A.)

    6. ;JI _jlW. 7'hey contendled together inpulling the garmnent, or piece of cloth. (A.)

    [Ilence,] 4li Lj I [They contendedtogether in discourse, talk, or conversation]. (A.)Sec also 3. - And see 7.

    7. rJ.l It (a thing) was, or became, dranwn,dragged, pulled, tugged, strained, extended bydrawing or pulling or tugging, or stretched, &c.;it dragged, or trailed along; syn. .,Jl. (S andB in art. q.) _ It was, or becane, transferred,or removed, from its place; anmid so / ?,j.(f.) -, ,J.'1! also signifies t Quick going oriourneying or travelling. (f.) [You say, .,.J Jt1,

    and JlI j, (the latter occurring in theTA in art. , &c., like j l .J, men-tioned above, see 1,) t IIe rent, or journeyed,

    or travUelld, quickly.] And .JIt 1MI,pnl.and ).ljl . . t,J They brought, or purvyed,n,heat, or corn, or provisions, from qfar. (A,TA.)

    8. 4 et-: see 1._Also He seized it, ortook it, or carried it of, byforce. (B, TA.)- And t He called, suntmoned, or invited, him.(Jam p. 645.)

    ~ t. tQ/uick journeying or travelling. (ISd,

    K·.)- And The stopping, or a stoppage, of theflow of salia (a jIl vil). (e.)

    w,. The pith that is at the head of the palm-tree, from which the [fibres called] Jie arepulled of, and which is then eaten; as though socalled because pulled off [or cut] from the tree;

    (TA;) the heart, pith, or cerebrum, ( oL.,) ofthe palm-tree; (AI.n, $; TA ;) so in some copiesof the K; (TA;) i. e. the _ of the palm-tree:(S:) or, as in some copies of the K, and in theM and L, only such as is coarse: (TA:) as also

    t .~.: (K :) n. un. 4. ($, K.) [Sec also

    3JjlP s. i . A portion that is dran,n by asingle puUllofspn thread, or yarn. (S.) [Hence,]

    ., .,, .· a · lJib jkc. Uax. i X He gave him not aught. (A,

    TA.)_ 4~ j;l - e t Betnween meand the place qf alilhting is a piece [qf land orcountry, or a tract], meaning a distance: ( :)or a far-extending piece [of land or country].

    (iS.) And . .. ., i' j t.,' and ,t Between us and the son.s of such a one is amall space, or short distance; i. e., they arenear to us. (ISh, TA.)

    . p1s? i -.M.1 [He tooh his nway intothe valley of Jedhelbti]: (i :) or, as given byMeyd, [and in the A,] l.j [they.fell into thevalley of Jedhebat]: a celebrated prov.: (TA :)applied to a man who has missed the object ofhis aim or pursuit; (1K, * TA;) ,,j. being

    said to be derived from - JI ..j. "he weanedthe boy;" because, in weaning, a child sometimes

    dies: or from JI 'I , or. ..... JI

    eJ$, explained above: or, accord. to some, theright reading is .: or, as Az says, on theauthority of As, the most correct reading is

    from ,JI ; "the serpent bit him;"and the prov. is applied to him who falls intoperdition, and to him who wanders in perplexitytfrom the object of his aim or desire. (TA.)[See also another reading in art. .. '.]

    OjY... The sandal-thong that is between thegreat and seconml toes. (K, TA.) You say, L*

    .J ." 1 He did not stand me in steadof, or avail mne as much as, a sandal-thong thatis between the great and second toes. (AA, TA.)

    ..,.C4, indecl., [su a proper name, chianged inform from ,] (TA,) Deatlh: (lSd, :)so called because it draws away the soul. (lSd,TA.)

    ve1* see o.

    .,,I.Ur:: see ., ...

    41J*. Hairs, (TA,) or coarse hairs, or acoare hair, (V,) tied, and mnade into a snare,(TA,)for catching larks. (~, TA.)

    .s.. :A she-camel that has ewceeded the umaltimeu of pregnancy, and passed beyond the time[of the year] when she had been covered: (Lb,TA:) or a she-camel that has extended, or pro-tracted, te period of her pregnancy to eleven

    months. (A, TA.) tA she-camel, (S, K,) and ashe-ass, (TA,) scant of milkh; (, , TA;) as

    also d. and t 'i: (}g:) pl. [of the firstand second] 4'1, and .I.. ($, 1.)

    51i~. (M,10) and the latter formed

    by transposition, (L and TA in art. i.t,) A

    kind of food, prepared with sugar and rice andflesh-meat: (M, ] :) [from the Persian ;1}~,as observed by Golius:] it might be hastilyimagined to be arabicized from .1 , jI ,; butthis is not the case: (TA :) [n. an. withl : or]

    a1$-. is a cake of bread (j4.) Itn into the

    oven (,J;), and having suspended over it a birdor some jesh-meat, the gravy of which flows upon

    it as long as it is cooking; also called QAi l .1,

    because it removes one's anxiety for seasoning,or condiment. (.Jar p. 227.)

    1. ;, (A, TA,) aor. ', (Tr,) inf. n. ;,(A, K,) le cut, or cut nfl', or severed, (]g, TA,)a thing: (TA:) and (K) he extirpated, or cutoff entirely, (A, K,) a thing; (A;) as also tj .;

    (S;) and t jjI, inf. n. ;iJl1. (AZ,1.)

    } see 1.4:

    7. j l It became cut, or cut off, or evered.(g, TA.)

    ; (As, IAar, , A, Msb, 1) and t;' (AA,, .K) The root, or lower part, (AI, %, A, Meb, ],)

    of anything: (As, E, A:) or (so in thie ]g, but inother lexicons " and") particularly, of the tongue:(Sh, A, Msb, l]:) and of the penis: (Slh, :)and of a horn (8,' A) of a cow (S) or of a bull;(A;) or the horn [itself] of a cow: (TA:) andthe latter word, the root, or foot, or lowest part.of a tree: (TA:) and the former word, the base

    of the neck: (EI-Hejeree, 1 :) pl. J.~ (I.)Hence J , J- . L~ '_11 ;Jj; Love took upits abode in the bottom (J,1l) of his heart. (A.)

    And [hence] it is said in a trad., ,.Jj; aL l ;.'Jd-~i ..!.r~.J , [app. meaning, Verilyreason, or intellect, or rather conscince, each ofwhich is a trust committed by God to man, and afaculty which renders him responsible for hisfaith and works, (see, in art. X.,l, an explanation

    of a;.l as used in the l]ur xxxiii. 72,) hath takenup its abode in the bottom of the hearts of men].($.)-Also, both words, The origin, or stock,f'.on which one springs. (TA.)... And the for-mer, (8, A, Mgh, Myb, ]i,) and the latter, or thelatter only, (],) or the former only, (TApr, TA,)A root of a number; (A;) an arithmetical root;(Mgh, ] ;) [a square root;] a number that ismultiplied by itelf; (Mqb;) as wrhen you anythat ten mltiplied by ten is a hundred; (Mgh,Myb;) and three multiplied by thre is nine;(A;) in the former of which castes, ten i thejjq., (Mgh, Meb,) i. e., the jJ. of a hundred;(Mgh;) and in the latter, three; (A;) and ineach case, the [square or] product of the multipli.cation is called the Jl, (Mqb,) or the I~-. ., (A,)

