....... -..,..---------- NICARAGUA Treaty of Peace BETWEhN GENEttALS W¡UKER AND CORRAL. W e bf'lcn,v a copy of the artides of paeili",atiun lately agrécu upon by Generals W,llker aud (Jonal. 'f'lIey are conceived in a spirit of comprolllise and mutual eOllcessÍon lHghly honorable to thc gentlemen a:ld to the parties whose representatlves they !lave beell, alld "ve llave no doubt th,'Y will mee!. with the unallimous ilpprobatioll uf OUl' rcadéfs. 'rile duty (·í ue(ermitllllg the condi tliJllS uf pea ce alld Ihe malltlCr jl¡ '\vhieh the dlssen-,ions tlnt ha\'e so di"tr:H:ted u:lilap?y eountry slwul<l be l't'COIH:J'J, e',uld JIU!. llave becn CUi!!!lIil red tu nwre IlUllOl'able JI!!'I): alld Ihe'l':.:' i" en,'IY rt';tson to hop(' ¡tud ¡U he a":-'lllt'lÍ lh;tl neac\ \\'luh 1\;,:-; b\'('lI I wiil ¡ulg anJ On e\'ery:siete we Ilear tlle praiseof Gen. \Valker. Eneollliums upon the prudence, moderatilln, and stril:t :sense of hotlor and justil:e whieh haH' llIarked course tilloug'hout are elo, qUt'lltly :spiikell on ev"ery halld, while ,he gt>nernus magnallitllity aud patrioti"llI (lf Uell. lJurral, and his noble alld exertioll:S in !llovíng hls (;Ilvernment t.o pt'ac\'are thewcs npoll which every one luves to speak. BHtl llave en"hrined themselves in th,> ht'arts of lhe people of Nicaragua may they eelebrate ¡he anni\'er'<HY of thl' day wniell has securerl to thcm social anJ ¡)u¡iti(:HI and to Gf'nel'als alJL! Corríl! afl eU\'Í'1IJlé illl'llortality, Tl\,EATY. Generals \Villi,un vYalkul' an.! PonciuflI) Corral, be- ing auimatedwi,h the must "iné\erC dcsire tu put [Lll cau t,) the war whicü hU.i d0SLr,¡yell Nicilt'Uguu, alld anx- ious to r8uwdy ';0 g¡'eat an evil, tlt" ji! c>t in virtlle ol' the t"ctc:l1 tL·s gi ven hill1 aud the sec;¡nd fu Ji i' cm Dower!Jd by the Govel'llmetlt which in O;is cit)', h'lVe aCter mature in cckbr¿lting the 1\)1. ]owillg Tl'eaL)' : LFrom this dny are suspended hostilities and t.here "hall be pcace and r'rienuship betwecl1 the bdligel'ent ar- J. lu,;:nf;J. uf nI' l\i;eü.r'-l;r_l.il fur t}L:'; TC1Tn (Ji' ifl,'UlTJl j, th€ in f:tll {.;o¡¡neil uf J\¡inl ;;- "h 'uhl resolvc tu c.tll an election befo1'o the end oí' The l\{inistcrs of State wil! be appointed 13y the Prc;,.ádllllt, amI wjil bf taken from the depRl'tments (¡fwhieh is mm pllscd the ltepllbliü-'-one of "Val'. olle of lo'OJ'eiga t1nd Internal AfIúr"3, orte uf Tl'easury, and tlllJ ,,[huI' ui' Pllblie CJ'edit, ,l. Thtl Pl'uvisional Governmtmt will respect, and have COL. P. H, FRENeH. On Monday last Ool. Parkcr H. French entercd upon the of his as Commidsary of War, a position whien his fl'iends, lmowing his abitity and influ- e!lee, anel tho benefits which mUtlt naturally accrue to that depal'tment fL'Um the sume, will be wel1 pleased to learn that he has consented to aeeept. We have learned with pleasure that since he has been in uftiee many of the cupitatists of thi" city, native and tUl'cio'n have oUered ad ,'auce tile GUYl.ól'illllelH al! thdl' , - l'caJy fuud,,; that the llIbl'ch¡lllts, to a lilU:.!, llave otlered him al! lIle faciIities ut th"u' eOdúllUllJ, taidug Ud thdl' $ecul'ity fur fuLure payrnent the joint numes aud reputa- tions ot' General Walker alld CoL 1<'1'en\:h. a ma- nifu:'ltation of puh líc cOllfillellce, Laeked by tllUt uf the COJlj¡HUlll ty at llJ,l'ge; lllu"t allá of l'ight uught to be pe- eUlJ:ll'ly tlaLiel'lng LO tho:;e , . 'j h0 ,bU:Htllh;ut OVl'r WhL;h Col. 1< rcneh presILIes L; OH:;' tu tllut of u.: i1t\l'a 1 \Vltlke¡'; el'crything LO th0 lillallec" oí' 1h" anJ to Lhe ';L1P¡JOfc auel oí' dte 'inll}, pa'oil'" tllruugh hts j¡,md,;, iAud Hu'\" if ev\:r, Jo:..\:.:; tlütt l'ill:rgy flH"Ce of whic:h W .. , h,.\'e en!r lidl!'d l\\.'\)¡'Lkd him. st;tllJ, iu no,A. \Vc trust h., ln:\)' lt:,\,,, ilO dmWDacK, cltlle!' by ..,lcldJe3d uthel'wL"e in tile üiseluuge of the arJuous duties of ¡lis llíli¡;e. DIED.-In this c:ity, 011 thlo 21st, Mr, NrcHOLAS CAn- ROLI" late of Yuha eOlluty, California, (tlld a natrve of New York, ahout 35 of agl-\. Tlw de<;eas"d left San on the: 5th of Oc:tuber, to vbit hi:, fi'iends in the Atlautic States, anticipatin o ' hi, retul'U to hi'l adup- ted homl-\ on the Paeific art"l' paising thruug h tb.! lTying uf Virgin Bay and San Carlos, Whé!'" inilocent and unofiending Americans wllrc sacrif1ced by the late Legitimate party oI' Nicaragua, it wa" the will of ., Him who knuwcth aH thingH," to call his :-;pírit. away. lt lIlay be some CUl1::.o.aLÍnn to his to know that up to his lllst mom .. llts he had the attention of' sil1tJcre friends, who cnudole with famiJy at home, and hi'l fl'iends in Culitimlia. CoL vVheeler, the Ameri- call J\fil'ister. received the decea'<ed OIl his a.lTival at this place, ¡¡uJ uúendtd towards him his hospita¡ity, nm! h"d thtl funeral ecremonic'5 appl'Opriately I1ttenáed too New York and San Francisco papers please copy, r1if'" A great deal of attention has been paid to Afl'ica latC\ly. On the north the French haY e Algiers, and are makillg eonstant additiollS to its pl'imitive bc.¡mdaries.-- Down the west coast thel'e are Spaaish, Portugue:,e and Auwriean settlements, while the Cape is in posses,ion of thc English and Dutch. AH thesc settl0m.,mts are anx- ious tu get ¡niO the interior, whel'c the chmatc and soil al'\) mudl het¡;el', ami the Engllsh GovcrnmeKt have sent hvo seientitJo explol'ing exp\xlitiull:> into the COllutry; a g . :'eat (Lal uf llseful has been D'ilined.- . '" Lhc terl'itory ea . rt 01' Llberia i" a]mo:lt as larg0 :1', th0 Uní- tetl Scales, w!lÍcil lhe Amer,i·)¡J.J1 Cu!onization .so<;iety now pr"pose Lu explore and 6ettle. 'fhe task will be el <lim- cult anJ dangel'ous une, but American perHeverance, in- gtmuity, activity and ent,erprbe, willl aecomplish what- c,'el' it ulldel'takes. a11 the nations wateh anJ pray. The Alta Calijumia, thinks that newspaper pub. IblJlllg has beell ovel'done il> San .Francisco Thc pOpll- As the pas:eugers from San Frulll'-Ísco, en m'de for N ew ! o1'k, were ahuut tu emb rle 011 thc lake bOítttl.¡ the Sto Cm,los und Virgin atVirgin Bay, they wern at: tac·ked l)J (.he Ch:tlUOrra party, who I.',pproa'.!hed dl'm.l Wilh tho insiguu uf Democl'ac'y and prote,taüous of güüd will. 'l'hey their objeet tu be Lhe c"peme uf piciou, 8eillg unable to ftrld the pal·ties tlll'y looked for, they fired on the p¡Bsenger,,;-abou& six hun- d¡-eu-whu were unarmed, killing eight and wounding six, sume very dallgerollsly 'fhey then entertd the 'l'ransit Cumpany's ofIke, and UpSl"t eVel'ytlúlg about thél pl'emiS8S- roiliug the safe out ami breaking thíngsgene' rally. 1'he pa",,,el¡ger,, l'etreuted into th" bu"h where they remailled scattel'ed about !,uring thll night; the foj- ,OWillg mOl'l1ing the Ghuworra part,y havillg I.eit the tmnl, thuy gut OH bo:.lC"J the bOtlld, 1Iü<1 Hl'rivecl hure un 1foll- day evellillg. The wouwleJ were taken to th<l Hu,;p tal, under clt;¡rge of D·. ,Jones, and are dultlg wnll ún'. P¡-\RTE ",:z=e __ t, Ll. Nicaragua Independiente TratadJ de paz, yatnistad celebrada en esta úwüld el di,! 23 ¡Jel 1'}resente mes entre lus Sres, Jenr,¡ ali!8 diJn JVdliant rV..llker y don . (}orral-B! primer;), COifW J,:fe e,2'. lJe!/u:wnal'lo di: delWJcrática, 'fue ()_ 1'!'7'--= O 1\'- 1 ' l' lIS I'upa c;Üt }Jlu z a" l.;' el SS.!!, nnd'), ca m'J {Wl"l·t· "'(l- il liLUl]üay mOl'lll:lg, RG (ay llgllt, t.w ,;C1'0t"ll'V . , ... uf '>Late uf !lIé) L('giti llli,ts- i )1\11 J\Lt"" 1,.1üYlll'ga--wa 3 (},j j it,_:1Hline!l!:Ó pUi' d Vabir:l'no EJtraúa¡ !J es Oll the Plaza, by Ihe llulil'e truop,,-by v,ay oI' re- como SI6·¡.w. p"Lal ful' the cOlldllct oí' his pal'ty at San Carlus, in fir lllg into the Company's Stcamel'. Los Jenerales 'Villíam \-Y.alker y Ponciano Corral, de los mas sincero" ¡;.en- Pea',:e heing proclaimed, now expect to s('e I timientos cesar la guerra que ha il:gre,ss. of, to, : qua1iing that nf dt'strozad? a N H:arilgu.il, y de ponel' III lb P dmJest d,lY', llll' par- remediO a tan O'ril \'e mal, el prImero en vir- ll\ ular,y tu St·tt.,,'l'S, surpasses everytlullg 111 the hbtory d A l' f:. t- I . 1 " of the wuritÍ' a'ld (Jur m'lll'" "S l' a' th y h' 1 .. ' tu -le as acu tal es que tiene \ el "E'IYUll- , - . e,", U ,,1, e a ve wcn ,1 f' J d J "" <':,plOl'l!d,l1re riel! in al] the Pl',CiOW3 me'tals, IlYld will uU acu ta ? . omllllUodamente por el Golm:'r- gl\'e work to th'J thUIISflUd.3 of am1labore"s no que en esta cIudad, han eO!lre- who are llUW¡ ::lllrplllS in th,' California market. 11ll!1, despue.s de U!la madura en The voluntl'ers whc: arrived }¡ere en Friday ah,'l'nc,on have b,'en furmed luto a Vo¡tegeur L{'mpany, UIlaer cOiUmand uf Co:' Fry, 1hey are au ,...-el! mouuteJ ana \'IiH be a gl'eat acqui;;ition to the fUJ'ecJ. (lj:'@'= On Tuesday morning, previous to thc arrival (lf Gtt1. Corra!, the whole /lf the) American and native fi)rcr. w"rc reviewed on the Plaza. Their competeney in drilI reHecJts great ül'edit OH the officel's of the army. celeblar el tratado sigulc'nte. 1. o Da hoi en adelante quedan SUfopel1SaS L13 lw" tilidades, y habrá paz y amistad entre 1:.l3 fuerzas be- ligerantes de uno y otro ejército. .2, o Presidente de la R"pú, bhca de NlCaragua al Sr. don PatrICIO por el término de Catorce meses, á menos que el Presi. dente en cOllllejo pleno de :MInistros, resuilÍ.':l C01Wü- cal' elecciones antes de este té! mico p¡¡ra w rel10 v /tC10 n. . A GREAT GEOLOGICAL DI8COVEH.Y.-\'Ve h<\ve 110W Iy- . 3_ o Los serán nombrados por el Preo UPO:l OHr table, suys the editor uf the On'goll Argus, ¡ sldeute, y 1()1;lild,03 .. de departamentos (le que S'l a í,!,,;ollzcJ g¡'lllllcl' nf Lhe Maximus c?mpone la hepubuea, deOlendo ser ell.aLfo l()s Alí, WhlCh . was fvund III a sm,t!; braneh at Cancmah, a few Illlstro,;.; uno. de Gücrl'a, 011'0 ReJaclíJlI','S inüerio . days smee, by .Mr, S'lmud K. Barluw. -The grinder was res y extel'lur.JS, otro de Hacwnda; y o,;ro dl' cr0d;, perfe\lt when cliscovered artd weighed thrce pounds. N o to públÍcI. lC88 than seven spccies ofthe 1la"tadon have b"en ais- 4. o El Gohierno Pl'ovi",ol'io respetará y hará re!. eovered in difterent parts of Lhe world-three in Europe petar los Capítulos 2, o 3. o y 4. o y la" S;;:ccion8,'J two in South America, <lne in India, and one in the Uni: 2. O\l Y 3. 0$ de b.a generalcl de la Con'), ted States. \V C have now the pleasure of aunoullC'ing the tituo¡on dI' 1838. first discovel'y of the kind on the Pacific Coest, by our 5, e HabI'(1 un olvido general de todo lo sucedido old friend, S. K. Barlow, who is known al! over the hasta hoi por opiniones y faltas política": v 'nin9'uPo Luioll aB tlw oid pioncer who out the í1rilt wagon road será molestado ni inquietado por ellas, .. '.' through ,h0 6, o Los contrat!LntceS y el Presidente pI',w¡;;(J,io ------------ se obligan ÉL que sean reconocidas las l,Luuas (0:1- 1'h8 anni l'e151'-1'y "f eh" UC0Uj):tt¡O{, of hll.l heen truhida.' por los beligerantes, ya. sea por rr,,,;,t:m, ... magllifieEllltly ee;ei:m1t"rl at N:n'{ York. E:Xi,ccioil0S Ó ellalquiJl'u otra. causa. '1'1 l f 1\"" b 1 .. ¡ 'l. e El Pre,,¡douto recoflOecr:i los "'rados v desti, le peop e o ya ¡J,rge majonty, lave repu- " , diated tho Liquul' Law fa:mticbm. nos militares qne hayan obtenido 108 -que tieni. do entre los beligerantes, S. o qU0claH libl'.'", par;¡, retirarse fuera de la 1I.e- Se permite la reproducción sólo para estudios académicos sin fines de lucro, y citando la fuente - FEB

RTE Peace t, - sajurin.enriquebolanos.orgsajurin.enriquebolanos.org/vega/docs/DocOf_7.pdfTreaty of Peace BETWEhN GENEttALS ... l'caJy fuud,,; that the llIbl'ch¡lllts, to a lilU:.!,

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Page 1: RTE Peace t, - sajurin.enriquebolanos.orgsajurin.enriquebolanos.org/vega/docs/DocOf_7.pdfTreaty of Peace BETWEhN GENEttALS ... l'caJy fuud,,; that the llIbl'ch¡lllts, to a lilU:.!,

,-,"-'-------"--~--'----'--"---'-----~'--~~",,","-~~-~----~~--~------------------------------------....... -..,..----------NICARAGUA IND1~PENDIENTE.·


W e publi~h bf'lcn,v a copy of the artides of paeili",atiun lately agrécu upon by Generals W,llker aud (Jonal. 'f'lIey are conceived in a spirit of comprolllise and mutual eOllcessÍon lHghly honorable to thc gentlemen them~elves a:ld to the parties whose representatlves they !lave beell, alld "ve llave no doubt th,'Y will mee!. with the unallimous ilpprobatioll uf OUl'

rcadéfs. 'rile duty (·í ue(ermitllllg the condi tliJllS uf pea ce alld Ihe malltlCr jl¡ '\vhieh the dlssen-,ions tlnt ha\'e so lo¡¡~ di"tr:H:ted th¡.~ u:lilap?y eountry slwul<l be l't'COIH:J'J, e',uld JIU!. llave becn CUi!!!lIil red tu nwre IlUllOl'able JI!!'I): alld Ihe'l':.:' i" en,'IY rt';tson to hop(' ¡tud

¡U he a":-'lllt'lÍ lh;tl lhl~ neac\ \\'luh 1\;,:-; b\'('lI I

(';t;ddi~,hl'd wiil bl~ ¡ulg anJ pI'O"peroll~. On e\'ery:siete we Ilear tlle praiseof Gen. \Valker. Eneollliums upon the prudence, moderatilln, and stril:t :sense of hotlor and justil:e whieh haH' llIarked hi~ course tilloug'hout are elo, qUt'lltly :spiikell on ev"ery halld, while ,he gt>nernus magnallitllity aud patrioti"llI (lf Uell. lJurral, and his noble alld efft~elive exertioll:S in !llovíng hls (;Ilvernment t.o pt'ac\'are thewcs npoll which every one luves to speak.

BHtl gt~lltleftll'll llave en"hrined themselves in th,> ht'arts of lhe people of Nicaragua LJ)n~ may they eelebrate ¡he anni\'er'<HY of thl' day wniell has securerl to thcm social anJ ¡)u¡iti(:HI hilppi[lt~SS and to Gf'nel'als vVa¡kt~t'

alJL! Corríl! afl eU\'Í'1IJlé illl'llortality, Tl\,EATY. •

Generals \Villi,un vYalkul' an.! PonciuflI) Corral, be­ing auimatedwi,h the must "iné\erC dcsire tu put [Lll

cau t,) the war whicü hU.i d0SLr,¡yell Nicilt'Uguu, alld anx­ious to r8uwdy ';0 g¡'eat an evil, tlt" ji! c>t in virtlle ol' the t"ctc:l1 tL·s gi ven hill1 aud the sec;¡nd fu Ji i' cm Dower!Jd by the Govel'llmetlt which ret1ilL~d in O;is cit)', h'lVe agl'~L!d, aCter mature discusslOn~, in cckbr¿lting the 1\)1. ]owillg Tl'eaL)' :

LFrom this dny are suspended hostilities and t.here "hall be pcace and r'rienuship betwecl1 the bdligel'ent ar-

J. ?,Ü,rit.~io -i-:~vac:) L~ lu,;:nf;J. PrZ1)-i.-~~-'L(HH1J I~1"'~6¡deqt. uf t~:e tt~~l)U;}lic nI' l\i;eü.r'-l;r_l.il fur t}L:'; TC1Tn (Ji' ü)ur[·c~-~n ifl,'UlTJl j, un~cJs th€ Pte,..,¡d(~,nt'.l in f:tll {.;o¡¡neil uf J\¡inl ;;­t..,¡,~, "h 'uhl resolvc tu c.tll an election befo1'o the end oí'

~i. The l\{inistcrs of State wil! be appointed 13y the Prc;,.ádllllt, amI wjil bf taken from the t~lUl' depRl'tments (¡fwhieh is mm pllscd the ltepllbliü-'-one of "Val'. olle of lo'OJ'eiga t1nd Internal AfIúr"3, orte uf Tl'easury, and tlllJ ,,[huI' ui' Pllblie CJ'edit,

,l. Thtl Pl'uvisional Governmtmt will respect, and have


On Monday last Ool. Parkcr H. French entercd upon the di~eharge of his d~ties as Commidsary of War, a position whien his fl'iends, lmowing his abitity and influ­e!lee, anel tho benefits which mUtlt naturally accrue to that depal'tment fL'Um the sume, will be wel1 pleased to learn that he has consented to aeeept.

We have learned with pleasure that since he has been in uftiee many of the cupitatists of thi" city, native and tUl'cio'n have oUered tú ad ,'auce tile GUYl.ól'illllelH al! thdl'

~ , - ~

l'caJy fuud,,; that the llIbl'ch¡lllts, to a lilU:.!, llave otlered him al! lIle faciIities ut th"u' eOdúllUllJ, taidug Ud thdl' $ecul'ity fur fuLure payrnent the joint numes aud reputa­tions ot' General Walker alld CoL 1<'1'en\:h. ~uch a ma­nifu:'ltation of puh líc cOllfillellce, Laeked by tllUt uf the COJlj¡HUlll ty at llJ,l'ge; lllu"t allá of l'ight uught to be pe-eUlJ:ll'ly tlaLiel'lng LO tho:;e .g!.:lltl::JIl,;jj~. , .

'j h0 ,bU:Htllh;ut OVl'r WhL;h Col. 1< rcneh presILIes L;

OH:;' S"~'~1id tu tllut of u.: i1t\l'a 1 \Vltlke¡'; el'crything l'e¡¡~tÍ!w LO th0 lillallec" oí' 1h" ;Sl;1Ll~, anJ to Lhe ';L1P¡JOfc

auel m~¡iltaHllmec oí' dte 'inll}, pa'oil'" tllruugh hts j¡,md,;, iAud Hu'\" if ev\:r, Jo:..\:.:; tlütt l'ill:rgy a~td flH"Ce of <:hal'acti...~r whic:h W .. , h,.\'e en!r lidl!'d l\\.'\)¡'Lkd him. st;tllJ, ~lÍlll iu no,A. \Vc trust h., ln:\)' lt:,\,,, ilO dmWDacK, cltlle!' by ..,lcldJe3d uthel'wL"e in tile üiseluuge of the arJuous duties of ¡lis llíli¡;e.

DIED.-In this c:ity, 011 thlo 21st, Mr, NrcHOLAS CAn­ROLI" late of Yuha eOlluty, California, (tlld a natrve of New York, ahout 35 y~al'" of agl-\. Tlw de<;eas"d left San Fran~;isco on the: 5th of Oc:tuber, to vbit hi:, fi'iends in the Atlautic States, anticipatin o' hi, retul'U to hi'l adup­ted homl-\ on the Paeific ~horés; a~J art"l' paising thruug h tb.! lTying ~c{'nes uf Virgin Bay and San Carlos, Whé!'" inilocent and unofiending Americans wllrc sacrif1ced by the late Legitimate party oI' Nicaragua, it wa" the will of ., Him who knuwcth aH thingH," to call his :-;pírit. away. lt lIlay be some CUl1::.o.aLÍnn to his rel.ativc~ to know that up to his lllst mom .. llts he had the attention of' sil1tJcre friends, who cnudole with hi~ famiJy at home, and hi'l fl'iends in Culitimlia. CoL vVheeler, the Ameri­call J\fil'ister. received the decea'<ed OIl his a.lTival at this place, ¡¡uJ uúendtd towards him his uS~lill hospita¡ity, nm! h"d thtl funeral ecremonic'5 appl'Opriately I1ttenáed too ~1W= New York and San Francisco papers please copy,

r1if'" A great deal of attention has been paid to Afl'ica latC\ly. On the north the French haY e Algiers, and are makillg eonstant additiollS to its pl'imitive bc.¡mdaries.-­Down the west coast thel'e are Spaaish, Portugue:,e and Auwriean settlements, while the Cape is in posses,ion of thc English and Dutch. AH thesc settl0m.,mts are anx­ious tu get ¡niO the interior, whel'c the chmatc and soil al'\) mudl het¡;el', ami the Engllsh GovcrnmeKt have sent hvo seientitJo explol'ing exp\xlitiull:> into the COllutry; a g. :'eat (Lal uf llseful irü()~'maüon has thu~, been D'ilined.-

. '" Lhc terl'itory ea .. rt 01' Llberia i" a]mo:lt as larg0 :1', th0 Uní-tetl Scales, w!lÍcil lhe Amer,i·)¡J.J1 Cu!onization .so<;iety now pr"pose Lu explore and 6ettle. 'fhe task will be el <lim­cult anJ dangel'ous une, but American perHeverance, in­gtmuity, activity and ent,erprbe, willl aecomplish what­c,'el' it ulldel'takes. J~et a11 the nations wateh anJ pray. ~::T The Alta Calijumia, thinks that newspaper pub.

IblJlllg has beell ovel'done il> San .Francisco Thc pOpll-

r~= As the pas:eugers from San Frulll'-Ísco, en m'de for N ew ! o1'k, were ahuut tu emb rle 011 thc lake bOítttl.¡ the Sto Cm,los und Virgin atVirgin Bay, they wern at: tac·ked l)J (.he Ch:tlUOrra party, who I.',pproa'.!hed dl'm.l Wilh tho insiguu uf Democl'ac'y and prote,taüous of güüd will. 'l'hey ~Lat8d their objeet tu be Lhe c"peme uf su~­piciou, individual~ 8eillg unable to ftrld the pal·ties tlll'y looked for, they fired on the p¡Bsenger,,;-abou& six hun­d¡-eu-whu were unarmed, killing eight and wounding six, sume very dallgerollsly 'fhey then entertd the 'l'ransit Cumpany's ofIke, and UpSl"t eVel'ytlúlg about thél pl'emiS8S- roiliug the safe out ami breaking thíngsgene' rally. 1'he pa",,,el¡ger,, l'etreuted into th" bu"h where they remailled scattel'ed about !,uring thll night; the foj­,OWillg mOl'l1ing the Ghuworra part,y havillg I.eit the tmnl, thuy gut OH bo:.lC"J the bOtlld, 1Iü<1 Hl'rivecl hure un 1foll­day evellillg. The wouwleJ were taken to th<l Mdi~¡¡r'y Hu,;p tal, under clt;¡rge of D·. ,Jones, and are dultlg wnll thu~ ún'.


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Nicaragua Independiente TratadJ de paz, yatnistad celebrada en esta úwüld el di,! 23 ¡Jel 1'}resente mes entre lus Sres, Jenr,¡ ali!8 diJn JVdliant rV..llker y don PDl~C~anf) . (}orral-B! primer;), COifW J,:fe e,2'.

lJe!/u:wnal'lo di: la,fiL,~rza delWJcrática, 'fue ()_ 1'!'7'--= O 1\'- 1 ' l' lIS I'upa c;Üt }Jlu z a" l.;' el SS.!!, nnd'), ca m'J {Wl"l·t· "'(l-~W il liLUl]üay mOl'lll:lg, RG (ay llgllt, t.w ,;C1'0t"ll'V .. , ...

uf '>Late uf !lIé) L('giti llli,ts- i )1\11 J\Lt"" 1,.1üYlll'ga--wa 3 (},j j it,_:1Hline!l!:Ó pUi' d Vabir:l'no EJtraúa¡ !J es ~h"t Oll the Plaza, by Ihe llulil'e truop,,-by v,ay oI' re- como SI6·¡.w. p"Lal ful' the cOlldllct oí' his pal'ty at San Carlus, in fir lllg into the Company's Stcamel'. Los Jenerales 'Villíam \-Y.alker y Ponciano

Corral, antmado~ de los mas sincero" ¡;.en-Pea',:e heing proclaimed, w~ ~Hy now expect to s('e I timientos d~ ha~el' cesar la guerra que ha

a~l il:gre,ss. of, popula~ioll to, tl~B ~~atc : qua1iing that nf dt'strozad? a N H:arilgu.il, y dese<~sos de ponel' ~aLf()r¡Jla III lb P dmJest d,lY', llll' .ltld~eernents, par- remediO a tan O'ril \'e mal, el prImero en vir-ll\ ular,y tu St·tt.,,'l'S, surpasses everytlullg 111 the hbtory d A l' f:. t- I . 1 " of the wuritÍ' a'ld (Jur m'lll'" "S ~ l' a' th y h' 1 .. ' tu -le as acu tal es que tiene \ el "E'IYUll-

, • - . e,", U ,,1, e a ve wcn ,1 f' J d J "" <':,plOl'l!d,l1re riel! in al] the Pl',CiOW3 me'tals, IlYld will uU acu ta ? . omllllUodamente por el Golm:'r-gl\'e work to th'J thUIISflUd.3 of medl:~nicg am1labore"s no que re~ldla en esta cIudad, han eO!lre­who are llUW¡ ::lllrplllS in th,' California market. 11ll!1, despue.s de U!la madura diseu~ílJa en

.~ The voluntl'ers whc: arrived }¡ere en Friday ah,'l'nc,on have b,'en furmed luto a Vo¡tegeur L{'mpany, UIlaer cOiUmand uf Co:' Fry, 1hey are au ,...-el! mouuteJ ana \'IiH be a gl'eat acqui;;ition to the fUJ'ecJ.

(lj:'@'= On Tuesday morning, previous to thc arrival (lf Gtt1. Corra!, the whole /lf the) American and native fi)rcr. w"rc reviewed on the Plaza. Their competeney in drilI reHecJts great ül'edit OH the officel's of the army.

celeblar el tratado sigulc'nte.

1. o Da hoi en adelante quedan SUfopel1SaS L13 lw" tilidades, y habrá paz y amistad entre 1:.l3 fuerzas be­ligerantes de uno y otro ejército.

.2, o ~e !~ombra Presidente P!'ovis~ri.o de la R"pú, bhca de NlCaragua al Sr. don PatrICIO I~í'lad, por el término de Catorce meses, á menos que el Presi. dente en cOllllejo pleno de :MInistros, resuilÍ.':l C01Wü­

cal' par~ elecciones antes de este té! mico p¡¡ra w rel10 v /tC10 n.

. A GREAT GEOLOGICAL DI8COVEH.Y.-\'Ve h<\ve 110W Iy- . 3_ o Los Mini~tros serán nombrados por el Preo m~ UPO:l OHr table, suys the editor uf the On'goll Argus, ¡ sldeute, y 1()1;lild,03 .. de lo~, departamentos (le que S'l

a í,!,,;ollzcJ r?!1'nm~th g¡'lllllcl' nf Lhe ..M:a~tadotl Maximus c?mpone la hepubuea, deOlendo ser ell.aLfo l()s Alí, WhlCh . was fvund III a sm,t!; braneh at Cancmah, a few Illlstro,;.; uno. de Gücrl'a, 011'0 ~e ReJaclíJlI','S inüerio .. days smee, by .Mr, S'lmud K. Barluw. -The grinder was res y extel'lur.JS, otro de Hacwnda; y o,;ro dl' cr0d;, perfe\lt when cliscovered artd weighed thrce pounds. N o to públÍcI. lC88 than seven spccies ofthe 1la"tadon have b"en ais- 4. o El Gohierno Pl'ovi",ol'io respetará y hará re!. eovered in difterent parts of Lhe world-three in Europe petar los Capítulos 2, o 3. o y 4. o y la" S;;:ccion8,'J two in South America, <lne in India, and one in the Uni: 2. O\l Y 3. 0$ de b.a di~posieione,~ generalcl de la Con'), ted States. \V C have now the pleasure of aunoullC'ing the tituo¡on dI' 1838. first discovel'y of the kind on the Pacific Coest, by our 5, e HabI'(1 un olvido general de todo lo sucedido old friend, S. K. Barlow, who is known al! over the hasta hoi por opiniones y faltas política": v 'nin9'uPo Luioll aB tlw oid pioncer who out the í1rilt wagon road será molestado ni inquietado por ellas, .. '.' through ,h0 l:a"ead~,M')untans. 6, o Los contrat!LntceS y el Presidente pI',w¡;;(J,io

------------ se obligan ÉL que sean reconocidas las l,Luuas (0:1-

1'h8 anni l'e151'-1'y "f eh" UC0Uj):tt¡O{, of ~Iexico hll.l heen truhida.' por los beligerantes, ya. sea por rr,,,;,t:m, ... ~, magllifieEllltly ee;ei:m1t"rl at N:n'{ York. E:Xi,ccioil0S Ó ellalquiJl'u otra. causa.

'1'1 l f 1\"" b 1 .. ¡ 'l. e El Pre,,¡douto recoflOecr:i los "'rados v desti, le peop e o _i~all1e, ya ¡J,rge majonty, lave repu- " , diated tho Liquul' Law fa:mticbm. nos militares qne hayan obtenido 108 -que ha~l tieni.

do entre los beligerantes, S. o qU0claH libl'.'", par;¡, retirarse fuera de la 1I.e-



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Page 2: RTE Peace t, - sajurin.enriquebolanos.orgsajurin.enriquebolanos.org/vega/docs/DocOf_7.pdfTreaty of Peace BETWEhN GENEttALS ... l'caJy fuud,,; that the llIbl'ch¡lllts, to a lilU:.!,

1\:j'p~~et8d" the chapters ~ncl, 3i~, und 4,th, and sec~;on~ 2nd" ":1'1. ,3 l, 01 1he general ([¡~pO,Jltlo .. s 01 the COll;tltutlO!1 of !_~::~;J.

latíon of the State does not exceed 350,000, and yet it sustaias fifte\~n dailies, "ix tri-weeklics and thll,ty.five weeklies. Still the numbel' has been reduced from Jan­

,¡1! fll'it ba, muy, l851, when the populat,ion ,vas material1y 1e$s.­

\, LL,r;h~\T;g

J.2~:t. (JLlige tb,Clil::iGlves 1.0 l'eüo:;nis8 al1 d,.~ht., con~.rD.,ett:~d tlle beLigerent partie~, whethcrit bc for louns, cxact

iun~, Of any other can:c. 7. The Pl'esident viill recognise the cornrnissions and

military appointments of those who hayc served uacler the bdligerents.

S. All those chiefs, onieers, or citizens who may wish to return from th(; l~epLlblic 01' cities may do so with the gUilrantee and security oC their persolls and prop'\rty.

9. Thl~ Frellch L<ogion may continlle ",erv-illg thc Re­pubblic, shou\d th"y lIlunifdst a desire to becnme dtizcns of ;~ic:lragll:l, and in thi3 ca'le tile GoVel'lllll:,nt will give to ,';:oh the portio;! oi' tan,.! tllat ha:;; been oo.'er,~d (11em. Th" ::LI1' they now usu, <t'i th. y to private individuaLs, wil! be returucd to thr2il' ONuers.

10. Gencrai vValkul' will give orclers to 1he 1~)rcE:s that are attaeking ManaguCl to wlthclraw thmn"l'1 ve.:1 to Leull IUlc1 reduce th,cir number to one hl1ndred nn:l ¡¡fty men ; whcn this 'will be duae General CUlTa: offcrs to redueu the torces ot Managu:I to the nreciscnumbcr of one lmu' drt:d rnen, undel' tilo commmld of Gen. Mart'inez. thosc of i\1a,;aya t(; lifGy men, under commftud ofColoncl' Don Li­ni Cl:Z,ll' 01' auothel' honorable eh"ef.

11. 1'he turees of llivas l. ill remain under the com­

"\\'i~h lt popuJgtion 12.J\:.,\r than (}t.!ifor. LV' -;,(lLll',i', ai.~,i"b .L -Lhirtv .. five \VeCkLes. In

._, ., ~.l -. :' • _"'1 ~.' _ '. _. ,) ilnUiii'y, ¡ 8:,,1, I:XUl YnmcIseo nad lOUl'cCI'H (b¡ly pap'er:', \V~¡ 11 a rnpi!~.(:t;,«] lit :-lbout 05,~(!Ü. ~,O\V Y 01'1 ... , ~l.t the :j lIlO 1JHIJ l1afl {HIt T.nll'tÜí..;ri daL1H~;3 ,n,th at ,Jeast

tim"s the popuLttion, A goo<l dcal oí' e'lcrgy i~ ex])"n­ded udon sedentary OCCUPfllíO)l:j in 'ali uf ,he L'nl­ted States, which wonld pay bettel' ir exerc'ised in lllining, farming, manufacturiug and tradillg. But lunation is therc the onler of the day.

~ Sebastopol ha,s fullen. 1'he HLl~sians have l'ank­ed themsel ves with the bravest races of Europe, ¡¡nd their officers haH' evineecl a é1egree 01' skill not to be Stll"

passed. in tho l'l'otong,.tion 01' tho slege. It is a law of war tbat cve]',]' fortress properly att cked, 111W't ulti­rnatc<y Ylv,ld, and to ¡-1Ü,4 tft'.v all nations Hll1St subrnit.­Tho loss of life h'\3 k,el1 fe'al'ful on both "id e,;. Eussia ,,¡ill ttll undauntcd front" ancl th .. mdo-d!'a.matie inkr0st of t[¡e ',V'ar is Oilly ileg i tllliag. The r"al wal' j¡¡

lPW onlf about to commCilCé).

Loms NAPOLEoN.-Another attempt was made upon I.he Jife of the Emperol' of Frauce, by a yOllng lIlan as dw WJS going to tile theatre, on the evening of the 8th of September.

nUl1d of Gun. Hatruch, amI the Provisional Govennnent DEPARTURES 1'0 THb ATLAN1'IC STATES FROM SAN ji'¡UN­wiíl appoint the ehief otlicer, and rt'gulate the numbel' of CIsco.-1'he Steallwr 01' (hD 5th 01' Oetub<er bore away mon tlmt wi!! be on duty in that departrnent. I from Ca lif() ll1ia, Gen. J. ,Y. Denver, Congressmall elect,

12. 'fhe Govemment:5 th:.t have her8tofure exi5ted in Capto vYru. Neely Johnson, brother of the Governor Nicaragua duriug this wilr, will cea:ie, whcn the Generals elfct, H. H. Byrnl), Esq" 1'01' years past the Di"trict At­,hall noti1'y th Ul ofthis tr~aty. tOl'l1ey of San Francisc'l, G011. Jo,eph L:me and Major 1'. Done in the c:iLy of Gran:vla this twenty third day 01' B. Reading The Alta Califnrnia says tha .MI'. Byme

Oc:tober, in thc' year of our Lord, Olle 1'hou~and Eio-ht sceks in the north, rec:overy from impaired health. 'Ve Humlred and Fifty-fiv,. " think we could aS3ign another reasun, and one whi:~h WB

AVDITIONAL ARTICLES. hope will pl'Ove to ha ve been a more iníluential one in 1. Twenty-four huurs aftl"!' the arri val in this city of causillg his trip,

tile Pl'ovisio¡Jal p,'c,·i'{,jllt of the R"p:!blic, the army tlHtt G"I1. Corral c:otnllJitllds in nla-;a,\ a wi!l ente!' tlris city, whl'n uuited with that oí' Geu. 'vV,.1ker, the P1'0sident amI hoLh Generals wiL proceed t,) the Chul'eh to return thauks tu thc Cod of Annies fuI' lhe ter ninatioJ1 of the war.

Geneml vValker will be reeognised as Gen"ral in Chief pf the Al'Jl1y uf thl', Itepublic, and named by a de­cree of thc G"n'l'Lllileut.

GerL'ral Cornd wid delivel' the command, armam-nt al1:1 rtlUllÍtion,; of \Vur, Huless the Government .di~puses oUl(.:nvi~e.

;~. The Government uf tlw Rcpublic will reside in this city, ancl wiU hure reueive the IY1illisterci a¡ld COlbuls of fOl\:ign 11¡ltions.

R Both armies wil! use no other dcvice than a blue r:bIJOl1, with the mS0ri}'tion " Ni0aragua Independiente." T!w Grl~at St al, the arille,; anci inscri¡Jtion', uf the banners anrl standard, wili abo ha ve the same motto.

Graüada, October 23, 1855.

F'ROM CHINA--Dates from China at San Francisco, are u p to A lIgust 6th. TllJre had been a d 8S pcTclte en­counter between the boats of U. S. "he Steumf\r Powhat­t:w, aud H. B. .M. Steamer Rattlcr, OH the one sielc, aud a Heut of pimtes on Ihll \Other. Thel aLie, had eight kille ¡ and fifte\'n wounded. Ten junks wcrc talcen and des­troyed, and eight hundred of the vi.L.ins wele ki1Jec1.­IIH'Y had been doing m ueh damage to trading vessels fu!'

some time baok.

. NAvAL.-.Thü U. S. Naval Board appojnted to inquire mto the efilclcmy oí officers and report such!ls th?y 8ho~ld ~nc1¡lJeapable of p"rfo;'mi~lg du:y promptly ani! effiC:lently, have pres~nted to tue Se0ret.al'y of the Navy, the namcs of 201 offlCers :ti,r remov¡t! frorn active sel'­vice, and of tbi", number 49 are to be c1ropped from the ro 18 entircl y. Their repo:'t has been appoved.

(Signed) WM. 'vV ALKEI~, Commander in Chief of ~ 'Ve be," to sugg-est to tho citizI'n8 of Granada the Dtl.TlOl;mtic Arm,y tlmt occupies Granada. that our colurn~s ar," open for their adv, rtisements.

(SigntrJ) POXC1ANO CORRAL, Generalin Chief of which will be inserted on modrrate terms-in either the fo~ces of the Hepu blic. the Engli,;h 01' Spanish department. Our papel' will

In virt,ue of the ful1 powers that by decre" uf yesterday have an extensÍve clrculation among the illhabitants of Were conf r;e'J uponme, 1 ob~ige myself tore~pe<¡t and Nicaragua as well as thc United States ard Europe, have comphed wIth the forcgolllg. which offers indncemcnt'l to t he l1lercantile communitv

Granada, Octoher2;'~, 18Gb. . ,,' ':4 ,. -".1", ,J,-", .'1' .,1." ,1., ,,_~, " (~' .. d\ ~r '_.'.'{ \Y-.l I'I.·)"R \.J. (.' ... 1 .r, .. '. ". ,l." U.hc Clty, "e -j('I'" .,.".' \1<1. te."", ct\,'lInL",c \Ji. ~.l:?De ) 1: i) ,".: ~'L\i{,' , -, t'\,_,I _~. 1t't:lI)'j:';I, Hl L~..,Jlrf>i.!

H. L. KINNEY. públic.a ó de las poblaciones, aquellos jefes Ó oficia-\Ve promiscd in our 11lst wcek's i3sue to llotice the pro- y ciudadanos que quieren; c~n la garailtía y segur!.

ceedin!!~ of MI'. Kinney in San J u~m del Norte. Havi:10' dad de sus personas y propIedades. gathe1'~d aU the informr¡tion within our reach, a¡¡ to th~ 9. o . I:a legiou tfan?e~a; ::oí. gustase ¡:uede qUccl,'f i)l'oeeedi¡¡,gs of that gentleman, and the b .. "is on whicn he al 6e1''I'101O de la Repubhca, sIempre que manifi(,~tca lwpeil to ~onstruct h1" petty gove1'lllllent-endeavorilllY deseo de ser Nicaraguense, v en este Ca'W •. se i,c~ . , " .b . eJ·, WILlOClt S;lCCO-,S, to oxtrcwt Sí!lfJl"llllllg eal'mg on the sub- dará por el Gobierno á eada uno la porcion de

fl'o1n ¡he p:I;"~H)f wh[c,:; h" is Hw [¡,:(L(~--we have eon- ras que se les tiene ofrecido. Las ill'ln:lS q1:e L"ld:

ducbd to leave hi" c;¡:celÍe¡,ci/ in the hanJ~ of lh" gOVl-l'I1- como :son de particularcil se volverán á ~\]'; ciueüu.g, lll::üt of Nicaragu':-who wiil, nu dOL1bt, take tho n.eces- 10, Se dad, ó!'den ptll' el Sr. Jeneral 1,V,¡L"r Ú :""

,a!'y<tt'ps tu keJp l\-L,. Kinncy in hi'l proper p00ition- flle,rz~~ ~ne at<:can. á-;}fal.1agua, que se retiren á LC~;ll ir his fu',niug 'jlH.difiealio:¡:l ale a,; geeat 1\3 he reauCleuclo!as a CIento cltlcuenta hombre,; V C·u;":ri,,

wi~hes the world tu lJelilóvc, he uwy be of ¡,¡ervlc() id his Jo hayan ct,rnplido oti'ece el Jellerai Cü¡:r¡;I lTUilcil colonization. j¡t3 fuerzas de Managua al preci"o número de ,-,íen

\Ye are much surprised at Ml'. Kinllcy's SlUCC85S in ud· hombres al mando del Jcneral Martinez; y las oc vancing a point of iluportallce, imp1ieating 'him- MU8aya n.l número de cincuent& hombres ~tl mando self with the American Government-eveu in his del Sr. Coronel don Lino Cesar ó de otro jefe huno Inaugural Proclal11alion-but it would appear his Sllccezs rudo. mnkes him desperate, and that he b resol ved at hap,haz- 11. Las fuerza!! de Riv:ls permanecerán al mando un1 to draw the attention of both the governUlellL:i of del Sr. Jcneral don IC!ureucio Xatruch y el Gi)bier. the U!lÍted State" and Nicaragua to his tom.í'.lu]el'Y. 'Vo. no Provisorio dispoll:lrá el número que en ¡¡(¡ud ib. rcfer ~\l the flllluwing extract í'r..>m hit) ,iha)(gutal Procla- partamento deba hacer ei servido y el jdü qú" dd)i: mati\\ll:- mandarlos

"Notwit.hst.anc1ing the failuJ't; of the last Congl'ess of 12. Los Gobiernos que han exis~ido en Ni"8"tl.;,'.l'¡ the United 8tates to make an apur.'prii1l¡on reUlUuera- durante la gUl'rl'a cesarún cn el acto q¡¡e eada ~Illl ting the eidzens of San Juan fol' thelr }usseil from the de los Jelier"les les notifique este tratado; y ci.w:tjuie. bombardml'nt of the city by Captain HollJlls, there is a ra de cllos que quierit contllluar ejerciendo d Po,Ll' cheerillg prospect that jllstit:e will to some extent be ren- Ejü;utiv~ será reputado como pertur~aJor de la paz derüd at it~ l'Olnillg st'ssion. A measure so I1nportant En fú de lo cual firlllamos dos t;lernplal'ea de 1111

10 the business interests of the peoplü, alld so urgently tenor y nos comprometernos á cump;ir y hacer cun¡o uelllunded by every eon"ideration of justice :nd hllmalli- plir lo estipulado en el prescnte tratado, ty, cannot be p08tponéd cOI'sistentlY witn the good name Hecho en la ciudad de Granada á veinte y tre" de uf thel AmeriC'¡w (;overnment. EVt:'ry efi()rt of mine, octubre del aao del Señor de mil ochociento'l du­whether in n offi~ial 01' a private capaclty, bhalJ be exer- cuenta .y cinco, led to proeul'e from that Republlc a speedy relief 10 t!lOse who are now so unjllstly deprived of the proceeds 01' their own honorable ii1du:;try." I ARTICULOS ADICCIONALES

This lB un adsumptio,¡ of importance on the part of Mr. Kinnc'y ttmt i8 trul.v ridi0lIloll:;-an:l his eflurts to secure 1. o Veinte y cuatro horas desDU3s de la llefllch

d P 'd ,'p . . d R'" l' , ' . a speedy rdief fuI' hi; s"bj:cts fl'um the American Gov- el . re"v l,me rOVBorlO e 1ft, l:pllO lea a el!.', 0IU-ernment, will be treated wich the ridicub they deserve. dad. entrará á ell:t el Ejército que maclda el el éll3-

'rhe folowin~, ab,) from the Central AmeriC<1,n, will ral Corral en Masaya, y unido u-n el que manda el give a pretty corrcct idea of the absurdities ~vhich 1\'11'. SI'. Jeneral Walkel' con el Presidente yamLüs Jc­Killney advanees-the statementbeingaltogetherprepos_ nerales pasarán al templo á dar gradas al Señor de teroll:s:- los Ejércitos de la terminacion de la gueara.

"On Thursday last we vi"ited Gov. Kinlley's planta,. El Sr .. J eueral vVaJker será reconocido como J ene .. tion. It lb situate,l abou- three-qnarter~ uf a mile fmm 11'111 en jde del Ejército de la R"pública, y nombra> town on tho opposite "ide of the Laguna. 'vYe aIlude to do por el Gobierno por un dl'cn'to, the pakh of grouncl setected by Mm for l¿is own amase El Sr. Jeneral Corral entregitrá el mando, arme,· ment, ami ~s a te~t 01' the ad'~ptltiol! 01' the soi. to dif- mento y 1I1lll1idones, amen03 que el GO;íierno die:. fer'ent kinds of grain,; anel vegetables. ponga lo contrario.

The GoV\'rnol' art'lved he re Ull the lGth nf J uJy, and it :l. o El Goblcrno de la República re3idirá en e,::\ wr.s sOlIle two or thr. e wneks b"tore he cl ea red away the eiudad y en ella recibirá á los 1'1inibtros y CÓllsuLs undergrowth and plauted tho ~eed; we bronght aWlly a de las Naciones Extranjeras. fine lot of roasting Ü¡'I'S, bcans. &c. The material fmit 3. <:) Los dos Ejél'Citos no usarán mas' divisa que trees left standing, are fnll of fruit, and thUd in tne sh rt un lidtol1 celeste COll una incdpcion que diga "Nicil-­spaec of about two lll~nths, the Governor is in the enjoy- ragua Indtlpeu!liente." El gran sello del Gobierno, J¡¡,s

f d I th t Id h . d ,'1·nl1US y ineripciones de las BalFloras y Estand"'l't,~·,: ment o gar en uxunes a wou ave reqUl1'ü yeul's' . >-to realize~ at the nOlth." tendrán el mismo mote.

To c< p the climax, we clip the followÍ1 g extract from un arl;icle héaded "The Kinnt'y U niofl," whien wLlleave Gnumda. octuhre veinte y tres de mil oc':w. Napole\lll aud W dlington fal' in the ,.hade: cicnt,)s cinelltlnta y eil1()ü,~(nl'L()ado )Willium Walr::qr_

"The "Kinney Expedition," hUd furnbhed more copy Comundante en Jefe tIe] Ejército Democn1cico . for Lhe pre~8 within the 1a~t twelve months th.m ttll th" \lcupa Gmnada.-,-(nrmaclo) Jcneral en Jefe de new" and \Val' ducuments from the combinec1 forces of fuel'ZU3 de la Hepúblict1-Ponciano Curral. the Crirnea. Alld while the "Aliied Powers" have dOnE' En virtud de la" Lwultad2s omnímodu.':! q 110 por liltle 1>,,-,ore than fu.ni;hed thp one stereotype:1 tune of decreto do ayer ml) son conferiJas me eomprO!lltlto ,- Sebastopol not taken," Co;. I{¡nney and !ti.¡ fOl~e,.c,~ r ~)spet~lrlo .Y h~1c~1'10 cnrJ1pliJ.>-(;rLtnada, o0tul)fe 28 have a'~cOlllpli-ihl'\c1 a victory. hitherlo Ulip:1ralbléd, de uul och,'ci,:nwil eiilCtWllta y cinco .. Tcueral en Ji!. ll'. the hbtory of thc würld!" 'f~ (ti¡"n'l,b) P:m"i,,<'.o (I"7'm!,



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