RVS Summer Magazine Email

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  • 8/7/2019 RVS Summer Magazine Email


  • 8/7/2019 RVS Summer Magazine Email



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    Breaking the cycle o suering, poverty and addiction.The Hope Center of Russellville is a centralized and

    coordinated effort to help the suffering, poverty-strick-en, and the addicted.

    Every community in America needs a center of HOPEwhere churches, industry, small business, and privatecitizens pool spiritual and physical energy, resources,and heart-felt effort to make the shift from addictionto freedom and result in meeting community needsand correcting social problems.

    This is happening through the HOPE Center!

    The Hope Center is a 12-month live-in rehabilitation/discipleship program where male residents receive24/7 supervision and care. The program is all-inclu-sive for each resident - that is, we provide food, cloth-ing, housing, materials, access to dental, medical, andoptical care - during their one-year tenure with us.

    Each resident attends Life Skills Workshops studyingcourses such as Anger Management and CharacterDevelopment, in addition to courses such as How toStudy the Bible and How to Worship God.

    We provide employment and on-the-job training formembers of The HOPE Center. Because our divisions

    are prot centers, operating with high moral, perfor-

    mance, and ethical standards, those who are trainedare released into chosen career paths will be highlyregarded and prized as employees.

    What You, Your Church, Business, or OrganizationCan Do to Get Involved

    Gifts in Kind - Donations of a non-monetary naturethat translate into tremendous cost savings (food,clothing, appliances, furniture, computer equipment,cars, trucks, fork-lifts, etc)

    Volunteer Labor - Many have discovered the joy ofserving to be fullling and particularly satisfying. Indoing so, we are walking in the footsteps of Jesus.

    One Time Financial Gift - Financial gifts in anyamount will be used as a stewardship responsibilityfor which the HOPE Center pastors and administratorswill give an account before God for.

    Monthly Financial Support - Monthly sponsorshiptaken on by mission boards of churches, businesses,or private citizens are very much needed to sustainexisting and expanding future ministries.

    The HOPE Center201 South RochesterRussellville, AR 72801


    I you would like to make a dona-tion or monthly pledge to The

    HOPE Center, please fll out thisorm and mail it to:

    Contact Inormation:Earl Helton, Program Director

    Chris Bradley, Program Manager

    Name: _________________________________

    Address: _______________________________

    Phone Number: _________________________

    Monthly Pledge: $ ________________________

    One Time Donation: $ _____________________

    Yes, I will pray for The HOPE Center regularly.

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    Hi, My name is Peerless Beeman and I am 5 years old. I am in kindergartenat Lamar Elementary. Two and hal years ago, I got a rare virus that paralyzedme rom the chest down. I have been in a wheelchair ever since. My Momand Dad ound out that there is a surgery that could help me walk again. It isnot stem cell surgery. This surgery costs lots o money and my Dads insur-ance wont pay or it. I you could fnd in your heart to help me, I sure would

    appreciate it. God Bless You, Peerless.

    Peerless Beeman is a happy little boy with a beautiul spirit about him. Hedoesnt let this handicap slow him down. The medical industry has madeno breakthroughs on spinal cord injury or almost 50 years. Peerless wasdoomed to spend the rest o his lie (shortened considerably by his paralysis)in a wheelchair. Something as simple as a cold or you and I could turn intopneumonia or him in a short period o time. Kidney ailure is also a very realthreat. He has to be watched very closely.

    We discovered Dr. Harry Goldsmith, in Glenwood, Nevada, who pioneered aspinal injury cord surgery almost twenty years ago. The surgery has not beenapproved in this country; yet in Berlin, Germany, the procedure is being donewith great success. Its a airly simple procedure. One that could beneftthousand o men, women and children with spinal cord injuries.

    The community has been very supportive in

    our eorts to raise the money needed or the

    surgery and intensive physical therapy both

    beore and ater the surgery. The expenses

    will be around $100,000 or possibly more. We

    are almost to the halway mark, so we really

    need your help to make a little boys dream

    come true. Peerless told the pastors wie

    last year that when he turned 5 years old, hewould walk again. We are trusting in a miracle

    rom God that this is going to happen.

    The amily has a bank account set up at First

    Arkansas Valley Bank named the Peerless

    Beeman Fund. Any o the branches would

    welcome your deposit.

    I you have questions about Peerless or his

    surgery, please give us a call. You can reachhis mother, Lenell Beeman at 479-970-1895,

    his aunt, Dayle Plummer at 479-293-9839, or

    his granny, Sherri Bullock at 479-498-2239.

    A very special thank you to all those wonder-

    ul people, who have helped us, get to the

    place we are right now.

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    Krystal Manning

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