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Run Minnesota may / june 2012

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Run Minnesota may / june 2012

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PAIDTwin Cities, MNPermit No. 3792

Contributors 1

President’s Letter 2

Letters to the Editor 3

Running BriefsNews and notes 5

Gear ReviewsCitizen product tester 6

On the RunMasters Indoor Championships 9

Get to KnowJim Schoffman 11

Race RecapFitgers 5K 16

Race Results 16

Race Calendar 28

Race PhotosMDRA Lake Johanna 4 Mile 31MDRA Ron Daws 25K 32Fitgers 5K 33MDRA Mudball 4 MIle 34


(TRY)athlonMulti-sport events aretrending up. Have you con-sidered joining your friendsin one? Here’s what youneed to know to jump in.



O N T H E C O V E R :Kaelyn Willliams finishes the MDRA Mudball 4 Mile. Photo by Wayne Kryduba.



Do you have something to contribute?Contact Heidi at [email protected].

Nathan Campeau began running in 1997 as a way toexplore his new surroundings in Washington, DC. In 2003,Nathan discovered the beauty of the Minneapolis trail sys-tem while running the Twin Cities Marathon. A few monthslater, he moved to Minnesota and bought a house at Mile15 of the course, and now he and his wife live at Mile 6.Last year Nathan competed in his first ultra, the MooseMountain 50, placing fourth overall.


Patrick O’Regan is a runner and freelance businesswriter. He is a graduate of St. Thomas College and the Uni-versity of Minnesota. Born and raised in Montgomery, Min-nesota, Pat currently resides in Inver Grove Heights. He runseight to 10 races a year, mostly 5Ks and 10Ks, with twomarathons to his credit. He has also “competed” in three Na-tional Championships.


Candy Patrin is a writer who can be spotted runningin the St. Croix River Valley area with her training partner,Radar, a chocolate Labrador retriever. She never tires oflistening to running stories and is always on the lookoutfor article ideas. This year, Candy plans to get in more trailruns and compete in local races. She can be reached [email protected].


1 MAY/JUNE 2012

2MAY/JUNE 2012

Dear RunMinnesota Readers,It’s been a great spring for running in Min-nesota! Nearly all of the MDRA spring races en-joyed increased participation compared to 2011(see chart below). The excellent race turnout so farthis year can be attributed to the ideal springweather conditions, increased promotion via Face-book and the MDRA e-newsletter and of course thefact that the well run MDRA events remain amongthe most affordable races in Minnesota. We canthank our outstanding race directors for their hardwork and dedication to continuously organize top-notch events that are truly among the best racebargains around. I would like to recognize andthank the race directors of our spring events: JimRath (Lake Johanna 4 Mile), Michael Warden(MDRA 7 Mile), Jeff Winter (Ron Daws 25K), PeterErpenbach (Fred Kurz 10 Mile), Lee Dittbenner(MDRA Mudball Classic) and Lowell Schow (Mom’sDay 5K). On behalf of the Board of Directors, wetruly appreciate all that you do to ensure MDRAraces “run” smoothly.

Of course, organizing and delivering a high cal-iber running event can’t be done without the as-sistance of race volunteers. To the manyoutstanding volunteers who provide their timeand support to MDRA, we also say “thank you”. Inparticular, I would like to highlight one of MDRA’smost dedicated volunteers, Norm Champ. Normrarely, if ever, misses an opportunity to providehis services at MDRA events. In fact, I can’t recallan MDRA race at which I have not seen Normhelping out. In addition, he has been a member of

the Board of Directors for many years (currentlyVice President) and also leads MDRA’s Race Com-mittee. A heartfelt “thank you” to Norm for allthat he does to serve MDRA and the local runningcommunity.

In addition to the great turnout at spring races,MDRA has also experienced very healthy mem-bership growth through the first quarter of 2012.As you may recall, we have been striving to buildMDRA membership up to 2,500 members. I amvery happy to report that we are making progressand approaching this goal. At the end of April,membership had reached 2,410 and still climbing.This is a net increase of 176 memberships sincethe end of 2011. It is very exciting to see thisgrowth knowing that MDRA continues to bestrong and able to fulfill our mission for the localrunning community: “To promote participationand safety in running and to serve as an informa-tion resource.” You can do your part to supportMDRA by renewing your current membership andencouraging your friends and running partners tobecome a member of Minnesota’s oldest andlargest running organization.

Thanks for being a vital part of MDRA!

Michael Iserman, CSCSPresident, MDRA Board of [email protected]


Editor:Heidi Keller Miler

Senior Editor:Mark C. Syring

Art Director:Jason Lehmkuhle

Advertising Coordinator/Sales:

Heidi Keller Miler

Photographer:Wayne Kryduba

Results:Jack Moran

MDRA Officers:Mike Iserman,President

Norm Champ, Vice PresidentNoelle Frost, Secretary

Jody Kobbervig, Treasurer

MDRA Board Members:

Andrea Adams, Paul Arneberg,Nathan Campeau, Darrell Chris-

tensen, Jim Delaplain, KristinJohnson, Mary Johnson,

Heather Kick-Abrahamson, Bill Knight,

Michael Nawrocki, Andrew Plackner, Kevin Ross,Eve Stein, Melissa Wieczorek

Contact RunMinnesota!

RunMinnesota5701 Normandale Rd.

Edina, MN [email protected]




Event 2011 Finishers 2012 Finishers Difference % Increase

MDRA Lake Johanna 4 Mile 96 177 81 84.4%

MDRA 7 Mile 104 156 52 50.0%

MDRA Ron Daws 25K 173 147 -26* -15.0%

MDRA Fred Kurz 10 Mile 89 101 12 13.5%

MDRA Mudball Classic 4 Mile 66 107 41 62.1%

*Ron Daws 25K had a large number of registered runners not showing on race day perhaps due to holding the race onEaster weekend this year.

3 MAY/JUNE 2012


Dear RunMinnesota,Great issue! Thanks for all you do for the running community.

I was reading the comments from the contributors regarding “run-ning etiquette” and found them to be for the most part…dead on themoney. However, as you know, I run/race with my daughter Amandaand naturally I would like to add to Pat Goodwin’s comments on run-ning with strollers and pets.

I think what each runner needs to decide BEFORE they enter with astroller or pet is: “am I running this as a fun run or am I seriously racing”.

Here are some strict rules that Amanda and I follow:

1. Always call the race director BEFORE the race and ask permission.It is always an exception if you are going to run with a pet or astroller…and that the race needs to be respected as well as theother participants. Plus…there is no point embarrassing yourself ifyou are told at the start of the race that this is not allowed.

2. If there is a wheel chair division…it is always safer to start with thewheelers. It is much safer for all runners to pass you rather thanyou trying to pass them.

3. If there is not a wheel chair division accept the fact that you willmore than likely be asked to start at the back of the pack. Andwhen I say the back of the back…I mean dead last….don’t eventhink of crossing the starting line before that last runner hascrossed the starting line. Usually we wait to cross the starting lineuntil someone asks us to get going. This allows the runners tospread out before we catch up. Since most races have chip timing,why make a big deal out of trying to mix it up with the wholecrowd? Also, starting at the back of the race can be great training,especially in Marathons where negative splits are a good thing.

Always, always always….if you are going to include yourchild or pet on the course, please remember that they need to payan entrance fee also (but do not give them a chip). Races costmoney. If a stroller or a pet is on the course and sharing theroad…it takes money to run a race and whoever is on the courseneeds to be a paid participant.

4. I agree with Pat that if you are a seriously racing at whatever pace youare running, strollers and pets can be a distraction. Amanda and I arecontent with starting wherever the race director puts us…at the begin-ning, the middle or last. We just want to participate. What a great wayto introduce a young child to running than have their parent includethem in a race….just as long as the parent is aware that they are run-ning… they are not racing… they are participating….they are not com-peting.

5. If you are passing someone with a stroller or pet, please rememberthat is comparable to driving a semi in rush hour. Plan your moveand make sure that everyone around you is aware of your presence.As mentioned in the article, many runners are listening to musicand have no idea you are there, you need to be very vocal to makethem know you are passing.

Anyway, just a few of my thoughts, but as I said earlier, great job onthis article and keep up the good work!

Mark and Amanda BrunsvoldEdina, Minnesota

Mark and Amanda Brunsvold

Bartlings Shoes“NIKE HEADQUARTERS”410 Fourth St. - Box 207

Brookings, SD 57006(605) 692-2414

Let us know what you think.Contact Heidi at [email protected].

4MAY/JUNE 2012

FROM YOUDear RunMinnesota,I had read Katherine Himes’ enjoyable interview articlewith Rick Recker regarding the beginnings of the Lowry Hill Climb inthe January/February issue of RunMinnesota (“Running the Hills ofKenwood”).

In it, she states that the hill climb five miler debuted in 1978. How-ever, as a finisher of the 1977 Lowry Hill Climb, I have proof that the raceactually started in 1977. I have attached the 1977 result sheet of the racewith my first and only appearance in it (I finished one hundred and sev-enth as a 19 year old). I had coerced my [University of Minnesota] room-mate, Craig Phelps (two hundredth place), who was not really a regularrunner, but did quite well nevertheless, to run it with me.

I recall us splitting a six pack in our dorm room the night before therace, and he seemed to think the race was a great idea. I really don’tremember much about the race itself other than it was as punishing asthey say with the double climb and descend.

The only other thing I recall were the race t-shirts that were yellowwith brown graphics (mine long since wore out). I also believe thatthis was my first road race of any distance, me being pretty fresh outof high school. I also was aware of MDRA, but was not a member atthat time.

Also of historical note and just plain cool is the fact that we sharedthe road that day with the following local legends and/or folks I thatknew personally who were way faster than me:

• Jim Ferstle (the inaugural winner and long time running writer)

• Steve Hoag (no comments necessary)

• Tony Schiller (one of the best all time Minnesota and U.S. agegroup triathletes. I would later compete against Tony in severalcanoe/run/bike triathlons in southern Minnesota in the late 80sand early 90s)

• Peter Wehrwein (he was an excellent two miler for Edina West HighSchool. I tried to run against him as an Edina East [High School]runner)

• John Naslund (the only person to have run all the Grandma’s andall the Twin Cities Marathons)

• Rick Kleyman (long time Armstrong [High School] coaching legendand one of the early leaders of the running movement in Min-nesota)

• Rick Recker (one of the original MDRA members and current USATFMinnesota President)

• Ron Daws (no comments necessary. My favorite Minnesota racewas always the Ron Daws 25K in April: the old Puke’s Peak course )

• Paul Wellstone (yes, the deceased senator, and a pretty decent fin-ish time as well)

• Jack Moran (the man behind raceberryjam, the founder of the TwinCities Marathon and more!)

Later on in the 1980s, I took a hiatus from running and became a bi-cycle road racer for Kenwood Cyclery. The shop sponsored a criteriumin the Kenwood Hills, for only a couple years at the most, that wasequally as brutal.

Thanks for the trip down memory lane!

Andrew HoltumPhoenix, Arizona

Results from the 1977 Lowry Hill Climb

Camden RunningClub TuesdayNight Runs Meeting Location:Webber ParkLibrary, 4310 Webber Parkway,Minneapolis (located at the startof the Victory 10K/5K races)Meeting time: Tuesday Nights at6:00 p.m.Starting date:May 22 and ongoing on Tuesday nights throughJune at leastAll running abilities welcome.Questions: contact the CamdenRunning Club at [email protected]

MDRA FallMarathon ClassThe 2012 MDRA Fall MarathonClass will begin training Tuesday,June 19, 2012, and will continueuntil the Twin Cities Marathon onOctober 7. The program trains andmeets on a Tuesday and Saturdayschedule. You can find more infor-mation on the MDRA website,www.runmdra.org. The first nightis an information session only anda good opportunity to learn moreabout the program.

Tracks, Trails, Tundra ThursdaysMDRA is starting a new program ofgroup runs each Thursday at 6:00p.m. throughout the summer andfall. Runners of any speed andpace are welcome and encouragedto join this free group run. The lo-cation changes weekly and therewill be a mix of track workouts,trails and road running to keep itinteresting and a variety of work-outs. There is a group leader tohelp with the workouts and leteveryone know the weekly plan.Please check out the MDRA web-site program page for more infor-

mation for each weeks run or youcan join the MDRA facebook groupdedicated to this weekly eventwhich is titled MDRA Track Trailsand Tundra Thursdays.

Discounts forMDRA Members atUpcoming RacesMDRA strives to give members agreat value for your membershipfee. MDRA members get discountsat nearly all the MDRA sponsoredraces. Registration is open on thefollowing races and members getthese discounts:

MDRA Mississippi 10 Mile$2.00 off*, register and more infoat www.runmdra.org. Use the code“MDRA” to get the discounts whenregistering online or just subtractthat from the fee for mail in entry.

MDRA Victory Races$5.00 off*, register and find outmore info at www.victoryraces.com.Use the code “MDRA” to get thediscounts when registering onlineor just subtract that from the fee formail in entry.

City of Lakes 25KMDRA members get $3.00 off theCity of Lakes 25K, registration nowopen at www.cityoflakes25k.com.

Lady Speed Stick Women’s HalfMarathonJoin the Minnesota Distance Run-ning Association (Team MDRA) onAugust 26, 2012 for the LadySpeed Stick Women’s HalfMarathon Bloomington. Enjoy abeautiful course and world-classhalf marathon or 5K unlike anyother! Use coupon code“MDRASAVE” and save $10 off thecurrent registration price. Also,join Team MDRA during registra-tion to help us compete for thefastest and/or largest team award.

5 MAY/JUNE 2012

RUNNING BRIEFSNews from the Roads, Trails and Track

6MAY/JUNE 2012


Welcome to the first of (possibly) many install-ments of running related product reviews. To begin,I must issue a warning: as the title of this article implies, I amnot an expert in running apparel in the slightest. I have beenrunning for about 15 years, mostly in the same shoes (lots ofAsics) and wearing much of the same clothing. I still often runwearing the first technical t-shirt I bought in 2000. I knowwhat I like but I definitely don’t know all the products that areout there. I will attempt to provide an unbiased opinion ofeach product that I test.

The purpose of this article (and others that follow) is to review newerproducts that have come on the scene that you may not be aware of. Ifyou are like me, once you find something that works with running youdon’t rock the boat, so you may miss out on hearing about new runningrelated products. This column will hopefully introduce you to some newgear that you weren’t aware of.

Three products are reviewed in this installment: tasc bamboo runningshirts, New Balance shoes and Stinger energy food products.

Shirt, Shoes and Honey

Citizen Product Tester NATHAN CAMPEAU

New Balance 860 v2 Running ShoeIn the 15 years I’ve been running, I have probably used over 100pairs of shoes. Of those, approximately five were NOT Asics. In1997 I found an Asics shoe that fit and I stuck with it. Over theyears I’ve moved through a few models in the Asics line towardmore minimalist shoes and now I usually run in the DS Trainers. Ihaven’t really branched out too much into other lines of shoes.When I was offered a chance to try out the New Balance 860 v2running shoe, I jumped at the opportunity.

The 860 v2 is a stability shoe, which is something I don’t re-ally need and haven’t run in for a few years since my feet ad-justed to the non stability DS Trainer. In spite of that, thereweren’t a lot of noticeable differences from my normal runningshoe other than this shoe was about an ounce heavier. Although Ishouldn’t really be comparing the two shoes, since they have dif-ferent purposes, here is my attempt at an objective review:

Pros:Comfort: The shoe feels very comfortable without being toocushioned. I’ve logged about 300 miles on the shoes and I’m sureI have several hundred miles left.

Walkability: I like a running shoe that I can walk around in. Iused to run in Asics 2100 stability shoes and I found that with thehigh heel the shoe was not comfortable for walking. When kick-ing around town or in the yard, the 860 v2 felt very comfortable.When I eventually buy a new pair of shoes I will likely transitionthe 860 v2 to my yard work shoes.

Flexibility: In terrain, that is. I’ve logged many miles in theseshoes on pavement, ice, snow and soft trails. The shoe has per-formed marvelously on all surfaces.

Cons: Fit: On the first run I developed blisters on the tops of both feet.I’ve never had this happen with another shoe. I’m not sure whatwas wrong, but after loosening both shoes I haven’t had anyproblems since.

Price: $110, likely less at local running stores with your MDRADiscount!

Where to Buy: Any local running store.

Bottom Line: This is a really great, albeit boring, stability shoe. If Ineeded a stability shoe, I would run in this shoe with no hesitation.


tasc Bamboo Running Shirttasc (Technical All Season Comfort) running shirts are really an innova-tive product. The mostly organic technical shirts are made from 55 per-cent cotton, 40 percent bamboo and five percent elastane. I was reallyexcited to try this product because bamboo products are typically moreenvironmentally sustainable than petroleum based products. Bamboogrows quickly and is often the flooring material of choice in sustainablebuildings so a shirt made from bamboo sounded too good to be true.

I tested the tasc Performance Crew bamboo t-shirt over a period ofseveral weeks and multiple washings. Since one of tasc’s big claims isthat the natural fibers prevent odor, I balled up the sweaty shirt after arun and pulled it out of the hamper a couple days later (still no smell)!Here is a rundown of the pros and cons of the shirt:

Pros:Low Odor: tasc’s claim really holds up here. The shirt never developedthe typical sweaty odor that regular performance wear does. In manyways the shirt reminded me of a technical wool shirt. However, insteadof a wet woolly smell the bamboo shirt had a slightly sweet smell whendamp. It’s not unpleasing, but it is odd (albeit better than an old sweatytechnical fiber shirt).


Lightweight: For a natural fiber shirt it is very light, only slightly heavier than a normal technical t-shirt. Whenwet, the shirt retains a little more water than a technical t-shirt, but not much more.

Breathes Well: I was expecting to overheat while running in this shirt, similar to experiences I’ve had while running in wool t-shirts. I didn’t notice any difference from a regular technical tee.

Very Comfortable: The shirt has a very fine weave and feels like a very soft cotton t-shirt, even after multiple washings.

Cons: Too Long: The shirt fit well, except I noticed that it was a little long in the torso. It’s also very elastic, and whenwet the shirt drags a little lower still. I will admit that I have a somewhat short torso, so the shirt length maynot be as noticeable on someone with a more normal length torso. If you have a long torso you’ll love this shirt!

Retains Water: As previously mentioned, the shirt seems to retain a little more water than a normal technicaltee, but not too much more.

Price: $30

Where to buy: http://tascperformance.com/shop/carrollton-t

Bottom Line: If you prefer natural fibers, I recommend trying this shirt. The downside is you may end up with a re-ally comfortable t-shirt that cost $30. The upside is that you may find this to be the perfect running shirt for you.

7 MAY/JUNE 2012

Honey Stinger EnergyTwo years ago I was on a train traveling from Amsterdam to Delft, the Netherlands. In a hurry to get to Delft to visit a friend, I didn’t have timeto eat a proper breakfast. I stopped at the kiosk in the train station and noticed little packages of what looked like mini waffles. These tiny,dense waffles were called “stroopwaffles” and were seemingly soaked in pure honey. Basically, these things were like crack to me. Over thenext 20 hours (the length of my entire stay in the Netherlands) I ate about 20 of these stroopwaffles and purchased bags of these deliciousmini waffles to take back to the States.

Upon my return to the United States, I have found stroopwaffles at only a few locations. Imagine my elation at finding out that stroopwaf-fles are sold by a U.S. energy and performance company called Honey Stinger. Obviously I loved the Honey Stinger stroopwaffles. But whilemini waffles may be great as a pre or post run snack, or perhaps a great energy snack while biking or hiking (indeed, they are endorsed byLance Armstrong), I can’t imagine eating such solid foods mid race or run. Actually, I can imagine it and it’s not a pleasant thought.

Then I found out that Honey Stinger also makes energy blocks, similar to Clif Blocks, called Organic Energy Chews. I ran several long andshort runs using the Honey Stinger Organic Energy Chews in the Lime-Ade and Pink Lemonade flavors. Here’s my review of the chews:

Pros:Delicious: Hands down, these are the tastiest energy chews I’ve ever had. In fact, they are the tastiest energy foodproducts suitable for running that I’ve ever had. I even started eating them as snacks as I started craving thechews all the time! Must be the honey!

Gluten Free: While this isn’t a big deal to me, I was happy to see that the chews are produced in agluten free facility. It seems that more and more people are discovering they are gluten intoler-ant and it’s great to see “GF” options for those folks.

Organic Ingredients: Many of the gels and chews out there taste so engineeredand over processed. This organic product is made from the best type of sugaryou can get, honey!

Cons: Packaging: The only concern I had with the chews is that the package is too largeand bulky to comfortably use in a race or long run. You likely won’t want an entirepackage at once. I recommend splitting a package of chews into smaller baggies. Thepackaging seems to be designed more with bicyclists in mind than runners.

Price: $2 a package. Each package could probably be split into two servings for a race.

Where to Buy: Most of the local running stores carry them.

I LOVE THEM! I can’t wait to try some of their other products including the gels and energy bars.


9 MAY/JUNE 2012


S ixteen world recordsfell during the NationalMasters Indoors heldin the Gladstein Fieldhouse on the campus

of the University of Indiana inBloomington, Indiana. The stellarevent featured some of the bestmen and women athletes, of anyage, on the planet. Watching theseathletes, and meeting a few,though my own race consumedmuch of my attention, was stirringand illuminating. In giving thehighlights of the meet, I’ll add afew reflections the competitionbrought to mind on competing asa Masters runner.

When I arrived in the fieldhouse on Saturday (the meet ranFriday to Sunday, March 16 to 18),the place was in an uproar. I sawright away that the reason for thecommotion was a tall, lean, blondwoman, who was lapping the fieldin the mile run. That was JeanneDaprano. She broke the worldrecord for W75 in 7:13.51.

To put this in perspective, theaverage guy in his 20s or 30s, whoworks out a lot, can run a mile in7:30. At this meet, Daprano alsobroke the American record in the200 meters (36.53 seconds), andset world records in the 400 me-ters (1:21.28 seconds) and 800meters (3:18.48 seconds). It’s hardto overstate how good this is.

One recurring theme of Mastersrunning is a return to athletic com-petition after years away from it. Iam reminded of Bill Andberg, oneof the best distance athletes in his

day, who returned to competitionin his 50s after a 30 year hiatus, tobecome one of the best Mastersrunners around.

Daprano decided to get back inshape in her 40s, and kept on get-ting better. I talked to Gary Hall,one of the best (M65) 1500 meterand 800 meter runners in thecountry. He, too, had a long breakfrom athletic competition. A dis-turbing weight gain spurred him toget back in shape. Like Daprano,he just kept getting better. At thismeet, Gary was second in the3,000 meters, second in the mileand fifth in the 800 meters.

Sometimes the physical en-croachment of age or simple dis-ability can force a layoff. WeMasters athletes have a propen-sity to get hurt. Running, ofcourse, exacts a physical pound-ing, and staying healthy is a bigpart of the game. As I prepared forthe meet, in one of the last hardworkouts, I pulled my right calf.Determined to finish my prepara-tions, I wrapped it and continuedto run hard, straining my left quadin the process. Ace bandagescame to be a trusted friend.

It’s interesting to note thatJeanne Daprano rarely runs longdistances and doesn’t run everyday. She spins on a bike androws for endurance, liftingweights, besides, to strengthenher upper body.

One of the stars of the meetwas the inimitable Bill Collins.The much decorated athleteturned 60 and was gunning for

world records in the 60 to 64 agecategory. He got two of them: inthe 60 meters (7.58 seconds) andas a member of the 4 x 200 meterrelay team (1:41.53). It was a stir-ring comeback.

“Ten months ago,” he said to areporter for the local paper, “Icouldn’t even walk.” He had con-tracted Guillain-Barre Syndrome, anervous disorder that can lead toparalysis. The support of the Mas-ters community played a big partin his recovery. “It’s just so greatbeing back among my Mastersfamily,” he said.

One of the sterling traits ofhuman nature at its best is the de-sire to get back all you can: firstmove, then walk, jog, run, reallyrun, and, finally, for Collins, setworld records. Collins’ recovery isa tale of triumph. As we age, thebody, of course, is more subject tobreakdown. Among the athletes atthe meet, there must be many stir-ring tales of coming back from allkinds of afflictions.

One of the competitors,Phillippa Raschker (W65), is oneof the great athletes in the world.A multi-event athlete, Raschker

2012 National Masters IndoorChampionships Recap

Local standout, Jim Schoffman

“Society wants so badly to categorizeeveryone, but the people here refuse to dothat. It is inspiring to see these people.The body ages, but the spirit never does.”-Phil McConkey (M55)

Reflections on “ageless” performances BY PATRICK O’REGAN

10MAY/JUNE 2012

has held many world records inrunning and field events. She stillholds the W45 indoor high jumpworld mark, set in 1994. Asked bya reporter how many worldrecords she currently holds, shesaid, “It’s not that many. I thinkmaybe 10. It’s time to start stack-ing up again.”

In one world championship, shewon 10 gold medals. In this meet,she competed in nine events andset world records in two: the W65pentathlon (4,670 points) andpentathlon 60 meter hurdles(10.72). She also won the longjump (13’ 10 1/4”) and triple jump(27’ 11 1/2”).

Raschker has been nominatedtwice for the Sullivan Award asbest amateur athlete of the year.She’d be an outstanding choice.Indeed, some say she is thegreatest female athlete of alltime. All the news lately has beenabout Peyton Manning. He’s re-ally something, but he’s not inthis woman’s league.

Among the athletes represent-ing Minnesota was the fine runnerJim Schoffman. Taking advantageof his remarkable stamina and re-cuperative powers, Jim ran the 60meters, 200 meters, 400 metersand 4 x 400 meters. In his bestevent, the 400 meters, he wasfourth in 1:00.60.

Not all athletes, of course, areoutstanding. Many, like me, are or-dinary folks who like to keep fitand enjoy the thrill that pushingone’s body to the limit brings.“First, be a good animal,” the run-ning guru, George Sheehan, says.

And, if you like to extend your-self by running hard, do that, too.Just use good sense; the will isoften much stronger than whatthe body can bear. Because, asyou Master athletes know, theproblem is not the inability towork hard as we have as muchspirit and will as ever. The prob-lem is the inability to recoverfrom hard work.

Whatever the level of perform-ance, all runners who take compe-tition seriously are familiar withMr. P: Pressure. Some people han-dle it better than others. When weprofiled Carrie Tollefson, the

Olympic runner, for RunMin-nesota, she told us that one of herfriends, also a top-flight middle-distance runner, gave up compet-ing simply because she got tired ofthe pressure. I can understandthat. The hours and days leadingup to the start of a race can beonerous. Just get to the startingline, we tell ourselves, there is noother choice. When the gun goesoff, the bubble of angst will burst,as the race consumes the atten-tion.

One of the top competitors, PhilMcConkey, a sprinter and formerNFL wide receiver, had this to sayabout the pressure of competition,“It’s tough for people to compre-hend that nerves are all relative. Ihad the same sensations in gram-mar school [during competition]that I had playing football andeven today.”

Something should be said aboutthe officiating, which was first-rate.One wants to say Olympian in itsattention to detail and strict adher-ence to the rules at every race. Ameet only works well if someone isin charge. The officials were firmlyin charge. They made even pedes-trian runners feel a part of some-thing special.

There is nothing like track andfield competition: the prepara-tion, the anxious buildup to therace, the competition itself, theintense satisfaction of having gotto the starting line and given iteverything you have in a hard in-dividual effort.

The experience is no less singu-lar for a pedestrian athlete than foran Olympian. As Phil McConkey putit, “You have middle-aged men andwomen that have the same experi-ence they did when they were kids.That’s amazing.” It is, indeed.

My time in the race was dread-ful, even for me. But it really does-n’t matter. I’m not competitive.Besides, as I see it, the fire is all.After the meet, I was back at thehotel, running on the treadmill. Ican’t quit. And, I suspect, neithercan you.

Records FallAmong the many notable achievements at the meetwere the following:• Kathy Bergen (W70) – Kathy was the first woman to go under 15seconds in the 100 meters at more than 70 years of age. At thismeet she became the first woman over 70 to break 32 seconds inthe 200 meters (31.86).

• Robert Lida (M75) – Robert set world records here in the 60 me-ters (8.67), 200 meters (27.86) and 400 meters (1:03.90).

• Christa Bortignon (W75) – Christa set world records here in thepentathlon, 60 meters, 200 meters, pentathlon 60 meter hurdlesand triple jump. In two indoor meets this year, Christa has set 10world records and 15 Canadian records.

• Ralph Maxwell (M90) – Ralph bettered his own world record in thepentathlon (4,030 points). He also won the triple jump (18’ 3 1/2”).

• Gary Patton (M65) – Gary won the 3,000 meters, mile and 800meters and ran on the winning 4 x 800 meter relay team.

• Nolan Shaheed (M60) – Nolan set an American record in the3,000 meters (9:48.84).

• Antwon Dussett (M35) – Antwon won both the 200 meters and400 meters at the last outdoor world championships. He justmissed the American record in the 400 meters here, running49.61. He also won the 200 meters (21.96).

• Roger Pierce (M65) – Roger won the 400 meters (1:02.86). Heholds 13 gold medals in world Masters competition and 27 in na-tional indoor and outdoor competition.

• Joy Upshaw (W50) – Joy won the 200 meters at this meet. At theprevious National Indoors, she set world records in the 200 me-ters (26.24) and long jump (17’10”).

John Means, winner of the Men’s 90+ 60m

11 MAY/JUNE 2012


I s a man of 58, Jim Schoff-man’s age, any less of arunner, because of his age,than a man half as old?Does age dampen the qual-

ity of the performance? Are olderrunners less competitive? Less in-tense? Is the difference just a mat-ter of glory, money and PR? Couldthe best running record of all beheld by a man or woman of 70, 80or 90? The running career of JimSchoffman, one of the best mas-ters runners in the world in the400 meters and 800 meters formales 55 to 59 years old can shedsome light on these questions.

A little background is illuminat-ing. Jim was born in Avon, Min-nesota, not far from St. Cloud, in1953. His family was distinctlymore about brains than muscle.Neither his father, a chemistry pro-fessor at St. John’s University, hismother, a hospital dietician, norany of his siblings were athletic.But Jim loved to run, and he hadthe engine for it. As a kid, “We’d

run around the house,”he recalled. “Often whenit rained, in the mud. Iwas the youngest, but Icould take them all.”

Jim attended highschool in Albany, Min-nesota, seven miles fromAvon, devoting himself totrack and field with in-creasing intensity. Start-ing out as a hurdler, hewas soon moved to thesprints, because hiscoaches recognized hisspeed. As a junior, he hadhis best year, competingoutstandingly in the 100yards (10.1 seconds), the

220 yards (22.3 seconds), the 440yards (50.3 seconds) and the longjump (21’6”).

In spite of the fact that he hadto compete in all four of thoseevents on the same day in the dis-trict meet, he made the RegionalChampionships in all of them. Hegot to the State meet in the 440.Running, as he vividly recalled, onthe cinder track of old MemorialStadium, in a rutted lane one, hefailed to get a medal. Instead, thememorable runner Mark Lutz wonthe 440 that year.

Jim agreed with the old adageof running: to get better, you haveto put your body in a place it hasnot been in before. He recalled aworkout from his high schooldays. “We’d run a 440 at a stiffpace and then immediately run a110 as hard as we could go.” Thatwill do it.

By his standards, Jim struggledin his senior year. He made the re-gional meet in the same fourevents as the year before and ad-

vanced to the State meet in the100. But he failed to make theState meet in the 440, his bestevent. However, he became evenfaster, lowering his 100 time to 10

seconds flat and winning theOutstate Championship in the60 yard dash. Even then, there were other

things besides running. Jim’s highschool sweetheart (they bothplayed in the band) was his futurewife, Nancy. They have been mar-ried for 32 years. Getting an earlystart in the world of work, Jim wasa stock boy for Arnie’s Bar onMain Street.

For the sons and daughters offaculty at St. John’s University, tu-ition is gratis. Jim joined the trackteam there. As a freshman, he ranthe 100, 220 and was on the 4 x 440relay team. At the MIAC Conferencemeet, he placed fifth in the 220 andthe 4 x 440 team got second. Theywould have won, but the anchorrunner misjudged the finish line.

Facilities matter. As a freshmanand sophomore, Jim ran mostlyoutside in the winter, running re-peats on a road in the snow andcold. The only option for running in-doors was to run diagonally acrossthe gym. Then, in his junior year, St.John’s built a new training facility.

Encouraged, Jim started usingweights and training harder. At theconference meet, he made the fi-nals in the 220 and was fourth inthe 440. He trained through thesummer. Improving, as a senior, hewas third in the 440 and anchoredthe 4 x 440 relay team to the con-ference championship. He loweredhis personal record to 49.5 sec-onds, a time that missed the na-tional meet by .1 second.

That was it. After St. John’s, Jimquit running or any overt training.“If I had the urge to run,” hejoked, “I’d call Runners Anony-mous and they’d talk me out of it.”One has to wonder how he man-aged to stuff the talent, as onewonders the same about womenbefore the 70s.

But he did. Like a lot of terrific

runners, running was not in hislife. In 1979, he married Nancy,who became a dental hygienist,and they had two children, Sarahand Brad. Jim rose to be opera-tions manager of an electronicscomponents distributorship.

He was not running, but whenthe kids were old enough to be leftalone for a few minutes, he andNancy took walks every eveningafter dinner. One day, while theywere walking, Nancy said to him,“You don’t like this, do you?” “Ittakes too long,” Jim said. Theystarted to jog together and thenrun 5K races.

In 1998, at age 45, Jim decidedto take part in the St. John’s Var-sity Alumni meet. “If I can’t runwell, I’m not going,” he thought.He trained for six weeks and didrun well: 65 seconds in the 400.The next year he lowered his timeto 62 seconds, and the year afterthat got it down under 60 seconds.

Then, life got in the way of run-ning. In 2000 and 2001, Jim wasadding on to the house and beingaround for the kids. Running wasshoved aside. Finally, competitiongot his attention. He discoveredtrack sites on the internet andmade the acquaintance of GregSchwab, the outstanding localMasters sprinter. “He’s been an in-spiration,” Jim said. He started totrain again.

In 2004, Jim made the plungeinto Masters running. He trainedfrom the start of the year and en-tered the National Masters Out-door meet in Decatur, Illinois, thatsummer. It was quite an awaken-ing. Lining up for the 100, Jimfound himself in the lane next toBilly “Whiteshoes” Johnson, theformer star NFL receiver. He ran avery respectable 13.4. By 2006,training very intensely, Jim ran the400 in 56.6 at age 52.

Jim’s breakout as a Mastersrunner came in the National Cham-pionships in Oshkosh, Wisconsin,in 2008. He had been training veryhard that year, running repeat200s in 28 seconds. “I’d get sick

Masters track standout, Jim SchoffmanBY PATRICK O’REGAN

Top Notch

12MAY/JUNE 2012

after those workouts,” he recalled.In the meet, he was second in boththe 400 (57.06 seconds) and 800(2:14.44), while also setting aMasters personal record in the 100in 12.51 seconds and running the200 in 25.85 seconds.

The relays are a highlight of anytrack meet. “The fans go wild,” Jimsaid. To run in relays and be com-petitive at the highest level, Jimjoined the premier track and fieldclub Mass-Velocity. Its membershipincludes some of the best athletesin the country and the world includ-ing world champions and MastersHall of Fame members Roger Pierceand Tom Langenfeld.

In 2010, Mass-Velocity won theNational Indoor Team Champi-onship, with Jim running legs onthe first place 4 x 400 and 4 x 800relay teams. In future years, Jim willbe running for Mass-Velocity at thePenn Relays and Millrose Games.

A look at Jim’s current training

is instructive: he trains five days aweek. In the spirit of Mass-Veloc-ity (“Not far, just fast”), most ofhis training is intensive (interval)running, with weights. Typical run-ning workouts are 10 x 200 at 38seconds, with one minute rest onan easier day and 6 x 200 at 31seconds with three minutes reston a harder day. Longer repeatsare 300 meters at 36 seconds. Asthe season progresses, he lowersthe time of each repeat and short-ens the rest interval.

As a Masters runner, no, as arunner, Jim’s best performancecame in the 2011 World Cham-pio-nships meet in Sacramento, Califor-nia. He won his 400 metersemi-final heat in 56.4 seconds andfinished fourth in the finals, run-ning 57.7 seconds. His semi-finaltime would have garnered a bronzemedal. He also ran the 800 meters,taking eighth place in a racemarred by poor tactics on his part.

A Champion’s AttitudeSome of Jim’s comments best show his attitude toward running:Have you ever won a National Championship? “Not yet.”

What do you think you can accomplish as a runner? “I can run a 55[seconds] at age 60. That is one of my goals.”

Do you look forward to age 60 [the next age category]? “Absolutely!Age takes on a whole different aspect now. When I get into a newage group, I am reborn.”

Are you still trying to achieve the best performance of your life? “Yes.With age graded times, you can compare your performance now towhen you ran in your 20s and 30s.”

What causes a runner to decline over the years? “You lose strength …and training intensity… But sprinters lose it less than distance run-ners. That hasn’t caught up to me yet. My intensity is still quite high.”

Is there an end to this? Will you be running in your 90s? “Oh, ab-solutely! I’ll keep training as hard as I can. I always want to try toget better. My heroes are those guys, like Hammond and Maxwell,that ran [in Maxwell’s case, still do] in their 90s.”

Would you be running if you didn’t have a talent for it? “I like to thinkthat I would, for the love of it. I admire those who do. The thrill isthe same.”

Jim showed us videos of the 400 and 800 races at the 2011 MastersWorld Championships. To see 55 to 59 year old guys running like ter-rific high school runners, it was positively weird. We’ve interviewedsome of the best athletes around, including three Olympians. JimSchoffman and others like him are in that league.

Carter Holmes contributed to this article.

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Multi-sport events are trending up. Have you considered joining yourfriends in one? Here’s what you need to know to jump in. BY CANDY PATRIN

Maybe it was the short winter, the warm temperaturesthat brought people out on the roads or the buzz that Lance Armstrong

returned to his triathlon roots. It seems like everywhere you turn there

is someone training for a triathlon, either a first “tri” or one at a longer

distance. There are, in fact, some interesting statistics that point to the

increase in the popularity of triathlons.


14MAY/JUNE 2012

According to the USA Triathlon(USAT) website, “Triathlon partici-pation in the United States is at anall-time high, following unprece-dented growth over the pastdecade. USAT can easily track thesurge through its membershipnumbers, which surpassed150,000 annual members in 2011.To put this into perspective, an-nual membership hovered be-tween 15,000 and 21,000 from1993 to 2000.”

Try a triAt TriFitness in White Bear Lake,Minnesota, co-owners Judi Flugerand Vicki Ostendorf attribute thegrowth in triathlons to a number offactors. For some, finishing a tri ison their “bucket list.” Others likethe cross training aspect of thesport. And then there are thosewho are bored with their exerciseroutine and want to try somethingdifferent.

Fluger and Ostendorf have seenan 81 year old man complete hisfirst tri and another guy who lost167 pounds during the course ofhis training. They also say that themajority of new tri participantshave a history of running or swim-ming in their background.

Naturally, when three sportsare involved in one event, there isa lot more that goes into the train-ing and planning prior to a compe-tition. Fluger and Ostendorfsupport tri athletes through pro-grams they offer, such as a 12week first tri training course, a triclub and other options mentionedon their website, www.trifitness-wbl.com. Their advice to firsttimers is to use the equipment youcurrently own, with a few excep-tions, before spending a lot of

money on a new bike and/or othertri gear.

For first triathlon essentials,Fluger and Ostendorf recommenda pair of tri shorts and a race belt.These items are not too costly andmost likely are included in a kit ifyou join a tri club. If you decide touse a wet suit for the swim, youshould rent one from a tri store orother reputable tri sport resourceuntil you are ready to make an in-vestment. If renting, make surethat you communicate with therental location that you will beusing the wet suit for a triathloncompetition versus another watersport because there are differ-ences in wetsuits.

Another piece of advice for newtri athletes is to get familiar withswimming in open water. Flugerand Ostendorf say that peoplewho learned to swim as kids maynot realize that swimming as anadult, without stopping to play orrest, is a different experience.They suggest getting a swimcoach who is familiar withtriathlons to help you with suchthings as basic stroke technique,how to sight in open water andwhat to do if you should panic inthe open water.

Another part of tri competitionthat will come as a shock to run-ners is the registration fee. Overthe years, runners have been prettyvocal about the rising registrationcosts for road races. In comparison,registration for the Lifetime FitnessSprint Triathlon scheduled for July14 this year (.25 mile swim, 15 milebike and three mile run) is $149.00plus service fees.

Those registration fees in-crease with the distance of theevent. For example, the individual

entry for the Wisconsin Ironmanon September 9 this year (2.4 mileswim, 112 mile bike and 26.2 milerun) is $625.00 and currently soldout. However, you can find regis-tration fees around $100.00 perevent for smaller, locally spon-sored triathlons at the shorter dis-tances.

There are several contributorsto the higher registration fees ac-cording to Fluger and Ostendorf. Inaddition to the insurance, there isa need for more staff, medical as-sistance, buoys, boats, lifeguards,law enforcement personnel, etc.The timing mats alone add to thecosts. Tri athletes can expect splitsfor “in and out” of the water, “onand off” the bike and “out andend” of the run. Results will reflectthe time you spent on each sportas well as your transition times be-tween disciplines.

All of these preparations add tothe safety of the event and, ulti-mately, the fun. Fluger and Osten-dorf both stress the fun andcamaraderie associated with tritraining and competition. Andwhile there may be some un-knowns associated with tri compe-tition that can raise yourapprehension level, those athleteswho have literally “taken theplunge” seem to be hooked.

NewbieKim Togstad, Chaska, Minnesota,started running 20 years ago whenshe was in college. During the lastseven years, she has consistentlyparticipated in running distanceevents. Togstad got into triathlonsto beat the monotony of running(especially in the winter whentraining on a treadmill) and to addsome variety to her workouts. Her

first questions when considering atri were how should I train andwhat do I wear.

Togstad completed her first trithis winter, the Tri-U-Mah! IndoorTriathlon at the University of Min-nesota. Currently she is registeredfor the Buffalo Triathlon (sprint dis-tance) in Buffalo, Minnesota, onJune 3. Togstad admits to a slightfear of open water swimming andwants to see how things go for herin Buffalo before signing up for an-other tri and/or a longer distance.

Her training currently includesrunning three days a week withspeed, hills, and long runs beingthe typical workouts. Togstad alsoswims three mornings a week withthe West Express Swim Team'smaster's program in Chaska, Minn.a routine she started a year ago.She will add biking now thatspring has arrived.

To date, Togstad has purchaseda Felt entry-level tri bike (approxi-mately $1,000.00) and a trainerthat her husband gave her as a gift($300.00 range). She plans to renta wet suit from Elsmore Aquaticsfor the Buffalo Triathlon.

Togstad admits that the infor-mation available about triathlongear and training can be over-whelming. “I speak running, butthe triathlon world has its own lan-guage,” says Togstad who feelscomfortable talking shop at a run-ning store and a bit intimated at atri store.

Her advice to someone consid-ering a tri is to “get in the pool.”During the next couple of months,she plans to adopt a tri workoutplan that describes things in theterms she is comfortable with andgets her to the point of putting thethree pieces together in a “brick”workout (newly learned tri termmeaning back-to-back workouts oftwo different elements of atriathlon).

SprintThroughout high school, AmandaMelquist, Chaska, Minn., com-peted in swimming as well as gym-nastics and track (primarily sprintsand hurdles). About five year’sago, she signed up to train for herfirst 5K, which subsequently lead

Triathlon Events Shown in MilesSprint Olympic Half-Ironman Ironman

Swim .5 .93 1.2 2.4

Bike 13 24.8 56 112

Run 3.1 6.2 13.1 26.2

Source: www.beginnertriathlete.com


15 MAY/JUNE 2012

to a couple of marathons. In 2009,Melquist participated in the YWCAWomen’s Triathlon (500-yardswim, 15.5-mile bike ride, 5K run)as a way to challenge herself whiletraining for her first marathon. “Ireally loved the experience of theall-women triathlon and have doneit almost every year since [exceptone year when she was preg-nant].” says Melquist.

Currently Melquist swims threedays a week, about 2,500-3,000yards per workout, with the WestExpress Masters Swim team. Shealso runs with a group from theChaska Community Center threedays a week and gets in a weeklycycle/sculpt class.

To date, Melquist has been ableto keep her tri expenses to a mini-mum. During her first year, shecompeted with her mountain bikefrom college and only purchased apair of tri shorts and top for a totalof about $100.00. She also foundsome clips and bike shoes onlinethrough eBay. Last year shebought new TYR shorts that wereabout $100.00 and a garage saleroad bike for $50 followed by anadditional $150.00 for a tune upand bike fitting. “The road bikeisn't the right size for me, but itworks with my current budget,”says Melquist.

This summer she plans to dothe YWCA Women’s Triathlon once

again on August 12, the Lake Wa-conia Half Marathon and a fewother races. Her goal is to con-tinue to run and swim to stayhealthy and active. “Running andswimming help me focus on meand adult interaction, since I am astay at home mom with three kidsages 1, 5 and 8,” says Melquist.

Melquist encourages everyoneto tri a triathlon, especially thesprint distance. She has a fewother words of advice…• Practice swimming in a lake be-fore your event—it is com-pletely different fromswimming in a pool in the abil-ity to see where you are goingand to also have other peoplekicking and bumping you.

• Bring a towel to your transitionspot to layout your gear andwipe your feet after the swim.

• Your legs will feel like “jello”after the bike—it will seem likeyou are going slowly but youwill probably be running atyour regular pace.

Since doing her first triathlon,Melquist has sought out advicewherever she can find it—tri storepersonnel, presentations, printedtraining programs. “I have learnedthat it doesn't matter how fast orslow you are, everyone cheers youon and the camaraderie is wonder-ful,” says Melquist. “ It also does-

n't matter what age/shape/sizeyou are, anyone can do a triathlonif they put their mind to it!”

IronmanSadie Briggs, Chaska, Minnesota,likes to set challenging goals,having logged eight marathons todate including Boston. Briggs gotinterested in doing a tri when afriend signed up for her first. “ Ihad a full fledged panic attack myfirst open water swim and wasterrified to open-road bike,” saysBriggs. “With the right group oftraining partners, I learned tolove both.”

Briggs describes herself as an“all in” girl. She did her first sprinttri last June, first Half Ironman lastAugust, and is training for theBoise Half Ironman this June in ad-dition to the Ironman Wisconsin inSeptember.

Due to a stress fracture, Briggsneeded to change up her traininga bit. Currently, swimming is heronly option for cardio work. In thepast, the pool was her least fa-vorite training option, however theinjury has given her a differentperspective. “You know what I dis-covered after being forced into thepool day after day,” asks Briggs. “Ilove it! Who knew?”

Briggs is well aware of theequipment costs associated withtriathlons in comparison to run-ning, especially if you get at-tracted to all the “bells” and“whistles.” She has purchased a$99.00 Xterra wetsuit and a VeloVie road bike for about $2,000.00,as well as some higher end gog-gles for $25.00.

She has a few tips for peoplewho are considering their firsttriathlon…• Find someone to mentor youand help you with all the ques-tions you will have, such aswhat to pack in a bag, how toset up a transition area, what toeat and drink during competi-tion, etc.

• Practice open water swimming(but not alone) because it isvery different from swimming ina pool. If you get your heart rateup because you panic on theswim, the race is all but over.

• Do not compare yourself tothe pros. They are amazing towatch and their times are “jawdropping” but at the end ofthe day everyone wears thesame shirt and gets the samemedal. Be proud of yourselffor finishing such a demand-ing sporting event!

Briggs has found the triathlonworld to be a very friendly andhelpful place. She taps into the re-sources of other athletes beforetaking a tip from a book or web-site. She also recommends look-ing for tri training partners orgroups, taking care to find peoplewith similar schedules and goals.

“You can only give to the sportwhat you have to offer at this timein your life,” says Briggs. “If yousurround yourself with people whoare at a different spot, you willquickly find yourself being pulledin directions you don't want to go.Training partners are essential topass the long hours but just makesure they are likeminded and havesimilar goals as yours.”

Whether you are looking to doyour first triathlon, want to takeadvantage of the cross training, orkeep boredom away, there are nu-merous resources available tohelp you. Stop at your nearest tristore, look for the closest tri clubor simply browse through theraces in your MDRA calendar. Youwill be amazed at the optionsavailable and the race detailsfound on each event’s website.And, if you are a bit apprehensiveand want some VIP attention,Flugel and Ostendorf offer an op-tion to “rent a mentor” (who stayswith you throughout the event) atMy First Tri Triathlon on June 23 inHudson, Wisconsin.

Triathlon specific stores in Minnesota:Fit to be TRI’d321 Division Street, Northfield, Minnesota 55057www.fittobetried.com 507 786-9191

Gear West Bike & Triathlon1786 West Wayzata Boulevard, Long Lake, Minnesota 55356www.gearwestbike.com • 952 473-0093

Tri-Fitness2193 4th Street, White Bear Lake, Minnesota 55110www.trifitnesswbl.com • 651 426-1919

Urban Tri820 West 50th Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55419www.urbantri.net • 612 227-4903


16MAY/JUNE 2012


Human Race 8KMARCH 18, ST. PAUL

Open Men1 Christopher Erichsen, 26 24:292 Chris Lundstrom, 36 24:573 Joe Sepe, 26 25:094 Patrick Parish, 26 25:345 Benjamin Kampf, 25 25:476 Patrick Russell, 35 25:527 Michael Bubolz, 26 25:548 Jake Marotz, 23 25:579 Jason Finch, 34 25:5810 Philip Richert, 25 26:1311 David Thompson, 33 26:1812 John Stanton-Geddes, 30 26:2413 Shad Gausmann, 24 26:2514 Scott Schmick, 28 26:2815 Dan Allen, 23 26:2916 Kelly Mortenson, 40 26:3617 Cam Green, 25 26:4018 Jack Delehanty, 25 26:4419 Benjamin Garnett, 27 26:4720 Mike Bialick, 30 26:4821 Todd Hierlmaier, 32 26:4822 Ben Merchant, 31 26:5023 Jason Quarford, 26 26:5624 Joshua Lablanc, 24 26:5825 Gerad Mead, 32 27:0527 Austin Hinrichs, 23 27:1028 Mike Buenting, 37 27:1030 Bart Johnson, 26 27:3231 Patrick Billig, 49 27:3732 Aaron Beaber, 28 27:46

Open Women26 Megan Hogan, 24 27:0729 Jenna Boren, 35 27:2441 Kim Robinson, 28 28:1854 Nicole Cueno, 32 28:3962 Lisa Dyer, 29 29:0569 Katie Koski, 39 29:2674 Nichole Porath, 28 29:3881 Amy Halseth, 42 29:5889 Erin Block Ward, 37 30:24101 Kimberly Horner, 23 30:48110 Katherine Theisen, 25 31:05115 Sandra McClellan, 33 31:15120 Heather Himler, 36 31:32128 Willie Tibbetts, 41 31:50129 Jillian Tholen, 23 31:52131 Paula Marozas, 24 31:54134 Kelly Faris, 32 32:13135 Joyce Bourassa, 44 32:15137 Debra Campbell, 45 32:19139 Emma Miller, 24 32:25140 Bonnie Sons, 46 32:28141 Suzie Fox, 28 32:33143 Clare Kazmierczak, 35 32:38149 Zoe Byrnes, 30 32:48151 Wanda Gau, 49 32:54159 Jessica Rossing, 26 33:13


continued on page 17

Fitger’s 5K Recap – DuluthBY BOB GUSTAFSON

ONE OF THE TRUE SIGNS OF SPRING in northern Minnesota is the Fitger’s 5K Run and Walk. The23rd running of the race was held April 21, 2012, in Duluth with a record 1,848 registrants.

St. Paul’s Mike Reneau, 34, claimed the men’s division finishing in 15 minutes, 10 seconds – just twoseconds shy of the course record held for the last ten years by Duluth’s Jeremy Polson.

Reneau will be back in Duluth June 16 to compete in the USA Half Marathon Championships whichGrandma’s Marathon is hosting this year and again in 2013.

Katie Koski, 39, of Duluth, won the women’s title with a time of 17:48. The victory was her fifth inevent history.

Both Reneau and Koski raced in the 2012 U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials earlier this year in Houston.Many of those participating use the race as a warm up for June’s Grandma’s Marathon weekend races.

A total of 1,597 finishers (1,497 runners, 100 walkers) completed the course through Duluth’s downtownand Canal Park.

The event raised more than $20,000 for the Young Athletes Foundation (YAF), a Grandma's Marathonprogram established in 1990 to assist with promoting and developing youth athletics in northeastern Min-nesota and northwestern Wisconsin.



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of G



;s M



17 MAY/JUNE 2012


161 Cynthia Blendermann, 29 33:16163 Rochelle Wirth, 49 33:17165 Leslie Semler, 30 33:18166 Sharon Stubler, 47 33:19

Men 8 - 9341 Russell Gokemeijer, 9 39:15

Men 10 - 11147 Willem Gokemeijer, 11 32:46

Men 12 - 1355 Andrew Jewell, 12 28:44331 Matthew Dunn, 13 39:03

Men 14 - 15144 Clay Decker, 15 32:44153 Lucas Malean, 15 33:01417 Spencer Warejoncas, 14 42:41

Men 16 - 1734 Nick Golebiowski, 16 27:54177 Nicholas Kalaf, 16 33:34371 James Westby, 16 40:25

Men 18 - 19485 Bryan Leal, 18 44:49

Men 35 - 392 Chris Lundstrom, 36 24:576 Patrick Russell, 35 25:5228 Mike Buenting, 37 27:1035 Christopher Grossinger, 37 27:5838 Jacob Kaemmer, 35 28:0244 Chad Millner, 35 28:2146 Dimitri Drekonja, 37 28:2556 Joel Wegener, 38 28:4563 Pascal Dalseth, 39 29:0871 Dan Cohen, 38 29:30

Men 40 - 4416 Kelly Mortenson, 40 26:3633 Ken Cooper, 40 27:4745 Pete Miller, 42 28:2459 Jay Nelson, 42 28:5865 Scott Davis, 41 29:1566 Daniel Strike, 41 29:1775 Christopher Kartschoke, 43 29:39100 Kurt Jewell, 43 30:42106 Mark Brose, 43 30:55107 Colin Gardner-Springer, 42 30:56

Men 45 - 4931 Patrick Billig, 49 27:3739 John Van Danacker, 49 28:0948 Ditlev Larsen, 46 28:3172 Dave Marek, 47 29:3394 Steve English, 45 30:34109 Eric Porte, 47 31:05114 Marc Nosal, 46 31:13121 Kirk Scofield, 48 31:34122 Allan Bohlke, 48 31:35145 Rick Trueman, 45 32:45

Men 50 - 5437 Doug Keller, 53 28:0140 Paul Giannobile, 52 28:1258 Bill Magdalene, 53 28:5768 Jarrow Wahman, 50 29:2183 Rob Class, 51 30:0686 Rick Larsen, 50 30:1587 Peter Kessler, 50 30:1795 Kirt Goetzke, 51 30:3597 Douglas Hegley, 50 30:40103 William Langhout, 53 30:49

Men 55 - 5998 Jess Koski, 57 30:41111 Allen Zetterlund, 56 31:07152 Michael Bjornberg, 58 33:00164 Dale Heinen, 56 33:17167 Michael Connolly, 57 33:20182 Mike Setter, 56 33:45184 Dave Ottoson, 57 33:49

198 Rick Strand, 58 34:11216 Tim Obrien, 56 34:58220 Jack Ankrum, 59 35:04

Men 60 - 64208 Michael Seaman, 61 34:38217 John Naslund, 61 34:59224 Jon Matthiae, 60 35:13251 Bill Rogers, 60 36:25270 Albert Van Der Schans, 60 37:04273 Leo Buckvold, 60 37:08308 Arland Braaten-Lee, 62 38:15316 David Jendrzejek, 60 38:27319 Steve Maupin, 61 38:35326 Roger Heil, 61 38:52

Men 65 - 69210 Jared Mondry, 69 34:44213 Jim Graupner, 67 34:54286 Winston Gordon, 68 37:27334 Norm Purrington, 68 39:07358 David Bange, 66 39:47376 Greg Taylor, 65 40:38420 Peter Schuchardt, 69 42:43423 Bruce Lindell, 66 42:48516 Dj Carlson, 68 46:24556 Phil Anderson, 66 48:46

Men 70 - 74339 Rck Kleyman, 72 39:13392 Thom Weddle, 73 41:36395 Lee Stauffacher, 71 41:44421 Phil Erickson, 71 42:44435 Harvey Johnson, 70 43:07543 Roger Carlson, 70 47:48

Men 75 - 79529 Alan M Phillips, 77 47:03628 Doug Erbeck, 76 54:41669 John Adams, 75 59:06680 Pat Brown, 75 1:03:10

Women 10 - 11601 Berit Klein, 10 51:39

Women 12 - 13619 Channing Klein, 12 53:19

Women 14 - 15500 Heather Sarahan, 14 45:42

Women 18 - 19570 Meagan Trayers, 18 49:23574 Elizabeth Patton, 18 49:37

Women 35 - 3929 Jenna Boren, 35 27:2469 Katie Koski, 39 29:2689 Erin Block Ward, 37 30:24120 Heather Himler, 36 31:32143 Clare Kazmierczak, 35 32:38192 Kate Tavakley, 37 34:07193 Sheila Eldred, 38 34:07205 Jody Zeleznikar, 39 34:32222 Joanna Berger, 35 35:05248 Karis Lysne, 38 36:19

Women 40 - 4481 Amy Halseth, 42 29:58128 Willie Tibbetts, 41 31:50135 Joyce Bourassa, 44 32:15172 Donna Philippot, 43 33:30187 Tina Hjeltman, 41 34:01191 Joelle Nelson, 44 34:06199 Ann Snuggerud, 44 34:13239 Lisa Burger, 41 35:40246 Sara Hollingsworth, 40 36:16323 Deborah Fideldy, 43 38:48

Women 45 - 49137 Debra Campbell, 45 32:19140 Bonnie Sons, 46 32:28151 Wanda Gau, 49 32:54163 Rochelle Wirth, 49 33:17

166 Sharon Stubler, 47 33:19215 Diane Sacksteder, 46 34:56231 Debra Gormley, 45 35:23237 Linda Green, 48 35:37254 Lisa Hines, 49 36:30333 Christine Anderson, 45 39:06

Women 50 - 54240 Jacki Devine, 50 35:51252 Kelly Rogers, 53 36:28278 Kathleen Madden, 54 37:14287 Patricia Langum, 51 37:28302 Ann Wasson, 50 37:55312 Donna Melody, 54 38:21321 Jeff Malean, 53 38:47325 Anita Baugh, 53 38:51386 Victoria Leafgren, 52 41:22394 Gwen Jacobson, 53 41:41

Women 55 - 59197 Janet Rosen, 57 34:11283 Andriette Wickstrom, 57 37:22369 Sonia Jacobsen, 56 40:20372 Barb Leininger, 58 40:26375 Mary Ryan, 56 40:37446 Susan Pokorney, 56 43:29452 Linda Christen, 55 43:35530 Cindi Gibson, 56 47:07557 Patricia Barry, 55 48:55559 Elizabeth Stejskal, 55 48:59

Women 60 - 64399 Gloria Jansen, 64 41:58441 Kathleen Shea, 63 43:20472 Carol Brouillard, 64 44:25479 Sara Cherne, 63 44:40645 Jane Jensen, 60 55:34668 Pat Greshwalk, 62 59:03679 Mary Johnson, 62 1:02:45684 Lindsay Nauen, 61 1:15:16

Women 65 - 69494 Rosemary Harnly, 65 45:28511 Patricia Goodwin, 65 46:10660 Phyllis Freeman, 69 58:23

Women 70 - 74509 Marilyn Schnobrich, 70 46:05519 Sandra Dalquist, 71 46:31581 Judy Cronen, 71 50:03

Women 75 - 79667 Dorothy Marden, 75 59:01

Human Race 5KMARCH 18, ST. PAUL

Open Men1 Ben Olson, 11 18:082 Keith Thompson, 28 18:083 Nick Christianson, 28 18:264 Mark Theissen, 39 18:295 Michael Gutierrez, 15 19:016 Thomas Datwyler, 25 19:067 Peter Maves, 29 19:128 Kevin Nelson, 41 19:319 Omar Palacios, 30 19:4110 Grant Smith, 15 20:0711 Tim Koenning, 13 20:0915 Ryan Waketielo, 23 21:0517 Douglas Brew, 45 21:0718 Loren Hooyman, 52 21:2219 Aaron Olson, 26 21:2220 Cal Hardie, 54 21:3221 Jason Gerard, 38 21:3322 Brian Meade, 50 21:3523 Chad Seichter, 34 21:3624 Steven Nichols, 31 21:59

25 Jeff Rissman, 45 22:0326 Steve Roeske, 48 22:0428 Jon Gutierrez, 51 22:0930 David Asp, 64 22:2131 Nick Smith, 32 22:3132 Mark Streed, 52 22:4333 Travis Foss, 36 22:4434 Dan Nelson, 35 22:4835 Mike Nixon, 38 22:5837 Jeron Stiffler, 36 23:02

Open Women12 Katie Thompson, 28 20:1713 Sammy Nielsen, 17 20:2314 Lydia Novotny, 28 20:2616 Brigid Brew, 16 21:0627 Jessica Jordani, 22 22:0729 Tonya Thompson, 26 22:1436 Jill Jewell, 42 22:5839 Rachel Ericson, 15 23:3044 Corinne Krezonoski, 57 23:5851 Mary Johansen, 54 24:1353 Kristen Gunderson, 38 24:2257 Heather Christianson, 29 24:2959 Marisa Skees, 36 24:3561 Kelly Drobac, 27 24:5366 Maria Marchand, 45 25:0671 Alison Goodwin, 37 25:1772 Joseph Odman, 37 25:2274 Kara Schlosser, 29 25:2477 Carla Maas, 31 25:3078 Jackie Ghylin, 49 25:3380 Heather Maracle, 28 25:4183 Jayme Hogan, 47 25:4886 Alison Binsfeld, 35 26:0193 Alyssa Pfarr, 28 26:1394 Lisa Lother, 40 26:1798 Angela Worthing, 46 26:25109 Eusebia Rios, 43 26:54110 Megan Jenks, 29 26:54112 Lindsey Heiserman, 28 27:10113 Karina Liuzzi, 34 27:18

Men Under 8145 Noah Chlebeck, 7 28:39

Men 8 - 9143 Conner Nelsen, 9 28:37261 Logan O'Neil, 9 34:07373 Remy Owen, 8 44:35

Men 10 - 111 Ben Olson, 11 18:0850 Quinn Whitlow, 10 24:13147 Aron Hanseter, 10 28:44214 Logan Miller, 10 31:43

Men 12 - 1311 Tim Koenning, 13 20:0942 Brady Bell-Stoterau, 12 23:4443 Rob Jewell, 12 23:57130 Carlos O' Gorman Campos, 12 28:06132 Aiddan Brew, 12 28:08262 Brady O'Neil, 12 34:07337 Blake Seesz, 13 39:18

Men 14 - 155 Michael Gutierrez, 15 19:0110 Grant Smith, 15 20:0762 Alex Cole, 15 25:00102 Patrick Hardie, 15 26:37137 Logan Magnuson, 15 28:30

Men 16 - 17142 Nick Martin, 16 28:37

Men 18 - 1958 Curtis Ghylin, 19 24:33

Men 35 - 394 Mark Theissen, 39 18:2921 Jason Gerard, 38 21:3333 Travis Foss, 36 22:44


18MAY/JUNE 2012


34 Dan Nelson, 35 22:4835 Mike Nixon, 38 22:5837 Jeron Stiffler, 36 23:0263 Tim Grape, 39 25:0167 Patrick Hamilton, 37 25:1082 David Maguire, 37 25:4285 Brandie Dzedzej, 35 25:58

Men 40 - 448 Kevin Nelson, 41 19:3148 Daniel Stanek, 43 24:1068 Gregory Dean Becker, 44 25:1275 Mike Deiman, 41 25:2592 Lance Teachworth, 43 26:12115 Gregg Bell, 41 27:25118 Chris Olson, 41 27:28166 Dominic Chlebeck, 42 29:36221 Dale Kreuger, 44 31:59275 Rick Plourde, 40 34:56

Men 45 - 4917 Douglas Brew, 45 21:0725 Jeff Rissman, 45 22:0326 Steve Roeske, 48 22:0438 Peter Kaul, 46 23:1565 Keith McAuliffe, 45 25:0469 Eric Seashore, 45 25:14101 Jeff Kasimor, 48 26:37120 James Palmersheim, 48 27:34133 Wade Martin, 49 28:09152 David Phillips, 47 29:00

Men 50 - 5418 Loren Hooyman, 52 21:2220 Cal Hardie, 54 21:3222 Brian Meade, 50 21:3528 Jon Gutierrez, 51 22:0932 Mark Streed, 52 22:4340 Michael Ericson, 54 23:30

47 Mark Huus, 52 24:0749 John Healy, 54 24:1260 Kevin Hennessy, 53 24:4970 Larry Shelley, 54 25:14

Men 55 - 5941 Allen Omernik, 56 23:3487 Thomas Drobac, 59 26:04103 Mark Wethern, 56 26:38108 Gary Hildebrandt, 56 26:53111 Charles Fazio, 58 26:59227 John Nicholson, 55 32:18239 Phil Deeney, 56 32:58298 Patrick McDonough, 58 36:44

Men 60 - 6430 David Asp, 64 22:2146 Steve Maupin, 61 24:0676 Chuck Belland, 60 25:27100 Gary Grabko, 60 26:35125 Larry Chiat, 62 27:49163 Joseph Zakrzewski, 64 29:27205 Dan Fisher, 64 31:12242 Stuart Chastain, 61 33:08306 Curtis West, 61 37:06385 David Dinger, 60 46:28

Men 65 - 6952 David Schreiber, 65 24:19127 Dj Carlson, 68 27:54138 David Scarlin, 69 28:30356 Larry More, 68 41:21

Men 75 - 79328 Pat Brown, 75 38:23331 Daniel Crowley, 77 38:56369 Sy Gross, 76 43:49404 Richard Johnson, 76 51:45

Women 8 - 9362 Claire Davies, 8 42:25

Women 10 - 11319 Darby O'Neil, 10 37:53

Women 12 - 13171 Erin Quam, 12 29:50235 Samantha Crowley, 13 32:49309 Haley Johnson, 12 37:40358 Bridget Blake, 13 42:07

Women 14 - 1539 Rachel Ericson, 15 23:30149 Lydia Anderson, 15 28:54150 Allison Barrera, 15 28:55215 Ellie Schlaefer, 15 31:46217 Sara Klos, 15 31:46234 Sarah Strandmark, 15 32:46

Women 16 - 1713 Sammy Nielsen, 17 20:2316 Brigid Brew, 16 21:06194 Samantha St Martin, 16 30:34

Women 18 - 19156 Nancy Vang, 19 29:04216 Annie Schlaefer, 18 31:46

Women 35 - 3953 Kristen Gunderson, 38 24:2259 Marisa Skees, 36 24:3571 Alison Goodwin, 37 25:1772 Joseph Odman, 37 25:2286 Alison Binsfeld, 35 26:01122 Kimberly Korhonen, 37 27:42154 Jessica Erickson, 36 29:03170 Stephanie Palumbo, 35 29:45176 Lisa Dolan, 37 29:56177 Angela Doyle, 35 30:09

Women 40 - 4436 Jill Jewell, 42 22:5894 Lisa Lother, 40 26:17109 Eusebia Rios, 43 26:54159 Lisa Niven, 43 29:17174 Juli Okal, 40 29:53180 Cindy Vlasak, 41 30:13188 Monica Magnuson, 43 30:23232 Lisa Smith, 44 32:40245 Ruth Walsh, 43 33:14249 Melissa Grape, 42 33:28

Women 45 - 4966 Maria Marchand, 45 25:0678 Jackie Ghylin, 49 25:3383 Jayme Hogan, 47 25:4898 Angela Worthing, 46 26:25139 Sarah Wagner, 46 28:32167 Kathy Nordstrom, 48 29:38175 Anne Quam, 46 29:55206 Marie Gibbemeyer, 49 31:19211 Lisa Boland Blake, 48 31:34276 Theresa Del Rosario, 48 35:00

Women 50 - 5451 Mary Johansen, 54 24:13136 Barb Champlin, 54 28:21173 Nicole Halabi, 51 29:53184 Mary Black, 51 30:16197 Debra Thompson, 50 30:38218 Julie Jensen, 54 31:50246 Karin Anderson, 51 33:15278 Kathy Froysland, 52 35:17290 Teri Welter, 54 36:02295 Dawn Schlee, 54 36:36


continued on page 19

19 MAY/JUNE 2012


Women 55 - 5944 Corinne Krezonoski, 57 23:58202 Sam Horak, 56 30:48224 Anne Clanton, 57 32:08248 Connie Bowen, 55 33:20270 Luanne Van Avery, 59 34:39304 Cathy Clayton, 57 36:57351 Kate Blau, 58 40:53364 Joyce Heille, 58 42:54382 Connie Duellman, 57 46:16389 Darlene McInerny, 55 47:24

Women 60 - 64302 Geri Fisher, 63 36:49308 Kathryn Asp, 63 37:34388 Donna Evans, 60 47:24398 Cheryl Dinger, 60 49:16

Women 65 - 69264 Vicky Knudson, 69 34:13

Women 70 - 74336 Jan Crowley, 72 39:11

Women 75 - 79338 Lois Degonda, 77 39:25403 Audrey Johnson, 76 51:45

MDRA Lake Johanna 4 MileMARCH 24, ST. PAUL

Overall1 Zane Grabau, 23 21:262 Patrick Russell, 35 21:343 Pete Kessler, 50 23:234 Jay Nelson, 42 23:255 Scott Myers, 36 23:306 Brad Moening, 43 23:457 Steve & Henry Stenzel, 31 23:481 Pasca Cheruiyot, 25* 24:148 Kirt Goetzke, 51 24:179 Douglas Hegley, 50 24:2110 David Peterson, 51 24:3811 Ryan Hess, 30 24:5212 George Mutuma, 37 25:3613 Omar Rosas, 30 25:3814 Pat Richard, 53 25:4015 Peter Johnson, 33 25:5016 Dan Sparkman, 51 26:1617 Dale Heinen, 56 26:2518 Omar Palacios, 29 26:2819 Ryan Wakefield, 23 26:382 Andrea Myers, 36* 26:4120 Michael Connolly, 57 26:423 Ann Snuggerud, 44* 26:4721 Tony Hall, 49 26:5222 Brian Brooks, 29 26:5223 Piet Hansel, 42 26:5324 Jon Matthiae, 60 26:5425 Tom Ruen, 43 26:5726 Paul Mollett, 41 26:594 Cicely Miltich, 26* 27:0327 Joe Ostrander, 36 27:1428 Mark Hollen, 43 27:1829 Larry Freund, 52 27:2430 Mark LeDuc, 57 27:5231 Harvey Skees, 39 27:5632 Tim O'Brien, 56 28:055 Nordica Stocker, 26* 28:0533 Paul Case, 54 28:086 Erin Moening, 12* 28:147 Shelley Ostrander, 26* 28:228 Jody Nelson, 47* 28:2434 Eric Paradis, 47 28:2435 Ron Hawkins, 45 28:33

36 Neil Hetherington, 50 28:3737 Dan Morse, 58 28:4038 Pat Eastman, 50 28:4639 Scott Parker, 31 29:139 Ruth Jahn, 57* 29:2440 Leif Albertson, 57 29:2441 Bill Reinfeld, 58 29:4142 Christopher Kelly, 49 29:4543 Andrew Pritchard, 49 29:5244 Arland Braaten-Lee, 62 29:5345 Chris Halloran, 39 29:5446 Brian Helm, 52 30:0847 Jerry Freund, 43 30:1148 Rich Mohrland, 51 30:2149 Terry Hakkola, 62 30:3250 Scott Nelson, 50 30:3351 Ted Hewees, 49 30:4052 John Brown, 68 30:4353 Robert Britain, 53 30:4910 Deborah Fideldy, 43* 30:4954 Peter Kaul, 46 31:0355 Jeff Netick, 60 31:1556 John Arnett, 60 31:1757 Daniel Hepokoski, 49 31:2458 Don Dornfeld, 68 31:2659 Brian Grove, 38 31:2960 Neil Dobas, 30 31:3161 Ron Sadowksi, 42 31:3462 Thomas Bohlinger, 54 31:3663 Eric Anderson, 47 31:3764 Clinton Firstbrook Iv, 29 31:5465 Jim Burnett, 66 32:0366 Jay Broton, 48 32:0411 Rhonda Breakfield-Uggen, 48* 32:0412 Sonia Jacobsen, 56* 32:0567 Phillip Williams, 29 32:0668 Mitch Vars, 42 32:1313 Sherry Case, 53* 32:1769 Eric Albertson, 59 32:1814 Amy Lake, 35* 32:2015 Gloria Jansen, 64* 32:2516 Sonia Coley, 33* 32:2870 Lynn Reemtsma, 62 32:3071 John Borgfelt, 59 32:3217 Chang McAleese, 28* 32:4018 Toni St. Pierre, 57* 32:5319 Klare Case, 22* 32:5572 Gary Peterson, 48 33:0073 Joe Sherry, 33 33:1274 David Petersen, 52 33:1320 Marisa Skees, 36* 33:1575 Dan Baxter, 49 33:2176 John Benninghoff, 40 33:2477 Harvey Johnson, 70 33:2721 Victoria Peterson, 26* 33:3022 Nissa Larson, 33* 33:3378 Mark Grimes, 60 33:3679 Gerald Weightman, 57 33:4280 Doug Mason, 61 34:0181 Patrick Ryan, 64 34:0223 Carol Daniels, 59* 34:0282 Steve Trahms, 60 34:1683 Barry Jones, 58 34:2924 Caryn Jacowski, 27* 34:3425 Sarah Linder-Stenzel, 31* 34:3584 Mark Kriz, 58 34:4085 Rick Recker, 67 34:5126 April Weck, 25* 34:5327 Katherine Wyman, 24* 35:0286 Phil Prokopwicz, 54 35:0228 Rosemary Harnly, 65* 35:1787 Brad Brooksbank, 38 35:2588 Alexander Sosa, 41 35:2929 Amanda Symes, 25* 35:3330 Bethany Samuelson, 22* 36:0789 Bill Geschwind, 58 36:2490 Will Grassl, 55 36:2791 Jim Meredig, 54 36:3592 Don Soule, 62 36:42

93 Aldo Sicoli, 52 36:4531 Robin Sicoli, 49* 36:4894 Bill Falardeau, 56 36:4995 Gregg Busch, 52 37:0096 William Radmer, 58 37:1397 Greg Merth, 65 37:1598 Nathan Paastina, 26 37:2032 Marcia Hokenson, 59* 37:2133 Cathy Prokopowicz, 54* 37:3299 Ben Kaiser, 10 37:39100 Mike Kaiser, 48 37:3934 Ashley Cooper, 25* 37:40101 Gary Telega, 69 37:43102 Roger Anttila, 61 37:4535 Nicole Smith, 29* 37:53103 Gregory Logajan, 53 37:5636 Elizabeth Johnson, 34* 38:0637 Renee Samuelson, 49* 38:13104 Matt Haglund, 34 38:1438 Amanda Olson, 42* 38:3239 Michelle Shefveland, 50* 38:4940 Erin Strot, 30* 38:53105 Greg Lemay, 48 38:54106 Michael Miler, 50 38:54107 Rick Huseth, 56 38:5941 Kate Havelin, 51* 39:1542 Charity McMullin, 34* 39:16108 Joe Plumbo, 64 40:2243 Eleta Donaldson, 56* 40:24109 Daniel Young, 58 40:25110 Gary Pawlenty, 59 40:3244 Sarah Enoch, 29* 40:4545 Gabriella Pleitez, 11* 41:1046 Laura Ericksen-White, 38* 42:1847 Amber Stoner, 33* 42:49111 Mike Stoner, 35 42:49112 Jerry Stamm, 66 44:1748 Kathryn Wippering, 59* 44:18113 Lee Dittbenner, 61 44:2349 Heather Johnson, 29* 44:26114 Kevin O'Connor, 56 44:36115 Dick Olson, 79 44:44116 Kevin Larson, 34 44:4550 Tracy Sadowski, 40* 44:5951 Jayne Larson, 36* 46:0152 Dorinda Lambrecht, 46* 46:02117 Scott Gannaway, 49 46:06118 Austin Churchill, 9 46:22119 Jason Chrudimsky, 35 47:4953 Daree Selby, 50* 48:10120 LeWayne Krause, 63 48:4254 Samantha Kaiser, 13* 48:58

121 Antonio Pleitez, 8 49:0055 Mickey Moore, 48* 49:0756 Lois DeGonda, 77* 51:09* indicates females


Overall1 Josh Metcaff, 36 37:182 Jacob Burn, 18 41:051 Katie McGregor, 34* 41:083 Nathan Leckband, 29 41:162 Megan Thomas, 27* 41:243 Michelle Frey, 29* 41:414 Robert Economy, 48 41:475 Brad Moening, 43 42:116 Jay Nelson, 42 42:307 Scott Myers, 36 42:548 Pete Kessler, 50 44:089 James Chelman, 14 44:2110 Bill Atkins, 50 44:3711 Butch Humbert, 48 44:4412 George Muiuma, 37 44:5513 Kirt Goetzke, 51 45:0814 Kevin Ueland, 34 45:1015 Jason Chrudimsky, 35 45:1116 David Topkins, 41 45:4317 Omar Rosas, 30 46:0018 David Hartz, 54 46:1919 Jake Hackl, 34 46:2720 Ray Mitchell, 47 46:3421 Shawn Scherr, 36 46:374 Regina Hovak, 23* 46:3722 Brian Dixon, 49 47:115 Emi Yasaka, 34* 47:3923 Omar Palacios, 29 47:4824 Jeffrey Delwiche, 53 47:5825 Denny Jordan, 60 48:0926 Ryan Wakefield, 23 48:096 Andrea Myers, 36* 48:3027 Brian Brooks, 29 48:4028 Mike Setter, 56 48:4529 Paul Barnard, 50 49:027 Katie Thompson, 28* 49:148 Cicely Miltich, 26* 49:2030 Mark LeDuc, 57 49:3531 Jon Matthiae, 60 49:49


Lake Johanna 4 Mile


o by


ne K



20MAY/JUNE 2012


32 Eugene Samuel, 50 50:0033 Eric Nystrom, 45 50:1234 George Fulp, 50 50:1935 Ben Patterson, 30 50:3736 Craig McCoy, 58 50:459 Cara Donohue, 20* 50:5137 Eric Paradis, 47 50:5138 Joe Ostrander, 36 50:5910 Carrie Hinners, 25* 51:0939 Troy Neurauter, 36 51:1040 Paul Case, 54 51:4041 Chad Bjugan, 39 51:4342 Isiah Herout, 15 51:5043 Tim O'Brien, 56 52:0744 Patrick Eastman, 50 52:2711 Shelly Ostrander, 26* 52:4245 Bill Reinfield, 58 52:5546 Jared Christie, 38 53:0047 Jerry Heaps, 56 53:1948 Ron Hawkins, 45 53:2549 Derek Wakefield, 28 53:3712 Patricia Langum, 51* 54:1450 Ben Garvais, 29 54:1813 Brandy Scherr, 26* 54:2851 Scott Nelson, 50 54:3314 Sherry Case, 53* 54:4752 Steve Maupin, 61 55:0053 Dan Hepokoski, 49 55:0254 Chris Dornbusch, 30 55:1255 Keith Ainsworth, 50 55:2056 David McGarry, 38 55:3615 Erin Delaney, 45* 55:3716 Kimiko Warlaumont, 25* 55:4057 Dave Moore, 45 55:5058 Terry Hakkola, 62 55:5759 Pete Erickson, 43 56:0360 Rich Mohrland, 51 56:2461 Scott Parker, 31 56:2562 John Arnett, 60 56:4963 Cole Olson, 20 56:5164 Kelly Christopher, 49 56:5365 Peter Kaul, 46 57:0166 David Niemoeller, 53 57:0267 Scott Moen, 38 57:0568 Michael Stoner, 35 57:1869 Bryan See, 52 57:3170 Thomas Bohlinger, 54 57:3917 Chang McAleese, 28* 57:4771 Michael Erdahl, 58 57:5018 Gloria Jansen, 64* 57:5372 Hank Larsen, 71 58:0619 Kara Bancroft, 36* 58:1720 Whitney Meredith, 28* 58:2021 Amy Lake, 35* 58:4122 Angie Holmdahl, 35* 59:0373 Clinton Firstbrook Iv, 29 59:1774 Frank Titchener, 49 59:1975 Mark Martinsen, 48 59:2476 Phil Erickson, 71 59:3277 Harvey Johnson, 70 59:4978 John Benninghoff, 40 59:5223 Sonia Coley, 33* 1:00:0379 David Peterson, 52 1:00:1924 Victoria Peterson, 26* 1:00:3880 Robbie Skntz, 40 1:00:5525 Abigail Davis, 42* 1:01:0626 Nissa Larson, 33* 1:01:2181 Troy Tarbuck, 33 1:01:2227 Carol Daniels, 59* 1:02:1582 Doug Mason, 61 1:02:2583 Lee Stauffacher, 71 1:02:2928 Amy Hagen, 31* 1:02:5584 Justin Hagen, 31 1:02:5529 Amanda Symes, 26* 1:03:0085 Eric Strickland, 41 1:03:0930 Savannah Walsh, 26* 1:03:1131 Jeannie McNichols, 44* 1:03:2086 Ron Byland, 54 1:03:2087 Barry Jones, 58 1:03:26

88 Neil Millan, 47 1:03:3732 Cynthia Gieske, 35* 1:03:4133 Pamela Kittlson, 45* 1:04:0089 Andrew Pritchard, 49 1:04:0290 Ross Hyde, 38 1:04:0334 Roshini Rajkumar, 41* 1:04:1191 Paul Bulger, 50 1:04:2592 Brad Brooksbank, 39 1:04:3893 Bill Falardeau, 56 1:04:5294 Rick Recker, 67 1:04:5535 Kelly Donohue, 51* 1:05:0095 Don Soule, 62 1:05:0596 Greg Merth, 65 1:05:2397 Vince Rohr, 68 1:05:3798 Alex Sosa, 41 1:05:4936 Kathryn Benhardus, 65* 1:06:0299 Nathan Pastwa, 26 1:06:03100 Rick Noer, 61 1:06:08101 Jon Brekke, 42 1:06:2737 Julie Rohr, 64* 1:06:30102 Jim Meredig, 54 1:06:3638 Anne Hatinen, 38* 1:07:43103 William Eelkema, 61 1:07:4539 Robin Sicoli, 49* 1:08:02104 Aldo Sicoli, 52 1:08:0240 Nicole Smith, 29* 1:08:3441 Julie Larson, 37* 1:08:4342 Erin Strot, 30* 1:10:1343 Debra Thompson, 50* 1:10:3444 Kate Havelin, 51* 1:12:55105 Gary Telega, 69 1:13:0445 Marcia Hokenson, 59* 1:13:52106 John Tarbuck, 64 1:14:1246 Amanda Olson, 42* 1:14:5947 Leann Lehmann, 48* 1:16:37107 Jerry Stamm, 67 1:16:57108 John Adams, 75 1:22:04109 Lee Dittbenner, 62 1:25:28* indicates females


Open Men1 Elliott Heath, 23 25:332 Garrett Heath, 26 25:333 Ian Torchia, 16 27:274 Ryan Ping, 35 28:155 Brent Sinn, 33 28:296 Nathan Ziegler, 33 28:347 Peter Kessler, 50 28:558 Clay Scott, 20 28:559 Rob Foster, 19 28:5710 Patrick Quinn, 32 29:4711 Scott Jones, 40 30:0412 David Gilmer, 33 30:1313 Kirt Goetzke, 51 30:1714 Brian Lynch, 37 30:2715 Eric Porte, 47 30:3016 Wayne Dickie, 47 30:3117 Braydon Johnson, 15 31:0418 Hunter Bailey, 14 31:0419 Jonathin Flury, 21 31:1321 Scott Krall, 32 31:3524 James Baertsch, 30 31:5725 Brad Rupprecht, 36 32:2326 Brennan Makayle, 16 32:3228 Daniel Roellinger, 32 32:4429 Sam Rush, 32 32:5030 Joe Ryan, 40 32:5431 Jeff Boland, 33 33:0032 Jed Reisetter, 31 33:08


continued on page 21

21 MAY/JUNE 2012


34 Andrew Becker, 41 33:4435 Jerry McMillin, 54 34:11

Open Women20 Tori Tyler, 24 31:2622 Bliss Ronaloa, 49 31:4123 Megan Ping, 35 31:4427 Laura Edlund, 26 32:3333 Janneke Quick, 26 33:3236 Melissa King, 38 34:1744 Dawn Boynton, 36 34:5149 Mary Anne Nixon, 34 35:0552 Leah Campbell, 34 35:1365 Nicole Schultz, 25 36:1567 Lisa Truax, 32 36:2176 Kayla Woltz, 17 36:3777 Amblyn Allen, 29 36:3789 Shari Hegland, 38 37:2290 Stacie Baertsch, 37 37:2395 Kris Kuhn, 30 37:3398 Kayla Schmit, 16 37:40100 Anita Meyer, 33 37:41104 Amy Becker, 35 37:47106 Victoria Marsolek, 28 37:49108 Brittani Funk, 25 37:58111 Katie Weber, 34 38:01118 Ashton Haake, 14 38:14121 Katie Lehmann, 27 38:18126 Jennifer Hengel, 35 38:31128 Katie Schneider, 30 38:33130 Jayne Shelquist, 47 38:39132 Lizzy Taggart, 22 38:43136 Jessica Rudnik, 29 38:51139 Destiny Kronebusch, 12 38:57

Men Under 81026 Dawson Pringle, 7 1:16:361035 Devin Haley, 7 1:16:54

Men 8 - 9222 Caleb Korder, 9 41:36297 Thomas Menk, 8 43:16329 Kooper Vaughn, 8 44:10588 Carter Mathison, 8 49:54720 Jack Parry, 9 53:25751 Zachary Nevala, 8 54:50893 Tyler Ferguson, 8 1:01:43944 Griffin Merchlewitz, 9 1:06:411027 Aidan Dungy, 8 1:16:371200 Oliver Pringle, 9 1:29:10

Men 10 - 11318 Isaiah Froese, 10 43:52406 Benjamin Oevering, 11 45:44433 Tyler Mathison, 11 46:22441 Brady Woltz, 10 46:35571 Meltz Caleb, 11 49:26625 Mark Buringa, 11 50:37739 Adam Koenigs, 11 54:22764 Lass Cj, 10 55:01772 Taylor Ties, 11 55:14780 Kaleb Stevens, 10 55:28

Men 12 - 1378 Dustin Knutson, 12 36:3980 Yousef Almatrok, 13 36:42103 Nathaniel Gunter, 13 37:47218 Hunter Reed, 12 41:30351 Isaac Lynch, 12 44:42380 Nicholas Frank, 12 45:14460 Theodore Tews, 12 46:53572 John Merchlewitz, 12 49:27582 Kyle Meyer, 13 49:46609 justin buckbee, 12 50:30

Men 14 - 1517 Braydon Johnson, 15 31:0418 Hunter Bailey, 14 31:0439 Ty Doan, 15 34:3045 Sebastian Eising, 15 34:5386 Benjamin Hintz, 15 37:11

117 Jeremiah Munson, 14 38:12169 Noah Leuer, 15 40:18238 Samuel Yinn, 14 41:56330 Jeremy Fluegge, 14 44:11332 Cory Renk, 14 44:11

Men 16 - 173 Ian Torchia, 16 27:2726 Brennan Makayle, 16 32:3246 Adam Rahn, 16 34:5371 Byron Beyer, 16 36:31247 Ryan Moger, 16 42:06273 Bryce Lange, 16 42:48307 Brady Barton, 16 43:26514 Jordan Johnson, 16 48:07544 Mitchell Joyce, 16 48:45646 Quandt Ryan, 16 51:08

Men 18 - 199 Rob Foster, 19 28:5743 Woo Alex, 19 34:4879 Cedric Speltz, 19 36:4084 Trinity DeRooy, 18 37:06144 Tyrell Varner, 19 39:24294 Nick Reps, 19 43:15397 Drew Ferrier, 19 45:38479 Trevor Wiederhoeff, 19 47:27484 Valentin Silva, 18 47:34608 jordan buckbee, 19 50:29

Men 35 - 394 Ryan Ping, 35 28:1514 Brian Lynch, 37 30:2725 Brad Rupprecht, 36 32:2341 Michael Jensen, 35 34:3647 Casey Patten, 35 34:5648 Nate Baures, 35 35:0358 Kelly Schrandt, 37 35:2968 Theodore Mueller, 38 36:27119 Kirk Shipler, 38 38:16134 Dan Foss, 37 38:45

Men 40 - 4411 Scott Jones, 40 30:0430 Joe Ryan, 40 32:5434 Andrew Becker, 41 33:4440 Jason Abraham, 41 34:3460 Bruce Meyer, 42 35:5266 Bradley Boynton, 40 36:1574 Scott Fitzgerald, 43 36:3493 Scott Fritz, 41 37:3296 Jeff Kronebusch, 42 37:36101 Torry Moore, 41 37:45

Men 45 - 4915 Eric Porte, 47 30:3016 Wayne Dickie, 47 30:3151 Gary Lovelace, 45 35:1054 Mike Kaiser, 48 35:1670 Andrew Galbus, 45 36:2883 Chris Potts, 46 36:5287 Douglas Batzlaff, 49 37:15102 Scott Fischer, 49 37:46105 Kevin Jacob, 49 37:48107 Duane Meyer, 45 37:57

Men 50 - 547 Peter Kessler, 50 28:5513 Kirt Goetzke, 51 30:1735 Jerry McMillin, 54 34:1137 Hirohito Kita, 54 34:1964 Tom Brandt, 53 36:1481 Bryan Huhnerkoch, 53 36:45109 Tom Hoffman, 52 37:59127 Scott Willers, 50 38:31138 Richard Ferris, 53 38:55141 Al Foster, 51 39:01

Men 55 - 5950 Dave Fredrickson, 59 35:0899 Bill Carter, 57 37:40112 Phil Driscoll, 55 38:02

131 Matt Kingsbury, 55 38:41133 Tom Taggart, 57 38:43135 Mark Thoreson, 58 38:49189 John Kuntz, 58 40:55198 Dean Rupprecht, 57 40:58205 Rick Christenson, 58 41:08264 Sam Simmons, 58 42:32

Men 60 - 6472 Ralph Zerbe, 61 36:3191 Jerry Lawson, 64 37:24110 John Klug, 61 38:00122 Steve Prosser, 63 38:22123 Arland Braaten-Lee, 62 38:23170 Lynn Reemtsma, 62 40:18256 David Morrill, 62 42:17272 Reggie Oeltjen, 60 42:45276 Gene Wood, 60 42:51319 Thomas Angst, 62 43:56

Men 65 - 69184 Don Dornfeld, 68 40:43324 Robert Van Doran, 66 44:06517 John Rudnik, 67 48:13574 Gordy Strickland, 65 49:30886 Kenn Puehalski, 68 1:01:16931 Jack Thoreson, 68 1:04:56932 Jon Freeman, 69 1:04:561007 Leonard Alcamo, 65 1:14:491087 Larry Thompson, 66 1:20:591170 Tom Currier, 65 1:26:29

Men 70 - 74840 Bernhard Pieper, 73 58:43857 Bert Mohs, 70 59:201100 Earl Finden, 73 1:21:27Men 75 - 79982 Tom Slaggie, 76 1:11:33

Women Under 8744 Sierra Kreidermacher, 7 54:361145 Lilly Schell, 6 1:23:531209 Grace Lesmeister, 5 1:30:401213 Alyssa Pringle, 4 1:31:37

Women 8 - 9192 Edwards Lydia, 9 40:55642 Mariah Palmby, 9 51:01683 Samantha Ellinghuysen, 9 52:13851 Emilee Buringa, 9 59:08853 Jade Krenik, 9 59:09884 Samantha Koenigs, 9 1:01:091204 Elizabeth Glende, 8 1:29:281206 Katrina Heimer, 9 1:30:02

Women 10 - 11597 Lexie Johnson, 11 50:05600 Katelyn Shipler, 11 50:07673 Cayanne Korder, 11 52:00747 Montanna Lehnertz, 11 54:44846 Nikole Schmitz, 11 59:03882 Emily Sikkink, 10 1:01:03927 Makenna Theobald, 11 1:04:37971 Rylee Marchant, 10 1:10:53990 Abby VanDeWalker, 10 1:12:35991 Jada Hale, 11 1:12:42

Women 12 - 13139 Destiny Kronebusch, 12 38:57231 Haley Woltz, 13 41:45246 Sydney Becker, 12 42:05506 Abbigail Prigge, 13 47:59549 Emelia Rieder, 13 48:55599 Elizabeth Prigge, 13 50:07733 Ashlee Maker, 12 54:01784 Nahrgang Jade, 13 55:41786 Alesandra Kreidermacher, 12 55:44822 Cierra Ties, 12 57:20

Women 14 - 15118 Ashton Haake, 14 38:14275 Mariah Olson, 15 42:49

430 Lauren Mikel, 15 46:19446 abbey schnell, 15 46:36494 Jenna Myhro, 14 47:47569 Elizabeth Walsh, 14 49:22724 Pelowski Laura, 14 53:35792 Kaitlyn Griffin, 14 55:52821 Megan Tews, 15 57:201062 Kayla Johnson, 15 1:19:09

Women 16 - 1776 Kayla Woltz, 17 36:3798 Kayla Schmit, 16 37:40197 Aubrey Postier, 16 40:57438 Tayva Young, 17 46:32575 Sydney Schmidt, 16 49:311061 Rachel Johnson, 17 1:19:091078 Emily Grant, 16 1:20:25

Women 18 - 19353 bailie pelowski, 19 44:43396 Jessica Leighton, 18 45:38496 Nicole Alexander, 19 47:51548 Johnson Taylor, 18 48:53767 Jaclyn Adcock, 19 55:02811 Heather Thesing, 19 56:48871 Samantha Kosharek, 19 1:00:09940 Carissa Darcy, 18 1:05:401077 Nahrgang Cortni, 18 1:20:201234 Kristin Ziehl, 19 1:35:45

Women 35 - 3923 Megan Ping, 35 31:4436 Melissa King, 38 34:1744 Dawn Boynton, 36 34:5189 Shari Hegland, 38 37:2290 Stacie Baertsch, 37 37:23104 Amy Becker, 35 37:47126 Jennifer Hengel, 35 38:31140 Kristi Kreidermacher, 35 38:57149 Nichole Menk, 37 39:37152 Camie Hughes, 39 39:50

Women 40 - 44158 Lonna Simanovski, 44 39:58173 Tami Keenan, 41 40:23274 Renae Olson, 41 42:48352 Shelley Haag, 41 44:42403 Cathy Leuer, 44 45:43447 diane schnell, 44 46:36461 Sonja Benston, 42 46:53463 Sheila Kowalewski, 43 46:54470 Jean Loecher, 40 47:08473 Lisa Lund, 43 47:11

Women 45 - 4922 Bliss Ronaloa, 49 31:41130 Jayne Shelquist, 47 38:39143 Karen Jansen, 49 39:11167 Jeanne Woestman, 48 40:16315 irish britson, 49 43:46362 Trisha Ferguson Bush, 46 44:53375 Sarah Kohn, 45 45:07388 Jennifer Rogers, 47 45:27394 Dokken Peg, 49 45:36400 Sally Woxland, 48 45:42

Women 50 - 54181 Holly Klein, 51 40:39210 Masami Kita, 52 41:16214 Colleen Roethke, 51 41:24292 Sarah Melde, 53 43:10320 Jan Taggart, 54 43:59326 MichaeLynn Lambert, 52 44:08357 Deborah Klavetter, 51 44:48419 Julie Colvin, 51 46:01434 Nina Bren, 54 46:22465 Kathy Byers, 53 46:56

Women 55 - 59191 Dawn Thurley, 59 40:55376 Deb McClellan, 55 45:09381 karen kuntz, 57 45:15


22MAY/JUNE 2012


432 Annette Ziegler, 56 46:21471 Pam Phillips, 57 47:09482 Linda Amborn, 56 47:32620 Edwards Kathy, 58 50:34689 Jane Brinkman, 58 52:19705 Maureen Doffing, 57 53:01768 Sharon Kaufman, 56 55:05

Women 60 - 64413 Nancy Greden, 61 45:54542 Dorothy Diehl, 60 48:43640 Kimberly Wolken, 61 50:58817 Susan Christian, 62 57:04847 Janice Baker, 63 59:06899 Vicky Kukowski, 60 1:02:301066 Sharon Schield, 62 1:19:161088 Susan Snell, 63 1:20:591092 Renae Kecker, 60 1:21:111101 Suzanne White, 62 1:21:27

Women 65 - 69281 Rosemary Harnly, 65 42:55743 Phyllis Freeman, 69 54:35926 sharon mueller, 65 1:04:351038 Diane Myszka, 65 1:17:211142 Darlene Ritter, 65 1:23:48

Women 70 - 74392 Sandra Dalquist, 71 45:30880 Carol Prescher, 72 1:00:28

Women 80 - 841240 Rita Schloegel, 80 1:38:08


Overall1 Bart Johnson, 26 1:26:362 Zane Grabau, 23 1:26:403 Gerad Mead, 32 1:26:474 Aaron Beaber, 28 1:26:595 Patrick Russell, 36 1:29:086 John Storkamp, 32 1:31:197 James Vilter, 40 1:31:418 Dan Arlandson, 35 1:33:299 Don Sullivan, 38 1:33:3310 Michael Mack, 31 1:36:271 Megan Thomas, 27* 1:39:0211 Rob Economy, 48 1:39:1112 Jared Smith, 28 1:40:2213 Dan Worley, 39 1:40:4014 Marc Nosal, 46 1:41:2915 William Langhout, 53 1:43:0616 Hendrie Grant, 49 1:43:4217 Aaron Hansen, 31 1:43:5518 David Tompkins, 41 1:44:1119 Stephen Mann, 38 1:44:5320 David Tappe, 55 1:45:512 Emi Yasaka, 34* 1:46:4121 Omar Palacios, 29 1:46:4222 David Lundy, 36 1:47:0523 Evan Reed, 40 1:47:1624 Chad Bjugan, 39 1:47:1725 Shawn Scherr, 36 1:47:2026 Paul Serreyn, 48 1:50:3227 Taylor Polomis, 50 1:50:4128 Daniel Baron, 45 1:50:5129 Aaron Hoffman, 32 1:51:2430 Denny Jordan, 60 1:52:1731 Ryan Wakefield, 23 1:52:223 Helen Lavin, 34* 1:52:3132 Jacob Hackl, 34 1:52:3233 Jay Grandprey 1:52:364 Suzie Fox, 28* 1:52:54

34 Todd Sperling, 52 1:53:5335 Mike Setter, 56 1:54:2036 Michael Dayton, 50 1:54:5037 Steve Sjolund, 61 1:54:5438 Matt Evans, 46 1:55:0039 Anthony Nderu, 45 1:55:455 Nycole Schneider, 27* 1:56:0640 Jared Mondry, 69 1:56:1041 George Fulp, 50 1:56:146 Jan Guenther, 52* 1:56:2842 Andrew Johnson, 51 1:56:3043 Benjamin Patterson, 30 1:57:0144 Jay Adams, 46 1:57:257 Carrie Hinners, 25* 1:57:3445 Duane Kroeger, 47 1:58:0746 Kurt Stunek, 54 1:58:1247 Jason Phillips, 36 1:58:1448 Paul Vetter, 55 1:59:2349 Shawn Webb, 33 1:59:3350 Matthew Rantala, 42 2:00:0351 David Petrich, 57 2:00:0752 Michael Iserman, 41 2:00:4953 Johnny Surprise, 43 2:01:088 Jennifer Martone, 40* 2:01:0954 Paul Case, 54 2:03:4755 Patrick Kruegel, 44 2:03:4856 Brad Gluth, 54 2:04:0057 Jeff Warshaw, 50 2:04:0058 Dean Christensen, 61 2:05:1059 Todd Reemstma, 45 2:05:2460 John Spriggs, 44 2:05:389 Tracie Kent, 38* 2:05:5661 Scott Knight, 50 2:06:0810 Erin Warshaw, 46* 2:06:1462 John Naslund, 61 2:06:3911 Kate Kelly, 36* 2:06:4063 Tony Boe, 59 2:06:4112 Sherry Case, 53* 2:06:5664 Masahiro Sugh, 55 2:06:5813 Lee Eastman, 50* 2:07:1165 Gerry Neville, 53 2:07:1366 Christopher Kelly, 48 2:07:2167 Jerry Heaps, 56 2:07:2614 Brenna Peterkin, 31* 2:07:4368 Hyon Kim, 57 2:07:4915 Patty Costello, 39* 2:08:0769 Jim Evans, 51 2:08:1170 Peter Kaul, 46 2:08:2471 Rich Mohrland, 51 2:08:3072 Wade Beck, 39 2:08:4216 Carla Maas, 31* 2:08:4773 Scott Moen, 33 2:09:0074 Brian Messer, 50 2:09:0175 Paul Keusemann, 51 2:09:0376 Mick Justin, 64 2:09:2217 Julie Dotseth, 27* 2:09:4577 Martin Durdahl, 57 2:09:4678 Ed Foppe, 44 2:09:4879 Mike Nixon, 38 2:10:3080 David Carriker, 42 2:10:4081 Nicholas Schell, 54 2:11:0182 Steve Maupin, 61 2:11:1083 Danny Hansen, 57 2:11:3584 Mark Deters, 58 2:11:3618 Carla LaVere, 52* 2:12:4285 Bill Tolo, 52 2:12:5186 Pankaj Patil, 34 2:13:3219 Diane Sacksteder, 46* 2:14:1120 Brady Gervais, 28* 2:14:1221 Ottilie Walls, 41* 2:14:1722 Lisa Terrell, 41* 2:14:2187 Benjamin Gervais, 29 2:14:3323 Tamara Snyder, 52* 2:15:0688 Tom Rowe, 63 2:15:0889 Jeff Pearson, 60 2:15:2024 Anna Giacomini, 46* 2:16:0325 Ann Spriggs, 42* 2:16:3226 Whitney Meredith, 28* 2:17:0490 Michael Erdall, 58 2:17:18

27 Angela Holmdahl, 35* 2:17:4328 Robin Leali, 45* 2:17:4891 Erich Russell, 59 2:17:5192 Gerald Johnson, 54 2:19:4729 Wendy Dellis, 43* 2:21:5493 Terry Hakkola, 62 2:22:1494 Todd Partington, 44 2:23:1395 Walter Crothers, 44 2:23:3130 Klare Case, 22* 2:23:3931 Carol Brouillard, 64* 2:23:4496 Ross McLean, 51 2:23:4697 Patrick Ryan, 64 2:24:1232 Amanda Symes, 26* 2:25:4933 Julie Koepke, 29* 2:28:3198 Randall Henkemeyer, 46 2:28:5434 Sarah Morgan, 32* 2:28:5799 Vince Rohr, 68 2:30:07100 Don Soule, 62 2:30:27101 Bill Falardeau, 56 2:30:57102 David Petersen, 52 2:30:58103 Phil Erickson, 71 2:31:1035 Dawn Colton, 48* 2:31:1836 Jamie Klemenhagen, 30* 2:31:1937 Gale Marchand, 47* 2:32:3138 Kelly Hanson, 33* 2:33:00104 Andrew Konz, 29 2:35:2839 Fiona Robinson, 25* 2:36:5940 Laurie Schneider, 43* 2:47:5241 Ann Merfeld, 48* 2:48:09105 Gary Pawlenty, 59 2:51:0542 Charity Angle, 55* 2:56:34* indicates females

MDRA Fred KurzMemorial 10 MileAPRIL 14, PLYMOUTH

Overall1 Patrick Russell, 36 55:022 Dan Arlandson, 35 57:583 Heriberto Vargas Olalde, 301:00:214 Eric Slagle, 35 1:02:175 David Tompkins, 41 1:02:536 Matthew Trok, 34 1:02:577 George Mutuma, 37 1:03:118 Kirt Goetzke, 51 1:04:279 Mike Shetka, 34 1:05:12

10 Sean Faulk, 39 1:05:1411 Dennis Curran, 30 1:05:5112 Brian Soller, 40 1:06:0913 Kraig Lungstrom, 54 1:06:4314 Josh Beatty, 32 1:07:0715 Denny Jordan, 60 1:07:5316 Mark Myer, 52 1:08:221 Suzie Fox, 28* 1:09:4717 Brian Brooks, 30 1:10:3118 Robert Nelson, 43 1:10:4219 Derek Haag, 33 1:10:4320 Dan Sparkman, 51 1:11:1121 Jon Matthiae, 60 1:11:2022 Eric Nystrom, 45 1:11:552 Ann Snuggerud, 44* 1:11:563 Jody Nelson, 47* 1:13:1723 Jason Phillips, 36 1:13:1924 Neil Hetherington, 50 1:13:4625 Lee Hetherington, 48 1:13:574 Jill Ellenbecker, 39* 1:14:055 Cicely Mittich, 26* 1:14:2426 Harvey Skees, 39 1:14:3227 Tim O'Brien, 56 1:15:0528 Patrick Eastman, 50 1:15:0629 Ron Hawkins, 45 1:15:2430 Tony Boe, 59 1:17:2531 Sean Foley, 40 1:18:2232 Peter Conlon, 32 1:18:376 Sherry Case, 53* 1:19:027 Lee Eastman, 50* 1:19:318 Renee Kallio, 38* 1:20:139 Ruth Jahn, 57* 1:20:3633 Paul Case, 54 1:20:4034 Paul Keusemann, 51 1:20:4310 Tania Schueller, 25* 1:20:4611 Barbara Capece, 45* 1:21:0535 Mike Nixon, 38 1:21:2812 Carla Lavere, 52* 1:21:3736 Dave Moore, 45 1:21:5237 Justin Hagen, 31 1:22:0338 Gus Virkus, 62 1:22:1413 Yvette Maijala, 44* 1:22:2414 Maria Schilling, 39* 1:22:5215 Amanda Nesbitt, 31* 1:22:5639 Shawn Winters, 44 1:23:5040 Charlie Soukup, 27 1:23:5941 Terry Hakkola, 62 1:24:3042 Jason Tidwell, 44 1:24:4516 Chang McAleese, 28* 1:25:01


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ne K



23 MAY/JUNE 2012


43 Chris Benjamin, 40 1:25:1144 Hank Larsen, 71 1:25:2045 Tim Thoma, 48 1:27:2046 Matt Barnes, 44 1:27:4217 Sara Will, 38* 1:28:2418 Amy Lake, 35* 1:29:1419 Amy Hagen, 31* 1:29:2020 John Benninghoff, 40* 1:29:3521 Gloria Jansen, 64* 1:29:3622 Nicole Kveton, 39* 1:29:3947 Ben Hocker, 69 1:29:5123 Carol Daniels, 59* 1:30:2548 Doug Mason, 61 1:30:2624 Katie Lewis, 43* 1:31:1049 Kent Battles, 49 1:31:5750 Jeff Harris, 47 1:32:4851 Alex Sosa, 41 1:33:2252 Rick Recker, 67 1:33:2225 Katherine Forbes, 45* 1:33:2826 Paula Soller, 41* 1:34:2127 Jean Diekmann, 48* 1:34:5753 Neil Millam, 47 1:35:5854 Roger Anttila, 61 1:36:1455 Don Soule, 62 1:36:2056 Brad Brooksbank, 39 1:36:4757 Gene Geller, 63 1:36:4758 Bill Grassel, 55 1:38:3428 Jennifer Duncan, 32* 1:38:3529 Kristine Benjamin, 40* 1:40:1159 Greg LeMay, 48 1:40:2560 Mike Miler, 50 1:40:2530 Terri Gualtieri, 51* 1:40:2731 Lisa Millam, 52* 1:41:3161 Greg Merth, 65 1:43:0632 Kathryn Benhardus, 65* 1:43:4633 Kristen Kinnear-Ohlman, 36* 1:45:0834 Michelle Shefveland, 50* 1:45:1435 Rachelle DeSmith, 25* 1:46:2536 Shelly Curran, 45* 1:46:2737 Amanda Olson, 42* 1:47:2538 Jill Koch, 35* 1:47:2739 Linda Nelson, 52* 1:47:5862 Lee Dittbenner, 62 2:10:22* indicates females

Fitgers 5KAPRIL 21, DULUTH

Open Men1 Michael Reneau, 34 15:102 John Heitzman, 27 16:243 Trevor Zimak, 28 16:294 Mark Maronese, 32 16:295 Ted Heikkila, 19 16:416 Chris Rubesch, 26 16:457 Adam Swank, 36 16:458 Eric Nordgren, 27 17:029 Erik Kaitala, 40 17:1710 Paul Behrens, 29 17:4111 Jon Lindberg, 50 17:4312 Jarrow Wahman, 50 17:4614 Sean Gaskell, 22 18:0315 Jerry Cherra, 40 18:1516 Mike Ward, 23 18:2117 Robert Daiss, 45 18:2418 David Beeksma, 46 18:5319 Timothy Johnson, 25 19:1020 Jess Koski, 57 19:1321 Nathan Wisehart, 32 19:1822 Patrick Deignan, 30 19:2723 Dave Avenson, 49 19:2724 Jeff Adank, 51 19:3126 Gary Lepisto, 51 19:3327 Brad Rupprecht, 36 19:3828 Isaac Boedigheimer, 13 19:40

29 Bob Reinhardt, 26 19:4730 Daniel Duff, 47 19:5331 Thomas Peterson, 53 19:5832 Thomas Meyer, 45 20:04

Open Women13 Katie Koski, 39 17:4825 Amanda Lepisto, 30 19:3333 Rochelle Wirth, 49 20:0641 Samantha Smith, 25 20:4746 Tiffany Carlson, 31 20:5850 Julie Johnson, 26 21:1151 Connie Lutkevich, 44 21:1261 Sara Hollingsworth, 40 21:3578 Kim House, 45 22:0280 Chandra Shoberg, 28 22:0581 Amy Flessert, 27 22:0784 Lindsey Molstad, 35 22:1885 Michelle Breiland, 35 22:1893 Tonya Thompson, 26 22:3594 Becky Krubsack, 39 22:36100 Debra Hultman, 50 22:44105 Katie House, 28 22:47108 Courtney Senich, 32 22:52111 Danielle MacDonald, 31 22:57118 Ann Robertson, 44 23:10124 Kimberly Voss, 41 23:17129 Megan Grimes, 14 23:24134 Rachel Johnson, 35 23:27135 Anne Normand, 39 23:29140 Kellie Cloutier, 23 23:31145 Cassi Decker, 28 23:34146 Sydney Karpik, 13 23:35148 Toni Christensen, 35 23:37152 Daisy Hovet, 25 23:40153 Chris Sandal, 42 23:41

Men 8 - 91372 Finley Valento, 8 42:301418 Ian Ritchie, 9 44:211499 Alex Goodlet, 9 47:40

Men 10 - 11143 Justin Halling, 11 23:32196 Davis Provost, 11 24:43204 Malik Moore, 11 24:50252 Caden Clausen, 10 25:42269 Alex Leuzzo, 11 25:56319 Riley Leslie, 11 26:35365 Noah Hayden, 11 27:16366 Jackson St. George, 10 27:16369 Nathan Specht, 11 27:17419 Marion Ross, 11 27:55

Men 12 - 1328 Isaac Boedigheimer, 13 19:40218 Connor Houle, 13 25:06271 Simon Councillor, 12 25:57334 Jack Moerbitz, 13 26:44381 Jace Jordan, 13 27:26388 Jason Stahl, 13 27:36573 Tommy Krob, 13 29:33998 Bobby Whiting, 13 34:191427 Joel Derner, 13 44:45

Men 14 - 15110 Zachary Marble, 14 22:56114 Thomas Otterson, 15 22:59117 Remy Lee, 15 23:06141 Brent Larson, 14 23:32338 Jacob Ringsmuth, 15 26:49614 Noah Milroy, 14 29:57712 Gunnar Howg, 15 31:13

Men 16 - 1783 Peter Brown, 16 22:12228 Tristian Bangert, 16 25:18232 Jonah Koehler, 16 25:22519 Cole Rickford, 16 28:51

Men 18 - 195 Ted Heikkila, 19 16:41

59 Jake Perrault, 18 21:3366 Sean Monroe, 19 21:44107 Nate Beaulieu, 18 22:52243 Travis Eddy, 19 25:31452 Zach Galo, 18 28:09

Men 35 - 397 Adam Swank, 36 16:4527 Brad Rupprecht, 36 19:3868 Joseph Pianfetti, 35 21:4770 Erik Anderson, 35 21:4971 Paul Turner, 39 21:5187 Chris Hendrickson, 37 22:1997 Ben Anderson, 35 22:40102 Don Gentilini, 35 22:45104 Lucas McLeod, 35 22:47120 Matt Clausen, 38 23:12

Men 40 - 449 Erik Kaitala, 40 17:1715 Jerry Cherra, 40 18:1538 Gregg Dahlgren, 42 20:4048 Shane Olson, 44 21:0054 David Pipho, 40 21:1458 Bradley Mahnke, 41 21:2564 Josh Grooters, 40 21:4296 Michael Huray, 40 22:4099 Lonnie Lembke, 42 22:43101 Scott Gordon, 41 22:45

Men 45 - 4917 Robert Daiss, 45 18:2418 David Beeksma, 46 18:5323 Dave Avenson, 49 19:2730 Daniel Duff, 47 19:5332 Thomas Meyer, 45 20:0435 Josh Cowan, 46 20:1139 Gary Carlson, 45 20:4452 Jimmy Polinsky, 49 21:1265 Mike Smith, 47 21:4382 Brian Olson, 46 22:08

Men 50 - 5411 Jon Lindberg, 50 17:4312 Jarrow Wahman, 50 17:4624 Jeff Adank, 51 19:3126 Gary Lepisto, 51 19:3331 Thomas Peterson, 53 19:5860 Bear Moreland, 52 21:3372 Mike Peloquin, 52 21:5274 Michael Thorstad, 51 21:5392 Randy Back, 53 22:29103 Terry Wiens, 54 22:46

Men 55 - 5920 Jess Koski, 57 19:1334 Michael Bjornberg, 58 20:1049 Edward Fuhs, 56 21:0267 Curt Anderson, 59 21:4598 Rodger Brannan, 59 22:42121 Bill Schmitt, 58 23:13127 Terrence Burritt, 56 23:22131 Kevin Mackie, 55 23:26185 Larry Hall, 59 24:29223 Bob Matthews, 58 25:10

Men 60 - 6447 Steve Kohorst, 61 20:59167 Paul Stein, 61 23:59257 Patrick Phillips, 63 25:48278 Gary Aimone, 61 26:01346 David Eklund, 60 26:56384 David Esterby, 63 27:28466 Todd Roswold, 61 28:18594 Bruce Paulson, 64 29:46757 Jerome Evavold, 61 31:37783 Steve Waring, 60 31:46

Men 65 - 6962 Jim Graupner, 67 21:35137 Paul Bauer, 67 23:30644 Bob Carey, 66 30:18

727 Frank Watsick, 68 31:21900 Glenn Harder, 68 33:06956 Richard Spehar, 65 33:471108 Richard Carlson, 66 36:191180 Steven Skamser, 65 37:391247 Eugene Curnow, 67 39:021424 Pete Raye, 66 44:34

Men 70 - 74206 Harvey Johnson, 70 24:51651 Paul Paine, 72 30:271521 Don Ostern, 73 49:03

Men 75 - 79800 Harold Frederick, 75 32:011058 Edward Mouw, 76 35:261125 Bill Croke, 77 36:31Women Under 81596 Lucy Nelson, 6 1:00:52

Women 8 - 9942 Olivia Lutkevich, 8 33:351333 Courtney Anderson, 8 40:591479 Kathryn Boster, 8 46:451580 Meg Nelson, 8 55:31

Women 10 - 11597 Jaylah Willis, 10 29:47599 Hannah Feyen, 11 29:49607 Rachel Skwira-Brown, 10 29:53654 Karee Donahue, 11 30:31693 Francesca Otterson, 10 30:56695 Allie Wojtysiak, 11 30:57745 Domonique Miller, 11 31:29850 Brandon Hamilton, 10 32:32902 Jaelynn Wiseman, 10 33:091018 Ivy Balliette, 11 34:41

Women 12 - 13146 Sydney Karpik, 13 23:35268 Erin Turner, 12 25:55361 Madison Newman, 13 27:10514 Hannah Habermann, 13 28:48555 Andrea Brown, 12 29:20615 Allegra Pihlaja, 12 29:57668 Morgan Seopa, 12 30:38673 Brooke McMillen, 13 30:43676 Hattie Koehler, 12 30:44703 Haley Marble, 12 31:03

Women 14 - 15129 Megan Grimes, 14 23:24182 Rachel Dixon, 14 24:27211 Haley Bock, 15 24:58260 Maggie Dahl, 14 25:49274 Annika Carter, 15 26:00295 Emilyn Plesko, 14 26:14323 Mikala Kowarsch, 15 26:36612 Ella Perrault, 14 29:56721 Hannah Marble, 15 31:181060 Katie Zezulka, 14 35:30

Women 16 - 17181 Mackenzie Carlson, 17 24:26354 Lauren Mars, 17 27:02358 Alyssa Melby, 16 27:07396 Jane Mars, 16 27:41409 Helen Judziewicz, 16 27:50421 Connor Rautio, 17 27:55457 Erin Monroe, 17 28:12530 Jessica Cassandro, 17 29:03876 Katlyn Persch, 16 32:51879 Carina Johnson, 16 32:53

Women 18 - 19240 Rebecca Johnson, 19 25:30331 Carolyn Severin, 18 26:43491 Nicolette Lindberg, 18 28:33649 Delaney Hart, 19 30:21738 Anna Grimes, 19 31:25773 Amy Brown, 18 31:44827 Laura Hoffman, 19 32:18


24MAY/JUNE 2012


923 Jenny Lewis, 19 33:221011 Lindsey Klein, 19 34:321029 Jordan Lundgren, 19 34:52

Women 35 - 3913 Katie Koski, 39 17:4884 Lindsey Molstad, 35 22:1885 Michelle Breiland, 35 22:1894 Becky Krubsack, 39 22:36134 Rachel Johnson, 35 23:27135 Anne Normand, 39 23:29148 Toni Christensen, 35 23:37154 Alicia Nelson, 39 23:41155 Jolene Chlebeck, 36 23:43205 Kelly Grinsteinner, 35 24:50

Women 40 - 4451 Connie Lutkevich, 44 21:1261 Sara Hollingsworth, 40 21:35118 Ann Robertson, 44 23:10124 Kimberly Voss, 41 23:17153 Chris Sandal, 42 23:41164 Yvette Maijala, 44 23:53176 Jill Gebeck, 41 24:15203 Tracy Olson, 42 24:49212 Kari Boster, 40 24:58224 Tonya Loken, 40 25:12

Women 45 - 4933 Rochelle Wirth, 49 20:0678 Kim House, 45 22:02157 Deanna Nelson, 46 23:43234 Marie Hoder, 49 25:23254 Connie Pender, 49 25:44279 Leann Fulda, 49 26:03289 Dayle Nelson, 45 26:08339 Kim Avenson, 49 26:50353 Jocelyn Pihlaja, 45 27:02368 Julie Knochenmus, 45 27:16

Women 50 - 54100 Debra Hultman, 50 22:44180 Irina Boggie-Miloserdo, 52 24:21193 Andrea Carroll, 54 24:36309 Pam Swartz, 52 26:25340 Kristine Peterson, 51 26:50362 Julie Newman, 50 27:10403 Mary Brown, 51 27:47431 Ruth Boedigheimer, 51 28:03518 Ida Anderson, 51 28:49571 Kathleen Mars, 50 29:31

Women 55 - 59219 Lauri Hohman, 57 25:07250 Vickie Turner, 58 25:41270 Ann Haugejorde, 58 25:56371 Leeann Nelsen, 55 27:18382 Michaela Meyer, 55 27:26507 Rita Lunderville, 58 28:45617 Anne Peterson, 56 29:58643 Mona Linden, 59 30:18687 Penny Agar, 58 30:53700 Holly Pillsbury, 55 31:02

Women 60 - 64448 Teri Johnson, 62 28:08464 Claudia Cottrell, 61 28:161081 Ruth Westra, 61 35:471176 Coleen Witherly, 60 37:351234 Dana Luehr, 60 38:531272 Eve Browning, 60 39:411344 Lorrie Parmeter, 61 41:231369 Sharon Hasse, 62 42:251400 Adele Hartwick, 60 43:271402 Shannon Holbeck, 61 43:30

Women 65 - 691152 Margaret Edens, 65 37:031353 Marty Sozansky, 65 41:391513 Mary Sweeney, 69 48:211543 Wanda Gerard, 65 50:241598 Carolyn Clark, 67 1:07:55

Women 70 - 74313 Marilyn Schnobrich, 70 26:291216 Marie Peterson, 73 38:251520 Kathleen Osborn, 72 49:01

Women 75 - 791451 Margaret Cass, 75 45:501578 Ione Olson, 75 55:091582 Betsy Eglinton, 77 55:49

Women 85 - 891487 Florence Rawn, 86 47:15’


Overall1 Ben Merchant, 31 26:562 Scott Myers, 36 29:053 Garrett Williams, 14 29:314 Teal Perrine, 31 29:465 David G. Peterson, 51 29:586 George Mutuma, 37 30:107 Marc Nosal, 46 30:458 Bill Baldus, 47 30:549 Tim Leinbach, 49 30:5510 Kirt Goetzke, 51 31:3311 Kyle Willett, 28 31:381 Kaelyn Williams, 18* 31:4312 David Baldus, 18 32:2013 Raymond Mitchell, 47 32:2514 Denny Jordan, 60 32:5215 Jon Matthiae, 60 33:2016 Paul Barnard, 50 33:392 Andrea Myers, 36* 34:0317 Eric Nystrom, 45 34:1218 Ron Hawkins, 45 34:3819 Scott Williams, 53 34:4420 Brad Angle, 50 34:4421 Randy Niemiec, 41 34:5022 Omar Palacios, 29 34:5223 John Lynch, 45 35:0224 Matthew Flory, 38 35:0425 Brian Brooks, 30 35:2926 Paul Mollett, 41 35:393 Ann Snuggerud, 44* 35:4527 Chris Doyle, 21 35:494 Heidi Miler, 47* 35:5928 Carleton Perry, 47 36:0229 Carl Spindler, 24 36:1530 Chris Halloran, 39 36:5031 Jason Tidwell, 44 36:5732 John Eiden, 48 36:5733 Paul Case, 54 37:0434 John Bailey, 39 37:1135 Dave Moore, 45 37:1436 Benjamin Golisek, 38 37:3037 Scott Parker, 31 37:445 Deanna Puddy, 20* 37:4638 Jacob Traxler, 23 37:4739 Keith Ainsworth, 50 37:4740 Andrew Pritchard, 49 38:0541 Robert Britain, 53 38:076 Laura Horton, 35* 38:3042 Mitch Vars, 42 38:5143 Michael Stoner, 35 39:0944 Terry Hakkola, 62 39:3445 Brooks Borrell, 30 39:3646 Avner Ben-Ner, 61 39:5047 Christian Castillo, 40 39:557 Nissa Larson, 34* 39:578 Chang McAleese, 29* 40:0348 JoJo Baldus, 14 40:0749 Greg Taylor, 65 40:36

9 Sonia Coley, 33* 40:4850 John Benninghoff, 40 40:4951 Erik Larson, 37 40:5310 Ellie Snuggerud, 13* 40:5852 Ross Hyde, 38 41:0111 Kimberly Mikla, 43* 41:0912 Klare Case, 22* 41:1913 Amy Lake, 35* 41:4114 Amanda Symes, 26* 41:5253 Dustin Collicott, 26 41:5915 Theresa Bourdage, 45* 42:0516 Molly Hillstrom, 34* 42:0617 Gloria Jansen, 64* 42:3154 Rick Recker, 67 42:4518 Carol Daniels, 59* 42:4819 Kindra Saar, 35* 43:1555 Alex Sosa, 41 43:5556 Jacob Snuggerud, 15 44:1157 Austin Miler, 12 44:1220 Erin Delaney, 45* 44:4658 Paul Hanson, 49 45:1459 Don Soule, 62 45:4421 Emma Snuggerud, 10* 46:0460 Joe Sherry, 33 46:0422 Natashda Holm, 21* 47:3161 Greg LeMay, 48 47:4523 Rohini Khatri, 27* 47:4562 Chris Larocca, 27 47:4663 Mike Miler, 50 47:5064 Christopher Kelly, 49 47:5165 Curt Hillstrom, 70 48:1166 Andrew Kaul, 11 48:1967 Peter Kaul, 46 48:2068 Brent Johnson, 36 49:3469 David Van Schyndel, 38 50:4924 Delta Larkey, 32* 50:5070 Matthew Larkey, 35 50:5725 Erin Strot, 30* 51:0171 Patrick O'Meara, 11 51:0726 Amanda Olson, 42* 51:2327 Jayne Larson, 36* 51:5928 Dorinda Lambrecht, 46* 52:0772 Stephen Paladie, 69 52:3673 Rick Huseth, 56 52:4829 Amber Stoner, 33* 53:2830 Leann Lehmann, 48* 53:3531 Cindy Blackstad, 46* 53:3574 Bill Berneking, 72 57:1132 Brenda Nelson, 44* 1:00:3133 Katie McMahon, 29* 1:00:38* indicates females


Open Men1 Matt Gabrielson, 33 30:012 Festus Kigen, 26 30:233 Christopher Erichsen, 26 30:314 Eric Loeffler, 35 30:565 Erik Teig, 28 31:116 Adam Condit, 29 31:187 Jake Marotz, 24 31:238 Philip Richert, 25 31:289 Kelly Fermoyle, 26 31:3110 Jeff Mertzdorff, 29 31:4211 Joey Keillor, 37 31:4912 Josh Metcalf, 36 31:5413 Matthew Boumeester, 25 31:5614 Ben Merchant, 32 32:0015 Richard Kandie, 27 32:0716 Ben Kampf, 25 32:0817 Joe Garbina 32:24

18 Jack Delehanty, 25 32:2519 Timothy Branigan, 24 32:5320 Jeremy Polson, 34 32:5721 Brent Haglund, 24 32:5922 Michael Little, 35 33:0023 Kevin Doe, 31 33:0224 Bart Johnson, 26 33:0325 Jason Quaford, 26 33:0726 John Mirth, 49 33:1427 Ben Schneider, 28 33:2028 Carl Gladitsch, 25 33:2129 Cam Green, 26 33:2230 Mark Sanders, 25 33:24

Open Women33 Emily Brown, 27 33:2840 Doreen Kitaka, 28 34:0342 Michelle Frey, 30 34:0546 Jenna Boren, 35 34:1959 Megan Thomas, 27 35:0061 Kim Robinson, 29 35:1171 Nicole Cueno, 32 35:5176 Pasca Cheruiyot, 25 36:0882 Jill Klaverkamp, 33 36:2093 Melissa Gacek, 35 37:1099 Sandra McClellan, 33 37:30100 Rhiannon Beckendorf, 30 37:31108 Laura Roach, 24 38:00112 Meghan Roth, 24 38:04113 Amy Halseth, 42 38:05119 Clare Kazmierczak, 35 38:19123 Cynthia Jerop, 18 38:36130 Erin Zunich, 25 38:53133 Angie Voight, 35 38:56135 Willie Tibbetts, 41 39:03140 Kelly Scheller, 36 39:14144 Kimberly Anderson, 47 39:30145 Suzie Fox, 28 39:30148 Heather Himler, 36 39:36151 Kate Koski, 39 39:47153 Audrey Weber, 25 39:49160 Zoe Byrnes, 30 40:01161 Bonnie Sons, 46 40:06167 Katie Theisen, 25 40:23169 Sonya Decker, 45 40:27

Men 8 - 9314 Russell Gokemeijer, 9 44:49

Men 10 - 11256 Willem Gokemeijer, 11 43:121232 Henry Mans, 10 57:291555 Henry Scherer, 11 1:00:151636 Corey Kauma, 10 1:00:522048 Quinn O'Keefe, 11 1:03:512787 Garrison Pfeffer, 11 1:09:332865 Abraham Teuber, 11 1:10:203587 Oskar Grothe, 10 1:36:32

Men 12 - 13316 Sean Baker, 13 44:50574 Andrew Selchow, 13 49:362498 Tyler Rahkola, 13 1:07:032811 Noah Kersten, 12 1:09:483408 Zuriel Adam, 12 1:21:01

Men 14 - 15149 Tamer Mische-Richter, 15 39:38512 Mike Hadacek, 15 48:44522 Jonah Mische, 15 48:50589 Patrick Lammers, 15 49:47660 Luke Rongitsch, 15 50:57727 Abram Donovan, 14 51:501423 Puggy Knudson, 14 59:171830 Trenton Olson, 15 1:02:192661 Noah Halloran, 14 1:08:292868 David Johnson, 14 1:10:21


continued on page 25

25 MAY/JUNE 2012


Men 16 - 17107 Kyle Marshall, 17 37:51177 Ben Palmer, 17 40:53210 Anders Evenson, 17 41:56491 Joshua Hanson, 17 48:28642 Conor Hussey, 16 50:46647 Kristoffer Anderson, 16 50:49715 Jacob Hanson, 17 51:43970 Alec Horner, 17 54:391111 Daniel Schultz, 16 56:153464 Ty Fleming, 16 1:23:30

Men 18 - 1953 Joey Brenner, 19 34:40326 Jersey Mische-Richter, 19 45:07430 Erik Rehnberg, 18 47:21477 Benjamin Larwa, 19 48:141018 Eric Johnson, 18 55:091804 Tony Lewis, 18 1:02:11

Men 35 - 394 Eric Loeffler, 35 30:5611 Joey Keillor, 37 31:4912 Josh Metcalf, 36 31:5422 Michael Little, 35 33:0054 Adam Himes, 39 34:4562 Mike Buenting, 37 35:1763 Tom Sullivan, 35 35:2465 Joel Wegener, 38 35:3174 Allen Broderius, 36 36:0675 Peder Nestingen, 36 36:08

Men 40 - 4449 Kenneth Cooper, 40 34:2967 Pete Miller, 42 35:4184 Scott Davis, 42 36:2285 Jay Nelson, 42 36:27114 Mark Brose, 44 38:08122 Joe Litsey, 42 38:33139 Gerald Butler, 40 39:11142 Andrew Eichelman, 43 39:29156 Michael Price, 44 39:58159 Kevin Nelson, 41 40:01

Men 45 - 4926 John Mirth, 49 33:1432 Patrick Billig, 49 33:2789 Hyun Yoon, 47 37:0096 Marc Nosal, 46 37:19109 Eric Porte, 47 38:01126 Nick Pilney, 46 38:45134 Darrin Diedrich, 46 38:57143 Hendrie Grant, 49 39:29162 Brian Domeier, 45 40:09164 Raymond Mitchell, 47 40:12

Men 50 - 5455 Paul Giannobile, 52 34:4760 Doug Keller, 53 35:0778 Jarrow Wahman, 50 36:1380 Bill Magdalene, 53 36:1481 Pete Kessler, 50 36:1991 Rob Class, 51 37:0794 Todd Sheldon, 50 37:11102 Douglas Hegley, 50 37:38106 Dennis Wallach, 54 37:47111 Rick Larsen, 50 38:04

Men 55 - 5966 Steve Thomas, 55 35:32118 David Tappe, 55 38:18124 Allen Zetterlund, 57 38:38154 Bobby Paxton, 55 39:51166 Michael Bjornberg, 58 40:17187 Rick Strand, 58 41:03198 Dale Heinen, 56 41:25199 Dave Ottoson, 57 41:26206 Mike Setter, 56 41:49212 Dan Morse, 59 41:57

Men 60 - 64176 Denny Jordan, 60 40:48

227 Michael Seaman, 61 42:23328 John Naslund, 61 45:09355 Michael Colaizy, 61 45:47392 Arland Braaten-Lee, 63 46:29411 Ed Waldera, 64 46:58465 Terrence Hakkola, 62 48:03506 Steve Maupin, 61 48:39509 Albert Van Der Schans, 60 48:40531 Jerry House, 64 48:59

Men 65 - 69245 Jim Graupner, 67 42:50464 Norm Purrington, 68 48:02513 Tom Vertin, 65 48:44567 Raymond Cyr, 68 49:31581 Wayne Grundstrom, 65 49:42615 Peter Schuchardt, 69 50:12711 Greg Taylor, 65 51:41829 Don Dornfeld, 68 53:111168 Dj Carlson, 68 56:441434 James Rogers, 68 59:25

Men 70 - 74462 Thom Weddle, 73 48:00486 Dennis Brewer, 70 48:23604 Harvey Johnson, 70 50:00671 Nick Rogers, 73 51:07882 Edward Rousseau, 72 53:49929 Phil Erickson, 71 54:151371 Bernard Harney, 71 58:472074 Richard Wicklund, 72 1:04:022520 Richard Unger, 72 1:07:192784 Ray Ayotte, 70 1:09:32

Men 75 - 791803 Alan M Phillips, 77 1:02:112412 John Adams, 75 1:06:252521 Douglas Erbeck, 76 1:07:192936 Bob Wahman, 76 1:11:11

Men 85 - 893560 Allen Johnson, 85 1:31:37

Women 8 - 92909 Olivia Lutkevich, 8 1:10:50

Women 10 - 112063 Mykayla Babcock, 11 1:03:582812 Paige Kersten, 11 1:09:482845 Abby Pirkl, 10 1:10:063413 Samara Adam, 10 1:21:02

Women 12 - 131021 Sara Bickel, 13 55:111211 Charlotte Howland, 13 57:151875 Sara Belden, 13 1:02:423142 Samantha Johnson, 12 1:14:443364 Ketura Adam, 13 1:20:05

Women 14 - 15846 Hannah Moland, 14 53:23872 Mikaela Kauma, 14 53:401007 Faith Allen, 15 55:051516 Danielle Madson, 15 59:561884 Allison Urevig, 14 1:02:441926 Kasey Kromschroeder, 15 1:03:023346 Emma Pfeffer, 15 1:19:31

Women 16 - 17414 Cate Rudnicki, 17 47:00546 Rebecca Newman, 17 49:13913 Madisen Vukich, 17 54:081164 Emily Lutz, 16 56:431166 Charlotte Bonner, 16 56:441173 Adeline Zvosec, 17 56:501450 Bryanna Haege, 17 59:331982 Rachel Larson, 17 1:03:262815 Brooke Skuta, 16 1:09:492931 Mary Larson, 17 1:11:08

Women 18 - 19123 Cynthia Jerop, 18 38:36745 Caitlin Bordson, 18 52:02

934 Danielle Nelson, 18 54:211165 Malia Cone, 19 56:431303 Amanda Dahl, 18 58:161589 Helen Tazelaar, 19 1:00:281664 Amanda Okerson, 18 1:01:031751 Molly Robinson, 19 1:01:441766 Keegan Brown, 19 1:01:511980 Rachel Rausch, 19 1:03:25

Women 35 - 3946 Jenna Boren, 35 34:1993 Melissa Gacek, 35 37:10119 Clare Kazmierczak, 35 38:19133 Angie Voight, 35 38:56140 Kelly Scheller, 36 39:14148 Heather Himler, 36 39:36151 Kate Koski, 39 39:47175 Jenny Wilcox, 37 40:45180 Sheila Eldred, 38 40:57238 Jody Zeleznikar, 39 42:44

Women 40 - 44113 Amy Halseth, 42 38:05135 Willie Tibbetts, 41 39:03201 Tina Hjeltman, 41 41:34208 Ann Snuggerud, 44 41:53213 Connie Lutkevich, 44 41:58266 Tamara Rosselit, 41 43:27287 Lisa Kresky-Griffin, 40 44:05288 Kara Thom, 43 44:06303 Jodee Thomas Hollenbeck, 4044:39395 Angela Kauch, 42 46:37

Women 45 - 49144 Kimberly Anderson, 47 39:30161 Bonnie Sons, 46 40:06169 Sonya Decker, 45 40:27179 Debra Campbell, 45 40:56203 Heidi Keller Miler, 47 41:39277 Linda Green, 48 43:41278 Lisa Hines, 49 43:43292 Julie McDaniel, 47 44:17381 Amy Clark, 48 46:12400 Suzann Mouw, 48 46:42

Women 50 - 54229 Pamela Weier, 52 42:25294 Krisit Larson, 53 44:19300 Leila McGrath, 54 44:32332 Kelly Rogers, 53 45:12353 Donna Melody, 54 45:44367 Kathleen Madden, 54 45:57382 Ann Wasson, 51 46:14407 Patricia Langum, 51 46:56488 Nancy Marquette, 54 48:25551 Anta Baugh, 54 49:21

Women 55 - 59269 Janet Rosen, 58 43:34312 Andriette Wickstrom, 57 44:46485 Sonia Jacobsen, 56 48:22550 Wendy Anderson, 59 49:19596 Laurie Rice, 57 49:52764 Linda Christen, 55 52:17924 Ann Haugejorde, 58 54:13952 Laura Pramann, 55 54:301069 Wendy Friede, 59 55:511115 Sandy Oliver, 56 56:15

Women 60 - 64579 Gloria Jansen, 64 49:42683 Diane Stoneking, 64 51:17830 Kathleen Shea, 64 53:11911 Cheryl Jarding, 60 54:051057 Candy Patrin, 64 55:401065 Debbie Janey, 61 55:471391 Barbara Sellers, 64 59:041697 Cherie Baker, 64 1:01:261791 Jeannine Naslund, 60 1:02:062033 Elizabeth Connelly, 61 1:03:49

Women 65 - 69808 Rosemary Harnly, 65 52:541552 Kathryn Benhardus, 65 1:00:141718 Carol Klitzke, 65 1:01:341851 Peggy Trager, 66 1:02:322517 Martha Pakan, 69 1:07:183181 Constance Baillie, 66 1:15:273303 Marcia Willett, 67 1:18:023476 Robin Reed, 65 1:23:513574 Bonnie Brysky, 68 1:33:323595 Kathryn Brewer, 68 1:39:36

Women 70 - 74869 Marilyn Schnobrich, 70 53:391042 Sandra Dalquist, 71 55:273578 Carol Nestrud, 74 1:34:25

Women 75 - 792952 Dorothy Marden, 75 1:11:263296 Lois Degonda, 77 1:17:51

Women 80 - 843575 Barbara Burhans, 80 1:34:013601 Jeannine Julson, 83 1:41:20

Get In Gear Half MarathonAPRIL 28, MINNEAPOLIS & ST. PAUL

Open Men1 Brian Sames, 25 1:14:292 Benjamin Knudson, 33 1:17:453 Heriberto Vargas Olalde, 301:18:054 Zachary Klein, 16 1:18:215 Dan Arlandson, 35 1:18:396 Kidane Shulbe, 32 1:18:407 Larry Tholkes, 44 1:20:218 David Beeksma, 46 1:22:419 Neil Albares, 23 1:22:5110 Jamie Steidl, 33 1:23:0911 Thomas Schumacher, 43 1:23:1812 Ben Hadrich, 28 1:23:2913 John Bussey, 26 1:23:3314 Matt Lefebvre, 22 1:23:4515 David Tompkins, 41 1:24:0816 Dan Worley, 39 1:24:2217 Daniel De Grace, 43 1:24:2518 Jacob Rath, 32 1:24:2819 Paul Ching, 41 1:24:5620 Thomas Distad, 28 1:25:3221 Allan Bohlke, 48 1:25:4022 Jim Boatman, 55 1:25:5023 William Langhout, 54 1:26:0324 Wayne Kazmierczak, 41 1:26:0625 Matthew Liebl, 26 1:26:1126 Sean Feilen, 25 1:26:1627 Patrick Staiger, 43 1:26:1828 Josh Newhall, 38 1:27:2429 Evan Reed, 40 1:27:5830 Douglas Schroeder, 26 1:28:23

Open Women35 Donna Philippot, 43 1:29:2541 Anja Jokela, 27 1:30:0750 Darla Langert, 44 1:32:2854 Jayna Tilstra, 23 1:32:5158 Kerry Oliver, 40 1:33:3968 Matea Wasend, 21 1:34:0872 Jennifer Martone, 40 1:34:2876 Kristine Duininck, 38 1:35:5488 Lisa Raykowski, 39 1:36:4589 Annie Kopplin, 24 1:36:4794 Brooke Rosen, 24 1:37:17101 Marissa Poissant, 30 1:37:49


26MAY/JUNE 2012


106 Jessica Zimmerman, 34 1:38:14110 Kimberly Hayden, 31 1:38:26113 Anna Krieger, 20 1:38:56116 Jody Nelson, 47 1:39:06119 Mary Mortensen, 40 1:39:31120 Shannon Swanson, 40 1:39:51124 Sarah Berger, 25 1:40:11126 Kristyn Benson, 37 1:40:13130 Christine Moss, 36 1:40:29135 Christine Barry, 37 1:40:41136 Jill Hotujec, 30 1:40:41140 Jana Curiel, 39 1:41:22142 Julie Vanheyst, 36 1:41:35144 Katie Piirainen, 26 1:41:37154 Sarah McClellan, 40 1:42:18162 Heather Walseth, 35 1:42:43165 Rhoda Klotz, 45 1:42:52170 Jill Prevost, 36 1:43:20

Men 14 - 15238 Steven Stotts, 15 1:47:16601 Tyler Wear, 14 2:01:59

Men 16 - 174 Zachary Klein, 16 1:18:21353 Matthew Sherman, 16 1:52:27354 Michael Sherman, 16 1:52:27

Men 18 - 1961 Dan Proulx, 18 1:33:49234 Drew Polasky, 18 1:47:08289 Matt Bagshaw, 19 1:49:39376 Erik Money, 19 1:53:36462 Devin Bossert, 19 1:57:00791 Max Hager, 19 2:09:56816 Bryan Leal, 18 2:10:53862 Austin Theis, 18 2:13:14

Men 35 - 395 Dan Arlandson, 35 1:18:3916 Dan Worley, 39 1:24:2228 Josh Newhall, 38 1:27:2437 Tim Howe, 38 1:29:5445 Graeme Webster, 35 1:31:2853 Darren Trenkmann, 39 1:32:3777 Trevor Greene, 37 1:35:5595 Jason Phillips, 36 1:37:1797 Dan Eaton, 38 1:37:2699 Dave Amos, 36 1:37:42

Men 40 - 447 Larry Tholkes, 44 1:20:2111 Thomas Schumacher, 43 1:23:1815 David Tompkins, 41 1:24:0817 Daniel De Grace, 43 1:24:2519 Paul Ching, 41 1:24:5624 Wayne Kazmierczak, 41 1:26:0627 Patrick Staiger, 43 1:26:1829 Evan Reed, 40 1:27:5842 Lawrence Callanan, 42 1:30:2346 Christopher Gerlach, 42 1:31:32

Men 45 - 498 David Beeksma, 46 1:22:4121 Allan Bohlke, 48 1:25:4059 Chuck Jensen Ii, 45 1:33:4060 Peter Killilea, 45 1:33:4483 Mark Pixler, 49 1:36:2284 Steve Neuharth, 45 1:36:2392 Karl Bradford, 49 1:37:1296 Dan Willard, 46 1:37:20134 Jay Neumann, 45 1:40:37147 Perry Aasness, 47 1:41:52

Men 50 - 5423 William Langhout, 54 1:26:0338 Jim Grindle, 54 1:29:5540 Rick Jackson, 53 1:30:0079 Mark Pearson, 50 1:35:59104 Thomas Prew, 50 1:38:03107 Neil Hetherington, 50 1:38:21160 Markus Pluess, 50 1:42:28

169 Loren Hooyman, 52 1:43:10172 Brent Friesen, 53 1:43:32196 Dan Joachim, 52 1:45:00

Men 55 - 5922 Jim Boatman, 55 1:25:5036 Bruce Dockter, 55 1:29:4455 Richard Goad, 55 1:32:5898 Roy Nisula, 55 1:37:27108 Patrick McCann, 56 1:38:23150 Jack Wussler, 57 1:42:10155 Doug Johnston, 57 1:42:19184 Hyon Kim, 57 1:44:07204 Richard Bottorff, 58 1:45:21244 Bruce Money, 55 1:47:32

Men 60 - 64102 David Jendrzejek, 60 1:37:53168 Tom Pedersen, 60 1:43:08187 Charles Peck, 60 1:44:34274 David Asp, 64 1:49:04326 Steve Belmont, 62 1:51:43344 Lawrence Gray, 62 1:52:16425 Scott Charlesworth, 61 1:55:34587 Franklin Fleming, 61 2:01:20634 Virgil Koski, 62 2:03:10728 Harvey Glamann, 63 2:07:03

Men 65 - 69890 Rudolf Anders, 65 2:14:48928 James Wolf, 67 2:17:101014 Greg Merth, 65 2:21:151091 Harry Lando, 65 2:26:071242 Tom Smith, 69 3:04:26

Men 75 - 791230 Pat Brown, 75 2:52:16

Women 14 - 15213 Abby Cahill, 14 1:45:34

Women 16 - 17560 Kait Howell, 17 2:00:25

Women 18 - 19286 Antonina Storniolo, 19 1:49:37492 Nicole Woodall, 19 1:57:48510 Jennifer Goetz, 18 1:58:21807 Alissa Fisher, 19 2:10:39915 Samantha Arnal, 19 2:16:16998 Meagan Trayers, 18 2:20:371172 Alayna Morgan, 19 2:36:191216 Dena Coffman, 18 2:46:14

Women 35 - 3976 Kristine Duininck, 38 1:35:5488 Lisa Raykowski, 39 1:36:45126 Kristyn Benson, 37 1:40:13130 Christine Moss, 36 1:40:29135 Christine Barry, 37 1:40:41140 Jana Curiel, 39 1:41:22142 Julie Vanheyst, 36 1:41:35162 Heather Walseth, 35 1:42:43170 Jill Prevost, 36 1:43:20171 Tara Liebergen, 36 1:43:25

Women 40 - 4435 Donna Philippot, 43 1:29:2550 Darla Langert, 44 1:32:2858 Kerry Oliver, 40 1:33:3972 Jennifer Martone, 40 1:34:28119 Mary Mortensen, 40 1:39:31120 Shannon Swanson, 40 1:39:51154 Sarah McClellan, 40 1:42:18318 Greta Chen, 40 1:51:20334 Tina Eskro, 44 1:51:55341 Amanda Goodman, 41 1:52:09

Women 45 - 49116 Jody Nelson, 47 1:39:06165 Rhoda Klotz, 45 1:42:52254 Jayne Nemeth, 46 1:47:57273 Jennifer Lester, 45 1:48:56

327 Lynn Blake, 45 1:51:48345 Debra Blake, 47 1:52:17380 Karen Poel, 49 1:53:53394 Kathy Jambor, 46 1:54:33397 Carol Peterson, 47 1:54:38430 Lisa Andersen, 46 1:55:40

Women 50 - 54259 Karen Dawson, 51 1:48:15308 Tamara Snyder, 52 1:50:38416 Teresa Berens, 52 1:55:17468 Denise Ostlund, 51 1:57:09607 Alison Conrad, 54 2:02:15655 Andi MacKie, 50 2:03:48660 Beth Grahek, 54 2:04:05693 Jodi Rogness, 54 2:05:38696 Marcia Malinowski, 53 2:05:43699 Helen Bagshaw, 50 2:05:52

Women 55 - 59251 Barb Leininger, 59 1:47:50628 Patricia Frankenfield, 55 2:03:02742 Ruth Ann Carlson, 57 2:07:42931 Karen Brindley, 57 2:17:27962 Deb McClellan, 55 2:19:02976 Sallie Quammen, 57 2:19:39977 Nancy Wagner, 55 2:19:391160 Debbie Iverson, 56 2:34:33

Women 60 - 64741 Susan McCauley, 60 2:07:41901 Jill Delisi, 60 2:15:261059 Peggy Hunter, 60 2:23:481140 Diane Edison, 63 2:31:19

Lake MinnewaskaWarmup HalfMarathonMAY 5, GLENWOOD

Overall1 Matt Gabrielson, 33 1:08:562 Justin Grunewald, 26 1:12:073 John Stanton-Geddes, 30 1:12:204 W Scott Lindell, 44 1:15:515 Obed Gisemba, 33 1:16:066 Matt Wegmann, 26 1:16:077 Kassaye Gemeda, 33 1:22:338 Ladia Albertson, 26* 1:22:369 Dillon Johnston, 24 1:24:3810 Peter Kessler, 50 1:24:3811 Ken Hammer, 58 1:27:3012 Kyler Vossen, 19 1:29:0813 Bonnie Sons, 46* 1:29:3314 Kevin Vanheuveln, 50 1:29:5715 Mick Quinn, 37 1:30:2516 Troy Reine, 33 1:31:1417 Melissa Jansen, 41* 1:31:4018 Gary Geer, 45 1:31:5819 Kadie Hokanson, 31* 1:32:3520 Christina Floding, 41* 1:32:4521 Joshua Starr, 13 1:33:3822 Jay Grandprey, 51 1:34:0923 Mallory McNally, 22* 1:34:2224 Brian Bienias, 20 1:35:0925 Eric Lewis, 48 1:35:4226 Ron Guetter, 52 1:36:1527 Katherine Zupan, 26* 1:38:1828 Bill Knutson, 49 1:38:2429 Brian Hedstrom, 31 1:39:0630 Lori Wallin, 33* 1:39:0831 Richard McLain, 45 1:39:5432 Darrel Henry, 46 1:40:2333 Leah Campbell, 34* 1:40:46

34 Jason Lybeck, 34 1:41:0835 William Lorenz, 39 1:41:4536 Randall Zimmerman, 50 1:42:0437 Rachel Hedlin, 31* 1:42:2238 John Vornholt, 45 1:42:4839 Mike Bratsch, 50 1:43:5040 Megan Nelsen, 25* 1:43:5341 Hilary Stanton-Geddes, 28*1:43:5642 Amy Morrell, 43* 1:46:0943 Todd Martin, 45 1:46:4044 Jolene Moen, 37* 1:47:3545 Jolene Hebrink, 48* 1:48:1446 Jon Frikke, 25 1:48:1447 Renee Bjork, 46* 1:48:3748 Monica Fedora, 47* 1:48:5149 Polly Ahrens, 35* 1:48:5750 Shelly Noland, 33* 1:49:1851 Don Kuismi, 49 1:50:0952 Will Stark, 35 1:52:0553 Barb Montonye, 45* 1:52:1454 John Dahl, 48 1:53:1255 Austin Friese, 13 1:53:1256 Michelle Hess, 38* 1:53:2257 Sara Sand, 35* 1:53:2958 Jakob Lasota, 15 1:54:1159 Lisa Reeck, 26* 1:55:1060 Darin Ditterich, 26 1:55:1061 Todd Larson, 44 1:56:0762 Raymond Cyr, 68 1:56:2963 Rebecca McCleery, 40* 1:56:4264 Roxanne Lorenz, 32* 1:56:4365 Wendy Nelsen, 59* 1:58:4266 Michael Gorman, 41 2:00:4867 Mackenzie Geer, 15* 2:01:0168 Jarrid Jergenson, 29 2:01:0269 Marcus McCleery, 47 2:03:5770 Jeffrey Ozanne, 31 2:04:5471 Amy Uecker, 42* 2:09:5172 Kyla Thompson, 37* 2:09:5173 Chad Friese, 39 2:10:3374 Brittney Gehrking, 26* 2:11:5775 Lori Gehrking, 50* 2:12:0076 Jen Windegarden, 27* 2:12:3677 Chuck Buckner, 59 2:12:3678 Lori Hanson, 38* 2:14:2579 Jessica Lapoint, 27* 2:14:4180 Tanya Friese, 37* 2:14:4181 Jennifer Mrnak-Meyer, 32* 2:15:4282 Sheila Korn, 43* 2:20:4883 Melissa Krueger, 29* 2:23:3084 Mindy Foltz, 27* 2:23:3685 Jordin Lursen, 31 2:27:0086 Tiffany Johnson, 29* 2:27:2387 Bonnie Hauser, 51* 2:27:3888 Marena Lewis, 26* 2:31:4589 Meghan Neumann, 27* 2:51:43* indicates females


Open Men1 Jimmy Boortz, 27 18:512 Bart Meath, 39 19:003 Ryan Gifford, 27 20:274 Peter Larson, 50 20:545 Sean Murphy, 34 21:026 Paul Barnard, 50 21:13


continued on page 27

27 MAY/JUNE 2012


7 Brett Eslinger, 33 21:258 Max Bauer, 14 21:3012 Ray Woodworth, 42 22:0115 Robert Barthel, 53 22:5017 Richard Leboff, 33 23:0218 Paul Bauer, 67 23:0719 Nick Scheibel, 32 23:1721 Erik Waller, 27 23:2322 Steve Nelson, 45 23:2623 John Brown, 68 23:3224 Jon Varner, 51 23:3825 Dan Fischenich, 57 23:4126 Woody Armitage, 47 23:4528 Henry Rose, 9 24:0230 Timothy Malooly, 49 24:1831 Curt Goke, 66 24:1932 Mark Laven, 54 24:3135 Michael DeRuyter, 39 25:0136 Corey Press, 27 25:0638 Jason Gower, 38 25:2539 Tim Gossfeld, 53 25:3141 David Wardlow, 26 25:3642 Vernon Berglund, 53 25:3652 Reid Goodman, 9 26:40

Open Women9 Tiffany Bode, 24 21:4010 Kendall Johnson, 16 21:5111 Kara Thom, 43 21:5813 Parry Larson, 16 22:1814 Judy Larson, 12 22:2416 Leah Breitbach, 41 22:5220 Kristin Gifford, 27 23:2227 Angela Sullivan, 33 23:5229 Marise Widmer, 52 24:1533 Nancy Marquette, 54 24:3934 Megan Gfroerer-Johnson, 27 24:3937 Heather Remer, 27 25:0840 Ashley Voller, 29 25:3143 Anna Barnard, 12 25:4544 Kristyn Vickman, 28 25:4545 Martha Barnard, 12 25:5146 Tina Leboff, 34 25:5547 Kerry Hudgens, 33 26:0548 Dana Birkholz, 30 26:0649 Katie Goodman, 12 26:0850 Elizabeth Scheibel, 28 26:1151 Tracy Ossmann, 43 26:2053 Pam Joe, 47 26:4159 Megan Williams, 18 27:0862 Laurie Gamache, 29 27:1363 Rachael Hansen, 28 27:1467 Joanne Bartel, 58 27:2370 Kindra Saari, 35 27:4272 Shannon Laffond, 32 27:4873 Lisa Turner, 52 27:50

Men Under 8237 Peter Ronken, 6 38:38

Men 8 - 928 Henry Rose, 9 24:0252 Reid Goodman, 9 26:40124 Noah Ronken, 9 31:05125 Charlie KnaussRonken, 9 31:11

Men 10 - 1156 Nathan Hamilton, 10 26:56156 Simon KnaussRonken, 11 33:09216 Tommy Beutz, 10 36:43248 Dylan Brokenmeier, 11 39:51

Men 12 - 13110 Jake Alessio, 13 30:22291 Isaac Olson, 13 49:10

Men 14 - 158 Max Bauer, 14 21:30134 Max Olson, 15 31:37137 Joseph Benson, 15 31:52181 Evan McNally, 15 34:12

197 Jordan Lipscomb, 14 35:18

Men 35 - 392 Bart Meath, 39 19:0035 Michael DeRuyter, 39 25:0138 Jason Gower, 38 25:2576 Ryan Hagelstrom, 35 28:02109 Paul Johnson, 36 30:20114 Jerrod Larson, 39 30:36121 Jason Hiltner, 38 31:00135 Eric North, 35 31:40140 Michael Plambeck, 35 31:55142 Jeff Corn, 35 32:05

Men 40 - 4412 Ray Woodworth, 42 22:0157 Tim Lindquist, 42 26:5858 John Weber, 43 26:5966 Cullen Prouty, 41 27:2078 Mark Wegscheid, 44 28:10103 Brian Comeau, 42 30:07106 Dan Michael, 40 30:17130 Dale Copeman, 42 31:23191 Dustin Brakemeier, 41 34:43195 Wayne Burfeind, 40 35:01

Men 45 - 4922 Steve Nelson, 45 23:2626 Woody Armitage, 47 23:4530 Timothy Malooly, 49 24:1854 Ann Nelson, 47 26:4479 Michael Garry, 49 28:2283 Joseph Lowery, 46 28:39100 Tony Growe, 45 29:51128 Roger Ness, 46 31:22131 Jim Alessio, 46 31:24148 Bruce Brakemeier, 47 32:39

Men 50 - 544 Peter Larson, 50 20:546 Paul Barnard, 50 21:1315 Robert Barthel, 53 22:5024 Jon Varner, 51 23:3832 Mark Laven, 54 24:3139 Tim Gossfeld, 53 25:3142 Vernon Berglund, 53 25:3660 Thomas Waugh, 52 27:1061 Kirt Goetzke, 51 27:1271 Martin Bode, 53 27:46

Men 55 - 5925 Dan Fischenich, 57 23:4155 Timothy Rhoades, 59 26:4597 Steven Gammon, 59 29:26113 Dan McCarthy, 55 30:32122 Doug Langefels, 56 31:00169 Dan Komarek, 56 33:33186 Dennis Fleming, 55 34:35213 Geno Klun, 59 36:38350 Bryce Kilene, 58 1:02:35

Men 60 - 6486 Craig Moody, 60 28:53112 Robert Davies, 63 30:30288 Scott Harrison, 62 48:02352 Sandra Abraham, 64 1:04:08

Men 65 - 6918 Paul Bauer, 67 23:0723 John Brown, 68 23:3231 Curt Goke, 66 24:19126 John Gnagy, 65 31:17260 Leland LeBlanc, 68 41:04272 Andrew Thomas, 65 43:12277 David Weissbrodt, 67 44:00357 Dale Brakemeier, 68 1:07:07

Men 70 - 74254 Allen Brakemeier, 71 40:47359 Gordon Ellis, 70 1:09:16

Men 75 - 79166 John Adams, 75 33:25

185 Dick Olson, 79 34:35230 William Steinbicker, 77 38:07278 Seymour Gross, 76 44:06355 Neil Van Sloun, 79 1:05:18

Women Under 8354 Chloe Rose, 6 1:04:26

Women 8 - 9236 Katie Waugh, 9 38:35

Women 10 - 11202 Kendra Lawrance, 10 35:36225 Rika Nakato, 10 37:42

Women 12 - 1314 Judy Larson, 12 22:2443 Anna Barnard, 12 25:4545 Martha Barnard, 12 25:5149 Katie Goodman, 12 26:08161 Amanda Waugh, 12 33:15

Women 14 - 1588 Gabrielle Brakemeier, 14 29:01177 Sarah Prouty, 15 34:01227 Grace Lowery, 15 37:52

Women 16 - 1710 Kendall Johnson, 16 21:5113 Parry Larson, 16 22:18158 Schyler Corder, 16 33:11160 Hannah Schroeder, 17 33:14356 Kelyn Boettcher, 17 1:05:44

Women 18 - 1959 Megan Williams, 18 27:08

Women 35 - 3970 Kindra Saari, 35 27:4274 Miranda Tangen, 36 27:5275 Tiffany Nelson, 36 27:5880 Tanya Schmieg, 36 28:2882 Melissa Hansen, 37 28:38101 Kelly Kellin, 36 29:56123 Emily Rice, 37 31:05143 Leah Olson, 35 32:05152 Lisa Carlson, 35 32:53167 Megan Kamrath, 37 33:27

Women 40 - 4411 Kara Thom, 43 21:5816 Leah Breitbach, 41 22:5251 Tracy Ossmann, 43 26:2081 Kjirsten Hanson, 40 28:3789 Joelle Hoeft, 44 29:0494 Gwen Michael, 42 29:1696 Megan Anderson, 44 29:2199 Tanya Hamilton, 42 29:49141 Jeanne Ohren, 40 31:59145 Lori Reed, 43 32:16

Women 45 - 4953 Pam Joe, 47 26:4184 Anne Griffin, 46 28:41115 Jacque Waugh, 48 30:38129 Diana Stegall, 45 31:23138 Beth Benson, 46 31:52144 Rebecca Lowery, 45 32:14178 Nancy Vandergon, 49 34:07188 Christine Comeau, 46 34:37192 Karen Brady, 47 34:53194 Jennifer Peterson, 49 34:59

Women 50 - 5429 Marise Widmer, 52 24:1533 Nancy Marquette, 54 24:3973 Lisa Turner, 52 27:50127 Chrysa Olson, 51 31:21132 Maggie Endersbe, 51 31:27139 Nancy Van Sloun, 50 31:52151 Sally Hamm, 52 32:53170 Carole Hitt, 53 33:33171 Ruth Lotsof, 54 33:33175 Diane Bierbaum, 54 33:44

Women 55 - 5967 Joanne Bartel, 58 27:2387 Joyce Conley, 57 28:57104 Patricia Davies, 55 30:08118 Sherie Kilene, 55 30:48146 Connie Hauswirth, 58 32:19154 Sandy Johnson, 59 33:06183 Debra Lind, 56 34:32235 Anne Florenzano, 58 38:29274 Barb Schreier, 58 43:13275 Mary Bourne, 58 43:16

Women 60 - 64119 Debbie Roth, 60 30:51222 Mary Steinbicker, 60 37:10286 Shirley Tenold, 63 47:55287 Kathleen Harrison, 61 48:02301 Andrea Fell-Moody, 60 50:22353 Steve Anderson, 63 1:04:08362 Maureen Graber, 61 1:09:55

Women 65 - 6990 Sherry Hagelstrom, 65 29:05220 Mary Nichols, 69 37:04243 Susan Gnagy, 65 39:42310 Dianne Larson, 65 53:32311 Rebecca Herreid, 65 53:33315 Janet Havlicek, 67 55:03337 Cheryl Ryland, 65 57:54338 JoAnn Will, 65 57:54358 Ila Stevens, 68 1:07:08360 Judy Ellis, 67 1:09:17

Women 70 - 74208 Sharon Sandon, 71 35:59303 Geraldine Koehler, 72 50:29

Women 75 - 79339 Elizabeth Bullock, 77 58:25349 Evelyn Larson, 79 1:02:35

Women 80 - 84336 Bess Marmas, 81 57:35

Women 85 - 89346 Betty Slater, 89 1:02:22


28MAY/JUNE 2012


MAY 1 8• HCC Rock and Run10K, 2 Mile, and 1KLeBourget Park, Little FallsKate Bjorge, 320-631-5675

• EYR: Exercise Your Right toFeel Better 5KSt. Paul, MNMartha James,651 744 1311

MAY 1 9• Eagan 5K Your Way Activity Festival

5K and kid's youth dashEagan Festival Grounds, Eagan, MNKerry Phillips, 651-675-5500

• Book It! 5K Walk/Run 5KRoseville Library Roseville, MNSue Gehrz, 651-486-2213

• Black Squirrel Filthy 5 Mud RunNorwalk, WI

• Be The One Run 5K, 1K, Tot TrotLake Harriet, Minneapolis, MNTeri Vogt, 612-884-8233

• Valley Crossing 5k Fun Run 5k andKids Fun RunValley Crossing School, WoodburyMichael Wallus, (651) 245-9631

• HLFD Stop, Drop, & Stroll Family5K Fun Run/Walk 5KHam Lake, MNLisa Smith, 763-913-1684

• Scandia Fun Run1K, 5K and 10KScandia Community Center, MNAngela, 651-538-4833

• Helping Paws Wag, Walk and Run1K and 5KPurgatory Creek Rec Area, Eden PrairiePam Anderson, 952.988.9359

• Marion Arts Festival Half MarathonMarion, IowaJohn Snitko, 319-373-0741

• Fargo Marathon5K, 10K, Marathon Relay, Half Marathon& MarathonFargo, NDMark Knutson, 1-888-RUN-FARGO

• Chaska 10K/5KChaska Community Center, MNSusan Marek, 952-227-7780

• TC Kids Cross Country Fun Run Kid's eventCross country run, half mile, 1 mile, 2 mileSt. Paul, MNSandy Unger, 651-289-7700

• Team Hope 5K Run for a CureMinneapolis, MNMichele Asmussen, 763-502-1407

• We Walk! Marathon, Half Marathonand 50K St. Joseph, MinnesotaDave Daubert, 952-442-1043

• Making Tracks for Celiacs 5KRun/WalkVictoria, MNAnn Snuggerud, 952-443-1349

• Run for Hope 5KLake Como, MNAmanda Maxwell, 651-324-1150

• Houston Lion's Root River Triathlon6.5 canoe, 8 mile bike, and 3 mile runTrailhead Park, Houston, MNJennifer and Matt Evenson, 507-450-2911

• Northside Street Race 5K, Kid's RunMinneapolisMary Anderson, (651) 688-9143

• Go Grey in May 5KLake Phalen - St Paul, Tammy Greschner, 651-698-7992

• Get It Dunn Run 1/2 marathon & 5KMenomonie, WITom Hatfield, 715-347-0425

• Camp Ojibway 5K Run, Walk Waddle & Kid RunRichfield, MNMari Bonnett, 612-501-9973

• Schell's Lager Lauf 6K and 12KNew Ulm, MNKyle Marti, 507-354-5528

• Extreme 5KPine City, MNEvergreen Community Church, 651-592-8915

• Living with Lupus 5KBig Lake, MNJohn Bruns, 763 263 3316

• Growing Green Trail Run 5K, mile,kids racesRush City , MNBritta Wey, 320-358-3581

• 4 Paw 5K - Northwoods Humane • SocietyForest Lake, MinnesotaNorthwoods Humane Society/ CharlotteIhrke, 651-982-0240

• Tom Anderson 5K Run/Walk 5KAndover High SchoolMike Bobbe, 763-506-8542

• The Autism 5KLake Calhoun, Minneapolis, MNCorey Donovan, 952-215-3761

• Uffda 5K Run/WalkWanamingo, MNShannon Johnson, 507-824-1230

MAY 2 0• Spring Fling Half Marathon Half MarathonNorwalk, WI

• Apple Blossom Races 5K, 10K, 1/2Marathon, 2K Fun RunHastings, MNJim Fitzpatrick, 651-437-4359

• Making Strides 4 Kids 5k Run andWalkPhalen Park, St PaulKevin Asp, 952 303 3619

• Get Your Rear In Gear - Twin Cities 5K, Kid's RunSouthdale Center, Edina, MNMary Anderson, (651) 688-9143

• Run For the Ribbon at the Min-nesota AIDS Walk 4 MilesMinnehaha Park, MNAdrienne Widener, 612-373-2410

• Land Between the Lakes Triathlon Sprint CourseAlbert Lea, MNMark Bongers, 507-664-9438

• Growing Green Trail Run10 mile adventure runRush City, MNBritta Wey, 320-358-3581

MAY 2 4• Spring Frolic 5K & Kid’s KNew Richmond, WIIlisa Ailts, 715-248-4723

MAY 2 6• Fast and the Furry 8K & 5K9St. Paul, MNMark Kuhn, 612-812-6696

• Veterans Memorial Run 10 mile run; 5K Run/WalkNew Richmond, WISteve Peterson, 651.402.8076

MAY 2 7• Med City Marathon & Half

Marathon, Half, Relay, 20 Miler, 5KRochester, MNWally Arnold, 507-254-2703

• MDRA Mississippi 10 MileSt. Paul, MNEd Whetham, 651 491 9649

MAY 2 8• Brian Kraft Memorial 5KMinneapolis, MNCraig Yotter, 651-686-8447

• Randy's Run 5K Run/Walk 5KEden PrairieKristine Smith, 651-341-4016

• Memorial Day - Challenge Hearts &Minds 5k & 1.5 MileComo Lake, St Paul, MNGary Westlund, 612-245-9160

• 10Kato Race for a Cause 10K and 2 mileMankato, MNPatti Maes, 507 829-6576

J U N E 2• Gateway Bank 5KHwy 110 | Hwy 149Neil Garlock, 651-452-1366

• Carlyle Sherstad 5K/10K Run/WalkGrantsburg, WIKelli Eklof, 715-463-7210

• 6th Annual Celebration of Children5k, 2 Mile Walk and Kids Fun RunSun Path Elem. School, ShakopeeTonsha Hokanson, 612-803-4405

• Chester Woods Trail Run 10 Mile/5k/50kRochesterJim Mason, 507-951-2415

• Manitou 15KMatoska Park, White Bear LakeBridget Newman, 651-357-3983

• FANS 12 & 24 Hour Race 12 and 24hours UltraLake Nokomis, MinneapolisPaul and Pat Sackett, 612.377.1682

• Athletic Republic Half Marathon/5K& 1-mileFergus Falls, MNJarrod Asmus, 218-736-8451

• Rhubarb Run 1 mile, 5KLanesboro, MNJennifer Wood, 507-467-3463

• Lymphoma Research FoundationLymphomathon 5KLake Nokomis, MinneapolisMary Anderson, 651-688-9143

• I LOVE Burnsville 5KBurnsville, MNKelly Hansen-Mundahl, 952-895-4500

• New Bri TriTriathlon, Kids, 1/2 mile, 14 miles, 3 milesNew Brighton, MNRandy Fulton, (651)653-7401

• The Body of Christ Health & Well-ness Annual 5K Walk/RunPastor Jessica Jackson,[email protected]

• Livestock 5K Run/ Walk 5KSt. Peter, MinnesotaAndrew Lundquist

• Mendota Heights 5KMendota Heights, MinnesotaNeil Garlock, 652-452-1366

• Darren Dash Half Marathon, 5KAustin, MNDana Kvam, 612-481-2820

• Smokin In Steele 5K run/walk forSpecial OlympicsSteele County fairgrounds OwatonnaPaul Schneider, 507-213-4415

• City of Trails 5K & Rock N' River10K Trail RunSt. Croix Falls, WIAmy Klein, Race Director, 715-557-0197

• Monica Jensen 5K Walk/Run & 10K RunHudson, WITrisha Brenna, 651-210-1624

• Johnson Turner Calorie Burner 5Forest Lake, MNKarolina Hoerl, 651-464-7292

J U N E 3• Deadwood Mickelson Trail

Marathon, Half MarathonDeadwood, SDEmily Wheeler, 605-390-6137

• Pigman Sprint Triathlon .5K Swim, 25K Bike, 5K RunPalo, IowaJohn Snitko, 319-373-0741

• Minneapolis Marathon13.1 Miles, 26.2 Miles, Marathon Relay Minneapolis, MNJohn Larson, www.teamortho.us

J U N E 7• Pea Soup Days 5K & Kid’s RunThe Training Room, Somerset, WIHeather Larson, 715-247-5770

J U N E 9• Dog Day 5KMinneapolis (Saint Anthony Main)Adam Kocinski, 6512382651

29 MAY/JUNE 2012


• Lake Waconia Half Marathon & 5KWaconia, MNAdam Kocinsi, 651-238-2651

• Suburban Adventure Run 10K, 5K, KidsLakeville, MNMary Anderson, 651-688-9143

• Walker Methodist 5K and 10KLake Harriet, Minneapolis, MNMary Anderson, 651-688-9143

• Liberty Triathlon1/2 Ironman, Olympic TriathlonIndependence, MNMark Bongers, 507-664-9438

• Sour Grapes Half and Half Trail RunHalf Marathon & 10.55KBrainerd, MNSarah Adams, 218-829-8770

• Marathon to MarathonMarathon, 1/2 Marathon, Marathon Relay,and 5KStorm Lake to Marathon, IALois Lind, 712-289-2246

• Walk Like MADD 5KSt. Paul, MNSherri Cosentino, 651-523-0802

• Legends Run 5K, 10KDeephaven, MNMark Kuhn, 612-812-6696

• Lederhosenlauf 5K & 1 MileSt Paul's Cathedral Hill AreaGary Westlund, 612-245-9160

• Fairmont TriathlonSprint & OlympicGomsrud Park, Fairmont, MNMichael O'Rourke, 507-399-9389

• Commit to Get Fit 5KHallett Center of Crosby, MNJustin Hoefer, 218-5462616

• 5th Annual Joe Plant Memorial 5KLake Phalen, Saint Paul, MNJoel W. Dickey, 651-325-1768

• Lindenwood 10KFargo, NDDale Summers, 701 238 8407

• MN Military AppreciationRun/Walk 5K and 10KVictory Memorial Park, Minneapolis, MNMary Anderson, 651-688-9143

• Enjoy the Journey... Waters of Life 5KDuluth, MNJessica Linsten, 218-348-0028

• Booster Shot 5K, 10KBaldwin, WIScott Sekelsky, 715-684-8665

• Albertville Friendly City Days Run-5KMiddle School West, St. AlbertvilleSteve Rothweiler, 763-497-7674

J U N E 1 0• Swan Lake Marathon, 1/2 Marathon,

5.3 MileViborg, SDRenee Neufel, 605-326-5690

• MacAttack 5K Run and 3K FunWalkRochester, MNLin Gentling, 507-288-2851

J U N E 1 2• Rochester Track Club Fall

Marathon/Half Marathon Training ClassRochester Athletic Club, Rochester, MNLin Gentling, 507-288-2851

J U N E 1 5• William A. Irvin 5KDuluth, MNScott Keenan, 218-727-0947

• Whipper Snapper Races for KidsDuluth, MNJon Carlson, 218-727-0947

• Manitou Days 5KWhite Bear LakeRandy Fulton, (651)653-7401

J U N E 1 6• Hay Daze Fun Run 5K & 8KJanesville, MNTraci Schuch, 507-351-6039

• Farmington Dew Run 1 Mile, Kids,4 MileFarmington, MNKellee Omlid, 651-280-6854

• Tater Daze 5K Spud RunBrooklyn Park MNMark Palm, 763.493.8245

• Kids Against Hunger - Fill TheirPlate 5K/10KLake Calhoun, Minneapolis, MNRandy Schmidt, 952-451-5211

• Avon Spunktacular Days 5KRun/WalkAvon, MNAvon State Bank, 320-356-7334

• Notes for Cliff 5KFort Snelling State Park, ST Paul, MNMary Anderson, 651-688-9143

• Sunnybrook Stomp 5K run/walkWadena, MNDana Pavek, (218) 632-2323

• USA Half Marathon ChampionshipsDuluth, MNScott Keenan, 218-727-0947

• Garry Bjorklund Half MarathonDuluth, MNScott Keenan, 218-727-0947

• Grandma's MarathonDuluth, MNScott Keenan, 218-727-0947

• Relay for Life Midnight 5K Fun RunRichmond, MNAmy Asmussen, 320-260-8002

• Heritage Days Race 5K, 10K & 1 mileRock Rapids, IowaEmilly Austin, 605-366-6251

• Race By The River 5K and 8KHutchinson, MNSteve Kropp, 320-583-2220

J U N E 1 7• Rochesterfest TriathlonSprint and Olympic TriathlonArend Foster Park, RochesterMark Bongers, 507-664-9438

• Gridiron Gallop 5K, KidsMinneapolisMimi Kalb

• Fathers Day 5k - Celebration of Ac-tive Generations 5k Run & 1.5 MileComo Lake, St Paul, MGary Westlund, 612-245-9160

• Mountain Lake Pow Wow Road Race1/2, 1, & 4 mile runs, 1 & 2 mile fit-ness walksMountain Lake, MNMike Nelson, 507-427-2918

J U N E 2 3• River Rat 5K Run/WalkBelle Prairie Park, Little Falls, MNJacki DeVine, 320-632-8993

• Foot Lake 4 Walk/RunWillmar, MNSandra Schlagel, 320.231.8943

• Tanner's Team Foundation 5KSauk Rapids, MNJohn Fuls, 320-654-9235

• Minnetonka Summer Festival 8kMinnetonka, MNAnn Davy, 952-939-8357

• Circle of Life 5k-10kUnderwood Park Lake City MinnesotaNancy Rigelman, 651-764-4007

• UCare Tri-Loppet8k Paddle, 5k Run, 11k Mountain BikeTheodore Wirth Park, Wirth BeachAllie Rykken, 612-604-5333

• Run For The Roses 5K, 10K, FamilyFun RunRoseville MinnesotaRick Schultz, 651-792-7006

• Heart Beat 5000 Father Hennepin Park, Minneapolis, MNMary Anderson, 651-688-9143

• Get Your Rear in Gear 5KCivic Center, Rochester, MNMary Anderson, 651-688-9143

• My First Tri Triathlon400 Yard Swim, 10 Mile Bike and 2 MileRunPerch Lake WisconsinDave Mooney, 651-426-1919

• Oakdale 5K Run/WalkOakdale, MNMike Anderson, 651-747-3872

• Green Mountain Relay200-mile team relayJeffersonville to Bennington, VTTimberline Events LLC, 303-800-5353

• 17th Annual Turtlefest 5k/10kPerham, MNJeff Morris, 218-371-5992

• Running Wild Trail Run 7K,1M, kids dashMaplewood State Park - Pelican RapidsErin Tysver, 218-736-6050

• Healthy Living Race 5k Run/Walkand 1 mile Family DashAndover High School, AndoverAshley Lawther, 763-413-6934

• Yellowstone Trail Road Race 8 mile,5K and 11.1 mile Super ChallengeHammond, WITera Busker, 715-760-0883

• Delta Scholarship Fund 5K Run and WalkLake Nokomis, Minneapolis, MNMary Anderson, 651-688-9143

• Island Run 5KLutheran Island Camp, Henning, MNAdrian Anderson, 218-583-2905

J U N E 2 4• TC Pride Rainbow Run5K Run & Walk, Kid's RunStone Arch Bridge, Minneapolis, MNMary Anderson, 651-688-9143

• William O'Brien 10 Miler Trail Run,10 MilesSt. Croix, MNRandy Fulton, (651)653-7401

• Big Lake Lakes Run 8kBig Lake, MNKen Janda, 612-309-9077

• Run For The Lake 5KHoward Lake, MNBeth Hammer, 320-282-0921

J U N E 2 7• Moonlight 5KSt. Paul, MNScott Purrington, 651-733-6965

J U N E 3 0• MIP 5KHilde Performance Center, MNPCL - Becky Boe, 763-229-5176

• Komen Brainerd Lakes Race for the Cure 5KForestview Middle School, Baxter MNEmily Lanin, 218-764-3315

• Time to Fly 5K, 10KHarriet Island, St. PaulAmanda Walston, (952) 224-8497

• Tutto Bene 10k, Cabin 2 MileBemidji, MNDennis Bartz , 218-751-7611 and 218-766-0958

• Du @ the Dam Duathlon3 miles, 14 miles, 3 milesCoon Rapids, MNRandy Fulton, (651)653-7401

• SayHey5kChaska, MNKrista Windschitl, 9522106059

• Deer Park 5K/5MileDeer Park, WIIlisa Ailts, 715-248-4723

J U LY 1• Bowlus 5KBowlus, MNPeter Borash, (320) 292 - 7004

• North Mankato TriathlonSprint CourseNorth Mankato, MNMark Bongers, 507-664-9438

J U LY 3• Hot Dam 5k Fun RunMinneapolis, MNAlice Widstrand, 612-230-6400


30MAY/JUNE 2012

Minutes of the Board of DirectorsMeeting - March 19, 2012Members Present: Andrea Adams, Paul Arneberg, Norm Champ, Darrell Chris-tensen, Jim Delaplain, Noelle Frost, Mike Iserman, Kristin Johnson, Mary Johnson,Heather Kick-Abrahamson, Bill Knight, Bill Kullback, Kevin Ross, Melissa Wieczorek

Members Absent: Nathan Campeau, Jody Kobbervig, Mike Nawrocki, Andrew Plack-ner, Eve Stein

Guest Present: Heidi Miler

Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the January 17 meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report: In Jody Kobbervig’s absence, Heidi Miler presented the Trea-surer’s report. March revenues are expected to increase due to ad revenue and aone-time payment for new MDRA memberships (approximately 100) from the Ex-plore MN Challenge.

A pay raise was approved for Jason Lemkuhle, graphic artist for RunMinnesota.

Office Manager’s Report: Membership continues to increase relative to 2011, specifically:

2011 2012New Members 60 60Renewals 157 205*Membership Total 2212 2344

* includes 60 two-year renewals

RunMinnesota: The March/April issue is in process, publish early April.

Mailing List: No purchases.

Volunteers: The spring race series is beginning and has opportunities for volunteers: Saturday, March 24, Lake Johanna 4 Mile; Saturday, March 31, MDRA 7Mile; Saturday, April 7, Ron Daws 25K; Saturday, April 14, Fred Kurz 10 Mile; Sun-day, April 22, Mudball 4 mile

COMMITTEE REPORTSAdvocacy: No report.

Club Administration: New board members Andrea Adams (1 year term), Kevin Ross(2 year term), and Jim Delaplain (1 year term) were welcomed; they have elected toserve on the programs committee with Heather Kick-Abrahamson.

Programs: In addition to the running classes listed below, the programs committeeis finalizing a handbook for MDRA coaches. The first edition outlines MDRA’s coach-ing philosophy, methodology and logistics pertaining to the marathon and halfmarathon programs. It will be expanded to encompass all MDRA’s classes:

Spring Marathon Program: The spring class is unusually large and progressing well.

Women’s Running: Class begins in April.

SLP 5K training class: Class begins in April.

Track, Tundra and Trails Thursday: Debut run was a success. The Facebook groupreceived 75+ member requests when the program was announced. Mike Nawrocki isworking to get another coach to schedule the track nights, including workouts.

Northern Tracks & Trails: Eve Stein (based in Duluth) is gauging local runner interest for an MDRA program in Duluth.

Promotions: This year at the Grandma’s Marathon expo we will again offer the pro-motion of a free MDRA T-shirt with new membership. Mary Johnson and NoelleFrost are finalizing the MDRA business card layout and will have cards available forthe Grandma’s Marathon expo. Planning on the multi-media promotion is pendinguntil April.

Publications: RunMinnesota will be out on time mid-April.

Promotions: In honor of MDRA member Steve Williams, the race committee votedand approved renaming the Victory 5k as the Steve Williams Memorial 5k. TheMothers Day 5K was approved, as well as a new two race 5k cross country series innorth Minneapolis (races to be held in July and September).

USATF: No report

Old Business: None

New Business: None

Minutes of the Board of DirectorsMeeting - April 9, 2012Members Present: Andrea Adams, Paul Arneberg, Nathan Campeau, Norm Champ,Darrell Christensen, Jim Delaplain, Noelle Frost, Mike Iserman, Mary Johnson,Heather Kick-Abrahamson, Bill Knight, Mike Nawrocki, Andrew Plackner, KevinRoss, Eve Stein, Melissa Wieczorek

Members Absent: Kristin Johnson, Jody Kobbervig

Guest Present: Heidi Miler

Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the March 19 meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report: In Jody Kobbervig’s absence, Heidi Miler presented the Trea-surer’s report. Dome running revenue was down due to unusually pleasant winterweather. Annual advertising is still low due to unreceived ad revenue.

Office Manager’s Report: Membership continues to increase relative to 2011, specifically:

2011 2012New Members 61Renewals 169Membership Total 2202 2447

A high volume of general renewals in March, plus the addition of new members fromthe Explore Minnesota promotion, resulted in a significant membership boost. Thenumbers from March 2011 were skewed high due to an overpayment from our onlineservice provider; nonetheless, MDRA is on track for increasing its membership baseas the overall membership total is accurate.

Mailing List: No purchases.

Volunteers: The spring race series has begun and there are opportunities for volun-teers. Contact Heidi Miler if interestedSaturday, April 14: Fred Kurz 10 Mile, Sunday,April 22: Mudball 4 mile, Saturday, May 12: Mom’s Day 5K, Sunday, May 27: Missis-sippi 10 Mile (Sunday before Memorial Day)

COMMITTEE REPORTSAdvocacy: No report. Report scheduled in July.

Club Administration: No report.

Programs: In addition to the running classes listed below, the programs committeecontinues to refine the coaches’ handbook. A final draft of the handbook will be dis-tributed for review at the May board meeting.

Spring Marathon Program: The spring class is large and progressing well.

Women’s Running: Class will begin this month.

Edina 5K training class: Replaces the St. Louis Park class and will begin thismonth.

Track, Tundra and Trails Thursday: Mike Nawrocki is exploring options for trackaccess. The workout format will alternate weekly between a track/interval runand a trail run.

Northern Tracks & Trails: Eve Stein (based in Duluth) is gauging local runner interest for an MDRA program in Duluth.

Promotions: Eve Stein will investigate increasing MDRA promotions at Duluth arearunning events in addition to our presence at Grandma’s Marathon.

Marc Nosal promotion of MDRA at an expo for SuperValu employees resulted inhalf a dozen new members. Kathryn Benhardus spoke about the tremendous bene-fits of MDRA membership to the newly formed Wells Fargo Running Club.

Mary Johnson and Noelle Frost are refining the MDRA business card layout andwill present a final layout at the May board meeting. Cards will be printed in timefor distribution at the Grandma’s Marathon expo.

Planning has begun on the multi-media promotion “I Run With MDRA Because”and will be outlined at the May promotions committee meeting.

Publications: Mach/April RunMinnesota is ins the mail.

Race: The MDRA spring race series has been exceptionally well attended.

USATF: No report

Old Business: None

New Business: None


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