lmur irisia.now without yeat. Plenty of kerosepe oil In town. A refreshing rain fell on Friday 4 zight. The leaves of the forest is not yet halfigrown. barden. vegetation looks promising. T*e - wood buying season ie over. Lo Virejoice. Afiloher refreshing rain on datur- day.. The gardens and upland farms woko beginning to nood it. ka Otrjailer must feol a little lonely without that singing with which he hts boen familiar for several weeks. Red tape has proved to be a potent OoWer on the office door of the State Capital. The practice is bpreading. We will take "strawberry" in ours Er*6y time. The nectar of the gods wah never more delicious. The treasury of the Easley Town Council is plethoric with 'greenbacks.' Usc$ers have had recent accossions. ,Thie recent cold soap has not hurt the fruit or even the tenderest vegita- tion. Although frost was plainly vi. sible-in favorable placee. Mr. H. J. Lewis. who lives almost Ander the 13lue Ridge, has Irish po- tat6es.as large as hen's eggs. This is the largest we have heard of. We c6uld speak more eloquently concern- ing them if we could see a few in our ianctu m. The young man, who officiated in tho Sunday School in the morning 4 and was seen in the still house in the e.ening, never drinks any spiritous liquors. The still had been removed some time before. Notice to druggists and storekeep- era. I guarantee Shriner's Indian * Vermiluge to destroy and expel worms from the human body, where they e,Xist, it Uso(? according to directions. You are authorized to soIl it on the above conditions. David .E. Foutz, prop)ridtLor, Baltimore, Md.J "WVith golden muzzles tall thieir nmoutlas were bound." "Greenvillo is terrified at prospective 4 hdrophobia. It is instant death to Qoty canine found at large without a "nzzle." The city fathers act upon clisodproverb, that "an ouncO of puerention is worth a pound of cure." -'he'"fol,owing property was sold on saloday: Five lots at Liberty, of w hich No. 18 brough t $50; No. 29, 820; No. 4Wt59; No. 48, *20; No. 5, 815.. Sold as the6 'property of S. M. Holcom be, tEd bought by WV. H. Ilolcomnbo, of Atlanta. A tract of 115 acres, the lIdperty of Isaac A Durham, at $500, anud;bought by W. A. Clyde. Two lots in the town of Pickens, belongs. * zn1t.bA. R. N. Folger. at $25, and I 4 3, belonging to Andy Bowen, a**$3, and bought by C. La. liollings- Wo th Banks' land, 254 acres, at $800. ..J;Janting is progressing. There is o s~idorably loss area planted in cot- tein than in previous years, and a great a fallHng off in the use of commercial fer- tijdzQr. The truth is, Pickens is not a' cotton growing region, and the soon9r our infatuated farmers realize thiasfact the better. Pickens should never attempt its culture, except for her own consumption. It would take noelaborar,e argument to prove that our fah'ners can realize more clear po8$6 from raising corn, wheat, &c., ande stock of. all kinds; yet they blindly cbhtinaue to att,empt the cultivation of cod on from year to year, when they s661 themselves getting pocrer from the practice. * The Postmaster at 1Easley seems to b5 not too well versed in the trans,. misaion of the mail. We have heard *of' the same letter being misseent as many as three times. Letters mailed othtplace have been sent to other pQints along the line of Railroad. A proper attention and care will remedy alTIIoh, and public servants ought all tokaye such attention and care; oth,. erwise,shey ought to be replaced by those 'who wou'd attend prIoperly to * the busines. It is highly important tig.6ters in particular,. and all mail mat ,In general, should suffer no detention in their transmission, be.. cause the interest of individuals might thereby rede!vo serious detriment. The Spartanburg and Asheville Railroad is finished 16 miles beyond Spartanaburg, and 8 miles from the Block Hocuse. 'I he ears will run to ethe latter p'int by the first of Juneo Whttteinore was-kiok6d out of Con gress for selling,oke$lhipsIand It i not at all Iteprobable that he wilt -b kicked out of the Legislature for buy ing liquor and cigars vith publi4 money. According to the informatioi of nortain merchants, ho and others o his claw have been luxuriating at th publio expense. The Renlate is nov Investigating his case, and if it b found that these charges against biq ire true, he will be kicked from thq Senate Chamber and consigned to th State Penitentiary where he mor< properly belongs. Damucratic rul( will ferret out all the hidden rascalitj and bring to speedy and condign pqn- ishmont all those who have been en- gaged in such frauds against Lh( State. "Murder will out" and so wil all kinds of fraud. It only requirE Lime to develop them. Parson Brownlow, of Knoxv.ill< Tennesee, the political preacher, the "fighting Methodist parson," an ante bellum abolLtionist, a postbelluLn Radfoal of the purest water, a hatet Df and traitor to the Sooth, died al his residence on the 29th of April.- His life has been more of a curse than a blessing to his people. No one ir Lhe South can sbed any tears ovex Brownlow's grave, nor throw th< mantle of charity over his memory. All the State offices are now in the hands of the Democrats, the Republi ,ans having withdrawn their answerh in open court, and consented that thQ 3Overal plaintiff's have the judgmontE prayed for. We have now Demo. .ratic rule after a protracted struggl< f ten years. Perseverance is, in thu instance, a disenthralling quality ae well as a noble virtue. The voice o Lhe people, the laws, and even the 'ates were against thom. Governor Hampton's first ant .houghtfully prepared message, whici Vo publish this week on our firsi >aige, we commend to our readers, ~conomy and retren.chnment is its first nd last strain. JUST RECEIVED AT. M cF A LL'S, A COMPLETE STOCK OF Notions, AILL NEW, NICE AND BRIGIIT -------- A splendid assortment, and prices t< sut the times. OROOKERY, TIN ANi IAD-WARE, All kinds, sizes and prices, from Half Pint Cup to a 20 gallon WYasi Pot. DUGS & MEDICINES, Always Fresh and Genuine, and al the leading articles always on banc ALWAYS IN STOCK. TOBACCO AND SEGARS To suit every one. CANDY AND CRACKERS, CANNED GOODS & PICKLEE And in fact a general assortment c nilce things. Come and see for your self. Respectfully, W. T. MIcFALL. May 10, 1877 n5 'Mort a-ee's Sal B Y virtue of the power vested in me as Ai signee, under a Mortgage given by Eli Bracken. t T. W. Davis, and by him assigne f to me, I wil sell to the highest bidder at put lio outery, on SATUlD 1Y, the 26th day < May, 1877, at 12 o'clock M., from the step F of the Uourt Hotise, at Pickens C. H1., "All that Tract or Parcel of Land contait ig Seventy A'res .z"s or less, adjoinin lands of Warren 1amillon, J. W. Brunsor Henry White and others, known as the hom place of the said Eliza Brackens." TERMS CASH-Purcliasers to pay fo papers. If the terms are not complied wit in one hour, the property will be resold v the riak of the forner purchaser. W. L. WAIT, May -10, 1877- 0 $ 81 The State of South Carolim PICKENS COUNTY. IN TiER PROBATE COURT Marcus D. Keith, in his individual right, an as Executor of the last Will of Mary I Keith, deceased, Plaintiff, against James h] Reith, Cornelius Keith, Win. Keith, Tem perance Keith, Bebecca Keith, Elizabet Hendricks, and husband, George K. Hen dricks, Stephen D. iKeith, Mary Keith widow of George Keith, deceased, Marth: Owens, and husband, Duke W. OwenE Nancy Ferguson and husband, Augustu Ferguson, Mary Tally and husband, Ru ben Tally, Stephen Keith and Rebece Hendricks, Defendants. Complaint for Relief. TO William Keith, one of the defendant above named. OU are hereby sulsWned and require to arinW40 the coin1Djt In this aitvo which Is Aled in .the 00. the P ob*t Judge it-PlokensCout idO And ' h County and State aforesaid, and serve a cop of' your answer on the subscribers at thei office, on the public square of Pickens Cour House, in the State aforesaid, within twent days after the service of the summons on yot exclusive of the day of service. If you fai to answer the complaint within that time th Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relie demanded in the conplaint. NORTON, KEITH & HOLLTNGSWORTH, Plaintiff's Attorneys. TO Wm. Keith, One.of the Defendxets in"th foregoing cause. Take notice, that this action is commence for the partition of land, in the Probate Goui for the County and State aforesaid, and thn the summons and complaint in said actio was filed in the otilce of the Probate Judge Pickens Court House, in and for the Oourt and State aforesaid on the 24th day of April A. D- 1877; and that you are required (o ai pear in the cause by the thirtieth day of Jun next, or the Plaintiif will apply to the couw for the relief demanded in the complaint. NORTON, KEITH & HIOLhINGSWORTHT, Plaiutiff's Attorneys. [i.. s.] WV. (1. Frir.n, Probate Judge r.o. april 26, 1877 83 6 The State of South CaroHina COUNTY OF PICKENS. iN COURT 0OF CO~MON PLEA W. T. McFall, Plaintiff, against W. S. Wi Jiams, Defendant. Copy Summnons for M3oney Demann (Complaint not Served.) TO WV. S. Williams. Defendant in this actio: Y OU are hereby sumnor.ond and requir~ to answer the complaint'in this actioe of which a copy is filed in the office of ti Clerk of the Court for said county, and serve a copy of your answer on the subscril era at their oflice, at Pickens Court Hous, within twenty days after the service of thi summons on you, exclusive of the day < service. Nf you fail to answer this complaint withi the time aforesaid, thme plaintiff will apply t the court, for judgment against you for th sum of One Hundred and Four 20,100 Dollars with interest from the 1st, day of June 1874 at one per cent per tmonth, and Three Hlur dred and Thirty-two 5-100 Dollars, with ii terest at the rate pf.7 ppr cent per agni from the 25th day of Deceinber, one thousan eight hundred and seventy four and costs. Dated A pril 26th, A. D). 1877.. .CuTHRlAN, HIOLCOMBE & CHILD. PlaintiffPs Attorney. TO WV. S. Williams Defendant: Take notice thatL the complaint and sun mons.in the abovo.action, wasWiled in the of flee of the Clark of thme Court for P'icker County, on the 26th day--of April, 1877. COTHIRAN, IIOLCOMBE & CHILD, may3,*Plaintiff's Attornys ~TOTICE OFI FINAL SETTLEMENT. .1i Notic~e is ~hereby given to all persor b concerned, that, on the 15th day of May nex I1will apply to WV. .0. Field, Judge of Pra bate,for Pickens County, Bont1h QairoHna, fi leave to make a Final Settlemeni, of the E tmatt eotTHalda-E. Lark, and ask to be discharg4 therefrom as Administrator. I J IW. A. LARK, april_19, 1877 82 4 CELEBRATED Horse and Cattle PoWders. Thispt>aration and favorabi knwn w ul re-invigor# broken down and lSw-splrlted horses -by strengthening and cleansing th Sstomach and intestines.- It is asure preventiveoftall diseese incdent to this animal, such asLUNi F EV R . G LANDERS, YELLOW .6 WATER II'AVES COUGIIS DIS.-~ TEMPEli,FEVERd FOUN1iER ' q LOSS OF A&PPErI AND VITAI's EEY,&c. Its uso Improves te nd,OY increascs the appotito- gives asmooth and gl -- transibri*as the fcrbe skdI intoapnc-looingc1a*ls iggsy 'To keepers of Cows this prepara tion Is Invaluable. It is a sure pre votiv agaist,linderpest, Holloi Hor, tc g t asbeen proven b actual expeimecnt to Increase tb qunantity ofnmilk and ceam twent, ~ecest.,and make-thte butter fi * ad sweat, In fattening cattie I gi1ves them an appetite, loosens their hide, and aske them thrive much faster. ,, , In atl diseases of Swn, suet. as Oougblmders i the Lungs, Liver,&c. this article acts as a speciAc. Bly putnj rmoe swill the bovedIsViI caSed or entirely' in time, a ertan preventive and eure for the Hog Cholera. BALTIMORE, Md. 3 V H1UNDRED A M,ONTHI t LV JActveMen selling our Lett Copying Book. No press or wateraused.. Sample copy worth $3.00 free. Send stan for cirenlar. EXCELSIOR M'F'O CO., Madison. and 132 Dearbon-strant Ohinca orCorn, Corn. I WANTED TO PUROHA8E 1,000 BUSELO C0OR1, for- Which we will pay the market - pris fn Cash or Goods. a JOHN T. GOSSETT & CO. N. 0. Molasses, e Aheavy adply of tho above Molasses in r ste , Which *e purha'sed In New Orleans, h a'd which we will warrant to be a genuine article. JOHN T. GOSSETT & CO. .Irish Potatoes Call on us and get. any of the Early Vari- eties of Northern Potatoes JOH1N T. GOSSETT & CO. --- -We are getting in store. a good supply of tife above implements, which we are offering at a very small advance above cast and car- rihge. JO11N T. GOSSETT & CO. Dry-Goods f SPRING STYLE PRINTS; Ginghams, Cotton Plaids; Shirtings, Tickings; Cambrics, Long Cloths, &c; Coates' and Clarks' 0. N. T. Spool Tread; . Whittemore's Cotton Cards; L Turkey Red Yarn, Palmetto Fans; Braids, Cotton Hose, &c., &c. And a full line of all sorts of Dry Goods and Notions in store and to arrive soon. Call in and see for yourselves. y JOUN T. GOSSETTr & CO. Easley, S. C.. Feb. 12, 1877 KNEW FIRM. Oconee Tannery S >1 II undersigned have associate<d with them in the conduct of their business of ni. d Talnatiang ansd .?aualufiltuaisg Boots asad( Shoes, o MR. CIIA R LES WEITNAIUERI, as a partner ~. equally interesbed with us therein. The name of' the firm, will hereafter be the "OCONEE TANNERIY." Thankful for past ~fpatronage, we bespeak a continuance of the same. Our senior, Mr. Filainger, has a fine n reputation as a Tanner, andl will be able to o 'supply customers in this line with the. best e article of SOLE, UP'PER AND HIARNESS , LEATHIERI. I, ALSO, - We will continue to manufacture our first - class hand made And offer them on the best terms.- OUR BOOTS and 8SH0 E are for sale by W. T. McFALL, at Pickens Court Ilouse, cheap for cash, or which will be exchanged for Hides on reasonable terms. 1G. W. FLINGER{, GOTTLOBE WANNER. July 20,1876 46 tf VICK'S [ LL USTRs?A TED PRICED CA TALhOUGE Fifty pages--800 llustrations, with De- scription of thonsands of the best Flowe~rs tand Vegetables in the world, and the way to grow them-all for a two cent postago st.amp. >r int ed In Gernman and English. Vick's Floral Guide, Quarterly, 25 cents, a ad year.. Vick's Flower and Vcgetale Garden, 50 cents in paper; in elegant clothI covers $l.003 Address, JAMus VIcK, Rtochiester, N. Y, Vick's Floral Guide a beautifui-Quarterly journal, finely illustrated and containing and elegant colored Flower Plate with the first number. Price only 25 cents for the year. The first No. for 1877 a just issued in German and English. S Vick's Flower and Vegetable Garden, in 50 cents; withI elegant cloth covers $1.00. . Vick's Calalogue-300 illustrations, only 2 cents. Address, JAMIss Vox,, Rochester, N. Y. VICK'S FLO WER ANJ) Vrf.rTANL fl, ARDEN is the most beautiful work of' the kind in the world. It contains nearly 150) pages, hun-- 2 dIreds of ine illustrations, and six charomo r plate~s o flowers, beautifully drawn and col- ored from nat ure. Prico 50 cents in pap)er , covers $1 .00 in el"gant cloth. Printed in s German andl English. MeVik's Floral Ouide, Quarterly, 25 cents. Vick's Cat.alogue-800 Illustrations, 'I5 cts. 4<ldress .T AjMEs Vicx, RIochest.er N. Y Jan.-26 -- 20 4, AJHOME AND) FARMY OF YOUR OWN. On the line of a GR EAT RAILROAD, with good markets both1 East and West. Now is the Time to Secure It. .Mild Climate, Fertile Soil, Best co'Iun ry' for -. Stock Raising in the Unite,d Stat es. 0 er Books, Maps, Full Information, also "TuSK - ProNiaa' sent free to all parts of' the world. pAddress 0. F. DAVIS, 0Land C->mmaissioner U. P. RL. Rt. OMAlfA . r A$ FAIR EXCHANGE'? TRE FOLLOWING CE&BRIIATE FERTILIZERS: CAROLINA FERTILIZUR BRADLEY'S PAT. PHOSPHATE, PALMETTO ACIO PHOSPHATE, WILCOX, GIBBS, & CO'S MANI, PULATED GUOANO, ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE. For sale on liberal terms. (Freight paid) by IIUDGENS & BOLT. Easley, 8. 0., Feb. 8, 1877 22 8m RUSS:LL; MARTIE & CO. .T EALERS IN Dry-gch~ ad , areceriel 06~ com ad~ Ot Buyers. EASLEY STATION, S. C. 0--- THE CELEBRARTED ETIWAN DIS. BONE, always on hand for comn% positing. IIARRIS'S COMPOUND, AND other Mixtures. Also, John Morry an & Co Ammo% ninted Dissolved Bo s-in any qiin.. Lities to suit pursh ers. Apply for terms and prices- t Easley, A. & R. A. L. R. W- RUSSELL, MARTIN & CO. March 15, 1877 26 tf 1TV1W ANI D ARACTIVI ---0---- HAGOOD & ALEXANDER'S, PICKENS C. 11., S. C., W E A RE NOW R ECEIVING from No w York and Balt,imore, a largo anid splendid Stock of These Goods were carefully solected and closoly bought by one of the firm, and CAN and WILL BE sold at aston- ishingly low figures. Among the many novelties to be found in our stock, is~ the neat and handsome Tilden, IIondricks, and IIampton IIATS, and the stylish IIampton COLLAR.' Call early, make your 8elections and bo happy. ReospecLf'ulIly, HAGOOD & ALEXANDER. Oct 25, 1876 8 Used in nearly every locality in many States. BettledI beyond a douab-N4o one questions the fact, that,L miore cases ofT whites, suippres- sed and h-regular menses and1 uterine ob-- struclions, of every kindl, are being daily cured, by Dr. J- lBradfield's Female Recgulator, th an by all ot her .remedies combinecd. Itsa success in Georgia and other States is beyond precedent in tl.e annals of phisie. Thousands of certificates from women every where pour ini upon the proprietor. The attention of prom- inent medical men is aroused in behalf of this wonderful compound, and the most success- fuil practioniers use it. If women suffer here. after it will be their own fault. Female Regulator is prepared and sold1 by L. HI Bradfield, D)ruggist, Atlanta, Ga., and may lbe bought. at $1,5t) per hottle at any reMpectable Drug Store in the Union. E.FFEcTL. TRULY WONt9ERVUL. CAntsasvrLLn, GRt., April 26, 1869.--This will certif'y that two memibers of mny im:ne- diate family, after having suffered for many years from menstrual irregularity, and h'aving been treated without benaeft, by various' med- jeeal dlocterg, Were at lenagth completely Oured by one- bottle of Dr. J. Itradfleld's PEMA LE R{E0UL~ATO(R. I therefoa'e deemiti h y duly" to furnish this certificate, with the hope ot drawing attention of suffering womnenkind to the merit.s of a medicine, whose power in our-, ing irregular and suppressed menstruation, has been proven under my own personal ob- servation. Its effect ou sna~h cases is truly wonderful, anid well may the remedy be called "Woman's Best Friend." Yours respect fully, JAR. W. ATRAXoR. Sept. 7, 1876 1 4 N OT ICE. I TAKi this method of informing all parties .L initerestedl, that I will be found in nmy of- fice, at Pickens Court Ilouse on each WVx:I- NKHI)AY and TImUnsaJAy, andl on each SAie,K, for the purpose of transacting any business that conmes under mny jurisdiclion. As any duieIs as ~School Commiiissoner will comapell me to he absent in different parts aif the County, I appoint these special dlays for lhe benefit >f all concerned. O)hlice hours, from 9 a. m. to 4 p. in. .G. W. SINGLETON, Schi:ol Commaisione. Feb 8,.187? 22 PROFESSIONAL NOTICES. J8 COTHRAN, WE HOLOOMNS, R A CuI.D Abbeville C it Liberty, 1', Pick'es YR ' @ 4 HtCONEi& CHED , ITTORNEYS g0.N$ELO r AT" 4W, PR 11 BEw a . .R .a . Wi1 P#actIn af the Courts .othe. State and Conete Of t"UjWfd f4d#,f tN ji. triet of Soith CWW)ift. Ataroh 29, 1837 Norton, X*it&i* Mg.worth APTRNRYSAT!L, Will practice in the Circult ard Probate Courti for bkenf CouDy,. and in tie Onited States Uowtv of this State friiw t'hat 64**ty. One of the SeWior partimrs WMi be pr*i &to assist. lu the 6ranqactiqu f( May lwportanh business during vacatiom. 3. 3. 19ovr1,ox i W. C. KIITH, C. L. 1HOLLINGSWORTH,Pickens C. U. March 23, 1876 29 W 11TNEIR STMIREM ATTOnNRY ANDooUNsR,LoR AT AAW, GREENVILLN, S. (. P ractices in the Circuit ourt and Court e L'obate for Pickens ounty. May 16 42 6:n ISAAC M. BRYAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Practiees in Courts of Pickens County, and in United States Courto MEDICAL CARD. DRI. GEO. W. EARLE, haviwg"located at Pikens C. I., with the view of devot.. ing his entire attention to his Profession l6 all its differe"t banshes, now offers his per* vices to the citizens of Pickens and surround- Ingcountry. He hopes to meet the expecta- tion 9f the people by prompt 964Uoo to wN cases entrusted to his cure; with the experi- ence &f fifteen yerr, with four years in the various Hospitals during the late war, where all diseases that flesh is heir to was seen and treated. Special attention given to all diseaes pe. culiar to women and children. lie pan be found at his residence (at all times unlesm professionally absent,) ferraerly oeeupied by AMts. Ilughes, at the- East end of Main street. Charges reasonable. March 1, 1877 25Sa NEW ADVERTISEMENTB. $66 a week In your own town. Teu,els an~d U5out fit free. 11. ALarr.'rr & Co. Bortland, M%aine. CEO ROE PACE & CO'. No. 5 Nt. COE 0lDER BT., DA3&DWO3, ND. Patent Portable& Stautosa ogU Grist & FIOU Ui,Water- Wheels, ShIuvw.r.fla - WaOn' t kin, * chnuaN e Outfit Free. P. 9, VICK.. ERY, Augusta, Maine. $12 a day at home. A genttswaAted. Ot gusta. Maine. 25 EXTRA FiNE MIXED CARDS, witha name, 10 cents, post'paid. L. Jomnas & Co., Nassau, N. 1', To. 60 NonTH CuanL.S ST.. I%Ar,IMoiL. Incrporat ed April 9, 4809. President, Hon.-J. W. Bobbin, Judge Supe- The abov rior CopftI, o~ The boveInstitution offers ialheior forts of'a home to patients suffering with eye. or ear diseases, skilful nurses are in attend- ance, ahd as tihe surgdon in charge resides in the bouse with She farmily, -patients are-seen- by him several timnes during the daiy. For furt her inftormion apply to the surgeon ini charge. _____ Da. GORGO EULINo- $5 to $2(0 per day at home. Samnples wortih 51 free. Stinson & Co.,_Portland, Maine. P'rice, Twently- Five (Cents, O)NE UUNDR)ED i AND NINTH EDITION. Contaiitng a complete list all the (owns in the United Stales, the Territories, and the Do mionlon of Canada, having a population great er than 5,000, according to the last census, together with the names of tile newspaper. having the largest local circulation in each of tihe places named. Also, a oatalogue of niewspa:pers which are recommended to ad- vertisers as giving greatest value ini propor,. tioni to rices chanrged. Also, all newspapers in tihe UJnitedl States and Canada printing over 5,000) copies each issue. Also, all the Religious, Agricultural, Scientific and Me- ch'iniical, M edical, Maionic, Juvenile, Edu- cational, Commercial, insurance, Real Es- tate, Law, Sporting, Musical, Fashion, and other special class journal; very complete lists. Together with a complete list of over 300 Germnan papers printed .In the United States. Also, an essay upoti advertising; manily tablles of rates, showing thle cost of ad- veriswing in various newiRmapers, and every- thing which a beginer in advertising woukt like to know. Address QEO. P. RtOWELIL & CO., 41 Park Rowt, New York. VIare offered for newspapers in the Stato of South Carolina. Send for list of papers anid schedule of rates. Address GEO. P. IWOWELL & CO., Advertising Agents, No. 41 l'ark Row, New York. Refer to Editor of this Paper. CRISTAD)oRO'S HAIR DYE. C.istadoro's Hair Dye is the SAFEST and BEST; it acts instanrtannonsly, producing the mos(,t nalturIl shlades of Black or Brown; does NOT STA IN the SK IN, and is easily appie@d. It.is a stanidard p)repaIraIion, and a favorite uiponi every well appointed Toilet for Lady or Glentleman. Sold by D)rugglsta. J. QRISTADORO, P. 0. Box. 1533f. New York. Ucc 2l,1886 16 b


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lmur irisia.now without yeat.Plenty of kerosepe oil In town.

A refreshing rain fell on Friday4 zight.

The leaves of the forest is not yethalfigrown.

barden. vegetation looks promising.T*e- wood buying season ie over.

LoVirejoice.Afiloher refreshing rain on datur-

day.. The gardens and upland farmswoko beginning to nood it.

ka Otrjailer must feol a little lonelywithout that singing with which hehts boen familiar for several weeks.Red tape has proved to be a potent

OoWer on the office door of the StateCapital. The practice is bpreading.We will take "strawberry" in ours

Er*6y time. The nectar of the godswah never more delicious.The treasury of the Easley Town

Council is plethoric with 'greenbacks.'Usc$ers have had recent accossions.,Thie recent cold soap has not hurt

the fruit or even the tenderest vegita-tion. Although frost was plainly vi.sible-in favorable placee.Mr. H. J. Lewis. who lives almost

Ander the 13lue Ridge, has Irish po-tat6es.as large as hen's eggs. This isthe largest we have heard of. Wec6uld speak more eloquently concern-

ing them if we could see a few in our

ianctu m.The young man, who officiated in

tho Sunday School in the morning4 and was seen in the still house in the

e.ening, never drinks any spiritousliquors. The still had been removedsome time before.

Notice to druggists and storekeep-era. I guarantee Shriner's Indian

* Vermiluge to destroy and expel wormsfrom the human body, where theye,Xist, it Uso(? according to directions.You are authorized to soIl it on theabove conditions. David .E. Foutz,prop)ridtLor, Baltimore, Md.J

"WVith golden muzzles tall thieir nmoutlas werebound.""Greenvillo is terrified at prospective

4 hdrophobia. It is instant death toQoty canine found at large without a"nzzle." The city fathers act uponclisodproverb, that "an ouncO ofpuerention is worth a pound of cure."

-'he'"fol,owing property was sold onsaloday: Five lots at Liberty, of whichNo. 18 brought $50; No. 29, 820; No.4Wt59; No. 48, *20; No. 5, 815.. Soldas the6 'property of S. M. Holcom be,tEd bought by WV. H. Ilolcomnbo, ofAtlanta. A tract of 115 acres, thelIdperty of Isaac A Durham, at $500,anud;bought by W. A. Clyde. Twolots in the town of Pickens, belongs.

* zn1t.bA. R. N. Folger. at $25, andI 4 3, belonging to Andy Bowen,a**$3, and bought by C. La. liollings-Wo th Banks' land, 254 acres, at$800.

..J;Janting is progressing. There iso s~idorably loss area planted in cot-tein than in previous years, and a great

a fallHng off in the use of commercial fer-tijdzQr. The truth is, Pickens is nota' cotton growing region, and thesoon9r our infatuated farmers realizethiasfact the better. Pickens shouldnever attempt its culture, except forher own consumption. It would takenoelaborar,e argument to prove thatour fah'ners can realize more clearpo8$6 from raising corn, wheat, &c.,ande stock of. all kinds; yet they blindlycbhtinaue to att,empt the cultivation ofcod on from year to year, when theys661 themselves getting pocrer fromthe practice.

* The Postmaster at 1Easley seems tob5 not too well versed in the trans,.misaion of the mail. We have heard

*of' the same letter being misseent asmany as three times. Letters mailed

othtplace have been sent to otherpQints along the line of Railroad. Aproper attention and care will remedyalTIIoh, and public servants ought alltokaye such attention and care; oth,.erwise,shey ought to be replaced bythose 'who wou'd attend prIoperly to

* the busines. It is highly importanttig.6ters in particular,. and all mailmat ,In general, should suffer nodetention in their transmission, be..cause the interestof individuals mightthereby rede!vo serious detriment.The Spartanburg and Asheville

Railroad is finished 16 miles beyondSpartanaburg, and 8 miles from theBlock Hocuse. 'I he ears will run to

ethe latter p'int by the first of Juneo

Whttteinore was-kiok6d out of Congress for selling,oke$lhipsIand It inot at all Iteprobable that he wilt -bkicked out of the Legislature for buying liquor and cigars vith publi4money. According to the informatioiof nortain merchants, ho and others ohis claw have been luxuriating at thpublio expense. The Renlate is nov

Investigating his case, and if it bfound that these charges against biqire true, he will be kicked from thqSenate Chamber and consigned to thState Penitentiary where he mor<

properly belongs. Damucratic rul(will ferret out all the hidden rascalitjand bring to speedy and condign pqn-ishmont all those who have been en-

gaged in such frauds against Lh(State. "Murder will out" and so wilall kinds of fraud. It only requirELime to develop them.

Parson Brownlow, of Knoxv.ill<Tennesee, the political preacher, the"fighting Methodist parson," an antebellum abolLtionist, a postbelluLnRadfoal of the purest water, a hatetDf and traitor to the Sooth, died alhis residence on the 29th of April.-His life has been more of a curse thana blessing to his people. No one irLhe South can sbed any tears ovexBrownlow's grave, nor throw th<mantle of charity over his memory.All the State offices are now in the

hands of the Democrats, the Republi,ans having withdrawn their answerhin open court, and consented that thQ3Overal plaintiff's have the judgmontEprayed for. We have now Demo..ratic rule after a protracted struggl<f ten years. Perseverance is, in thuinstance, a disenthralling quality aewell as a noble virtue. The voice oLhe people, the laws, and even the'ates were against thom.

Governor Hampton's first ant.houghtfully prepared message, whiciVo publish this week on our firsi>aige, we commend to our readers,

~conomy and retren.chnment is its firstnd last strain.





A splendid assortment, and prices t<

sut the times.



All kinds, sizes and prices, from

Half Pint Cup to a 20 gallon WYasi



Always Fresh and Genuine, and al

the leading articles always on banc


TOBACCO AND SEGARSTo suit every one.

CANDY AND CRACKERS,CANNED GOODS & PICKLEEAnd in fact a general assortment c

nilce things.Come and see for your self.

Respectfully,W. T. MIcFALL.

May 10, 1877 n5

'Mort a-ee's Sal

BY virtue of the power vested in me as Aisignee, under a Mortgage given by Eli

Bracken. t T. W. Davis, and by him assignef to me, I wil sell to the highest bidder at putlio outery, on SATUlD 1Y, the 26th day <May, 1877, at 12 o'clock M., from the stepF of the Uourt Hotise, at Pickens C. H1.,"All that Tract or Parcel of Land contaitig Seventy A'res .z"s or less, adjoininlands of Warren 1amillon, J. W. BrunsorHenry White and others, known as the homplace of the said Eliza Brackens."TERMS CASH-Purcliasers to pay fo

papers. If the terms are not complied witin one hour, the property will be resold vthe riak of the forner purchaser.

W. L. WAIT,May -10, 1877- 0 $ 81

The State ofSouth CarolimPICKENS COUNTY.

IN TiER PROBATE COURTMarcus D. Keith, in his individual right, an

as Executor of the last Will of Mary IKeith, deceased, Plaintiff, against James h]Reith, Cornelius Keith, Win. Keith, Temperance Keith, Bebecca Keith, ElizabetHendricks, and husband, George K. Hendricks, Stephen D.iKeith, Mary Keithwidow of George Keith, deceased, Marth:Owens, and husband, Duke W. OwenENancy Ferguson and husband, AugustuFerguson, Mary Tally and husband, Ruben Tally, Stephen Keith and RebeceHendricks, Defendants.

Complaint for Relief.TO William Keith, one of the defendantabove named.OU are hereby sulsWned and requireto arinW40 the coin1Djt In this aitvo

which Is Aled in .the 00. the P ob*tJudge it-PlokensCout idO And ' hCounty and State aforesaid, and serve a copof' your answer on the subscribers at theioffice, on the public square of Pickens CourHouse, in the State aforesaid, within twentdays after the service of the summons on yotexclusive of the day of service. If you faito answer the complaint within that time thPlaintiff will apply to the Court for the reliedemanded in the conplaint.NORTON, KEITH & HOLLTNGSWORTH,

Plaintiff's Attorneys.TO Wm. Keith, One.of the Defendxets in"th

foregoing cause.Take notice, that this action is commence

for the partition of land, in the Probate Gouifor the County and State aforesaid, and thnthe summons and complaint in said actiowas filed in the otilce of the Probate JudgePickens Court House, in and for the Oourtand State aforesaid on the 24th day of AprilA. D- 1877; and that you are required (o aipear in the cause by the thirtieth day of Junnext, or the Plaintiif will apply to the couwfor the relief demanded in the complaint.NORTON, KEITH & HIOLhINGSWORTHT,

Plaiutiff's Attorneys.[i.. s.] WV. (1. Frir.n, Probate Judge r.o.

april 26, 1877 83 6

The State of South CaroHinaCOUNTY OF PICKENS.

iN COURT 0OF CO~MON PLEAW. T. McFall, Plaintiff, against W. S. Wi

Jiams, Defendant.Copy Summnons for M3oney Demann

(Complaint not Served.)TO WV. S. Williams. Defendant in this actio:YOU are hereby sumnor.ond and requir~

to answer the complaint'in this actioeof which a copy is filed in the office of tiClerk of the Court for said county, andserve a copy of your answer on the subscrilera at their oflice, at Pickens Court Hous,within twenty days after the service of thisummons on you, exclusive of the day <service.

Nf you fail to answer this complaint withithe time aforesaid, thme plaintiff will apply tthe court, for judgment against you for thsum of One Hundred and Four 20,100 Dollarswith interest from the 1st, day of June 1874at one per cent per tmonth, and Three Hlurdred and Thirty-two 5-100 Dollars, with iiterest at the rate pf.7 ppr cent per agnifrom the 25th day of Deceinber, one thousaneight hundred and seventy four and costs.Dated April 26th, A. D). 1877...CuTHRlAN, HIOLCOMBE & CHILD.

PlaintiffPs Attorney.TO WV. S. Williams Defendant:Take notice thatL the complaint and sun

mons.in the abovo.action, wasWiled in the offlee of the Clark of thme Court for P'ickerCounty, on the 26th day--of April, 1877.

COTHIRAN, IIOLCOMBE & CHILD,may3,*Plaintiff's Attornys

~TOTICE OFI FINAL SETTLEMENT..1i Notic~e is ~hereby given to all persor

b concerned, that, on the 15th day of May nex

I1will apply to WV. .0. Field, Judge of Prabate,for Pickens County, Bont1h QairoHna, fileave to make a Final Settlemeni, of the EtmatteotTHalda-E. Lark, and ask to be discharg4therefrom as Administrator.

I J IW. A. LARK,april_19, 1877 82 4


Horse andCattlePoWders.Thispt>aration and favorabi

knwnwul re-invigor#broken down and lSw-splrlted horses-by strengthening and cleansing thSstomach and intestines.-

It isasure preventiveoftall diseeseincdentto this animal, such asLUNiFEV R . GLANDERS, YELLOW .6WATER II'AVES COUGIIS DIS.-~TEMPEli,FEVERd FOUN1iER 'q LOSS OF A&PPErI AND VITAI'sEEY,&c. Its uso Improveste nd,OY increascs the appotito-gives asmooth and gl --transibri*as the fcrbe skdIintoapnc-looingc1a*ls iggsy

'To keepers of Cows this preparation Is Invaluable. It is a sure prevotiv agaist,linderpest, HolloiHor,tc g t asbeen proven b

actual expeimecnt to Increase tbqunantity ofnmilk and ceam twent,~ecest.,and make-thte butter fi* ad sweat, In fattening cattie I

gi1ves them an appetite, loosens their hide, and askethem thrive much faster. ,, ,

In atl diseases of Swn, suet. as Oougblmders ithe Lungs, Liver,&c. this article actsas a speciAc. Bly putnj rmoe

swill the bovedIsViIcaSed or entirely'in time, a ertan preventive andeure for the Hog Cholera.


3 V H1UNDRED A M,ONTHI tLV JActveMen selling our Lett

Copying Book. No press or wateraused..Sample copy worth $3.00 free. Send stanfor cirenlar. EXCELSIOR M'F'O CO.,Madison. and 132 Dearbon-strant Ohinca

orCorn, Corn.I WANTED TO PUROHA8E 1,000 BUSELOC0OR1, for- Which we will pay the market- pris fn Cash or Goods.



N. 0. Molasses,e

Aheavy adply of tho above Molasses inr ste

, Which *e purha'sed In New Orleans,ha'd which we will warrant to be a genuinearticle.JOHN T. GOSSETT & CO.

.Irish PotatoesCall on us and get. any of the Early Vari-

eties of Northern Potatoes


-We are getting in store. a good supply oftife above implements, which we are offeringat a very small advance above cast and car-rihge.



Ginghams, Cotton Plaids;Shirtings, Tickings;

Cambrics, Long Cloths, &c;Coates' and Clarks' 0. N. T. Spool Tread;. Whittemore's Cotton Cards;

L Turkey Red Yarn, Palmetto Fans;Braids, Cotton Hose, &c., &c.And a full line of all sorts of Dry Goods

and Notions in store and to arrive soon.Call in and see for yourselves.y JOUN T. GOSSETTr & CO.Easley, S. C.. Feb. 12, 1877


Oconee TanneryS

>1 II undersigned have associate<d withthem in the conduct of their business of

ni.d Talnatiang ansd .?aualufiltuaisg

Boots asad( Shoes,o MR. CIIARLES WEITNAIUERI, as a partner~. equally interesbed with us therein. The

name of' the firm, will hereafter be the"OCONEE TANNERIY." Thankful for past

~fpatronage, we bespeak a continuance of thesame. Our senior, Mr. Filainger, has a fine

n reputation as a Tanner, andl will be able too 'supply customers in this line with the. beste article of SOLE, UP'PER AND HIARNESS, LEATHIERI.

I, ALSO,- We will continue to manufacture our first- class hand made

And offer them on the best terms.-OUR BOOTS and 8SH0 E are for sale by

W. T. McFALL, at Pickens Court Ilouse,cheap for cash, or which will be exchangedfor Hides on reasonable terms.

1G. W. FLINGER{,GOTTLOBE WANNER.July20,1876 46 tf


Fifty pages--800 llustrations, with De-scription of thonsands of the best Flowe~rstand Vegetables in the world, and the way togrow them-all for a two cent postago st.amp.>rint ed In Gernman and English.Vick's Floral Guide, Quarterly, 25 cents, a

ad year..

Vick's Flower and Vcgetale Garden, 50cents in paper; in elegant clothI covers $l.003Address, JAMus VIcK, Rtochiester, N. Y,

Vick's Floral Guidea beautifui-Quarterly journal, finely illustratedand containing and elegant colored FlowerPlate with the first number. Price only 25cents for the year. The first No. for 1877a just issued in German and English.S Vick's Flower and Vegetable Garden, in50 cents; withI elegant cloth covers $1.00.

. Vick's Calalogue-300 illustrations, only 2cents. Address,

JAMIss Vox,, Rochester, N. Y.

VICK'SFLO WER ANJ) Vrf.rTANLfl, ARDENis the most beautiful work of' the kind in theworld. It contains nearly 150) pages, hun--2 dIreds of ine illustrations, and six charomo

r plate~s o flowers, beautifully drawn and col-

ored from nature. Prico 50 cents in pap)er, covers $1 .00 in el"gant cloth. Printed in

s German andl English.

MeVik's Floral Ouide, Quarterly, 25 cents.Vick's Cat.alogue-800 Illustrations, 'I5 cts.4<ldress .T AjMEs Vicx, RIochest.er N. YJan.-26 -- 20 4,


On the line of a GREAT RAILROAD, withgood markets both1 East and West.

Now is the Time to Secure It..Mild Climate, Fertile Soil, Best co'Iun ry' for

-. Stock Raising in the Unite,d Stat es.0

er Books, Maps, Full Information, also "TuSK

- ProNiaa' sent free to all parts of' the world.pAddress 0. F. DAVIS,0Land C->mmaissioner U. P. RL. Rt.

OMAlfA . r




PULATED GUOANO,ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE.For sale on liberal terms. (Freight

paid) byIIUDGENS & BOLT.

Easley, 8. 0., Feb. 8, 1877 22 8m


Dry-gch~ ad,

areceriel 06~ com ad~Ot Buyers.



THE CELEBRARTED ETIWANDIS. BONE, always on hand for comn%


other Mixtures.Also, John Morry an & Co Ammo%

ninted Dissolved Bo s-in any qiin..Lities to suit pursh ers. Apply forterms and prices- t Easley, A. &R. A. L. R. W-

RUSSELL, MARTIN & CO.March 15, 1877 26 tf



WE ARE NOW RECEIVINGfrom Now York and Balt,imore, a largoanid splendid Stock of

These Goods were carefully solectedand closoly bought by one of the firm,and CAN and WILL BE sold at aston-ishingly low figures.Among the many novelties to be

found in our stock, is~the neat andhandsome Tilden, IIondricks, andIIampton IIATS, and the stylishIIampton COLLAR.'

Call early, make your 8electionsand bo happy.


Oct 25, 1876 8

Used in nearly every locality in manyStates.

BettledI beyond a douab-N4o one questionsthe fact, that,L miore cases ofT whites, suippres-sed and h-regular menses and1 uterine ob--struclions, of every kindl, are being dailycured, by Dr. J- lBradfield's Female Recgulator,than by all other .remedies combinecd. Itsasuccess in Georgia and other States is beyondprecedent in tl.e annals of phisie. Thousandsof certificates from women everywhere pour iniupon the proprietor. The attention of prom-inent medical men is aroused in behalf of thiswonderful compound, and the most success-fuil practioniers use it. If women suffer here.after it will be their own fault. FemaleRegulator is prepared and sold1 by L. HIBradfield, D)ruggist, Atlanta, Ga., and may lbebought. at $1,5t) per hottle at any reMpectableDrug Store in the Union.

E.FFEcTL. TRULY WONt9ERVUL.CAntsasvrLLn, GRt., April 26, 1869.--This

will certif'y that two memibers of mny im:ne-diate family, after having suffered for manyyears from menstrual irregularity, and h'avingbeen treated without benaeft, by various' med-jeeal dlocterg, Were at lenagth completely Ouredby one- bottle of Dr. J. Itradfleld's PEMALER{E0UL~ATO(R. I therefoa'e deemitih y duly"to furnish this certificate, with the hope otdrawing attention of suffering womnenkind tothe merit.s of a medicine, whose power in our-,ing irregular and suppressed menstruation,has been proven under my own personal ob-servation. Its effect ou sna~h cases is trulywonderful, anid well may the remedy be called"Woman's Best Friend."

Yours respect fully,JAR. W. ATRAXoR.

Sept. 7, 1876 1 4

NOTICE.I TAKi this method of informing all parties.L initerestedl, that I will be found in nmy of-fice, at Pickens Court Ilouse on each WVx:I-NKHI)AY and TImUnsaJAy, andl on each SAie,K,for the purpose of transacting any businessthat conmes under mny jurisdiclion.

As any duieIs as ~School Commiiissoner willcomapell me to he absent in different parts aifthe County, I appoint these special dlays forlhe benefit >f all concerned. O)hlice hours,from 9 a. m. to 4 p. in.

.G. W. SINGLETON,Schi:ol Commaisione.

Feb 8,.187? 22



PR 11 BEw a . .R .a .

Wi1 P#actIn af the Courts .othe. Stateand ConeteOf t"UjWfd f4d#,f tN ji.triet of Soith CWW)ift.Ataroh 29, 1837

Norton, X*it&i* Mg.worthAPTRNRYSAT!L,

Will practice in the Circult ard ProbateCourtifor bkenf CouDy,. and in tie Onited

States Uowtv of this State friiw t'hat 64**ty.One of the SeWior partimrs WMi be pr*i &toassist. lu the 6ranqactiqu f( May lwportanhbusiness during vacatiom.

3. 3. 19ovr1,ox iW. C. KIITH,C. L. 1HOLLINGSWORTH,Pickens C. U.

March 23, 1876 29


GREENVILLN, S. (.Practices in the Circuit ourt and Court eL'obate for Pickens ounty.May 16 42 6:n


Practiees in Courts of PickensCounty, and in United States Courto

MEDICAL CARD.DRI. GEO. W. EARLE, haviwg"located atPikens C. I., with the view of devot..ing his entire attention to his Profession l6all its differe"t banshes, now offers his per*vices to the citizens of Pickens and surround-Ingcountry. He hopes to meet the expecta-tion 9f the people by prompt 964Uoo to wNcases entrusted to his cure; with the experi-ence &f fifteen yerr, with four years in thevarious Hospitals during the late war, whereall diseases that flesh is heir to was seen andtreated.

Special attention given to all diseaes pe.culiar to women and children. lie pan befound at his residence (at all times unlesmprofessionally absent,) ferraerly oeeupied byAMts. Ilughes, at the- East end of Main street.Charges reasonable.


$66 a week In your own town. Teu,els an~dU5out fit free. 11. ALarr.'rr & Co.Bortland, M%aine.

CEO ROE PACE & CO'.No. 5 Nt. COE 0lDER BT., DA3&DWO3, ND.PatentPortable& Stautosa ogU

Grist & FIOU Ui,Water-Wheels, ShIuvw.r.fla- WaOn' t kin, * chnuaN

e Outfit Free. P. 9, VICK..ERY, Augusta, Maine.

$12 a day at home. AgenttswaAted. Otgusta. Maine.

25 EXTRA FiNE MIXED CARDS, withaname, 10 cents, post'paid. L. Jomnas &Co., Nassau, N. 1',

To. 60 NonTH CuanL.S ST.. I%Ar,IMoiL.Incrporated April 9, 4809.

President, Hon.-J. W. Bobbin, Judge Supe-Theabov rior CopftI, o~The boveInstitution offers ialheior

forts of'a home to patients suffering with eye.or ear diseases, skilful nurses are in attend-ance, ahd as tihe surgdon in charge resides inthe bouse with She farmily, -patients are-seen-by him several timnes during the daiy. Forfurther inftormion apply to the surgeon inicharge.

_____ Da.GORGO EULINo-$5 to $2(0 per day at home. Samnples wortih

51free.Stinson & Co.,_Portland, Maine.P'rice, Twently- Five (Cents,

O)NE UUNDR)ED i AND NINTH EDITION.Contaiitng a complete list all the (owns in theUnited Stales, the Territories, and the Domionlon of Canada, having a population greater than 5,000, according to the last census,together with the names of tile newspaper.having the largest local circulation in eachof tihe places named. Also, a oatalogue ofniewspa:pers which are recommended to ad-vertisers as giving greatest value ini propor,.tioni to rices chanrged. Also, all newspapersin tihe UJnitedl States and Canada printingover 5,000) copies each issue. Also, all theReligious, Agricultural, Scientific and Me-ch'iniical, M edical, Maionic, Juvenile, Edu-cational, Commercial, insurance, Real Es-tate, Law, Sporting, Musical, Fashion, andother special class journal; very completelists. Together with a complete list of over300 Germnan papers printed .In the UnitedStates. Also, an essay upoti advertising;manily tablles of rates, showing thle cost of ad-veriswing in various newiRmapers, and every-thing which a beginer in advertising wouktlike to know. Address QEO. P. RtOWELIL& CO., 41 Park Rowt, New York.

VIare offered for newspapers in the Statoof South Carolina. Send for list of papersanid schedule of rates. Address GEO. P.IWOWELL & CO., Advertising Agents, No. 41l'ark Row, New York. Refer to Editor ofthis Paper.


HAIR DYE.C.istadoro's Hair Dye is the SAFEST and

BEST; it acts instanrtannonsly, producing themos(,t nalturIl shlades of Black or Brown; doesNOT STAIN the SKIN, and is easily [email protected] a stanidard p)repaIraIion, and a favoriteuiponi every well appointed Toilet for Lady orGlentleman. Sold by D)rugglsta.

J. QRISTADORO,P. 0. Box. 1533f. New York.Ucc 2l,1886 16 b