Rural City of Murray Bridge OCTOBER – DECEMBER QUARTERLY REPORT 2020-21 Photo by Penny Heighes


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Rural City of Murray Bridge


Photo by Penny Heighes

Acknowledgement of traditional owners

We acknowledge the Ngarrindjeri people as the traditional owners of this land on which we meet and work. We respect and acknowledge their spiritual connection as the custodians of this land and that their cultural heritage beliefs are still important to the living people today.

We recognise the living culture and combined energies of the Ngarrindjeri people our global pioneers and community members today for their unique contribution to the life of our region.

3 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report

4 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report

CONTENTS Council is committed to ensuring that the Community receives regular reports on progress against the Annual Business Plan and how this progress delivers outcomes identified in the Strategic Plan 2020-24. The Quarterly Progress Report is presented to Council in November, February, May and August each year. It provides financial and non-financial performance measurement. FOREWORD ...................................................................................................................................................................5

CEO’s Message ..........................................................................................................................................................5 HEADLINE PROJECTS .....................................................................................................................................................6

Sturt Reserve Master Plan - Historic and Tourism Precinct .....................................................................................6 Lerwin Expansion ......................................................................................................................................................7 Adelaide Road Linear Park (Stage 5 & 6) ..................................................................................................................8 SPLASH and New Year’s Eve Fireworks .................................................................................................................. 10 Jubilee Park Public Art Project ............................................................................................................................... 11 Community Infrastructure and Transport / Freight Model ................................................................................... 11 Murray Coorong Trail (Year 3) ............................................................................................................................... 11 Sturt Reserve War Memorial ................................................................................................................................. 12 Representation Review .......................................................................................................................................... 12 Christmas Lights Competition ................................................................................................................................ 13

KEY FINANCIAL INDICATORS ...................................................................................................................................... 14 Asset sustainability ratio % .................................................................................................................................... 14 Net financial liabilities ........................................................................................................................................... 14 Underlying operating surplus/(deficit) % .............................................................................................................. 14

ACHIEVEMENTS ......................................................................................................................................................... 15 Connected Communities ....................................................................................................................................... 15 Quarterly Progress Reports ................................................................................................................................... 15

STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK .......................................................................................................................................... 16 COMMUNITY PLAN 2016-2032 .................................................................................................................................. 17 STRATEGIC PLAN 2020-2024...................................................................................................................................... 18 VALUED ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................................................................................ 19

Strategic Plan 2020-24 Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 20 Spotlight On Services ............................................................................................................................................. 20 Key Services ........................................................................................................................................................... 21

GREAT PEOPLE AND LIFESTYLE .................................................................................................................................. 23 Strategic Plan 2020-24 Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 24 Spotlight On Services ............................................................................................................................................. 24 Key Services ........................................................................................................................................................... 25

DYNAMIC ECONOMY ................................................................................................................................................. 27 Strategic Plan 2020-24 Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 28 Key Services ........................................................................................................................................................... 28 Spotlight On Services ............................................................................................................................................. 29

CONNECTED COMMUNITIES ..................................................................................................................................... 30 Strategic Plan 2020-24 Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 31 Key Services ........................................................................................................................................................... 32 Spotlight On Services ............................................................................................................................................. 32

SERVICES ..................................................................................................................................................................... 34 KEY PROJECTS ............................................................................................................................................................ 35 CAPITAL PROJECTS ..................................................................................................................................................... 39 STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME .............................................................................................................. 45 BALANCE SHEET ......................................................................................................................................................... 46 Measuring Our Performance ..................................................................................................................................... 47 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ..................................................................................................................................... 48

5 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report

FOREWORD CEO’s Message It is my pleasure to provide this second progress report against the 2020-21 Annual Business Plan to the Council and our Community.

The report highlights our progress in delivering the vision of our Community Plan and Strategic Plan over the second quarter of 2020-21 through our delivery of programs, projects and services implementing the Council’s endorsed priorities and strategies.

This quarter the delivery of the Capital Program saw strong progress with works completed for the Murray Bridge Swimming Centre Project, Sturt Reserve War Memorial, Lerwin Aged Care Facility expansion and refurbishment and the Road Infrastructure to support the Thomas Foods International (TFI) re-development which once fully operational will employ up to 2000 workers. In addition, works progressed on the Swanport Road Master Plan, Pope Road construction, Murray Bridge Regional Rowing Centre and Sturt Reserve Recreation Precinct Project. Year to date Capital expenditure to the end of December 2020 totalled $21.3m.

The delivery of the 2021 Key Projects Program has included good progress on our Small Wins / Quick Wins Grant Program, STARCLUB Activities, Aged Care Quality Standards Implementation and Murray River Study Hub Projects. Over the quarter the SA Country Basketball School Camp Program, Murray Bridge Gold Cup, Murray Bridge Marathon and Murray Bridge Triathlon were delivered through Council’s Major Events program. Year to date Key Projects expenditure to the end of December 2020 totalled $828k.

This quarter also saw delivery of Council’s Spring Garden and Christmas Lights Competitions providing an opportunity for gardeners and those with a Christmas spirit to showcase the outcomes of their efforts.

I hope you will find this Annual Business Plan Progress Report a comprehensive, yet easy to read summary of activities, projects and expenditure over the past quarter.

Our ongoing prudent and responsible financial planning and management have seen the delivery of a close to budget operating result to the end of December 2020, indicating that we remain in a strong position to deliver on our commitment to financial sustainability to our Community.

I feel sure that the programs, projects and services planned and delivered for the current year will not only contribute to our vision of Thriving Communities but will also ensure a sustainable future.

Michael Sedgman

Chief Executive Officer Rural City of Murray Bridge

6 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report

HEADLINE PROJECTS Sturt Reserve Master Plan – History and Tourism Precinct

Figure 1 Regional Rowing Centre under construction

Stage 1 Sturt Reserve works commenced early in 2020, including construction of the new Murray Bridge Regional Rowing Centre, and landscaping and paths works in the surrounding area, known as the Recreation Precinct. While this work is still underway, a second stage of Sturt Reserve Master Plan works has commenced with the design for works in the History & Tourism Precinct.

These works are to include improvements to landing facilities for tourist and cruising vessels at the Wharf Area. In addition, the landscape and amenities will be improved and access paths will be provided near the newly constructed War Memorial, creating connections to the Wharf and Town Centre. The works are intended to celebrate the heritage of the area, and provide places and spaces for relaxation, reflection and recreation.

Pope Road R2R

Figure 3 Pope Road

Councils Infrastructure Teams have completed construction of four kilometres of Pope Road, White Hill between Old Princess Highway and Usher Road.

The construction and sealing of this road, expanded on Councils Secondary Freight Network providing infrastructure for farm gate to market transport. This work was funded through the Federal Government Roads to Recovery Program.

The construction of the road geometry was designed to ensure that it was suitable for the heavy vehicle traffic and that adequate roadside drainage was provided.

Councils City Infrastructure Team used GPS Technology on the Grader to assist in level control during road construction. This was the first time Councils staff have used this technology, which in future will reduce site man-hours and overall Rural Road construction costs.

Figure 2 Sturt Reserve Primary Trail Head

7 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report

Lerwin Expansion

The newly expanded and refurbished Lerwin Aged Care Facility has been recently completed.

The new wing and refurbished rooms are now all operational. Minor final touches as part of Stage 4 are being undertaken to finalise the project.

Although there were challenges in 2020, the project was delivered on time within a construction programme under strict Government guidelines to safeguard our vulnerable residents, staff and visitors.

The Lerwin expansion and refurbishment project has increased the total number of rooms from 75 to 80, including conversion of 15 existing twin share rooms to single rooms with upgraded ensuite bathroom facilities.

The completion of the project has resulted in an impressive extended and revamped facility, including additional improvements such as:

- New fence and garden bed at the entrance driveway

- Solar panels on the roof to assist in energy savings

- Modern fixtures and upgraded nurse call system

- New televisions for residents

January 2021 will see the completion of the fishpond, plantings for the new courtyards and new signage.

Figure 6 New cover for courtyard

Figure 7 Refurbished rooms

Figure 4 Lerwin Refurbished Courtyard

Figure 5 New and refurbished common areas with new furnishings

8 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report

Adelaide Road Linear Park (Stage 5 & 6)

Figure 8 Adelaide Road Linear Park

The Rural City of Murray Bridge is revitalising, activating and transforming its entrance Gateways, creating a journey to the town centre and riverfront and creating a sense of arrival as visitors approach Murray Bridge from the Freeway.

The Adelaide Road Linear Park project provides a linear trail with features for fun, play and recreating; including, seating, tables, shade structures, BBQ’s, open grassed play spaces, toilets and landscaping irrigated via Council storm-water harvesting and re-use system.

The area has been formalised with kerbing providing safe access and connectivity to business and the retail frontage along the corridor. The Linear Park has been designed with principles of Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) in mind, with open spaces and lighting being a feature. Further way-finding, signage and roadway enhancement will occur with additional tree planting and artwork all culminating toward the transformation of the Gateway to the town and river. The Linear Park plays a vital role in activating the economy and community wellbeing. Council is currently delivering Stages 5 and 6 from Cromwell Road through to Maurice Road which is expected to be delivered in the first half of 2021.

Figure 9 Adelaide Road Linear Park Stage 5 & 6 under construction

9 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report

Swanport Road Master Plan Implementation

Figure 10 Swanport Road Shared Use Path

Figure 11 Swanport Rd landscaping

Council continued working with local contractors to complete the first two sections of the upgrade of the town entrance from Swanport Road (Owl Drive – to the South Eastern Freeway overpass).

This included the completion of additional landscaping & irrigation to screen the fence lines between Owl Drive and Ibis Road and a new concrete path connecting the shared use path to the Lorikeet Court laneway.

The focus of the current phase of works is the design of the extension of the shared use path to the recently completed landscaped area at SA Water’s Recycled Water Pump Station and walking trail.

The overall vision for the Swanport Road Master Plan is for the beautification of the town entrance that incorporates landscaping and walking trails between the freeway overpass and Long Island Road in the first instance with future works to extend to Monash Terrace - Mulgundaway Road in future years.

Council also recently engaged an Engineering Consultant to design an additional connection to this shared use path to the western side of Swanport Road that will form a link to the recently installed Hindmarsh Road shared use path. This incorporates a proposed pedestrian refuge on Swanport Road that will provide a safer environment for pedestrians and cyclists when crossing the road. This link also forms part of Council’s ‘Walking & Cycling Master Plan’ and will eventually accommodate a comfortable walking/cycling loop that encompasses Hindmarsh Rd, Homburg Drive and Swanport Road.

We will continue to schedule works for the 2021-22 financial year that will see the expansion of this exciting project.

10 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report

SPLASH and New Year’s Eve Fireworks

Figure 12 Bubble play at Splash

It is estimated that up to 10,000 people celebrated New Year’s Eve in Murray Bridge along the riverfront watching the fireworks display.

The official sold out event hosted three thousand people, where they were entertained with local music and Murray River Splash activities to keep the children busy whilst they eagerly awaiting the display.

Once the sun went down, the train bridge was light up with all the colours of the rainbow while the sky sparkled and popped from 9.45pm.

The event was one of its kind this year with COVID making it hard for most other events to go ahead. Matt Miles the organiser explained “There was a lot of extra preparation required to get this event to happen and there was a long period where we were

unsure it would.” He believes this may have contributed to its huge success with out of towners filling the riverfront on both sides of the river.

The now iconic Splash family festival event has returned for its third year in January 2021.

With an almost month long jam-packed program of activities by day and by night at Sturt Reserve in Murray Bridge. There will be something for everyone with the festival running from New Year’s Eve until Australia Day.

There is truly something for everyone with workshops boasting everything from magic, craft, kite making, bubble play, calligraphy, circus school, clowning.

For water lovers there is paddle boat cruises and come and try events such as dragon boats, kayaking, canoeing and rowing.

Discovery days for learning about indigenous culture the river and river wildlife and its critters. Back by popular demand the Eco Maze creates a multi textured, exotically coloured, imaginative exploratory journey teaching the importance of eco systems and interaction with nature.

Then for the more adventurous there are action packed activities including hip-hop music and skating competition, splash slides, rock climbing, giant hamster balls, sumo suits, laser tag, nerf shooting range and water wars.

11 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report

Jubilee Park Public Art Project

Figure 13 TORUS artwork in Jubilee Park

In 2019, the Council through Arts Development, embarked on a ground breaking public art pilot project in partnership with Murray Bridge High School, for Jubilee Park near the corner of Swanport Road and Long Island Road. The artist engaged for the project was Adelaide-based Christine Cholewa. Completed in November 2020, the result is TORUS, a welcoming sculptural seating installation.

TORUS symbolises inclusivity and wholeness, creating a welcoming and cheerful space for people to gather. The artwork’s concept also references this region as a food bowl, and pays homage to iconic small town bakeries, as well as the many different cultures that bring their own variety of this fried dough delicacy. Ngarrindjeri students saw the structure as a ‘yarning circle’.

This project demonstrates the Council’s commitment to enriching the creative and cultural life of our community. Murray Bridge High School students participated in a public artwork that strengthens community pride through creative placemaking. It was especially significant that young people participated in all phases of the project, from concept development to fabrication and installation.

This project provided great insights toward developing a suitable model for working with schools, to deliver invaluable experiences for students and teachers in working with industry professionals.

Community Infrastructure and Transport / Freight Model

The Community Infrastructure Model considers existing and future growth and community needs and interests, to form a model to determine infrastructure and interventions, both for transport and community to support the growth. The development of the model will assist Council in being able to plan for and fund the level of infrastructure required and will enable early engagement with developers to understand the level of infrastructure they must provide to support the growth they propose.

The model will support the achievement of the goals and aspirations of the Community Plan and Strategic Plan and will ensure that Murray Bridge continues to enjoy an enviable lifestyle based on supported economic growth.

Murray Coorong Trail (Year 3)

Figure 14 Murray Coorong Trail – DEW levee banks Mobilong

The Murray Coorong Trail is a three council and Department of Environment and Water (DEW) collaborative project to establish a walking and cycling trail as close as possible to the river. The trail will eventually stretch 450 kilometres from Cadell in the Riverland to Salt Creek in the Coorong.

This year’s focus is to plan the potential route for hard to access sections within the Murray Bridge region. The areas of focus are Swanport to Woods Point, Toora and Woodlane.

For the latest information and updates like the Facebook page www.facebook.com/MurrayCoorongTrail/

12 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report

Sturt Reserve War Memorial

Figure 16 Sturt Reserve War Memorial

This elegantly designed and fitting tribute to honour service men and women who have sacrificed to keep Australia safe, was officially opened in Sturt Reserve on Sunday 1 November 2020.

The ceremony began with a welcome to country from Clyde Rigney senior, and followed with a speech by Mayor Brenton Lewis, a parade featuring members of all three branches of the Australian Defence Force, wreath-laying, the Ode of Remembrance and a benediction by Australian Army padre Derek Crozier.

His Excellency Hieu Van Le, Governor of South Australia, addressed the guests and placed a wreath.

Federal MP Tony Pasin, reflected on the generations of veterans honoured on the memorial, and the freedom they had won.

About 150 people attended the opening by invitation. The event was not advertised widely to avoid difficulties with COVID regulations.

Afterwards, a small crowd gathered for lunch at Murray Bridge RSL.

Representation Review

The Representation Review remains on track with Council endorsing its final Representation Review report its meeting on the 14 December 2020. Taking into consideration the community feedback received, Council has supported the retention of

• Principal Member directly elected by the Community

• An Area Structure • 9 Area Councillors directly elected by the


Council has now received advice from the Electoral Commissioner of South Australia supporting Council’s recommendation and certifying that the review was conducted appropriately and within the requirements of section 12 of the Local Government Act, 1999.

Figure 15 War Memorial Dedication Event - Sunday, 1 November 2020

13 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report

Christmas Lights Competition

Figure 17 Smart Alec Lights, Finch Road

Last Christmas the most festive, creative and colourful light displays were lighting up the nights in Murray Bridge.

Winners of the Rural City of Murray Bridge 2020 Christmas Lights Competition were recognised at a special Christmas themed morning tea and presented with awards and cash prizes.

Congratulations go out to all the winners:

Business Display: Alec Thomson from Smart Alec Lights on Finch Road

Traditional Display: Katrina Koidos (pictured with partner Grant) from Eleanor Terrace

Small Display: Jill Nelson from Oxford Street

Large Display: Brayden Heincke from Swan Road

The Mayor’s award went to Jiron Blacket from Garden Crescent for achieving the overall highest score in this year’s competition. Jiron was last year’s small display winner and competition rules state the same person cannot win the same category two years in a row in order to share a bit of festive spirit around.

The competition is gaining in popularity with 24 entries received this year, including one property at Jervois and another near Callington.

A few suggestions for improvement have been made including the addition of a ‘Best Street’ category for next year.

Entries were judged on presentation, appearance and layout, light, form, composition, creativity and portrayal of the spirit of Christmas.

Figure 19 Finch Road

Figure 18 Oxford Street

14 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report

KEY FINANCIAL INDICATORS Asset sustainability ratio %

Net financial liabilities

Underlying operating surplus/(deficit) %

Jul-Sep YTD Oct-Dec YTD Jan-Mar YTD Apr-May YTD








Asset Sustainabilty Ratio Budget

Jul-Sep YTD Oct-Dec YTD Jan-Mar YTD Apr-May YTD








Net Financial Liabilities Ratio LGAF Maximum RCMB Maximum

Jul-Sep YTD Oct-Dec YTD Jan-Mar YTD Apr-May YTD









% Target

15 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report

ACHIEVEMENTS Connected Communities

As part of our commitment to community engagement, Council has developed the Connected Communities newsletter to keep residents in touch with Council services, events, major projects and engagement opportunities.

The newsletter is distributed every three months to households and businesses within the Council area in January, April, July and October – you can also pick up a copy at the Local Government Centre or the Murray Bridge Library.

Get your information from the source at any time by visiting Council’s website, Let’s Talk or follow us on Facebook.


Quarterly Progress Reports

In addition to the above Council prepares this Quarterly Progress Report against its Annual Business Plan.

The Quarterly Progress Report forms a key component of the Council’s reporting framework. The report is presented to Elected Members at Council meetings every three months in February, May, August and November – you can also pick up a copy at the Local Government Centre or the Murray Bridge Library

The Quarterly Progress Report details progress against the Annual Business Plan and Community Plan 2016-32 by theme for services, programs and projects including expenditure. The report also includes performance reporting against defined indicators.

Get your information from the source at any time by visiting Council’s website www.murraybridge.sa.gov.au

16 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report

STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK The Framework guides Council in identifying community needs and aspirations over the long term (Community Plan), medium term (Strategic Plans and Subsidiary Plans) and short term (Annual Business Plan and Budget) and then holds itself accountable through the Annual Report.

Our Strategic Planning and Reporting Framework details that the Rural City of Murray Bridge has adopted the following documents which comprise its strategic management plans:

• Strategic Plan(s) • Long Term Financial Plan • Asset Management Plans • The Murray Bridge Council Development Plan

17 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report


The Community Plan articulates the community vision – Thriving Communities. While it is an aspirational document, the key directions in it funnel down into the Strategic Plan, which drives Council’s means of delivering the vision. The Community Plan 2016-2032 contains four key themes that articulate the desired future of our community.

The themes are:

• Valued Environment • Great People and Lifestyle • Dynamic Economy • Connected Communities

Each theme is supported by a range of objectives that have guided Council’s planning and decision making in the preparation of our Strategic Plans. The Community Plan vision of Thriving Communities will be delivered over 16 years.

18 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report

STRATEGIC PLAN 2020-2024 The Strategic Plan 2020-24 is our four year commitment to the community to support the Community Plan 2016-2032. This plan sets out the priorities for the current period, focusing on visible delivery and growth. It identifies the programs and projects under each theme that Council intends to deliver.

The Rural City of Murray Bridge Strategic Plan is reviewed every four years to ensure that it continues to meet the expectations of our community.

Each themed section of this Annual Business Plan details the objectives of the Strategic Plan 2020-24 and the services that will be delivered during this financial year to deliver against them.

Figure 20 Long Island Reserve

19 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report


EXPENDITURE 000s Annual Budget $14,421

YTD Budget Expenditure $8,139

YTD Actual Expenditure $8,049

Variance $90

20 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report

During 2020-2024 we will develop our environment using a people centred approach, through identifying and facilitating a range of new infrastructure and renewal activities that contribute to the diversity and culture of the places we develop and enhance. Ensuring we build spaces that promote thriving communities through community health, happiness and wellbeing, whilst adhering to our identity maintaining and enhancing our natural assets, heritage and country lifestyle.

Strategic Plan 2020-24 Objectives

Enlivened community spaces Our community spaces are visually appealing; foster a sense of recognition and community pride

A city geared for growth Our city plans ensure infrastructure meets future demand and stimulates economic development

The river is the lifeblood of our towns Our river is protected, showcased and at the centre of city and riverside townships

Our natural environment is preserved, promoted and enhanced

Our environment is protected to retain its natural beauty and diversity; impacts are minimised protecting and preserving for future generations to access and enjoy

Valued Environment Developing the environment

21 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report

Spotlight On Services

Valued Environment Developing the environment

Environmental Management At the Council meeting on 8 July 2019 a deputation was made calling for Council to declare a Climate Emergency and on 14 October 2019 by resolution 163.1 Council resolved that Council declare a Climate Emergency and that Council note that Administration will prepare a Climate Emergency Plan for consideration.

As part of the process towards development of a Climate Emergency Plan, a scheduled review of the Councils Environmental Management Plan 2016-2020 was also required.

This work has now culminated in the development of a Draft Environment Management Plan incorporating the Climate Emergency Action Plan, which is now ready for feedback from the community.

The draft Plan will form the basis for community consultation commencing late January/ February 2021. The Plan has been developed to guide Council in the management of the natural environment for the period of 2020-24 in line with the Strategic Plan, 2020-24. The plan focuses on actions designed to make the Rural City of Murray Bridge a more liveable and more resilient rural city into the future.

The key themes within the draft Environment Management Plan are:

• River and Water: Actions are designed to use water where it falls, return a better water quality to the River and be more water wise.

• Biodiversity: Actions will increase plantings through parks and gardens, reduce vegetation clearance, link quality vegetation and plant more trees.

• Development: Actions are designed to apply water and energy wise principals to private and public sector development, develop a Construction Environment Management Plan to manage noise, dust, vegetation, drag out, water and waste.

• Building Community Capacity: Proposed actions will improve knowledge and capability of the community to support the overall themes as residents, volunteers and leaders at home, work and recreation.

• Waste: A new Waste Management Strategy is being drafted for presentation to Council in 2021, which will identify actions to reduce Council waste, reduce single use plastics, promote recycling and save money.

Many actions work with:

• Climate Emergency Action Plan; • Biodiversity Strategy; • Tree Management Framework and Policy; • Waste Management Strategy

The key themes within the Climate Emergency Action Plan are:

• Reducing Emissions: Changeover to electric vehicles, purchase renewable power, reduce waste, more efficient lighting and buildings

• Alternative Power options: solar panels on other council buildings

• Supporting Community through education, capacity building and grant support.

• Cooling the City through more trees, more vegetation and less clearance.

The Climate Emergency Action Plan has been incorporated within the Environment Management Plan due to the strong linkages between the two plans.

• Biodiversity Strategy; • Tree Management Framework and Policy; • Waste Management Strategy

The key themes within the Climate Emergency Action Plan are:

• Reducing Emissions: Changeover to electric vehicles, purchase renewable power, reduce waste, more efficient lighting and buildings

• Alternative Power options: solar panels on other council buildings

• Supporting Community through education, capacity building and grant support.

• Cooling the City through more trees, more vegetation and less clearance.

The Climate Emergency Action Plan has been incorporated within the Environment Management Plan due to the strong linkages between the two plans.

22 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report

Key Services

Agriculture o Irrigation Maintenance & Renewal

Drainage and Stormwater Management o Road Drainage, Stormwater Infrastructure

(pits and pipe), Stormwater basins and open channel


Manufacturing & Construction o Engineering and Technical Services o Permits & Licensing o Project Management o Property Management

Other Community Amenities o Public Toilet Maintenance o Street & Park Furniture Maintenance &

Renewal o Provision of cemetery services (4

cemeteries) o Infrastructure & Environment

Administration o Graffiti removal program

Other Environment o Mowing and weed control o Environmental policy and strategy o Biodiversity Landscape & Revegetation

Maintenance o Natural Resource Management o Native Vegetation survey and advice o Delivery of environmental projects o Management of environmental volunteer

groups and programs o Vermin & Vector Control incl. mosquito

control o Waste Water Management o Potable water inspections and monitoring

Parks and Gardens (Lakes) o Playground Maintenance & Renewal o Tree Management and Maintenance

Sewerage Services

Waste Management o Kerbside Collection Service o Waste Prevention & Education o Waste Disposal Services - Brinkley

o Illegally dumped rubbish removal and disposal

o Brinkley Reuse Centre

Swimming Pool

Urban Planning o Building Maintenance and Compliance

(Lerwin) o Asset and Infrastructure Planning o Development & Regulation Administration o Development Policy o Planning Assessment Services o Enforcement of Development Act and

Planning Development and Infrastructure Act development conditions

o Building Assessment Services o Building Inspections & Compliance

Water Supplies o Supply of Potable Water

Valued Environment Developing the environment

23 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report

EXPENDITURE 000s Annual Budget $13,711

YTD Budget Expenditure $7,163

YTD Actual Expenditure $7,303

Variance ($140)


24 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report

During 2020-2024 we will focus on delivering services and programs that enable our community to actively engage and participate in the world around them.

We will ensure we maintain the uniqueness and country lifestyle while modernising and taking advantage of expected growth that will enable our community to thrive.

Strategic Plan 2020-24 Objectives

A modern city with country charm Develop a city filled with country charm and the modern conveniences a regional community expect

Arts and culture has a stage Our community has access to public art, theatre, music and literature services and can immerse themselves in an arts lifestyle

All ages and cultures are celebrated, accommodated and valued

Our community is inclusive and welcoming with people from all ages, capabilities and backgrounds living harmoniously together

Healthy active communities

Our community are active, healthy and participation in recreational activities is accessible to them

Secure and resilient communities

A well prepared community that is safe, supportive and resilient

Spotlight On Services

GREAT PEOPLE AND LIFESTYLE Delivery focussed community services

Arts Development – Visual Arts In 2021, the acclaimed Murray Bridge Regional Gallery celebrates 20 years since its inception!

Established in 2001 by dedicated community members, the gallery underwent a major redevelopment in 2010. Now professionally operated by the Council, it features three distinctive gallery spaces that host a changing program of diverse contemporary art projects.

The Gallery has forged partnerships with major festivals to offer our local community experiences they might otherwise not have the opportunity to enjoy. These include Tarnanthi Aboriginal and Torres Straight Island Art, Adelaide Fringe and SA Living Artists (SALA). The Gallery has often been the exclusive South Australian venue for major touring exhibitions, such as: Weapons for the Soldier by Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australian artists examining complex perspectives on weaponry, warfare, rights and freedom; Tamworth Textile Triennia, which celebrats the open-ended, porous nature of textiles practices; and the immensely popular Terminus: Jess Johnson & Simon Ward, an interactive virtual reality adventure.

The Gallery promotes regional, South Australian and interstate artists, with a focus on presenting high quality exhibitions and activities to enrich the community and attract visitors to the region. Reflecting the diversity of the local community and wider Australian society, the exhibition program presents culturally and conceptually diverse works, by emerging, midcareer, established and recreational artists. The program also presents the works of young people with the annual Rotary Youth Art Prize.

The Gallery’s beautiful gift shop features an assortment of bespoke contemporary craft and artworks by leading Australian makers, ranging from cards, jewellery, glass, ceramics, weaving, carved wood, fabrics and much more.

25 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report

Key Services

Aged Persons and Disabled o Aged Care Provider Support o Aged Disability Support Management o Disability Support Services o Independent Living o Residential Aged Care and Respite


Cultural and community service centres o Arts Development o Cultural Development o Event Management o Indigenous Advancement o Performing Arts o Visual Arts o Youth Services

Emergency Services fire levy and protection

Enforcement of Regs and Animal Control o Animal Management o General Inspectorate o Public Health Compliance

Governance and Administration o Customer Service o Finance o Information Technology o Human Resources o Other

Other public order and safety

Public Library

Sporting grounds and venues

GREAT PEOPLE AND LIFESTYLE Delivery focussed community services

26 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report

'Torus', Christine Cholewa and Murray Bridge High School Students, 2020, Jubilee Park

27 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report

EXPENDITURE 000s Annual Budget $3,973

YTD Budget Expenditure $1,752

YTD Actual Expenditure $1,773

Variance ($21)


28 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report

We will ensure investors and potential new residents know about and are attracted by our region’s amazing and diverse investment and lifestyle benefits.

That our visitor offerings increase tourism in the region with visitors staying longer and promoting the area to others as a destination of choice. That existing and emerging business grow and flourish with the support they need to prosper. That infrastructure priorities build our local economy and encourages paddock to plate initiatives and supports the region to be Adelaide’s ‘food bowl’.

Strategic Plan 2020-24 Objectives

Attractive Murray Bridge The opportunities that the Rural City of Murray Bridge (RCMB) offers both to investors and potential residents are well communicated and easily understood

Rural City of Murray Bridge is a destination of choice RCMB is a highly desirable destination for short and long term visitors to the region

Resilient, innovative businesses New and existing businesses can access the support they need to grow and prosper

Effective economic infrastructure Targeted infrastructure is developed to support the region’s economic growth and development

Skilled workforce Building our local workforce to meet the needs of key industry sector

Key Services

Other Economic Affairs o Visitor Servicing

Other Transport Infrastructure

Roads & Bridges

DYNAMIC ECONOMY Developing Opportunities

29 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report

Spotlight On Services

Planning Policy

Planning policy helps shape the future growth opportunities throughout the Council area. Whilst the formal process to undertake planning policy changes is legislated it enables Council to investigate ways to improve development and economic potential in order to establish an appropriate policy framework, this is done by; • consulting with the community, • undertaking studies, • updating the Council’s Development Plan,

through the Development Plan Amendment process

• undertaking Structure Planning projects • investigating population projections • liaising with other Government Agencies • Traffic and transport impact studies • determining environmental impacts • assessing social impacts • reviewing economic impacts.

At a more micro level, Planning policy enables: • Rezoning of land • Providing appropriate policies to ensure that

development considers issues such as visual amenity, height, bulk and scale of buildings, impacts upon adjoining land owners (ie noise, odour) and land use issues such as whether or not a particular type of development is suitable in that locality

• Policies that mitigate any potential issues • Policies that encourage growth is certain parts of

the Council area • Policies that limit growth in other parts of the

Council area • Policies that work well with other legislation; for

example working with the EPA to reduce potential for site contamination impacts.

The provision of good planning policy enables the community to feel safe, it enables the community to grow and provides strong economic opportunities.

DYNAMIC ECONOMY Developing Opportunities

30 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report


EXPENDITURE 000s Annual Budget $4,959

YTD Budget Expenditure $2,128

YTD Actual Expenditure $2,043

Variance $85

31 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report

During 2020-2024 we will develop and build on the foundations laid to ensure our community have access to information and services that shape decisions for the future. We will ensure strong relationships with our residents, visitors and partners to deliver resilient, harmonious, thriving communities

Strategic Plan 2020-24 Objectives

Active citizens and community leaders Our community is engaged through decision making, leadership, active citizenship and volunteerism

Build and improve trust and relationships between Council and its communities

Informed communities through delivery of timely, transparent communication and reporting

Ensure community input informs Council decision making

Develop community leadership programs that guide and support leaders of all ages

Encourage and recognise volunteerism and support volunteering opportunities throughout Council region

A proud community We showcase our towns through storytelling and promotion of our unique and individual charm

Our townships identities retain their uniqueness while recognising their place in part of the larger region

Create visual displays and other mechanisms that showcase our city and region

Positive and uplifting news stories stimulate pride in our towns

Proud home and business owners are encouraged and recognised

We show pride in our indigenous and multicultural heritage which is celebrated through storytelling and cultural experiences

Digital services accessible to all Council is available to its community and prepares them to engage in the digital world

Our communities have access to the digital world through internet coverage and digital hubs

Build digital literacy skills within the community and support the community to make the most of new technologies

24/7 Online council services to the community where appropriate

Connecting places through public transportation Our towns are accessible and connected

Ensure appropriate levels of transport and connectivity between attractions, townships and service centres such as Mount Barker and Adelaide

CONNECTED COMMUNITIES Developing the community

32 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report

Key Services

Other Community services and education o Community Development o Engagement & Communications o Volunteer Management

Spotlight On Services

Engagement and Communication The Communications Team plays a key part in making sure correct, up to date and relevant Council information is made available to the people of the Rural City of Murray Bridge and to Council staff.

Our work includes sharing news about the Council’s initiatives and services and engaging the community in a wide variety of ways employing traditional and innovative methods to keep our community connected.

The team has the skills and tools to provide comprehensive support to council staff extending beyond external communications, social media and promotion to empowering internal stakeholders with the tools and language to confidently communicate their business activities.

Supporting our Vision of Thriving Communities, the Communications Team has produced a range of communications and promotional material aimed at reinforcing our identity and positioning the Rural City of Murray Bridge as an ideal location to build a home, invest or visit. Supported by a new brand and other assets that include, video, high quality print material, and online presence including new website and social media using a variety of channels including Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

Community Engagement not only satisfies our legislative requirements, it aligns with Council’s Strategic Plan and our commitment to “ensure strong relationships with our residents, visitors and partners to deliver resilient, harmonious, thriving communities”. The impact of engaging with our community on a broad range of issues is that people feel heard, consulted with, and a sense of ownership to the Council’s decision making process.

As part of our commitment to community engagement, Council has developed the Connected Communities newsletter to keep residents in touch with Council services, events, major projects and engagement opportunities.

The newsletter is distributed every three months to households and businesses within the Council area in January, April, July and October – you can also pick up a copy at the Local Government Centre or the Murray Bridge Library.

Get your information from the source at any time by visiting Council’s website, Let’s Talk or follow us on Facebook.


Get Involved

Let's Talk is an easy, safe and convenient way for you to contribute your ideas and opinions about key projects being considered by Council. Shape your community and contribute your thoughts and ideas at a time and place that suits you, 24/7. It's safe, easy and convenient.

View the range of current consultation projects to see what’s going on, register your details with the site Let's Talk Murray Bridge | Homepage and then join the conversation. It’s that easy! We will keep you in the loop by sending a newsletter providing an overview of current online consultation projects.

CONNECTED COMMUNITIES Developing the community

33 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report

34 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report

SERVICES Operating Expenditure


Annual Budget (000s)


YTD Budget (000s) YTD Actual (000s) Variance

Assets: Construction $4,374 $2,609 $2,593 $17

Assets: Maintenance $7,754 $4,220 $4,232 ($13)

Assets: Utilisation $453 $298 $273 $25

Environmental Management $1,841 $1012 $951 $61

Total Valued Environment $14,422 $8,139 $8,049 $90

Community Development $1,659 $530 $538 ($8)

Cultural Development $2,221 $1,208 $1,242 ($34)

Planning and Development $1,744 $903 $904 ($1)

Regulation $1,521 $832 $816 $17

Aged Care - Council $868 $355 $395 ($40)

Aged Care - Lerwin $5,699 $3,335 $3,408 ($73)

Total Great People and Lifestyles $13,712 $7,163 $7,303 ($140)

Economic Development $3,973 $1,752 $1,733 ($21)

Total Economic Development $3,973 $1,752 $1,733 ($21)

Community & Planning $4,959 $2,128 $2,043 $85

Total Connected Communities $4,959 $2,128 $2,043 $85

TOTAL YTD 2020-21 SERVICE EXPENDITURE $37,066 $19,182 $19,168 $14

Key Projects $2,789 $902 $828 $74

TOTAL YTD 2020-21 OPERATING EXPENDITURE $39,855 $20,084 $19,996 $88

35 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report



Project Name Annual Budget (000s)

YTD Actual (000s)

YTD Budget (000s)

Variance Adopted Budget

YTD Actual (000s)

YTD Budget (000s)

Variance Adopted Budget

% Spend

Status On

Time On Budget

% Complete


PDI Act $20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20,000 0%


Some provisions of the new Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act have been enacted and Council has responded accordingly via the establishment of a Council Assessment Panel and application for accreditation for staff.

Cat Management Feasibility Study

$20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20,000 0%


The Council, following consideration of an amended project scope at its meeting on 27 January 2021, determined to continue with the original scope of the project. A consultant will be engaged to assist in delivery of the project and the procurement process will be enacted shortly.

Residential Growth Areas Code Amendment Investigations

$70,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $70,000 0%


This project is reliant on the full introduction of the Planning and Development and Infrastructure Act. The Rural City of Murray Bridge is included in Phase 3 of the transition which is currently expected to be implemented in the first half of 2021.

Community Meeting Places & Spaces Project

$60,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $60,000 0%


Planning has now commenced for the Meeting Spaces and Places Project now that the Building Utilization Review is now concluded. The project scope is currently being confirmed and the consultant brief developed with a view to go out to market in February 21.

Community Infrastructure and Transport / Freight Model

$150,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $150,000 0%


The project will deliver a plan for the community and transport infrastructure necessary to support the future population and economic growth of Murray Bridge. Initial contact has been made with the relevant parties and the project is currently in the initial stages of commencement.

Feasibility Study (Stage 1) Community Wastewater Management System Eastside

$50,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,000 0%

5% Contractor has been engaged to undertake onsite inspections and collation of data. Work will commence in February 2021.

Staff Pulse Check $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,000 $5,0000 ($1,000) $5,000 120%


The Pulse Check was carried out in September 2020 with results provided to Leadership for consideration in October. Leadership drafted an action plan in response to the results in December 2020. this will be finalised in January 20221

Regional Public Health Plan 2020-2025

$25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $53,000 0%


A Council briefing was held in November 2020. A Council Report seeking endorsement of draft Plan and approval to submit to the Minister was presented to Council in December 2020. Council endorsed draft plan and approval to submit the minister in December 2020. Public consultation to commence following ministerial approval.

Youth Council $20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $16,051 $20,000 $3,949 $20,000 80%


The Youth Leadership In Action day was completed on October 27, encouraging membership from 6 new members and included a mayor welcome, tour of the Rotary Youth Art Prize at the Gallery and Guest Speaker Anna Leed from Lead Consulting about the importance of community leadership and finding your voice. Planning session for the next year with the new members to be completed 10 November before a Christmas break until February 2021.

To be commenced

In Progress On Hold Completed On Track Slight Deviations Off Track Project planning



36 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report


Project Name Annual Budget (000s)

YTD Actual (000s)

YTD Budget (000s)

Variance Adopted Budget

YTD Actual (000s)

YTD Budget (000s)

Variance Adopted Budget

% Spend

Status On

Time On Budget

% Complete


Little Art Fest $20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20,000 0%

0% Little Art Feast will be delivered in April/May 2021

STARclub $118,775 $58,697 $58,714 ($17) $91,197 $63,410 $64,991 $1,581 $133,950 47%


The STARclub Field Officer is continuing to fulfil the obligations of the position as prescribed annually. The field officer works with sport clubs and association to ensure they are sustainable and welcoming to all. There is assistance available in grant advice, fulfilment of regulated obligations, planning, volunteer recruitment and retention and information sharing.

Ngarrindjeri Cultural Management Plan

$40,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $40,000 0%

5% Contact has now been made with Ngarrindjeri Aboriginal Corporation. Relevant documents have been supplied and engagement has commenced.

Planning and Design Code Transition

$30,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,771 $15,000 $11,229 $30,000 13%


DPTI released the draft Planning and Design Code on Tuesday 1st October 2019. Consultation ran until 28 February 2020. Council provided a submission in relation to the Code and continues to liaise with DPTI on relevant planning policy issues. The final version of the Code will be reviewed when released and if necessary Council will give consideration to future Code Amendments.

Accessibility Action Plan $30,700 $0 $0 $0 $0 $30,831 $30,700 ($131) $30,700 100%

100% Disability Access and Inclusion Plan was endorsed by Council in October 2020.

Health Partnership Project

$20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20,000 0%

20% Health and Wellbeing projects are currently in development and will be implemented in Q3 & Q4.

Audience Development Program

$5,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,000 0%

50% Artists engaged for performances in 2021. Subject to Covid-19 restrictions.

Callington Recreational Centre

$118,182 $0 $0 $0 $0 $118,182 $118,182 $0 $118,182 100%

100% Funding has been allocated for a partnership project with Mount Barker Council to support the upgrade of the Callington Recreation Centre.

Sports Grounds Urgent Works $50,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $21,816 $22,004 $188 $50,000 44%


All works are now complete at the Monarto Clay Target Club and Jervois Sporting Clubs. New footpath has commenced at the MB Darts Club and a Development Application has been lodged for a disabled access at this location.

Implementation of the Aged Care Quality Standards

$78,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $77,216 $78,000 $784 $78,000 99%

100% Self Assessment completed and submitted in November 2020.

Update of Asbestos registers

$11,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $7,678 $11,000 $3,322 $11,000 70%

100% This project has now been completed and all registers are now updated.

7 Themes Riverfront Light Installation

$50,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,200 $5,000 $3,800 $50,000 2%

10% Planning underway for an event to be held over the Easter break subject to Covid-19 restrictions.

Welcoming Cities Accreditation

$5,250 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,250 0%


Achieving accreditation as a Welcoming City recognises Murray Bridge’s commitment to cultural diversity, Aboriginal reconciliation and social cohesion. Achieving accreditation raises Murray Bridge’s profile at the State, National and International levels, and sets a benchmark for the City to continue its work to improve services and ensure Murray Bridge is a welcoming city for all

Regional Study Hub $400,308 $60,923 $50,000 $10,923 $200,000 $120,529 $135,000 $14,471 $400,308 30%

30% On Track

Start Up Projects $20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,550 $3,004 $454 $20,000 13%

25% Council in participation with the RDAMR and MBBA are collaborating with Shop Local SA. As of December 2020 3 businesses have been sponsored to join Shop Local SA

37 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report


Project Name Annual Budget (000s)

YTD Actual (000s)

YTD Budget (000s)

Variance Adopted Budget

YTD Actual (000s)

YTD Budget (000s)

Variance Adopted Budget

% Spend

Status On

Time On Budget

% Complete


Trainee Program $40,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $34,286 $33,330 ($956) $80,000 43%


Two trainees were recruited in September and October 2020 following consultation within RCMB on the most appropriate teams to place them in. The Arts Development Team is hosting one trainee while the other is being shared between the Procurement and WHS Teams.

Procurement Business Partner

$100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $69,898 $72,593 $2,695 $100,000 70%

50% Continued support being provided to the business, assisting in the delivery of 2020/21 capital program.

Major Events / Sponsorship $355,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $61,447 $55,254 ($6,193) $355,000 17%


Between Oct to December there were 4 sponsored events that occurred. The SA Country Basketball School camp program, the Murray Bridge Gold Cup (Racing Club), the Murray Bridge Marathon and the Murray Bridge Triathlon . A number of planned events were cancelled due to COVID 19, and the current events in planning or proposed are subject to meeting COVID-19 safe-plan or management-plan requirements, and therefore are subject to change.

Community Events Riverfront Activation Funding

$50,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,000 0%

0% Funding still has not been accessed for Riverfront Community Events this financial by the Community due to Covid-19 Event Restrictions.

CBD Activation - Murray Bridge Local

$50,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $8,980 $10,000 $1,020 $50,000 18%


Grant program for Building Enhancements is being taken up by local businesses with 7 Grants provided to local businesses or business owners. A further 5 applications are under consideration

Promotion and Marketing - Make it Yours Campaign

$75,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $32,941 $35,000 $2,059 $75,000 44%

50% Two videos produced including promotion of the Strategic Plan and launch of TFI, with further promotion in the 2nd half of the year.

SPLASH inc NYE $130,000 $24,000 $33,000 ($9,000) $33,000 $11,316 $11,000 ($316) $163,000 7%


The Murray River Splash Program proceeded again in 2021 which include the New Year’s Eve Event which sold out the event site which had a capacity of 3000 people with thousands more watching from the Riverbanks. Rhyme, Grind and Club which was presented by the Station and had attendance of approximately 400 people and children activities on both the water and at Sturt Reserve were conducted from Thursday to Sunday every week of January with 27 different activities being offered.

Major Event Attraction Bid Fund (Tour Down Under)

$50,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,000 0%

0% Cancelled due to Covid-19

Events Signage and Promotional Marketing

$10,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,833 $9,996 $5,163 $10,000 48%


Signage and promotional material has been purchased for use at council and sponsored events.

Community Network $20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $11,637 $15,000 $3,363 $20,000 58%


Planning to hold a Community Network (Connect 4 Action) forum before the end of the current financial year. This will give recognition to community groups and workshop for future collaborative projects.

Digital Strategy $150,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $66,568 $71,000 $4,432 $236,000 28%


Projects underway include: *implementation of elementTIME (online time and attendance system) project completion date scheduled Q3. *participation in the Australasian LG Performance Excellence Program initial data submission completed, final data submission completed end Oct *scoping of change management office initiatives *design/planning of internal digital communications

Small Wins $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $52,880 $60,074 $7,194 $120,074 44%


Quick Wins are progressing well, however a lower than usual amount of applications have been received this year. We may see an increase over the coming second half of the financial year if Covid-19 restrictions are eased.

38 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report


Project Name Annual Budget (000s)

YTD Actual (000s)

YTD Budget (000s)

Variance Adopted Budget

YTD Actual (000s)

YTD Budget (000s)

Variance Adopted Budget

% Spend

Status On

Time On Budget

% Complete


Regulation - Education and Advertising

$5,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,004 $5,004 $5,000 0%


The project will be utilised in the course of providing important information for the community on public health and regulation matters such as mosquito awareness and animal management.

Representation Review $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,199 $5,004 $805 $5,000 84%


The Representation Review Report has concluded public consultation and a Representation Final Report was presented to Council in December 2020. Council has now received advice from the Electoral Commissioner of South Australia supporting Council’s recommendation and certifying that the review was conducted appropriately and within the requirements of section 12 of the Local Government Act, 1999.

Launch Strategic Plan and Corporate Reporting Events

$10,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,000 0%


The Strategic Plan promotional video has been launched online via Facebook and YouTube. These videos will continually be used throughout the Make it Yours campaign. Following the success of this video it has determined that a video will be produced annually to communicate the ABP projects and programs. Work on this will commence in April as the 2021-22 projects are confirmed.

Total $2,567,215 $143,620 $141,714 $1,906 $324,197 $828,219 $902,136 ($73,917) $2,789,464 30%

39 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report



Project Name

Annual Budget (000s)

YTD Actual (000s)

YTD Budget (000s)

Variance Adopted Budget

YTD Actual (000s)

YTD Budget (000s)

Variance Adopted Budget

% Spend Status On

Time On

Budget %

Complete Comments

SWHR Expansion Design $71,900 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $71,900 0%

10% Works to develop options for the next stage of Council Storm Water Harvest and Reuse scheme have commenced.

Footpath Expansion Program $500,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $21,016 $25,000 $3,984 $500,000 4%

10% Pugh Avenue footpath expanded to Phillips Street.

Adelaide Road Linear Park (Stage 5 & 6) $693,000 $344,103 $344,103 $0 $344,103 $139,980 $134,998 ($4,982) $767,929 18%


Council have commenced construction of stages 5 and 6 of the Adelaide Road Linear Park. These two stage will complete the entire project and a green landscaped entrance to Murray Bridge. Earthworks including base preparation of the shared paths, walking concrete paths and shelter areas is complete. Earthworks including base preparation of the shared paths, walking concrete paths and shelter areas is complete.

Bank Stabilisation & Boat Launching - Avoca Dell

$471,942 $0 $0 $0 $450,000 $62,041 $65,000 $2,959 $471,942 13%


Work to reconstruct and widen the Boat Ramp has reached practical completion with only minor civil works required. Car park improvement have been completed and the provision of DDA compliant car parking has been added to the project. Work to complete back stabilization still pending approval of treatments in line with Sturt Reserve Recreation Precinct.

Trail Strategy Implementation $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $59,400 $61,100 $1,700 $61,100 97%


New park name signs, map signage, interpretive signs and directional markers have been installed in Murray Park in line with councils signage guidelines.

Mitchell Ave Stormwater Stage A $61,800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $61,800 $61,800 $0 $61,800 100%

100% Completed

Swanport Road Master Plan Implementation $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $152,536 $155,000 $2,464 $250,000 61%


Landscape and irrigation works have been completed between Ibis Rd and the Freeway as well as additional plantings between Owl & Ibis to assist with screening fence lines. Additional concrete path installed to form a link between the shared path and Lorikeet Crt via an existing laneway. Walking trail design to be undertaken by external consultant between the Freeway and SA Water Recycled Water Plant (Swanport Village Road) to address the confined space beneath the overpass (post DIT feedback & advice which has been sought). New landscaping, park furniture, irrigation, greening and a new public art piece has also been completed within Rotary Jubilee Park (the official opening of the public art piece in Rotary Jubilee Park.

To be commenced

In Progress On Hold Completed On Track Slight Deviations Off Track Project planning



40 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report


Project Name

Annual Budget (000s)

YTD Actual (000s)

YTD Budget (000s)

Variance Adopted Budget

YTD Actual (000s)

YTD Budget (000s)

Variance Adopted Budget

% Spend Status On

Time On

Budget %

Complete Comments

Solar Panels - Lerwin $125,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $125,000 0%

100% Installed, completed inline with Expansion project.

Drought Funding

$1,000,134 $800,000 $800,000 $0 $1,000,000 $678,882 $680,134 $1,252 $1,000,134 67%


Reconstruction and Sealing of Hoadville Road at Brinkley 3.5km from Jarvis Road to Flagstaff Road, including seal. The project includes two (2) intersections, Jarvis Road and Flagstaff Road. Works were completed on the 21 December 2020.

Installation of Trail Shelter and Water Tank

$18,750 $0 $0 $0 $0 $370 $9,378 $9,008 $18,750 2%

5% Shelter and tank ordered September 2021. Delivery is anticipated in Feb 2021.

Develop Walkway and Directional Signage Connection at Long Island Reserve

$100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $84,956 $110,000 $25,044 $100,000 85%


A crushed rubble path and associated signage has been installed to connect Long Island Reserve and Sturt Reserve. The path also continues along Wildens Way to Tumbella Reserve. The crushed rubble path has been constructed through the Narooma Wetlands and signage is due to be installed in 2021.

Mitchell Avenue Drainage (Stage 2) $150,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $150,000 $150,000 $0 $150,000 100%

100% Works completed

Rocky Gully Wetland $15,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,994 $7,500 $2,506 $15,000 33%


This project is to design the wayfinding and signage for the Rocky Gully Wetland in alignment with the RCMB Signage Guidelines, as well as identifying infrastructure improvements such as enhanced paths, bird hides etc. Work is underway identifying the places of interest for interpretive signage, directional markers and entry signs, also improvements to existing paths and extension of the existing network. This project will develop indicative costs which will form the basis of a project application to construct next financial year.

Sturt Reserve Master Plan - Historic and Tourism

$3,109,000 $285,969 $285,969 $0 $1,021,938 $29,206 $15,000 ($14,206) $2,731,938 1%

10% Wharf assessment completed. Draft designs prepared for war memorial path connections. NAC engagement underway.

Swanport Wetland (Stage 1) $15,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,229 $7,500 $2,271 $15,000 35%


Work is underway identifying the places of interest for interpretive signage, directional markers and entry signs, also improvements to existing paths and extension of the existing network.

Building Renewal Program $500,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $154,564 $160,000 $5,436 $666,756 23%

51% 4 out of 13 projects have been completed.

Footpath Renewal Program $217,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $60,082 $133,750 $73,668 $217,500 28%


Segments along Adelaide Road between Lincoln Drive and Plymouth Street completed. Owl Drive 60mts replaced. Mannum Road segment between Coles carpark and First street replaced.

Street and Park Furniture Renewal Program

$500,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $190,259 $201,335 $11,076 $655,392 29%


Request for quotes for Stage 2 of bollard replacements is due to close by end January. Two new shelters have been ordered for Sturt Reserve adjacent the skate park which are due for installation by end February. A new planter box has been installed within Sixth Street and new shade structure at the pool is currently being scoped.

41 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report


Project Name

Annual Budget (000s)

YTD Actual (000s)

YTD Budget (000s)

Variance Adopted Budget

YTD Actual (000s)

YTD Budget (000s)

Variance Adopted Budget

% Spend Status On

Time On

Budget %

Complete Comments

Public Toilet Strategy $180,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $220,267 $260,665 $40,398 $387,000 57%

20% Planning for replacement of toilet facilities is underway.

Stormwater Renewal $190,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $90,518 $104,500 $13,982 $190,000 48%


Stormwater renewal works to support the Mitchell Avenue Stormwater Expansion Project were completed in August 2020. The project has complimented the significant improvement made to drainage performance along Mitchell Ave and will reduce ongoing risk of localised flooding. The remainder of Council Stormwater Renewal program will be carried out through out the remainder of the years and will be informed by ongoing condition assessments and engineering design.

National Bushfire Recovery Funding

$225,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $225,000 0%


These funds have been allocated to Bremer Valley Road and Wirilda Road (Rockleigh) that were impacted during the Cudlee Creek Fires in Dec 2019

Showground River Water Pump Renewal - Replacement

$95,000 $0 $0 $0 $47,500 $3,281 $45,000 $41,719 $95,000 3%

90% Works are nearing completion.

Murray Coorong Trail (Year 3) $40,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,510 $72,250 $65,740 $138,500 5%


Planning works have commenced on the implementation of the Murray Coorong Trail. This years focus are Swanport to Woods Point, Toora and Woodlane.

Sturt Reserve Masterplan $12,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $12,000 $12,000 $0 $12,000 100%

100% Design development complete.

Lerwin Aged Care Facility Expansion & Refurbishment

$4,855,333 $0 $0 $0 $500,000 $3,961,227 $3,955,333 ($5,894) $4,855,333 82%

100% Practical completion Dec 2020.

Public Art $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $76,616 $77,397 $781 $77,397 131%

5% Scoping of projects is in progress.

Town Beautification - Wayfinding and Signage

$31,637 $0 $0 $0 $0 $29,730 $31,637 $1,907 $31,637 94%

100% Design works completed for rollout across councils multiple trail and entrance projects.

Trail Improvements - Thiele Reserve $15,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $15,526 $15,000 ($526) $15,000 104%

100% Completed.

Sturt Reserve - War Memorial

$96,791 $100,000 $100,000 $0 $100,000 $96,791 $96,791 $0 $96,791 100%

100% Completed. Official opening was November 2020.

Bowling Club Car Park Seal

$25,300 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $25,300 0%

0% 0

Walking and Cycling Masterplan $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $54,309 $52,000 ($2,309) $250,000 22%


On road cycle markings for the East side of Murray Bridge are complete identifying to motorists the potential for cyclists to share the road. The design to connect the Hindmarsh shared path to the Swanport Road shared path is complete.

Riverfront Strategy – Recreation Precinct $2,661,208 $0 $0 $0 $1,350,000 $883,705 $880,000 ($3,705) $2,661,208 33%


Recreation Precinct Stage 1 completed. Recreation Precinct Stage 2 and 3 designed and scheduled for delivery in 2021. Boat ramp abandoned due to unfavourable geology.

42 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report


Project Name

Annual Budget (000s)

YTD Actual (000s)

YTD Budget (000s)

Variance Adopted Budget

YTD Actual (000s)

YTD Budget (000s)

Variance Adopted Budget

% Spend Status On

Time On

Budget %

Complete Comments

Sturt Reserve Bank Stabilisation $141,100 $0 $0 $0 $0 $53,500 $50,000 $3,500 $141,100 38%

90% Bank Stabilisation work at Sturt Reserve designed and completed.

Rowing Club Facilities at Sturt Reserve $2,367,792 $55,592 $55,592 $0 $496,900 $2,172,166 $2,172,792 $5,626 $2,367,792 93%

95% Regional Rowing Centre substantially completed. Practical completion expected in January 2021.

Casuarina Walk Design $15,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,312 $7,500 $2,188 $15,000 35%


Work is underway identifying the places of interest for interpretive signage, directional markers and entry signs, also improvements to existing paths and extension of the existing network.

Play Space Shade Installations $240,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $8,968 $10,000 $1,032 $240,000 4%


Council has accepted submissions from two contractors for the supply, delivery and installation of play ground shade structures at McNamara Park, Christian Reserve (Murray Bridge) and Woodlane Reserve, Mypolonga. Anticipated delivery by March 2021.

The Bakehouse Sensory garden and pergola (Stage 1)

$20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,656 $0 ($3,656) $20,000 18%


The project is to improve the space behind the Bakehouse in the Railway precinct. The improvement of the space will provide opportunities for young people to gain skills in the field. RCMB is working with Employment Options to provide these opportunities for local young people. An initial stage has seen the area cleaned up and gates fitted. Panels have been added to the inside of the fencing and will be decorated by young artists. Initial landscaping and planting is expected to be completed by May 21.

Video Camera Installed at The Station

$15,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $15,000 0%


This project is to install a fixed video camera to record performances at The Station. The recordings will be used to promote The Station, record performances for review and feedback. Consultation with industry experts has assisted in development of a detailed scope. Quotes have been secured and orders have now been placed.

Aerial Photograph and DTM

$40,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,200 $7,332 $6,132 $22,000 5%


The State Government has completed the tender process and selected a provider. Mapping Services Australia is now liaising with Councils to ensure all are satisfied with the cost. Delivery is expected in March 2021.

Lerwin - Plant Renewal & Building Maintenance

$157,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,420 $10,000 ($420) $290,000 4%

5% FFE requirements identified now that expansion and refurbishment has been completed.

Plant and Fleet Renewal Program

$1,433,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $647,819 $648,500 $681 $1,981,500 33%

75% Orders have been placed for 10 of the 16 Plant and Fleet Items identified in Councils adopted Asset Management Plan.

Invest in Murray Bridge Library collection

$10,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $9,635 $10,000 $365 $10,000 96%


Items requiring replacement and new items (new subjects) that need to be purchased are to be identified. Budget will be completely spent as of end of May 2021, completing phase 1. Note Grant amount of $60k formalised in Q2

Town Hall Theatre Light Replacement (Stage 2)

$62,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $58,125 $62,500 $4,375 $62,500 93%

98% Installation currently nearing completion.

Swimming Centre Development - Stage 1

$1,636,037 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,517,149 $1,530,000 $12,851 $1,636,037 93%


The Murray bridge Swimming Centre renovation project was completed and opened on the 30th October 2020.

43 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report


Project Name

Annual Budget (000s)

YTD Actual (000s)

YTD Budget (000s)

Variance Adopted Budget

YTD Actual (000s)

YTD Budget (000s)

Variance Adopted Budget

% Spend Status On

Time On

Budget %

Complete Comments

Wharf Renewal $96,400 $0 $0 $0 $0 $15,690 $17,000 $1,310 $96,400 16%


These works are incorporated into the History and Tourism Precinct wharf remediation program.

Play Space Replacements $200,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $681 $1,000 $319 $200,000 0%


Planning for replacement of identified play equipment at Long Island Reserve is underway.

Sport and Recreation Facilities Grant Program

$60,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $36,370 $40,000 $3,630 $60,000 61%


There were two applications to the Sport and Recreation Facilities Grant in September 2020. The Murray Bridge Basketball Association received a grant to upgrade 4 scoreboards and the RSL Bowling Club received a grant for renovations to a unisex toilet/change and kitchen.

Bridge Street Refresh (Stage 3) $70,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $54,938 $52,000 ($2,938) $70,000 78%


All planned works associated with Stage 3 of the Bridge Street Refresh project are complete incorporating Seventh Street - Sixth Street (landscaping and street furniture installation).

2020 Christmas Decoration Bridge Street

$20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,000 $20,000 $10,000 $20,000 50%


November saw the installation of Christmas Decorations on Town Hall, Sixth Street, Flag Banner Pole, Christmas Bauble tree Diamond Park.

Kerb Renewal Program $234,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $57,249 $56,000 ($1,249) $234,000 24%


Kerb Renewal works are aligned to Road reconstruction and reseal projects. Works have commenced on Willow Ave. The remainder of kerb renewal works will occur throughout the year as road reconstruction works are programed for completion.

Carpark Renewal Program $24,040 $0 $0 $0 $0 $16,422 $24,040 $7,618 $24,040 68%


Car Park Renewal completed for Murray Bridge Bowling Club

Monarto Freeway Sign - Co-branded Monarto Safari Park

$35,000 $0 $0 $0 $15,000 $0 $0 $0 $35,000 0%

0% Design underway.

Pope Road R2R $840,000 $684,000 $667,000 $17,000 $840,000 $616,711 $635,835 $19,124 $840,000 73%

100% Design and construction completed.

Monarto Safari Park Sliplane Reconstruction

$260,223 $0 $0 $0 $212,909 $0 $0 $0 $473,132 0%


Design substantially completed. Planning for implementation underway.

Sign Renewal Program $32,360 $0 $0 $0 $0 $11,434 $15,000 $3,566 $32,360 35%


The renewal of Council road sign inventory occurs through at the year

Unsealed Road Renewal Program $917,800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $414,522 $430,978 $16,456 $917,800 45%


Council Unsealed Road Renewal Program is undertaken in two halves and are generally undertaken in the wetter months to utilise rainfall for moisture conditioning. Council has completed more than half of its 2020-21 program and has complete works on Woodlane Drive, Law Road, Oak Grove, Anders Road, Dishers Hill Road as well at Bremer Valley Road and Wirilda Road that were part funded through Council Bushfire relief allocation. The remainder of Council unsealed renewal program will be completed in April, May and June 2021

Kerb Expansion Program $150,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $141,252 $150,000 $8,748 $150,000 94%


Kerb Expansion Works are aligned to road reconstruction projects and are programed.

Sealed Road Renewal Program $2,067,800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $674,513 $673,502 ($1,011) $2,067,800 33%


Council has completed 85% of its Overlay works including South Tce, Meyer Road, Fairway Court, Myall Ave, Olsen Court and Kintore Ave.

44 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report


Project Name

Annual Budget (000s)

YTD Actual (000s)

YTD Budget (000s)

Variance Adopted Budget

YTD Actual (000s)

YTD Budget (000s)

Variance Adopted Budget

% Spend Status On

Time On

Budget %

Complete Comments

Bridge Culvert and Ford Renewal $119,450 $0 $0 $0 $0 $61,758 $64,450 $2,692 $119,450 52%


Minor Bridge and Culvert renewal works have been identified to utilise current 2020-21 budget with major work identified during 2020 to be included as budget bid for the 2021-22 AMP.

Infrastructure Design $50,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,000 0%


Budget line used to undertake Engineering Planning and Design on capital project that may be delivered as part of future Annual Business Plan and Budget and will therefore be capitalised as part of project delivery.

Roads Infrastructure Reconstruction (TFI) $11,880,731 $3,563,426 $3,565,000 ($1,574) $11,880,731 $7,132,899 $7,140,000 $7,101 $11,880,731 60%


Contract awarded to Downer EDI Pty Ltd; with Spry Civil Construction assisting with earthworks, pavement and stormwater works. Site works commenced 29 June 2020. Works were completed on 16 December 2020.

Roof replacement at Depot $30,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $30,000 0%


To be considered with the Building Renewal program.

IT Replacement $200,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $142,268 $150,000 $7,732 $261,759 54%


The following equipment has been replaced in line with our proposed IT Asset plan. Replacement Severs have been purchased to update old infrastructure. New Laptops have been procured to replace the older Laptops. A replacement for the Sort Assistant at the Library has been procured Replaced the Apple iPhone 6's. Active equipment on the network will be replaced during this period after we have completed the audit and new network design.

Digital Strategy Capital-CRM $246,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $158,928 $155,000 ($3,928) $449,000 35%


CRM Preferred supplier identified, with implementation to begin in Q3.

Total $40,197,528 $5,833,091 $5,817,664 $15,427 $18,259,081 $21,323,589 $21,708,497 $384,908 $41,752,708 50%


45 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report


December 2020 YTD Actual

2019/20 Audited

December YTD Actual

December YTD Budget

Variance Adopted Budget

INCOME $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000

Rates 26,371 13,511 13,510 1 27,019

Statutory charges 779 427 370 57 645

User Charges 2,122 1,037 1,170 (133) 2,360

Grants, subsidies and contributions 8,896 3,400 3,491 (91) 7,405

Investment income 138 27 31 (4) 61

Reimbursements 423 83 148 (65) 374

Other income 461 239 191 48 380

Net gain - JV & associates 28 0 0 0 3

Total Income 39,217 18,724 18,911 (187) 38,247 EXPENSES

Employee costs 17,246 9,165 9,190 25 17,254

Materials, contracts and other expenses

14,254 6,794 6,727 (67) 14,268

Depreciation, amortisation and impairment

7,364 3,946 3,925 (21) 7,850

Finance costs 164 91 242 151 483

Total Expenses 39,028 19,996 20,084 88 39,855

OPERATING SURPLUS / (DEFICIT) 190 (1,272) (1,173) (99) (1,608)

Amts received spec for new or upgraded assets

4,465 5,841 5,818 23 18,259

Physical resources received free of charge

766 30 30 0 60

Net Gain/Loss on Disposal or Revaluation of Assets

(1,425) 52 0 52 0

NET SURPLUS / (DEFICIT) 3,996 4,651 4,675 (24) 16,711

Revaluation reserve adjustments (148) 0 0 0 7,201

TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 3,848 4,651 4,675 (24) 23,912

46 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report


As at December 2020 Actual

2019/20 Audited

December YTD Actual

December YTD Budget

Var Adopted Budget

Current Assets $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000

Cash and Cash equivalents 443 568 392 176 1,497

Cash and Cash Equivalents - Restricted 5,075 2,649 2,700 (51) 2,057

Rates Receivable 1,721 2,478 2,585 (107) 1,416

General Debtors and Other Receivables 1,636 1,104 1,050 54 205

Prepayments and Accrued Revenue 469 560 600 (40) 194

Rates Income Accrued 0 0 0 0 0

Inventories 466 484 468 16 166

Non-Current Assets Held for Sale 571 571 571 0 0

Total Current Assets 10,380 8,414 8,366 48 5,535 Non Current Assets

Equity Accounted Investments 85 85 83 2 88

Fixed Assets 300,941 296,851 296,851 0 348,340

Work in Progress 8,015 29,476 29,860 (384) 1,720

Total Non Current Assets 309,041 326,412 326,794 (382) 355,683

Total Assets 319,421 334,826 335,161 (335) 355,683 Current Liabilities

Trade Payables 5,613 620 550 (70) 5,355

Deposits/Trusts/Payments Rec'd in Advance

7,635 7,953 7,903 (50) 6,880

Rates Paid In Advance 0 4,087 4,000 (87) 0

Current Loan Liabilities 3,647 6,736 6,965 229 1,041

Employee Entitlements (LSL) 1,806 1,794 1,833 39 1,838

Employee Entitlements (AL) 1,968 2,288 2,248 (40) 1,997

Other Employer Entitlements 216 291 300 9 630

Other Current Liabilities (accruals) 344 916 850 (66) 560

Total Current Liabilities 21,229 24,685 24,649 (36) 18,301 Non Current Liabilities

Non Current Loan Liabilities 521 7,679 8,085 406 15,625

Employee Entitlements (LSL) 727 866 806 (60) 900

Total Non-Current Liabilities 1,248 8,545 8,891 346 16,525 Total Liabilities 22,476 33,230 33,540 310 34,826 NET ASSETS 296,945 301,596 301,620 (24) 320,857

Accumulated Surplus (Deficit) 100,807 104,655 104,655 0 104,655

Asset Revaluation Reserve 192,290 192,290 192,290 0 199,491

Surplus (Deficit) - Current 3,848 4,651 4,675 (24) 16,711

NET EQUITY 296,945 301,596 301,620 (24) 320,857

47 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report

MEASURING OUR PERFORMANCE The Rural City of Murray Bridge identifies financial and non–financial measures to ensure our performance can be assessed against stated objectives. Included in the regular schedule of reports are:

Monthly financial reports to Council

Quarterly financial reviews to Council and the Audit Committee

Regular reporting to the Audit Committee on key areas of financial planning, management and performance, risk management, emergency management and business continuity

An Annual Report

Quarterly progress reporting against the Annual Business Plan to Council.

Annual report The Annual Report is a comprehensive report of Council’s activities throughout the preceding year. It is intended to give the community information about Council’s delivery against the Annual Business Plan as well as Council’s Financial Statements.

The Annual Report is produced in November each year and provides material and reports on specific matters in accordance with Schedule 4 of the Local Government Act 1999.

Get your copy on the website or by clicking here here

You can also download previous annual reports from the National Libraries Archive via the Trove website, click here to access trove.nla.gov.au

Quarterly progress reports Council is committed to ensuring that the Community receives regular reports on progress against the Annual Business Plan and how this progress delivers outcomes identified in the Strategic Plan 2020-24.

The Quarterly Progress Report is presented to Council in November, February, May and August each year. It provides financial and non-financial performance measurement.

You can view or download any previous reports through the Trove website here trove.nla.gov.au

Quarterly financial review The Quarterly Financial Review provides analysis of our actual financial performance over the previous quarter period compared to the approved budget. Analysis of the approved budget compared to the proposed budget and analysis of the impacts of review and other financial decisions made during the quarter.

Monthly financial performance reports Regular monitoring of expenditure is essential; not just to verify expenditure against budget but also to identify changing patterns or circumstances that need corrective action. The Monthly Financial Performance Reports are the tool Council uses to monitor and manage the budget and ensure we are staying on track

48 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report


Annual Target



Waste to landfill tonnes <4,200 2,261 <2,100 × -8%

Green organics for compost tonnes >1,800 1,115 >900 24%

Recycled waste tonnes >1,600 759 >800 × -5%

Storm-water harvested Megalitres >80 90 >40 125%

Number of Development Applications determined

number >450 298 >225 32%

Number of Outstanding Applications number <100 101 <100 × 0%

Value of approved applications commercial and industrial and new homes

$ >$80.00M $49,189,235 >$40,000,000 23%

Value of approved new homes $ >$20.00M $15,549,831 >$10,000,000 55%

Schedule 1A Building Rules Consent only working

days <20 5 <20 300%

Schedule 4 Complying working

days <10 16 <10 -38%

Schedule 4 Residential Code Complying working

days <10 5 <10 100%

49 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report

Project Name Measure Annual Target



Merit (Category 1) Development working

days <90 22 <90 309%

Merit (Category 2) Development working

days <90 40 <90 125%

Merit (Category 3) Development working

days <90 35 <90 157%

Number of Food Hygiene Inspections number >150 61 >75 × -19%

Number of Immunisations number >1400 404 >700 × -42%

Hours spent removing graffiti hours >300 63 >150 × -58%

Food Safety Training attendance number >100 18 >50 × -64%

Commonwealth Home Support Program visits

number >460 182 >230 × -21%

Visitors to the Gallery Exhibitions number >12,500 2,757 >6,250 × -56%

Number of Town Hall Patrons number >15,000 2,531 >7,500 × -66%

Library Visitation number >56,000 27,390 >28,000 × -2%

Number of items loaned from the Library number >100,000 76,658 >50,000 53%

Number of Visitors to Visitor Information Centre

number >10,000 2,684 >5,000 × -46%

50 – Rural City of Murray Bridge —2020-21 Q2 Oct-Dec Quarterly Report

Project Name Measure Annual Target



Visitor Information Centre revenue $ >$50,000 8,292 >25,000 × -67%

Rural City of Murray Bridge Labour Force t number >11,000 10,982 >10,977 0%

Number of Events number >20 10 >10 0%

Number of engagement forums number >12 0 >6 × -100%

Attendance at forums number >240 0 >120 × -100%

Website hits number >90,000 73,587 >45,000 64%

Let’s Talk membership (new) number >200 11 >100 × -89%

Let’s Talk visits number >5,000 1,081 >2,500 × -57%

Requests to use electronic signboard number >200 81 >100 × -19%

Rural City of Murray Bridge Facebook posts number >900 568 >450 26%

Number or people who ‘Like’ the Rural City of Murray Bridge Facebook page (new)

number >1,250 745 >625 19%

Percentage of customer service requests completed within targeted timeframes

% =>90 89 =>90 × -1%

t Statistics sourced from re-calculation by the Australian Government Department of Jobs and Small Business, Small Area labour Markets (SALM) Publication. Original data can be viewed at https://lmip.gov.au/default.aspx?LMIP/Downloads/SmallAreaLabourMarketsSALM The latest available estimates are for the June quarter 2020.

Lewin Nursing Home

67 Joyce Street Murray Bridge 08 8539 1185

Public Library

Level 2

Murray Bridge Market Place Murray Bridge

08 8539 1175

Regional Gallery

27 Sixth Street Murray Bridge 08 8539 1420

Swimming Centre

40-58 Adelaide Road Murray Bridge

08 8532 2924

Town Hall

13-17 Bridge Street Murray Bridge

08 8539 1430

Visitor Information Centre

3 South Terrace Murray Bridge

08 8539 1142

Works Depot

21 Hindmarsh Road Murray Bridge

08 8539 1160

Youth Centre

3-5 Railway Terrace Murray Bridge

08 8539 2122